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    1. September 11, 2024 11:?? am

      by , 09-11-2024 at 10:27 AM
      I dreamed about working at the festival Amsterdam again but with my friend from Belgium. Halfway through the dream I suddenly work at a fancy restaurant in Paris similar to the one from The Bear (idk I haven't seen the show yet) and Rihanna casually visits talking in Dutch about her being allergic to "tonggoed" We hang out with her for a while. I then play Football with the staff's children inside the restaurant after hours and every time I ALMOST hit a valuable statue or lamp with the ball but ultimately miss
    2. April 20, 2024 7:42 am

      by , 04-20-2024 at 07:09 AM
      Had my first two shifts at work yesterday.

      I dreamed I was still working and that there was a basement where guests could visit too, getting offered drinks and such.
    3. February 19, 2023 5:?? am

      by , 02-19-2024 at 05:22 PM
      My last work day was today and I had a taxi cab to work booked at 11 am to return my hardware.

      I had several dreams about either missing my taxi cab, showing up to work and getting my hardware wrong, Or having my whole work day done already just to wake up several times.

      Finally, I woke up somewhere at 5 am in the morning as my body's response was to wake me up just to be sure I wouldn't be late.

      It was a relaxing workday, by the way! Glad that it is now over!
    4. February 5, 2024 8:?? am

      by , 02-06-2024 at 12:52 AM
      I had a dream that my workplace decided to make e-learning videos and approached me for it through their chat.

      Boring ahhh work dreams, it'll soon be over.
    5. October 31, 2023 7:?? am

      by , 10-31-2023 at 07:52 PM
      I had multiple brief snooze dreams about singing into work from home but constantly clocking in too late or my supervisor messaging me why I'm late or not at the office.

      In all dreams, my room was much bigger and had different variations of offices like a company room. In one of my dreams, I had a door in my room that lead to the room in the neighboring apartment building that was much bigger and built around my room.
    6. September 30, 2023 10:10 am

      by , 09-30-2023 at 10:52 PM
      Basically, I had a dream about my day job. I can't disclose much about it due to data protection laws (even if the data in this context is fictional it would kind of give away the private information regarding my job)

      I have a lot of customers over the phone and this week was a bit more intense than usual. I've been working for over six months straight and not yet taken any vacations. I've been staring at my screen for a bit too long and have to do so much longer as much as I'm very much in the "You should quit your job and do something you love" stage. I have always been. Unfortunately from a realistically perspective, I cannot afford to do so. Since 2021 I have been paying off expensive bills and am nowhere near being debt free.

      Thanks for listening to my rant, sick of this "chapter" of my life and my work infiltrating my dreams.
    7. August 15, 2023 7:50 am

      by , 08-15-2023 at 07:27 AM
      I'm in a house full of strangers staying over even though I'm the one actually living there with my family. I go to my room and there's a bunch of blonde Dutch boys I don't know, I angrily scream from the bottom of my lungs that they need to get out of my room. I then feel guilty. Meanwhile I'm preparing to get ready to work from home when two guys get back in the room and have the nerve to start a discussion with me about getting to stay in my room to which I angrily tell them to get out.

      I then stare at my room questioning my life as I just got raging mad at two strangers over a job I don't really enjoy doing but have to because I need to pay my bills.

      Guess what I had to do when I woke up
      Dream was in Dutch
    8. May 14, 2023 9:34 am

      by , 05-14-2023 at 08:59 AM
      My roommate and I went clubbing last night, dope venue but the DJs sucked ass playing the most slow, random, and rhythm lacking music and there was no door policy so everyone was allowed into the club leaving the place crowded with some occasional indoor smokers and zero vibes.

      I dreamed about working as a Junior Software Engineer at this company in Luxembourg with my friend there.
      In our spare time, we would pull out 3D software similar to Bryce 3D and create some 3D environments for future animations. I tried to design the indoor of a church-like mansion with statues of a man and woman that took the role of special church bells clocks as a hammer would hit them on the head and they would chase each other before going back into their "stereotypical gender pose" (I can't remember what it was, they just stood like a "typical woman and man")
      The whole "scene felt like a Point and Click game cutscene.

      This company reportedly in Luxembourg was in the middle of a tropical forest on a hill, covered in fences and reminded me of a hospital for some reason. I sat in a regular city bus home with this girl I met at an art gig a few weeks ago. She apparently had a boyfriend for some reason who had blonde hair and a mustache, resembling an actor I've seen in a theatre play a few years ago. I fell asleep on the girl's lap. The guy woke us up a while later saying we were getting kicked out of the bus because the bus was covered in what looked like feces you'd find at the farm meadows. We left the bus through the back and even though we were still at that forest during daytime, I suddenly was at Rotterdam at nighttime while protests were taking place there.

