Great-Grandma Versus Orochimaru I'm back in my childhood neighborhood back home. There's snow on the ground and sky. Orochimaru from the Naruto series is chasing me. Either he has poisoned me or I'm trying to prevent it. My Great-Grandma shows up to protect me. There are trip-wires setup around my house after I've made it. They are for Orochimaru. Setting up trip-wires checks out for Great-Grandma. She was a badass. I make it to my garage and Z from my WoW group is there. The dream presents him as a childhood friend and I accept it. I don't really meet him until much later in life. Starry Flyover It's night-time with a starry sky. I'm at the top of a grassy hill. It reminds me of the hill Dustin uses for his radio in Stranger Things to contact Suzie. There is some kind of military flyover happening. Maybe for July 4th? My friend L shows up in a small hatchback car. She was part of the flyover service. I guess she is a pilot or somehow involved. She has a phone-holder in the car with a woman's breasts as the support structure. Neat. She's driving me over to her place, but it feels innocent. As in, we aren't going to hookup. The town has tiny alleys and turns that no car I've ever seen should be able to fit in, but this car does. We arrive back at L's place.
Updated 06-06-2023 at 12:15 AM by 99808
2022 May 23rd Unknown time Fragment: Something about going with H to meet up this businessman for some kind of financial assessment. Looks a bit like Goldfinger? We drive there I think. 8:15 Dream: I'm at a version of our home. A detached house in the middle of some woods. It's really dark outside, realistically pitch black. We have a lorry outside that we have been loading stuff into, for moving house. I go to it and check inside. I'm attacked by Meowth (Pokemon) who jumps off the lorry top to attack me. I grab him and threaten to break his neck if he doesn't tell me who else is here. He says something and I understand Jessy and James to be here too. I have a quick look around outside, but as I do, I see a red glow. They've gotten in the lorry and are going to back it up. I try to open the passenger side door, but a slightly fat man keeps trying to shut it so I just start slamming it open and shut so that he might lose grip, having no such luck. I decide to try and jump up on the bonnet. I do, and then I'm sort of sat there looking at the both of them. I think the other one is actually Jessy. I have my boots on and I use them to smash the two bits of windshield, then putting my feet through and starting to kick the crap out of the two of them, one foot each. This is all happening as they're reversing and driving around, now onto a roundabout of all places. I see three Humvees with military police with blue arm bands inside the cars and I repeatedly yell for help from them as I keep fighting the burglars with my feet, trying to indicate with my hands that they've stolen the lorry. The thieves are different people now (both male). The military police finally take position and aim at the lorry. I'm still kicking the thieves like hell. The police take their time but eventually start shooting. I take to opportunity of the shots hitting the lorry to somehow swing myself around and change the centre of mass for the lorry, making it topple on its side, passenger side at the bottom. One of the thieves gets out from the top and the police shoot him dead, making me briefly think about how close to me that was, but not dwelling on it. Possibly moving the corpse or something, I sort of get into the cabin from the top and start kicking and stomping on the second thief and yelling "Get the hell out of my truck!" and such like. Eventually, the thief gives up and is arrested. I'm not fully content with the outcome, having wanted them both dead, by my hands, or feet as it were. I check the back of the lorry now. Inside, the contents have all gone and there's just a long and thin compressed cardboard box that everything should be in, though nothing is actually inside. Eventually, I get back home and I'm talking to H about it. I ask if we can't get some insurance payment for all the stuff we lost but he says we haven't got any. I am disappointed but say with confidence we'll manage somehow. 9/10:00 Fragment: Subway, with someone. Some kid bumps us, he wants company? Then we get the kid to come round to some house or piano shop place, and we show him my dad playing the piano. Later I/we return to the same place, but dad doesn't remember the moment from before when it's brought up. Notes: - The long dream about the theft wasn't really a bad dream but it was quite vivid and somewhat intense. - Probably one of the most fun dreams I've had in a while, as even in the dream I did quite enjoy stomping on those thieves repeatedly. Even so, at the end I did feel very disappointed about losing so much of our stuff and being able to get nothing back for it. - My feet are rarely weapons of choice unless a situation really calls for it and I have my boots on, which in fairness is always these days.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I work in some office in the city. Somebody left a baby there. A colleague comes to me with the baby and asks if I want to adopt him. He is adorable and I kinda want to, but I remind her it's not that simple. I do accept however to look after him for the time being, until it is clear where he came from and what will happen next. As we leave, I am on the street with my colleague and she is holding the baby and showing me a daycare just at the end of the street, where she suggests I can leave him during the day. I sense some imminent danger as I notice we are underneath a building under construction. Somehow I rewind time, so we escape whatever accident was about to happen. That's when some agents of the Adjustment Bureau type of thing appear to me, not to chase me down and punish me, but to meet and befriend me. They too can stop time and push it back and forth. They stop everyone on the