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    1. THE CAR STOP MAFIA!! "Motocycle gang"

      by , 08-13-2024 at 02:39 PM

      Woke up to the sun. So bright. (writes dreams) Honestly I should just get up. Or…

      On the side of a road, On top of a hill was a place full of stores and services. Usually I would just stop to get something to eat or for my dad to pick up some gas for the trip. But after coming twice it got apparent that I was a more regular visitor than anyone else. As it happened that my dad would be doing something and I would have to stay and wait for hours. I had some time to kill talking to people my age. As I ganged their trust (GET IT LOL HAHAHAH pls laugh) they told me that they run sort of a “little” gang here and that they run all of the stores. I said that's pretty cool and after a while of wandering around and doing different things. Eventually I joined the “motorcycle gang”. Which was what everyone's little nickname was for it. I surprisingly wasn't expected to stay or to come often but when I do eventually come often I would have access to all the lounges and stuff. I made some friends and they wanted to go get lunch at a supermarket. I came with them. We found a spot with Chinese food and different types of chicken. As I ordered my food I realized it was gone. So I went back to go get something else. At the time the kids were waiting for me. Another line started to grow so in a bit of a panic I got some chicken legs because they happened to be way cheaper. As I continued in the line one of the people behind the counter asked if I joined yet. (Let's call him bill. I was already talking to him before lunch) I said yes so for confirmation he went to one of the people I was with and they said yea. As I continued up I realized that they never gave me an ID card to order. Bill started to speak to the guy running the supermarket. (Lets name him Joey) “Yo Joey wanna watch what happens if you don't have your ID card?” Joey, already knowing what was about to happen declined, lacking interest. Bill pulled out a knife from his side pocket and went to attack him. I grabbed his arms and tackled him. Throwing the knife out of the way. A narrator said that in his mind he thought I would’ve been a good leader. I ran through the store, chicken legs in hand looking for more food I could grab. After about to grab a pastry I saw Joey running closer to me so I ran out the door. I looked for a car I could drive and after I saw a lady getting out of the car to set it up for a refuel I sprinted in the car and got it out of park. I drove right to the entrance of the plaza and luckily there were no cars. As I drove on the highway and onto an exit. The road started to be filled with houses. It was a mixture of country, suburban and ghetto. Gained lucidity, As I got to a part where the road was grass I slowed down and I saw that the side of the road was covered with extended houses. As I drifted past many I messed up and hit the structure of the house. Luckily it was still connected to the ground so it didn't collapse. Shortly after I ran into a tree. Realizing that this was a good time to let him pass by, I waited for a second but realized he was far behind. (car skills are way too good honestly) I continued on the road and reached a neighborhood. In the middle of the road was a group of three cars and two police officers on each side. Moving them. I went to the side and drove right past them. After some more insane moves I got to an intersection where there were hundreds of police cars. I immediately got out of the car. I randomly jumped (scooby dooby doo style) and then raised my hands up. I got arrested and a cutscene began of me getting free and getting 280 thousand dollars. Then I woke up.
    2. 20 May: Criogenized and wake up in the future

      by , 05-20-2022 at 10:03 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I think I am watching a movie but I feel it is real. There is Paul Rudd, but very muscular. He is dying of cancer and decides to be criogenized and be woken up in the future, hoping to be healed. For some reason I join him in doing so. But the future in which we wake up is so weird. There is high tech stuff, but socially it regressed quite a lot. It is ruled by petty people and controlled by mafia gangs. I am put in a building about 20 storeys high with no elevator, shared bathrooms at each floor and tiny apartments less than 50 m2. And for some reason, some mafia guys want to kidnap me. One day I am afraid to go to my apartment as I have reasons to believe they might be waiting there for me. But I need to pee, so I enter the building and go the floor below mine and use their toilet. Some nice people from one of the apartments are having a get together with friends and they invite me in.
      And there were a lot more details but I forgot.
    3. 25 Nov: Find money in ATM, kidnapped by mafia guys and adopt a leopard

