I was dreaming that I was at some gathering, and this black fashion dude who vaguely resembles this dancer-model I know got this purple streetwear outfit in the mail which he showed to me, the white and purple patterns suiting him. It might have been a house party or something where we were, but for whatever reason my mom showed up. When I saw her, I randomly pulled out my customer service voice asking her if she needed anything, pretending not to know who she was and we went to a different room where I talked about how embarrassed I was that she was there, bringing up this random memory from when she took me to her friend's daughter's birthday party in 2009 and I just sat there crying because I didn't want to be there. She then left and I sat by myself, contemplating what just happened, and started crying, my mom then appeared again to comfort me. I apologised and told her I feel bad about moving to a different country sometimes because I'm so far away from everyone. Then I woke up. I miss my family and my mom
I am in a hotel or store and I put a photo of myself into a machine. It was a large machine looked almost like on of those old ATM machines in the bank built into the wall. It printed out a portrait of myself but it was blurred and not completely printed on the one side of my face. Then it printed out a few more photos of myself. It was only when I saw the photos I noticed I had two small braids in my hair one on either side of my temples. I wanted to redo the photo not only because I didn’t like my hair but because it did’nt print out correctly. There were two nice women working in there and I told them the machine wasn’t working properly. They were closing the hotel/shop I was in. I sat on a lobby couch and we started chatting and talking about life a bit. I then look on my iPad and the machine had sent a video. I clicked play and it was a video of my 20/30 something self talking. I looked very put together and I liked it. It continued playing memories. I thought “Wow, how nice this is!” Then it was a memory of me on a talk show and a women came out on stage that I had not seen in many years an old friend. I gave her a big hug. Someone handed us these aprons they were super cute and we put them on. I started thinking " wait… I remember those aprons my friend Laraina made them for me and two small matching ones for my daughters when they were little about 10 years ago, I didn’t get them on a talk show"! Then I started realizing that the memories I was watching were all pieces of my life reorganizing into a different context and not how it truly happened. I suddenly remembered AI and reading something about allowing AI into my computer to help with daily tasks such as typing, responding to emails, and organizing photos. As the movie continued there was a chase scene that appeared to be from some action scene. I didn’t recognize the actors but the what they were saying were phrases I had used and maybe posted online at some point. The audio was decently from my real life interactions but the two men and the scene I did not recognize. It was at this point I realized I was lucid. I was suddenly in the building I was watching the chase scene happening in. I started looking around the building it was very barren. There were white doors I opened one and there was a strange looking toilet. Only the toilet in a very small rectangular white room. I opened the lid and it was clean and empty. Then I was going to the next door when I woke up. In WL I went down stairs to make coffee and I turned on Youtube and the first thing that popped up was Sky New Australia Interviews “free-thinking” AI.
Reflect Part of a longer series of events involving travel from one place to another. The only part I remember well was towards the end, where I’m being chased by a young woman in a rather video game-ish setting. As I run, a handful of parallel memories arise, showing various outcomes to this event, which are all variations on her catching up. Looks like this is a mandatory fight. I also notice that something is different from the memories, something important: I know who she really is. I make sure she doesn’t catch up until an open area up ahead, and then we’re both standing there, facing one another. She initially has brown skin and straight, dark, shoulder-length hair, but the image dissolves, and she changes to a shorter figure with grayish skin, rather like Zimmy from Gunnerkrigg Court. There’s a short conversation here, which I can no longer remember, and then she attacks, throwing some sort of enormous summoning spell at me. I raise an arm and deflect it back at her with a gesture. What happens next is rather like a lengthy animation playing out, temporarily turning both of us into passive observers as it takes over the screen/dream and practically defeats my opponent all on its own. Moreover, at the end of it, the nature of the encounter seems to have changed, so that now I just have to complete three small, easy puzzles to win. My opponent actually contributes to solving one, in sort of a “yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with” way. Poke Another vaguely video game-ish one of which I can only remember the later part. In this one, I’m with a small group of people in a town, and there is a man there we have to fight, although it isn’t clear why, and he doesn’t actually seem to be an enemy. I can’t remember his appearance (or, really, the specific visuals of the dream in general), but something about him was reminiscent of Zorro somehow. A woman in the group demonstrates to me how to attack via a menu. There’s a list of attacks, most of which seem to be elementally based, but the woman indicates the one that he is apparently weak to, which is color-coded purple and labeled “Quiet”. Oddly, all the attacks just seem to be summoning various ensembles of musicians, who then play music. I select the most powerful option, which summons three of them. I then poke him in the back, which takes a small chunk out of his remaining HP. He’s just standing there and not responding in any way, so I poke him a few more times until he is defeated – or maybe just until I’ve got his attention, which seems as if it might be what this whole thing is actually about.
