Handful of Jamie flashes. One where we are both in a car . I'm holding her hand while driving. Another flash she is just holding me and we both seem happy. Last flash was just a sex related one. Had a few non lucids without Jamie. 2 of them were McDonald's related. Dreamed I was working there again temporarily. Last flash I was in a courtroom where a lawyer was talking to a judge. They said something about Jamie so I was asking about how they knew her
Really need to finish catching up on DJ, getting close to current dreams now. I also feel I maybe do need to start giving proper titles to my DJ entries for quicker reminders at a glance of what they're about. I don't like doing it sometimes because I often change my mind about what the focus of the dream was. 11th August 2020 Dream: Somewhat fragmented. One of the first parts was inside a building, nicely decorated. Public works type of building. Something about me needing a Greek lawyer, without this lawyer some cronies would just be able to punch me as much as they wanted or something? Marble flooring and generally ornate detailing. Don't remember much else. Then I remember coming out from my old home building's main entrance. I casually walked across the short distance to the entrance of the shop here. The fruit stands weren't where they'd normally be. They were all piled up on top of one another by the entrance, kind of. There was a basket with green pears. The entrance seemed wider than I remember it? Theo was standing there, watching, so I asked him for some of those pears and he asked how many. Three, I replied for whatever reason. He put the pears in a clear plastic bag and then I walked closer and he gave them to me. Then I went in the shop and he returned to his usual business. It was surprisingly busy inside. The layout was a slightly altered version of how I remember it, but with a bit of expansion that wouldn't be physically possible. (In which direction?) I roamed around inside the shop. There was a display counter (where he'd typically have the cheeses, hams, etc.) and I saw some of those heart shaped pastries I like in there. I got two and put them away somehow, in a bag? I remember looking around a bit more but then the next thing I remember is being outside and walking back toward the building's entrance. Mom came out of the main entrance, I think, and T was arriving from the main entry point into the cul-de-sac. I remember thinking this was all in good timing, as we could then have an afternoon snack together or something. Notes: - I think I feel this dream is something of a closing chapter on some of my older memories. My family looked as they do now and I felt as I do now. But the shop had already changed after I first left. Theo no longer owns and runs it and that's a part of my childhood that will remain nothing more than a memory now. - I can't remember why three may have been significant (three can always be significant for whatever reason we want, there were three pears and three of us and so on...) but the dream's choice of fruit in the pear was probably because I had recently had thoughts about having pears, a fruit I haven't had in quite a long time now. - Though I don't remember the details specifically anymore, I think it was a sunny day. - I have a rather peculiar thing with timings, for some reason. The encounter of my mom and my sibling just as I'm coming back to the building's entrance is just such a simple example of my peculiar timings but over the last few months I have found myself having a lot of passing thoughts about my timings.
First dream It was cold, December night. I was walking back to home, and saw two hooded shapes. They were stealing from a local shop. I came closer, then the alarm started, and police arrived. They took me to the jail for a year, before even the judgement came. The next year I was in home, working on my laptop. It was midnight. I was making a level for Half-Life, texturing and compiling it. Suddenly a woman arrived. Tall, slim, brunette. She was my lawyer. She wanted to talk with me, so I went from my room to the living room. I sat on the couch, while she took a seat on the armchair in front of me. I felt really tired. My lawyer told me that the police never had anything to prove my guilt, and that I can make a trial against them. Precognitive dream recalled? *Today when I was on a lesson, I had a strange feeling. I made an RC and looked around, watching the rooms layout, everyone present, and what was going on. Somehow, I have realised that I saw this all before. Everything matched with the dream I had over a few months ago!*