      by , 11-25-2021 at 10:28 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I need money, go to an ATM. It has a notice saying it is broken, but also has a bunch twenty euros bills sticking out, which I want to grab. I wonder if I'll be accused of stealing if it gets recorded on the ATM's camera, so I remove the notice and pretend I am trying to use the ATM, putting my card in and then I remove the money as I remove my card and hide the bills under the card, so it doesn't show on the video. Then other people passing by come to see if the machine is back to work, since they also need to use it and I explain it is not and that I was just trying it out. Then some bad looking guy comes by, asking if there was any money in it because he had been the last person using the machine and he suspected the machine may have spewed the money after he left. I say no, but he doesn't believe me, so he kidnaps me and I find myself arrested by some mafia guys. I try to escape and accidentally step into a room where the mob boss keeps a feline in a chain. It's his pet. Looks like a young leopard. My first instinct is to pet him but they warn me he'll attack. I watch the mob boss pet him. I later escape through the bathroom window.
      I am walking some fancy streets and recognize it is in Italy, maybe Rome. I myself am looking fancy. I reach a street full of tables from restaurants, with tourists eating. I fly over them and hear all kinds of comments of surprise from people.
      I am half-lucid and spot some roman ruins and decide to go sit on top of it watching the beautiful sunset. Then I fly over to some other ruins nearby and find the mob guy dead in there and the leopard on the lose. He already knows me, so he doesn't run away, but I wonder if he'll hurt me. I grab the chain that is laying on the floor and try to put in on his neck. He does attack me, but it feels like a big cat biting and scratching, not like a big feline who could rip my flesh. So I manage and I secure the chain and walk him around a bit. He submits to me and automatically allows me to pet him. The police arrives and bystanders start gathering. I ask the police what happens to the leopard and nobody knows or wants to deal with that responsibility, so they say I can keep him since he seems to like and obey me. I kinda like the idea but I wonder where I'll keep him because of all my cats and dogs at home.

      Updated 11-25-2021 at 10:44 PM by 34880

    4. 12 Nov: Family gatherings, tourism with friends and mafia kidnapping

      by , 11-12-2020 at 05:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Driving through the mountains at night, I see some rocks on fire. First I don't know what it is and then it occurs to me someone is trying to set the woods on fire. I go back to try to do something about it. I arrive at a crossroad I hadn't seen before and almost crash with a group of ladies walking from a nearby village. They are aware of the fire. They tell me it is some guy's revenge, trying to set fire to another guy's land. Fortunately the fire is put out by the villagers.

      Sleeping at my mom's, sharing her bed with a bunch of kids, who look like my cousins when they were young and also some toddlers I don't know.

      Have lunch with my grandpa. We bake tofu and potatos in the oven, enough for several meals or some more people, but granpda is eating like a hungry hippo and soon there is no food left. I get up to go to the kitchen to get something else, but somehow I end up at Axman's restaurant. He has friends over and he talks and talks. I get very sleepy sitting on his couch while I wait to get his attention. I decide to get out of there and catch some air. Find a bunch of kids from a school or after school activities, playing in a yard and I join them with curiosity for what they are doing. They are selecting toys to play and I fix a few toys and board games that had missing parts and defects. Then find a kid interested in a 3D chess kind of game and I suggest we play it. But it takes 4 people. I see 2 other older girls sitting and invite them over. I am supposed to find a table for us which to sit, but I have to walk a long walk until I find one, almost a block away, outside some kind of canteen or cafeteria. There are people in other tables discussing if people should get free housing and support if they have no money or if should be given money instead. A server comes with a large cake, asks if I want it. I say sure, but I need to go get 3 other friends to join me.

      At some foreign country, I think eastern Europe, with some friends. I go shopping with them at a supermarket. I didn't pick up a basket at the entrance, so I am putting on the cashier's counter the food I already picked while I am desperately looking for breakfast cereals. The cashier gets mad at me and pressures me to either pay or just take things out of there. I finally give up and pay what I bought. My friends then take me to some alternative collective where movies are being screened on some warehouse. They tell me it is a Portuguese expats association, all nice people and with a good cultural program. But we don't stay. Outside they talk with a couple guys sitting on chairs welcoming the movie goers. I spot an annex open and filled with bags of cat food. They explain they have a resident cat colony and show me where they feed them in a back alley. But I only see one cat there at the moment.

      I meet Riverstone on my way to the train station. We are kidnapped by some mafia guys and taken to a palace behind the train station, where they intend to torture and question us for some reason. But there is an earthquake or some other building just collapsed and we escape in the middle of the chaos. I am half naked as they ripped my clothes. We go through secondary alleys and we hide from people, until we finally get on the train and escape.

