non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I think I am in Brussels wiith some acquaintances. I learn that Sevelina has come out as gay and I am happy for her, but also wonder why she still doesn't talk to me. We come accross a group of street performers, illusionists, and they are inviting people to join some indoor show nearby. I am dragged along with the group and we attend the show, which strangely involves computers. So their trick seems more like hacking than a magic trick and I am sure it is some scam. Also, only people without basic IT skills could not see through that. I sneak into their backstage to have a word with them and ask for a refund, but once they realize I am onto them, they disappear quickly through a back door and lock it. Then my friends join me and say the front door is closed, so we are basically trapped, After some struglle we knock one door down and look for them outside, but they are gone. With an undefined friend, as a passenger in his car. We are in the middle of a forest. He calls Carlos, saying he leaves nearby, to ask if we can drop by. I say he doesn't want us there, because I had asked once if I could come for a visit and he had said no. But my friend is convinced he will not say no and after a long conversation on the phone, he manages to get a yes. But he only says he is bringing me along after the yes and I notice that Carlos gets upset. Not that he doesn't like me, on the contrary, but his wife is so very jealous of me. We drive there, it is an old palace covered in traditional Portuguese tiles, white and blue, depicting historical scenes. I am surprised. Carlos looks very tanned and fit, He is just wearing shorts, no shirt. His wife is a very average looking lady, short, with glasses and unnatractive hair, but she seems welcoming, or at least she is making an effort to be welcoming. There is something odd about how simple they look and the place they live in. They take us over a terrace with potted plants and a couple pets. They actually live in a much less fancy area of this palace and I realize they are the keepers and not the owners. Carlos is strangely being very open with me, very handsy and I fear that his wife might indeed get jealous. But so far, she keeps smiling. Then they takes us to the part of the palace which houses some foundation and a museum. I say I'd love to see the interiors and they take us first to inside the museum, not their home. There, I get lost from them in the visiting crowd. I bump into my friends Nuno and Ana, I say hi and they say hi back but they don't stop walking. I bump with them again further ahead and poke Nuno and say hi again. Again they reply but keep moving, looking a bit annoyed with my insistence, so I let them go. Then at some room is some minister presiding over some official ceremony and he adresses some navy officers and they salute. There are also some navy and army people outside, doing the museum tour and at that moment they all stop in their tracks to salute, leaving everyone else confused if they should wait or walk past them and carry on. The museum is very random and it has stuff about Portuguese navigators and explorers, but also some part about a dude who was an actor and decided at an old age to become a bullfighter and married some Spanish royalty lady and there are photos of their wedding and a real size photo of the lady in her wedding dress with a several meter long tail. Now with Riverstone and some new friends, but I think I am still on that palace/museum, entering a new area that is a bit more surreal. I lose sight of them, and go from room to room looking for them and I find a kind of baby nursery, with a few different rooms for kids of different ages. Then end up at another room which is crowded. People are standing in a long line with bags, like an airport security check place. Suddenly I worry that I am not wearing a mask in the middle of this packed crowd, so I look for an exit. Outside I find myself in the city of Porto. Right in front of me on the sidewalk, I see a dog in need of help, but he growls when I approach him. So I let him go, feeling helpless. I call Riverstone on my phone but he doesn't answer. I feel left alone and angry that my friends didn't care for me and haven't even called in to check on me. Then I meet some tall handsome stranger who says he can get me out of here and I am curious, so I follow him. He takes me inside the facility I came from again, but to some different empty area with wild technology. He speaks to some bodyless voice that guides us through some procedure. Him and some other guys that just appeared there, put on some weird looking helmets. They look like legendary nordic warrior gods. They offer me one helmet too and say to stand by their side and that I might get dizy. And I do. I fall flat on my back and can't move, but I am aware. I feel one of the guys laying me down on some bed and making me comfortable, he touches my clothes and for a second I fear he might rape me, so I flinch and regain some control. He assures me it is ok and I trust. We all need to be in physical contact for some reason, so they interlace their feet with mine and for a few seconds I feel between worlds: I can feel my body laying in bed (real bed? or dream bed?) with them around me, but I also already see the other side, the street where I last was with my friends before we entered the palace/museum/whatever. Slowly I wake up there and I am laying on a bench and I spot my friends sitting on another bench. I wanna hug them, but I am also feeling angry. Riverstone says they looked for me, but the phones weren't working and they also got lost on that surreal place. I think he may be saying the truth. Then there is some kind of parade on the street in front of us. It is either some wedding or a funeral. It is festive but also gloomy and it is hard to distinguish. Night falls and I spot some lights in the skies. First is just a pair of orbs swirling, then they form shapes like minimalistic angels or fairies and one comes down straight at me. People in the parade freak out and run in all directions. I freeze, not knowing if this light thing will hit me like a lightning or not. But it just flies-by like saying hello to me or goodbye and up it goes and disappears and I feel it was the guys who brought me over to my reality, just saying goodbye before they leave.
