non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Riverstone and Nighthawk at what I think is his place. There is a table with a feast and we are chillin. He is laying down on the couch. We have some weird interaction and I feel like he wants to speak with Riverstone alone, so I leave. He says he has some IT issues and hints that I might help out, so I offer to do so and he instructs me to go to an office room down the hallway. Outside on the hallway it feels like a hostel or guest house, not a private house. And indeed the office looks more like a cyber café, with dozens of computers and printers and people on many desks. I sneak peak into someone's work and seems like he is writting a thesis. I spot a pc that is the only one without someone working on it. By its side there are also some papers, of someone clearly working with it and maybe on a break, and I almost decide to steal the pc and leave with it, but then I don't. Instead I need to pee and go look for a bathroom. Weirdly, I have to go out on the street and walk back and forth some stone stairway at the top of some avenue, because the toilet stalls are all lined up on the sides of the street and stairway. I finally find one free, but despite my efforts, can't pee. (Wake up and really need to pee) I am in some weird surreal place, at first can't really characterize it, but looks kinda hellish, a barren land with a lake of lava or black oil on fire. I notice there is a big fuss and some dudes are fighting with some weird kind of weapons, and I try to walk away discreetly, but then all eyes turn to me because I have on my hands a bigger and more spectacular weapon than theirs. The weapons are hard to describe, but are sort of an eliptical light saber which we grab in the middle (which is void, maybe some kind of force field, but my hands can hold it). Everyone feels like I am challlenging them, so they stop fighting and start attacking me instead. I fight them off easily. I think I start becoming lucid and just drop the dream. Find myself in a dark empty space and decide to rip apart the dream fabric, quite literally, like a paper scenario. Behind it is total void and I plunge into it. The fall is short and I land with my back onto what appears to be the lower bed on a bunkbed. To my right is a wall, to the left is another bunkbed. People are sleeping in those. I get up and when walking to the door I have this clear feeling I should look up to whomever is on the top bunkbed. He just raised his head. It is my teacher. He smiles and extends his hand. I grab his hand and kiss it. I smile back and say "I am finally here" and we just smile at each other for a while. He comes down. A male attendant also gets up from another bed. I am surprised he can also see me. My teacher walks outside with me, and we are followed by his attendant, who is acting like a body guard, but not against me, against anyone else we might come across. We enter some kitchen or canteen and my teacher sits on a chair. I am holding his hand still and I lay my head on his lap and wrap my arms around his waist. He suggests I get a chair to and sit, but I hesitate, because I don't want to move. Eventually I agree to get a chair, but then wake up.
Updated 12-08-2021 at 10:28 PM by 34880
17th May 2021 Fragment: In a square or plaza, a place like L? Some kind of family gathering, we're right in the middle of the place. Some fuss is made about something (probably trivial) and L is there and maybe my cousin T. A throw is about to be put over the ground but as it is pulled out of whatever it was in, a pink skin-toned adult toy is dragged out along too. The toy bounces around unrealistically, somewhat out of control and taking a while to stop, with nobody being able to catch it. Even though it's not mine, I feel embarrassment over this since we're in such a public space. I feel this way because there are bystanders and I'm afraid of being judged by association? Later, I'm with my sibling T in a lava area. It's implied to be UT2k4 and we can do the dodge moves like in the game. We need them too, so we can cross a lava gap as we travel through the inside of a hollowed out tree trunk, which is all carbonised. I think to myself about it being lucky that the person who made the level didn't know how to do terrain properly, because it meant that there were very flat bits, making it easy to get across safely. I remember noticing and briefly inspecting the terrain tessellation. Notes: - I'd recently been making a level on UT2k4's editor but I stopped working on it kind of abruptly even though I didn't consciously want to. I seemed to have stopped after remembering and feeling sad