      My uncles and cousins are coming to my house, which is quite different from reality. It is also rustic but has smaller rooms, more floors and is stuck in some old town in Scotland. First to arrive are my cousins João and Sara and I show them the kitchen and storage room, placed around an old furnace. My mom joins us then. She is excited, brings a dog and says there is another one just as cute and playful, but doesn't explain where they come from. Then my uncles also arrive and my mom goes away without a warning. I follow her, trying to figure where she is going and the rest of the family follows suit. She was just going to a pub nearby to get some fancy liquors to serve to the family members, but now we are all there with her, so we decide to just get some drinks right there. A police officer that was at the door warns us we are too many and not wearing masks and therefore we are breaking the rules. I get a mask from my pocket and I suggest my family they do it to, but nobody cares. I then spot a group of people I know, all dressed up like in the 20s. They are sitting in some sofas by a large window with an iron frame. Outside is snowing, looks postcard perfect and I join them. Realize that I don't match their outfits, as I am in my large boots and sweater. But they actually save the center seat for me and welcome me.
    5. 3 Aug: Confronting some mafia guys, people from the past, yelling at former boss

      by , 08-03-2019 at 09:58 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      With a group of friends heading to the door of some mafia dude to ask something. We get there and he is throwing a family party for his daughter who is having a birthday or going to marry. Hard to say. They have a skating ring in the house, invite us to skate and I feel like it, but the others point out that we are there for serious business. I thought they were Russian or Armenian, but then they all start dancing merengue and salsa and I think again that they must be South American. We leave empty handed.

      I am walking with a group of people. Feels like the kids from my extra curricular activities when I was also a kid, but I am an adult. Then I leave them and go alone across VFX. Come across a guy who recognizes me. His face isn't strange to me either, I think he went to primary school with me. I ask hiss name and it is something like Leonildo.

      A company of stone pavement is going bankrupt. I have worked there and go there just to get something back. Cross path with the manager saying it is our fault? I make a scandal and question him "Us, who? I think you mean the admins in suit who run this shit, not the workers!" He admits it. He leaves frustrated.
    6. 7 Dec: Italian mafia movie, tourism and a rich friend's mansion

      by , 12-07-2018 at 11:25 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I dream I am watching and at the same time living in the flesh an Italian movie about a guy who adopts two orphan boys about 2 years old. It is lovely and adorable, until a mobster wants to settle an issue with him and kidnaps the boys to raise them as his own. He tries to make them copies of himself, so they are dressed like little gangsters and he takes them to see all about his business, including whacking other people. The kids are becoming traumatized and insensitive.
      One day their father comes to rescue them with a bunch of men and shoots the gangsters when they were about to climb some staircase to enter a building. One of the kids is so traumatized that he runs away from is daddy, crying, but some of the rescuers go after him. The other kid stands still without a reaction, but when his dad comes to him he bursts into tears and says "papi" (although that's spanish). I also cuddle the poor kid.

      Doing tourism with my mom in Italy. Drivers are just insane, speeding on tight alleys, almost hitting us. We hear a crash. I fly over the houses to get a view. It's a truck with vegetables who went over the pier and landed on a boat. The driver can't believe it. Meanwhile my mom arrives and wants to help him by buying him vegetables, but I don't think it's the best time to do it.
      We go to the historical city center, crazy ladies put pots with plants outside their doors, basically filling the narrow alleys with obstacles on which we trip for a couple of times. We enter a very cute restaurant which is also a b&b and I recognize it from having stayed here before. My mom confirms she recognizes it from pictures. I go talk to the owner and they say I left a big bottle of hemp oil when I last checked out from here. I had been worried the customs would not have allowed it, but this time I will try to take it back with me.