Updated 12-29-2021 at 10:48 AM by 34880
comment non-lucid (shortened) lucid I walked down the street, looked around and thought - "could this be a dream?" Everything seems normal. In the 1st split-second, I think clearly not, just like with reality questioning in reality, but then I think "it could very well be" and as I raise my hand to RC I already know the outcome. DC, who is walking towards me, looks at me as if he recognizes what I am doing and smiles. Meanwhile, I inwardly celebrate - "Yes!", but tone down my enthusiasm. I feel like enjoying the dream as it is, as long as possible, having fun, nothing complicated. Something is happening in front of me, something fantasy. Some sort of battle preparation or perhaps a LARP? I arrive in town and there are more people around. I come to a bush that has brittle dry branches and break off a large branch with the goal of turning it into a sword. But as I break it off, someone attacks me with a staff, and I block the attack. Turns out he just wanted to practice, and we try different attacks and parries. I'll keep my staff as a magician's staff. I'll remind myself it's a dream so I don't lose my lucidity. I go to a nearby building and there's someone in charge of battle preparations and wants my help with a little something. I'll help. Then he goes out that he needs to pick capable people and heroes. I say I'm happy to help with that (I mostly want him to pick me), but he doesn't really want my help and doesn't take me seriously. Everything out there now is a mix of fantasy and modern and there's quite a crowd. To my right, I hear some talk about lucidity and I turn around and there are two girls giggling. I ask if they're lucid dreaming too. They say they do, and they look happy. I congratulate them. I say to myself, that was a good reminder. And I think it's probably not true, since it's my dream and I don't believe in shared dreaming. But I suppress such thoughts - I don't want higher lucidity and I don't want to stir up a fuss or disturb the story with the truth. This dream is fully about the suspension of disbelief. I'm looking at some dresses on a rack outside a shop. Then I go inside where they have decorative cushions. I wonder when the dream will end, but I know I have plenty of time and there's no reason for it to end. I walk down the street away from the crowds and the shops. Then I want to go back again and notice I don't have my staff. I try "Accio staff!" and try to imagine it in my hand, including the feel of the wood. Nothing. I'm disappointed. Maybe it's because I can't see it. But if I could see it, I could use telekinesis. I decided that when I see it, I'll use TK. I want to go back to the commander and convince him to test me to show him I'm a mage. As I'm going back, I'm suddenly in a wheelchair and moving awfully slowly. It takes ages to get back... I start thinking about how I'm going to write the beginning of my lucidity in my DJ, and I think of the best wording in English, and how I'm going to post it on DV. And as the balance between me and the dream collapses, I wake up.
