12/6/20 I am at a sort of camping house which is located in a campground I frequent. It is a common area that seems like slightly nicer than a large shed. It is run down but charming like a rustic 3rd world b&b. There are daily cleaners who tidy up the place and the shower always smells nice. At a certain point I am doing laundry in a common space just casually listening to the sounds of the machines and the outdoors. There are a few people who hang out in the common room/kitchen, it is familiar to me because I have spent a fair amount of time in this room. Other people have the same sense of ownership. They have special events which can be facilitated like communal meal time or paid tours of the grounds we are on. There may be lasertag? I gather it costs like ten bucks a night for a fold out bed in one of the rooms. It's not fancy but it's dry and warm. I live there for a while with friends from the campground. I meet amazing people and we form a sort of impromptu family unit. Alex's wedding Alex the French guy cooking and I become friends at the campground ground, we become best friends during the summer and while there he meets the love of his life. She is called Eve and just as wild as he is. They hit it off really well while at the campground and are always around each other. At a certain point he asks her to marry him. Very happy for them both I tell him I am ordained and would love to officiate the ceremony for them. Fast forward to the day of it is something slightly different. His grand idea is to entertain her and her friend in the middle of a street while musicians set up behind them in a mass of chairs and perform their favorite sonata flash mob style. She is meant not to see the group before they are set up so him and I are attempting to distract them while the musicians show up. I am the main distraction. I am playing an accordion for the first time, I really enjoy how it sounds and remember some of the notes I play while dancing with the accordion like a drunk street performer, I get some compliments on passing. Cars keep coming down the path and Alex is getting distraught because Eve and her friend see people coming in and setting up behind them though I think they try to pretend not to, to preserve the illusion of surprise. The road was supposed to be closed off but traffic keeps cutting through the parking lot driving past where we are, we move to only blocking one lane. Her and her friend finally notice something special going on so he abandons the surprise and decides to move to an open part of the parking lot with no road going through it. The location then turns into a large room like one of those strip mall churches with drop ceilings and tile floors. She knows what's happening now, but it's ok the magic is in the air, everyone is getting excited now. She is getting ready with her bride's maids and they all have a different bright neon colour on. She is all blue in a tight fitting dress with a Massive blue fohawk, her friends have on, red and green with their hair dyed respectively, with also matching awesome huge hairstyles. Alex has on a snazzy suit. It almost looks like a mix of period and futuristic style. There are lines of chairs people are filing in taking their seats little by little. Alex was sitting next to me waiting for the orchestra to all get there and set up along with guests. At a certain point he goes to the doorway to see his fiancé. I think of the tradition and what people will think of him seeing her before the ceremony but he doesn't seem to mind. He stands with his back to the doorway and she comes up and gives him a kiss on the cheek, I am standing close to him, they are both giddy. He glances to the side but doesn't see all of her. Things then begin to be quite chaotic. Not all of the orchestra is here yet, there is uncertainty if they will all show up. A long tuba flute player is in front of me blowing into his flute thing, obviously bored. The ones that are there are just casually tuning their instruments making that pre-show cacophony. The bride starts to freak out a little bit, getting nervous and pacing back and forth at the front of the room. Alex goes up to try to comfort her to no avail. I now have an open seat next to me. There is an older couple which walks in looking for a seat and asks me if the one next to me is open. I tell them that's the groom's seat but see many open seats behind me I motion towards. There is a rough not unattractive girl who walks in, and I point to a seat behind me as well. A guy she was flirting with earlier in the dream(at the campground maybe?) is sitting next to the open seat. She mentions 'well at least someone can carry me out of here if I get too drunk' and the guy quietly pumps a 'Yes' fist action. I also gather she has some kind of show she is popular for. Things are becoming more chaotic now as the couple begins to audibly fight at the front of the room. There is a great disagreement which neither party is seeing eye to eye. The band is all here but are waiting to start playing. As with the crowd, we are all just kind of looking at each other while we watch the obviously distraught couple attempting to make amends just prior to their wedding. I really feel bad for the couple, Alex is being proud and trying to make light of everything to calm her down. She is upset he is not understanding her, claiming his insincerity is not helping and she's kind of laugh crying at his attitude. She tries to get away as he's following her back and forth in front of the room. It is really hard to watch. People in the audience start to bicker at each other, making snide comments and generally escalating the situation. Things are really going downhill now. Everyone is standing up and multiple people in the audience are in arguments. Someone makes a comment to the girl with the show obviously trying to throw shade however she seems oblivious to the criticism. I finally interject and say something for the first time. 'I mean, we all have seen your show, so we know who you are, but have YOU seen your show?' People gasp and everything stops while people standing in a circle are all looking at her and I now. I continue 'Now don't get me wrong, I like you, and I'm sure many people here do too. But you should really watch your show. Because if you do that then you would actually See Yourself. Like see yourself how we see you, not just how you see you, and that's not a bad thing. It's just the perspective of seeing yourself the way other people do. That's why relationships are so important, it's a way for us to see each other through each other's eyes, and that's beautiful. That's what is so special about Alex and Eve, they see each other, because they love each other, and it's that completely unadulterated vision which bonds people in this way.' Everyone is silent but smiling, The couple is quietly hugging behind the circle of people, they are watching and listening with tears in their eyes while smiling and pressing themselves into each other. 'Its important to see who you really are, or at least to find someone who can really see you, so that you can see yourself, and love yourself, so that you can love each other' The dream fades with a warmth of compassion in the room though it is quiet after my voice.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Heading to a swimming pool, I never get past the locker room. I want to pee but the toilets are all occupied with kids. Find one available, but it is really dirty. I get my clothes dirty from the toilet dirt and I have to wash it on the sinks. The sinks are weird, really tall and made out of a slab of stone with water falling to a drainage, like a waterfall. I have to climb on top of the slab of stone to reach the faucets. As I wash my clothes, I notice two people sitting nearby watching what I am doing. One of them is a priest. Afterward I go to an office. There is a guy there who is seen as a hero, because he did something brave and reckless, like skydiving or something. But he is now completely afraid of something totally harmless, but I don't know the whole story. There is a lady in a table at the back of this office who is serving delicatessens and also teaching culinary arts to those interested. I am totally amazed at her dumplings. She makes them very artistically. In fact she is also an artist and she paints everyday objects with beautiful drawings. She also has some of those pieces on display. I tell her her paintings look like Lolita Lempicka style. (Something sounded off about my comment, so I did some research and Tamara de Lempicka is the artist I meant, Lolita Lempicka is the name of a perfume, but I was close enough )
