Ignoring Work and the Jungle I'm at my desk at work. My coworker D is sitting next to me explaining something. Others nearby are listening intently, but I decide that it isn't important and ignore him. I tell him that. He thinks it is funny. No hard feelings. Dream feels lighthearted. Fragment I recall a muggy jungle with maybe some drizzle but not much else. Potential Influencing Factors: Exercise - 1 hour of walking. Meditation - About 15 minutes of visualization. Diet - Ate heavy meal at Panda Express.
Updated 03-15-2023 at 05:25 PM by 99808
[07.07.2021] Disgusting worm Some sort of scientist created a worm that looks like a vein and is apparently parasitic. The worm is for some reason in my home and everything is flooded. Apparently, this is also a recurring dream. I try to grab the worm with tweezers, but it tries to attack my hand so I accidentally drop it in a cup of tea or coffee. Then it's on the ground again and I ask my mother where my garden gloves went. She says she doesn't know, but shortly after, I find them on top of a cupboard and put them on to protect myself from it when using tweezers again. [08.07.2021] Losing a friend I am at some sort of massive forge with a friend or two. We have to do some sort of task where we have to ascend a platform while everything is breaking down and there's a great risk of death. In the end, all but one friend manages to get on the platform and that friend who didn't make it died. Then, we have hope that they are still alive and try to look for them. Eventually, we find a YouTube channel of them that is apparently still posting some sort of Minecraft content and we find them in a jungle that looks like the jungle area in Just Cause 4.
I'm in a big shop with Albin. We look at different wares we want to buy. We walk to the ice cream and Albin says that a Piggelin costs 7 kr here and 8 kr at a different place. He wants to buy some ice cream here and make a profit by selling it elsewhere. I tell him that it is a very bad deal and that he can get it much cheaper if he buys a big package. There is one with 30 Piggelines in it and the price/ice cream is 3 kr here. I tell him it is a much better deal. There is a package over the last one with 100 ice creams in it with a price/ice cream of 1.2 kr. I tell him that it is a fantastic deal and we grab a package. The package is full of frost and we can't quite see the package actually. I take away the frost and see that it is not Piggelin but a smaller twister ice cream. We put it back and walk away. I see Sezer and take up my phone. It has some weird phone case on it that looks like a balloon. I inspect my phone for a while and notice that I have really long hair. I wrap my hair around my hand that is holding the phone. New fragment. I'm in the jungle on a branch high up in a tree. I am adult and see another person that looks like me higher up but with a lot of beard. Lara Croft is above us and my other self is swinging with her in the branches. He's holding her and is doing some dangerous tricks. I'm just a spectator and doesn't have a body any longer. Notes: My cousin bought a Piggelin four days ago. Edvard made a balloon phone case for some weeks ago. I played Rise of the Tomb Raider with Lara Croft yesterday. There is a character named Jacob in the last part that looks like me a bit. He was the other me in the jungle branches. I'm in military training with a heavy backpack on me in the forest. There are a lot of people in front of me and two leaders just behind me. I try to run to the others but it's so heavy and hard. The leaders use a word I have never heard before that means that I will soon fail and be sent home. I am able to join the other troops in front of me. My old classmate Eric runs in front of me and he hasn't got a backpack on him. I understand that he actually doesn't want to be here and doesn't care about the rules. He turns his head around and I greet him but he greets someone else. I am ignored. We keep on running and come to a settled town with some people. There are three brown, big dogs playing with each other. Dina is running in front of me and all the troops gather in a circle. The leaders talk about something but everyone is unfocused and doesn't care. Notes: I saw a video of military training in the forest some months ago. Yesterday I read about the Vietnam War for a school project. I thought it was very intresting and saw some army pictures. Me and Eric saw each other two weeks ago but there was a weird turn where it would be awkward to greet him so we just ignored each other. I'm in Håkansson's house upstairs. There is trouble with Oskar. I go downstairs and see David in the kitchen. He is cleaning the table and I ask if I can help him. He says yes. I walk to the sink in order to wash my cloth. Peter comes and wants some water. I fix the water but there is an uneven pressure and Peter isn't satisfied. Notes: I cleaned up after Håkansson's slept here some nights ago. Woody and Buzz Lightgear from Toy Story are having a verbal fight about something. Buzz Lightgear betrays Woody and disappears. New fragment. There is an army of small Buzz Lightgears of different forms and colors. There is a Shhhhh Lightgear that hushes everyone quiet when they speak. There is a bubble Lightgear that is rolling in a bubble and much more. There are some big Buzz Lightgears that are talking to the small ones and Shhhh Lightgear is kicked out on the big ones because he hushes all the time. Notes: The deceit from the last dream hasn't left me yet. Notes: I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm went and made a challenge that I would be able to enter a dream before the alarm. Two small cupcakes on a table are fighting with swords. One of them gets sliced but survives. Notes: Haha, that was funny.