      I am staying at some rich friend's mansion. She is an Asian video artist. She shows me a video clio she did for an H&M campaign, very conceptual with people swimming in the sea and a centaur swimming with them, that becomes a horse on land. She says it wasn't picked up by the brand, because they didn't get the meaning, which was none. I said I liked it, even without any meaning, it was trippy and inspiring.
      She puts down the usb pen with some of her work and we check for some paintings I left in her house last time. I promise to take them with me this time. They are hideous and amateur, but she encourages me to continue doing it. Then she notices the pen is gone and freaks out. I say the only person I saw coming in was a certain guy, part of her team and she goes look for him in the studio. She is furious because she knows he wants to steal her ideas and undermine her work. She yells at him and they begin a nasty discussion,
      I decide to go check the rest of the house. Her amazing kitchen is on a hanging deck over a cliff, with glass walls with view to the town underneath. There's a large spiral stair to a garden below. From the garden, there is a large entrance to a lounge area where I encounter some of her friends chillin'. One of them says he found a recording of me singing a Grease medley and he wants to play it for everybody to listen. I say no, no, I am embarrassed, but he assures it is really good and they should hear. They are VIPs and might help me launch a career, but I run away to hide under a staircase. Another lady, also Asian, comes to sit by my side with lots of bags, says she is leaving for her flight, but feeling very tired and asks to rest her head on my lap for a while. Then some guy looking for me asks me to join back the group, he insists they really liked my recording. Along the way he sings bits of the song, trying to trick me into singing, but there are people all the way on the hallways and I just can't sing in front of people. He understands. Says we will just be watching another friend athlete on tv and not bother me with the singing.
      We watch her on some competition. She is also Asian, very pretty and with some very original outfit and hairdo, unlike anything I have ever seen in sports. At first I thought she was doing pole vault, but then realize it is some kind of new modality, in which athletes gotta climb a kind of metallic ladder reaching the highest possible step, with a minimum jumping movement, like cats do. I think she breaks a record and everyone is celebrating.
    7. Manchurian President

      by , 11-17-2016 at 08:01 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I was playing through text options as if I was on Fallen London. One card said something along the line of "Trials of _____ House", which I selected.

      I am in first person again, and I was in a modern club, with a stereotypical rich godfather and all that good stuffs. Me and someone else were infiltrating the place to find blackmail material regarding the godfather, in case he was a pedophile or something like that.

      We got into a room next to the godfather under the guise of needing their... services. We beat up the workers, knocked them out, and tied them as I tried to spy on the godfather. He had a harem of girls serving him. We stole a few jewelries from the room and then amdemto get away since we couldn't find anything to black ail him with, but somehow they caught us and the godfather walked out to meet us.

      Somehow everything worked out. The mafia collapsed. They were linked to the government. The perspective moved to a misty morning in a military airport, with the president of United States (he was blonde, but he didn't look like Trump) using his VP (who looked like Hillary Clinton, but whom I am pretty sure wasn't) as a scapegoat. He walked away from her and the guards, popped champagne and lifted the foaming bottle up as mist enveloped him. The credits roll.

      I had a false awakening (I don't know why I don't do reality checks in these when I have always did reality checks after waking up) where I was sleeping beside my father. I may have gotten up a bit and used my laptop to searhc up naughty stuffs while he was sleeping.

      My dream returned to the president again, back where we left off. The VP was crying and protesting her arrest as the supposed mastermind behind the Mafia, while on the other side of the mist the president talked to some shadowy figures.

      My dream transitioned to me playing 3D Metroid (I have never played Metroid) where the environment are in HD 3D but the enemies are pixelated. I fought my way up what looked like a warehouse, got up an elevator, and came to a plaza surrounding a courtyard. I discovered that I have unlimited jetpack and I flew up to the top level, and tried to fly to an enemy and cut it in half with a sword. I missed and flew out of the map, which was a building floating in the sky surrounded by the vast emptiness of the skybox. I curved around and flew back inside the level for another try, but I missed again, then I woke up. I would also note that the flight felt different from the other times I flew in my dream. It felt like actual flying, unlike the levitation I always did not counting the one time I had angel wings.
    8. [29-07-2016]

      by , 07-29-2016 at 09:26 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in Hogwarts castle, something went wrong and Snape called everyone to descend down a spiral staircase to his dormitory. Whole castle gathered there, everyone looked in awe at golden objects and coins lying spread all around the floor and shelves. Like mad they charged at shelves and ground to take as much as they can. I calmly took coins enough to fill my two pockets, and then Snape appeared. First he started with taking all his gold back from people. He noticed that I had something in my pocket, I dropped a few coins on the ground and Snape went away. I still had rest of his gold in my pockets. He started arguing with Potter, I wasn't really listening to their argue and just wanted to go and mind my own business. Something flied past the window, when everyone tried to spot it looking through window, I did something and Snape just disappeared, thrown away by powerful winds.

