So I had a short dream but it was a nightmare. I dreamed Mom and Dad were leaving the house to take a vacation from me. Similar to the vacation they had back in 2012. So i was going to be staying in the house by myself. The parents and I were in the front hall together-mom was talking to me I think giving me instructions-but for all I know it could have been "peas and carrots" or "strawberries and rhubarb". So Mom and I stepped out on the porch- I was going to see my parents off to whether it was they're going- some place in Ontario at least since they're going to take the car. In the dream, I was dressed in my junk clothes, and I had no keys on me since I was going straight back into the house. And I guess at some point between Dad going out onto the porch and Mom and I going out on the porch - Dad went back inside the house because Dad came back outside the house and closed the door and started to lock the door. I started yelling at Dad "DON'T LOCK THE DOOR! DON'T LOCK THE DOOR!" I might have done it three times before I woke up since the bathroom was calling me. It took me an hour I think to go back to sleep from 7:35am to 8:35am.
Rocio? is driving me to a college campus. We get there and I can see that there are no lights on in the building. I try the door (looks like the glass double doors at a high school) and it is locked. I can’t believe they are not open, but someone tells me I can get in another way.
I'm at home trying to get ready. My dad is there for some reason but I'm don't even care but it begins to annoy me that he is following and imitating everything I do, so I run to my room and lock it behind me. Then the scene changes to my grandmas house and she's throwing a family party, For some reason my grandma invited my sisters friend (who is a made up DC), and my friend (also made up DC). Me and the DC sit in the hallway on this bench that is facing the wall, I find it stupid and want to get up but the girl won't let me. She forces my arm around her and feeds me some her cake that is brown with translucent yellow goop in the middle, she says it's banana cake, then this guy walks passed us in the hallway and say that's some gross ass cake and continues walking. Then I decide I'll pass on the cake but she stuffs it in my mouth. Then she goes on about something smells, I tell her it's her upper lip and get up and walk away and the girl makes angry noises. Then I want to go with my sister but she is with her friend and she say they are getting married and walks out the door so I go with my grandma in the living room and we talk, and I hope the DC doesn't find me.
I'm standing in a huge, bright bathroom. I'm in front of a mirror, looking into it. The longer I stare the stranger my appearance becomes. My reflection starts rapidly changing and flashing. My eyes flip between colors and what I see happening scares me. I finally step back from the mirror and scream. I'm hit with a wave of terror and run towards the bathroom door. I try to open it but it's locked. I jiggle the handle a few times, terrified that there's something in the room with me. The door suddenly swings open.
1:42 p.m. I thought I was awake. I was on the bed. I can feel the bed. I can feel my body. I can see my room. The light was in. But I move my arm in front of me and I can't see it. I can't move it or can't see it. Am I getting blind? I can see my right arm move via my right eye. Realized it's a sleep paralysis. I willed myself to wake up. No go. I am starting to panic. I locked my door, so no one can come in and help me. I moved but my eyes are still faulty. Afraid. How can I live with a bad eyesight? I thought up dozens of ways to live. I am hearing the audio playing in the background. I want to wake up. But I can't. I'm still in the in between. I tried moving my body and feet. I can still hear the audio. I moved my right arm and took the phone so I can change the audio; didn't work. I'm still asleep. Relaxed somehow. I just have to wait it out. Went into a semi-aware dream. Moved in the "room" and did capoeria moves. I jumped-crunched. McDo. Meeting all N2. Donnie. BP nearby. Change of venue. Closer. Checked my body on bed. Still can't move. I was on the bed trying to move. I can but not awake. Finally woke up completely. Moved my arms, checked my room.