Updated 11-07-2020 at 09:52 AM by 97565
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection With some people, bored. I spot a stone slab on the ground that I lift and I excavate under. They wonder what I am doing and even I don't know. I find an empty space and with a lantern I point down a shaft and show them my find. There is a Buddhist altar a couple levels below. I somehow get down there and from the middle of the altar objects I get a sword that I feel compelled to take with me. I can't go back up the hole, so instead I follow a tunnel that goes from there and I end up by a river. I notice I am in my white satin pyjama and barefoot with a sword now in the middle of the street and I start attracting other people's attention. There is a dock on the opposite side of the river and some guy starts walking parallel to me. He is making me nervous when I realize he wants to attack me as soon as he gets a chance to cross the river. But I save him the trouble by flying up and towards him. I brandish my sword and knock him down with a chi energy blast, don't even touch him. I keep walking up a road and 3 Chinese boys, also with swords, start walking by my side in an intimidatory way. I warn them they'll get hurt if they attack me, but eventually I just fly away also leaving them behind. I fly over a canyon and next I see a vast savannah. I spot some hunters ambushing some wild animals and preparing to shoot arrows at them and I destroy their arrows mid-air with my sword. Then see a large number of people walking towards some big temple in the horizon. There is a stupa and a couple pyramids plus other ancient and new structures in a rocky plateau surrounded by lush jungle. It is so beautiful that I cry. I am welcomed at a reception where they say they didn't expect me but can accommodate me. They show me the restrooms and leisure rooms and communal kitchens. I am hungry and offer to cook some mushrooms and vegetables I see on the counter, but no one else seems much interested in it. I recognize some faces but most are unfamiliar to me. They then take me along to meet a great old lama I never heard of. He is receiving people or teaching at a very large auditorium with a very high ceiling. I want to get an overview of the event, so I fly up to a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The lama sees me and scolds me for it, because I am disrespecting him by standing above him. I project my chi again, this time not to hurt but almost as a telepathic mean of communication. I am both trying to show him I am a friend and mean no disrespect, but also kind of showing of my powers. When he receives my energy blast, his bindus start emanating a blueish light in all directions, which causes quite a stir among the audience. I feel I better leave and stop freaking out everybody. I wait outside at the lobby and I find Laura there. She says there is a rumour that Rinpoche is arriving there too and as I walk around and between some white columns at an entrance hall, just thinking about what to say when I see him, he arrives and comes down in my direction. I notice that he sees me and he is containing his emotion. So am I. But there is never an opportunity to talk, because he is immediately engulfed by eager followers and disappears in a crowd.
Updated 10-12-2020 at 08:59 PM by 34880
Mixed fragment I am some girl, probably in the teens, and I might somewhat have the role of Buffy from Buffy the vampire slayer, but in the dream I hadn't discovered that yet. There was something with a father who might have done something bad with someone he keeps calling. At some point I am together in some forest or jungle with another girl, having discovered my role. At some point my view flew into the sky, as if it was in a game and it was showing that something is happening. I really need to get aware again, right as I got a bit less aware I stopped having lucid dreams so it's time to do that again. It's just a bit hard for me to remember where I was 15 minutes ago when I reality check, so I get stressed since I need to do it often as well.