that nobody will ever play my maps, since the game is mostly dead and obscure now. -- In that map, I finally learned how to do terrain, which is a large feature for the map. - The lava place was atmospherically volcanic, but I don't recall any smells or ambience sounds. - Thinking about the fact that I was only with T in the second part... We used to do a lot of things together and in the dream, I think as a person it seemed like he was more like when we were younger. - My family never shares anything about our sex lives or anything relating to that part of life. I have always felt there's an awkward silence to all of it. The spontaneous, silly and uncontrolled situation with the toy in the dream, I think it reflects part of this. -- On the other hand, on the few occasions I've spoken to my parents about such things I ended up feeling embarrassment, probably because it was never normalised as a topic of conversation.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening On vacation with friends. They go hike up a mountain. I was also planning to go, but I miss it for some reason. Look at it from a distance. Don't want to give up. I find some Asian group renting a transport to go there and I go with them. With my friends on top of mountain, there is an earthquake, we head for some type of railcar that goes downhill. But half way we see a river of lava flowing to our right side and crossing the rails a bit ahead of us. At that time some kids in very primitive clothing come out from the jungle around us and signal a stone platform where it is safe for us to jump to. When we are safe we follow them into the jungle. They never speak and when we try to talk to them, they get silently angry. They live in a small village and welcome us into different houses. The whole town is silent and soon we learn why. The forest is filled with dinosaurs and they keep this place secret by staying silent, since the dinosaurs don't naturally wander into this place except they know they're there. With friends at a table. On another table is Rinpoche with other people. One of them comes tell me to go to that table and meet Julie A.. I get up and realize I am topless, but I just use my long hair to cover my breast. When I am there I can't even see Rinpoche properly as he is surrounded by so many people. But Julie hands me a kind of cornucopia shaped tube with something written on it. Some note telling me to take what's inside. But it is empty! Except when I go back to my table, when magically it becomes heavy and filled with some liquid that I almost completely spill - manage to drink a bit. Then some sort of biscuits appear and I eat a few. Seems dog food. I offer the rest to a dude passing by walking a bunch of dogs, for the benefit of the dogs. Then I try to read what else is written on the tube, but it becomes nonsensical and each time I read it, it changes. Then I remember it might be because I am dreaming, I get lucid but unfortunately I wake up.
Updated 08-07-2019 at 07:07 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Going through an office, like a school or library administration, until someone detects I am not a worker there. But I am trying to go across and find the exit or a passage or access to some place and I say I am just leaving. (This is a recurrent dream). Then with mom at what seems like a museum and we are caught in the middle of people marching or parading. I see a giant snake gliding on the floor between them. For some reason we start following them while singing along Bohemian Rhapsody. Then we continue our path on the street. It's already dark and we need to be careful as by the side of the road, there are lots of potholes with lava. I see someone falling into one but doesn't die. Instead, he gets his legs covered in lava as if it is jam or something sticky. Surprised to find that my house has a basement and lots of storage space and my dad saying "I told you, you would forget about all the rooms you have in such a big house". Except that no, it is not my house but a house I visited when looking for a place to buy. We had loved this house but the price was so high we didn't even argue with the salesperson, we just left. Also, the house is in the city, why did we even check it out? As we leave, I notice my mom looks much younger and thinner, must be about my current age. Then I visit my uncles in Amadora, at their first house that I can only remember in dreams, but it looks different. The streets are modernized. They used to be just empty land and now there is a brick pavement all around with nice parking lots. It's like I am accessing memories and rearranging and changing them.
