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    1. The City in the Sea

      by , 01-20-2011 at 08:49 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me standing at the edge of a river. On the other side there is a fight going on between a team of strong looking men riding big cats (lead by someone who looks like Heman) fighting some other dudes on horses and chariots. I cannot see any of their faces because they are wearing animal masks, but there is a man with long black riding a Siberian tiger that I keep looking at. For some reason he seems familiar to me.

      Suddenly I am in a stone built circular city that is an island of itself and in the middle of a turmoltuous sea. There are many waterways on the lowest level of the city to allow water to flow through, but occassionally there are mini tsunamis that rush through the tunnels and often flood the lowest level of the city, which sometimes even sweeps people not quick enough to move away. There are only two to four levels of the city, depending on what area you are in. The center and the east areas of the city are wealthy and technologically advanced while the west and south edges of the city are downtrodden and poor. The north edge of the city is a huge wall and many breakers to protect the city from the turbulent water and to lessen the inpact of the many tsunamis that hit.

      I am at the northern edge of the central part of the city (the "downtown" if you will) looking up at this glass box cars that move along rails in the air, like elevators that move horizonally instead of vertically. I am wandering around looking into shop windows because I am too poor to buy much and I meet a man with long black hair outside of a small museum. He is handsome and really nice and I do know it in the dream but he is the young man I saw the other day riding the tiger. There is an instant connection between us and we spend all day wandering the streets and talking and he asks me out to which I respond positively.

      We go on a few dates and I learn that the is the son of a wealthy bookseller in the eastern part of town but I am too embarassed about where I live and always arrange to meet him downtown so he doesn't know I am poor. We develop a quircky way of expressing our feelings but saying "I have a confession to make..." and then revealing something deep and personal. I am able to tell him everything I feel except that I am poor and live in the western edge of the city.

      I am totally crazy in love with him and even travel to his father's bookstore in the east (where he works) to visit him one day. When I first enter the bookstore the entrance hall is stacked with old war books and the such and I see one book cover that says "Sexual Trauma for Police Regarding..." I cannot see the last work but I think it is "Women." There is an old man milling about just outside the store. He looks like a scruffy Gordon Pincette and he eyes me warily. As I leave the store a mini tidal wave hits and floods the lowest level of the city.

      Inside the store I meet my boyfriend and ask when he is getting off work, to which he says 2:30pm. He then asks me if I would like to go out with him for the weekend to the only hotel on the island city to which I say yes. I visit the resturant beforehand to determine how nice of a place it is and find that it is so posh that I will have to go out and buy a new dress, which will not be easy because I do not have a lot of money. On the weekend my boyfriend treats me to a wonderful meal and then we return to our lavish hotel room and drink wine and make love all night.

      The next day my boyfriend is called away unexpectedly and we have to cut our weekend date short. He has been called away because the heman crew needs him, but since his identity is supposed to be a secret I do not know this. He makes up an excuse about his father being ill. Later in the week I drop by his father's bookstore to see him but he is out and I am confronted by his father, the Gordon Pincette character, who is unhappy about his son's relationship with me and tells me that I have to stay away from him because I am a distraction. When I ask what that means the father threatens me and says that if I see his son again, or tell him about the threats, that he will have me killed. I am scared and heartbroken and run home. I do believe that the father could kill me because he is very rich and has a lot of political power in the city

      That night I am working on a soapstone turtle by candlelight (it is how I make money) when I hear two men fighting outside. There is a terrible scream and I open my window and look out to see the two men, both whom I do not know; one man running away and the other man laying on the ground badly bleeding. I run outside and try to stop the bleeding but the man dies just as the police show up. They see me covered in blood and try to arrest me, but some of my neighbours come out and tell them that I was just trying to help. The police take me downtown anyway and after questioning me all night they release me in the morning.

      While I am walking home I run into my boyfriend and he asks why I have been avoided him. I say that I cannot tell him and start crying which caused him to insist more. He tells me how much he loves me and misses me and I turn away from him, saying that I just cannot see him anymore. I run away from there and to the northern point of the city where the breakers are and contemplate throwing myself into the sea. The two police men who questioned me earlier suddenly show up just stand there and watch me from the highest platform.

      In the distance I can see a tsunami approaching rapidly and I make no effort to reach higher ground because I am so depressed that I do not care if the water takes me away. I can hear the policemen shouting too me to get off the breakers and back onto the safe platform but I ignore them. There is a pole nearby and when the water hits I wrap my arms around it at the last moment and avoid being washed away. Afterwards the policemen make their way over to me and asked how I survived because they say that they have seen many people try to grab the pole and get washed away anyway. I remember saying something about crossing my arms around the poll rather then just hugging it or something but the dream changes and the policemen suddenly disappear.

      My boyfriend is there instead and he puts his arm around me in comfort and says "I have a confession to make..." and than proceeds to tell me about his secret identity as the tiger riding man. I also say the confession line and than tell him that I am poor and live in the western end of the city. He tells me that he doesn't care where I am from and wonders why I ran away from him earlier. I tell him about his father threatening me and he doesn't seem surprised at all. My boyfriend tells me that his father knows about his secret crime fighting life and told me to stay away from his son because he was afraid that his son would forget about being a crimefighter.

