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    1. A Couple of Nonlucids After a Late Night - August 30

      , 08-30-2018 at 07:12 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Aug 30 2018

      Long NL, the first thing I remember is walking up a staircase or ladder and entering a dark basement. It is finished and in some memories it extends lengthwise to my left and right with no windows, but in others it's small and box-shaped, closing in all around with a window in front of me under an eave. In both memories, there are cardboard boxes all around, and right in front of me there is a broken light bulb. I'm yelling downstairs to someone that the bulb is broken (I remember there are two lit floors below me). It felt like several others were in the house with me.

      Short NL when I fell back asleep after dismissing my alarm in the morning. I'm at a table in France. I'm a spectator, possibly without physical manifestation or presence. To the left is an american couple, to the right a french couple from another region of france. Both are travelling to this region and sampling some food. The backdrop is empty whiteness. The americans are making fools of themselves, and the french are snooty about it. I remember being both of them, and cutting open some toasted bread. There was also red sauce involved somehow (were these meatball subs?), and the dream ended with the frenchman laughing.
    2. Giant Thistle Shadows

      by , 10-17-2015 at 04:17 PM
      Morning of October 17, 2015. Saturday.

      I am in an unknown room that does not have many discernible features other than perhaps a table and chair.

      An unknown person is present on my left, seemingly male, but I do not look at them directly at any point. I get the impression that they may be in their late twenties.

      I notice what I first take to be a couple palm tree silhouettes on the wall near a sash window. I think it may be some sort of wallpaper design or painting. Soon however, it seems to move slightly. I realize that it is the shadow of an oversized thistle or two. I consider what would happen if I blow on it, with the idea of how seeds would appear to float out from the plant.

      I blow, and what I first think to be small bird silhouettes are moving to the right from out of the area where the seeds would otherwise be. Looking more closely, I see that it is an army of small black spiders that I must have disturbed. I move back out of slight wariness, but perhaps I was wrong about what I saw.

      I blow again farther to the left, and it does appear that thistle seeds, or rather, their silhouettes, are moving along the wall. “Well, how about that?” I say, but some of them somehow crash into the light bulb and make it sizzle and flicker. The light bulb is hanging down from a cord just above head level and has a pull chain.

      After a time, I no longer see the floating seed silhouettes or the silhouette of the plant on the wall but I do then see what seems to be an oversized thistle plant outside about ten feet away or more. There is a strange eerie feeling, almost like fear, but not fully. Something seems “off” about the whole adventure.

      Of course, the light sizzling and flickering represents real-time neural activity changing slightly in the dream state. This dream was vaguely lucid, but not fully.

    3. Umbrella Carousel

      by , 07-28-2015 at 08:24 PM
      Morning of July 28, 2015. Tuesday.

      I enter apex lucidity and allow a generic cafe to form (a typical setting in this state) and allow it to transform in various ways and various color schemes until it stabilizes without using any affirmations or practiced mental forms. I decide to remain passive as some fairly interesting umbrellas form. However, instead of walking around until I trip over something and fall forward out of the state (in a hypnic jerk) I find myself rotating the angle until everything is upside down. I watch the umbrella turn and it reminds me of a carousel for some reason (though no actual carousel appears, or rather, the umbrella does not change that dramatically as features sometimes do regarding wherever the attention flows).

      Two unknown girls appear from the periphery of my perspective and seem to enjoy the “umbrella carousel” ride. I think it might be better to just change it into a carousel (and perhaps even right side up) but I do not. For some reason, the gravity seems lighter in this location. Other random characters appear and disappear over time. I vaguely notice people walking upside-down on the “ceiling” (sidewalk) below but I do not feel disoriented. The umbrella cycles through several different styles and colors over time with only happy and passive emotions expressed. I am not that concerned about the world being “upside-down” above me. (I do not feel upside-down as in past dreams where I did different types of maneuvers - it seems of “normal” orientation.)

