non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Staying at a hotel, managed by a friend and her husband. She introduces me to some guy, I think maybe trying to be a match maker, but I am not into it and it fails. There is a guest at the hotel which we suspect has covid, but he refuses to follow the rules and spits on his hand and grabs the doorknob just to anger us. So, basically a Karen. He also brought along an entourage, My friend suspects his entourage includes some suspicious people. She collects some of their food leftovers to analyze (I thought first for covid, but it is for DNA) and she calls the authorities. Turns out the Karen is a most wanted criminal worth a 2 million reward. My friend's husband has been a bit distracted and busy, but I notice he finally realizes of the unusual happenings and goes around trying to figure out what's up. My friend doesn't want him to know because he has this policy against denouncing the guests, even if they are wanted criminals. So she keeps it to herself and hides the money. But he saw an agent from the FBI or whatever handing her an envelope with the money and she hiding it temporariky under an armchair at the lobby. He asks me what are those samples on the fridge and looks at her notes from the past days trying to figure out what is going on. I lie to protect her and say we have been working on analyzing food quality just has he always wanted to do and that she tried talking to him a few times but he was alwasy busy. He says he noticed some guests missing and I say the guests were indeed sent away, but it was because of a covid incident and it was the health department which came and took them away for everybody's safety. He isn't so happy with my explanations, but he accepts and kinda feels proud that his wife has been doing her best while he's been kind of absent from managing. We all go out to lunch and they make up, but when he goes to the toilet I tell her we have to talk so I can tell her what I told him and that she needs to hide the money somewhere else because he saw her putting it there. I advise her to never tell him the truth, but use the money in small investments here and there so he doesn't suspect. She is very thankful for my help and we hug.
I was in a parking lot outside of a store like Lowe's. The parking lot had a few cars scattered about. From afar I see this woman walking out and across the parking lot with a massive snake slithering with her. I feel a little bit threatened but take a video on my phone. The snake and woman turn towards me and walk my way. The snake flies over me and curls itself around me. I'm an aquarium that has a pool of water. We're sitting around the pool on rocks. It feels like we're 4 or 5 years old on a field trip. I get handed a little gray organism. I drop it in the water and then find it again in my hands. It grows up and turns into this hand-sized hippo looking animal with a long trunk. I look at it and call it "Karen."
Non-lucid – Notes – lucid – Interpretation I find myself in a lounge like area of a restaurant, that has more of a private living room vibe to it. The illumination is quaintly dark, looks like it is illuminated by torches on the wall or dimmed lighting. I am sat in a sofa setting, two square coffee tables in front of me, with someone one my side I am unfamiliar with or can't remember. The sofas are rather large and comfortable, made of dark brownish leather. On the opposite side in the other sofa is my mother, and she is holding the menu. We are laughing at one another, but it is a laugh of irritation and irony. The menu is rather limited – and their certainly isn't any vegan options. We look for the wine list, but find out in some manner, maybe just intuitive knowledge that there isn't anything to select from. The manager comes over, he is also our waiter or maybe a waitress has called him over because we have complained. He starts explaining that of course there are options and that this is the menu he is running, completely ignoring our complaints. At the same time he is making an obvious pass at my mom, and I think “cheeky fucker” - reading that he is using his sexual advances to avoid dealing with our problems. He is your typical short, hairy and somewhat greasy Italian or Greek stereotype, speaking in an Italian accent. He starts out being stocky and somewhat round but over the course of the dream turns extremely skinny, though he maintains his open and deep cut shirt and full dark moustache. After a short while with him constantly leaning in towards my mother trying to get close to snatch a kiss and overload her sensual senses I have had enough. I get angry. I stand up knock the menu off the table with a backhanded slap, so it goes skittering across the dark redish/ochre tiled floor, towards the entrance where real dining tables are placed. It comes to a halt by one of these tables. There are two or three waitresses standing over there looking anxiously towards me, if not quite in shock – they are dressed in a typical white blouse, black skirt and apron outfits. The manager gets up and he is now much thinner and smaller than I. I go and grab him by the throat and pull him towards the area with the dining tables. I start strangling him, anger rushing up through my stomach like a volcano spewing out Lava. I don't recall if I say anything to him, though I have a feeling that I tell him of my dissatisfaction with him using sexual/romantic advances in order to avoid dealing with the valid complaints about the place we have. I let him go briefly and pick up one of Karens's t-shirts – a light purple coloured one – and wrap it around his throat and pull tightly together. I notice that none of the people around me are trying to stop me despite me being in the process of killing the owner. Immediate Interpretation: Killing the waiter, who is making a pass at my mum could represent that I am frustrated with my own preoccupation with engaging in a sexual and romantic relation with Karen, which I have seen have the capacity to pull me away from writing my thesis. Alternatively it could be representing an intuitive fear I have that she is somehow “playing” her sexuality at me instead of dealing with the emotional problem I feel she is experiencing, when she is simultaneously pushing me away and also want me closer. It could also represent that I am aware of a manipulative aspect within myself, where I am using my own sexual advances in order to avoid dealing with an emotional issue I am experiencing myself – which makes sense as this 2 day non-communication deal has stirred up some anger and confusion.