I am at Matt and Sara’s house (not sure if it really looks like it). It is pretty dim in here and dark outside. There is a natural disaster occurring; I see a red glow outside. What I’m fairly certain is lava is coming up through the floor. It seems to be coming in through almost every side, but I am able to escape. Outside is almost no better; lava is flowing down the street towards me. I narrowly avoid it. I think Matt, Sara, and Makayla were still in the house, and I hope they’re okay. I am walking away, trying to distance myself from the lava/fire, when I call Dad. I tell him I’m headed a certain direction, to which he tells me angrily that is the wrong way to go. I guess it is worse that way. I get slightly angry at his quickness to anger, like he doesn’t trust my autonomy. With a slight bite to my voice, I tell him I’m fine and safe. I try to call Melissa and Makayla, with no answer. I end up in a Qdoba or something similar. Kenny is working here (he looks younger and older at the same time. I think he has a small mustache). I’m not sure if he recognizes me as I approach the counter. I think I ask what comes on something, and he says he’ll tell me when I pick something. I chose a taco, and he tells me what’s on it. One of the ingredients is bacon. I tell him that’s all okay. I then ask for just a medium sized drink. He moves to the register (to my right) and rings everything up. The total ($8) appears and then goes down, before disappearing completely. I didn’t mind paying and didn’t expect this, but Kenny just chuckles. I go for a fist bump, but he goes to shake it. I go to fill the pretty large plastic cup. I think I end up contacting everyone and finding out that they’re okay. I am going somewhere with Melissa and her mom and dad. I’m driving Melissa, following her dad. It looks like we’re in a fairly large city, though the roads are not too bad. I am following a map and turn where it says to, though Carlos has gone straight. The turn does seem kind of wrong. Immediately, Carlos calls and tells me he knows what the map says, but to not go that way. I start turning around. We end up parking outside of some buildings. They are tall, with a gently sloping grassy area with a paved walkway nestled amongst them. There is a car parked so close to two low rock walls I don’t even know how it fit. We don’t see Carlos’ car, but we know this is the place, so we get out and start to look for them. We spot them walking through a sort of very small outdoor plaza that mostly looks like a patio. I also see Sage’s mom sitting out here. I’m wondering if she’ll see me. I must also see Granny, because I message Sage, saying how I saw my mom’s mom with her mom. I am now sitting on the cement with Carlos and Melissa. We are packing for a trip, but we are packing sausages? They are little pieces in what looks like an ice tray. Carlos breaks them out and puts them nicely in a small but long black bag. After a while, I start helping. We had them in nice rows, but those start to fall apart. There’s also some loose rice in the bag. Melissa starts putting small pieces of white cheese in the bag, before her dad says she doesn’t need to. I want some though, so I keep putting a few pieces in. We are packing for a lot of people - 60? I’m holding a Ziploc that has two plastic containers in it. I think they are full of water, so I add water to one. I am then under the impression that they are sunscreen, so I feel bad for messing it up. Melissa then tells me it is only water. We are now in a small, cement corner type area. There’s a Deadpool movie theater cardboard cut-out. We hold it up because we think Carlos will like it. Some others show up, about 3-4 guys and girls probably in their mid 20s. They start climbing up this large cut-out. I spot them. One of the guys drops down, bending his legs completely and bringing his whole body down to absorb the impact. There are holes in it, which is what they’re using to climb it. One of the girls is getting mad at them for doing it. This only provokes me. Dressed like Spiderman? I start climbing it. I initially pull myself up with just one finger in a hole at the top of my reach. I climb further than the others did. I start to swing out, a seemingly tense moment for everyone, but my feet land on a brick wall, on which I just barely balance and stand on. I then grasp it and lower myself down first before jumping the rest of the way to the ground. I think I was talking to the girl through all of this. The other say I just completely destroyed her (because she thought we shouldn’t be doing this?). I’m thinking I should’ve done a backflip at the end. I’m in a high school gym with Melissa. Something is going on; the bleachers are fairly full. We slow and look for a space to sit. There’s an empty row at the top, which we take. People are throwing a ball around, up and down the bleachers. We end up with all of our clothes off, but covering ourselves partially with a blanket. Melissa and I are staying at my grandma's house. Our bed is not even in a bedroom, just out in the open. I think we have been or are having sex. I hope we haven’t been too loud.
