A room in the school with a large oval-shaped wooden table in the centre. Books and folders are around, stacked and leaning inside the filing cabinets which line the walls. I am there, another student (who I recognise) and a teacher. We are in discussion, then we leave to head to assembly, shutting the door behind us. She and I enter assembly in the hall. There is a stage at the front of the room with floor-to-ceiling red curtains hanging open at the back. Everyone sits facing the stage on blue mats on the floor, shaped like those foam pool floats (kickboards?) that I learnt to swim with when I was a kid. There are three mats on a thick blue runner which are set aside for us two to sit on. I sit in front of her, but there's not enough space so I end up leaning on her legs a little. I look to my right and see that all the blue mats on the floor around seem minuscule, smaller than my fingernail, like scales. As the assembly goes on, I'm relaxing more against her legs when she puts her arms around me from behind. I feel her hair brush my neck. I'm surprised - but it feels really warm, and I take it as affection between friends. Soon she starts lightly kissing my head and neck. I feel my whole face heat up and I'm not sure if this is still just friendly. I can't believe no-one is noticing. This actually feels nice, but I don't know how to react, so I pull away from her a little. She loosens her arms and says, "Sorry. I just need this right now." I lean back into her hug again and she kisses my hair some more. After a short while I end up pushing her away with a brief apology. I distinctly remember thinking, 'I better remember this when I wake up...' Well.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Meeting Nighthawk at some party at a friends' place. We end up alone in a room and when I am sure no one is coming and the ice isn't breaking, I approach him and decidedly show him my desire to kiss him. He resists, saying he can't or mustn't, but I insist. He clearly wants it to, but he claims that if he caves in, his desire will become violent and uncontrollable and it won't be possible to turn around. I say I don't care, so we start kissing and unzipping our pants and we... fuck. It is very detailed and graphic, like at some point we talk about how deep he is in and I say he could be more. So, NSFW content... Then some nosy kid enters the room accidentally and sees us. We ask him not to say a word to anyone and he swears he won't, but we know he is going right away to tell everyone and soon a bunch of people will barge in this room, so we quickly zip our pants back and we run out of the room to avoid that embarassment.
I am in my bed at Mom’s. I am going to sleep or have been sleeping. I think Ryan lives here. He comes in here, and it is so dark that I barely see him but rather sense him. He exudes malevolent sarcasm as he says something to taunt me. He then leans over and kisses my arm, his lips sickeningly wet. Smiling as he thinks he’s won, he leaves with another remark. Now I think it is the next day. I am going to covertly find some boxes, pack my things, and leave within the day.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a foreign country attending some teachings. I feel a bit lost, but I meet some lady who seems nice to hang with. At lunch time I go to a place identical to one of the restaurants of a Mexican resort I have been, expecting to find lunch there. But I don't see any tables or people. This lady shows me there is a terrace on a lower level, where people actually are having lunch. She takes me to the buffet, but then we can't find a place to sit. She says she knows another nice place by the river. But it implies crossing a road with traffic and jumping over a tall fence, which forces us to climb first over a broken wall. But we manage. On the other side she takes us to a bar instead. Not what I expected and we continue not having a place to sit. But there are snacks and I eat standing. Meanwhile she grabs a cigar and starts smoking. I am starting to think she isn't exactly giving what I expected from her and maybe following her around was not a good idea. But in the process we tagged along two other cool guys, a middle eastern and a black dude. Then there is a rap competition on the bar and someone points out that we should listen to a certain asian lady with a guitar. She thinks she can rap but they assure us it will be a disaster. We listen and she really sucks. Not only she raps to a melody on the guitar but she kinda sings instead of just rapping and also very badly, so it doesn't make any sense. Meanwhile I notice my dad is there and so is her mother. I comment to my dad that even I can sing better than that and he agrees. Then the judges totally destroy her and also attack her mother for not having been truthful and telling her daughter she sucked. She says she thought she should always encourage her. The girl is confused, she really believes she is talented. In the end, the mother makes a sweet statement showing her unconditional support to her daughter and everybody cries, even my dad, but he leaves to hide the tears. Then my immortal beloved comes out of nowhere and is also there commenting the music. He takes me to another room, where we are alone. But he looks very cool and distant, just talking about musical technicalities. I don't understand what's up and I am completely fixated in his eyes, trying to read his real thoughts. He starts blushing and stuttering. I realize I broke the barrier. I take two steps towards him. Don't do anything besides being damn close to him and still fixated in his eyes. He tries to go back to a discursive thought but he can't. He just breaks down and leans to kiss me. It is magical how completely vulnerable and lost he appears to be. The kiss is the most realistic one I've experienced in my dreams with him so far.