Found myself in the middle of a Japanese lake in the middle of an impromptu holiday./with my father. We sort of got talking to one of the owners of the lake, somehow in the middle of it. For some reason there was a farting competition between all of us. We swam to shore, where I stumbled upon some giant golden coins, as well as some regular coins, some which were golden They were probably used as offerings to the kami of the lake. I grabbed some coins and wished for about ¥500 to get me through today. I made my way back to shore, even though it seemed impossibly far. After a bit, I found myself wrapped up in a conspiracy about the the lake and the adjoining onsen, a lot of shady people were skulking around the bathhouses. An inventor was passing by, he gave me a square-shaped henshin belt with slots for spherical gems which would have probably been used to access different forms like in OOO. I put on the belt, making a very unique pose with two of my hands in V signs one pointing up, and one to the left. HENSHIN!! I turned into the off-green "Kamen Rider Toy", as most of my gear was themed around toys, I had a blaster that could shoot orbeez as well as having a mode that could hynotise people. I took down the proprietor as he had revealed to be behind the nefarious scheme. I also entirely forgot to finish with a rider kick .
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I live in some kind of community / village, very backwards and religious, similar to a film I watched about a girl living in Cabul under the reign of the taliban. Everything is censored and forbidden and my brother is to be burnt to death on a public square the next day. At night he is kept locked in a kind of coffin, on-site and I am attempting a rescue. At some point, I see it from his point of view and I feel claustrophobic inside the box trying to break it out to escape. I think following the previous dream, we get an escape ride from some guy of a rebel group. He looks so dreamy and he is a daredevil. He takes us to a highway with lots of self-driving trucks and then makes really risky maneuvers, like getting between them and even underneath them, between their wheels. The car has strange sitting arrangement. The three of us sit on the front and there is no gear stick so I am right beside the driver, in the middle seat. When things get really stressful, he lays his hand on my leg and I enjoy it a lot. He realizes that and he keeps it there. We stop to eat at some place and we clearly are enjoying our mutual attraction and getting cozy with each other. I think we talk briefly about me becoming part of the resistance, so after I am safely at some apartment complex settled with my family - my mom is there too - I receive a message to please come meet someone at the window. I go to the balcony, which looks over a steep valley and I see nobody. They insist they are there and if I don't join them, they'll leave. Then I spot a guy in a blue jumpsuit, coming out from the middle of the green hill on the other side of the valley, quite far away. Then spot half a dozen others scattered around the hill. I wonder why they are so distant. One of them flies over to meet me at the balcony and then together we fly over to the other side and we fly together over some weird border zone and they tell me they operate at the border of realities. I assume they mean reality and dreamscapes. They show me an area over which they have an ongoing mission and need me and a couple others to go undercover and work at an IKEA like store. I show them my flying skills, basically levitating horizontally without making an effort, which is way better than how they do it. It is hard to explain how they do it, but it is not subtle at all. So I join two girls with whom work there and I comment how weird it is for them to have a 9 to 5 life inside dreams and be able to come back to that dream and complete the mission. Then they show me a box of make up products I should use, as demanded at our job site and I find it awful, hate the colors but try some orangey lipstick. Then start the day by having breakfast at a nearby cafeteria in the building complex we live at. I learn that ideally I should go there at this time, like about 6 am, before a lot of other people come there before work. I try to spot what they have that is relatively healthy for me to eat and see they have corn for popcorn and decide to get some packets and just cook them at home on the microwave when I don't feel like eating what they serve. With 4 more people stuck in some square open space surrounded by stone walls. Very much like the Maze Runner. One wall opens up a sequence of doors forming a tunnel and we can see the outside in the end of it but after 5 seconds the various sections along the tunnel close starting from the end to the beginning. After we are sure of the time it takes to complete the process, we test going back and forth, and then we decide to go for it. But when we arrive at the other side we realize it is a time portal and we are seeing the past. There is a battle going on and we see ships in a port attacking a town with cannons. We have 1 sec to