      Male and female television reporters covered in pink and white Frutiger Metro like shirts and sparkly face paint were being harassed by protesters who asked them for glitter in a mocking way before trying to assault them. I punch this one punk guy in his face and accidentally break one of his teeth. He tries to kick me but I dodged it and woke up.

      Dream was in English up until Rotterdam when it turned to Dutch.
    9. March 21st, 2023 5:34 am

      by , 03-21-2023 at 05:44 AM
      I've been feeling s little sickish and could feel that in my dream as well, I had a dream about work, and although I cannot legally disclose what I do at my job (9 to 5 office job), this dream felt like an official "first day" where I'll br doing yhe first thing by myself, but in the canteen. While talking to all other worker who exactly found myself at the same place I was standing at.

      I also moved to Austria and I met my only friend from Austria, or at least a version of him generated by my subconscious.

      I had this moment where I thought "I'm going to work and I'll be the greatest I've ever been at it" and that's when my alarm went off.

      It's almost as if they felt my brain waves lol
    10. Saturday, July 16

      by , 08-01-2022 at 12:35 AM
      I am walking up to a library with the intent to apply for a job. It looks like a library in an elementary or high school. I think I’ve just been with Melissa, going over my resume or application. I walk up to the counter. There are a few quiet employees; a younger middle aged man comes over to me after a moment. I had felt confident, but now I just feel like I’m stumbling over my words. I mention that I’d like to apply for a job. Nonplussed, he asks why I think I’d be good for this job. I tell him something to the effect of me always being in and good at customer service. Now looking slightly amused, he hints that that’s all this job is. I hand over my resume. It’s written in pencil on notebook paper, and there is some awareness that it really isn’t a good look.
      Tags: job, library
    11. 17 Dec: Penniless in Brussels, looking for work at a univeristy

      by , 12-17-2021 at 07:51 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In Brussels, penniless and in pijamas on the street for some reason. I take the subway without a ticket. I just need to travel a couple stations to one where there is a public restroom I can use, but I come across a ticket fiscal and I exit abruptly in the wrong station. I don't risk going back, so I decide to walk.
      Meet some folks at a park, one is my old school colleague Ana S. and she invites me to join them. Some guy is trying hypnosis on her, but she is not cooperating. Another person tells me she is highly anxious and this way she can't be healed. Apparently she has a problem with a horse that doesn't allow her to ride it and it is something with her that needs to be balanced so the horse will accept her. They offer me to come along with them on a boat ride down a river. They drop some dude at a university and I feel interested in joining him. I wonder if I can just drop by and look for work opportunities there. My friends provided me with some stuff and now I am carrying a trolley with a few items inside.
      At the university, walking down a hall, I spot a small department library which must be related to men's reproductive health, because the sides of the shelves are all shaped like penises and it is hilarious. I take a couple photos with a phone I now have and some idiots come by complaining that I am not respecting the privacy and right to image protection of the people inside the library. I explain that I am only photographing the dicks, yet they still bother me. I go away and pass by the cafeteria. I am so hungry and I need a coffee and I am glad they have very cheap prices, like coffee for 35 cts and nice cakes and a variety of weird sandwiches. They also sell something weird like a hot dog but the sausages are not served whole, they are cut in slices, dipped in different sauces and then spread on a weird bread. The sauce's flavors are awful, like mint, cranberries, strawberry and I just can't find one I would consider edible.
    12. 3 Nov: Working at a VIP event, making out with my cousin and attempted kidnapping

      by , 11-03-2020 at 10:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some foreign country in need of a job to support myself. Meet some girl who brings me to a place where they need people to welcome and serve some VIPs. All seems very proper and respectful. Most are scientists, Nobel prize winners, rich investors, all dressed up for a gala. I am helping at the entrance, checking out who's listed or not. When things calm down, the lady boss managing the workers comes to ask me if I would like a better paid job, joining a special group of girls entertaining a few select guests at an upper floor. My friend encourages me, excited about it, but I immediately think it can only be prostitution and in fear of falling into a prostitution ring and just become a sex slave, I refuse to do it. They insist I'd enjoy and I could just go take a look, but I am afraid they'll kidnap me. Later on, I find out it was merely an entertaining position, like a geisha, nothing sexual is meant to happen.

