I went to bed around 8. I spent most of the day watching cartoons and playing on Pokemon Showdown, so it was surprising how many dreams I got. (zzz) Round 1 of dreams. I initially remembered more dreams, and even re-remembered them once I woke up from round 2. But the memory had vanished by the next time I went to retrieve it! I was lucky to even recall this. There was actually a lot I initially remembered and I made sure to think about it a few times over instead of lingering on the one detail I was stuck on, to form a more solid memory. I think there was something at my nana's. Maybe with my uncle or Aunt C or more relatives. There was a part where I was at my college house. I remember being in the room 2 or 3 loft. There was something about a chimney leading up. A square hole in the ceiling. There was something about a T V show or movie. Maybe a cartoon. Something about 3 episodes. So I figured that all 3 fit in the half hour time period. But then 4 episodes were listed. So I figured 2 fit in a half hour and the whole show aired for an hour. The writing had a green background, with black text. I might have navigated a computer monitor. Then I was going down the stairs from this movie theater thing. Mr. Krabs from Sponge Bob was the manager. There was something about taking out insurance before going down the stairs. I woke up and recalled a good amount. I even remember the feeling of going back through it and being glad to remember further back into it. But I can't get it any more. (zzz) Round 2 and 3 of Dreams. I think I woke up at some point in between these and fell back asleep but I'm not sure where. There were earlier parts that I forgot. I think I woke up with only one dream memory at first. Something gray. Then thought about round 1 of dreams and went back to sleep. I remember being in my high school. Mr. E had told me that everyone should be resting and relaxing, not working too hard. I got to the gym class. We were all seated in that lobby between the weight room and the wrestling room. I wanted to tell everyone that Mr. E said they should be resting and relaxing. Not working too hard. But I felt bad about telling them what to do. The person didn't really look like Mr. E, but just the same hair color. I was sitting in a line of people. I think M C was there. I wanted to change my socks. I had grey socks. But I didn't want anyone to see my feet. In the dream I imagined my own feet and didn't want others to see them. So I thought of going behind another set of doors to change my socks. I remember drawing an octopus, or trying to. I made it have a tongue thing poking out of its mouth. And I was going to give it lots of extra tentacles. I was drawing in pencil on white paper. I remember a part with C P. We had been friends in the dream. I wanted to tell him that I had seen his little brother one day in the nieghborhood. He said he already heard my story. I wished that he hadn't said that. I really wanted to tell him the story again, and had hoped that he would just sort of humor me by saying he had never heard it. That would be putting more focus on emotions than facts, which was what I think can be more important some times. I remember seeing lasers in the sky. It was night time. There were some yellow lines of lasers and some other laser things. R M had a remote control that he used to control them. Soon, we were flying above the high way, shooting yellow lasers at cars. I thought it was all just a visual show, and not really doing any damage. Then, one of the cars shot one white orb of light up at me, which I barely dodged. I realized that we had probably been blowing up the cars every time we shot a laser at them, so we could stop now. I remember getting down to the high way, and it was day time again. There was a truck which was said to contain oxygen. A rectangular vent on the side was open. The driver said to put the plug in it. The plug was another rectangular thing with black goo dripping off of it. "Are you sure you want this in the oxygen?" I asked. I remember a guy had pulled a prank which was not looked on favorably. I wanted to vouch for him because I usually support the under dog. But this one was too much for me. I had a yellow piece of chalk I was using to write on the bricks and pavement of the ground. As I went around thinking, 'Sorry, I don't know if I can help this time...' I remember arriving at a restaurant area. There was one restaurant which was built on a 45 degree hill. I looked around there and might have seen families dining. I kept walking along and got to an area with a high step up to the dining floor. My mom was up there, so I went up to see her. She was sitting accross from Uncle M. I wondered if I would sit next to Mom, or next to Uncle M. There was a chair next to Uncle M but it turned out to be wobbly. I went looking for another chair. The table they were sitting at rotated and then L N was sitting there. I think my mom was talking about stuff, and left. It was some kind of meeting. After my mom, or maybe it was another woman, left, L N went on to take their inventory and complain about them. I think complaining is great. However, something about how she took the woman's inventory reminded me that I need to go to A C A. I thought of an A C A meeting I could share on. I thought about what I would say in the 4 minutes. then, I realized that by the time I get to the meeting, I might forget