      I am relieved and happy, but still feel unsettled about something I cannot describe when the dream ends.

      Updated 01-20-2011 at 08:52 PM by 6048

    2. Worries

      by , 01-17-2011 at 01:27 PM (Insights from Id)
      I remember only a fragment of this dream. I am looking upon my naked body in the mirror, and I notice with distress that my left breast hangs slightly lower than the right. I turn to my husband, who says I am beautiful the way I am. I begin to smile, then realize I haven't done my homework that was due yesterday and I haven't studied for finals. I have nobody to blame but myself.
    3. The Dream of my Soulmate

      by , 12-26-2010 at 02:01 AM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      Soul mate (Non-lucid)


      This dream left me with a warm fuzzy feeling in the morning...
      I was the new girl at some institutional place, but I was with a group of people I knew; it may have been a merge between schools, or we were just sent there as a work experience. I remember being supposed to work in that school for special needs kids.
      We were being introduced to other young people, and one of the guys seemed to be struck by me, as I was by him. My name was the only one he could remember and we started to flirt more or less openly, although very innocently. It's just that we got on so well.

      He looked a bit like Jackson Davis, who played Jonas in LonelyGirl15, except with bright blue eyes, so I shall refer to him as Jonas.
      Actually, his eyes (and those of his ancestors) were so blue that his surname was "Azur-blue ocean"
      Later on I visiting the school, went to the swimming-pool and then sunbathing with my female friends. Jonas Azur-blue ocean joined us and lay down next to me and we were just comfortable. My friends said nothing but I could see that they were all "Aww look at the two of them they're so cute!"
      The funny thing is, although I did enjoy that soulmate feeling, I woke up feeling guilty towards the guy I'm actually flirting with in real life.

      Updated 11-05-2011 at 10:02 AM by 8172

    4. The Dream of the Escape from the Island and the Introduction into a Secret Society Bank

      by , 12-07-2010 at 12:31 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      I was on Belle Isle island and I was wanted by the evil authorities, so I had to flee, but I knew that if I took the ferry they would catch me easily, so I had to find another way. A relative told me of a fisherman who often took people to the mainland, so I went to the beach and found him. His ship was really a small rowing boat. He agreed to take me to the mainland and didn't even ask for compensation. Thanks to him, I crossed to and fro Belle Isle many times.
      Later, I was in my grandparents house, which is on the peninsula closest to Belle Isle. I had taken a clandestine cat with me from Belle Isle and I had to hide his presence from my relatives, but for some reason the cat had to stay outside in the front yard, so every time my aunt came out I had to go and shoo the cat away so she wouldn't see it.
      Later again, me and my friend/crush John managed to get introduced into a secret branch of my bank. But then, we had to get out to spread information to other underground resistance members. We had pretended to be a couple, so stay in character I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek and he was all embarrassed, saying something like: "You've done enough now!"

      Influences: my research into Resistance in occupied Finistere during WWII
    5. mystic mountain

      by , 12-02-2010 at 04:30 PM
      the first thing i remember was attending some sort of concert that my friend was putting on with the piano at a park that was also an amusment park. the grass was dark green cut nicley and the playground reminded me of a carousal kind of build. There were some rides but not to many. Friends showed up and we all started dancing to the piano and i eventualy made out with a girl i know whos two years younger then me. She invited me to sleep over and iwas lsikke yeaaaaa. we kept dancing in the moonlight then we went up the trail to trailer and someone have me like and eigth of weed two joins and a blunt for no reason except that he would be coming over later to smoke some. I said aite sounds good Then we went up to tayler and watched some kid get busted by our schosol administrator who was driving around in a golf cart searching people. I through a bunch of tin foil nd shit over the fence and walked calmly home. I showed up home with my friend and then put the weed in my second mail box which was now in a coca cola coin collector. I covered it with shubberey helped my dad with chores and went back out and grabd my weed put it into a bag.
      I showed my friend how much i had and he was very excited so then a bus picked us up and we went to majic mountain. There was some sort of sling shot bunjie thing that shot you into the air and i attempted it and shot up way high and floated down towards the ground. After that there was another concert in the park and i attended that. After i again walked home and hung out with my friends in the front yard. After i found myself at a train station and when i got through to the other side me and my friends were all high as fuck making fun of diferent tour guides who showed us into what was a museum inside the train station. after that there was some dance and i didnt go i waited outside and some girls asked wat i was doin nd isaid i was thizzen wen i wasnt nd they said oo come in side but i did not nd woke up soon after
    6. Old professor in love with me, and, playing the piano