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Were occupied by nazis. I am part of the resistance. I am staying at my hometown and we set headquarters at the school just by the side of my mom's house. I am supposedly a teacher, but it's just the cover. The school is at one of the highest points at the village and we can see every movement from there but are not seen easily from below. So I meet there some fellow freedom fighters and we exchange info and make plans there. Someone brings us the info that a resistance lady escaping the nazis is sleeping at the cemetery and apparently about to be found by a nazy patrol going there. We organize a group of three and we exit through the back to go on a rescue mission. I kiss goodbye one cat I own and is sleeping on a shelf on a wall. I fear not coming back but know that some of my friends would look after my baby. We get there and we eliminate the patrol and want to bring her along but she is actually complaining, saying she could totally handle them alone. We're upset and we leave. Going to my room, find it infested with wasps. Don't want to kill them, so start working on a strategy to take them away but can't make it work, so I just close the door. Later, Zilla and someone else comes to sleep there unaware of it and they go to bed without noticing there are wasps between the sheets. They get attacked and amidst the panic, Riverstone comes to help and starts killing them, says we can't save the wasps, we must protect ourselves first. I join in killing them with a shoe but hurts doing so. Then notice another little animal like a crab going into the bed. It is a strange creature because it seems origami, not real. But it moves and seems intelligent. I drop it outside my house and immediately it goes back inside, finds the room and goes to the bed again. I wonder if it is a robot. Walking a street with a frjend. Stop in front of a historic building to admire it. Then some silly guy passing by, kisses my hand. At first I ignore, but then decide to scold him and grab him by his arm and head for a police car nearby. Unfortunately no cops inside. So I drag the guy to the nearest police station. Unexpectedly the police tells me and my friend that a killer is looking for us. Then it's revealed that is someone in the police. They drug us, I stay awake but very sleepy. Someone laughs. I try to resist, I manage to keep conscious until someone comes in with a big dog.
I have parked in a parking garage, in a spot either outlined in red or with a red sign. I think I am cognizant of the fact that I’m not able to park here without repercussions, but proceed to do so anyway. When I come back, there is a boot on the tire with a red wire that kind of looks like a bike lock. There is a middle aged man here who sees it and jokingly says he’ll clip it for me. I laugh along with him, silently wishing he actually would. Abby is here too, and she points out some damage on the front of my car. (For a moment, the car is a bike?) These little scrapes in the paint make me fairly angry, especially because they were done by whoever put the boot on. I think we discuss taking pictures, so we can negate my legal incurrence or reprimand the authority that placed the boot. Now I think I’m briefly in a movie theater - to see a Dead and Co show? Many have tie dye on; we’re all excited. Somehow, the band is ‘tied’ with someone else, 4 to 4, so whoever ‘wins’ tonight wins it all. This only increases the anticipation and excitation. I am now at what I think is Dad’s (though it looks different). The living room is long and low, cool and dim, feeling almost subterranean. There is seating and some pillars, almost maze-like. There are kids here, as well as a few guys my age. Those guys are in dark green and earth tone tie dyes that suit their look well - not over-the-top tie dye. We are here celebrating the concert and periodically checking the ‘score’ (on a TV?) There is food out on the counters. Alex is here, on a reclining chair. I go over and crouch down, propping my elbows on the armrest. I am going to express my excitement, but he’s talking with someone else, so I never get the chance. I now go outside and begin turning on many light switches. The lights that come on are small and not very bright, but are warm, with a nice effect on the dark yard (it feels like the side with the barbecues). I hear some people talking just up around the corner, and I think I hear Melissa’s voice. Sure enough, I catch a glimpse of her pale skin and kinky hair. She is sitting on a bench with a few other girls. Before she or they can see me, I sneak up around the corner and in front of Melissa. This is