I'm noticing more dreams in which 'my character' has certain memories of past events which happened in the universe of the dream, but never actually happened in the dream. Like in my last dream, I recalled meeting a DC before, but that event never actually happened in the dream. It's like I'm a bodysnatcher and I take over a character's body and mind, and their memories as well.
There's a party full of drunk and pretty people I've gotten caught up in; it's being held in the honor of someone I don't really know, and when a group splits off for the private party, I go with them. The door closes behind me and Jules. Jules is dead sober - I'm not - and he doesn't look amused. I'm talking to him about the person I've been trying to meet up with, a guy who's meant to be part of this group of party people somewhere; I'd first met him in a cell in Bangladesh, where I'd been trying to track down a particular object. I'm trying to stir Jules' memory of that time, but he just nods, goes yeah, yeah - he's annoyed. He says, "Was I shot?" in a tone that suggests this happens frequently, and is probably my fault. "In the left arm," I tell him. He looks at the fingers of that arm, and I see a mental image of the neck of a stringed instrument. The implication is that getting shot affected his ability to play. Jules says, less annoyed now, "I do remember that one."
A woman's feeling every bone in her wings break in half, one at a time, methodically, starting at the tips and working their way up. This isn't happening now - it's a memory. I'm not even sure it was originally her memory - this woman doesn't have wings now and I don't know if she ever did. But she's feeling the pain of it as if it were happening to her now. She's strapped to a chair, and a man in a suit has just taken his hand away from the top of her head, ending her experience of that memory. He didn't get the reaction he wanted. He says something to the effect of "I was saving this for a reward, but-" and puts his hand on her head again. This time she sees a memory of Constantine strapped to that same chair, from the perspective of a woman speaking to him. The woman runs her finger under his jaw - he makes a joke about how he would've shaved, but there's this whole held prisoner thing. Although I'm in third person throughout this dream, and although visually, I'm seeing this particular image from the perspective of that woman speaking, same as the woman in the chair is, nonetheless I feel the sensation of her finger on my/his jaw, unusually vividly tactile. The man in the suit takes his hand away again. From what he's saying now, I get the impression that the woman strapped to the chair loves Constantine, and that this man and the group he's with are using that to groom her to kill him. (Woke up. Back to sleep.) At a school, two boys close to graduation are lying in a field, watching a group of underclassmen playing some sport nearby. There's an underclassman in that game who one of them sort of took under his wing, and now the kid's developed a crush on him. The other boy is saying, great, take him home, get him "thoroughly raunched." The first boy takes this as a joke, says that he's not interested in anyone else, and kisses his throat. The other boy goes distant and pulls away. He resents emotional attachment - the first boy hasn't figured that out yet, but he will.