      by , 10-19-2010 at 07:47 PM (Delenn's dream journal)
      Dr. B from college is with me. He is acting weird. At one point he is sitting behind me, and he keeps touching my waist and leg. I find it weird but don't try to stop him. My (real life) husband is with me, I think. Dr. B gives me a little packet of rolled-up notebook scraps, tied with twist-ties. He leaves. I open one of these scraps. It says something about love on it. I say to my husband, "He's in love with me." Husband says, "I know." We sort of shrug with a 'that's weird' sort of attitude. Later Dr. B is talking about a paper-writing competition that I should enter. I say I wouldn't know what to write about. He says I just need to build off this other paper I wrote about religion and culture.
      I say that I've started composing a song (on the piano) for the competition to go with my submission. (The song is actually Mariage D'amour by Clayderman, which I learned to play a few weeks ago.) There are two pianos here. My mother is playing the full-size one. The other's keyboard is very short, maybe only 1 1/2 octaves. I wonder to myself if I will have enough room. I try it and determine I need the full-size piano. I ask my mom if I can play the song. She says yes. I sit down and start playing. I struggle. I don't quite remember the notes. Eventually I can play a little of the song. (I am playing without sheet music.) Dr. B is there now. I am hoping to impress him but he doesn't pay much attention to my playing. He is walking around me with cups and champagne (?) saying, "[She] has not yet agreed to marry me."

      At one point I am saying to him that I'm not sure I've ever written a truly good paper. He responds with not-quite-reassurance.. something about how when he gets a whole class-full of papers something in them must be good.

      There's another scene where I am with some women (friends?), describing my encounter with a blonde woman. This person was a religious fanatic. I was talking to her as research for my paper. This woman said something like "I hate all niggers and jews." And I asked her, "This is because of your religion?" And she says yes. I am acting out this exchange for my women friends and acting really obnoxious when I am playing the bigot woman. Dr. B says that I asked the right questions.

      I don't recall ever before having a dream in which I play piano. That's really interesting. (I've played piano since I was 7 years old.)

      The Dr. B love stuff might just be day residue because I was reading about King Henry IV on Wikipedia last night, and he was a huge philanderer and had a zillion mistresses.

      Interesting that my mom made an appearance too, and that she was playing piano. (She does play piano in real life.) All I saw was the back of her head, though. She had brown hair, not quite shoulder length. She has gray in her hair now, though, which was not in the dream.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 08:07 PM by 32584

    7. Flying Bus Crash

      by , 10-12-2010 at 01:11 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      I was on some kind of flying bus or other multi-passenger transport vehicle. Outside it was dark and stormy. The vehicle was flying over a city. It looked pretty run down -- a very dystopian sci-fi vibe.

      I realised we were heading straight into the centre of a storm. It was like a hurricane and epic thunder storm combined. I knew it was dangerous and started shouting at whoever was driving to avoid the storm. It was too late though. The vehicle was shaken and vast amounts of water were pouring in to it, filling it up.

      Mostly everyone was knocked unconscious. Only myself and another guy were alright. I told him to help me open the back window. The vehicle was still flying and had passed through the storm but was almost full of water and heading towards the ground. We opened the window and I pulled out some kind of breathing apparatus and swap through the vehicle waking people up.

      I was telling them that they had to go and jump out of the window because we would crash. It seemed like it was somehow the safer option? I came across N, an old enemy from school. I was tempted to leave him to his death but decided it was wrong and saved him. Most of the other people on in the vehicle were people I knew but I can’t quite remember the specifics.

      We must have all survived because we were know in a deserted city centre. Everything was so brown and dirty. The storm could be seen off in the distance, it looked like a scary destructive force yet really beautiful and natural. I was worried that it was heading in our direction. I was talking with someone and they disagreed with me saying that it would move off another way. It suddenly began to move at a rapid pace to the right of my view and was far enough away to not worry about.

      There was a girl with me. She was really beautiful but not someone I know from reality. She was either my girlfriend or someone I was in a sort-of relationship with. I felt like I trusted her a great deal.

      I found myself sitting with some people talking about what we should do. I said that we should go to a nearby town to look for something -- possibly other people or supplies, it wasn’t clear. I was told I had to take someone with me. I said I would take the girl, but the idea was shot down for some reason. It was commented that I trusted her too much. I insisted and it was agreed except that T, an old school friend, would have to come wit me. I didn’t like the idea because I didn’t trust him. I also knew that T wasn’t his real name. I considered him to be a slippery character that kept changing his identity. He was with some random girl who laughed in a knowing slightly sinister way that made me feel uneasy.

      I went to find the girl from earlier. She was sleeping in a make-shift shelter made of road signs. I touched her exposed belly gently and woke her softly. She smiled and I stroked her arm. I said I was sorry to wake her but we were going to scout out a nearby town and that it’d be good to spend some time together.
    8. Night of 10/05 - My soulmate?

      by , 10-06-2010 at 12:14 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello again.

      Well, as the title says, I found in my dreams a very special person I wish meet for real. These dreams are half lucid/half non-lucid..

      I'm in a building. I don't remember exactly what I was doing there, but it was something in relation to university. I meet a girl, she looks familiar. I ask her for some advice and she's very helpful. Soon a conservation is build up. While talking to her I was flirting a bit by making some funny remarks which made her laugh, speaking in avery elaborated language. AND in addition, she likes that. I feel that she's attracted by me, she often smiles and gives me very special looks (I don't know how to describe them) which were saying that she finds me nice (by the way eyes are never lying).
      I also remember very well her face: normally, the faces in my dreams are blurry or not distinguishable, sometimes they aren't even there). I also know that I've already seen her somewhere, but I don't know where.
      Well our conversation was very long and quite intensive. But after sometime I unfortunately had to leave But I promised her, that we will meet again.