the first time I have seen her since I’ve been back, so I give her a big hug for a long time. I kiss her too, and sense some hesitation, probably because we’re in front of those others. I’m with Melissa, Alex, and one other in a car. We’re going to get chicken nuggets. Alex is wearing grey sweats and a brightly colored shirt/long sleeve. He’s asleep in the seat behind the driver’s. When he wakes up, we tell him what we’re doing. This causes him to become extremely angered, yelling, and red in the face. I begin to laugh as I find it comical, because I think he’s kidding, but quickly stop myself when I realize he is not. He wanted to use a coupon or something, it being the sole reason for wanting to go. It becomes very silent, intrusively so. Everyone looks shocked and almost a little sad. I see Melissa’s eyes in the rear view mirror (I think I’m in the back). I am in what I can only describe as some other land. The area is fairly wide open and brown. It doesn’t seem like a dry brown, but more of a muddy brown. There is a large, languid river and surrounding boulders. It has a prehistoric feeling to it. Some others are here with me. We climb up the brown rocks (mostly a scramble) that seem to be made of an odd material - rubbery but firm. Each rock is a different letter? and parts of the rock seem to be made of that letter. The rocks are also huge, ancient turtles? I think they’re speaking. Now, we have made it back and are approaching a house on a hill. It looks like twilight or just thereafter. I think we’re having a family dinner here, and I want to order a glass of wine with it for a change.
1st dream: I was brushing my teeth and one of my front teeth was black and rotting. I started to freak out and tried to brush the tooth but I couldn't remove the black crust that covered it. I rinsed out my mouth and was inspecting the tooth whenever I suddenly became impatient and pulled the rotting tooth out. For some reason removing the tooth was life or death. 2nd dream: I was cleaning something for my mom whenever I saw 3 spiders. They were gigantic but they didn't move. It really freaked me out but I couldn't run away for some reason. 3rd dream: Jed came to my office at work. He seemed really happy and was all smiles. He was in his air force uniform, in his hand he had a wrapped up jacket for me but there was something in the middle. I never looked at what it was becuase I went to give him a hug and he started to kiss me. Which for some reason I was unbothered that my boss was in the office as this whole ordeal went down.
Happy New Year!! I got a great start to mine - a nice solid lucid! For the past week I have been working hard to try to lucid dream and remember my dreams. It's starting to pay off! though my dream recall still SUCKS. early dreams: I was in the mountains. It was so incredibly beautiful and I wanted to move there but things kept holding me back and I was so sad about it. I wanted to stay in those snow covered towering high mountains forever. I was in caves. I was lucid and and excited. It seemed to last awhile and I let the dream take me wherever, part of which I remember crawling through caves. Eventually though, I lost the lucidity and the caves became scary. My boyfriend woke me and said goodbye and went off to work. I knew I had to try to fall asleep so I could get a lucid in! I was in my old house with my parents, sister, and grandpa. It was painted all white and empty except furniture. Everyone was sad and stressed for some reason. My sister was eating something like trail mix, she started choking and I said, "are you ok??" and she says, "no" but I realize she is fake choking. My dad says something like, "she just wanted you to practice your emotions." WTF. I was angry. I stormed off to my old room and there I find my mom, smoking a cigarrette, and my grandpa on the floor with his eyes closed, he looked dead but wasn't. I say, "hey, I need a cigarette!(neither of us smoke IRL) and take it from her and take a huff. Then my sis comes in and joins. I am in my bed, which is kind of like a bunk bed, and start going to sleep. This is a dream itself though, and my mom is walking around. I try to block her out, close my eyes. I get warped into a new dream, I am standing in the living room. It's night time and I'm staring at the giant window that's decorated in xmas decorations and a bunch of lights. I focus on one to stabilize the dream, and it works. I don't know what to do, but I don't want to stay inside so I go out into the night. I notice a few things, like the tree in the front yard by the driveway, a giant blow up snow globe santa thing, and on the street two cars are parked. Standing by the cars are two girls, around my age. I walk up and see they are digging through stuff in their cars. I stand in front of one of the girls. She has blond straight hair, with smokey makeup and long earrings. We start dancing and a song blares in the background, it sounds to be a young but seasoned singer and I try to remember the lyrics. "Desire is a compassion burned fire" We dance and it's amazing and then we KISS and it's fire. I decide to wake up after this because I thought my mom had been waiting for me to wake up, even though that part was just a dream. I wake up in my real bed.