18th May Fragment: Last dream, in a place like Azeroth, Westfall. Something about Warcraft II and the Deadmines. Several passing thoughts about classic dungeons. Then a mix of STV and the dam at Dun Modr. But it had a lower tier which was ramped. There was a ship like the Juggernaut inside DM but it was more Alliance-like than Orcish. The front of it looked like an old 1800s steam boat or something. I remember having a view point from above the chimney and looking in and thinking that the model wasn't finished because it just looked like a tube with few shadows and straight cuts through into each deck of the ship. I then became aware of my body. I was sort of crouching but sitting on my bottom and became aware or made note of my genitals. I think H was present as a voice and we were talking. I said something about how "at normal size I'd barely be able to push my tip into the top of the chimney", which made me realise my scale in the dream a little bit. Even so, being giant didn't make question reality either as it should have. The dream ended soon after. Notes: - Although I often have passing thoughts that relate to this type of dream situation (being giant-sized and "playing" with things), it's rare for me to actually have dreams within these contexts and dreams involving some kind of sexual stimulation or play are not too common for me. - I used to mess around in private server versions of WoW that I'd run privately/on my own many years ago and would often change my character's scale to the maximum possible (usually 10 times or something). This dream may relate to that in some sense, and admittedly I'd sort of forgotten about that until re-typing this dream on this DJ. - I remember when I woke up I thought it was odd I could hear H as a voice but not be aware of H's presence physically within the dream. I remember it made me feel as though there was quite a deep level of immersion in physical terms.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening On vacation with friends. They go hike up a mountain. I was also planning to go, but I miss it for some reason. Look at it from a distance. Don't want to give up. I find some Asian group renting a transport to go there and I go with them. With my friends on top of mountain, there is an earthquake, we head for some type of railcar that goes downhill. But half way we see a river of lava flowing to our right side and crossing the rails a bit ahead of us. At that time some kids in very primitive clothing come out from the jungle around us and signal a stone platform where it is safe for us to jump to. When we are safe we follow them into the jungle. They never speak and when we try to talk to them, they get silently angry. They live in a small village and welcome us into different houses. The whole town is silent and soon we learn why. The forest is filled with dinosaurs and they keep this place secret by staying silent, since the dinosaurs don't naturally wander into this place except they know they're there. With friends at a table. On another table is Rinpoche with other people. One of them comes tell me to go to that table and meet Julie A.. I get up and realize I am topless, but I just use my long hair to cover my breast. When I am there I can't even see Rinpoche properly as he is surrounded by so many people. But Julie hands me a kind of cornucopia shaped tube with something written on it. Some note telling me to take what's inside. But it is empty! Except when I go back to my table, when magically it becomes heavy and filled with some liquid that I almost completely spill - manage to drink a bit. Then some sort of biscuits appear and I eat a few. Seems dog food. I offer the rest to a dude passing by walking a bunch of dogs, for the benefit of the dogs. Then I try to read what else is written on the tube, but it becomes nonsensical and each time I read it, it changes. Then I remember it might be because I am dreaming, I get lucid but unfortunately I wake up.
Updated 08-07-2019 at 07:07 PM by 34880
The non-lucid I was with Sam h at what we thought to be a music festival. It looked like an indoor water park but the theme was a jungle so there were a lot of trees and brush all over the place. I believe there were water slides and hot tubs scattered about. There was a front desk. We had gone up to the people and mentioned that we had two tickets. At some point we saw Temple. The semi-lucid I was walking in Kings Charter. I was cutting through someone's yard to get to my house but I heard recently IRL that the owners of this house participate in beekeeping so I was trying to go around them when I realized that the house wasn't even there. In its place was a field and there weren't any trees or houses that are usually there. I became aware that I was dreaming but was very calm about it. I just thought that it must be a dream and that I should do what I want. I was now walking in that field and there were people walking near me. I thought in my mind that I would try to ask a dream character something. Before I could ask anything a girl walked by me and she said something like "you are a beautiful one" or "you are a good one", I don't think it was exactly that but it was something similar. I can't really remember. I kept repeating what she said to myself in awe and curiosity. Someone else walked by and said something else but I can't remember. I realized my eyes were very squinted. I was trying to open them up but the dream collapsed.
