5/27/10 - Enchanted Retreat Dream Non-Dream Lucid I was on a class trip of some sort to a week-long retreat. It wasn't anything to do with school; this retreat was to help us learn magic. The building reminded me of a boarding school without classrooms, if that makes sense. It also had a pool out back and was near a beach and some marsh. The girls and boys were split up. There were about ten in each group. I don't know where the boys went, but the girls just went on a random walk on the beach. On our way back from the beach, I noticed some black sand. One girl explained that it was black because a giant squid had exploded. The next day, we learned to fly. All of the girls were standing around the pool with broomsticks. We were supposed to concentrate on hovering. Hardly anyone could get it right. Mary and I were somehow able to fly around a bit. Apparently we were "talented." I was so excited that I started flying around the marsh, dipping down low and then flying high. It was difficult but I somehow managed.... until I landed. When I got back to the pool, my broom snapped. Whoops. Apparently, it had been given to me by a kind neighbor of Hannah's. Oh well. On the third day, the entire class just hung out by the pool while we waited for our parents to come pick us up. When mine arrived, they wanted to see what I'd learned. I went to the broom closet and found a new broom. When I came out, I noticed Mary showing off her skill and smirked. I could do better. I pushed off the ground hard and flew high over the marsh. I circled a few times before landing in front of my parents. They looked impressed, but not entirely shocked. I guess they've seen flying broomsticks before. I woke as we were driving home.
Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:47 PM by 29318