all about that, or it might not come out right. So I just had the realization for myself in that moment. As I thought, I found myself swimming or body surfing in a body of water. It was very colorful with blue water and orange sun shine from the sun rise or sun set. I was able to do hydro kinesis. Meaning, I seemed to be able to pull the waves in various directions. I pulled them toward the center which was in line with the direction I was facing. I pulled in some bigger waves, too. I think I was doing a big crawl stroke. I reached a wall, which I guess was the destination, or resting point. It was a cement wall. I didn't have any fear of fish, even though it was deep water. L N and another woman were swimming behind me. Before they got to the wall, I reached for their hands. They looked tired, but I felt bad for taking away their chance to reach the wall them selves. I guess we were just supposed to turn around and swim to the other shore. But, I stopped when I saw 3 green turtles on the sand in the shallow water. I wanted to call out to the others. I looked closely at the turtles. They had pink dots for eyes. One had a few pink dots in one eye place, in a line, connected by a thinner pink line. Then some bigger, furry, green fish or badger things swam above them. I petted one of them. I forgot if there was anything else before the dream ended. I RBFA'ed but re-remembered it later. (zzz) Round 4 of dreams. I'm not sure exactly when this one took place. But I remember being in the living room of my current house. And my dad had papered the entire place. Meaning, he covered all the walls, ceiling, doors, windows and everything with 8 and a half by 11 sheets of white paper. I thought it looked kinda cool, and wanted to do it in my own room. Near where the phone is in waking life, he had a tank with a bunch of lizards. There was a bright lamp glowing over it. I remember another part where I was in nana's upstairs bathroom. At the top of her stairs. I was on the phone with a kid. But what happened was he had been speaking a while so I just plugged in a recording device to the phone so I could record what he said and then listen later. But then I was listening back to it, and I felt bad, because he had been asking me a question, and it seemed like I had ignored him. So I was thinking of how to explain that to him. I remember being in a cafe kind of place. And seeing J L and M B at 2 tables at the end there. M B and J L were talking. I sat accross from M B and greeted J with a hand shake. I think M B asked me why I sat with them. I wasn't sure! I remember being at another table in the cafe thing. I was looking at a book. it had a black background, and white text. Someone was reading it to me. I saw that after the next page, the font became really, really tiny. Also, I didn't want people to overhear the content of the book. So I tried to turn it off. Then I was like, "Who is this?" And I guessed who it was. I realized it was K L. Then I realized I needed ice and water. I was almost out of water. I thought of what the best way would be to re-stock my ice and water supply. I felt like I was in the O B shopping area near the pharmacies and big food store. I was accross the road from one pharmacy, but instead of a factory, it was a place with a deli and maybe a beverage store kinda thing. But my car was all the way over in the grocery store parking lot. I realized I would have to run and get my car, then park it with the trunk facing the ice store, to fill it with ice, in coolers. I ran as fast as I could to go do that. Next thing I remember, I was still running, but this time I was near the high school bus drive way. There was an area of green grass surrounded by cement walk ways. An African American woman was the monitor of the place. She started to yell at me. "Don't cut accross that! You have to go around!" She chased after me. I pretended not to hear her. "I'm gonna tell those cops to stop you!" There were police officers up ahead, by the track. I switched from needing my car to get ice, to needing wool. I could hear the woman yelling but pretended to ignore her. If they asked, I would just say I hadn't heard her! Seemed like a plan to me. Also, I would say that I went around the yard last time, so this time I could cut through it. There had been a layer of sand or snow on the grass. I reached two or three guys at a little cart thing. They had the wool. The woman caught up, too. She was telling them her side of the story. I saw that the guys had sun glasses. I guess they were the police but also they were the guys with the wool. (The plot is kind of confusing to me.) "I get to tell you my side of the story after she finishes," I said. They acknowledged. Eventually that part passed and it turned out they didn't have any wool to spare. It showed a baby on a couch, playing with a rectangular pillow thing. Apparently, the pillow had a piece of cedar wood, and a book, inside it. Those things gave it good energy. And the wool around it made it soft. The baby was squeezing it. I felt some of the wool. It was tan and felt comfortable. But they couldn't spare any. After that, I woke up, recalled, and RBFA. but I re-remembered it later! (zzz) Round 5 of Dreams. I remember being on the phone with someone. Or maybe they were right there, talking to me. While they spoke, I opened the fridge. And noticed that each shelf had big puddles of black