I dream about a man... he is fairly wealthy, he's a respected lawyer. He's tall, with pale skin, blue eyes and very short blond hair. Something happens - he has a mental breakdown, or something - and he loses his job, and everything he owns, and ends up homeless. Rather than hang around the city, where people might recognize him, he heads out into a more rural area. He's always looking for somewhere to hide in order to sleep... bushes, thick brush, etc. The landscape is very Midwest. It's harder than you'd think, partly because farmers pay attention to what's going on on their land, and partly because in order to be able to get any of the stuff he needs to survive, he still needs to stay near the highway. He's sleeping in some brush when his ex-wife recognizes him one day, and it's very uncomfortable. He makes friends with a kid who wanders around the countryside. The kid is a little boy, also blond... he has run away from home. Even so, his family is very poor. The two of them find the dilapidated ruins of an old house. A company started building houses, but never finished them because the economy tanked and they ran out of money. A little girl lives in one of the other half-built, decaying houses. "Their" house has graying wood siding with peeling blue paint. It has 3 floors. It's mostly unfinished, without a roof or anything, although it does have a trapdoor up to the attic. Naturally, because this is one of my dreams, the house is haunted. The lawyer guy camps out in the attic for a while. The kid takes one of the downstairs bedrooms... despite being half-built, the house still has broken down looking beds in its bedrooms. Lawyer guy has lots of sheets of paper that he likes to arrange in stacks. After a while, the attic gets too uncomfortable because it's too haunted. The kid feels things pull on his leg all of the time. But it's shelter and sleeping out in the elements is still worse. The kid's mom eventually shows up. She decides that maybe she'd like to buy the house and fix it up. She realizes that the lawyer guy is camping out there... he's worried about what she'll think about him hanging out with her kid, if she thinks he's dangerous, even though he cares about the kid a lot. There's another kid, a shitty rich kid, who likes to pick on the poor kid. They have a competition involving bottle rockets, and the mean kid sabotages the poor kid's rocket. The poor kid is distraught, because making his rocket cost him a lot of money (for him). The kid has a crush on a girl, a mutual friend of theirs... she's a bit chunky, with brown hair that goes past her shoulders. One day she starts flirting with him, kissing him, etc... he figures out she had a fight with her boyfriend (the rich kid) and she's just doing this as "revenge". He gets pissed, and tells her to get lost. Somehow, he ends up falling down an embankment next to the house. He feels something try to shove him into the highway. He grabs onto a tree, but feels it trying to peel his fingers from around the trunk. I wake up. Review: Dream clues: - Spectator perspective - Haunted house - Ghost
In this dream I was a lawyer or anyway working on a high profile legal case, helping some sports celebrity, or rather some owner of a sports team - not sure but he was connected to sports,very rich, famous, but not actually doing the sport himself. In my dream I was single and my boss was trying to help me out, and thus in addition to being assigned to this case he had also set up a number of one on one meetings with this client, which had the potential to turn into dates. There was a class of some sort and the students who were mostly grown women were asked why is is such a high profile legal case, and they could not answer it, but I did "Not only is the client a celebrity in the sports business, but also this case is of crucial importance to the US Department of Defense." Then there was a scene in a class room of sorts and I was there with a man who in my dream was either my ex or an on and off again boyfriend. the famous client passed in the hallway, and I told the man I was with that not only am I on his case but I have a number of one on one meetings scheduled with this client and they are turning into dates. I had the sense that the man I was talking to was jealous but the wrong king of jealous: he was not jealous of me, but rather jealous that I had that close encounteres with this famous sports world guy. I realized that I was hoping my friend would be jealous of me, upset that I had dates with another man, but he appeared too star struck to notice. Fragment: in this dream there was a buffet of sort and I was there with my friends, a husband and wife who are Muslim. They were eager to try Pierogi, which is a specialty from my home country Poland. pierogi actually is a stuffed pasta, but in my dream they appeared to be alcohol filled chocolates. It appeared there was only one left and the wife (my friend took it) before I could warn her that there was alcohol in it. I wondered whether I should tell her, but then I figured the harm was already done, plus if she took it unknowingly surely it would not be a blemish on her Muslim religious practice. the husband meanwhile was eagerly taking another "pierogi", which appeared to actually be a gingerbread cookie. I hesitated whether to tall him that that was not a pierogi, because his wife had had the last one, but then I thought that he seemed eager to try a pierogi, this gingerbread cookie was also a Polish specialty, the wife had already had a real "pierogi" so the husband could not, and if there had been one left he too would have broken the no alcohol religious rule, so I decided to let him think that the gingerbread cookie was also a pierogi.