Morning of October 20, 2018. Saturday. Dream #: 18,933-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. Readability score: 58. In the first part of my dream, I am in the backyard of the Cubitis home with Zsuzsanna. We are sorting a big pile of laundry in the area near the southeast windows. Over time, I realize we are in a different world, without considering how preposterous that is (subliminal awareness of the dream state). Eventually, we walk a short distance east, now being in the Stadcor Street house’s kitchen. An unfamiliar dark-haired man of about thirty years old, implied to be a denizen of this “other world,” looks on as I try to copy a structure for serving a useful purpose for the length of our stay. From what I know so far, the denizens make large metal frames, though I am not yet sure of why. Mine turns out to be a wooden bed frame, though my dream self does not viably make the association (with either beds or sleep). I had mentally created it without lucidity. I study it for a considerable time, puzzling over how the wood is not perfectly straight from different viewpoints, yet I do not feel concern or a sense of incompetence. “I am good at building houses,” I say with confidence, as I place the wooden bed frame in about the center of the Stadcor Street “kitchen” (still perceived as being outside in a rural area). My dream self does not consider that this wooden bed frame could not serve as a foundation for a house. “You’re not making it out of metal?” asks the RAS simulacrum (the unfamiliar dark-haired man of about thirty years old), seeming somewhat puzzled, his expression and words causing me to consider if I need to make a metal one as a legal or social requirement. I slowly wake while thinking about what I need to add to our “house.” solution a common factor of communication with the RAS simulacrum is its effort to get me to realize I am dreaming - but it only intrusively dominates when there is not a viable threshold (enigmatic space) thread the bed frame that my dream self is going to use as a “house foundation” in my dream is wooden though our real bed frame is indeed metal dream factors two locations incorrectly and uniquely combined west area of Cubitis backyard > Stadcor Street kitchen (east) directional orientation correct indoor-outdoor ambiguity (simultaneously being indoors and outdoors) Stadcor Street kitchen is also outside in “another world” in a rural area Cubitis backyard is also an indoor area in the first scene subliminal appreciation of the dream state as being “another world” incorrect placement of Zsuzsanna in an American setting dream state indicator as laundry (as I do not wear clothes when I sleep), representing the subliminal recall of having discarded clothes before going to bed dream state indicator of literally “making the bed” (subliminal awareness of being asleep) RAS simulacrum does not typically dominate the waking process when I am in first-level dream state indicator space even if I am not lucid
Morning of June 26, 2018. Tuesday. These are two dreams during the same sleep cycle. Marilyn (older half-sister on my mother’s side who died in 2014) appears in both. In my first dream, I am back in the Loomis Street house. At times however, I also seem to be simultaneously present, at least in mind, in the Rose Street building (where I have not lived in real life since 1967 at age six). I am “remembering” it incorrectly though, which is usually the case in non-lucid dreams when thinking skills and viable memory (and viable contact with the unconscious mind) are not present. I am conversing with Marilyn about the Rose Street building (where she also lived in the 1960s across the hall from me and my parents). The conversation focuses on the elevator that was, in my fictitious memory, near the back of the building. I discuss the elevator as well as the rickety steps (that were a real-life feature). I relate how my mother did not like me using that staircase. I talk more about the fictitious elevator. My dream eventually fades (without waking) and I am in a different dream scenario. In my other dream, I am sitting on the floor in the Loomis Street dining room (where I have not been in real life since February 1994). I eventually end up drinking what I first believe to be solely soda, though from a large plastic bucket and with a long drinking straw that almost reaches the bottom of the bucket. Over time, I realize that there is more in the bucket than just soda. In fact, when I begin to focus, I realize that I drank a lot of water with laundry soap in it. In the bucket, there are also a couple of clothes (my pants and shirt, at least), a few Matchbox cars near the bottom, and other items as well as other liquids (such as orange juice) mixed in. I mention this to Marilyn (who is in the living room near the front door) and my mother (who remains in the southwest area of the dining room) as I remain sitting on the floor. (My mother died in 2002.) I tell them how I do not feel any different after drinking this unlikely mixture of soda, laundry suds, and possibly other contents. I eventually notice a pile of clothes on the floor. I end up mostly lying on my right side, feeling very aware, and wondering if what I drank will affect me. I focus on my perception and there is a very vivid awareness but no lucidity. My dream soon fades. Despite my dream self not being viably lucid, I am still always aware on one level of when I am dreaming, as it is biologically impossible not to know I am dreaming. This changes the entire nature of what many people believe dreams to be. Although my memory is not viable (because of being without viable contact with my unconscious mind while in the non-lucid dream state), there is a thread of memory of dream state autosymbolism. My dream self is actually describing dream state autosymbolism without being lucid. This has happened many times before even in childhood dreams. An elevator is autosymbolism for the dreaming and waking process. It has nothing to do with waking life “symbolism” (as dreams are not symbolic in the conventional sense). My last dream also reveals liminal awareness of the dream state. This is evidenced by my position on the floor. Although I usually sleep on my left side, I had this dream while briefly sleeping on my right and I was mostly on my right as my dream ended. The rest is more about distortion from lack of viable joining of unconscious and conscious self identity. I also had mild indigestion in sleep and my dream was creating a ridiculous scenario to remind me of such. The laundry soap and loose clothes were present as a reminder I am not wearing clothes when I am asleep in bed.