      At my grandparents home in Moita, but a totally fictional situation. My late cousin Rui is there and the garden and the house are magically maintained as in the old days. We are sitting in the couch talking about our past. Incestuous feelings take over and we hold hands and I cuddle his hair. Then we kiss exactly when his mother comes in and reacts with great shock. She then pretends she didn't see it and sits by his side, says he needs to cut his hair. Goes get a scissor and starts doing it. Then she also cuts bits of my hair with the clear intention to make me look awful as a punishment, but she ends up giving me a very avant-garde asymmetrical look that with a few adjustments looks pretty cool.

      Staying with a community living in an abandoned school and exploiting it as a hostel. I stay there for a couple days while I am meeting with some friends. Then it is time to go catch a train and I realize I don't know where my backpack is. I suspect they stole it. They deny and say they'll help me look for it, but first they need a hand preparing lunch for the guests and insist I help them. Someone shakes his head slightly and tries to warn me about something. I have the feeling they wanna keep me there for forced labor and won't give me my documents and stuff to keep me stuck there. But for now I play their game, because they don't know I can fly and have other powers and I know I can easily escape later if I want to.
    13. lxxvi.

      by , 02-03-2020 at 12:03 PM
      We had a bit of a tidy yesterday and I had somewhat strange sleep because of a supplement I took that I even forgot I had around; but I'd also forgotten why I'd stopped taking it. I had extremely vivid dreams but unable to really stay asleep. The first two fragments were from some of the awakenings and were actually really quite long and detailed dreams, just as the third, but I didn't memorise enough of them since I didn't write them down when I had them.

      Dream Fragment:

      Was in my old home area. For some reason I managed to get a job as a secretary for some important person (politician/businessman?) and I was being interviewed by a woman with tied up hair and glasses; very similar to the secretary in the original Deus Ex game, come to think of it.

      For whatever reason I was using an alias, a French name going just by "Sís", even though I was uncertain myself how I should pronounce it. I remember being asked about speaking French, and I said (roughly) in French that I could speak the language poorly.

      I remember the room I was in was office-like but sort of well decorated as I'd expect for my native region.

      Dream Fragment:

      I wasn't a character myself in this dream. It was more like watching something. It was in China or a place like it and I was seeing inside an office at a business skyscraper. Two men were discussing (in English) about how a brand new government law was going to make everyone's life hell, basically. They could see it being announced on a TV at their workplace. Everyone was becoming afraid of speaking to anyone else but most people were uncomfortably relaxed in a sense, seemingly they felt safe in this place anyway.

      I remember one of these two men making a comment saying "I don't even want to take anyone in my car with me anymore."

      Then there were some scenes outside, scenes of traffic and of dead vegetation/landscapes. It was a gloomy day-time throughout this dream.

      Dream Fragment:

      I am somewhere underground, at some kind of mixed restaurant/convenience store place. I'm with my family, and I'm making small talk with the shop lady. She's interested in my phone and asks if I can get her some extra ones of the same model. I say sure, but then question if it's worth it. I tell her that if I get them at a "brand new price" there's nothing in it for either of us. Before she can give me a reasonable idea of what the agreement would be, my phone "rings" (vibrates, more like, I think).

      It's an old friend, someone I haven't spoken to in over two years in waking reality. Da is calling me and I try to answer but somehow I tap something that says "delete contact" right under "accept call"!

      Feeling frustrated by the fact I just made such a mistake I try to get the number back somehow from the log and then try calling back. He answers and I try to speak but he can't hear me.

      I walk outside from this shop, still underground and take a left and then a right and go up some stairs. I'm outside now. I don't remember what it looked like exactly, but get the feeling of "arid".

      I speak again, and Da hears me now. I ask, "Hey, how are you? It's been a really long time." He says "I'm ok, I guess." He makes some sort of ironic and witty but also serious remark about how I hadn't been in contact. I try to explain that I did try communicating over the last two years, but that every time I did, I never heard anything back.

      We get into small talk and his behaviour over the phone seems more normal, less upset as it seemed like initially. I can hear he's playing something on a console. "Is that Tekken you're playing?" He doesn't answer immediately, concentrating and then says he'll be finished shortly and then we could do (whatever it was) that we were going to do. I quickly realise internally that it couldn't be a Tekken game. All the sounds are too sort of retro and synth-like.