      Second dream - DILD

      I was in my school, in the sports hall. I was watching a volleyball match, my friend was playing in it. He looked different, he was much taller and slimmer. I knew that there was some charm or curse placed upon their team, but they were still holding on strong. After the match I left sports hall and went with my class to some lesson in upstairs classroom. After it was finished I got a feeling that I have to do something quickly. I told that I have to do something urgently to two girls and ran through the school like mad, to the exit. I heard them saying that they too have something important to do but don't run like me. It was a grim, rainy day. I looked at the parking to find my car. I realised that it's a dream and kept repeating those words for a short while. I tried the nose plug RC, but it have failed. My right nostril was clogged, I knew that it was the thing in waking body and I couldn't do anything about that. I found my car and entered it, then drove out, phasing through another car that was parked there. I was driving on the road, with complete disregard for law and rules. My perspective was changing from first to third at times. I drove around, but each turn at the road led me to completely different and wrong street. I tried to phase my hand through window, but I couldn't for some reason. Then I crashed with two cars, and completely phased through third. The dream wasn't too stable and with low lucidity, it ended quickly.

      Third dream

      I was playing a strange computer game. It was some kind of simulation game, I had to choose how high loan a man was taking with some mafia and how many drugs he's buying. Then I had to set up a business for him and pay the loan before mafia would kill him. I set up a strip club and it slowly started, but suddenly it all changed to hospital. It was out of the game, the man, his family and strippers working in club were waiting for doctor. It was probably after they couldn't pay the mafia. Strippers were arguing with club owner. Suddenly a strange, enormously long snake appeared under the table. It had funny ears on it's head and looked kinda cute with them. It made a hiss combined with rattle at the strippers, then hidden.
    9. #12:

      by , 10-16-2015 at 08:58 AM

      I'm writing this post a bit late after waking up, so the details of my dreams are already quite vague

      Dream 1: Mafia
      I'm a member of the mafia. I don't feel like I'm a really high ranking member, just an ordinary guy. I'm loyal to my Don. I'm inside a building that belongs to us, so it's just us mafioso in there. It's the size of a public building, so pretty big. There's a high ranking guy coming to visit us. Perhaps a Don from another group. Me and another guy from our side have to come up with a plan for a specific purpose and present it to the high ranking guy. We have to make sure to impress him. There are glass doors which lead to a balcony, which somehow feels like it's still inside. Though I never looked down it also feels like it's pretty high up. The Don and the important guy are sitting on the balcony. Me and the other guy enter the balcony and walk to the right, where they are sitting. As we walk it dawns upon me that our plan severely lacks detail and that we'll have to wing it. I start thinking about proper etiquette. I wanted to just shake the important guy's hand, but in my mind's eye I see a dude kissing the hand while on one knee. Do I really have to do that?

      In the same building, on the same floor maybe (it's a pretty generic setting; walls with a very light colour and a light greenish hue, no furniture). In the middle of the enormous room there's a big opening. This is the same on all floors, so you can look down all the way until the ground floor. This way I can tell that we're quite a few floors up, though I don't know the exact floor level. A guy gets thrown down all the way. I'm not sure, but I think I fall down with him. There's a pool on the ground floor, exactly where the openings are. Please hit the pool. Please hit the pool! Nope. On the ground next to it.

      Still in the same building. A shoot out is taking place. I have an assault rifle, or a similarly big gun. At first I take cover underneath a desk in a cubicle while around me at least 2 people are shooting; 1 from my left, 1 from my right. I say people but they are not. I'm not sure what I should call them. Cartoonish entities. Eventually I myself am in the middle of it. I point my gun at 'someone' and can see through my scope that my aim is good. I'm shooting without using my scope though. A bit later or earlier I'm shooting at someone without using a scope, maybe because my gun doesn't have one. I have a long barrel though and it seems to be bend slightly cause all my shots deviate.

      I read an article yesterday evening about Syrian refugees and the influence of the Turkish mafia.

      Dream 2: FA?
      I woke up around maybe 2 in the morning for no apparent reason. After that I could hear noise coming from my housemate's room, which annoyed me as I tried to get back to sleep. I'm not even sure if that last part was a dream or not. I think not. Next thing I know I'm at Albert Heijn, a Dutch chain of supermarkets. I wake up (again?), thinking how silly it is that I was so annoyed by my housemate and not being able to fall asleep, while I was having a FA.

      Dream 3: Golf
      It's as if I'm looking at a commercial. One of my former highschool classmates is standing inside a clothing(?) store with a dark wooden floor. The kind that might still give you a splinter if you ran your fingers over it. He's starring in a commercial and they're shooting it right now. No surprise, he's a good looking guy. He gets asked to shoot a golfball at the mirror. I wonder if the owner of the shop is ok with this.