liquid. Like olive juice. While they spoke, I took some towels to wipe it up. I was still listening, though. The fridge happened to be totally empty other than the black liquid, but I didn't notice that. I had another dream of being in that cafe again. I was journaling. I was feeling good because I had gotten calls from a few friends. And had some nice conversations. The journal entry reflected a much higher self-esteem than I have in waking life. I wanted to convert the font to times new roman. so i pressed "Control A" and highlighted it all. When it came time to select the font, I thought pressing A again would change it to Times New Roman, but it didn't. Instead, the letters became some kind of ancient ruins. They were gold in color. I thought it was cool but wanted Times New Roman. I navigated to the top panel of the word processor to do it manually. I had 2 false awakenings of waking up to use the bathroom. In one, I was near the restaurant from round 3 of dreams. I was looking into a card board box. It was empty. I was going to go to the bathroom in it. I kinda worried that someone might see me. I noticed more card board boxes near a fence. I realized that the conversations held at the restaurant were different from conversations on message boards. They weren't posted on line for later. But then some boxes were put out that had thread titles on the side. One thread title said that alcohol gives people a child-like glow in their eyes. I don't know why my dream said this. I think alcohol dimmed out the glow in my eyes, and it was only quitting alcohol that brought the life back to my eyes. The other box top beneath it said that it was a choice. Meaning I could choose to be full of life even without depending on alcohol. Maybe that's why. There was another box top saying something about the "top topics" of the night. I had another false awakening where I was trying to recall my dream. And got up to use the bathroom. But then I heard a really loud concert from outside my window. There was a female "soul singer" type of performer. I also remember hearing something like the intro to Bob Marley's "stand up" song. 'I gotta get my ear muffs and keep recalling my dreams,' I thought. I woke up and there wasn't really a concert playing. That was a relief. I stayed in bed and formed some memories of those. Then I re-played rounds 1 through 5 in my mind. After i was sure that I had finished sleeping I got up to make the outline. I got up around 7:30.
Night before last - 25th, went to bed at 4pm. Slept till 11 pm. 11:16 pm - 2x300 alpha gpc 12:18am - 2x4 GM Woke up at 1 am from 2 short LDs. LD 1 I'm in a room with many others. I tell them I'm about to WILD so leave me alone. I sit on an office chair, lean back to invoke falling back sensation. Someone is talking to me. I open my eyes and try to tell him to shut it, but I can't talk. Then I try to smack him but I can't move. So I just steam there. I girl comes to me and starts frenching. I'm like wait a minute, you are a chick! She says something like "so what?" So I figured I'll wait to see how it goes. When I'm able, I get off the chair and walk around the room. While looking at some flowers I realize I'm able to move so I must be in a dream already. I exit through large, old looking door. Now I'm in an old fashioned looking restaurant. There is a fat Italian with golden chain and a pendant with some saint who looks like a maitre d'. I flat out ask him if he wants to have sex, while I'm thinking it's not a good idea and I should do something else first. But I will him to say yes and we start walking away. I'm thinking he should hurry the heck up before I wake up. I lose it here. LD2 - Elephant ride - Fail I realize I'm still dreaming and I walk through the door into large department store. Get up to the second floor. While noticing all the porcelain knick-knacks, I remember I wanted to do the "ride the elephant" TOTM. Which I did, but not tonight, when I wanted to do the "find the present, get a massage and Pandora". As I get up, I start looking around the isles if I see an elephant. I know he is suppose to be there because I want him there. I start calling him, but I don't hear him being summoned on the PA system. I focus on it and I start hearing "elephant to isle A 1, elephant to isle A 1". I look at the escalator coming from first floor and there he is. Big and grey. But he has no trunk and I will it to appear. But it's not growing. I figure this is getting too complicated and I'm not even in the jungle so I walk off to do something else and I lose lucidity. Oh yeah, I ended up having some "me time". Twice. Non lucid before 11pm I'm wandering around without a job or place to sleep. I come to a place with some people and work activity. I speak to a woman and I'm all humble and polite, kinda defeated. She offers me a job. She gives me a jar and I'm suppose to collect lizards. I'm not really liking it because I think they will use them for some experiments. I walk to a job place and there is another guy already doing it. I pick a flower bed with some mulch to search. I see a small black gecko with spots and the other guy goes after it. I see another, bigger lizard running around a tree trunk. As I come closer, looking at the ground for more, there is a rattlesnake rattle sticking out straight up. I tell the guy to watch out and that's when he starts to uncover himself and the guy kills him.
