non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At home, but it looks like my paternal grandma's house. I hear suspicious noises, I go check the backdoor, see if it is locked. It is not even closing properly, but I manage to shut it. Then my mom says she hears the elevator stopping at every floor, so that means we are actually at her house, not grandma's. Someone knocks, they say it's delivery of a package, but sounds suspicious. My mom says "Ah, ok" and goes open the door. I yell "no!", but it is too late. Some dude hands over a package and she thanks him. But then he steps in and I know he ain't no good, so I tell him to leave immediately and push him over. Outside are more guys. At first I manage push the first guy back, but the door ain't closing well and they barge in. I panic, but they don't actually resort to violence or seem intent to rob or rape. It's a gang of 3 dudes and a couple girls. They are basically tricksters and just want to fool around, for now. They go around checking our things and I think about what could be valuable and important to me and I try to hide those things. But they spread around to cover more area and I can't keep up. The house is magically very big and has half a dozen halls, each one dedicated to a specific thing, almost like a supermarket with aisles. First area is a library, then there is one for sports, one for entertainment, with a dj and vj set (which attracts the gang leader in particular), then there is an armory, which I try to reach first. But they get there ahead of me and grab some riffles. Fortunately the bullets are all elsewhere and they want to know where. I keep quiet and the leader guy gives up and goes for a different strategy. Goes to the entertainment area and grabs some equipment and starts singing. Then he becomes Pedro A., a musician I loved as a teen. He goes all charming and tries to seduce me. I say his charm won't work on me. So then they decide to go violent and I kick one of them, tell them I am a purple belt in Kenpo and can defend myself. They seem mildly scared but that quickly fades. They know I am very outnumbered. I am also not confident at all in my skills, I don't practice for years. But I find a stick and I attack them with it, knocking them all unconscious, except for a girl. I ask my mom - which I didn't see until now - to help me tie them up. When they regain consciousness, I tell them I am calling the cops and I ask for their names so I can tell the cops. They get very pissed. I meet Kylo Ren. He drives a small car. I start flirting with him. He misunderstands and thinks I am harassing him. He gets upset and chases me. I fly away to escape. I fly along the path of the road until I spot some people taking a shortcut through some field and I decide to folllow them and maybe lose Kylo who is after me. The shortcut takes me to a football field where kids are playing. Then just to the side is a neighborhood, which has a familiar vibe to it. I recognize my mom's building among other buildings inthis neighnorhood. I lift off to the 4th floor, to enter the house through the window. But then I spot there is a wood storage at ground floor and I go back to get some as I recall we need wood for the fireplace (which doesn't really exist at my mom's, but anyway...). When collecting some wood, I get caught in the middle of some actors filming a novela. They don't stop because of my presence and so I become accidentally part of it. I leave the wood for later, now I suddenly feel like baking a cake in the novela's kitchen. I grab some eggs and flour and I temporarily put them down on top of the washing machine because they are blocking my passage to the counter. The actors are playing a very rich family who is fighting over properties and possesions and I guess I am their cook. The flour bag is leaking and the machine dirty with flour. The family also sees it and scolds me for it. The head of the family says that shit might damage the machine which is expensive and it will be on me any repairs or replacement needed. And I am like "Damn, they can afford all the machines they want and are seriously making me pay for it. How petty."
Updated 04-08-2022 at 09:17 AM by 34880