non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Living in my mom's apartment and I still have stuff left in the apartment in front of her where I lived, namely some dishes and cups. I still have the key to the place, although it was already sold, but I think it's still empty so I go in. Turns out the new owner is having lunch with friends and when they see me coming in, they all come to the door looking concerned. Then they get really upset when they see me. I explain the situation and say I am sorry. They agree to hand me my stuff but they are angry that I just barged in. I notice one of the guy's at the lunch table is Vladimir Putin. I want to say something angry at him, but I swallow my own anger. I try to make peace with the new owners by saying I have some fruit I'd like to offer them. They are not interested and walk me to the door. Then Putin also gets up, hooks up with some girl and they are also leaving. He is followed by a bodyguard. But the bodyguard passes in front of me and goes out the door, leaving Putin right beside me. He seems drunk and he gropes my ass. So I lose my shit and I grab his hand, twist his arm and I make a choke hold. He can't move. I call all his shit to his face and pull his arm higher to hurt him. At first he was laughing like "what are you doing, girl?" but when he starts feeling the pain and he calls for his bodyguard. I choke him fither to shut him up. He doesn't die, I just hurt him a bit while I tell him what I think of him.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Caught on a time loop with some people who are also aware of it. We are at school, the afternoon class was canceled and I am not sure if I stay and eat at the canteen or if I go lunch at home. Out of nowhere there is an explosion and we all die and go back to half an hour before and relive the moment. It seems we can't get out of it or change it and I watch each and every one of the others losing it, going insane. But I also start noticing small changes in the history every time we relive it. I start exploring the moment from other angles. Until I finally find the bomb and the guys who set it up. It won't be easy to disable it but now there is hope, so I go back to my friends and tell them the news just before the explosion happens again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Watching a reality show to find the best tenant for houses. The best judge is an arab guy, super honest and the only non-racist. He expels an Irish girl that others think is the best option, just because of her ethnicity. But she makes the landlord go crazy, feels entitled to everything, thinks she is an artist although been struggling for years to finish one work with dolls made of corn cobs, accuses fellow competitor of not being an artist, although he clearly is better artist than she is. Working at a lab that is taken over by bad guys who hide some nasty truth about some product. I sneak in at night to try to prove it. Almost get caught because the big bad boss is visiting. I have to go deeper into lab rooms and end up finding what I want, a room with corpses and samples harvested proving serious damage. I try to examine them, but the visitors are coming and I have to keep moving. They detect someone has been there, I rush to a back exit. There is a guard and a dog, but I have been making friends with the dog who dislikes its owner. So I escape easily and I go to van with my friends waiting for me. The dog actually follows us and wants to come, so we say "jump in" and he does. Then the guard realizes and comes to attack us, mostly wants the dog back. Back to my dojo for training and it doesn't go so well, I am out of shape, but doing my best. Then at the end there is some kind of funds collection for something, everybody donates some coins. And then some weirdos are coming for a lecture. They say it's time that we get political and I think that's going to end up bad, because some of us are left wing, others right wing and bringing politics into the dojo will divide us. But their agenda is to brainwash people to be homophobic and racist and so they show some slides and pretend they are backed by science, talking complete nonsense about supposed physical differences that make some ethnicities weaker than others and insulting gays with horrible prejudices. I get really angry, I get up and tell them that's a load of crap and I ain't staying another second listening to it and if this sanctioned by sensei he just lost a student. And then the majority of my colleagues also get up and leave. Only a few stay. Then their leader comes after me, angry that I disturbed their little campaign and he keeps popping up on the corridors that I go through. I try to go around him and ignore him, but he wants to hurt me, so I decide to face him and I kick him in the face. One more kick and he is on the ground. Then I beat him until he is literally squashed and unrecognizable as a human being. Outside there is a large running table and I spot some of my cousins and other family members gathered there. My two uncles look angry and unpleasant as usual, but everybody else seems to be having fun. Then they complain nobody takes their orders but all the pretty girls and younger kids and nice people are constantly making requests that are attended. I think that's karma, because they are so nasty and I don't feel sorry for them.