NLD: I was a stage magician, a white male in late middle age. I have the impression that my character looked and talked a bit like the actor Bill Nighy. I had been doing a really long show -- it started at 6, now it was 9pm, I had just taken a break and had to perform one more brief act before I could wrap up and call it a night. I realized I should streamline the show, this was exhausting, and the audience was probably almost as weary as I was. I was trying to find my way back to the place where the theatre was located in a huge new building that had been recently constructed for my show, but I took a wrong turn and found myself on the roof. Up there I ran into a colleague who resembled (or was supposed to be?) Gary Gygax, and we commiserated, "We're getting too old for this shit." I retraced my steps, passing a teenager who I asked about something, but his answer was unhelpful. As I made my way back to the theatre I was carrying a large bag of stiffened canvas printed with a cheerful decorative pattern. I had picked this bag up from the room where I had gone on break. It held a nested series of ever-smaller bags made from the same material. I was planning to give these away as prizes at the end of the show, like we always did, based on calling out random ticket numbers. I wondered if I should give away the largest outer bag as well, or save it to carry the smaller bags again next time. I examined it closely and realized that it had some discoloration around the handle and decided that it wouldn't make a very nice prize because it wasn't in new condition.
Morning of September 13, 2013. Friday. (Wife’s birthday.) I am much younger, perhaps twenty, living in an unfamiliar building. It may be that I share the building and have my own smaller apartment but it does seem like my own home. My main bedroom seems to be to the west of the main area (or largest rooms) of the building. To the north is a larger window, and near it, a desk upon which sits an electronic keyboard. My bed is to the left of the window. To the right of the window, against the east wall, is a large and supposedly ancient “two-storey” cage (the second tier was seemingly added much later as an extra precaution). This cage (big enough for perhaps two or three people to fit in) has two layers of “protection” around it; the thick window-screen-like wire (though a bit more sparse, about one inch by one inch) and outside of that, strong glass. Both “layers” have a sliding door on the left side of it. (I am not sure if the top tier of the hutch opens or has a door of any kind.) The layout and “memory” seems vaguely like our apartment from Gellibrand Street in Clayfield - Brisbane. The top level of the cage is mostly empty, but does have some fresh grass. I do not notice any animals. I look closely at the bottom level, through the glass, and note movement at times. I slide the glass partly open after I think I see some sort of ancient being’s face; somewhat human, but not quite. I am not fully lucid, but it is like I am trying to bring forth an “ancient magic”. With the glass sliding door open, I can now hear wind and a slight buzzing and humming. Time passes, and I notice miniature quetzals, perhaps as many as twenty, fluttering around in spirals, no bigger than a hummingbird. I also notice phosphorescent moths. Looking more closely, I begin to sense an intense “ancient” power, windy and electrical, emanating from the cage. There are various invisible insects of some kind, likely some sort of prehistoric tiny gnat, that form different magnetic “signatures” to set certain things in motion, as a sort of creative power. The hutch seems to hold all the mystery of time and space in one small area. The grass inside that section is like very old straw and there are also stones here and there. I listen to the wind and buzzing and feel the powerful currents of air through the wire section. Rather foolishly I open the wire and wooden sliding door, perhaps for the first time in hundreds of years. It was the only thing keeping in whatever was there for so long. I feel an intense energy and pleasure. I feel like I want to learn more (with some sort of ritual), but I do not have any sort of book and no poetry or incantation comes to mind that I think might be needed under the circumstances. Later, there are two (unknown) girls in a room east of where I had been. I follow what appears to be some of the “creatures” from the cage, especially the beautiful miniature quetzals. The girls look at me and smile. Another girl appears for a short time. I then discover I had a third daughter I had somehow never known about who is between the ages of my second-youngest son and oldest daughter. She is now about or almost fourteen. I am glad to finally meet her. I suppose she had been ill for a long time, or made sick by ordinary humans, so is only now “coming to life” to get out and do more. I do not remember my wife having an additional baby during the supposed “missing time” in my dream, but I feel very thankful. She and my wife are going out to the park, I think, with the rest of the family, and later - shopping. She is very happy to finally meet me. I notice that there are small stones under the skin of her face, on each side of her mouth and going down her chin to