Day before yesterday DREAM This was very cool, very long, detailed and it had a beginning, middle and the end. I'm in a low flying airplane. Coming in for a landing. Pilot finds a dirt road out in the hills and lands on it. We are rolling on the ground, up the slight hill, hoping to come to a stop without hitting anything. Then we turn left, parallel to the hill and I think we are going to turn down hill now and roll down and crash. But no, we come to a stop. I'm thinking pilot turned the plane like that so we can take off easier. We walk on the grassy hill to a restaurant. Look around and we decide to have lunch, then go back to the plane and continue. I know we are somewhere far, but have no idea where. I look for signs, anything that would say the name of the place. Someone says Puerto Rico. I'm happy. My best friend M from childhood decide to skip lunch and go look around. We are in Puerto Rico and we want to see the ocean. I look to the left, and from the top of the hill I see blue of the ocean. I say "aaaand there it is". We head down on a winding dirt path and end up by a bay. She wants to go in the hotel to look around. So we walk through the hotel, but I keep telling her that we are gonna get caught, because we are not guests there. She eats from a buffet and she wants to use the pool. But I urge her not to and we just walk around. It's a huge hotel, with pools, hallways, place outside that's in a shade, beach is rocky with clear ocean water. I keep telling her we should head back, so we don't miss the plane leaving. Suddenly there is a voice on a PA system about intruders. We gotta run. We are dodging security guys through doors. As we are leaving the complex, I see another bay. It's possible to walk-skip on large rocks mostly hidden under the water, only the tops are showing. So you can go like that deep into the ocean. My perspective changes and now I'm looking at the bay from the ocean, not from the beach. Someone is showing a map and explaining, how the ocean bottom suddenly drops into great depth just where the skipping rocks end. DREAMS last night Telescope Someone is showing me and my dad a new type of a telescope. It's small, but it should be really good. Looking at all the controls. Lava On the shore of a lava pool. Lava is all white. People are watching how some people are dipping in the lava. Some kind of a ritual, or just display of machismo. Guy comes out, all covered in white lava, and as it cools, he kinda just rolls it off of him. There is a girl and they dip her back in a lake. I tell someone to stand back, because it can splash on us, and that's when I feel lava on me. It's really hot. I don't understand how those people don't die from it. They pull this girl out and she is in bad shape. I don't understand why are they doing this.
I'm in my front yard with my neighbors. The idea is that the girl from stranger things (millie) is going to be at some conference and I want to go see her. Later on in the dream I'm on this tropical island in a giant field. There's a massive volcano in the background. There's a woman speaking out loud about giving birth. I find myself walking under this wooden tower. All around me are naked women laying down in different sections, almost like pods or maybe parts of the grass that are shaved down to rectangles absent of grass for the women to lay in. It was strange because none of the women looked pregnant, but instead were sunbathing. I was tempted to look at their bodies but at the same time was trying not to look. The volcano in the background exploded and huge portions of lava were raining down onto the field. I thought that everyone was going to die and this was the end. I walked down a hill close to a darker spot that opened up. There was a girl there that was bending below me. It felt like I was having sex with her but it didn't seem to work.
5/4/18 (L)x2 At an unfamiliar house somewhere. It had an empty yard and a hardwood kitchen. I was briefly lucid a couple times, but didn't do anything about it either time. 5/6/18 Bear Grylls was placed on top of a mountain in British Columbia. I skipped ahead to near the end, where he found a paced trail with people on it. They noticed. Also, the weather was cloudy the whole time. I rewound the video to an earlier point. Later, I was in a cold cabin, where I had a snow machine setup. If it was cold enough, it would shoot out ice. The weather where was sunny clear, and the time of day was morning. There were multiple other people in this apparently single-room cabin. 5/7/18 -F-I was watching a Dreams video. -F-I was watching something about cops in LA. -F-The 12th Doctor was doing something involving a dark room and incorrect lighting. -F-I was near a wood cabin in eastern Washington, possibly in the cascades. 5/8/18 (L) -1-After a scene fell apart, things heated up, trees melted, and I became lucid. I jumped into a pool of lava and grabbed a red ball before messing around with electric floating objects above the lava pool. -2-At college, I got in the car and drove to a southeast corner of the campus to find a building, but it didn't exist. Later, I had a device that displayed and recorded my dreams on a monitor. Later still, some guy made illustrations for high-profile MLP fanfics. Finally, back at college again, it was approaching night, so I drove ther car through the snow to the far parking lot, where nothing of interest was. There was a random moment where I passed Hbox at an intersection.
A bad guy forces me to lead him to treasure. We make our way to an underground cavern. It's dark and there is a large pile of rubble or something. The bad guy looks around and I focus a set of silver wings, clothes and stuff. These are Rhewin's stuff. I'm sure of it. I feel sad and wonder what ended his life. There's another set of wings and clothes nearby that belong to another member from the same forum, but I can't recall anymore whose those were. Half of the cavern is dark and there's a deep pit. I realize that this is a dragon's lair. The exits are suddenly blocked and temperature starts to climb. I back into a corner and the bad guy realizes he's trapped. "You trying to kill me?" he asks. The heat starts to melt stone, the ground crumbles and reveals more lava. The heat starts to sting...a lot, but I'm very heat resistant and strongly believe I can outlast the bad guy. I focus on staying out of the lava as long as I can. The bad guy is struggling, but still alive. My skin is turning red and it hurts a lot. "It's ok. I'm resistant to heat. It's just pain. Fight through it." I tell myself. The bad guy collapses and I see the shape of a massive dragon in the dark part of the cavern. Interesting dream. Feeling pain is never fun, but I felt pretty badass outlasting the bad guy.