Non-lucid – Notes – lucid – Interpretation Karen and I are lying in bed and we are getting friendly touching one another. She then turns very angry and decisively try and perform oral sex on me. She is very angry and is trying to bite me, though I don't get the idea that she is trying to mutilate me. I try and fence her off a little – as I am not interested in having sex of any kind in this emotional state – but she keeps making her advances, and I keep trying to fend her off until I awake. Immediate Interpretation: I have experienced a fear that Karen is engaging in sexual activities with me in a forced manner that is she is doing it either to avoid confronting an issue or to please my expectations. In this dream I see the aggressive push for oral sex as this fear of her trying to stifle communication of an emotional/personal problem – as she is blocking her throat chakra – and I feel irritated and misunderstood because she doesn't seem to understand that I am more willing to listen to her concerns regardless of what it may implicate for our sexual relation. Note: When we had sex the night before and we were lying naked next to one another, looking into one another's eyes she looked away timidly and said “the bodily unrest is back now” and after looking at her and asking where it was, she went on “I had it silenced for a while there” in a cheeky tone. For this reason I think it is rather pointless looking up things and frankly this interpretation makes so much sense to me. Also the anger she is displaying in the dream is representative of my own budding anger at her not feeling comfortable with opening up to me about this bodily unrest, also because it might have implications for my actions – however she may simply not be aware of what it is. Looking up themes: Willingness to receive pleasure – talking about sex. We are talking about sex and I am explicit about my attraction to her. It could represent the recent fascination with anal sexuality.
Bed @ 10pm Wake @ 2:45 am Bed @ 3:30am Wake @ 9am Before bed: 2 caps Theanine Serene Non lucid: I was walking up a path toward an ornate pavilion, where two lines of women sat facing each other. The ones facing me were dressed in "Tibetan monk" robes but they were different from IWL, more Thai style. The path changed as I got closer and became covered in pink lotuses. I wasn't sure if it was ok to walk on them, and I noticed that the women on my side were taking communion, and I hesitated and sat on a round circle of white cloth on the ground which was prickly, because I wasn't of their religion so I didn't think I should participate in the communion. In front of me, a priestess/monk woman was talking to my friend Ceanna, and told her that she had something different for her, and from behind her stuck a tissue in her mouth. Ceanna whooped and danced around and seemed to enjoy whatever it was she received. Then I was closer in, sitting with the women. They were passing around what looked like a wedge-heel shoe. The woman to my left said, "When they pass the pig around you should ask for the money. They give it out to people, you should tell them you're a good person and (you'll do good with it?)." The shoe came my way and I passed it along and said something that I don't remember, I remember that it felt false and like I was repeating what I heard them say and it didn't really make sense. (Obvious reflection of longtime issues of not fitting in or not belonging.) Woke at 2:45 am (planned to wake at 3:30 but earlier dream woke me up so I took supps and went back to bed). 8mg galantamine 500mg choline 2mg melatonin goes.... Non-lucid - I was holding a small child, in the dream she was my sister K. We were talking and enjoying each other's company. I saw that her 3rd eye was open, it was sort of blipping in and out of sight. I told her that I noticed it was open, and as I observed a whole row of eyes opened across her forehead, very beautiful and sparkling. Someone came in to take her, and commented on how happy she was and how well she was doing. I was really sad and upset that they were taking her and pleaded for them to let her stay with me since she was doing so well. gaps after that, just an image of another baby who may have been evil, who insisted on vomiting on me and it was a big thick stream of something white like lard (with gold in it) and I was trying to avoid it and get it off of me Woke up at 4:30, had forgotten to turn my normal morning alarm off, slowly back to sleep. I decided to