Dream recall has still been poor lately due to inconsistent sleep patterns. I'll get it down though. First dream: A pale, strawberry blonde girl is flying, enveloped in a golden aura of light. Then the aura disappears, and she falls to her knees on the ground. Someone says "She is an angel, but all her light is gone." That was rather depressing. Second dream: I recall someone giving me a large pile of change, and I was excited because I wouldn't have to deal with trying to find quarters for the laundry machine for a while (because I hardly ever pay for anything in cash, so I don't have a lot of quarters IRL). Then I woke up and realized that I still don't have any quarters.
Morning of October 30, 2016. Sunday. The first part of my dream is somewhat uneventful and relates to sorting laundry for different members of my family. The setting shifts into different layouts that are reminiscent of several different locations. Firstly, we seem to be at the Barolin Street house in Australia but the bedroom extends somewhat into where the kitchen would be. Later, the unfamiliar room otherwise around a closet area is reminiscent of the northeast room of the King Street boarding house. A small pile of clothes in the closet slowly transforms into an unknown demigod. It is birthed from one of Zsuzsanna’s dresses as well as a pair of my pants, but includes other clothes of different family members. I am somewhat wary of this but there is never a threat. In fact, the situation shifts to where members of my family and I, as well as a few unknown people, are playing a game within a very large playing field. The demigod also plays the game without expressing any emotion. The game involves building miniature towns. At first, it seems to be meant to be medieval times. However, the game’s contents inexplicably change to modern architecture, which annoys me somewhat. I say how the game is not working correctly and is rendering the “wrong era”. There are even miniature sections of sidewalks to place on the floor. I watch an unknown chubby boy off to my right building a greenhouse on the floor (Zsuzsanna being between us and working on a miniature modern house). He is putting green screen or downsized shade cloth over the top of it, though by tearing holes in it to fit over miniature wooden posts, yet which is not really problematic. I am not sure if the game even has a purpose or supposed winner. It is more like just playing around constructing model buildings. Later, I go into an unusual unfamiliar kitchen with an unknown male of about forty. He seems to think that the refrigerator has changed, mostly regarding the odd constructs around it. On my left is a feature somewhat like a cross between a horizontally sparsely grilled gate and a turnstile. It is made of metal and swings over to fit into another section which has curved recesses. The path to the refrigerator is almost like a grocery store checkout area but with very odd metallic features, one part which looks like a 1950s car bumper. The whole area is very unusual. The refrigerator itself seems to have problems. I open the freezer door at the top. It is an unrealistically small compartment. There are a couple vegetables in it as well as a dented can of soda (Sunkist I think) which I take out and consider drinking. Bubbly liquid is sizzling at the bottom (some of it apparently from the vegetables), so apparently the refrigerator is malfunctioning and heating up certain sections instead of freezing them. As we walk back, I look back and notice a section of the floor is also bubbling and sizzling even though it is not an area inside the refrigerator - yet I still “know” it is caused by the refrigerator malfunction and is supposedly still part of the refrigerator. The demigod (who symbolizes conscious self identity as being above the extremely limited dream self) being birthed from the pile of laundry seems to be a dream sign of the whole conscious self and the physical body getting out of bed, which is an event that my dreams continuously metaphorically render.The supposed game seems to be a feature that implies non-lucid dream control, something I have experienced continuously all my life (but oddly have never read about anywhere); that is, I somehow know I am “creating my world” yet have no memory of what a dream is or even where I am in time or space. The changes from previous eras to later ones relating to the game relates to both circadian rhythms and an association with “The Age of Empires”, one of the only computer games I have ever played to any extent.The bubbling, which sometimes has nuances of sizzling (“electrical” activity of emergent awareness), represents emergence from sleep as analogous to a scuba diver returning to the surface. It has occurred as a waking precursor in a number of previous dreams back to early childhood.
Updated 09-09-2019 at 06:46 AM by 1390
With a group of classmates we drove to a course of some kind, which was conducted in a school on the other side of country. We were there with a teacher - an attractive blonde woman. We left our stuff in rooms - they had a bed and a wardrobe for each person. These rooms were suited for two people. Then we went to the classes - there were more groups from other schools. Everyone took their seat, I found a nice spot behind a column within my group, but the lecturer - a dark haired woman in late thirties, told me to sit down someplace where she'll see me. It was evening after the lecture, my group went to a local bar. I decided to go back to my room. Going through the hallway I saw the door to teachers room. It had small windows through which I could see her room. It was the same as mine, though it was suited for one person. She was sleeping in her bed, lying completely naked on her bed sheets. I realized that I have my laundry scattered around bathroom and went to take it. I got a dark blue hoodie, jeans trousers and a purple t-shirt. I took them and tried to go to my room, but then the door to teachers opened. I hidden behind the corner, though I dropped my t-shirt. Someone wandered on the upper floor (stairs were nearby, I could see a woman from room service), teacher looked at the t-shirt and complained about incompetence of room service. I went to my room and got surprised - someone added five more beds to my room. There were people sleeping there, and a man in a gray suit. We started to argue, in the end I called him an idiot and threatened with throwing him into a bear-pit.