decide what to do and we decide going back. Then we discuss if we prefer to check the options as we're convinced the portals opens up at random places and times and we discuss what would be our ideal destination and times we really don't want to go to. It's hard because for the majority of human history there has been war or other bad difficulties, but we end up jumping into some South American country, somewhere in the 1900s. There is some celebration going on, at some town. We blend in (not sure how, as I am wearing jeans) but I notice some guy, acting like a feudal lord of this place, very interested in me and sending someone to go and get me. I slip away through the crowd and I find a Japanese old lady that I am sure I know from somewhere. She is teaching crochet to some ladies and she does recognize me. I wonder how is that possible and she tells me she has access to a portal that lets her go back to Japan in our current time and we met there once. Her English is very poor and my Spanish, which apparently she speaks well, is also not so good, but she asks me if I can crochet and we sort of communicate and I tell her the things I used to crochet and knit. But I really don't wanna talk about that. I am so excited that she has access to our present time, I go look for my friends and tell them we can go home. But some of them don't feel so excited for some reason, so they stay. The Japanese lady takes me to the portal but doesn't cross it with me, so I end up alone at night in some Japanese village and feel a bit lost and cold, but also relieved that at least this is my world.
21st January 2021 Dream: (not the earliest point I can recall in the dream) I'm in a dark and sooty room at the apex of a pyramid. I don't remember seeing the outside, I just have this knowledge intuitively. There's also a bottomless square pit. The soot is dark brown and seems to have an increased build up the further up it is on the inner apex. I don't know how I'm able to see, there's no light source but things look just bright enough. There's some kind of machine near the middle of the room. By the looks of it, it should be fixed down to the ground but it isn't. It has a main moving part, a piston or pushrod of some kind. It jerks around out of control indefinitely. I think something but the recall is gone. The scene changes a bit and a white lady with light curly hair appears? She starts speaking like she's in a documentary, she mentions the machine but then there is a focus on a puppy that appears in the room. The puppy is an integral part of the room, I feel or she explains, and an integral part of whatever purpose the machine is supposed to serve. She explains that someone has to come and feed the puppy every day, but that otherwise it must always remain her. I touch the dog, it's a gold labrador at first? I say something aloud about it being unfair for the dog, or something. (recall gap) In a Japanese town, but it just looks like any town in Britain or the USA, it has more "room" like the latter. I think to myself it's odd that it's a Japanese town. All the people I see around are distant from me and I can't tell what their ethnicity actually is, making me suspect it's not really a Japanese town. But I don't investigate my suspicions further, some kind of dream plot drags me around the town; I'm being chased, or someone else is, and I'm following. A man, he was being chased. We arrive at a house that's also a restaurant or inn. A pub, effectively? There's a flagpole outside on the garden, I notice the ground is covered in snow. For some reason I fear this man is going to defecate on his own snowy lawn. He doesn't. The flag flying on that pole is one like that for India, I notice. Three horizontal stripes, top to bottom; green, white, red or orange. With a stylised black sun in the middle. The man invites me inside. Seemingly the chase is up. (recall gap) I'm shown some kind of machine. H is with me. The man leaves for a while; he said he'd like us to fix this machine for him. It looks like it's bare, i.e. no aesthetic coverings, etc. It has some kind of plastic platters. Looks like many random bits off CD players, tape machines, etc. But the size of the parts is different from what it would be in those machines. H tries to adjust something and the large top platters ping off towards the back left side. We are annoyed, but conclude it probably helps us anyway. (rest of recall is too vague) Notes: - The machine at the pyramid's apex looked like it was some random thing cobbled together from different bits of wood and maybe some metal. It looked very crude and it was equally crude in behaviour. - This pyramid's apex felt almost like the mix between a loft and the inside of a regularly used chimney. -- The room and its contents felt like they had some strong symbolic associations. Could be an interesting place to try doing some dreamwork. - When I questioned the town's Japanese-ness, my awareness of the dream overall increased but I was instinctively taken by the dream plot before I could really think about it further. I realise now I could have thought about it further while running but I didn't.