Dl1 - In a changing room with benches all around the outside. D is needing help getting change. I kindly help him put his socks on. I then feel the urge to hug him despite him being a little .... I hug him and feel a relief wash over me. Maybe he is not so bad after all He offers me some of his food,a carrot. I sit down and take out my lunch it is a giant Baclava (greek cake with honey). On top there is strawberries and cream. I take a bit then offer him a strawberry. He opens wide and takes a bite like pittbull dog. His jaws are locked over the cake and my face, aaaaaaa!! (Hmm seems familiar), why do people keep biting me). Dl2 - On holiday, in a shalley type room with double doors opening onto a veranda. Below is a short drop down. There are cupboards below , I investigate and find they are full of food in jars. I sit on the grass in the sun and sample the food stuffs.
Updated 11-04-2015 at 07:55 PM by 88638
First dream - nightmare I was in school. I was in the classroom, sitting in front of the teacher - a bald man with mustache. There were other students in the classroom. I asked if I can go to the toilet, he agreed so I went out of the classroom. I was alone at the corridor, heading towards the toilet. When I opened the door, I saw that the lights were on, but as I made one step they turned off. I closed the door and opened them again, and the situation was the same. Then I think "Is this school haunted?" Suddenly a DC janitor appears. A brunette woman in janitor suit, with glasses. She tells "This school is haunted." and goes away. She said it, like it was obvious to everyone. I thought "Even if there's hell inside, I'll do this!" I entered the dark toilet. As I started to pee, suddenly red light started to flicker, walls and floor tiles started to crack. School trembled and the walls bleed. I finished my thing and went back to the classroom. I looked at the clock and saw that it was late evening, but then I looked at the clock again, and saw that I should go to take a bus back home. I went to the cloakroom. There were some girls taking their stuff and going out. I came closer to my locker. It had padlock made of rolled paper. I opened it, and saw that I have loads of old, useless junk in my locker. I couldn't find my shoes. I took all the stuff and went out to a car. I looked at the driver. He was wearing gray hoodie, and he wasn't looking at the road. However, he was a great drver. Second dream I was on a backstage of a circus. Someone was talking about the place. He started from talking about clowns working there - batman, a clown with black, fake mustache in bat suit; crabman, a clown with blonde mustache in crab suit; and spiderman, a clown with brown mustache in spider suit. They were running around like crazy. There were huge crowds cheering from the tribunes. Then he told about a murder bug "Whomever may touch it, may he rest in peace.". A sad and frightening melody played in the background as he said about the bug. Then a dude looking like Eric from "Sweet 70's" TV show appeared, and show control switches of the circus. He pointed at one and said "This is a lunch button. We choose one person from the crowd, and give it a free lunch. This week we have a special offer. If you have three nipples, you can come over to us. There's a free lunch waiting for you!"