Updated 01-30-2015 at 10:35 PM by 64691
So, I was having some difficulty falling asleep and decided to try out the method*. At first, I was trying to make random semi-meaningful sentences and phrases "They came for the food; People sitting on road, etc.", then switched to more meaningless stuff and finally went on to random generation of a set of any three words, sometimes with a slight association between the words "hobby batman train", "milk bread wall". One of the early effects while trying to generate these words was that I started having mini memory flashbacks of real scenes from the past. This sometimes happens to me when reaching a clear but conscious state of mind and the memories are real ones rather than imaginary. As I continued with the exercise, a number of past dream memories, again real ones started mixing with the life flashbacks. These weren't very vivid and would last a second or so as I was fully concentrating on the word exercise. I was getting somewhat tired of continuously generating random words and also my awareness was beginning to slip away. At this point, I noticed the emergence of other random scene flashes, but those contained novel or rather different (not real dream or life memories). This is not new to me as I had on other occasions observed that the more towards unconsciousness I would drift, the more of these different scenes I get, while when my mind is fully aware and quiet it tends to get more real memory flashbacks. No idea what this is all about. Anyways, the interesting part was that as I was struggling to generate a new set of words, I would begin to get a random flashback scene before each word (now a mix of true past places and some unknown random places), and my mind would actually scan the scene for an object or action and use it in the word set! And this would go on for every word or sometimes two words would come from the same scene. It a was really cool realization when it happened the first time, then I let the process continue. I wasn't fully asleep at this point and took a step back towards wakefulness to review the process. Then continued a bit more with the word generation, eventually got tired and stopped and fell asleep. Looking forward to playing with this again! *Tnx to Xanous, Jeff and CL for the ideas and links.
Updated 11-26-2014 at 08:30 PM by 61764
I'm at a strategy meeting, impatient about it - I'm so tired of this cluster of timelines. Everyone here at this meeting is suspicious of each other, and convincing them to work together all over again every time I go through these events is getting really old. So I've stopped trying to juggle everyone's egos and am taking the lead here, and predictably, Astra winds up deciding to put me in my place. She mentally reaches into my head. I've been through so many timelines with her, though, I've learned to resist this, so I shove her right back out again. She's shocked. The rest of the room quietly clears out - no one wants to get involved in this. Everyone else has always been afraid of her. I hate that, the way they fear her. She puts up a pretense of being more mature than she really is, since she's possessed so many adults and seen so many of their memories, but she's still just a kid. I'm thinking, please let me find a way to keep her alive this time around.
Updated 10-14-2014 at 06:11 PM by 64691
England in the 1940s or so, I'm disembodied and watching a man and a woman singing a duet in a garden. Both of them are thinking about a man named Dyson. They were friends when they were younger, but he left the country years ago and they haven't heard from him since; in their memories, he's a sort of ideal. I'm thinking how disappointed they would be if they were to see him now. When their song's over, they talk with the people who'd been listening. The woman who'd been singing is speaking to a particular man, very wealthy, and hinting that she's expecting him to invite her along to a particular event. But although they clearly have some kind of history, he finds this suggestion laughable - he hardly even thinks of her as a woman. I'm surprised, since I'd just been thinking about how beautiful she is - the dream image had zoomed in on her profile as she was talking to him, and I'd been admiring the curve of her nose, the softness of her hair. Very beautiful. But the man walks off with most of the others - they're heading back toward the house. The man she'd been singing with comes up to her and says he saw her talking to that wealthy guy, and how they seem to get along well. She says, "Sure do." My POV turns around, not following them - I'm focusing on the opposite direction. On a hill overlooking the garden, there's a man who'd been hiding among the trees and bushes, watching them. This is Dyson.
This is my first DJ, so i'll start with my most recent LD. It was two days ago. I fell asleep into a dream that was of a cavern.. or rather a cave turning into a long stoned pathway. It was illuminated by bluish fiery light from both sides, leading down the path as well. While walking down this path, i noticed the walls had crystallized mirrors. Looking into them,, it seemed foggy at first, but then when it started to clear up. I noticed my younger self.. my childhood self. Having fun. Each mirror i looked into was a sequence of a childhood memories i enjoyed. Witnessing this made me realize i was in a dream and yet, i hand no control of the memories that came or the area that i dreamed of. However i was able to control myself. A Dream induced Lucid Dream (DILD) with some Dream control is what it was looking back on it. With the Control i had, i was able to jump into these crystal mirrors that took me to the areas of my memories. Seeing my younger friends & parents, but unable to communicate with them. Although my younger self seemed to smile in my direction from time to time, then resumed playing. It was heartwarming if not odd. With my control, i continued to jump into mirrors and various memories of my younger self, almost like teleporting. Until i ran into a different dream area, not of my memories but of some starry night city that looked like a mix of Las Vegas, and New Orleans at mardi gras. And as i look around at the shining lights & stars, the various people laughing and dancing and yet can't see me. I finally noticed my younger self again. Looking back at me with a smile and then says. " The fun doesn't end yet." and with a chorus of music, i wake up, listening to nothing but the whirring of my fan and the cold breeze in my room. I honestly felt great that morning, kind of a warm pleasant feeling. I'm curious to what the dream meant. Maybe it means that if i keep positive and enjoy my life, better things will come? Maybe better things that i never thought would happen? I can only hope. Well this is my First Dream Journal. I hope it wasn't too odd for folks. XD If my dreams are always this interesting, i'm certainly going to write more.