Not been able to keep recall very well or make notes in the morning for the last few days because of pain issues. Dream Fragment: I was at some sort of zen gathering, for a dream-imagined relative. She was going to have this ceremony that was supposed to strengthen the bond between her and this baby brother of hers or something. I remember the area was on a green and grassy rolling hill. It had a fair bit of an angle on it. There were some small trees, not much bigger than a person and there were some sort of carpets or rugs laid out in a few places. It was night time? But it was bright, I think from a full moon. I remember looking at the sky and seeing it in the night and then lower to the right I saw a tower. It looked like a Japanese hill castle tower. There were some people up there on its walls, some kind of avians, like from Starbound. Next thing I remember, I’m up there and planning a sneak attack with some other people against the avians to take some treasure they had up there. Transition? Maybe a different dream but it felt to be in sequence and similar context. I remember L and his childhood friend J. We were walking around a lower area, possibly next to that hill from before. It was night. We came up to some metal grated stone structure. Beyond the metal bars I could see a wooden treasure chest and a tunnel that led into that area. I looked to the left and saw another similar stone structure, also with metal bars but not all along it’s opening. There were two minotaurs in there and I attacked them but I don’t remember how I dealt with them exactly. The rest of the details are missing but I vaguely remember being in a 3 seat van with J and L at some point. Dream Fragment: I was using my tablet. I was painting, trying to replicate an effect I saw in waking life of a painting that was just in the background of a tv show. I was trying to paint waves in the water in the same detailed way as that painting. It wasn’t going very well though and even in the dream I realised I was going about it the wrong way. No notes for now, might edit later.
Some fragments from last night. Fragment: I was in some kind of starship, not unlike one from Star Trek but there was a mixed feel from several space stuff, including a bit from Starpoint Gemini. I was captaining the ship and we were headed straight for a blue-ish planet, covered mostly by water than anything else. I could see the system's star just left of where the planet was, much further away. Some four or five other green-coloured ships appeared, intercepting and following us closely. I suggested to an officer to simply activate the cloaking device ability and could see in a third-person view from outside the ship as the field enveloped it and the other ships disbanded in separate directions. (Expectable AI behaviour if it were a game) As we got very close to the planet, I could see everything in a sort of cinematic view and then the ship started getting close to the ground to land somewhere but for whatever reason it had to be at an airport, so the ship kept making really wide loops closing in and away from the planet surface. Every time we got close, I could see on some disembodied interface some information about the local surface structures. I did see a fair few airports, but many of which had tractors lining up vegetables in the runways. This annoyed me slightly. There is a transition and I am now on my own at some sort of Japanese-looking castle. It's night-time but I can see the moon and everything looks bright and blue-ish. There are some sort of holographic security features. (This part of the dream vaguely reminded me of Starbound) Fragment: Just a small part of some other dream, I was in a town with some friends, not sure who. We just came out of a restaurant that was closing for the night and then two of us went one way, and I wondered where the third member was. I asked my friend, who only vaguely suggested the other might have gone looking for something. I remember wandering streets, there was a lot of light, from glowing signs and lampposts. I could see people sitting at cafes and so on. At some point we went into some shop and I wondered again about the missing friend. The friend that was with me was fascinated and excited by rediscovering some sort of cardboard packed plastic ketchup sachets. The next bit I remember, stuck in some sort of traffic at a four-way junction, with three lanes on each direction. Side notes: The first dream was a bit more unusual as I haven't had many dreams that take place in space, even though I've played a lot of games that do.The view-point changes were sort of frequent in the space dream and they felt a bit like they were made through a keyboard I couldn't quite feel. I suppose this sensation is quite similar to when I'm actually playing or writing something, where the keyboard sort of just becomes an extension of awareness, rather than existing as a physical obstacle, in a sense.Most of these dream fragments I am getting lately are written quite a lot later from when I had the dreams, so it's a sign that recall is improving somewhat and I am also noticing more pre-lucid thoughts at a sort of "gut feeling" level, where I am not expressly thinking in spoken words but rather getting feelings or intuition about the dreams' content.