I was in some kind of small room, and it was set up like a wedding was about to be held. I'm standing in a corner of this room. As I look around I notice that the walls of this room are black and so is the floor, it looks quite odd. I look to my sides and my dad is standing on my right side adjusting the outfit that I am wearing. My mom is standing to the left of me doing the exact same thing. I look down at what I am wearing and I see that I am wearing an all black suit with a glittery green rose in the left pocket of my jacket. There are rose pedals inside of this green rose, so basically it looks like a normal rose but all green. After my parents finish fixing my outfit they tell me I'm all ready to go. I look ahead of me and there is an aisle with a girl in a dress standing a little bit to the left of it. Right before I start walking forward my dad whispers in my ear, "Don't marry this girl if you really don't love her." Now I walk down the aisle and walk right up to the girl that is in the dress. She looks me in the eyes. I think to myself, "I'm not going to marry someone if I know that I don't truly love them". I look at her and its as if she already knows my decision. I grab all of the pedals inside of my green rose and pull them out and drop them to the floor(in the dream this meant that I was declining our marriage and that I wasn't going to marry her). She bursts out into tears, and starts crying really loudly. With this I walk out of the all black room. As I'm doing so I notice that somehow I have a hoodie on the back of my suit. I throw the hoodie over my head and continue walking out. For some reason this makes me feel very powerful and in control of everything. As I exit the all black room and walk out the door, it opens to the inside of a school. I "recognize" it as my school and walk down the hallway in front of me. Right now I see that I am on the second floor of this school, so I make my way towards the stairs to get to the first floor. I look down at my clothing and now I am suddenly wearing my Air Force uniform from ROTC when I used to be in it. I don't like wearing the uniform, so I start running to get downstairs and change out of it immediately( lol wow ). A teacher from downstairs sees me running and says, "Young man running up there, please stop running and walk." I think to myself, "Really? Are you kidding me? This isn't elementary school lady." I slow down to a walk, but now its a fast walk and I make my way downstairs. Once I get downstairs I go to the nearest restroom, walk inside, and go into a stall. In the restroom I go into, the stalls are all blue and the floor is white. I pick one of the stalls and go inside and close the door behind me. Right as I get inside I see that there is piss on the toilet seat so I get some toilet paper and wipe it off just so my uniform doesn't touch it. While I hate wearing the uniform, I wasn't going to disrespect it. After I wipe the seat off I start unbuttoning my shirt. Immediately I realize that I'm about to strip down and yet I have no clothes to change in to. I get out of the stall with my shirt still unbuttoned(which is out of regulation) and I quickly make my way back upstairs to get some clothes. On my way out I see a fellow cadet, Cadet 2nd lieutenant Luqueno, head of the Charlie Flight(AKA my flight). He doesn't notice my unbuttoned shirt even though we make eye contact so I get lucky. As I get out of the restroom I notice some of my friends sitting down in the cafeteria eating lunch. I go over to where they are sitting and sit down and talk to them.
August 12, 2014 I slept too deeply after the train ride to remember any dreams I had, but last night I had this one: I was walking up to my old elementary school with Zukin: We were going to break in. Well, I guess I should say, it looked like my second elementary school, but the inside was a mixture of it and my middle school, and the cafeteria was something new. Anyways. We were going to infiltrate the middle/elementary school. Once we got in (it was actually quite easy; we just had to open the doors and walk through), we found that it was lunch time. So we headed to the cafeteria. It was in the same spot as the cafeteria in my elementary school, but it looked more like my middle school's cafeteria. I was walking through the large room (it was wide open, with large spaces between the tables... Now that I think about it, it reminds me a little bit of my first elementary school's cafeteria, because I was so small and it looked like there was a huge space between the tables... hmm.) and heading to the table that had all the plates. Someone yelled for me to get a "cotton" plate, which apparently meant paper plates, because that's what I grabbed. I walked out a door and around a corner to the start of the line. I got up to the lady who would put things on my plate, and found that it was someone who'd been there when I was in school there. She recognized me, and at first I thought it would be bad and I would have to run, but she was all friendly and chatty. She put food on my plate in a really weird way; she put some veggies on, and then a few noodles, then more veggies, and then a piece of some sort of meet, then more noodles, and then more meet, and one more single veggie. She was about to put the desert on my plate, but she said, "Close your eyes, it's a surprise!" And so I closed them. When she said it was okay to look, I looked down at my plate and saw a cookie. I paid the cashier with my debit card, and then went out to find a place to sit; I chose to site at a table with two kids at it. I asked a boy if I could borrow his napkin, and he handed me one of them. I used it to wipe off the condensation on my drink. I crumpled the napkin up and set it on the table, and said thanks. After I'd finished eating, I found Zukin again. We had gone separate ways once we got inside, but now we were meeting up to infiltrate the school-wide event for the last half of classes. It was a party of sorts, and we decided we had to be together for this one. We were just about to turn the corner into the hallway that leads to the gym when a guard stops us and asks us where our parental permission slips were. We didn't have any, so we turned away and tried to exit the building at the door right in front of us, but the guard then asked if our parents were here to pick us up, because or else they couldn't let us go. We scoffed, flashed our driver's licenses, and said, "Do we LOOK like middle-schoolers?!" And then ran past the guard laughing. We crossed the street and started running down it, toward my house. But I don't like running, and asked Zukin to slow down, but she kept running but in a teasing way; she would slow down until I cought up and then, thinking I was ready to keep running, would go on. I told her to stop again, and we stopped about halfway down the second street on the way to my house. "Christ girl, slow down when I say so. You know I can't run worth crap." I said, and we stood there giggling about infiltrating the school.