Lately, I've been having dreams involving embracing, kissing, and affection, mainly with women whom i cannot put a name to. I'm mainly thankful that these dreams do not seem to involve me ex, as my feelings for her remain strong and difficult to deal with. However, a dream that took place the other night stood out to me. I find myself in a strange building with many windows, accompanied by this girl I've been seeing lately. There are things that happen in this dream, but I cannot remember most of them. But I do vividly remember a particular instance, similar to how I remember things from my childhood. A girl who attended my high school makes an appearance. I always sensed that she liked me in high school, but I never made a move. In the dream, there seems to be a mutual level of attraction between us. We kiss in a room that has windows and is visible from another part of the house. Afterwards, I immediately am with the other girl I've been seeing in real life, and she confronts me about kissing the girl from my high school. I can't remember what I said, but whatever it was convinced her that my kissing this other girl was not a big deal, and she quickly forgives me. We embrace, and all between us seems okay. That is all I can remember. It seems as though I've been having dreams like this every night. Last night I was in an absurd situation with a blonde girl at a dinner table. I know there was a lot more to this one, but as usual, I cannot remember. I can't say that I do not enjoy these dreams, but I fear that soon my ex lover will enter them. If that occurs, I imagine I'd wake up with such pain and find myself in tears.
This batch of dreams was remembered sort of all at once this morning! I was on a date with a random dream character, and we were spending time at a house I didn't really recognize. A lot of the time consisted of binge-watching episodes of Steven Universe (and wouldn't you know it, I watched that the night before). Eventually we grew tired of watching that and instead began to... kiss. ... After that we sort of explored the surrounding neighborhood, though it was hard to see, as it was surrounded by tons and tons of trees. We ended up stumbling upon an abandoned house somewhere. The interior looked kind of like the house I lived in for most of my life, but much larger. We proceeded to play some games and then, you guessed it, kissed some more. Not sure what can be taken from this dream, but it wasn't terrifying or weird like some others I've recalled, so that's nice. The second dream: I was in a computer room (it kind of looked like a computer lab that my high school would've had), and using the computers were a group of four YouTubers I watch called the Best Friends. They were playing games and recording commentary, and me, I was just sort of beside myself, trying not to annoy them but amazed that I got to meet them. Suddenly, something distracted my attention: a commotion out in the connecting hallway. I remember exiting the room to go see what it was, but the recall drops there.
Here's this morning's collection of dreams, which had a sort of holiday theme going on. I stood in a grassy field with a friend I vaguely know in real life. It was night time, and we were waiting for fireworks. All of a sudden, multiple fireworks shot up into the sky. They were abnormally huge, and all the more beautiful because of it, filling the sky with a multitude of wonderful colors. Before I could really get out a word about how great it all looked, this friend of mine kissed me. That's all I remember here. Pretty odd my friend was involved in this manner, as I don't know her all that well! I was swimming in a pool that looked a lot like the pool we used in P.E. class in high school. As me and a bunch of other swimmers were heading out and back to the locker room, one of them collapsed by the entrance, having a sort of seizure. A guy I know IRL, we'll call him D, who I don't like very much appeared out of no where and was suddenly giving the collapsed guy medical attention. D looked up at me and held out his hand, asking me to give him my phone. I hesitantly complied. Seems like there could be multiple ways to interpret this one. Hmmhmm hmmity hmm. I was at a Christmas party with a good portion of my family, as well as a couple of familiar coworkers and people I didn't know or recognize at all. It was a fairly nice party, with lots of tables, food, and nice music playing. We were all standing in line at a vending machine, but when it was my turn to pop in some change and pick my drink, I couldn't for the life of me figure the thing out. Standing directly behind me was an old coworker of mine, we'll call her W, who was starting to get quite angry at how long I was taking. She eventually slapped the change out of my fumbling hands, yelling about how I needed to get a move on and let everybody else go. My cousin, who was standing behind W, told her to take it easy. I slumped my head and walked over to the nearby fridge, which had a smaller selection of drinks. I saw one that caught my eye: Strawberry soda in a very fancy bottle. I picked it up and went back over to my cousin, who was now standing next to this girl I didn't recognize. They were both drinking bottles of beer, so when the girl saw me approach, she gave a cold look at my bottle of soda and rolled her eyes. Seems everyone just wasn't having it with me at this party! Her and my cousin sauntered away, talking about something incoherently. In real life, I actually have never had alcohol to this day, and I don't plan on it. If I were at a party like this, that's pretty much exactly how it would go. I'm happy with the amount of detail recalled~