      In the meantime I had these Fragments.

      Than I had a second dream: I'm in a restaurant or in a bar. In front of me sits exactly the same girl as previously. She is constantly smiling. She looked really beautiful with her brown long hair. I was really amazed by that: I've never seen so beautiful brown eyes, which were so glittering and so friendly... I realized that I love her and she's maybe interested in me. I want to tell her my feelings, but I don't know how to do it in an appropriate way. I continue my conversation, but than took one of her hands. I want to see how she reacts. She is pleased and also gives me the other hand. We both stand up and I wanted to confess my feelings. But I didn't know how... BUT this wasn't a problem, because she already knew what I'm saying to her. She says to me that she shares the same feelings. We kiss. I realize that her kiss is odd, that I'm not having some intensive feelings or so. I REALIZE THAT THIS IS A DREAM. I'm so happy that I realized it. But my feelings are to intense....

      I woke up . I just was: "NOOOOOOOO!" Why do I awake in these situations??? I did a RC. I'm no longer dreaming. I thought a long time about these dreams. I tried to auto-suggest to have the same dream or a related one. I fall asleep while thinking of her.

      I enter in a classroom. It's English class but I don't have any books or so. In addition I have in reality no english-courses. I looked for someone. and SHE was there, sitting alone. She was really happy to see me again. Me too. I sit down next to her. She gives me her hand to show me that she still loves me. I give her a kiss. I wanted to say something but a teacher was suddenly there. She (the teacher) was very angry about something. The class is boring so I look out the window. The window and the wall disappears and I see a beach. The sky is red. Someone, who also looked outsides started to say out loud: "O no do you see this?" everyone looks now. We see that a group of hundred whales are swimming towards the beach. Some of them already stranded. The teacher become even more angry that no-one pays attention. But nobody cares. We all go outsides to help the whales.
      Outsides it is very chilly; a storm is coming up. I try too help a stranded whale: it was a miniature whale, just as big as pig or so. It starts dying in my hands. I'm really sad and run towards the water. But it's too late: it's already dead.
      Suddenly something odd happens: the whale transforms in a T-Shirt and it flies away. I soon realized somehow that it was again a dream. A little girl comes towards me and says to me that I had to go back at school to write my English-essay. I ignored her and walked a bit. I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, I probably missed something. But I just wanted to meet my soul-mate again. Suddenly I'm in front of her. She's upset because of the dying whales. she knows that one of them died in my hands. She says to me that I don't have to blame my-self, that's not my fault that it died. She gives me hug, I pay attention in which way she gives me a hug (a friendly on or a loving I don't know why I pay attention on it: it's a dream and I get hugged as I wish it too. I loose lucidity. She wants to leave to go to her house on the beach. I accept.

      My alarm clock wakes me up.
      And I'm still amazed

      Lucidity scale: 3/5

      Updated 10-06-2010 at 06:47 PM by 27488

      lucid , memorable
    9. Sunset Love.

      by , 09-19-2010 at 10:34 PM
      I was playing Chopin's Nocturne op. 20 when all my family was arriving for Christmas, preparing dinner. I went out and the scene changed, I was with my little cousins and suddenly charms started to hit us, I told them to get out their wands and we defeated the one that was throwing us charms. Then we proceeded to the house and my dad's girlfriend was there. She opened the door, smiled and said "You're alone! Your dad's not here. So I guess you're not hungry." I answered with an amused "Oh, I am veeery hungry." and the cook laughed with me.
      I went out to wait and his son (about my age, a bit older) was there, parking his car. The scene was like a mountain made of stone, the ocean was down there. I saw a ferrari really small and short car. I asked him how he could fit more than one person there, he said he'd show me. He sat down and told me to sit on him, I sat and he hugged me, then he told me to slide at his side, and, while hugging me. We stood up and walked to the house.
      The scene changes, the sun is setting. I see it and get excited, the sun is huge. I tell my friends and we all run down to the ocean. We get up in a small boat and this man gets angry because we have to pay. But we manage to get up again and go to the school dorms where my teachers say I never pay attention.

      Feelings: love, desire of being close, confidence, sense of safety,
    10. My Dream 1

      by , 09-19-2010 at 12:14 AM
      I was talking to my friend about raising money for my friends mum and my crush walked in and sed he wud give it to me i sed no no no but he sed yes... so his mum sed i only want his money nothing else so then i wanted to talk to him and we was in a dark black room with 2 sofas and i sat infront of his and sed i love u for who u are not what u are i dont want ur money i want who u have inside u and i started crying and i was expecting him to hug me and then after 6 seconds he kissed me and it actually felt like he was kissing me and i could taste it and everything. Im really freaked out Someone help me!
    11. 5 Sep: fragments, giant cats and lucid hot date

      by , 09-06-2010 at 05:56 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:50 GMT – Sleep

      Game like dream. Can’t recall content.