Updated 01-30-2020 at 02:21 PM by 95293
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I think I am inside a computer simulation. And I am testing my control of it. When I move everyone moves, when I stop everyone stops. I am driving through streets, looking for different paths to see if they exist and are detailed enough or if it is a simulation, will I find dead ends? Don't realize I am simply dreaming. Then find this place has really poor people. I find a charity shop and check what they have and don't have. My cell phone falls in the middle of a bunch of bags on display. I go through them to pick it up and I find one bag on sale that has a pocket full of money. I discreetly zip it and take it with me. Some guy enters the shop and points a gun at me. He asks for the money. I say the bag has no money. He doesn't buy it and asks me to show it. I don't, I am not afraid. I actually move forward to fight him, but he transforms into a pregnant lady and I can't do it. I just remove her weapon an ask for her story regarding the money. I would take it, but if it belongs to someone who really needs it, I just won't. Some Russian spy story that me and a friend get caught on. We trap a guy somewhere, but he can become invisible and he does it before our eyes. He tries to escape but I still catch him when he finds an exit near me and I spot him. I try to negotiate with him. He has some box, but I tell him he can keep it, I just want him to share some info and where we can find some other guys we're interested in catching. First he doesn't cooperate, but ends up sharing some info cause he sympathizes with us. Well, it has to do with some dangerous animals like a cytotoxic spider he hands me over (from the box?). I start studying it. Later I am carrying it and also a miniature jiboia (boa) to Japan and I meet a fellow biologist on some public space. I tell her about the animals and that I am researching this on my own. Meanwhile the spider gets out of the box and I spot it near her feet and grab it before it stings her. She tells me very upset to just be careful. Later, I am with Tânia and some guys, eating at some courtyard surrounded by typical Japanese buildings, with restaurants on the ground floor and some galleries on the 1st floor. I am admiring the beautiful garden that I spot through some opening between buildings and i spot Rinpoche on one balcony looking down at me with tenderness. I look at him twice to be sure it's him and I warn Tània, but she doesn't see him and when I look again he is gone. She says I am delirious. I go release the jiboia in the garden, it is not dangerous as the spider and for some reason I want to set if free. The bag where I have it has a little hole in it and the snake gets out partially and bites me. I release her near a small pond. Then I turn to talk to Tânia and she has my face, my body and my outfit. I see this clearly for some seconds, maybe half a minute, before she turns back to herself. I tell her what I just saw and she insists I am hallucinating. We wonder if it was something I ate or the snake bite. But the snake doesn't explain me seeing Rinpoche before, so I think he was real. We go back to the tables where we had been eating before. One of the guys that are with us seems to be very into me. He looks like one of my first loves, Jaime, but I know it is not him, I can tell. He sits by my side and he gets too comfortable with me, but I feel disgust and push him away. Don't remember why, but he reveals he is a vampire and says the underworld needs me somehow and he was just trying to seduce me to take me along so I can help. Out of compassion I decide to accept his invitation and I go with some other guy down a large shaft that leads to the underworld. It's like a very large well. We go down through some lift and we land on a surface where the sun still shines and there is a spiral ramp descending to darkness, where the vampires live. They can face the sun, as this guy obviously did, but they have no supernatural strength in the light. So I stay in the light waiting to know what they want from me and how I can assist, but he insists I should come in and see for myself. But I don't trust him, something feels shady. But they drug me or hit me, because soon after I am feeling drowsy and lying down on the floor with my neck exposed and he is about to bit me. I put my hand in his jaw, he almost bits my hand, but I fight back and escape. He had just dragged me to partial shade but not yet full darkness. I run to the sun again, he says he needs me by his side as his vampire queen. I do feel a bit flattered by it, but I say I can't. I can't be a vampire and kill people, because I would break my Bodhisattva vows. I have to stay on the light. He thinks he has me, because I am trapped in the shaft and the sun is setting and I only have a little stripe of light protecting me, so he tries to grab me again but I just fly up. From the walls of the shaft appear lots of vampires and as the darkness starts taking over the shaft walls, they fly after me and try to grab me. I escape, but the guy that went with me is nowhere to be found. When I arrive at the top, my friends are eagerly waiting for me. Even Riverstone is there. We all get away from there as soon as possible while there is still light. Then I feel something warm and moving in my pocket and I find a box with some of my strange creatures. Some eggs I had on water inside the box have hatched and some aquatic green geometric creatures have come out. I look for a lake to drop them, but I can't find one, so I head to the river with my friends. There is a parade and fireworks going on on the streets. We just try to cut across and end up taking a lift with a parade car.