Cool dream last night. Long and detailed, some convos with DCs. We get to a building with my school class. I know that lave eruption and flow is imminent, and as we enter some room where we suppose to do something and spend some time, I see orange glow from underneath the floor. The floor has wooden pieces and in the gaps between them I can see lava, and the floor is partially translucent like some milky glass. I tell them if we stay, we will die. We need to leave. NOW. It's gonna happen withing seconds. Someone left on a train and I'm looking down in a valley, in a distance, how the train has made a u-turn and it's coming back. I'm not sure the person I'm waiting for will make it back on time for us to escape. But I'll wait. TOTM attempt monday night. I did my usual. 3:20am GPC, 1 hour of sleep, then WBTB at 4:25 GM at 4:50 am When I heard the chime at 6 am, I figured I'm about 20 min into a lucid, and it went for 20 more min. It was weird. I was not able to get away from my body. I woke up and for a few seconds if not minutes I was trying to figure out where I am, and I came up with answer that I don't know. If childhood house or current place, or somewhere else, I didn't know. I just was not able to sense, like you are able to sense the position of your bed and it's relation to your room and house in the morning just after you wake up. I assumed I'm in my parents bedroom, after they are no more, so in the future. Had hard time getting up from bed and into a dream. Still managed to do some jumping, bicycle and squash. Whatever that mean, coz I don't remember anymore.
first Yuschak Extended Play Trigger (8, 500, 300 elemental) (see previous DJ entry/entries for what I am doing here with pictures) 10/11/15 float up to investigate brightness in distance but two moons stacked vertically and colorful planet further to right and redish-purple instead. LD#2: all sexual 10/12/15 playing with fingers trippy DILD 10/10/15 sex with wife, visual off DILD #392-395
It was on the planet Mars. A space station was built on it's surface, with the most modern technology currently available. Something strange have happened there, and a red fog was covering all the tight corridors. I was walking inside some dark tunnels, trying to find my way around that strange place. I heard two persons wandering these tunnels, and even saw them once too. It was a scientist and a technician, they were talking about some kind of massacre happening in the station. I finally found my way from tunnels, which were in the lower sector, to the surface dome. In the middle of the dome there was a huge pool of lava, and there were some building on the sides. In the middle of the pool there was a powerful demon, though I somewhat can't recall it. It shot missiles of red energy at me, which were hard to avoid. An idea came to me - building a forge, to create armor protecting me from these missiles. After a while of wandering in the dark, I heard a speaker voice "Reactor core coolant error!". Blue emergency lights turned on in the tunnels, and I heard machinery turning on - the coolant reached hyperactivity, and started to freeze all the space station. I thought to myself "I should be invincible now." and so I was invincible, and I have gained abillity to phase through walls and objects. I watched as the ice slowly covered walls of the tunnels, and walked there for a while. Then I floated up to the dome - the lava was still present, but demon was nowhere to be found. I ripped some tiles from the floor, getting to lava underneath them, and started to build a lava powered forge.
It was in a harbor city on a tropical sea. On the nearby island a demon living in a volcano was defeated, leading to strong earthquakes. I was on a wooden platform, when the earthquakes happened, and the island started to fall into the sea. A group of sailors joined me on the way to one of ships, but someone chased us. The water was raising as we were escaping, and streams of lava flown in some parts of town. To escape, we had to jump over one of those streams. Most of us did it easily, though someone almost fallen into the lava. I have jumped into the lava, while pushing the man in the air, so he would land on the ground. I have melted in the heat, though one of the sailors that haven't jumped yet said "Life for life. I give you one more life." and took an amulet into his hand. I resurrected on the ground, and escaped to the ship. The sailor with amulet was there too.