I couldn't remember the night before when I tried, so I neglected making a post. Last night was pretty disjointed. I woke up partway through, trying to remind myself to remember my dream, but I'm not sure I really do. I do remember some stuff, though. I woke up partway through and considered trying WILD but I was tired and making up for sleep debt over the week. And I just didn't feel like putting in the effort. I'll definitely do it tonight, though. Anyway, I recall a fragment about... having Skittles, and eating them, and then I was digging through someone's laundry. I had dropped my Skittles in there. I was doing this outside, kind of in front of a beach area, and it was kind of dark out but not nighttime. Sort of after sunset but before actual night sets in. And it was kind of cold and rainy out. It was someone's brother's laundry. All of the clothing was a drab olive, or gray, or black, and there were skittles in them that weren't mine, and I was trying to be careful to eat only my Skittles and not the ones that were already in the dirty laundry, but I wasn't sure if I had accidentally eaten one of those, and it kind of grossed me out. I could sort of tell the difference because those skittles had gross spots on them, etc... anyway, I finally just spat out what I'd been chewing into a paper towel that I somehow magically found behind myself. Then, some of my friends had moved into some low-rent apartments. They were very nice. There were persian rugs all over the floors, the floors were marble and natural wood, there was a nice fireplace, etc. I was amazed by how nice the apartments were. They were a 2-bedroom and even had a nice balcony. My mom complains that "people trash them" so not all of the apartments are this nice. I wonder if it's possible for me and my boyfriend to rent one of these apartments, but we probably make too much money. I go outside for some reason that I don't remember, and walk a few blocks. I pass a little outdoor eating/socializing area with black cast iron tables and chairs, and think that it would be a nice place to hang out with neighbors. I'm trying to get back to mom's apartment, but realize that I don't remember which one it is or where it is, and it's very dark outside. The complex is mazelike, and I wander around for a long time looking for her building. Then, I dream about a movie that all of my friends and I have been anticipating, but it's also actually a TV show, and it's about a bunch of underwater people/mermaids. And the special effects are TERRIBLE. The actors just have badly painted face makeup, and the whole thing feels half-assed and unconvincing, and we all feel ripped off. I recall a scene of one of the actors surfacing from beneath the waves and the makeup just looked so terrible, and I was very disappointed. The next dream... now I am some sort of mermaid, and I live in a high rise, but I'm stuck there and don't have very much freedom, and the whole place is run by some millionaire. I stand in front of a glass window and look out at the city. I am also floating, because I have no legs. I sometimes steel a very small plane... but it's not a plane, it's more high tech, like a flying bike or something... and go fly around. Flash back to another dream I had that this one dredged up: I am in an apartment complex. It's a very run down complex. I'm going up and down the stairs, wandering around in this place. The carpet is very dirty, the walls are dingy, the whole thing is run down and it smells like food someone's cooking... that sort of general "I smell someone's food" smell where you can't figure out what they're cooking and whether or not it smells good or nasty. I remember the carpet being kind of... yellow brown... So I go up these stairs, looking for some apartment, but I'm also not really looking for anything. The layout is a lot like an apartment I lived in when I was 13. It is not exactly dimly lit, but not well lit either. The stairs are claustrophobic and narrow and enclosed by walls. And for some reason, there are no doors for apartments. I get up to the top and there's a ledge against the wall running between the stairs, and nothing else. Then, possibly in the same dream, I walk into an apartment building... it is dark inside... with the same sort of layout, but also falling apart. And now this leads to recalling a fragment of yet another dream. I don't know if I've written about this one already, though. I am in a sort of hospital place. Possibly a mental institution. The architecture is very prison-like, bars across the windows and everything is very washed out. I recall going down some stairs and gaining lucidity as I did so. I know this is a dream, but I'm not sure what to do about it. I go through a door at the bottom of the stairs.
Prev night: stole a combine with my mom and tried to harvest someone else’s field? Attempted to escape on motorbikes and was cornered in a shop/garage of some kind. --- My in-laws come to pick up me and my brother at my old apartment building to drive us to school. It’s a five-minute walk, but it’s nice of them to offer. When we get to the school, traffic is being redirected away from the parking lot out into the county. We drive a few minutes before getting to another school where their kids go, and we have to… walk back into town? Maybe there’s a shuttle? --- I’m at my old apartment building talking to S. She’s apparently using the laundry at this building because it’s a nicer laundry facility than any other place in the city. I’m trying to work the laundry machine, but I’m having trouble sorting out delicates from the other stuff, especially because as I’m sorting them, the basket/machine is filling with water, soaking the clothes. I start finding monopoly money that looks really similar to real money, and I joke with S that it’s just like that fake million dollar bill. Apparently she’s brought a monopoly set so that people can play it while they’re waiting for their laundry. --- I wake up lying in the street. I’m obviously not in the city I thought I was in. I hear fabric flapping, and I see that I’m in a valley of some kind. Near the top of a nearby mountain, there are a series of flags flapping in the breeze. I remember that I want to attempt to teleport, but I don’t remember where I want to teleport to, so I decide to just go with a previous dream, because it’s fresh in my memory. I aim for the apartment building. Things are hazy, but I close my eyes and picture it. I open my eyes a couple of times and have wound up in the wrong place, but I try again until I reach the apartment building. Now that I know where I am, I continue with my road trip.
Morning of December 2, 2014. Tuesday. I seem to be involved in a required job at WWTI (now WWTC) rather than going to any actual classes (but which still seems relevant to my grades). However, the only people that seem familiar are old high school classmates (instead of former WWTI classmates), including Steve W. (Steve W probably represents an aspect of government in my later dreams, due to the fact I did poster art for his campaigns in middle school, though he appeared in dreams prior to that). There is one point where I look in from outside at the south end of the building and it seems to be some sort of auto mechanics class, but I do not go in and no one notices me. The room is rather messy, with various tools and pieces of metal lying about. The room I am eventually in to work is supposedly the girl’s bathroom but is huge and also is a laundry area, apparently. No one else is around (other then the one mentioned later). There are at least two large sinks on the north wall with one modern washing machine between them. An old-fashioned washing machine (the kind with rollers) seems to be in disuse and is out into the middle area. Four enclosed bathroom stalls (doors starting about two feet up from the floor) line the east wall with the door to the right of them. There is another rectangular area that breaks off more to the north on that side so that the room is somewhat L-shaped. I am feeling somewhat annoyed and do not know quite what to do or where to start. I accidentally knock aside two large stacks of towels (about three feet high) of various colors and patterns (which seem more suited for a residence than institutional), which partly fall out from the side of a torn plaid storage bag (the cheap kind we have several of in real life). I then have to spend time putting them back in order, which is difficult, as the bag is split and should probably be duct-taped. From here, I try to get the modern washing machine to work, and of course, this being a dream (though I am not lucid) that is very unlikely. I attempt to plug in the cord to the outlet and fire shoots out several times (though there is something else plugged in next to the empty socket, perhaps a hairdryer). I then think of using the older washing machine but I do not think all the parts are working and it seems I have to remove debris from inside it anyway. There are also old boxes, carpentry tools, rolled up sections of wallpaper, and other miscellaneous junk in that part of the room. Only one female (unknown), wearing blue jeans, comes in during this time and remains in the other section of the room. I do not see her face and I am not aware of when she leaves (though she is gone later). I remain aggravated about what I should wash and what I should leave as is. It seems most everything is washed and in order anyway so I am still wondering why I was sent here to work for about an hour or two. I notice the frayed wires on both cords and start to get more annoyed at the fire and buzzing shooting out of the outlets when I attempt to start working. This seems to be even more problematic, as I ponder what will happen when a particular machine is full of water. In real life, I had been both a student (during two different years and courses - carpentry and machine tool) yet also a maintenance man and cleaner at WWTI (rather ironic, I suppose). My mother had an old-fashioned roller-type washing machine which I sometimes used on my own as a child. I had also worked in maintenance at a middle school, installing new showers and such. The storage bags actually do split easily in real life sometimes. Electrical outlets often do spit fire where I live (including all past addresses), which is apparently not a real issue and never triggers the safety switch (which only ever seems to randomly misfire - turning all our power off for no reason - which happened just recently).