Super quick entry. Last weekend I had an regular dream involving my grandmother in which something else made me lucid and then the next day one where seeing her triggered lucidity. Last night my grandfather triggered lucidity! I had a romantic NLD early in the night...felt like puppy love...she was so beautiful and I was reassuring her...a little shy. Red head with faint, fading freckles. We moved our way to bed and sexual feelings and she changed to my wife. I then had a lucid triggered by my deceased grandfather...so strange! Grandmother last week: first, and now him and he's been gone over 20 years...woke up a little teary eyed and almost deild with a dream forming or possibly just HHs a little threatening at first so I laugh it off and feel myself waking up again. I kept my eyes closed and reflected on deceased relatives and interesting unexpected memories flowed in. 103
Stumbled upon an idea for dreaming after having it repeated numerous times in my waking life. I've been looking at things from merely one end of the spectrum. For example, I read a thread recently where it mentioned how to stay in a dream when waking life gets too noisy. I usually go deeper to block it out, yet incorporating it was the new suggestion. There's also been some events in life where I would blame myself for having deficiencies but instead it was pointed out that it's possibly others who have them instead. Anyway, I usually can interject myself into others dreams quite easily. I got to thinking, what if ... I erase myself from their worlds instead of invading it? Jumping into a WILD I begin my exploration of this concept. I know the perfect victim for my experiment and I have the proper motivation to delete myself from his awareness. I start digging, rummaging through his awareness. Searching for anything and everything linked to me. I see bits and pieces whiz by and I fill it with a blank white void, successfully erasing images, memories, anything associated with me or us. As I'm casually taking out the pieces I want, I get to thinking. Is this fair? Right? What if he'd like to keep these things from our history? Who am I to just delete at will? I can feel a smirk forming. He shouldn't care what I do, and when I'm done he'll have no reason to care at all. He will be untouched and his life emptier than when I entered it. What I give, I can take away too. I continue sorting. Feels as though I'm in an information hub of awareness, there's just so much here. I begin to doubt the extent of how much I can erase. There's no way I can comb through all this crap. A man appears. I vaguely recognize him, though these days everyone is familiar to me so I don't give it much thought. He asks me what I'm doing. I explain. He's watching with some fascination, asking questions here and there, commenting on much of it. I stumble upon larger memories and my pace slows. I remember some of these experiences, they were lovely. I let him watch a clip or two before erasing. They are vivid and intimate pieces of our lives. He asks me if I feel sad about removing these memories. I explain it's just an experiment. That and I don't care what happens with this persons life anymore. He's not mine to look after. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Of course. Why not? I have no reason to care about him." "These memories though, they look like something even I would want to hold on to." "It's because you feel attachments to people. I have no reason to feel anything. Nothing to attach to. It doesn't matter to me." I erase what he just viewed. Not too sure why I'm showing him what I'm doing either. Why not, I guess. His observation doesn't change things. It won't make a difference. "By the way, what's your name anyway?" "Nick."