Updated 01-07-2019 at 05:34 PM by 34880
Non-dream stuff - woke up at about 10:45, remembering mainly one non-lucid dream. Dream sequence: The first part I can remember is in an underground tunnel, with a road. It was dark and there were old sodium-type lights, the orange streetlight kind of lamps. There was also this area that joined with the tunnel. There were no cars and I went through the joined area and there was a man; I stabbed him in the back and continued on forward, running I think. Then my "view" changed, from the same height as him, I could see the man lying face down on the ground, with a lot of blood under him, and with his face in a state of surprise and shock, eyes opened. But then he got up. Now he was naked, and he had tattoos, he also had a 9mm type pistol and he was scared and paced backwards toward an elevator. My view followed in front of him as he got into the elevator. Inside it was mostly chrome/steel, maybe with one mirror. It was very bright inside the elevator and the man was still shaking; he made it go up, I think. My point of view changed to be behind him, as the lift arrived. There were some bodyguard types in a dark room and he asked them for help, they were like his henchmen; I can't remember what happened here exactly but then he walked into that room and then another, and the other guys were gone again. And in the other room was me, and the man was surprised to see me. He got a katana from somewhere and tried to cut my head off, and succeeded, but only for my dream self to disappear and another to reappear in the same place, taunting him. I explained to him, this was his dream, and he could not get rid of me (which doesn't make sense 100% and also I failed to realise it was a dream... ) He kept trying to cut my head off, the same thing happening repeatedly, and he was obviously getting frustrated. Then the dark room was not a room at all anymore; we were outdoors in a japanese-style house garden and it was day, with a few clouds. He still had his katana but I was at a distance now, and I had a weapon now too, either a katana or a naginata. I rushed to attack him with confidence and he struggled to predict my moves. I can't really seem to remember the ending. Notes: I don't really know who the man was, but I remember his role was that of a criminal leader or something. He had long black hair, but I do not remember his clothes, when he had them.The elevator is a common recurring dream-sign, though it usually involves me rather than someone else.As far as I can remember, most of the setting was dream-generated.I spoke to the man about the nature of the dream, his dream, even. But then I didn't realise the nature of my own dream; it is as though I was a dream character to this dream character man of mine.I did not feel pain from the beheading but perhaps remember feeling a slight pressure from the blade initially.