      0:00 GMT

      Bus ride to village in distress
      Just as two nights before (the hovercraft ride dream), I am on a bus with more people crossing dangerous mountain roads with dangerous manoeuvres from the driver and we almost fall down a cliff. We arrive at this remote village in a valley, surrounded by woods. There was some kind of catastrophe there and the basic services are disrupted. More madness is expected soon, riots and violence. A muscled guy comes and starts orienting us. For some reason he seems to befriend me more than the rest of the group. We come to help and we evaluate the situation sitting on a picnic table outside: we try to evaluate how much food, water and other essential goods there are and how long they’ll last and we realise it won’t last more than 4 or 5 days. Because everything is torn apart, I see this village name plate half covered by debris and the only letters remaining visible say “...have ...fun...” I think this is highly ironic.

      I’m inside a house, with a big window facing the street. It has something like an advertisement stick on the window and I’m trying to read it on reverse, when some guy outside knocks on the window. He wants to speak to me and seems a bit angry. I exit the place.

      Mourning a dying man
      I’m now entering a room at my neighbour C. house. Her dad is extremely sick (in some kind of coma) and people are all gathered around him, mourning him, as if he was already dead. Strangely, some of my cousins and even my late grand-grandmother are also there, even if they don’t belong to this family or are alive at all. I feel this is very uncomfortable and wonder if they have no hopes that he gets better? On my way out I meet my dad and he says I have to be more loving towards him because one day he’ll also be lying dead like this guy. Sure, but I already know that, no point in stressing that out!

      2:30 GMT

      More details of a previous dream
      Regarding the mosque lucid dream I had had a few nights before, someone comes in this dream to tell me it is actually surrounded by English-style gardens but doesn’t know anything about sacred stones, only that there was some stone-sculpture exhibition there and that a few days some people gathered there to celebrate some ceremony.

      I’m no dancer
      I’m on some place where it’s playing music and I feel like dancing. I actually think I’m doing ok, when more people join me. I can tell they are professional dancers and compared to them I’m just not good enough, but I’m having fun, so I don’t care. Then I realise I’m in the middle of some dance class final exam. The teacher comes to me and asks me “Do you think you danced well? and I say that on a professional level, of course not. Then she asks some other dancer “Do you think she danced well?” and he says no. Then she says she rests her case and turns her back on me, like outcasting me. I feel a bit upset. I mean, I know I am just an amateur, but my dancing is not that offensive to anybody’s eyes, no need to be so tough on me. Some fellow dancers show solidarity with me but in the end I say it’s ok, in fact she is right. Then I invite them to come along with me to a Vivaldi concert that will happen on some nearby auditorium.

      3:40 GMT

      A lucid hot date
      I’m with Nighthawk watching tv on the couch on a living room. At first we're apart from each other, but slowly we snuggle with each other, our noses are barely touching each other, we look in each other’s eyes and we kiss. He whispered “My god, it’s so good to kiss you.” and I smiled, my heart thumping. He says ”Marry me.” I don’t know what to say and I say it’s complicated. He knows, he gets up, determined about something. I don't stop him, but seconds later I decide to go after him. On the corridor I remember to do a reality check . I put my hand on the wall and it sinks. I get lucid and for the first time on a lucid dream I actually feel frustrated that it is just a dream but I still decide I want to see how this will go on.
      I find him on the next room with Riverstone, who is completely focused on something like a book and holding a cup of tea in his hand. I put my hand on the wall, I make a hole on it and I ask them “Do you know what this means?”. Riverstone looks totally disconnected and doesn’t react. Nighthawk has a misterious smile on his face and I don’t understand what goes on on his mind. I grab a piece of dissolved wall on my hand and pour it into Riverstone cup of tea telling him “This is just a fucking dream!”. He says I’m telling nonsense. I turn to Nighthawk and I say “He is always like this, he never believes me!”. Nighthawk, on the other hand, seems to be understanding exactly what I am talking about. Then he surprises me by replying “Well, I, on the other hand, know for sure this is damn real! I am really here with you!!! And I know we're dreaming!” Really? WOW! I was amazed.
      I ask him “How...?” and he continues saying that he doesn’t recall those many dreams, but he does recall a few once in a while and that this might be one of those he will remember. I tell him he must absolutely remember this one!
      At this point I realise that Riverstone is no longer with us. I turn to Nighthawk, absolutely thrilled and exhilarated with this totally lucid dream encounter. We smile and we kiss each other again, more passionately. We fall on the bed. I feel delighted with everything. Then his image starts to flicker and we realise he is losing lucidity and waking up. He says “Damn, not yet! I want to stay with you!” and I try to keep him there with me, grabbing him firmly. But he becomes just a blur, a shadow, until he totally disappears, like sand through my fingers. I find myself in this empty room, happy and sad at the same time. I sit on the floor and I stay there for a long time, hoping that he might re-enter the dream. But when I no longer feel the residues of his presence I decide there’s no point in staying longer, so I also wake up.

