non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At the apartment I used to live in front of my mom, but it is my two vets who live there together (not as a gay couple, just roommates). I am staying as a guest in the office room, which is totally empty, except for a tent where I sleep. I bake them a cake for some reason but have to throw it away. They want to know why and I find it hard to explain. Later on inside the tent, it starts tumbling like pushed by a strong wind and I accidentaly find myself getting out in my old dojo. I recognize my Kenpo colleagues, but I don't see our sensei. I try to go away before he arrives, but instead some other sensei appears. He doesn't know me and is not happy to see me there. I sneak out and on the next room people are practicing yoga. Alicja is with them as well and a couple of her friends and some funny Eastern European lady who tries to do a headstand and hits me with ther feet on my face. I end up helping her and others follow my example and help each other. They invivite me to stay and practice with them, but I say I gotta go. Next room is a pavillion with some IT expo and it is so packed with people, I need to cut through stands and step over people totry to get somewhere. I get kinda stuck at a booth where some couple puts some half dozen boxes in my hands saying it's gift merchandise. I say it's inconvenient for me to carry it and they get offended, so they take it back and put it all in the trash. I beg them not to do it and that I'll take it gladly, but only when it becomes possible to talk away through the crowd with it. There is some kind of end of the world event and I am stuck in some cult that rejects sheltering from it and forces me to be part of some ritual where we wait for the shockwave (from a comet, maybe) tp hit us. The vibe is very surreal, it is circus like, or like a Terry Gillian movie. Everybody else is running for their lives and we are standing on top of a cargo train, in the middle of the night. But when the shockwave is coming, turns out they also start running in panic. But there is no escape so I stay in place and just repeat mantras, trying to clam my mind. Miraculously, the wave doesn't affect me. All of a sudden it is gone and all the crazies are also gone, just a couple friendly people around and everything in chaos. As if the world was purged. Then I start walking down towards where the others ran and I start finding only belongings that everybody left behind. There is furniture and smaller belongings. I find someone's jewelry collecttion and there is lots of gold and silver. I fill a bag. A friend points out that maybe that is now worth nothing, but I still treasure it. Ahead is an entire library and I pick my favorite books as I dance and sing happily Björk songs.