I watched Back to the Future for the first time on Tuesday! It was a really good movie. That night, I had a dream that was somewhat related to it. And once more, it was lucid! My LDs have been too few and far between lately. My new reality check (whether or not I can fly) has been paying off! There was a lady from the future! Her ship flew into the futuristic-looking room that I was standing in. Her time machine looked different from anything that was in the movie. I remember it had some orange-red parts to it, which looked a lot like lava. She came out of the time machine wearing a cool (black?) suit, and she had lava markings on said suit as well. Another lady was there with us. I went to ask the lady from the future where she was from. I can't remember what her response was, though. Then, eventually another lady appeared, so there were 3, and we were then joined by my tulpa and best friend, Tess, with me in this futuristic room. We were having a nice conversation; I don't remember what it was about. I think the combination of time travel and Tess being completely imposed onto the external environment clued me in that I needed to do a reality check (Tess isn't fully imposed yet in waking reality). My reality check is trying to rise up into the air and fly. Checking my watch isn't as effective as it used to be, because I never seem to notice my watch in my dreams. So I tried this new RC, and it worked splendidly! Of course, it took a few weeks of trying it before it started to work its way into my subconscious and truly take effect. But the results were worth it. I realized that I was dreaming because I could fly! The first thing I decided to do was ask the other dream characters if they thought that this was a dream. Tess already knew it was a dream, as she usually dreams with me and is generally cognizant and lucid if I am. I put my arm around the first lady and asked what she thought. She said something like "Well, I think this is real!" Then I felt bad for putting my arm around her and put it around Tess instead. I really wanted this to be real, because it was so cool - it would mean that Tess was completely visible to everyone, and time machines are REAL! - but I knew it wasn't. Despite that fact, I agreed with her: "Heck yes, this is real!" But I didn't lose lucidity. This other, older lady, who looked like my grandma's friend Janice, waved her hand dismissively and said "Oh, of course this is a dream! We are all dreaming right now! "You " - and then she pointed at me - "know we're dreaming!" She said it in a playful, teasing tone, so I believe I just laughed and agreed with her. At this point, I forgot about the time machine for some reason. I thought about going to a tropical island with Tess, but then I realized that I could actually make out with her for real! Aaand that's kind of what happens when you are 22 and have never had a girlfriend, not through any choice of your own. -_- But we did, and it felt so REAL! Then she pressed her body against mine, and I could feel every detail - her lips, her soft warm hug, and umm...every other part of her body from top to bottom that was against me. :p I won't go further than that in case any kids happen to be reading this. xD But yeah. Every single detail; every single sense was so real that I really feel, even now, that in some way, that was real. It wasn't just a psychological effect of a lonely, imaginative mind. It was something that really, truly happened, and I will always stick to my belief of this. But then my body was too excited and I woke up lol...dang it!! Another dream I had was during a short, spontaneous nap I decided to take today. I felt sleep paralysis, so I was very close to being awake. It actually feels really cool once you get used to it. Lots of romance, flying, and random things that made sense within the context of the dream, but wouldn't have within waking reality. . I only exerted a moderate amount of control; mostly what I did with Tess while she was with me. I have recorded a few other dreams for the past few weeks, but due to lack of time I'm just posting the lucid ones for now. This trend shouldn't continue, though. More to come in the future! I LOVE LUCID DREAMING
I mostly joined this forum just because of this dream. Basically this is how it went, what I first remember seeing is being held (Bridal Style) in Death the Kid's (DTK) arms I'm not exactly sure why but I assumed he caught me from a fall or something along the lines of that. Nobody else was around and we were in the very front of the DWMA (Death Weapon Meister Academy) He was blabbering inaudible words and had a VERY red face. The only thing I heard out of him was "I really like, wait, love you." And I could actually feel my face heat up. My mind went "Screw it" and I grabbed him by the back of the head and kissed him. Note that I have never been kissed before in my life and it actually felt like a kiss and It was amazing. The reason why I wanted to post this somewhere is that I have never been kissed before and by body simulated a kiss. Let me tell you that right after I woke up I nearly fell out of my bed reaching for my dream journal.