      I remember pacing around outside while on the phone, something I do anywhere whilst on the phone. Everything feels vivid and somewhat real despite the fact that the place I'm at looks somewhat alien. The structure of this place on the outside is some sort of hard compacted sand and I'm on some kind of platform. There are metal beams or girders somewhere as part of the structure, but I forget the details now.

      It's kind of daytime, but there's a strange light. I don't remember anything else now but this fragment was only the second half of this dream.

      No notes for now.
    14. Thursday, March 21

      by , 03-22-2019 at 03:16 AM
      (In this dream, it feels like I am in a movie - in the dream, I think it feels like reality to me, but after recalling it, it seems more like the whole thing was supposed to be a movie). I am in what seems like a school, probably a high school. There are some women faculty talking to me and/or trying to get me to do something. I am being snarkily defiant because I don’t like whatever it is they’re trying to do. There is a very unsettling vibe. I don’t think they’re entirely malicious, but it feels as if that could change without warning. I think they are trying to capture me or some other guy for some kind of ritual. As unsettling as it is, I think they are going to be cooking the victim. I am outside now, by a house’s front yard, and it is dark out. I see a large cauldron and a thick wooden stake behind it. There was also something about a spoiler in plain sight in this film - something that the victim was going to eat that ends up ruining the ritual?

      I am in a parking garage. The ground floor feels pretty open and airy. It also seems sunny and nice out. Carl Wander is here - he works here. I think I’ve come here to casually discuss a job or otherwise have ended up talking about one. I look around and see quite a few people working here. They are my age or younger and don’t appear to be doing much. I think about what it would be like to work here.
    15. 13 Feb: Trump offers me a job, Purge meets Hunger Games

      by , 02-13-2019 at 01:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At a street or avenue, I get lucid and remember a thing I read on some instagram post about teleporting to a place we see in a dream. I try teleporting to over a roof of a building, instead I start flying. I don't stop at the roof I go fly around.

      Trump wants to offer me a job, it is not the first time he offers it. Wants me to run his farm. He takes me on a tour, it has really impressive facilities. The chicken pen is gigantic and chicken really have lots of space and conditions to climb and shelters to hide. We find a puppy inside having fun eating eggs. Trump doesn't have a farm manager, he just goes there on sundays to check and do some work himself []. He tells me about the plants and places he liked as he grew up playing on this farm. I am almost convinced he is actually human.
      Then he takes me to follow him around a whole day trying to convince me. Says he'll pay me handsomely and I think about how I would like the money but also how bad it would be accepting the job. He would probably try to seduce me, he would probably fire me sooner than later and my reputation would be both increased and destroyed depending on the audience.
      Then he goes to a casino, I hint I wish it could be my lucky day and hit a jackpot, and he says it might be. But people start looking at me wondering probably if this poorly dressed hippie is his new lover. I am approached by someone pretending to know him while he goes to the toilet, just to try to find out who I am, and I clarify he is just offering me a job. But this person is a journalist. Trump gets angry and takes me away to some clothing shop. I think maybe he wants to change my looks so I can hang out with him, raising less questions on others, but it is actually about himself (obviously). The ladies look at me as the ones who looked down at Julia Roberts and Pretty Woman. They ask me what I want and I say I'm with Trump. Then he says he bought something he is not happy with and wants to buy a new one that is in promotion. I look around the shop and anyway it is really bad taste conservative clothes I would never use.
      I tell him my bigger problem with the job offer is the distance. I say it does not compensate. He thinks about it, offers me a load of money, so that I cannot reject anymore.

      The movie Purge meets The Hunger Games. I am with some friends at their home, that has steel window blinds, but the bad guys override the system and they open up. I escape through a backdoor to the outside, but have to go through some dudes who were trying to enter from there. I hit one with something heavy and get an ax and a hammer from a shack nearby. I open my way through whomever I encounter, some are hard to kill, some try to steal my weapons. I manage to come together with my friends again and we go through the city. We try to find hideout in parks and less populated areas. But this doesn't end in one day, it lasts for some time, so we decide to try to escape the city or we will end up being killed.
      We find the edge of the city and we discover it is a floating city, miles high in the sky. Seems a dead end. But we meet a guy that claims to be coming from the outside world. He tells us there are two points where there is a climbing system on the wall, with ropes and that we can escape through there. We sleep a night in an abandoned hotel room. I dream with the wall thing, I see the rope mesh going down and that the wall has a sort of inclined platform before it dives vertically. I share the dream with my friends in the morning, taking it as a vision. I can't find my weapons and suspect someone infiltrated the group. But nothing happens and we head to the place with the ropes to escape.
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