I've been in a big complex in the middle of the jungle , it was a headquarters for a tribe. Made of something strong , it was basically four walls in a cube form, they were really tall ,like a tower and on them were holes and structures made of wood ,latters , lil shacks and stuff , strategic points. On the Inside were wooden bridges to go between the segments. The tribe used spears ,and arrows , and such weaponry, and there were also that long stick that had something really flexible tied to it, with something stingy and poisonous and sharp at the end of the string. I posessed one of those things. My mission was to kidnap a baby and bring the baby into civilisation. I had a companion , who worked outside in a helicopter , was covering me I think? I was going in with stealth, infiltarted the base somehow from above ,and looked for a baby. But at a point some tribesmen saw me and started to chase me on the bridges , shooting arrows and trying to catch me with that poision fishing stick thing. I was flying across the bridges by using that stick thing I flung it under the bridge so it hooks onto the bridge then jumped down the other side and swung myself in the sky like spiderman, it was amazing. Then at a point I got the baby and escaped through the helicopter. The companion was my supposed girlfriend who drove the helicopter . Then I got detached from the scene and the characters held a conversation on their own and they said something like this "- I feel sorry for this kid , he may not going to live like their savage parents but in the end hes going to be just another brick in the wall ,probably a grocery shop seller somewhere in -something latin sounding city name- " said the guy who I was just a minute ago +That's how our job is , what can u do -said the woman -Idk , overthrow the system ? +Hell no , especially when my job is what supports the system. Then I had an epiphany or something like that.. Indeed , people are afraid of change, they cling to their status . There can be "new ways" that would new and good , but people are afraid of losing ,and even more...they hate to learn new things, its too bothersome for them , so they will stay with the old ways even if its not so beneficial for anyone
1/6/2018 Something about Jack Black driving in a car and racing us/street racing. Cops pull us over and we are in a jungle.Everyone saw a snake wrapping itself around my left lower leg and foot. I shook it off and ran. I remember being in a yard that was sectioned into four parts by wooden privacy (tall) fence. It was kind of like a movie set with four different locations. I was in one of the quadrants and I was holding a gun/rifle/shotgun? (lol i dont know) and trying to shoot at birds. I got down to the ground and saw a tiny opening in one of the fences and went to it. There was this small duck sound caller thing that a Swan gave me. lol.
Fragment I was a witcher in white orchard, fighting with monsters that attacked a village. Dream I was in a car, driving on the road placed in between fields, from village to village. It was a warm and bright evening, there were beams of light and orange glow of descending sun. O stopped in a really small village with two or three cottages. The was a fireplace with people gathered around. I met a brunette woman with long hair, she was wearing a purple blouse and jeans. We had a short conversation, when we ended she agreed to go on a date with me. Seeing that my car disappeared I borrowed a bike from someone and drove home to prepare. Next day I searched around the house to find something for a date, I wanted to take something from shop but I haven't had money with me. There were also stocks of random products in my barn as someone made it a warehouse, but I couldn't take anything from there. When I was about to finally go on that date I was told to urgently go to school. A student exchange program started. They drove us to find village, but forgot about and we had to find our way back. We could choose one of two ways, we checked right first but there were dangerous snakes in there. We checked the left one, it was a dense jungle. On the way through we met a couple of lions, they were roaring at us. I told everyone to just go calmly like me, but they didn't listened and had to run from mad lions while I just walked calmly. We took the right way and this time it led us to school, we met with some teacher who talked about some kind of errand he needs a volunteer for. Everyone tried to get themselves out of it, in the end he have chosen me.
This past dream was definitely lucid, I remember a lot of contemplation in the dream as to what I should do next. It was all inside a place very much like an adventure/explore park. Like Conkers in England. It was a large claiming frame area and jungle themed with lots of dark wood and vines being used in both decoration and play equipment. There were false animals attached to walls and poles and various other places. I remember one portion of the dream where I walked across the top layer of the park and found myself in a water park area (again with the water... wonder what that is?). There was a large pool, divided into two by a 2 meter wide bridge which I later found to reach down into the water somewhat. One side it was kiddy-pool shallow and the other side grew deeper as you went further away from the centre bridge. It eventually led into a waterslide, everyone had red inner-tubes.