Updated 01-27-2017 at 01:08 PM by 50242
Ritual: I went to bed at 1am last night, early enough that I hoped to get some dreaming in. I'd had good luck with the "Dream Leaf" supplement last time, so took the blue tablet before bed, together with two tabs of bacopa and a vitamin D supplement (the latter unrelated to any dreaming intentions). I slept deeply and I don't even think I woke up for a few hours. I still have no clock in the bedroom since I've been charging my phone downstairs, but I estimated it was around 4 or 5am when I first woke. At that point I took the red pill and went back to sleep. I woke a couple more times but was disappointed that I didn't recall any dreams. Finally it must have been around 8 or 8:30am and I felt almost awake enough to get up, but I thought I would give it one more shot. I mixed about half a teaspoon of Piracetam in some water and swallowed that before going back to bed. That's when the magic happened. It was about 9:30 when I woke up again after a linked series of lucid dreams. 1. ??? I feel certain there were one or more fully developed scenes initially, but so much else happened afterward that I lost all memory of these earlier episodes when I woke. One thing I like about tasks is that they act as a focus for memory as well as intention. 2. Gifts under the Tree I was in my bedroom and already aware of dreaming, and it felt like some scene had just concluded. The thought occurred: Didn't I mean to finish the gift task properly? I'd better get that done before I wake up or I'll be annoyed. I remembered that my error last time had been forgetting to look under a tree for the gift. However, I looked around and saw that there was no tree in this room. Rather than waste time trying to find a tree elsewhere in the house, I decided to brute force it and manifest one right in the room. My ambivalence about this inelegant solution nearly destabilized the dream, but I was determined to finish the task so I managed to hold it together, even though I had to do this by getting down on all fours and crawling across the room toward the corner where I decided the tree would be. Everything had gone dark but I figured as long as I could still feel the floor, it was not too late to restabilize. The texture of the floor was distinct, hardwood, and I could feel the smooth boards with small grooves between them, so I focused on that until the visuals kicked in again. My sight slowly returned, and although the lighting remained dim, I could see an illuminated Christmas tree in the corner I was heading for. Is it lit with real candles? I thought, noting the especially warm quality of the illumination, and remembering the nineteenth-century images that had always captured my imagination. But then I remembered why we don't do this anymore: Isn't that a fire hazard? I felt a flicker, not of the candles, but of the dream nearly destabilizing again at my irrational concerns, so I forced my attention away from the lights and onto the area underneath the boughs. I was still on my hands and knees so it was easy to peek underneath. There were three objects. Two were wrapped, one rather messily, but the last caught my eye because it was unwrapped. It was a single glove, and from the position of the thumb I could see that it was for the left hand. No sooner had I observed this than two more manifested, in different colors, also for the left hand. As I wondered about the possible significance (nothing occurred to me) the pile got larger... maybe a dozen left-handed gloves were now strewn under the tree. This was getting out of hand (no pun intended) and anyway I preferred to choose a wrapped gift, so I withdrew my attention from the gloves and looked at the other objects. The first two hadn't appealed to me, but now I saw a flat, rectangular, neatly wrapped item that seemed perfect, so I picked it up for a closer look. As I tore through the several layers of wrapping and tissue paper, I came across small textual clues that made me think this must be a gift from my spouse. It turned out to be a book, a beautiful old volume bound in leather that looked like it couldn't have been published later than the nineteenth century. The title was printed in small stamped gilt letters on the front cover. It was something like Personalities of Note, and subtitled Pple of Our Time, where I understood "pple" to be an abbreviation for "people." The author was identified as Lord Lytton, a name that I knew I recognized from WL history but couldn't immediately place. Turning the book over in my hands and admiring the beautiful cover, I discovered a library sticker on the lower part of the spine. I wondered what library had held such a fine book and looked on the sides of the closed pages where the name is sometimes stamped. The top side of the pages had been coated with gleaming silver pigment, further attesting to the book's quality, but there were no stamps on the outside. I found it inside the back cover: "Library of _______" (I can't clearly remember the name but it was a one-syllable word ending with "nsk," similar to Svensk or Minsk, but something else I think). I continued to look for a "discard" stamp or some other clue that it had been deliberately divested from the library's holdings. I couldn't find one but reasoned that it must have been; surely it wouldn't have been given to me as a gift if it was still a part of a library's collection, and anyway, ex-library books are very common these days. I opened the book hoping to read some passages, but despite the English title and author, the text was unmistakably in Cyrillic. This was disappointing since I don't read Cyrillic, and I concluded that it must be a translation. 