Morning of April 2, 2015. Thursday. I am sitting in the back seat (on the right side) of an unknown car which is facing north, in the central area of a parking lot of a medium-sized shopping center (probably near Shopko regarding the streets and general layout that appears later on). My wife is in the front seat but on the passenger side on the right (we seem to be in America in La Crosse, though she has never been there in reality). Over time, two unfamiliar younger light-haired males (that remind me vaguely of rock stars from the 1980s but are dressed informally) get in the car and then argue and physically fight (not that violent, just pushing each other around) over who is going to drive. Finally, they both get out without even seeming to notice either of us. Soon, another young male gets into the car, which is somewhat of a surprise as I had decided I might drive us myself. The young male, wearing an unbuttoned denim jacket, reminds me vaguely of a young Lionel Richie though he seems completely unknown in-dream at the time. I ask him if he needs any money and he passively acknowledges that he does with a slight nodding. I give him two ten dollar American bills, although that amount seems embarrassingly small to give if he needs food for the day. Oddly, even though I am not at all lucid, I will them to change into two fifty dollar bills, which they do without much mental effort. I hand him the money and so he will then drive us to our next destination. He seems slightly tired and world-weary but is cheerful. (There is possibly a play on “Rich” here, as well as a focus on the “hello” vocalization of his song “Hello”.) From here, my dream goes into a fairly rare state of me completely ignoring the implications of the environment as if I was not fully “in” my dream (even though I technically am, and fully in-body). There is some sort of nearly inaudible “music” that seems to be caused by “tidal waves” of lava coming from the west of Third Street (and me additionally expressing my illogical and unlikely boredom of the event with some sort of dull mental “humming” of a mostly static melody). The streets at this point seem elevated by about four feet by volcanic rock and streaming lava. We travel in the car through the lava and cooled volcanic rocks for several blocks without much difficulty (I seem to be “mentally driving” the car at this point for the most part even though the other male is still technically driving) even though “everything” else (including most of the commercial buildings) is being destroyed. Curiously, I am somewhat annoyed by the imagery but otherwise think nothing of it. My dream takes on a very dull and bland awareness and emotion at this point, but grows again in vividness and comfort in the next scene. Eventually, we are at our house, possibly somehow now in Australia on Stadcor Street, though rotated ninety degrees westerly to the earlier established directions (overall layout) of Wisconsin. I notice that we do not have that much bread, though I am preparing to use some raisin bread (from about one-quarter a loaf left) to make a ham and cheese sandwich (as there is no other fresh bread). It seems the previous volcanic “tidal wave” and streets covered with both cooled and ongoing lava streams was so inconsequential I have already seemingly “forgotten” about it at that point in-dream. My family seems cheerful, though there is a slight awareness of how ridiculously expensive bread is as well as how it often does not even last a day or two without going moldy (and is sometimes already moldy in the store). There is also a slight awareness of how store shelves are growing more and more empty with less and less workers acknowledging customers and even a hint of reasonable service (at least in this region).
Did a natural WBTB at about 5:40, I stayed up for only 10 minutes this time but it was pretty light outside so I had some trouble going back to sleep again. I originally had some notes on my dream app that I was going to reference but that was erased unfortunatly so I'll have to type this from memory which will make the fragments even shorter. Non-Lucid Questioning Lucid Fragment 1 I was in a beautiful steampunk inspired city that was floating on an island in the clouds. I was with another boy and we were traversing the city trying to help someone while trying to avoid the police. We were being questioned by an officer and decided to take him to the museum so he would get bored and leave us alone. Fragment 2 I was with a group of survivors in an abandoned house surrounded by lava which had covered the entire Earth. I was sent on a scavenging mission and remember running away from something before the dream faded. Frgment 3 I was in a doctors/scientists office and he had a huge magnifying glass pointed at me. I got up from my chair and looked at a hologram of the Earth which appeared to be made out of lego, I glanced behind me and the magnifying glass was lego. I took a couple pieces from the glass and the doctor/scientist told me to put them back. Not very long but that's to be expected when I'm doing it from memory a couple of hours later. Gonna keep doing WBTB and try going to bed earlier so I can wake up naturally when it's still dark. - Have another Lucid Dream - Bend all 4 elements - Tell a DC I'm dreaming and see their reaction - Fly - Find my Dream Guide or have them find me