      5:00 GMT

      Excursion on the USA
      I’m with Riverstone on some excursion in the US. We’re on a bus. A pregnant lady is just sitting in front of us. We’re passing by N.Y. and Riverstone is screaming joyfully every times he sees a landmark he recognizes. Later we’re outside any city, on some road leading to some other totally different place. We find ourselves in a swamp area. We see alligators on water and for some strange reason there’s a black guy swimming bravely among them. I worry for the guy but also comment that is so funny to be seeing alligators as I just had some conversation with someone about alligators during the day.

      6:35 GMT

      Love letter
      I am again on a bus and some stupid guy/kid reads out loud a love letter I wrote to someone else. Although he doesn’t mention my name, he knows it’s mine and I believe everybody else will also know it’s mine. I wonder how he got it and feel terribly irritated. But instead of reacting, I just ignored him. I guessed this way I wouldn’t actually reveal myself and people would be in doubt. Only when the bus stops and we start coming out of it, I step on the guys passage and confront him with his action. I put my finger on his nose and make a threatening look and tell him something that scares him. He looks asian and familiar, but I have no clue who he actually is. He doesn’t like being threatened and tells me “Ok, ok. But why don’t you just tell the guy your feelings?” And I respond “But I did! What do you think that letter served for! I just wonder how you ended up with it in your hands.” He doesn’t confess.

      Camp of giant cats
      When we get out, we’re in some kind of camp and everybody starts smoking or is coughing. I comment it must be the lung cancer camp and the joke is not well received. Someone scolds me. We walk a bit further and I start to see lots of big houses, like an entire village and the most surprising of it is that I see giant cats looking behind them or inside them. Cool! I don’t kno if the cats are dangerous, but I start taking pictures of these amazing site.
      [inspired by the cat sanctuary of this guy in the US, that collects abandoned and wild cats and takes care of them in this lovely sanctuary with tiny houses for the cats, as a real village.It even as a church and a wall-mart.]

      8:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-09-2011 at 11:12 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    12. Taking innitiative, without control.

      by , 08-24-2010 at 03:07 AM
      I thought I would just upload some of my dreams I have recorded in my DJ. Also a few past dreams I had when I was younger.

      Mythic Date: Unknown; Lucid: Yes
      This dream is one from the past. I was this strange creature, blue, with colorful designs, bipod like. I was in this strange world, blue skys - littered with clouds, beige rocky canyon with very shallow water running in it, like a tributary but the water was a bout 2 inches deep. Very warm. Waterfalls pouring into a shallow pond/lake. I remember seeing a female version of my species, whom I felt VERY attracted too. Like your first love or true love, this was the affection I had for her.

      I remember a ship dusting off and departing from the the world, and me and my counterpart had waved a goodbye as it left. I assume it dropped us off on this to colonize/repopulate? seeing as how we were the only species of our type on it. I remember seeing kids, for some reason I think they were mine so im assuming I have good relationship skills. This was one of my favorite dreams, the feeling of deep affection for someone is like none other.

      Slenderman Date: 8/17/10; Lucid: No
      I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with the Slenderman but this is my dream about it. I was in this Halloween looking town, dark with reds and oranges and blacks. I see decorations of witches and pumpkins. I'm in a group of 3 people. Me, an attractive woman with red dyed hair, and the Slenderman. Suddenly my dream switches settings.

      I'm now in an underground bunker, that seems run down but not derelict. It is populated with humans and it seems to be a commuter town. Water is draining from plumbing pipes that are sticking out of the cracking/breaking walls. I now switch over to the attractive woman. I remember sitting in bed with a drape over the side, it is very bright and I remember talking to the Slenderman. Now I switch roles again and I am the Slenderman. I seem to be thinking of evil intentions but not acting on them.

      Technicality Date: 8/22/10; Lucid: No
      Im using my laptop. The setting is my room. On my laptop I'm using BitTorrent for some reason. I appear to be downloading some program that doesn't exist.

      I'm now in my old town that I moved from. I remember my neighborhood and how nostalgic it is. Nothing more after this.

      Pokemon and Civil Wars Date: 8/23/10; Lucid: No
      This is a strange one. I'm not sure why I even dreamed about this. I see Team Rocket from Pokemon. I mean, the original Team Rocket, Jesse and James. It appears to be a live action reenactment of the show, but the actors look just like the anime characters. They were having a talk at a dinner table and discussing over something. Then the live action actors turned into the anime characters as the dream went on.

      Now I'm waking up, preparing for classes for college. I'm taking a shower but now my friends are in my house, talking and planning to do something. I change my clothes and walk downstairs to my deck. I look outside and see the Civil War happening in my backyard. I see a Confederate man and a Union man fighting. At this point, they both lose ammo, pull swords out and slice at each other. The Confederate wounds the Union soldier and then he executes him with a primitive pistol. Suddenly, the British from the American Revolution start charging at the Confederate and they kill him. I dont see blood or anything in this.

      Nightmares and Death Date: Unknown; Lucid: Yes
      I had a nightmare of being chased by rabid dogs. Huge dogs. I remember being bitten and not feeling the pain, but I felt shock and panic. I finally thought to myself "ENOUGH!" and the dream stopped in its tracks. I then proceeded to dream about more relaxing dreams. I've never had a nightmare since.