Dream 1 - War The context of the dream was that we were in the Middle Earth universe and there were elves who refused to help the mortal races or something. A female elf similar to Arwen had joined Rohan's side in a skirmish to convince her father, the elven king of (Mirkwood maybe?) to join their side. I remember a huge amount of mounted horsemen charging forward, lead by the elf girl, for some reason we were absolutely thrashing the elves and storming through them. There was another elf on our side and he somewhat resembled Legolas. They began to route and after continuing to chase them the only one left was the elf king. He reached the forest edge with the Rohirrim right behind him and started skirting the forest instead of going into it. The reason was because soldiers began to emerge from behind the trees, and at this point I remembered that we had established reinforcements in the forest to ambush the elves. From the group of horsemen in pursuit of the king, the elf girl shot out on a white horse really fast. As an elf she is supposedly meant to be really fast on horses or something . She dismounted the king but he continued to fight, that male elf leapt after him and began freezing his legs with a stream of ice magic. The king was resistant to magic and the ice was rapidly thawing, though it still slowed him enough for someone to grab him. The king continued to resist, his elven pride relentless, and then I woke up . Dream 2 - Cops Spoiler for Warning, R18(ish) content!: This dream was pretty sexual, like full blown sex with 2 girls inside a house. One was a blonde and the other had straight black hair, I felt like I was in a porno or something. At some point I was on a bench outside having sex with another girl (though there was no obvious transition, it just happened?). The girl put something on my wang and I have no way of describing it, it just didn't make sense or even serve a purpose. Kind of like a decoration or something? But it didn't even serve the purpose of looking like it could be a decoration... Anyways! A couple policemen turn up in their car, we're getting told off but I argue with them using the law. For some reason I'm actually not in the wrong, they just don't like me so they're trying to get me in trouble. I decide to get a lawyer and he starts debating the case for me, there's 5 other 'good' policemen who are nearby and they know they I'm innocent but they don't want to get involved since they're fresh on the force. This is all happening outside while I'm on the bench probably half naked as well. Dreams 3 - Ancient tortoises I was somewhere with a small fungi-covered tortoise that could talk, we were outside and the scenery was bland. There was some dream-context to this, we were meditating to reach some sort of state or possibly just a certain age. The tortoise left at one point to head to the place where all the ancient tortoises go when they've reached that 'level'. I think I headed there with him, but my memory gets a little confused here. I'm at the place where tortoises go, but only when I get there do I actually know that it's the place where tortoises go. I look around and realize that what at first look like a green-fungi ridden stone was actually another ancient tortoise. "That must be your dad?" I asked the tortoise. "No, that's my wife. She did get to meet my dad before moving here though" the tortoise replied, I guess that means that his wife is a bit older than him? Looking around I can spot about 5 more tortoises sitting still. The scenery is like a desert, there's a palm tree in front of me and some small green tussocks of grass that are around too. It looks like the Sahara meets Tropical rain forest, though with more sand? The reason the tortoises come here is because of the old man sitting cross-legged near the palm tree on a little sandy slope. His hair is white and his skin is a deep tan. He's really old and looks quite withered, I know that he wouldn't respond if I tried to get his attention and for some reason I the thought of even talking to him doesn't seem possible anyways. Like he was god or something? The confusing part in my memory is that now I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing the journey towards where the tortoise and I were heading. The tortoise isn't there this time, and I'm walking through jungle that has some sand scattered on the ground here and there.. There's maybe 2 other people with me as well. The jungle is really dangerous, everything seems alive and at one point a plant opened up revealing these thin long vines with little sharp jaws at the ends, I clambered away from it as it tried to nip me. Straight after I looked up a slope to where we needed to go, just beyond would be the end. I remember seeing 'me' climb it, but from 3rd-person. At the top was a wooden log and I fell on my ass for some reason, only to have a GIANT python land next to me! I clambered up over the log and ran for it. The python didn't even bother noticing me .