3. Vampire Interlude I don't recall the transition, but found myself lying next to a blonde boy. I realized that I was a vampire and that also reminded me that I was dreaming. I fed on his blood and gave him advice on his sexual difficulties. 4. False Awakening I found myself lying under my down comforter in a very plausible facsimile of my WL bed, and even though I was lying sideways across the foot of the bed, I didn't think it odd because sometimes I'll lie in odd positions when I want to relax a bit more but avoid falling back to sleep. I felt aroused and began touching myself, but then I noticed an odd feeling of displacement and realized that even though I could distinctly feel the pressure of my fingers when I flexed them, my hand was resting at my side and not actually in contact with any other part of my body. I correctly deduced that this was because I was not fully awake. Eventually I was able to persuade myself that if I was lucky enough to still be in the dream state, I should make better use of it, and forced myself back out of bed. 5. Explaining Massage to the Snow Lizard I flew out the window and landed in heavy snow. Now that I was on my feet, I found that the snow was so deep I could barely push my way through it. I was actually enjoying this, because I've been disappointed with the quality of the snow in the WL winter so far. It was night, and I was walking around a vague dream version of my house, but the thick snow made me feel like I was in some deep kingdom of winter. Wondering what to do next, I tried to remember any of the other current tasks of the month or year, but I was having trouble coming up with them. I thought hard until one came to me: the massage TOTM. This wintry realm seemed like an odd place to look for a massage, but part of the fun of dream is improvising, right? Movement in the air made me look up, and I saw thick-bodied, pale blue lizards flapping slowly through the air. Maybe I could convince them to do it! I beckoned them down, and two of the snow lizards landed and gazed at me curiously. "I'd like you to give me a massage." I instructed. They looked back blankly. Either they didn't understand the concept, or didn't understand why they should comply. I worked on the latter angle: "I need you to help me! It's for a Task." I tried to make the word "task" sound very important. "Please just rub my back a little." I sat down and turned my back to the nearest lizard. What the lizard replied was so peculiar that I repeated it to myself many times afterward, making sure I would remember the phrasing: "Mr. Cooper, could you please salute the Constitution? I mean, lift your shirt." I found it very amusing that "salute the Constitution" was apparently a local euphemism for "lift your shirt," though I had no idea why he addressed me as "Mr. Cooper," a name that inspires no particular resonance. I complied with his instruction and looked foward to the prospect of a massage, since my back muscles have actually been sore lately in WL and I've been needing one. I should note that by this point I had already been dreaming for so long that I was starting to worry how well I would be able to remember the details, so I was actually carrying around my dream journal and taking notes. I recognized sadly that they would be unlikely to persist into waking (though I always, irrationally, hope that somehow they will), but I figured that the concentration of writing down details might help me better fix them in memory. I jotted down what the lizard had just said while I was waiting for the massage to start. I think the second lizard was looking on quietly the whole time. The lizard wasn't doing anything, so I tried to instruct him in how to give a massage. "Stroke my back," I suggested. He limply touched it. We wrangled a bit but weren't getting anywhere, so I decided to try a different tack. I lay face-down on the ground and insisted, my exasperation rising, "Just walk on my back! Walk directly on it!" I remembered when I was little my dad would have me walk on his back this way, so it was a valid form of massge. I was afraid the lizard might be too heavy, but reminded myself that since it was a dream I couldn't come to permanent harm. But the lizard still balked. I sat up again, trying to come up with a solution. I remembered shiatsu, how it uses chopping motions. I thought that might be easier for the lizard to master, so I attempted to explain it. Finally I felt something vaguely massage-like as the lizard patted me several times on the shoulders with the flat part of its front feet. (For the first time I contemplated the anatomical differences that might make this challenging for the lizard.) "Great!" I exclaimed, pleased that we were finally getting somewhere. "Okay, now keep doing that." But the lizard sounded like someone awkwardly trying to escape an embarrassing social encounter as he replied: "Ummm... it was nice to know you..." and disappeared into the night. 