Before bed: exhausting cooking and late staying guests Total sleep time: 7 hrs Dream recall method: two keywords noted Fragment1: I was in a building in one of the rooms there was an improvised fitness center. I was considering whether to enroll but it was somewhat expensive, 11 per session. I think I agreed to give it a try and started doing some exercises. I really enjoyed moving around. Fragment2[important feeling] Somewhere on the way between grandma's place and our old home. I am looking at the the cars passing by. Next to me is my dad, who has a strangely honest moment. He is sharing the contents of his heart, his innermost dreams. He tells me that he craves to one day get to an astonishing knowledge, this knowledge would be completely true and valid, yet so totally different from anything we know, unimaginable knowledge. I compare it then to the knowledge a more advanced civilization would give us. woke up, decided to try some WBTB, but was asleep too fast, had two pretty vivid dreams though, one very close to lucid Dream3 [very vivid]: I was at my parents's yard, it was dark. My mom was there, a large white rabbit came to us. We were trying to interact with it, but it was a bit stubborn, reminded me of a rabbit I had for a while when I was very young. My mom was forcefully grabbing it, surely causing it some pain, and it ran away. I felt bad for the rabbit and tried to call it back. It came back to me, and kind of like pressed itself strongly against me, seeking comfort. Dream4[very vivid, lucid-like]: I just remember finding myself staring at some kind of a yard, where there was a workshop. It felt as if I am lucid, and I had a moment of deep realization of something, I just suddenly understood it, everything (regarding something) made perfect sense to me. As I was watching the yard, I remembered my great grandpa's wood processing workshop, remembering some past memories that belong to me with great clarity and understanding. I noticed the little pieces of saw dust on the table of the workshop. [those memories felt very real, more than usual fake dream memories, yet my great grandpa had been a tailor, never met him] Fragment5: I was in a bus with my grandma2, she got off the bus, but left her bag and eye glasses on the seat. I rushed to gather all her things before the driver closes the door. I told him to wait for me to get off but he said he can't wait, I grabbed everything and jump rushed out of the bus door. -------------- Some ideas to try out: I am still trying to find the optimal amount of awake time for WBTB. I have noticed that during meditation if I do it eyes closed, on some occasions I would drift away too much towards sleep, getting lots of the WILD sensations, HH, sometimes vibrations, and I catch myself falling asleep, feeling my dream body take off/separating. So perhaps instead of WBTB, wake up earlier than usual have a tea, meditate on couch, then lay down to lucid? At least worth a try when nobody is around.
Updated 04-01-2013 at 06:27 PM by 61764
This dream really made me question my own reality. i was getting ready to freak out but i was able to calm myself down. ...Okay so i was intending to only take a 2hr nap but then i fell dead asleep and i keep having these dreams of my childhood house. It was my favorite place where i grew up and then moved away but i keep having these dreams as if im still living there and its making me frustrated its like im not over it. & well... in this dream i kept trying to wake up because i need to get ready for work and every single time i tried to wake up ...i woke up to a different life...almost like another dimension of what i wished my life would be or the things i miss. the first time i tried to wake up i woke up in my old room and then went back to sleep and then i woke up again and again it was the same thing back into the old house near my family and then i realized that i was late for work and then i slept again and i was getting ready to wake up and i felt this feeling as im falling and thought okay this is good this means im gonna wake up in a second and same thing happened .. .i was getting ready to freak out and cry because i know that wasnt real and then i calmed myself down and just breathed and concentrated and then i felt the falling sensation and pop! i woke up ! and feel like im more alive better than ever but at the same time it felt weird because it made me wonder, is it possible that there are other life dimensions out there? are those real?? dreams like that freak me out, it felt like i was in a different place and time a different age i was much younger its almost as if i wished i was younger again and then it happend but in my dream...when i woke up i felt happy to be alive in this life time and more appreative to have accomplished so much but there is still something im not over...Help! idk whats going on? im so confused :/
The first thing I could remember is becoming a helper at a kid's school. An instructor escorted me to the room filled with young kids between ages five and ten. This classroom was very small and had an irregular shape. I noticed that the floor had black and white square shaped tiles. I stared at the floor and only felt a sense of calmness enter inside of me. The classroom was filled with about ten kids but I don't recall any of their faces. I do remember walking around the classroom observing it. I did feel a little optimistic working with these children. Then I woke up.