Some activities i did before going to sleep. When it was already dark at night i went out with my bicycle for a ride so see some scenarios. I seem to enjoy more of the awareness at night, and that helped me in my dreams tonight. Then, before going to sleep, i meditated one hour aproximately in Zazen. That helped me a lot in vividness of my dreams and restfulness of mind in my dreams, at the last moment of a dream that actually helped me got lucid. I fell asleep at about 3:00 AM. In my first dream I was at a supermarket. In front of the cashiers, in the same building, there were many shops. In one of those shops there was a woman who kept a tablet that was mine, she said for safety. I wanted to go in and talk to her but the shop was closed. Then i talked to a cashier, and she said that there was no problem that she would give me one (apparently she trusted my word). So he passed the tablet through the laser and she asked me for 15 pesos. I told her that was why i wanted to speak to that woman. There was nothing wrong with my tablet and now i have to pay 15 pesos for nothing. But ok i payed it. Then she bagged it and while she did that we talked about a football match of this morning (which nothing happened in waking life, actually before going to bed i was thinking about football and Argentinean team, something i haven't done for like 2 years). She asked me if i saw the football match of Argentina this morning and i said no, i don't watch football anymore. She was surprised, a man who doesn't watch football, but i wasn't surprised of her, i know that some people are ignorant enough that think everyone will have the same habits. She was with another woman, and for not being rude i said that i haven't watched a single match since Argentina lost the world cup on 2014, she said that she couldn't believe i (actually she did but she said that probably for my tenacy. I actually wasn't interested anymore, it's just a business, that doesn't attract me). I went out the supermarket and took a walk in the city. I crossed a street and i saw my grandmother in a car, like working as a taxi driver. I go to the square (scenario i had seen in my bicycle ride before going to sleep). I was heading from a supermarket called Vea to another one, more close to center of the city, called Top. I don't recall so much what happened there. But after that i headed with my mother to a street where there is a school. I saw a small square and next to it the entrance to a garden (street mitre). My mother passed it but wanted to show it to me, and i pointed out that it was behind. She kept going anyways and we went to the end of the street. The building were each time more ... antique, they were like gothic style (the houses were like 2 meters tall, and made of stone, fine stone), and the place looked like a town more than a city. In a street there were some old men playing or washing and i asked my mother if she could stop so i could see them. She did 100 meters more and stopped at the end of the street. I asked her if she could go back. She didn't answer me. I asked her if i could drive. She was staring at me. I told her "It will be ok, it's a lucid dream, im aware" but with compassion (not with conceit like happens other times i get lucid. This is probably a nice effect of the meditation). My dream starts to fade and i find myself awake, but i stay still, thinking that i could return to the dream again. Anyways i was in a bad postion (not awful like other times, but wasn't good either). I thought about the DEILD technique so i stood for a while like that. Then i thought about writing the dream and do a WBTB but i didn't since i would remember the dream. I fell asleep again, i continued in the same dream, but i wasn't lucid. It was like the dream would prolonge for like 10 minutes. So i continued dreaming. We headed with the car to our left. We go to the end of the street where there was a river going down. I got out of the car and my mother was already with his boyfriend so i left them and went on my own. I got myself inside some ruins and jungle. I saw there was no escape from that point onwards so i had to go back and surround that place, go through a river "gate" and there i could continue. I saw there was a big stone, and water flowed below that. It wasn't very dangerous since nobody could fall there, but one could put a hand there. Anyways one wouldn't want to since there were a lot of insects there and a lot of moss. Suddenly i see the boyfriend of my mother coming and he puts a hand in the water and he drinks it. Then he shouts, "i drank some of the water you drink" (like saying to my mother) i told him that is not the water she drinks, this one has insects. He didn't listened to me, probably he heard me. I go back and im ready to go to the river. I was at the spot where the car was (i was to the left of that place). I jump out of some big squared stones and i see to my right (i was in front of the car, so same direction as i was before) and i see a beautiful landscape. The skies were blue, but that blue was covered with purple, orange and yellow. There were some trees, very tall, like 20 or 30 meters of altitude. It was like the earth if it would have evolved spiritually, with no pollution or anything like it. The tree looked like weirwood of game of thrones, but it was taller, and when i saw it and the sky behind it it was a lovely mix of colours. The place was the andino, at the end of Bv Roca, i was standing to the left of what would be that place. By the way, when i was coming down the big squared stones i thought about the benefits of giving up adictions, that it is neccesary, then i saw that beautiful landscape.