Non-dream stuff: Got up at about 9:30 and then had to help my partner for a while so I've forgotten most details but held on loosely to a few non-lucid fragments. Fragment 1: I remember having an A4 notebook, the paragraphs lines were red and the edge guides were another colour, probably blue. In the dream this was a dream journal, though at least a few of the pages were torn, as if they had been bitten off, by a big animal, I though. I still tried to write on a torn page, either with a pencil or a pen. There were still good and intact pages, but for some reason I did not choose to try to write on them. Fragment 2: I was on a low tier of a canal or something, but not in the water bit. There was one of those tall concrete bridges across to a higher tier on the other side. Where I was, there were some chunky metal fences, one was crumpled and the others were stacked against each other. In the dream they were relevant to the dream's context, though I don't remember how. Some notes: The dream dream-journal was not like any DJ I've ever kept in real life. This journal I'm writing on now is digital, as was the last one I had. The physical journals I had were not books, but loose collections of blank A4 sheets that I wrote on.I really can't remember if I had a pencil or a pen when trying to write, but I know that it felt odd either way when I pressed on the paper. The feedback was not as I expected. This, and the fact that there was such a unique (and oddly torn) dream journal should have been a good prompt to do a RC, as I've just done now, thinking about whether I should do RCs when writing on DJs or not.The second fragment's area looked like typical city/town scenes I've seen from Japan, though I've never been there. I've recently been playing a game with such typical towns.The fact that I was somewhere so foreign should have been a good RC prompt, but in the dream I did not think about why or how I was there.Both fragments were linked together by some sort of plot/story, but I don't remember any detail.
Had a dream last night I went kit-kat shopping with Abroad In Japan, Dogen, & The Anime Man, I think I acted as some guest star in a collab vid or something, maybe a camera man.
I dreamed that I partook in a contest of some sort, and I won the first prize, which was a journey to Japan, and so I went. I stayed in a traditionalistic inn with a friendly female host. I talked to her every morning and evening. Every day I went out and explored Tokyo. Other than exploring I also had to do little puzzles and riddles every day to score some sort of credits. They were distracting me from freely exploring Tokyo, so I mostly ignored them. Unfortunately however, I found out that these credits are the only way to purchase food, and as such, I didn't manage to buy a lot of food. I was starting to get concerned that I was going to be malnourished. So at some point I started focusing entirely on these dumb little quests. Suddenly, to my surprise, I met my Belgian friend, who also just happened to be in Tokyo with her parents, so I asked if I could stick around with them and, again to my surprise, they were like "sure!". I told them about my lack of credits and if they could help me with the quests. And so we went everywhere, seeking out like hidden "?" blocks in locations based on answers to riddles, which contained credits. However, after an entire day, we didn't have nearly enough credits to buy a sufficient amount of food. Then my friend had an idea. She said "Why don't we just fish? The Japanese sea is full of sea food. No need to buy all that expensive food from the market!". Her parents said "But, you hate sea food!" and responded "well, we have to eat something!". And so we started fishing at the sea, and in no time, we caught a ton of fish. I laughed in amazement, and said to my friend "wow, jesus, fishing is SO overpowered!". We ate the food, and I freakin' loved it, and my friend less so, but she ate most of it anyway, though she left all the squids for me. We ate, and the dream continued on to another scene, which was far darker. I was in a sort of dark metal complex with my friend, which was full of monorails and trains. The complex was a sort of physical representation of my project at work. The platforms were full of administrators and secretaries that read and wrote premium amounts on sheets of paper and loaded them to and from the trains, in assorted slots, so that they could communicate the premiums with each other, in order to get to some final result. We were in the "underworld" of this place, with the platforms and trains far above us. The place was full of thugs, and I was afraid that my friend was about to get kidnapped. Unfortunately, the dream got a bit fuzzy from here on in, and I can't really remember much else. I know that we visited some sort of a bar and a theatre in the complex, and she DID get kidnapped at some point. Also, I met my colleagues there, who begged me to continue working on the project, even while I'm ill. They promised to pay me extra much, because they needed me. I don't remember what my reaction was (maybe there was none, because I woke up soon after this).
