A few fragments from the previous nights. Was talking to the Jamie voice in the middle of the night. Many in the Twin Flame community report hearing their partner's voice in their head. As well as experiencing their presence while going to bed. For me it's like experiencing physical sensations with a phantom body (hugs, kisses etc.). I think her voice wanted confirmation of this. Specifically we both mentioned that we both felt safe during this nightly experience. Also I fall into HH or micro dreams which usually reflect the experience. Jamie 1 A dream where Jamie was in her house. My vision zoomed out and her house was in a toy box or something. Jamie 2 We seemed to be getting married in this dream. Jamie confirmed her vows and then it was my turn. I began stumbling my vows and finding it hard to speak. Someone started yelling at me for this. Jamie 3 Brief sex related dream. Last night: Jamie 4 HH during talking to her voice. I was seeing a hallway in n a hospital filled with equipment. I heard Jamie's voice say, "I love it when you kiss me down the hall." I woke up and asked her voice what she meant. Her voice said, " it was my dream, it made sense at the time." Jamie 5 Jamie was in a rage or something. Not sure what about. I grabbed her in a hug to calm her down. She struggled and maybe swore at me, but I held on. She stopped and I just let her cry. I woke up and her voice said, " Thank you for calming me down." Annoying. I was working in a strange place as a chef. I was in a bathroom and saw something gross in a toilet... Whoever had left it there, was dying from colon cancer. There was blood all over the floor. I left and passed by a door leading to a room where someone older men were sitting. One man was dying and bleeding... Maybe the cancer guy. Went to the kitchen. But didn't know what to make. An older east Indian woman was trying to get with me while I was working. Kept force hugging me after I told her to stop. Went back to the room with the men saying I was going to quit because of that woman. I came there for work and nothing else.
Yesterday I pulled a muscle in my upper back and chest area after I was breathing and running while making an unexpected movement and now I can barely move my upper body area. idk how it relates to the dream but it's definitely limiting my movements in bed. Anyways in my dream I was married to someone who strangely looks an awful lot like a family friend, and we had a child. I had recently updated my MacBook (like I did in the wake world) and installed Adobe Photoshop on it and it was actually working. Meanwhile my wife and some other dude are fighting over some sleeping music to play for our baby. I put a Mega Man Star Force meme over their conversation and was searching for the option to export the file as a MOV in Photoshop so that I could post it to my meme page, but changed my mind. Meanwhile I play the sleeping music in question out of curiosity, at some point my wife storms into the room in lingerie, teasingly calling me out for putting on the sleeping music and gets in bed with me. For whatever reason the guy she was arguing with was there too in the room who found it amusing too that I was playing that music and told the longest freaking anecdote about him listening to the Brein/BAF disclaimer music and a bouncer of the club recognising the sound but the guy refused to say his name to which the bouncer charged him extra entry money for gatekeeping. The guy then started an argument with the bouncer and the people in the queue started getting pissed off as well. It then turned out that the guy from the disclaimer music in question was actually performing in the club. I then woke up. smh bruhhhh my wife and I were waiting for you to leave so we could've had sex! Yet the thing I was more disappointed about in my dream was when I woke up and realised my updated MacBook Pro doesn't have Photoshop or any Adobe software on it :') Dream was in Dutch.
Nice to have a couple LDs since I've been having trouble with this lately, even if they were short. I was suddenly getting married to my boyfriend. The whole thing was set up in no time, on the upper floor of some building in a city. I was in my wedding dress facing my boyfriend, red roses in my hand. I was thinking, "I didn't even get to walk down the isle, or plan anything for this wedding. It's just happening. And what's up with the red roses bouquet?" So, in no time, we are "married." He goes in to hug me and I'm thinking, what are you doing, we're supposed to kiss. So I kiss him, and everyone claps, but its a pathetic kiss, so I kiss him two more times followed by more clapping. I realize he didn't even give me a ring, so I make a mental note to search for the cheap ring he gave me earlier in the year somewhere in my bedroom(in RL he actually found it on the ground somewhere lol). So, we're married. I'm standing next to the big windows that look out onto the city next to my sister and the dream starts fading. That's when I realize, this is a dream. I decide to ditch the whole scene and fly out through the windows and over the city. I see two buildings where there are people standing on top of them. I am searching for someone or something to do. I land on one of the buildings with the people, I can feel the dream being unstable. The people are acting like they're at the beach, playing in the sand, and there are kids, but they are on top of a 70 story + building. I don't find what I'm looking for and wake up. I think this was another DEILD. I am in my old house, I go outside. It's night time. I thought flying was fun in the first LD so decide to do it again and get somewhat high but then wake up again.