18.12.2015I Think Its Jaw Moved... (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID So, here I am in this jungle that also has a base that’s structured as if there were human inhabitants; Aztecs and what have you. Looking up at the sky, it’s clear as day, and the atmosphere above is light sky blue with a few clouds that are close to dissipating. There’s a myriad of things I ended up doing, but I can’t seem to recall everything in a sequential order. It’s almost as if this area in the dream was a hub for other dreams to occur. Some things that came to mind were: - Using weaponry to kill off all sorts of monsters from skeletons, and other disfigured entities. An image popped up of a huge skeleton that’s wearing this maroon helmet with gold trimmings that are about 3 inches in width, and they’re wielding a generic round shield, and sword. I even glimpsed a few moments of a floating gun turret akin to one in MGSV. - I’m sitting, or trying to sit on one of many chairs laid out at another section in this grandiose environment, and I get a random mélange of entities flashing around me. - I eventually start flying for a little bit to land on top of the huge machinery to slay the creatures I mentioned in the first part of this list. Then, after all that, and then some, there was a resting period. I believe I was traveling with someone, but I couldn’t make out their visage at all. I tried to pay attention to their voice, but for all I know, they could be mute, or too shy to respond. I’m walking down a rectangular pathway composed of stone brick tiling filled with Nature’s wear and tear, and greenery. There’s this milky, yellow tint emitting off of these bricks, but it’s not emissive. I see a few yards ahead that there’s two pitchers with a red base, and a white top. One of them is opened up with all sorts of juices and sodas, and when I get closer to them, it looks like a lot of Fanta juices from red, orange, and yellow. The other one is closed, and it almost felt like opening Pandora’s box. I think maybe I was a little exhausted from the previous events, and the dream starts equivocating like crazy from this point. Firstly, the pitcher seemed to have either dissipated, or shifted into a dead, black, crab that’s fairly huge in size. The outer regions of this entity consisted of a light brown trimming, and it really looked like it was dried up in some areas of its body. Then, its composition becomes nuanced significantly, and it looks like it could be a skeleton for something else to take shape from it. And every time I glance at it, and glance over something else, the form starts accumulating into something else entirely, and eventually looks like an unconscious black panther. For some odd reason, I was predisposed into wanting to take my right hand to try and open its mouth; as if I was still in the process of opening that other pitcher that’s still nowhere to be found. I immediately start controlling myself, and retracted the hand movement with a subsequent jolt, and started to push it towards my body, and made this weird shivering body gesture for a few seconds. It was clearly a black panther, and I can see that the sunlight above contributes to some parts of the highlights being violet in some way. When I started to step back from it, I see its jaw move… I immediately made a retort towards my unknown dreaming comrade, “I think its jaw just moved…” We both naturally seemed to have wanted to walk back slowly just in case it reacted to sudden, powerful movements like say…RUNNING. After we reached a certain distance, we just turned around, and made a run for it. But as we’re doing that, I’m somehow looking at myself in front of me, and then zooming into the unconscious panther. I see that its visage is starting to have more nuances, and its body starts moving upwards a bit, and then its face starts shaking like crazy as if it’s becoming conscious again. The moment it woke up, and while it’s busy processing what environment it’s in, I felt as if my ability to run is slowly decreasing. Either through me zooming in too much to want to naturally slow down, or just the fear gradually building up, and slowly paralyzing me instead of getting that kick in adrenaline. I noticed that the section we’re at now is this short distanced, but grandiose brown bridge with some subtle hints of red bled onto it. I’m holding on one of the wooden railings, and its literally being utilized as a crutch for me to hopefully propel myself. I can feel myself struggling a bit to pick up some speed, and the view of the panther from afar only makes things worse. I told the dream entity at the time to just RUN….RUN…RUN!!! I noticed for a few seconds that entity was a female. She’s wearing a black jacket, white shirt underneath that’s a bit longer than the jacket, or maybe there was some physics involved of the jacket’s ends moving upwards as she’s running, and she’s wearing light, faded blue skinny jeans with some black boots. She has black hair, or at least that’s what I want to believe; she could be anyone at this point. As I’m trying to escape, the alarm from my phone starts ringing.