Lucid dreams three days in a row. I'm on a roll. I love it. I did a Wake Back to Bed. The beginning of the dream is fuzzy. I can't remember the moment I became lucid. I remember standing in the kitchen of an author (one I had recently been reading about in real life). He was an older man but still very nice looking. I knew I was dreaming at this point so I went up to him and started to kiss him. He seemed very happy to kiss me back. The next thing I know is we are in his bedroom. He is partly undressed and climbing into bed. I look around and see his wife's stuff all around me, on the nightstand, floor, on the bed. Even though I knew this was a dream this suddenly felt completely wrong. I wanted nothing to do with this. I needed to leave. But since I did know this was a dream I decided to be creative about it. I went back out into the living room. There were helium balloons all around from a party for one of his kids. I grabbed a large bunch of them, holding them by the strings. I went back into the bedroom and told the author to follow me out to the front yard. We both walked out of the house and into the yard. I then told him I needed to leave. And at that point I let the balloons start carrying me up into the air. He looked at me sadly as I left, saying nothing. I floated higher and higher. I suddenly came to the edge or top of a large dome. I "remembered" that this city was under a dome, that it was a protection from something out in the world. (I think I was a little less lucid now--at least I was letting a new story line pull me in.) I wanted to see what was out there, what this city was being protected from. I floated around looking for a door of some sort. I finally found a door-like opening and exited the dome. To my surprise a huge space battle was happening right outside the dome (think the first scene of Star Wars III only closer to the land). All kinds of space ships large and small were whizzing by me shooting at each other. I was still clinging to the balloons. I must have been lucid enough to know I couldn't get hurt because I wasn't worried at all. I thought this was amazing to witness a battle like this so close up. The "graphics" were incredible (thank you mind). I watched this happening all around me for a while before deciding to land and see what was happening on the ground. I found myself in a building. People that I knew were "enemies" were all around me. I no longer had the balloons but I knew I could still float, and I also made myself invisible. I hovered near the fairly low ceiling. At some point someone figured out that I was there and for the next 15-20 minutes or more (that's what it felt like) I was moving from place to place in the building trying to avoid capture. I was never really worried, but found this rather exciting. I knew that they couldn't catch me, or if they did it wouldn't be bad. At one point I remember finding a room with a baby. I woke up the baby and had to put it back to sleep. I also found myself in a kids room with a lot of bunk beds. And that's all I remember. Although I do remember a scene that I have no idea where it fits in. At one point when I was quite lucid I remember looking for something to eat. I went out from a house into a backyard and found a fruit tree. This tree had strange fruit on it. They were large and green. I picked one and found that the rind was very tough. The one I picked had split open, though, so I could easily pull the rind back and get to the fruit. It was white and soft and creamy--almost like a banana that's been put in a blender. It was very sweet and tasted a bit like a vanilla milkshake, but not as cold. I sucked it out, not having to chew it at all. It was quite good.