      Fragment: Isa
      I dreamt about a friend of mine, Isa. I'm not so sure what happened anymore. She has some stuff which may or may not be hers. At one point she makes haste to get away on her bicycle.
      Tags: golf, gun, mafia
      false awakening
    10. Angry crowd, FA, Holidays, Siege

      by , 08-23-2015 at 09:36 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      It was cold, dark evening. I was wearing a gray suit and holding a black briefcase in my left hand. I had also a Ruger pistol. There were two other people with me - both wearing black suits, armed to teeth with weaponry. We were walking straight the road, surrounded by nothing but fields.

      After a while we saw a house in the horizon - it was our destination. We entered the house after a good whie. There were two couches and a table in the middle of the room. There were members of local mafia, waiting for us. I left the briefcase on the table, and they told me that the money is already on my bank account.

      Suddenly we heard screams of mad people. The mafia escaped using backdoor, and closed it. I quickly changed my clothes, and jumped out of window, leaving my companions there. I went back the road, and then I met an angry crowd with pitchforks and torches. They asked "Friend or enemy?" I said "Friend." and they believed me, so I could go on.

      False awakening

      I woke up in my house, went out of bed and entered the kitchen. There was my mother, cooking something. I told her about my previous dream.

      Second dream

      I was in my house. It was some kind of holiday, and all my family gathered in home. I took my laptop, and then with siblings we found ourselves in a different world. The whole nature in the place we fond ourselves was dead and the soil was barren. We had rifles with us, and we went somewhere.

      Third dream

      Warm afternoon. I was walking down the hills, looking at the beaty of nature surrounding me. Finally I reached my destination - a harbor city on a tropical sea. When I entered docks it was evening already, so I stopped in a tavern of some kind. Next day I went sightseeing. The city was old, built with light brown stone bricks and exotic wood.

      The streets were full of cars and people. I looked for some interesting places, but it was too slow on foot, so I took a motorcycle. I drove for a while in the city centre, around tall buildings. Suddenly, we heard alarms, and the city was under terrorist siege.

      There were archers on a rooftops, shooting down everyone who they can see. I was driving slowly, watching as crowds of people die. When they started to shoot at me, I started to drive quicker, so they used firearms to take me down.

      They shot a tire in my motorcycle, so I had to run away from them. I found a gun on the ground, so I took it and tried to shoot terrorists, but I missed all the time. I escaped from them to a back yard of train station. There was a truck placed on a ramp. I wanted to enter it, but I saw that doors were blocked by a grate.

      I looked around, and saw another ramp. There was a balloon on the ramp, so I took it and started to fly. I was high above the city, when I used all of the fuel, so I had to land. I landed somewhat close to the city centre, and went to the streets.

      Terrorists stopped attacking people, so it was all quiet there.... too quiet. Suddenly the sun disappeared, and everything went black. After a while it was back, but something changed. All the dead people started to stand up from the ground, and shamble in random directions. Some of them were slow, but most of them were quickly running zombies.

      I ran away from the swarmed streets, to the tavern in docks. There was a group of survivors, waiting for someone. I told them what's going on in the streets, and they told me that they need to reach top of a skyscraper to escape, and needed a distraction for zombies.

      I agreed, and ran for the streets. Followed by swarm, I climbed up roofs and escaped from them, while group of survivors entered skyscraper, reached the roof and taken a helicopter. They have flewn back for me, and we escaped.
    11. [DILD] Stealing from Mafia

      by , 06-24-2015 at 09:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was sneaking inside a huge manor that was mafia's possession. The frontyard was highly secured, but I found a way through the fence, and moved closer to the front door. I entered the manor - the place was built with marble and ornamented with other expensive stones, crystals and other valuables.

      My mission wasn't to steal valuables, but to get something that is stored in the highest floor. Entrance hall opened to stairways to the right and left, but there were security guards there. I entered one of the offices, but one of the guards probably saw me, and alerted the others.

      I looked for a way out, and found a window. I smashed it, and looking up saw that I can climb to another window. I smashed the second window, but before climbing I had to remove parts of glass that could harm me. I went out of office to see if the alert is off, but coming back I saw that a guard DC appeared there.