her neck, forming a DNA pattern, and do not think it to be unusual. It may be some sort of acne, I reason, or she may have the stones there as a personal tribal belief. Her name, strangely enough, is Mastermind (a game my wife played often at that age), a name that I do not see as too unusual, just a bit different than “average”. She also has two middle names like all our offspring, but I do not fully recall those. “They all got out,” I tell the two other girls, speaking of the birds and the moths. They look at me and then each other as if they are acknowledging a private joke with their facial expressions. I start to take them on a tour of the place. I point to what I first think are the magical birds flying about. I then see the butterflies/moths. However, it turns out to be the intricate attractive design of wallpaper instead. The girls giggle (either at my mistake or at the fact it magically did change before my eyes). I then look around and notice about seven miniature quetzals flying in a linear pattern. I reach out to touch them. I see that they are actually refrigerator magnets. The girls giggle again. I feel rather stupid as if I had seen a “UFO” and it turned out to be a flashlight. This is where they become “ancient trees” and wrap around me in “creaking” spirals, buzzing, and wind, “ancient” powerful humming from the “source”. My dream “resets”. A little later, I am back near the cage. I had been aware of an ancient (thousands of years old) “living face” attempting to make contact with me. After a time, I notice a young male of about twenty, who seems to have emerged from the cage as some sort of “wizard” within the prior twenty minutes of my dream or so. He stands across the room from me, closer to the entryway of the room to the south, looking about as if “new” to the modern world. Two other people show up (unknown or perhaps older classmates from years back). He starts to complain about “all those years” (while in the cage) that he had to listen to me playing the accordion (including when I was a child growing up) and organ (but mostly the accordion seems to give him grief). I then see that he has some sort of “magic wand” which is like an old branch (which I remember seeing in the hutch). The accordion has always been the most beautiful-sounding musical instrument to me, and so I then assume this person must be mentally ill and thus has no powers whatsoever, especially as he seems to be enjoying some badly out-of-tune (“detuned”) modern gated synth music. He raises his magic wand to “zap” me (and even “erase” me from existence - the thanks I get for letting him out I guess) - the loud/soft gating of the detuned synth (from a radio in another room or from one being carried by one of the two new people?) seems to literally be shutting his consciousness off and on for a time so that his mind is “gone” or in no stable, focused, or fixed state - and so I really do not expect anything at all to happen. In fact, I feel sorry for him, and I just stand there gawking in disbelief as this “magician” (now wearing a hospital gown) waves his wand around. It turns out that he was a mental patient from a psychiatric ward who had escaped from a local hospital and somehow crawled into our house from an open window and was still “playing magician” as he had been doing with other patients at the ward. The two newer people lead him away as he mumbles, swaying a bit, heading back to the hospital. I later am near the desk, thinking about putting the electronic keyboard away for a time and playing an accordion again for the first time in years, not even to record, just to enjoy in solitude (I sometimes played the accordion or an organ for hours in complete darkness many years ago - I learned later that, when I played during the day, older people sometimes came out to sit outside and listen during those times - even bringing a living room chair out to sit on). The two girls are “normal” again. I turn around and say, “I thought he came from the cage…at first”. My hands are “warping” into joined “flexible stones” (that seem to be “speaking” softly or humming with various changing tones and dynamics in a musical sense), feathers, multicolored exposed “bones” and “spines”/“quills” (seven or eight fingers on each hand, moving out almost like accordion bellows with a suggestion of being webbed) and DNA-like swirls whereby small comet-shaped glowing “orbs” rapidly “swim” around the DNA “map”/“grid” like a complex “network” of “trains” of light (an effect I have clearly seen on my arms and hands all my life - to the point where I would gaze at my arms and hands in the dark for fifteen or more minutes at a time - often, one would suddenly become brighter and then vanish completely, exactly like a dying ember - since I have never read about anyone else experiencing this - it is just one more puzzle for me). I breathe softly. The girl whispers, “you were in the cage (saying my name lovingly)…you are the source…” I then see that my own face is made of a mix of stone and “buzzing” wind and that there was an ancient mirror (of polished stone?) sitting in one corner of the cage - I had been (seemingly) looking at myself from outside the cage. Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl seems the main force or character in this dream. Ehecatl is a pre-Columbian deity associated with the wind, who features in Aztec mythology and the mythologies of other cultures from the central Mexico region of Mesoamerica. He is most usually interpreted as the aspect of the Feathered Serpent deity (Quetzalcoatl in Aztec and other Nahua cultures) as a god of wind, and is therefore also known as Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl. Ehecatl also figures prominently as one of the creator gods and culture heroes in the mythical creation accounts documented for pre-Columbian central Mexican cultures. Mexico inches closer to loan of Moctezuma’s headdress “Ehecatl” is very slightly like “Ethel”, my mother’s name. The two levels of the cage likely represented my conscious self (smaller, top level) over my dream self’s “mind”, while holding the power of the supraconscious (“source”). Wind, however, has been established in my dreams (including precognitive ones) as a reference to the passage of time. The combined failed magician/fool character in this particular dream (a character I have noted in past dreams) is commonly how I really “see” consensus at times and do not consider it a direct aspect or symbol of real mental health. Also, as I was growing up, watching magicians usually annoyed me (especially as I knew most aspects of all the tricks from various older books published in the 1800s as well as the obvious) - so I presently associate magicians with: lying, boredom, pointless actions, con men, and gossip. Another dream relating to the quetzal being associated with the “source”: Soul’s Union of the Quetzal and the Silver Sebright Bantam. This dream was one of the most vivid dreams of my lifetime, as well as being astoundingly multilayered and literally precise in a precognitive sense. This dream is also similar in the sense of mirror/self realization as a much older dream - Beyond the Martian Time Barrier. Other references to aspects of stones, “buzzing”, wind, and birds have been noted in previous entries and I will update them as I get to them. These stones are like “power objects” in the supposed Nahua sense and relative to the belief of objects in the environment influencing human behavior. When these things (usually stones, in one, an owl statue) appear in dreams, they are extremely heavy, create a sort of “buzz” or “hum” and sometimes seem to manifest wind as a magnetic force of some sort, a possible additional play on magnet and magic.
Updated 12-10-2015 at 11:01 AM by 1390
There are zombies at home. The house's filled with them. We're trying to pretend we're one of them by walking and acting like one. I jumped over the wall at home to go out as we go out to invade a place. There are... ninjas, or magicians, in that place. I sent out a kage bunshin to check out the place and disable the traps. I was the bunshin, and I saw the maze inside the place. Then I got "caught," and I was back in my "real" body. The head magician of the place complained that was unfair, using a bunshin. I partially "woke up" or became lucid, and saw a piece of parchment. I was shaken by the zombie dream and I can choose to "change" it by changing the parchment. Not sure what I did.
18-07-11 I am playing some sort of baldur's gate. I am looking at a guie for the ending fight. I am getting there and although I could have explored bit more I decide to just go for it. I seem to be a wizard of some description and the final fight is me vs. a council of other wizards. I primarily use timestop and sommoning spelss and AoE to try and interrupt their spell casting as much as possible. … I am in some weird scenario that incorporates three different tv shows at once. I know actors from all shootings and eventually the seperate shows merge into one because the various actors move from one set to the other. There is no script for this, so the director tells the actors to simply improvise. I am also getting married to someone, it is somewhat arranged or being kept secret though I think I am happy enough with her. It could be that I have met her on the internet. We are walking across a narrow bit of water, over to two girls. They want beer and Daryl tells them that he can provide that so we go back and get them. We start with giving them half a crate in a cardboard box and talk about the fact that we can get them more if needed. They would like that and I am supprised they haven't asked for the price yet. There is a magician and he is sort of demonstrating an aldo cardtrick besides the point that he does not include someone from the audience or use a full deck. The instruction goes on how math is used to complete the trick. However he is always in dialouge with the audience and he seems to slip up a couple of times although I have the feeling that it is intentional. Towards the end he is setting his sofa oin fire and asks someone to come and blow the smoke. I volunteer, but unfortunately I wake up as I am making my way behind the couch. Notes: Haven't slept well at all over the past couple of nights. This one is no different as I spent probably half of my nine hours worth of sleeping on being eaten by mosquitos (Which inevitably lead me to move sleeping spots and generally being awake trying to fend them off).
Updated 11-06-2011 at 01:48 AM by 39215