      After about fifteen minutes, the focus shifts into a different dream state where I am in bed (as I am in reality) in our home on W Street. A toy flying saucer, seemingly the same one from the old “Uhny Uftz” episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” (first seen at age four on September 29, 1965 in La Crosse) but probably about one-fourth the size, is bumping against the light bulb in the ceiling in the living room (where there is not one in reality as the socket had disintegrated a few years ago) like a moth would do, not doing any damage to either itself or the bulb. I think of my mind as being four and clearly remember thinking the voice from the episode was saying “Oomy Oops” (even hearing my four-year-old voice say it vaguely, or perhaps it was actually my youngest son). That amuses me for a short time, but not for long and I catch myself wandering how I got to that point.
    4. My first two lucid dreams! <3

      by , 08-23-2012 at 06:54 PM (Exterminate)
      I was sort of depressed that I could not recall any dreams from the night before. I woke up about 6:20 judging how no-one was awake, and I never heard the alarm. 10 minutes pass, then the 6:30 alarm goes off, wakes my brother up(As you can likely guess, we share a room), it causes a lot of noise.. I decided it would be a good morning to try a WILD. I laid down for a few minutes(felt like 20-30) then felt really relaxed. I start saying "I WILL have a lucid, I WILL have a lucid." After about two minutes sleep paralysis hit, and I thought of my living room, said to myself "stabilize lucidity", and the lucid dream starts.

      First lucid:
      I was standing in my living room. It was so clear and vivid that I couldn't believe it. I thought to myself how I was lying in bed just a moment ago, and now here I am in a new place. A new world surrounding me. I walked into my parents' room, there I saw a light bulb in a socket on the wall which didn't belong there. I unscrewed it, then held it in my hand trying to light it up as it was in its socket a second ago. I failed..I then went around the corner to see my dad playing Zynga's Frontierville (a game which he has never played before), he asks me how to obtain a whip then I lose interest. I go back to the living room, close my eyes for a second to change scenery, and woke up.

      Seems to be a mix of layer two and layer three lucid dream since I got pretty distracted by what my dad was doing. I wonder if I woke up due to my dream time being over, excitement, lack of goals, or because of my waking environment. Like I said, me and my brother share a room, and since he was already awake, he started making noise. He also had the light on right above me which may have prevented a deep sleep.
      I fell back asleep after like 45 minutes. Not sure just what this dream started with..

      Second lucid-A mansion, with prisoners:
      I appear to be in a lab with like 4-5 scientists around me. I am a guinea pig for a new piece of technology that would allow you to enter into lucid dreams at will from a waking state. Sort of like doing a WILD, but with technology, making it more akin to EILD. I get this chip that you hold in your hand, it supposedly makes you lucid. So I go into what looks/feels like a tanning bed, hold the chip in my hands and fall asleep quick.
      I "wake up" in this huge mansion of sorts. I seem to know in the back of my mind it is a dream, but I lose focus on that and get involved with the story instead. I moderate a minecraft server, and it seems a bunch of my friends from the server are in a prison, apparently being kept there by another player and antagonist on the server called EnderMilk. After some effort, I find him, but try to keep my distance. I phase through a wall to see the prisoners, and they look so helpless. I try to find a way to help them. I go back inside the mansion through a window, but the dream destabilizes and I wake up for real.

      Well, two lucid dreams, even if they were kinda short-lived it is a start!

      After looking back on these experiences, it seems the second dream was more of a mix of layer zero and layer two just barely. This is one of those experiences where people think they dream of being lucid rather than actually being lucid.

      Updated 07-24-2018 at 06:55 PM by 57282

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    5. Trinity

      by , 06-01-2011 at 11:08 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I was at some sort of holiday house with my family. It was dark, poorly lit as though it was late afternoon and cloudy. Everything was a washed out grey colour. My recollection of the dream starts with having disappointing dream-sex with Trinity from the Matrix. She didn't seem to displeased though, so I went to clean myself up. I went to the bathroom to wipe down, and take a leak, but the light didn't work

      Annoyed with the fact that I couldn't go to the toilet here because the light was out, I left and went to the toilet that was in the living room, right where everyone else was sitting. It was really awkward, as my parents didn't leave the room, and I sat and had a chat to my Mum, who was sitting in a lounge chair to the left of me, about how the light in the other toilet was out.

      When I was done, I realised there wasn't much toilet paper, and got dad to find me some more. All he came back with was black low grit sandpaper, which was also incredibly shiny. I didn't accept it, as I didn't wanna tear myself a new hole

      I'm surprised the dream went on past the sex, normally my dreams end straight after I finish, which is always disappointing. This time though, I had a fair bit of dream afterwards, which I think indicates a fair bit of progress in terms of my dream stability

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 11:19 AM by 7689