Dream - Lucid I was doing laundry at the house I grew up in, but the washing machine was in the middle of a room. I just needed to wash a pair of blue jeans and two other things. The two other things were white. I wanted to use bleach for some reason. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. A middle-aged lady then came up to me and showed me what to do. The wash cycle started. I hoped that my pants wouldn't get bleached out. I pictured them being completely bleached out. Then I was somewhere else, like an airport or a shopping mall, not sure which. I was sitting down somewhere at a high-top table, and this kid, a boy of about 9 or 10, came up to me and tried to plug something into my iPod. I took it away before he could. Wow, what a rude kid! Soon after, I discovered he was doing this to everyone. He was also telling some people he needed to charge his phone or iPod or something and that's why he needed to do it. In reality, he was trying to steal music and files off of people's devices. His mom was the middle-aged woman, and she had told him to do it. It was some kind of scheme. Then, I was at home with Dallas, though the apartment looked way different. I saw that there were some kittens there. What?? How did those get there? They were tiny and adorable, as kittens tend to be. I bent down to pet them, asking Dallas where they came from. I don't remember his response. They all looked different. I named off all the different types there were. The only one I remember is the last one, though, which was a Russian Blue-looking cat. The kittens also had cages. I saw them stacked in the bathroom. I think there were some in some of the cages as well. I then saw my cat, Belle, who hates everyone and everything (except me ). The mother cat, a fluffy, grayish cat, came up to Belle. I thought for sure they would fight, but Belle seemed to like her. I then saw Dallas trying to give the kittens to the lady from before. He had some kittens in his hand that he was trying to pass over to her. Apparently, the kittens were hers and they had gotten away from her. I came up to them and held back Dallas's hand from giving her the kittens. "No, you can't have them," I said, "I know what you were doing, you were trying to steal." She seemed taken aback, but I did not let her have those kittens. Who knows what she was trying to scheme with them, poor little babies. I then had all the kittens in the bathroom together. They were laying down in two lines. I counted them in twos. I came up with 12, but realized I missed two and got 14. 14 kittens! I was very surprised, since they were all from the same litter. That is a lot of kittens to be born to one cat at one time! I also had no idea how we were going to take care of these kittens. We were going to give them away anyway, but until then, I had no clue. I remember, at some point, making sure they had food and water. I saw the kibbles in a food dish, and the water in a white water bowl like the one I use IWL for my cat. I was using the food I give to Belle, my grown cat, because it's what we had. I said something to Dallas about how we needed to get kitten food. Then, something about work, but it was at Kohl's. Then something about this video game-type thing where you were in some virtual reality world where your face was projected onto this weird robotic-looking, floating body. It was something that I had to do. I was there with many others, and we were at a long conference table for some meeting. My brother was there too, and so was the lady. I hoped the lady didn't see me. I floated to the other side of the table. Then, I was talking to my friend Caitlin. She was telling me how her review went with our high school band director. She had gotten a 19 cent raise. We were in school still apparently, but were getting paid to be. It's hard to explain; it was weird. I pictured her in the office with him as he read off her review that determined how much of a raise she got. There was one thing that she said she got a lower score on. It was something about attending LSU, which she had no interest in doing so had made no effort to. She still got a "+5" out of a possible 15, so it didn't affect her too bad. I saw the +5 written in a blank spot to the left of the LSU question. I also saw her raise at the bottom of the page; she was now making $9 and some change. I was seeing it from the band director's POV. ~ I was walking home. I was walking downtown when it started to rain. It was slow at first. I could feel the drops very vividly. It then started to get steadier and a bit heavier. I was crossing the street. Then, all the sudden I was home, though it didn't resemble our apartment at all. Dallas was laying on the couch. I noticed that we didn't have as many kittens. I said "Dallas, did you give those kittens back to Blake and Sarah (my brother and his fiance')?" He didn't answer, so I knew he did. I was also referring to a different set of kittens; we still had the ones from the lady. I continued. "Why???" I asked. Again, no answer. He was getting up from the couch. ~ I was at a gay dance club. I went in and bought a ticket at a ticket booth to go to the dance floor. It was still quite early, so no one was dancing yet. I went through the doorway beside the ticket booth anyway. This is what I always did when I went; I always got there early and was always the first to be on the dance floor. The lights were still on on the big dance floor. There was a stage in the front as well where the DJ was. I don't remember if there was music or not. I then was going to leave for the night, just as it was starting to get busy. I walked out to where the booth was. I was now standing beside the booth, and felt the need to fart. I meant to keep it quiet, but it was super loud and gross. No one laughed, but a lady in the ticket booth asked if I was alright. "I hope so," I replied. I then went into the bathroom and into a stall. I don't think there was a door on the stall. I then was at home in the bonus room, but it was at the house I grew up in. It was quite late at night, probably about 4am. Dallas was there and was still awake. He was on the computer. I saw a kitten run by that looked just like my cat, Belle. I pet her as she ran by. I thought about how she had Belle's personality. I then saw another cat that was slightly bigger, but also looked just like Belle. At first I thought it was her, but I saw her next to the cat that had just run by me and saw that they were relatively the same size, but, like I said, the other one was just a tad bigger. I pet that one too. That one also reminded me of Belle. My phone then rang. I saw on the caller ID that it was Brittany, a butch lesbian that I hung out with at the club a lot (I don't know this person IWL). I was hesitant to answer, but picked up and started to talk to her. We talked for a bit, and then I had her talk to Dallas while I got ready for bed. I did some other things as well. I had hoped that maybe she would have hung up by now, but she hadn't, and Dallas gave the phone back to me. We talked a little bit more. I tried to steer the conversation to an end, but she kept talking. I really needed to get some sleep... I then was in my room at the house I grew up in. I was standing by a chest of drawers with a TV on top of it. My bed was across from it, against the wall that it was against when I was in elementary/middle school. It was morning now, about 7am, and I still hadn't gone to bed. Laying in my bed who also hadn't slept yet was Brittany. I felt a little uncomfortable about sleeping next to her, especially since I was married, but I didn't think she'd try anything. I was talking to her about how tired I was going to be at work. She then said "Crap." "What?" I said. "I left my thumb drive." She had left it at the club. I don't remember my response. I doubted that it was still there unless someone had turned it in, but I think she doubted that as well. I still hadn't gotten into bed. I was stalling. I thought about me sleeping next to her. I'm sure it would be fine, but I was still uncomfortable.