A scene in in my home town with very frequent, close lightning. [New Scene] Suddenly, I was in Japan, except the buildings were covered in only English words. Mom was driving, and we passed a building with the Gameboy logo on it. (There was not only a small building that was contiguous to adjacent buildings, but also a tall, rectangular tower with the Gameboy logo near the top.) Next, I found a sign that listed stores from top to bottom based on popularity. Walmart was at the top. It was nighttime when we parked in the lot. I requested something while trying to think of it, and it failed. Mom acted like she heard one, so she left into the store. We parked in an apparent southeast direction, while the front of Walmart faced west. There was short |skip| between seeing the sign and parking. Time change was included. Also, there weren’t very many other cars in the parking lot. [New Scene] Still in Japan, I was in a house with a magic ability that allows anyone who is inside to find anything they wanted. The house, viewed from outside, had the look of a business with a large waiting room for a 1st floor. From inside, it looked like a normal one-story house with 2 living rooms, a kitchen, and the usual hallway, [separated by a 6-inch wall] but anything in the hall was unknown. The outside walls I saw were the west and south walls. The interior lights had a warm glow. There was a much taller building adjacent and to the right of the house. There was this tribble-shaped, weird creature (with blue fur and a large, round nose) that was seeking an escape from a spider-like creature 15x his size. He got his wish granted and ran outside. However, the “spider” was still in the magic house. He wanted to find the furball to eat it, so he did. I stood nearby and watched. I thought that was interesting. Outside were some trees and some clearing. The trees were sparse at first, with most of them to the right of me. It was also night. Wanting to became a wolf again, I started acting like one, and ran on all fours toward whatever was in the woods. As time went on, I felt more and more wolf-like, but I still felt too human. Something wasn't right here.
I'm off today, but chose not to WILD. I just wanted to sleep in, which I never get to do, working 6 days a week and WILDing on the days off. I had a bunch of dreams. Recalling this last one. I'm in a futuristic train station, in US. The train looks like old steam engine trains. Black, but much shorter, with shorter engine and wagons. I get on, and I'm talking to 3-4 ladies. They say they live out in the country, where it quiet, everything is green and peaceful. I ask them if it's worth it because of the long commute. They say, it only takes them 2 min to get home, since trains now are very fast. I realize I'm on a wrong train. Decide to get off on the next station and catch a train going back. But the stop comes on too fast and I don't get off. That was the last stop in US, and next one we make, just a minute later, is in Japan. I get off, but everything is moving so much faster, I miss getting on my train. I hop on as it starts to move, and I hang on the handle from the outside. I finally manage to open the door and get inside. The conductor is not very happy with me.
PokeFam It's the middle of the night and I'm in my bedroom. I hear Dad in the kitchen and I assume he's making himself some two minute noodles (as he does sometimes when he wakes up in the middle of the night). I roll over in my bed and check PokeFast, a live Pokemon tracking map for Android for nearby Pokemon in my area and spot things out of the ordinary - dinosaur-looking Pokemon! I had certainly never seen those 'Pokemon' nor caught them before. I start to dress to go out hunting for them. My brother walks in to the room with a drink bottle in hand and asks me what I'm doing. I picture him in the passenger seat of my car spinning Pokestops and catching Pokemon for me while I drive us around. I ask if he wants to come catch Pokemon with me. Japanese Magazines I'm in Japan and there is some sort of craze going around. Like, literal craze. People's minds turning into Zombie-mush craze. I'm suddenly running in to one of the street convenience stores with a big group and stop at the magazine sections. Stopping to look around, I think about how bizarre this is. I'm on a rooftop looking down to the street at a swarm of crazed people about to flock in on a girl. Poor girl.. She's a goner. Running with a bunch of people behind me, ninja jumping from rooftop to rooftop. My legs are pumping, trying to maximise each crouch for explosiveness There's a sense of urgency, as if we're being chased. I'm suddenly standing in a doorway, waving my group inside. We've been caught. We bundle in the corner, huddling together, trying as to magically shrink ourselves so we wouldn't be seen. Slowly, they converge on us. It was as if what we were running from was an army. The lower ranking soldiers filed in first, with their commanders trailing behind. They didn't seem to be able to detect us until they got extremely close - almost touching distance. One of the low-ranking pawns was getting close to a child... This was extremely bad for us. I make eye contact with one of the commanders. How could he see me when none of the others could? In the brief moment of which our eyes made contact, there was some sort of... acknowledgement and respect. I turn my attention back at the pawn and reach out, waving my hand as to perform a jedi mind trick :gun: He looks confused and walks around to the other side of the room. But This Is Your Crib I'm in the passenger seat of the car, driving around a neighbourhood with a few friends. The shops which we're driving past look nice, up class and new. They were styled like 1960s shops with very bright colours. We're trying to find our way back to our rented house in this neighbourhood, the same neighbourhood which one of the guys in the car apparently lives in. "I think this was your neighbourhood," I joked with him. He grumbles something incoherent at me. We'd finally made our way back and it had gotten dark. Walking in the streets under the streetlights with no purpose in particular, other than to explore and enjoy the company of our friends. We pass a man playing guitar on the side of the street, singing his heart out to a large company of dogs. They were his children and he loved them all dearly.