6. The Lonely Beauty of Dream Somehow after all this I still wasn't awake. I could hardly believe it myself. I knew I should force myself awake at this point, I was juggling so much in memory, and had so much to write down—and the dream notebook I was still carrying was not likely to be much help, though I continued to jot down details. But I didn't want to wake up. I was enjoying this too much, and wanted to see where else it would go. I was still next to the house, but the sense of winter was fading as I walked around the corner, feeling fully in my element and murmuring: "This is my domain." I walked into the house, which still felt like mine even though it had no resemblance to WL, noting how detailed it all was, even a bit cluttered, boxes of cereal on the counter. What should I do next? I didn't feel like attempting another task as I already had so much to remember. As I approached the front door, which was open on a beautiful bright day—it was no longer dark outside, and the trees were green now—I was inspired to try to see the dream world at its best. "Show me the beauty of dream," I commanded as I walked through the doorway back outside. I was addressing the dream state directly now. I repeated this a few times, and indeed, the natural landscape around me was incredibly lovely. I walked to the edge of the trees and pulled down a fir bough to admire it. The needles were an unusual shade of purple. I continued admiring the landscape until I was struck with sudden note of melancholy. Everything was so beautiful, but what good is all this beauty if you have no one to share it with? That was always the problem, wasn't it? Could this explain something about the kind of beings we are, why we choose to cohabit a shared dream despite all the inevitable conflict? I felt a hint of that distinctive sensation you get when you're stoned and think you've stumbled on some revelation of cosmic importance, but at the same time you realize that it will sound bland and foolish when you look back on it later. The sense of loneliness persisted, so I attempted to break through the solipsism, to summon something to me, to reach out and find some other cognition. A spacecraft flew low across the sky, seeking a place to land. It was not an alien ship but clearly of human make, chunkily built. I don't think it resembled anything in WL but was probably inspired by films or games: the first thing I thought to google was 'mass effect shuttle' and the image results are actually about right. I was surprised to see, as it came closer, that the word "AMERICAN" was written in block letters across the side. The shuttle settled to the ground and I walked toward the landing site. The hatch opened and a few people came out, walking in single file. The guy in the lead was wearing his suit, but no helmet. He was a dark-haired, middle aged man with a rugged face. I thought he resembled the character Group Captain Peter Townsend from The Crown, which made sense because we've been watching that show lately, and the character was a military pilot. I wanted to signal my benign intentions so I held my hands out and up. The captain also held his hands up, although I noted that he did not let go of the rifle in his right hand, he just wasn't pointing it at me. I guess he felt wary and uncertain of my intentions. "I come in peace," I announced to reassure him, though it occurred to me that he should be the one saying that—I lived here. As we came closer I slowly (so as not to startle him) brought forward my right hand, inviting a handshake. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and did the same. I brought down my left hand to clasp his in both of my own, feeling warm and benevolent. "Be well," I said sincerely. At that moment I felt the irresistable pull of waking draw me out of the dream. I hadn't intended it, but it was perfectly timed.
Updated 01-25-2017 at 06:32 PM by 34973
From Cricketer To Fighter I was fighting a man on the street. He looked like Josh Hazelwood. I was lighting Josh up on the feet. I must stop fighting for a few moments. Josh is now fighting another guy. I run over and land some cheap shots on the new guy. He's pretty rocked, I would say he would be done if the ref was here. I try get the refs attention that's refereeing another fight in the distance. The other guy that I'm hitting looks like Brandon Thatch. My punches don't have much power and are not overly hurting him. Herb Dean the ref comes over and Josh lands a few massive shots on Brandon. Brandon falls down and looks as if he's gone limp. He comes to quickly as the ref comes close to stopping the fight A Kick With Dave I'm on a football ground, having a kick with my brother. I see the collingwood members seating, which is empty. I'm on a wooden obstacle. Pretty similar to what I would see in a playground. I'm climbing down and there's lizards on it. I'm trying to avoid touching them as I get down. That Jaw chick off Facebook is helping me down. She seems to know what she is doing. Im in a dark area indoors with Josh. I can see light coming through the cracks of the walls. There's a big gap which leads to the football ground.