Updated 09-09-2014 at 03:40 PM by 32059
Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake] [Fragment:] I'm sorting through laundry, separating out the things that need to be washed. [Heh. Apparently, anything you've been avoiding dealing with in real life can show up in a dream, even if it's something completely mundane. ] [The following is a different dream. I'm writing this at the end of the day after I woke up from it, rather than in the morning, right after waking up for it, so I've probably forgotten a lot by now. What I'm about to write here is all I remember now. Sorry.] I'm a member of a group of Chosen Children [from the Digimon anime series; these people are otherwise known as Digidestined in the English dub]. Everyone in the group is around my own age. [Yes, I was the same age in my dream as I am in real life. Yes, I'm way too old to be a Chosen Child by the standards of any of the anime series. Evidently, my subconscious doesn't care about that.] There are at least 20 people in the group. We all go into a fairly small cabin, the kind that would be at a summer camp, in which we all have to find a space to lie down in, because we're all going to enter a dream together [Inception-style. No, I never once realized I was dreaming throughout this entire dream. Yes, I feel silly now.]. I climb into the upper bunk of one of the many bunk beds in the room. Addressing the group at large, I say something like, “Try to make space on the floor for everyone.” With my right hand, I push up the left sleeve of my shirt to expose the inside of my left elbow. I wait for someone to come around with an IV needle for me. I'm not looking forward to having the needle put in, and want to just get it over with already. [Exactly how I feel about them in real life.] I'm now in the first dream level, with the same group of people. Once again, we're all lying down, waiting to get IV needles put in. I think, We need to go into the deeper dream levels so that we can get into our stronger Digimon forms. I have the following knowledge about our current situation: We're in the midst of a mission to defeat some enemy, and in order to transform into the strongest Digimon forms we have available to us, we have to be several dream levels deep. This time, I actually feel the needle being stuck in, but not into my elbow - it gets stuck into the tip of my left thumb. It's still not a pleasant experience, of course. I can feel it in there, and can feel my pulse throbbing in the tip of my thumb. [Awesome. I love the premise of this dream. I'm slightly tempted to write crossover fanfic based on it, but I don't have time to write fanfic.]
Updated 06-14-2012 at 07:29 AM by 37356
=D I just noticed, but this is almost exactally 1 year from my last post! So, I have this guy I have been trying to contact in my dreams. BUT we are on completely opposite sides of the world, so finding a time to sleep when he is asleep too is really difficult. My question to everybody before I get into de good stuffs. Do you think he can feel me calling to him even when he is awake? He's spiritually aware like me sort of. THE DREAM 5/12 I may have had a dream or two before this one, but I can't remember them at all. From the first moment the dream formed, I was lucid. ~In real life, I had had a VERY stressful week with school AP testing and all that jazz. I had just finished my last test on Friday, and it had a lot of issues.. Luckily I turned it in on time ^^ and from then on I was just drained. So, I have learned that lucid dreams are more common [to me] just after releasing a lot of stress! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, first thing I notice is that I'm in my home. Difference is, it was illuminated like golden sepia tone-ish. I immediately freaked out a little, thinking "ohmigosh, I need to stabilize like what the internets said.. I tried looking down at my hands. It didn't work out well. My hands looked like triple vision, and they felt like it too. Just looking at them made me dizzy and unfocused. That itself made me freak out even more, so I tried out another technique, spinning. That didn't work either. Spinning made me tip a bit like when you lose your footing in a deep pool. For a few seconds I just stood still. It helped a bit, and my vision cleared. The best way from my experience, was to just walk. I didn't really think it into being, but feeling something like gravity keep me on the ground while I walked stabilized my focus a whole lot. From then on, I just stayed in my house, experimenting. I grew different body parts ;D and made my dog appear, played with him for a while. I ended up getting bored. I wanted to try out different scenery. So, I walk outside, and I see my neighborhood. Its night, and police cars and fire engines crowd the streets over on the right. "Uh uh, no way" I say! The worst thing I could imagine would be experiencing a nightmare while I'm 'awake' so to speak. Especially when I don't know the first thing I'm doing. So, I keep walking straight ahead, ignoring the scene. As I walk, he night seems to melt away. I don't pay much attention to the world around me, but the ground looked like a meadow in the early morning light. I tried calling to that guy I mentioned above. {Im mentioning this guy a lot in this post, so from now on I will call him Gach} At first I just tried calling his name, seeing if he would just appear from my saying it That didn't work, so I tried making him appear from my visual memory of him. The ground bulged a bit, but it didn't work. So, I tried one last time. That time, I reached out my hand, remembering the last time I held his face. I willed everything in me to just focus on that feeling. I had a little boom go off inside of me, and his face appeared right where my hand held it. His face was filled with love [hard to describe] and I felt that he missed something. That vision only lasted a second.. Anyway, walking on worked ^^ and I end up in an icy cliff place. I remember talking with some guy there. I think he was a climber. From then on, I can't remember. THE NEXT DREAM 5/13 I can only remember a few things that happened in this one. I was lucid, but I didn't try to control anything. I went along with everything that happened and explored a bit. I'm in some sort of laundry shop. I was somewhere else before that, doing who knows what, but I can't remember right now. SO, who else would be behind the counter than Gach? Immediately, I am overcome with doubt. "Okay, I'll just get my clothes and leave. He won't notice me." I talk to him a bit, order my stuff. All the while, I can see/sense him looking up at me every couple of seconds. I tried something crazy out though. Dream characters are from myself, but I did it anyways. I tried reading his mind. His mind didn't feel like my own. His thoughts were completely independent of my own. I was surprised for a moment, but we talked a bit, and I realized it really was him. We had a lot of fun, fell in love all over again. AND THEN.. ALIENS! A giant spaceship comes out of the sky. FEAR fills me to the brim, and yet I feel invigorated all at the same time. Oh, and I am back outside in front of my house for some reason while this happens. A huge monster truck-looking yellow and red space ship pops out of the big one and starts blasting waves of 'sound?' Waves ripple through the ground, bouncing me up and down. Everyone else runs away or in the house. 