04.01.2014Blonde Prince Photography Mission (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I’m assigned to take a photograph of a blonde prince, and his composition in general looked like he was derived from the Hunter x Hunter anime art style. I’m not at my objective as yet, and I have to proceed down a spiraling dark chamber. There’s all sorts of random entities I end up having to shoot, and the area is too dark for me to really expound more into detail. Another major aspect is that Chief Daisuke from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex appears with a gun. < > Eventually, I reach my destination and try to take a picture of the blonde prince, but it seems Chief is assigned to take care of that and shoot him if I took too long with my objective. I honestly didn’t know what to do other than one task, so I just let him do his thing, and that’s pretty much it. _________________________ 04.01.2014Throwing Cotton At Lunch (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I’m sitting in a cafeteria with random dream characters, and I’m throwing a few cotton balls at paper trays. I see a few familiar faces like Lyanne, and she’s giggling at what I’m doing I guess. 07.01.2014Skeleton Chainsaw Wielding Entity (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I’m inside an area that looks similar to Resident Evil 4’s castle region where you had to protect Ashley while she turns levers, and monks are coming after her. < > There’s a swarm of Las Plagas enemies to the point where things get a bit overwhelming to handle them all. I only have a few flash grenades on me, at least that’s what I conceptually presumed I had without trying to do some mental scanning of other weapons. I figured that if I were to use one of the flash grenades, it would at least kill off those with the parasites that are literally growing out of their heads. So I take the initiative, but it doesn’t seem to really kill them off. It only blinds them and has them delaying their movements for a few seconds while covering their eyes. I threw another flash grenade to augment my chances of escape by avoiding the enemy. However, an entity that’s made up of a cartoon skeleton figure comes in wielding a chainsaw. He’s wearing a deep V-neck black dress shirt that has dark gray vertical stripes along with a brown belt and gray buckle, and also basic black pants to cover up his skinny and bony legs. His chainsaw is probably about half his height, and he’s not hesitant to flail it around like a madman, and comes at me with full force. I have to back up quickly, and looked back occasionally to make sure I wouldn’t trip on something. After a while, things got hectic for me, and I decided to just mentally conjure up an inventory screen and switch to a Chicago Typewriter. < > The moment I wielded it, I pressed the trigger, and whatever happened, happened.
14.12.2013Lawn mowing during a Wedding (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Lawn mowing with huge lawn mower saw a chubby female wearing violet dress down to her upper thighs small orange blobs relative wants me to go over and mow area is around huge green valleys _________________________ 14.12.2013Sitting on a Chair & In Space (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID sitting on a chair tennis members (adam, john kuzko (black haired one)) Shifting to space and moving gray rings There wasn't anything exciting here. 16.12.2013Lunch & Fake Lunch Pin (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Too lazy to recall this: CafeteriaJuanFake lunch pinAsian female mad at me for fake lunch pinForgetting lunch pinWaiting in line _________________________ 16.12.2013Wizzrobes Are After Me (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID It seems I'm in an environment that relates to being at a beach with large and rocky cliffs here and there. I feel like this is another dream where I'm trying to run away from something or someone. And who I was running away from was a small group of Wizzrobes from The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. All that mattered was for me to run away before they even made any motions with their wands.