      I jumped past him, and he disappeared. I moved something on the table, and a secret room opened. It looked like mafia had their private dungeon. Instead of exploring it, I jumped from the window and ran into boss' toilet. There was comfortable and expensive bathtub. Suddenly I took a toothbrush out of my pocket, took the toothpaste from boss' shelf and brushed my teeth.

      As I was about to go, another DC guard ran into the room and saw me. He made an alert while I ran for the street. Something was not right, people behaved weird. Every person on the street had some weapons. There was a granny with a Glock gun. They were swarming around me, trying to kill me.

      Suddenly I found myself on my frontyard. I thought "This must be a dream!" and everything became much more detailed and vivid. My senses have become stronger. I jumped over my fence, and ran to the mafia house. Instead of entering it, I tried to climb up the roof and enter it from the chimney, but there was a strange force field blocking my way to the roof.

      I jumped down, and entered the boss' toilet. A guard DC ran inside again. I made a gun gesture with my left hand, and when he entered, shot him in the leg. He have fallen on the floor, I shot him in artery and he bled to death quickly.

      But the way was not clear yet. Boss with his bodyguard entered the toilet. I shot down the bodyguard, but the Boss was resistant to my shots. I took body of the bodyguard on my back and feigned that I was him. It was heavy and really slowed me down.

      The Boss couldn't tell a difference. We moved out of the toilet and he told me "Look at that clock." He pointed at Big Ben clock tower in the distance. Somehow, I couldn't read the hour. He told "What's going to happen soon?" I changed my voice so it was similar to city guards from Thief: The dark project and said "Ummmm... MY BIRTHDAY!!!" I jumped like a happy little child. The boss facepalmed and gave me irritated look. Then he said "No, you moron! It's half past six!"

      Suddenly I have awakened, just a moment before my father appeared to wake me up.
    12. For yesterday and today

      by , 02-03-2015 at 01:15 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      *I had no time to post DJ entry yesterday. I've posted them today*


      I was in the toilet. When I did my job and left the bathroom I've found myself in the government building. With another guy we were wanted. I tried to escape throug the window. It was cold morning. Sun gave slight blur over the rooftop. I couldn't see the road due to the fog. It was too high, so we both surrenderred to SWAT officers. They told us, that their job was to guard us, as mafia wants us dead. We were moving ambushed by snipers and other squads of enforcers.

      A village

      I saw a village and its commoners. It was in 8-bit game style.

      Todays dream fragment

      I was waiting for my luggage to take it out of the bus.
    13. Racing with a Blue Ferrari

      by , 09-03-2014 at 11:33 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Racing with a Blue Ferrari (Non-lucid)


      I joined a group that was some sort of mafia or at least, something pretty illegal was going on, as we were hiding or something. Actually, I did not belong to said mafia, but I was there visiting for a reason.

      We were hiding in some underground abandoned factories and the place was huge, as well as pretty much empty.

      I was making some deals with then, but apparently, it was all about cash transactions and despite the situation, said transactions were legally done.

      I was given a blue Ferreri and I was going to drive it to test it out, but when I was about to drive, I noticed that it was manual instead of automatic. Since I knew I am in Europe now and I have to learn to drive manual, I felt it would be a great opportunity, even though a Ferrari did not seem the best car to learn with, as I wanted to take good care of it.

      I pretty was able to drive it, not very fast as I was not used to manual transmission, but I was still able to drive it. Someone decided to challenge me to a race, and I had no other option than to accept, even though I was worried for the car, I figured that I would reset the dream to an early stage of it if I crashed
      (note, I was NOT lucid, but this is a common occurance in my dreams, as I am always sem-lucid on my"non-lucid" dreams.)

      My wife encouraged to race and she told me I would learn vey fast that way and know how to use manual transmission in no time. So I drove downhill in a not very busy street. It was at night and there were a lot of people aorund. I parket my Ferrari and went to meet with some friends to tell them about the race, but when I wanted to get ready, I could not find my Ferrari. Apparently, it was stolen but my wife had an APP on her phone to be able to find it.

      The APP said that a 15 years old boy stole my car and that so far, he had no tickets but he was playing a Frank Sinatra song
      (what the??? Talk about random. I do not listen to his songs. I would not even recognize him if I saw him on the street, I just knowthe name.)

      I figure it would be a pain to recover it, so I just would reset the dream, but when I was about to, I had a False Awakening at my parent's place and my mom woke me up. She was tucking me in bed and saying for me to be focused if my dad was right or not, as he was sick and he was not going to go to work.