My daughter prompted this fragment. [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m dreaming about the Lizards of National Geographic, aprogram prompted by my daughter’s interest in reptiles. The visuals cyclethrough several creatures form the book though all are on television. They’repretty cool.[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]And I wake up.[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
Lizards I met a man who collected lizards to protect his home. These were like monitor lizards, though I forgot what there were called in my dream. He had three kinds of lizards. One was kind of soft skinned like a gecko. The other two had leathery skin. One was brown and black like a Royal/Ball Python-the other was gray with perhaps a few black spots on it. The man had one that was about 4 feet running around the property. Most were only as large as my hand. He picked up a couple. I told him not to break the tail (commonly done when picking up smaller lizards due to a survival technique). He said he knew, but the tip came off of one. I picked the both up afterwards, and one opened its mouth to bite. I held both behind the head concerned about how much pressure I put on the neck to prevent a bite. Then I saw some shallow pottery with a wide mouth. Baby lizards were crawling around trying to get out. Special Inhaler I might have been with the same man who had the lizards--I'm not sure, but two guys were talking about something that people used to get really high. I picked up this tube and inhaled. Using dream logic, it was like a chamber that smoke would have gone into, but you could then remove the chamber and inhale straight from one side of the chamber. One of the guys sarcastically questioned why I was having trouble standing up. I knew I was busted. They were not into drugs at all. They had a police feel about them. They weren't police, but they had no tolerance for drugs, and they knew I took the hit. I remember having trouble keeping my balance. It was a strange feeling to be high in a dream. Eventually the trouble passed, but that is the end of the dream.
Fragment I was lying down and there were two monitor lizards or young Komodo Dragons--one at my ankle and one at my foot. I didn't see the DC, but someone asked, "But what if one of them bites you?" I was terrified. I didn't move hoping they wouldn't get excited and therefore bite me. I waited and decided I better pull my leg back. I got away, but it started to try to bite as I pulled away. A-a-a-a! -- I was looking for a bathroom in my dream. I had to go in waking life. I ended up finding a bathroom and for some reason deciding I should take a shower. I started two and was grossed out by two pair of underwear on either side of the bathroom floor. I was about to get undressed to shower when some kid comes in. He saw I was going to take a shower, so he leaves and starts telling everyone as though I'm doing something wrong. I didn't attack him, nor he me, but we were all of a sudden fighting about it. He was pinching me. It didn't hurt that bad, so I didn't flinch. My face did not show any pain. I picked him up and started pounding his head into a dresser. The End
Dream date: 8/31/10 Influences: Before bed, had a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich, as suggested by member (Fuentesico). Also had some sake. Dream Fragments -I was walking down the street with someone (can't remember who), and saw Sebastion, a big black talking cat from a youtube video I saw recently, walking by. I said hello, and he just sort of gave me an attitude and kept walking. -I kept walking and came across a stand with cats available for adoption. peaked behind the stand, and they also had some mice, and a couple human babies mixed in..al of them just rolling around on the floor of the adoption stand. For a better look, she put all the creature in their own clear plastic cups, and strung the cups together on a string and handed it to me. I went through a few series of these (each string had about 15 cups on it)...I'm not sure if I was looking for a cat or a human baby at that point. -I was at the local industrial club, and the dj was playing good music, but I had to keep telling him to turn it up, since you could barely hear it. -I had a container full of dead skinks ( a type of lizard). I ate 2 of them, because supposedly they were a form of birth control. The girl that sold them originally was selling them 2 for $5, but changed it to $500 for 5 months worth. Right before I woke up, I was trying to give the skinks back to her, and one of them got out and caught on fire. (The rest of the night was mostly filled with anxiety, with the wedding coming up in a few months.) *As a note, I'm not pregnant...