I'm walking to school, but I'm not walking the way I usually would walk, if I was to go to school. I'm heading in the direction as if I was walking to the basketball stadium in my home town. I see Matt H in the distance. I think about talking to him about an AFL (Australian Football League) team he barracks for, which I thought was Hawks, but in reality, he followers Demons. I decide not to talk to Matt and continue to jog passed him. I see Devon L in the distance, and I have a chat to him. I'm in a backyard shed which looks like (Sarah H)'s house, with a handful of people. We are throwing a tennis ball to one another, until a male starts throwing them at full power at me. I figure I should do the exact same thing, and throw them as hard as I can. I'm sitting outside at a table for lunch. I look around and see that there's a lot of people sitting around doing the same thing. I must be at school, but it's not school, it's Sarah's backyard. A guy comes up to me and mentions a few things to us upon leaving. He finishes off by saying that I'm a real good person, very nice. The guy dresses and looks like he would definitely listen to heavy metal music. The table I'm sitting at, is full of females, apart from a guy that's next to me. I look in front of me and see a mystery box from KFC or Red Rooster. Inside is two chicken burgers with mayo and lettuce, and some chips. I figured that the mystery box was something you buy but not know exactly what burger you will receive. I hear two girls near me, talking about someone in the distance. Someone interrupts what they're saying, it's the person that they were talking about, but they were not here, it was just their voice that finished off their sentence. They said you're fat. The girls are in shock, and are wondering how they could have been overheard. I said someone may have been wearing a wire, that were sitting around this table. The two girls are now suspicious of an insider. I begin to eat some of the burger and think of something funny to say. I say out loud, ''I'll tell you what.. this tastes like shit''. I'm not a fussy person, so I generally liked what I tasted. A moment of shock become upon me, I just realized I was eating something with gluten (I'm gluten free). I begin to pick the batter off the chicken, and leave the chips alone. It doesn't click for me, that the bread bun would contain gluten. I'm walking to class through the IGA shopping center car park. I'm curious to where my friend Daryl is, as he's in my class. I look at a map on my ipod touch, of where he could be, with no luck. I see a car which has Daryl's family in it, so I walk over to greet them. Jane (his mother) was talking to him on the phone and knew I wanted to find him, so she passed the phone to me. I asked where he was, and he told me he was locked up in some kind of prison, due to him mentioning a few issues to someone. I don't think he was in trouble though.
8:19 am I woke up with the name "Kenneth Wynecott," and an image of a cute puppy 9:23 am I am in a mall's food court with RR and HQ. I was worried that I missed work. We were talking about how some people don't go out of the area during their one-hour lunch break because going out is too far. They explained how it's not, but that's if you have a car.
[Monday, November 19th, 2012] (Plenty of dreams, but I don't remember most of them. I finally decided to jump up and record the last one for once.) The last thing I remember- I'm in Bashas with a bunch of other kids from school. I decide to go steal something while no one is looking since I'm hungry. I go to the Pharmacy section but notice kids surrounding the area. I instead turn around and head for the deli section. People are here too. I hear someone ask, "Do you prefer raw raspberries or blueberries? ... Raspberries." And then Cassidy Solpher asks, "Does anyone want to try some of my home cooked meal? It's fully cooked but I can't eat any yet." I then started eating a warm pasta off a shelf, there was beef, alfredo sauce, big long noodles, and mushrooms. <I woke up.>
I am in a lunch room and my mom is in the seat to my right. We are around a circle table with my other friends. My frien Cheyenne comes over and puts a seat in the middle I ask what she's doing ans she says that she's eating with us and the people at the table behind us.
A school of sorts. We went to eat lunch. A lot of people. Beatrice, Emerald, A, M and some others. Not enough seats, so they had to find other areas. M was with another girl. I was eating in the same table with A. She looked like she did before they started dating. She asked me where the others are. There were only a few people now. She went ahead. Someone called me "down" to the CR after I finished my meal. It was JJ. He has no clothes.
I was in the lunchroom with my friend, when I realized that it wasn't time for lunch. Missed the oportunity to become lucid, instead rushed to my third period class, programming. The room was different from the usual setup, this time it was narrow and rectangular, with all of the computers in the center in one long row. I sat down in my seat. My teacher told us that today were going to make "pinkie pie pony programs."