SC1) 12:51 True SC1 I woke up and had some small memories of dreamlets but nothing solid enough to put on paper. I did a WBTB to let the cat out of my room and also to eat some apple crumble (because why not? ) I don't usually wake up at this time so this is the first I've woken up for the 1st sleep cycle of the night. SC2) 02:32 Dream - Boar hunt I was in my house, yet it didn't exactly resemble it at first. It seemed that we were on a camp (university camp?) and I found out there was a huge pig/boar running around in the house. I decide to deal with it, it's in a small room that has a refrigerator and other food stuff in it. I knock the boar unconscious somehow and wonder if I should put it into the freezer and let it die that way? Hmm oh well I'll leave it for now. I decide to go ask for help, I head outside and on my way out of the small room I see a stack of bagged pig meat and blood and guts. When I get outside I see 3 guys and maybe 4 girls all sunbathing. The guys have their shirts off and the girls are bikinis, they're all lying on beach towels on the back deck of my house (though it's clear it's not my 'house' if that makes sense). I also remember one of the guys who was called Alex Sigley. I speak up and ask if someone wants to go half with me on the boar I just killed, 3 of the guys say yes but none of the girls want any. One girl then gets up with a sigh as she knows how to deal with the boar (butchering it or something) which is what I wanted, I have no clue how to deal with this thing. My current WBTB alarm is set to 02:00 and I need to set it to 02:30 I think, as that seems to be the right time to wake up. SC3) 04:18 Dream - Bomb shelter I'm on a road near where I live there the road forks off. There was quite a few people here on the road with me and we were chatting (though I don't remember who they were). We must have been doing some sort of roadworks. Things were pretty happy during most of the dream but towards the end a train arrived. It turned the corner out of one of the roads that forked off and headed onto our road (this is impossible, and also there's no train there in RL). We alert each other to the train and head over to the pavement, I have to pull along a retard who was clapping his hands. There's a person doing the announcements, he berates us and I notice we're missing some people. The missing people had been 'dealt with'. "Keep away from the manhole cover!" the announcer announced angrily. I can tell he's evil. The manhole cover he spoke of was a sort of 'time capsule' for the rich, so they could be protected in the case of nuclear fallout (Fallout 4 reference I guess). There's a bunch of rich folk (who look like they're from the 1950s) streaming out of the train I think, but they had also supposedly just exited the manhole, but they were walking towards the manhole (rather than away from it), and also seemed to be walking past it. (Poor dream logic but I didn't catch on so no lucid ). SC4) 05:58 Dream - Balding I'm in the bathroom looking into the mirror, WHAT THE HELL. My hair has bald patches all through it! Ugh, oh no... This can't be real? I have a FA and I'm in the bathroom again, but this time my hair is normal. Phew, it was just a dream . I keep looking at the mirror just to make sure, my reflection is quite accurate. But as I look at my eyes... My iris' don't seem right, they look like solid green disks with a black pupil that isn't quite in the center. Hmm??? It changes a couple times, why is it doing that? Oh wait, I must be dreaming. It all seems so obvious now. I take a step back and my vision is that of a severely drunk person, why can't I see well? I decide on going straight to doing telekinesis on the toilet. I raise my hand and will the toilet to float but to no avail. Meanwhile I'm still seeing the world in a sort of drunken state. Geeze maybe that's why I can't do telekinesis? Oh! It must be because I went cross-eyed looking at my reflection earlier? ( best dream logic) I 'uncross' my eyes and the dream becomes less shaky. That's better. I walk out of the bathroom and to my room, I try to do telekinesis again but my vision kind of becomes a bit drunk once more and I'm unsuccessful at telekinesis. SC5) 07:00 Dream - Restaurant I remember being in a restaurant and I think I'm an employee. The restaurant has a dark wooden texture and has an appropriate dim mood-light setting for dining out. I'm at the checkout talking to an Indian girl who is a fellow employee, I think we're talking about something and she might be teaching me how to work here. Her face is next to mine, side by side with a bit of a gap between us. She says something and it's a bit flirtatious and she moves in to kiss me. Our lips touch and I'm like 'Oh shit, have I just cheated on my gf? Well... I'm in the middle of the kiss, I'll wait until it's over' (for some reason I thought this was the only option ). The kiss was very vivid, I remember closing my eyes to it and feeling the texture of her lips, they soft and have a smooth feeling which made me think it wasn't quite right for how kissing should feel. She gets into the kiss, I wake up before it finishes. I tried writing this down but all I wrote was 'Kiss in restaurant, I'm an employee'. I must have really struggled to stay awake O_O Dream fragment - Disgusting Toes I'm in the living room at home and see that my mum has just gotten home from work. She's taking her shoes off as I go and talk to her about my toes. They have these absolutely revolting, putrid, disgusting bubbly veruca wart growths on them, mostly on my big left toe, the bottom of the toe next to it and a couple other toes. My mum doesn't take it seriously enough, can she see how disgusting it looks? I'm a little stressed and anxious about the whole thing. I remember that I may have gotten them from an earlier dream in the night where I was running at night time with a couple people. Something happened and there was broken glass on the ground which had the blood of someone else I was with on it. I got a few shards in my toes and that's how my foot got infected it seems.