'course I'd be the only fool left out their thinking 'oh cool' while being tossed about by galactica surround-sound.. Another copy of that booming space ship pops out of the big one and does the same thing. The booms feel like their injecting awesomeness powers into me, but I still try bouncing on my butt right before the ripple hits, just in case the aliens are doing some freaky experiment or something. ~END
7/13/2011 I'm doing laundry. I had to soak everything for 15 minutes, then take it out. I was thinking of hanging everything up to dry. A disabled girl is waiting for the bus. A different bus than usual comes, and there is some confusion. I'm worrying about getting the laundry done right. Something about a van, an apartment, my brother M. I let the laundry soak in a cloth laundry basket. Then I take it all out and pour the water out. Something about an adventure or mission.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 There was a view of outer space, as if part of some documentary. The view swept between a bright star and, probably, two planets which were very close to each other. As it did, a narrator spoke about how the earth was in danger and how people should work to save the environment. But everything the narrator said seemed wrong. She seemed to mistake all the problems and come up with really silly solutions. As the narrator began talking about the problems on Earth regarding our water supply, the view swept down to "Earth," one of the two close-together planets. The planet was dark from high up in space. It looked like it was mostly dark, barren land with only a few wisps of clouds floating over it. The narrator's comments again seemed to annoy me with being so off-track. The view now seemed to sweep under some wispy cloud, possibly near a small, sharp mountain. I understood that I was supposed to be watching a space ship taking off somewhere. I was now on earth, at some place like an air base, looking up into the sky. It may have been late afternoon. The sky was cool, pale, tinged with pink. I seemed to have just finished watching a space ship or an airplane launching into the sky. I now turned my gaze back toward the ground. I was with two other "people." One of them was actually a computer-graphics car, like the red car from the movie Cars. The other person, and even I myself, may also have been CG cars. We headed across a stretch of concrete, over to a pick-up truck, which was not CG and not alive. We (cars) were apparently going to ride this pick-up truck away from the base. As we headed over to the pick-up truck, we talked about the environment, as if continuing the narrator's speech. I think I disagreed with everything said, but I spoke and laughed as if I agreed. We all got in the truck. I got in the bed of the truck, which was covered by a little shell. I got in by swinging myself under a horizontal bar placed just unde the roof of the shell. I'm pretty sure at this point I was a car. Even in the back of the truck I was continuing my talk with the other two people about the environment. Dream #2 I was in a cluttered living room with two other people. I may have been kneeling before a couch piled with papers and other stuff, possibly including some kind of sheer or lacy blanket. One of the people, who I never saw, was my friend. I'd come to this place with my friend to plan some kind of party. The house bellonged to the other person, a tall, kind of skinny man with olive-colored skin, longish, frizzy, black hair, and plastic-rimmed glasses. We were looking through piles of photos or headshots. We were trying to match something about the headshots with something about the attitude of the party, to decide how to make the party and who to invite. I ran across a kind of strange photo of a girl. She was maybe ten or eleven years old, and she had a kind of nerdly look. But something else about her made her look like a robot. It was like I could see that under her short skirt there was a bunch of gears and machinery. My friend (a woman?) saw that I found the photo a little strange. She snatched the photo out of my hands. Something about the girl was a secret, and the woman figured I was just about to ask what that secret was. The woman said, "This little girl was his (the man's) daughter." The man seemed to understand that I had caught on that the girl looked like a robot. The man, kind of as a confession, told me that the girl had been a robot. She had been like a daughter to him. But apparently she was no longer alive. Dream #3 I was in some strange, small space with my brother and sister and my mom's ex-boyfriend, TV. The place was supposed to be like a store. It looked like a mix between a sidewalk newsstand and an unfinished basement. The counter and front shelf were really small. The shelf area and the back area, behind the counter were lit with a kind of yellowy, fluorescent light. But evertyhing else was dark. TV stood behind the counter. My brother and sister stood before it. They were both little kids again. I stood off to their left, in shadows. I may have been a little kid, too. The shelves were all lined with detergent. TV had told us that he was looking for detergent so he could do our laundry. But, he said, the detergent he usually used was all gone. There were a lot of different kinds, but most of them were so different, they wouldn't work at all. It was like they weren't even detergent. TV really seemed to wish he could find the old kind of detergent. We kids were all hoping that TV could do our laundry. My brother handed TV a few different types of detergent. But TV rejected them. One of the detergents looked like a drink pouch with a big, thick, orange cap. Most of the boxes of detergent were yellow and orange. I was starting to think our laundry would never get done. But finally my brother found an old-fashioned looking box of detergent. The box was plain and yellow, and it had small writing, in a kind of old-fashioned font, all over each of its sides. This detergent was apparently the generic version of the kind that had run out. My brother handed this box to TV. TV accepted it, possibly a little reluctantly. It was good enough. So he'd be able to do our