This is the first of two dreams I had on February 7th, 2009. I am following a narrow dirt path that goes down a steep hill. The path leads into a temperate forest that gets thicker the farther down the hill I go. I have to be careful and keep my balance otherwise I will lose my footing and fall forward. I cannot see the end of the path because it is so deep in the forest. I pass by some animals and birds, but I can no longer remember what kind of creatures they were, though I was able to recognize them in the dream. The path branches out several times to the left but I can neither see where those paths lead, nor seem to be able to voluntarily break off from the path I am on and follow one of those left leading path. My head, as I go down this steep forest hill, is always turned to the left. I am not afraid of anything, nor particularily curious, but I cannot stop and the farther down the hill I go an image of a snake I fear running into starts to appear in my mind. In the dream I keep refering to it as a "corn snake" and feel that I would be in great danger if I came across one. The farther down the hill I go and the deeper into the forest, I know the likely hood of coming across a "corn snake" increases. The path going downhill abrubtly comes to an end and turns suddenly to the left. A narrow clearing allows sunlight to hit the path through the trees. I can see a large light brown and grey snake slithering across the path on the egde of the clearing and I while I know that it was not a "corn sanke" I decide that I have had enough forest exploration and turn back. I can now freely move about and am no longer compelled to move in only one direction. When I reach the part of the path that starts back up the steep hill, a long dark brown snake with beige oval patterns on its back slithers out of the bush right behind me. This is the "corn snake" that I have been trying to avoid. Going back up the steep hill is much harder and takes much longer then going down, but I move as fast as I can to stay ahead of the "corn snake". I am full of anxiety and am sweating from the fear and the workout and in the dream I do not notice that the snake makes no threatening moves towards me. It stays just behind me and keeps up with my pace and acts like it doesn't even notice my presence. I make it to the top of the hill and out of the forest and look back to see that the "corn snake" has disappeared. I walk along the path, which widens to the size of a country road, and walk away from the forest. The landscape is not flat and there are many hills, but none so steep as the hill that went down into the forest. There are giant lizards, glowing orange and red and snorting fire balls exvery time they exhale, walking to and fro along the path and into the plains. They are about the size of horses and do not look friendly. I do want I can to avoid being seen by them which is to no avail because there is nothing to hide behind. Two of the giant lizards start towards me and I begin running. The lizards give chase, but they are cumbersome and slow and I am able to stay ahead of their flaming spit balls. I come to a crossroads, near which I find two rings. One is silver and is icy to the touch and the other is gold and has an oval design which is set with an orange stone. I put the rings on and instictively become aware that wearing the gold ring makes me invisible to the giant lizards, and wearing the silver ring gives me the power to freeze things. The left path circles round and follows along the edge of a thick deciduious forest which has recently had snowfall, and the right side path goes on into the hilly plains where many giant lizards have gathered. I start along the right path, thinking that I can just walk past the giant lizards unseen but the two that were following me start circling the crossroads, knowing that I am still there, even if they can't see me. The dream is blurry. Something about trying to freeze one of the lizard's breath or the lizard itself. Something else about making a run for the snowy deciduous forest? Attracting the attention several lizards? I eventually figure out I am temporarily visible when I am trying to use the ice ring and I know so because the orange gem in the gold ring glows while I'm visible? I cannot remember anything more from this dream.
Updated 06-24-2010 at 01:51 AM by 6048
Morning of January 8, 1972. Saturday. (First version.) I am in some sort of “hidden” valley in an unknown region, perhaps even implied to be on another planet (though dreaming of being on other planets is quite rare for me). It may also be an “undiscovered” part of Florida. The lush valley seems to have its own special type of animals, many of them unusual and “giant” species of lizards. At one point, I am floating over the scene. I seem to be the only human presence around, disembodied at times. I do not seem to be in danger at any point. One of the giant lizards seems to have some of the characteristics of the Cheshire Cat from the Disney version of “Alice in Wonderland” (from 1951), including the bluish and purple stripes around its tail and body (and perhaps even the ability to vanish with the “grin” remaining). I do have an association with the idea of a “Cheshire lizard”. The lizards do not seem threatening at any point. They are not really that much like genuine dinosaurs and not really like the popular imagery of dragons either (even though one title considered was “Valley of the Dragons” - though that was an actual movie from 1961). It is possible that this dream was inspired somewhat by movies like “Journey to the Center of the Earth” (from 1959) where real live lizards were made up to look like “dinosaurs”.
Updated 06-13-2016 at 08:10 AM by 1390