Dream 1(fragment): I recall being in some kind of futuristic vehicle and then visiting some kind of a base. Dream 2(fragments): I was in team of villains and we were doing some stuff and i had some type of ability, we had an hideout and there was some kind of mechanism, but it was not working anymore. Then something went wrong and i was kicked off the team. Then i was in some video game, that was some first person shooter with guns, but later it transformed into an RTS. It looked like an combination of Warcraft 3 and Starcraft, there were units and buildings from both. The mission was to protect the base, but most of the attackers were SCVs for whatever reason, though they were rather powerful SCVs. Marines were defending the base and there were bunkers too, some mages were supporting them and workers were building more buildings. I was controlling some special builder that was technically helping the base, but he had other plans and the objective was to not let anyone discover that it's special builder till certain point in the game. Enemy units were becoming more powerful with time and base was getting more buildings with more powerful units too, but in the end, very massive dark thing arrived at the mountain to the north. That was the time to use special abilities of builder, i morphed him into 'living' building and started made a special unit. As it was ready video game switched back to first person and i was controlling that unit. Game got to the point where there was mass of the buildings that were spawning black dragons to attack that huge enemy, but there was not much success until i attacked it with my unit. The size of that enemy was so huge that it was bigger than the whole base, he was attacking using dark energy projectiles but he ended up destroying units on his side as i was dodging them with my unit, making me laugh. Then i started throwing series of huge fireballs at him, that were so powerful, they were knocking him back! In the end, the enemy was destroyed. And dream skipped. Can't recall much after that but there i was in tunnels and there was some problem for which i had to hire a lawyer apparently.
I am on my laptop looking up Apollo Justice 3 (There's only Apollo justice and its a good game if you want to be a lawyer) On Youtube there is a playthrough of it except there is only sound and no video, there is a link in the description box that leads to an emulator. Suddenly I end up in Aperture Labs and I hear Glados say "You are not suppose to be here, I cannot harm you" I then get pushed into a red couch and the couch then descend to the floor. I have a portal gun now. I am in a room where I need to cross a giant gap. So I put a portal high up on a wall and one on the floor. I jump down and start to fall down. I go through my bottom portal again and fling to the other side.
First I'm at a meeting of a company. They're talking about hiring lawyers. I'm not concentrating very well, I'm mostly paying attention to the static in the visual field. This is a meditation I might actually do in a really boring meeting. Second I'm a lawyer, in court defending someone against the company. The company people give a rating to all the lawyers in the room that they haven't hired yet. I get a C, which apparently is not bad at all. Then they say, in the middle of the session, that they wish to hire me.
Lucid: I was on my bed. I heard the lucid dreaming induction, and I realized I was in a dream. I "woke up" and saw the surroundings in a spiral. I can barely make sense of the view. I also forgot to take off my contacts, so I might have subconsciously included that fact in my lucid dream. I tried to "follow" to spiral, as I felt my legs move or float towards the wall, and beyond the wall. Then I was standing in my room, but everything is still out of focus. I got dizzy, and then I was back on bed. I thought I woke up, but I immediately went into another dream. Non-Lucid: I was in a room with a LOT of people I "know," or at least in the dream. I don't know any of them in real life, yet I felt some sort of kinship with them. We were gathering for something. We're a music or band. I'm not sure if we were setting up the place or bringing it down. After a while, a new set of people arrived. Another "band," but they're still part of the "group." One I distinctly remember has long, curly/wavy hair reaching past his shoulders. I think he wore red shirt. We rearranged the place, putting up some chairs. I checked the nearby room, but the chairs there are mostly broken down, or at least not good to support people. Then everyone's gone. Probably elsewhere. But "I" was "under" or viewing the underside of houses. I think it's the same house, but I'm looking at the "underground" of each rooms. I, along with a companion (not sure who, or whether it was a guy or girl), looked at how some of them have dripping "water," and how the spot immediately below it is wet. Some are clean. It seems they "throw" those wet stuff into a "hole" on the floor, and it drips down to the ground. Then some police arrived. They were looking for us. We had to hide. I saw a closet, and went into it with my companion. I hoped to remain invisible amidst the variety of stuff in that room/closet. I was in an office, with lawyers. We talked about something. A case? Then something about a 10-year-old girl?