      I remember being on the Empire State building. I'm looking over the city, although its just a few skyscrapers and nothing more. Next thing I know, I'm falling, though I do not feel the experience of falling. I hit the ground, but instead of waking up, I wind up in a white room. Nothing but white. I cannot detail the size of the room but for some reason it seems big, unfathomable.

      Updated 08-24-2010 at 03:12 AM by 35748

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    13. NightCrawler's Twilight Tales

      by , 08-13-2010 at 04:40 AM (Twilight Tales)

      Dream Guide, Betrayal, & Suicide

      Sam Winchester from the TV show Supernatural was there. I recognized him as Sam. He walked up to me and told me he could teach me to control my dream powers. At first Sam had short hair and I decided I liked it better that way. Then once I agreed to let him train me in controlling my dreams we started walking through the woods with some random young boy. Then I realized I was dreaming, so I turned to the little boy and grabbed his face. Then yelled “I’m dreaming haha! And I know it!” The I ran back after Sam and the little boy did nothing because I knew it was my dream and I had control. But when I caught up with Sam he had long hair and I was mad about it. So I shut my eyes nad focused on imagining him with short hair. But when I opened my eyes he was some older man I thought was quite ugly. Then I got angrier because Sam was doing a bad job of teaching me dream control.

      So I shut my eyes and focused again and when I opened them I was in a gothic house and Sam was sitting in a chair in some magician’s outfit. He kept rolling his eyes because I could not control my dream and had stuck him in that lame outfit.
      Then I lost control and it was like a normal dream, and the setting changed. I was living on a farm in a really rural area. A guy that resembled Ian Somerholder was apparently my boyfriend. I knew I was completely in love with him. All of the sudden people were ambushing the barn and trying to shoot him and my family. Ian and I decided we had to confront these people so we walked out of the barn together, hand in hand. I turned to him and told him “Never forget, I will always love you.” Because I knew we were going to die soon. He said “I love you too”. Then the bad guys with guns were standing there saying they did not want to watch some sappy peep show. So I turned to them and asked what they wanted.

      Then Ian walked over to them! He was on their side! He betrayed me and had tricked me into loving him. I felt crushed and so upset in that moment. He told me they wanted to kill my family and take our money and gold. I was furious and destroyed at the same time, partially having a breakdown. Then Ian grabbed me and dragged me inside with his evil co-workers. He told them to look for my family while he took care of me. Then he locked me in some basement and told me not to move, I would eb safe there. I was still furious but I realized in some sense he had cared about me, he did not want me to die.

      So I stayed in this gross basement thing beneath the barn then saw some creepy guy was living in it! So I screamed for Ian to get me out. I broke out of the cellar alone since he never came back for me. I walked through the barn only to see my families bodies sprawled on the floor, face down, dead. I knew there was nothing left for me here so I walked to the edge of our land where a cliff meets the sea. Then I jumped off and did a graceful dive into the ocean far below. As I dove deeper my body slowly disintegrated in the water into a shooting stare then I knew I had finally died.
    14. Frustrated Ball / Cocaine Wars / Tree Dilemma

      by , 08-02-2010 at 06:54 PM (Dreamworld of a DreamPwner)
      1. I was traveling out in the cornfields with Matt.
      2. Jasmyn posts on Facebook that she is now "with it."
      3. I'm talking to Matt. He asks me some sort of question, or the conversation goes in some direction, and I mention that I tend to dream about two people most often: him and Jasmyn. He asks me why I think that is. I tell him that I tend to dream about the people that I care about. He acts surprised.
      4. I buy presents for my brother in sister and they turn out to be really lame. I think I got Micah drumsticks and Kristy something similarly-shaped.

      Frustrated Ball

      Jasmyn gets pregnant by sleeping with a random unremembered guy at a party when she was drunk. I get really angry and we fight hardcore, including some physical pushing and stuff in class. Chelsea and Erica (her friends) are disgusted by my immaturity. There's a class downstairs taught by a Mr. Walker-esque male. Eventually, we rehearse for a ball or choir performance of sorts. I'm dancing near Jasmyn with no idea of what the fuck I'm doing. I'm eventually dancing with this really cute girl that I hit it off with, and I can see Jasmyn's frustration. I give her and Jasmyn mixtapes while dancing, and Jasmyn smiles.

      Break. This dream showed a number of the recurring aspects of my dreams, including the thought of being back in school with a schedule, my feelings about the separation with Jasmyn and her "sexual exploits," my discomfort about how her friends think about me, and my interest in finding someone else to love. In particular, I remember three dreams in the recent past in which I found someone else. Thankfully, there was a happy "ending" (more just a cut-off in memory) to this dream, where my friendship with Jasmyn was reconfirmed. This dream may tie in to the fragment about Jasmyn I had, covered above.

      Cocaine Wars

      I'm walking down the highway with some other people, analyzing how to get onto I-65 to get to Indianapolis. We snort some coke on the highway, and it's good. Some cops come by and stop. The guy next to me quickly slips his coke stash into my pocket, and I frantically search for a place to stuff the coke while we're ordered to strip, finally finding a little fold in the ground. The police strip search all of us by the side of the road. Break. Eventually, I am wandering the countryside naked, looking for my friends.