laundry. But TV still seemed like he'd rather wait until he got the kind of detergent he actually liked. Dream #4 I was living with my family. We had just gotten a maid. I had just come back from something like work. I was kind of excited to see how well the maid had cleaned the house. I may also have had a little bit of an arrogant feeling that the maid would say my room had been the cleanest to begin with. But my mom told me that the maid said I needed to clean my room better before she came to clean it. My mom said that the space under the bed had stuff under it, so she wasn't able to clean it. I seemed to be going up a stairwell to my bedroom. I was holding onto the straps of a backpack I was wearing. I slowly entered the room and looked under my bed. The carpet was really dusty. A crumpled pair of khaki slacks lay on the carpet. There was also a strange coffee cup which appeared to be either styrofoam or paper. But also seemed to be made of glass or ceramic. It had a white base, which faded up into a watercolory blue and green. There was a glass or ceramic flower with green petals and a pink center attached to its side. I could see how this stuff could have blocked the maid from cleaning under my bed. I was a little ashamed for not having realized I'd left this stuff here. Dream #5 The opening credits for some TV show were playing. The TV show was about some kind of normal American town, where all the characters were really normal and plain, except that they all seemed to have some sort of magic power or another. Each person had a different magic power. The opening credits gave a screen shot to each of the main characters, giving the actors name, the character's name, and a short description of the character. Most of the characters have escaped my memory. There seemed to be one blonde woman who looked like an average young mom. She wore a green cardigan sweater with a cherry-tree-branch design on it in black and white. She also wore skinny, black slacks. During her screen shot, she was doing something like shifting a pile of clothes from one place to another. The final person also caught my attention. He was by far the gaudiest person in the town. He may have been gay. He worked at some department store, like the store in the British sitcom "Are You Being Served." He had feathery, platinum blonde hair and tan skin. He wore some kind of flowing white shirt and a black vest. He also seemed to be adorned with huge, cubic, shimmering crystals. As well as being gay, he may have been the most "out" about having magic powers. His screen shot showed him in his department store, throwing his arms up in the air in some dramatic, magic gesture. The show now began. There were two women and one man in a very stage-like setting. The space was supposed to be a beauty salon. But it was just a huge stage with a polished white floor. One the right side was some scenery like neon cut-outs of trees and vegetation. But this was supposed to be the real outdoors. The man stood out near this area, wearing a white terry cloth robe and sipping some kind of fruit drink. The two women were near the center of the stage, by two chairs like dentist chairs. These were for beauty salon customers. There was some kind of contest. Whoever won would get a free treatment at the beauty salon. One of the women was the worker at the beauty salon. The other woman went to the salon all the time. The man began to mock the contest a little. He said, "Well, what happens if I win and I get to go to the beauty salon? What do you do to me?" The man was suddenly in one of the chairs, naked. As if he were asking if this would happen, his body was suddenly slathered in a bunch of white, painty material. The man was wiggling back and forth, making throaty "Agh!" sounds, as if he were digusted, but also acting like he loved whatever it was he was going through. He asked, "Is this what you would do to me if I won the contest." The customer woman now stood where the man had previously stood, by the neon paper vegetation. The man asked, "Is this what you do to her when she comes here?" The customer woman was really pretty. She was blonde, heavily made up and dressed in the style of a 1990s business woman, with a red dress exposing a V of chest. But now she was naked. She walked to the chair to the man's right. She got in the chair upside down and facing in toward the chair, so that her really nice rear end just kind of stuck way up in the air. I was hoping that the worker woman (red-haired, pale-skinned, with glasses, done up partly like a 1990s business woman and partly like Diane Keaton in the movie Manhattan) would start rubbing the naked customer woman down with whatever kind of white gunk the man seemed to be coated in. It felt like it would easily turn into some kind of erotic lesbian scene, which I would love. Dream #6 I was in a morgue, which looked a bit more like some kind of crafts workshop, or theatre's backstage construction area. The place was full of tables and equipment, most of which seemed suited to a factory. There was a mortician somewhere for a little while. But after a while, he was gone. I stood surrounded by a few work tables, like for cloth cutting or some other kind of craft. Across the way from me, though, a line of bodies were laid out on tables. The tables were all low, maybe knee-height. They all looked like work tables, and they were all separated from each other by kind of bulky pieces of equipment or machinery. I saw four or five bodies in the line. Two bodies to my right were of men wearing soccer outfits, as if they had been soccer fans or soccer players. One of the men wore a green uniform. The other wore a yellow one. Both men were short, a little stout, and Latino. They had slightly cut up faces. A woman's body was just off to my left. She was white, middle-aged, pale skinned, a little overweight. She had shoulder-length, red-brown-dyed hair. She lay on her back and seemed to be frozen in the position of taking a picture with her phone, which she held with both hands. Something like narration ran through my head about how every person dies frozen in the position of whatever they were doing the instant they died. The woman now turned her head toward me and said, "Yes. That's true." I was surprised that this dead woman had just spoken to me. But the narration said, "The dead can come alive to speak to the living when they have questions." The woman was struggling to sit up, but she seemed more like she was sliding off the table. But, still, she was cheerfully confirming what the narrator had just said. She told me she could stay alive long enough to answer my questions. I felt like it was really important to ask good questions and to focus on what was being told to me, because you don't get to talk to dead people every day.