go ahead and sleep on my back and take a chance on SP. At some point after that, I feel myself paralyzed and I roll with it, managing to take a deep breath and consciously transforming the feeling of fear to excitement as best I could. Then I begin rising up and up to the top of my room (looking back I might call it an OBE). I am feeling pulled by a force, still feeling paralyzed, I do my best to relax into it and not fight it or freak out too much. I am pulled or float to one side of the room, and bump the wall, I can still feel the feeling of the sheetrock brushing my skin. I floated from there, across the room, bumping the ceiling fan, and bumping into the opposite wall. I see a small round alien ship outside my bedroom window, and I realize it's playing the Close Encounters music. The ship looked like a miniature version of the Close Encounters ship, with the beautiful lights which are shining in through my blinds. (Even though I knew I was dreaming, the feeling of my body rising and hitting the wall and ceiling fan was so real, plus the music from the ship, I wondered whether my neighbors could hear...) I finally start to have a little bit of a grip on the dream, and I hid in the bathroom. I didn't want the aliens to get me! Ok ok I'm a little more coherent now and decide to go out to the ship, I'm dreaming, what's the harm? I step out of my bathroom and next thing I know I am on the ship, seemingly alone. I walk into a room and in the center of the room is a bench that looks to me made of pewter or silver, with filigree scrollwork. I wonder if that is where 'they' do their research, if they are going to try to do the anal probe (lol) there or what... Oh, I catch a little more snap. This Isn't Real. So I began digging into a wall, and the wall gives way. I continue to dig through layers and layers of what looks like brain tissue, until I get to a pocket where there is a large green grub nestled. I pulled it out and tried to squish it. It tried to attach itself to me so I ran a few frequencies through it to try to fry it or change it. Finally I asked, "how could this thing be dead?" waiting to see what happened. I think it then changed into a black circle that tried to go back into the tissue and I chased it down firing frequencies at it until I think it fell out and off into space (I hope!). ---Next scenes, I'm not sure of the sequences --- ---I am in a tent with a guy who wants to kiss me. I'm not lucid, and not very conscious so I push him off and notice in profile that he's not very attractive to me. I asked him who he was and he said something like he was one of a bunch of pixies that would go through the portals between worlds and visit. He looked at me face-on, and I think he had only one eye on the left, and on his right was a row of flashing LED's across the browline. ---lucid - I am on an planet that I identify as Mars, because it is so dark and hot and murky. I notice a big pool of dark fluid that seems hot, and I decide to dip in it because I know I am dreaming. It didn't really feel like anything. I ask the dream to show me something important to see, and I'm suddenly in a gym that reminds me of the 80's, with women in 80's workout gear doing aerobics. I'm wondering why the heck am I here? Then I see a group of friends who are looking at me like they are angry and annoyed. It seems that I've disappeared on them without an explanation and they aren't happy about it. I ask if I've done this before and they say yes, apparently that is why they are so irritated with me. ---non-lucid - I am walking and see a former friend walking past me to my right. She doesn't even seem to see me. I unexpectedly screamed, "F*** you, Jenni!". She turned and looked at me, and I fell on the ground and started fumbling between apologizing and not, feeling terrible, saying how I was really hurt by the way our friendship turned out and it wouldn't happen again. Then I begin walking and walking and walking in the dark, through mountains. Somewhere along the way there are Boy Scouts that I consider asking for a ride. More walking and walking, somewhere along the way I lost my shoes and was concerned about my feet being torn to shreds. I walked into a house and found some shoes "that my mom gave me" that didn't quite fit so I wasn't sure if I should wear them and if I did were there any socks around. I also remember being on the side of a mountain watching eagles fly over in the dark, and they had amazing luminescent wings. Then I finally woke up.