Date: September 13, 2013 I had only a fragment to report to you today. I got married to Chris Brown (the singer), but I felt that somehow in the dream the wedding was wrong...but I didn't get lucid from that feeling. I just thought that it was normal to be a nervous bride who was marrying Chris Brown . I can't quite remember the other fragments...maybe later on today they will come to me and I will journal them then. Edit: I also remember another fragment I had regarding eating the best sweet potatoes I ever ate in my life! These were like magical sweet potatoes, that already had butter, brown sugar, and marshmellows in them, all you had to do was cook them and eat them without adding anything! Ah, why couldn't sweet potatoes be like this in RL?
Updated 09-13-2013 at 06:37 PM by 62703
Two parallel universes. In one universe, I was single. In another, I was married with kids. Transport. Student. Koreans. Karaoke. Field. A kid. Parallel word. Hiding food. Batman. Helicopter. VTOL plane. Building or house. Shield. I was partially aware that I was dreaming, and I was trying to interpret my dream while I was dreaming. I was telling myself about people who are just looking for someone to apologize to. I was looking at a hallway. Robot fight. Five humans who are 'embedded' with robot structures. Cyborgs. Like a hull with tentacles. It connects them to this super cool, white-colored robot. I saw one of them, a female, lying dead still attached to her robot. Water world. Animated move-like scene. I was with a group. We were on a couch. I was lying down. They're beside me, talking. They talked about how only 3 out of 5 survived, and one who died was the daughter of some super rich person.
I warn you now, this part is going to be kinda crazy. Here's the map of the layout of the house again for faster reference. Click the picture to make it bigger. Spoiler for dream house layout: I was freaking out and started pacing around the room, staring at the ring. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to be married to the new guy, I wanted to be with the body guard. My mind was lost in thought when my best friend rushed into the room and ran straight to me. She put her hand in front of me, boasting about how the new guy just gave it to her and asked her to marry him. This news hadn't made me upset or mad, I knew he was going to ask them too, instead I started growing suspicious. I had a feeling that there was more to this guy then someone who liked to mess with the feelings of three innocent best friends. He was trying to do something else, something deeper, that I couldn't figure out. I sat my friend down and told her about my suspicions. She found it hard to believe and wanted proof. I showed her my ring and told her about he had just asked me to marry him also not too long ago. Her face became blank. She sat there staring at my ring with no emotion at all. It was just then that my normal princess outfit began changing into a married princess dress, my hair went from being worn up to hanging loose, and finally a crown appeared on my head. The deal had been complete, I was now officially the new guys wife. Almost on cue, he entered the room, his cloths had changed too. He was now wearing a red cape and a crown of his own with white spotted fur around the base. He said now that we were man and wife he had to leave and attend to some duties. On his way out, he said something to my other friend, who was standing outside the door to the room. I looked back at my best friend and she hadn't moved, she just sat there with a blank expression. I took my ring off and left the room. I had to find out what was going on. The new guy was up to something, I could feel it. I went to his corner and looked around in his trunk. I couldn't find anything incriminating and went to my room, The body guard was waiting for me. My heart tore, and I was expecting him to say he was done with me when he said he didn't care. He loved me and still wanted to see me and that he knew I didn't want to be married. I hugged him and a spark of hope grew in my chest. I spent some time looking around the house for anything suspicious, my best friend had gotten up and helped me look. Her emotions were harder to read then a book with invisible ink, but I could tell that she wanted to find out what was going on as well. My other best friend had become distant and had an aura of big headedness around her. The new guy hadn't asked her to marry him but she seemed so happy, even knowing that my best friend and I were both his wives. My best friends cloths had changed to a married womans dress, but unlike me she wore her ring. Whenever I took a break from searching I would spend time with the body guard, all my troubles went away when I was with him. The new guy had been away for a few days before he returned. I was in the sitting room when he greeted me. He went into my other best friends room and closed the door. I sighed and walked around the house, thinking. I couldn't be sure what he was up to. I started to have suspicions that maybe he was after the kings title, but what would he do with it? Our kindgom was gone. I started making my way to the body guard to lose my thoughts in him when the new guy showed up and asked what I was doing. I answered nothing and he went away. I found the body guard near the front door in the sitting room. I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside on the front porch. I told him that the new guy was suspicious of us, and that we would have to be more discreet. I pulled him down the first set of stairs leading to the lake and pushed him in the corner then started making out with him. We made out for a bit before heading back to the front door while He went back inside through the side door. When I made it inside the door I found the new guy waiting for me. He looked at me with a serious look and asked if I had been with the body