      Break. I swear, cocaine has shown up in my dreams more than any other drug, and I've never done it. On the contrary, I smoke pot everyday (in fact, often before bedtime), and I literally remember no dreams about pot that I've ever had. Of course, there's the whole nakedness aspect that shows up in many people's dreams, as well. I have a feeling that this dream ties into the countryside fragment with Matt somehow, which may in turn connect to the conversation fragment with him. After these two dreams, I woke up and jotted them down, then returned to bed.

      Tree Dilemma

      Before the following dream, I had somewhat-spontaneous thoughts about lying in a doctor's office, with the doctor caressing me. My mind would fly around to different ideas. Every now and then, I'd catch myself in the ideological swirl and try to focus on lucidity, but I don't remember at any point being lucid within what I would consider to be a dream.

      I was required to complete a number of tasks as Bilbo for 40 points in a quiz/task game involving Matt C and Chris H. The final task is to scale a tree to get to a window to get to what's inside (an hourglass, a la the Zelda commercial?). I scale the tree, but it's tall as fuck and I'll have to jump to make it to the window. I reflect that Bilbo wrote about the illusion of height. I decide against jumping. During my time in the tree, I hear a quote on the radio about introducing people to new music (High Fidelity-esque). In a higher reality (was I in a dream within a dream?) Jasmyn smiles and thinks about me while I put a poster on the wall of the same room (telepathy? alternate future?). Back in the tree, the police arrive and I get the fuck out of the tree. I run and hide behind a fence while a nearby cop looks for me. I accidentally make a noise. He heads toward me. I pull out my gun, cock it, and....imagine a number of ways to dispose of him, then wake up.

      What a weird dream! First off, there's revolving identity, in which at one point I am Bilbo, and at another point, I am Ryan remembering the words of Bilbo. There are little implantings of my everyday thoughts (Zelda hourglass, High Fidelity, police) throughout the dream. Most interestingly, there's the whole section where there's a sort of higher-level dream (a la Inception) that is ideologically connected to the dream within a dream, but this higher level also involves my ability to read Jasmyn's thoughts. I don't remember any appearance of this higher dream, aside from what I mentioned, so I'm fairly sure that my dream-within-a-dream construct was only imagined (an imagined dream within a dream, wow!). And of course, the fucking police show up...typical. I'm always smoking pot in public, so the police are a constant entity in my mind. There's just something really iconic about a police car to me. Interestingly enough, the end of the dream melds with my imagination (is this normal or is this just a function of every dream? in essence, can you imagine different courses of action for a dream with that still being the body of the dream, rather than imagination?). I'm beginning to wonder if I should color-code my imagination sections, or if that would be redundant. Certainly, the thoughts leading up to a dream are imagination rather than dream-body.

      Updated 08-02-2010 at 11:43 PM by 34717

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    15. Graveyard and chips.

      , 07-22-2010 at 03:42 AM
      There was some house and it seemed to be haunted somehow.
      I remember specifically this one character in my dream. He was some sort of indiekid/artfag/hipster type, wearing black skinny-leg jeans, scarf, jacket, long shirt, arty hat, shoulder bag, sunglasses, etc., as one of those types would do. Anyway, he would visit a room in this house and that indicated whether or not there were lollies in the fridge, or something like that. It didn't make any real logical sense so it is hard to explain it in my dream. My vision would always zoom into this room and see whether it was vacant or not.

      We were kind of in a graveyard and digging some food out of somewhere. But at the same time, we were cooking or something... haha idk.
      Hmm. I think that at first there was some food and lollies and we were cooking. But then the aforementioned hipster guy went into that room/fridge and got some chips out but didn't put them back properly. My aunties and I had to spend ages digging up all these chips because they all fell out as we opened the fridge door and putting them back into the crisper part of the fridge (wtf).
      Then my aunty heard some weird noises and saw some lights or something and it was the spirit of my grandfather or grandmother. She told my uncle and he heard them too, and also saw the spirits.
      After that part, I was talking to my aunty, but at this point she didn't seem to be my aunty anymore, but rather some random person. Although she still kinda had half the vibe of my aunty.
      I was talking to her about my philosophy on life, and how I believed that all we really needed in life was love, and all else would follow. After discussing it a bit, my conclusion came down to not just love, but love and food, lol. I think I said love and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, the molecule that provides energy in the human body, hahaha biology nerd). But this isn't true, because you need more than just ATP in cells .

      But anyway...

      There was a tennis match on and I was watching when suddenly the ball hit a pothole in the court and so it bounced back the other way and the referee called it wrong so the players were getting really angry and worked up and then a plane fell out of the sky and split into four pieces, with one piece landing in the sea (the main bit) and a smaller bit landing on the tennis court. The tail, wings and cockpit landed somewhere else.
      Mr T (the guy off the A-Team) was in the crowd, pretending to hit back all the balls somehow. He got onto the big screen that is broadcasted on TV.
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