A Japanese "castle" that I explored with a group of others? Sailboating somewhere (not me driving) off the coast. The weather looked like it was getting pretty bad when we left (dark clouds approaching, already pretty high waves), so I wondered if this was really a good idea. I was with some kid in the desert, next to a large structure. We wanted to leave. I started climbing a sandy hill, but the sand was deep and hard to move through. The hill suddenly turned extremely steep (90°), so it was impossible. A kid (possibly accompanied by another) appeared on top, seething with anger. He was mad at the kid who was with me, I think. I asked him why he was so angry. He replied that he had shown a potential customer the apartment, and that customer didn't want to rent it. Or something like it. He was in our way, and I didn't want to be trapped in there forever (it was the only way out), soI walked up to the wall of sand and kicked it. The sand collapsed, and the kid on top fell down with it. He immediately attacked me, possibly wielding some kind of stick or bat. I kept fighting, until I realized I must have been 15 years older than this kid and could easily overpower him. With some help of the other kid (he was possibly inspired by "Piggy" from Lord of the Flies, I watched the 1990 film yesterday and am still reading the book) I got him on the ground. He was swearing, but I grabbed his throat with both hands, and in the heat of the moment felt the desire to kill him. I squeezed hard, he went red and coughed a bit. I leaned closer, bit into his neck and savagely ripped out a chunk of flesh. Last thing I remember is me saying "Die, you little shit!". Then I woke up.
Updated 06-26-2016 at 02:20 AM by 17412
3/31/16: Two days ago when I took an unexpected Garfield-like nap (I honestly don't know what I was doing before then that resulted in this), I ended up with a snippet of a dream similar to one I had around 2012-13 after a reboot of Need for Speed: Most Wanted released on seventh-generation consoles (there were cars, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the gameplay and had a car not in the game); except here, it was shortened after a character was introduced, named Alex. When he was revealed, I saw something that looked like a mix between Nintendo's short-lived Virtual Boy red screen and modern-day pinball DMD (dot matrix display). I suddenly woke up when a DC--more than likely Alex--threw a hard sucker-punch similar to Nathan Scott on One Tree Hill and Luke Ward on The O.C. to an unknown subject in the face. Also, when he was revealed, there were Japanese hiragana/katakana symbols below his name. So this leads me to believe he's half-Japanese. I don't get why he would randomly get into a fistfight with another individual. However, one night later--after an almost brutal day, I find myself in a high school classroom (I think it was either a Southeast Raleigh or Sanderson High classroom) where teenage DCs are trying to get the autograph of the main DC who I think was starring as the lead on a show airing on either MTV or Freeform (formerly ABC Family)--also a teenager, but female and she's trying to get to know all of the students, including myself, as I think I was going undercover as a student. She also has some colorful streaks in her hair as well. I then see some stuff related to The Price Is Right that made absolutely no sense whatsoever and is not how the show works before my alarm clock beeps at 6:45 in the morning.