guard. I kept quiet and he smiled and said he wasn't mad because he was involved with my other best friend too. I rolled my eyes and walked past him. I already knew that and didn't care, I didn't even want to be married to him, he could have her. It was the next day when the new guy called everyone in the house for a meeting in the meeting room. Everyone except my other friend sat on the right side of the table. The new guy was standing behind her with his hands behind his back. An evil aura was radiating around him. I knew that his plan was about to start and that we had been too late to figure it out and stop it. He announced that he was tired of pretending to be a good guy (ha good job of that) and he had plans of becoming the king. The only reason he wanted to marry me was to obtain that title, and he only wanted to marry my best friend so I wouldn't be alone when he took my other best friend as his main queen. I told him he'd never get away with it and he seemed smug then claimed I didn't have a choice. He was going to reclaim our homeland and had a plan for making people do what he wanted. I got up and started going around the table toward him so I could get in his face but he held his hand out and I stopped. He had a box with a red button in his hand and I watched as he pressed it. I felt something inside me turn on and I became mindless. I stood with a blank expression, my hands handing limp by my sides. It felt like my mind was trapped inside me. I could see what was happening but could do nothing to control my body. I herd the body guard demand what he had done to me and he answered that I was his puppet. He had put a mind control device inside my brain while I slept one night. He said he had gotten tired of the body guard being around and commanded me to kill him. My body moved behind the body guard and I placed my hands on his neck and started choking him. I tried with all my might to stop myself but I couldn't. I was screaming, trying anything to make it stop. Right before the body guard was about to pass out the new guy ordered me to cease. He laughed and said he didn't have any intention of killing him but he wouldn't let him be with me anymore. He had him locked away in a room then let me be myself again. The entire time, my best friend had sat in silent shock, unable to do anything. I stood still, feeling defeated. There was nothing I could do, if I tried to defy him he would just control me until I was broken. I probably already was. The new guy smiled then said he was going to take my best friend and I down to the lake to cheer us up. As we walked down the porch stairs to the lake our cloths changed into bathing suits. He was telling us about how he came down here often to get his mind off things and do some test runs. I was wondering what he meant by that last part when we reached the lake. I stood looking with shock. He had tested his mind control on dozens upon dozens of dolphins (I DONT KNOW how or why dolphins live in our lake, its a dream) He had ordered them to all swim to the edges of the lake at the same time and pile up on the edges. I noticed that there was a lot of trash among them so my best friend and I went along picking it up to try and make things easier for them. I wasn't sure what he wanted with them and he wouldn't tell us. We worked our way around the edge, picking up trash. Every now and again a dolphin would hand us some with its mouth. Once I tripped and a dolphin helped me keep steady. I saw some trash on the water behind the dolphins so we climbed over them and got in the water to gather it. When we were done we swam to the cement shelter and climbed up the ladder to get out. We were standing still, looking out over the lake with the new guy watching us when I woke up. I know this was long but I wanted to get the rest of it done. I hope you enjoyed reading my long crazy dream. It was crazier for me when I dreamed it. Thanks for reading
I wrote this some time ago, but not in my offline DJ: "I had a dream that made me sad when I woke up. I don't remember when I dreamed it, but I recently remembered it. It wasn't the dream itself that was sad, so it wasn't that my day was affected by something imagined. However, the emotions in the last moments of the dream did stay with me at the instance of wakefulness. In the time just after realising you're awake but before you realise where you are, I went from so unbelievably bliss full to hollow and empty feeling. I don't know how the dream started or where it went to get to this final point - it's probably inconsequential and certainly nonsensical - but at the final point in my dream, I was happier than I can remember being for a long time. My dream was very simple, I think, but since I only remember the last moments I can only say conclusively that the idea was simple. In the dream I was seemingly as I am now apart from one single difference. You may see it as minor or you may see it as major. I was married, presumably, and holding the love of my life who was pregnant with our first child. I remember the sunlight on her face and her smiling. I just felt content, and wished things could stay like this for ever. Then I woke up. Not like being torn away or fading out but instantly jerked into that semi-concious state, one moment there, the next here. I realised I was alone and wondered why. Then I realised I didn't know this woman and couldn't remember her face. How could I forget her? Finally, full conciousness hit and I remember life as it is. I realised that I had been dreaming. In the moment I remember being the saddest I have been in some time. I remember feeling hollow. Then I got on with my day, and forgot about it, mostly." That was the most emotially intense dream fragment I've ever had. I don't know what made me remember it now, but when I do remember it, I feel sad. It sounds cheesy, but I can still see her face, when I remember this dream.