      I had another False Awakening at the clock said it was 10:45 AM... I was surprised I slept so much, since I always wake up much earlier. As I was going to write down the dream, I woke up for real.

    14. Lucid milestones and Fishing

      by , 01-02-2014 at 08:19 PM

      I was homeless, begging for money to buy a happy meal from McDonalds. I followed some people inside the McDonalds hoping that they would buy me something to eat but they just gave me about 97 cents worth of coins. Not enough to buy anything, so I reached to steal from this donating coins to charity thing and decided to leave all my money in there instead. But the lady at the counter accused me of stealing anyways and called the police. I got angry and smashed her cash register to nothing like The Hulk! Rawrrr. I went outside and there were a couple of mall cops with taser guns pointed at me. I became spontaneously lucid and made the guns fly out of their hands towards me. I shot them both with the guns and then shocked them a little bit to teach them a lesson about threatening to tase me. Then I flew away to this enormous building, it was really more like a super mansion. I wanted to try using telekinesis on it the way that fogelbise told me. So I went to the top of the building, then went deep into the earth beneath the building for some reason. Dream became blurry and I tried to stabilize, it wasn't working and I realized that I still wasn't making the stabilization the reality of my dream, I was only going through the motions. So The dream started to fade and I used sheer will to bring it back. I tried making a bunch of blobs of water fly through the air, had a ton of them. After awhile they were moving so fast that they all blended together to one big thing of water that I shot at a wall. The wall exploded and I walked outside onto a nice lawn. I imagined that the building and the ground that carried it were the same as a pencil and I made them float in the sky. Then I made it fly around while I was on it, it was now my flying castle. I looked around me and there was a clear, night sky with a full moon illuminating the town below. The town had Italian villas everywhere but they were tapered down a mountainside, and the location was tropical like in the Caribbean. I flew the flying castle over to the green-blue ocean waters and jumped in, it was warm. I swam to the shore and thought about going into the town to hang out with people for awhile but I had another split second though of maybe I'll wake up and I did.


      I was part of the Italian mafia and I had a wife and kid. We were having a secret meeting at a hotel and the Feds were onto us, they were going to bust into the room that the hotel manager marked as our room. I waited for him to mark our room and then switched it to the room next to us then went inside. We heard the feds bust into the other room after awhile and I chuckled to myself a little bit. A lot missing here in my memory. Next part I remember I was hanging out with my wife and we were about to go on a vacation to Germany. My wife was gorgeous, but a total soulless bitch. She didn't care for me and our marriage was a sham, tied together only because we were both Catholics and it would be wrong to have a kid out of wedlock. Weird dream, I am not married, I don't have children, and I'm definitely not a Catholic. While we were at the airport, getting ready to leave I woke up.


      In the mountains this time. I took a small boat made of cloth and went cruising around looking for a place to catch some fish with my super over-sized fishing pole that had two panther martin lures on it. I looked in the water and i saw Enormous creatures down there and got excited. There was a killer whale, a great white shark, dolphins, and a grey whale that someone had just recently caught. My line got tangled up though because the pole was way too big for though and I couldn't untangle it to start fishing for them, so I just cruised around instead while trying to untangle it. I went under bridges and over waterfalls, was great. I eventually came to a reservoir that was mostly dried up and only had little baby fish in it but I saw my old best friend from childhood hanging out there, getting ready to fish with a couple of people. I went over there to hang out with them but my line was still tangled and I spent the rest of my dream trying to find a way to untangle it. I mostly had it untangled and ready to go when I woke up.
    15. Mafia at the mall.

      by , 10-15-2013 at 04:25 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Mafia at the mall. (Non-lucid)


      I was in some sort of mall that had a convention center. The walls were pale yellow and the mall did not appear to be in a very good shape. It seems there was some sort of mafia thing going on, something related with very powerful sport cars.

      They had a private room where they had some cars displayed and I started to pick in opening the door from one of the edges. I wondered if I was getting so involved that the security guys would go after me.

      Suddenly, the cops arrived and the door opened abruptly. I thought if I just stayed at the door the would say nothing to me, but it was not the case, they were walking at me. One guy, heavy and strong build with a gray jacket, black tie, hat and sunglasses was approaching at me. I started to walk away like if nothing happened, but he chased after me until I woke up.
      Tags: cars, mafia, mall
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