street and show me something quite irrelevant about music from a street vendor while he is frozen in time. I ask if one can in theory live forever if it spends a lot of time in this time stop bubbles. In theory they say one can live a long time as we don't age there, but we also can't do much because interfering or changing anything while there can have cosmic consequences. We can go back and change course, but not change things while they are frozen, Even stepping on a bug could be disastrous. I think it is good for meditating. In a retreat with my teacher. He presents a dance he practiced with a couple students. Then he selects a new group to choreograph a new dance and I am selected to be part of the group. Then he is invited by some glass artist to blow some glass to create a piece that will encapsulate his breath as a memento, and he calls me on, to add my breath to it to. But I blow too hard and destroy the piece. We start over. I am walking down a street and become lucid. I decide to float up and think about what to do next. I sit in meditation hovering over people on the street and try to just slide through the air to keep the scenario changing without having actively to think about it. Usually the mediation collapses the dream so I am trying to keep it going without interacting with it. But as usual it doesn't last long. Mara sends his armies to disrupt me. The sky turns dark and I see some couple bad fellas following me around with clear bad intentions. They can't fly but they are apparently pushing me past some train tracks into a garden. In that garden there is some kind of abandoned building where some more fellas are doing shady businesses with, I think, stolen materials. At first they don't seem disturbed with my presence. I even notice Evangelion among them and feel safer. But the ones that were following me push me into some long corridor that takes me to a new place. Past a door, there is a hallway in what appears to be an old fort. They close the door behind me and I keep going forward looking for the exit on the other side. But someone closes the door at the other end.Then I hear them entering through the door on to my back and clearly not with good intentions. But there are windows. They think I won't jump given the height, but I can fly and levitate so it isn't a problem to me. I go to the ledge of the window outside and just float until the ground. Now the context is a bit different, These guys are like a private army in a fort, they have uniforms. Outside on the ground, I stumble upon one who is secretly meeting his lady girlfriend. She is virgin and they are about to have their first sexual encounter before he goes on some mission the next day. They both get naked. The guy is played by Chris Evans, so very hot, but here he is a douchebag whom I despise. The girl is some blond actress whose name I don't recall. At first I feel like disrupting their sex and take revenge on the guy, I even pick up a spear he left on the floor and think about pinning down his balls to the ground. But I feel sorry for the girl. She really loves him and is so into the several positions they are trying . I let them be. But I steal his uniform. Then I go around the fort and pass by all the guards on the front door just for fun. A general arrives and is welcomed by another high ranking official there, who is telling him how they captured me and also have some important documents for him. I salute them and the general asks "so why is she here in a uniform" and the other guy freaks out. I kick his ass and some friends of mine arrive in a car and kidnap the general at that instant and take me along. No guards have time to react. After that we stop at some café to eat some cookies and have a drink. It is a kitsch but high tech place, with cute cat images and amazing interactive decorative panels with waterfall and other nature images that we can mix and match and they adjust to each other - like if we put one panel close another with a waterfall, it will prolong the waterfall.
I had a lucid but don't remember it anymore. I went to sleep 1 am and set an alarm 7.45 am and one 9 am. The dream I write down was under the 7.45-9.00 am interval and was very long and genuine with feelings that followed me until I woke up. I'm on a train with three blonde girls sitting in front of me like the last dream. They talk to me about the military enthusiastically. We have been enrolled to the military. We come to a big house with a general that is talking. We walk out and I think to myself that I should not have went to military training. New fragment. I'm in an old house with Peter and William. I have some kind of superpower that lets me heat my fingers up to very high degrees. There are some adjustments on the house that are needed. I heat my fingers up and put them on some parts of the house so they melt. The melted material works as glue so that I can attach some other material on the last one. After some time a hurt myself because it is too warm. I notice that I only burn myself when I melt the material but not when I heat my fingers without putting them on the material. I find this odd. Peter says something. New fragment. I'm in the kitchen at home and there are many people by the table. My family, cousins and aunts and so forth. They all look at me and mom asks if I can use my fast walk. I do small jumps and I'm able to almost teleport a small step each time I do it. They look at me with amazement. After a while it doesn't work but they are still looking at me as if I succeeded. My sister starts to do a beautiful dance when I stop. She moves in a constant speed over the floor and at the same time she spins around herself in a controlled manner with her hands in the air. It looks a lot like a ballerina dance but faster and more energetic. The people by the table says that it is amazing that I got enrolled to the military and that I'm also able to fast walk as if it was a good combination. Notes: I didn't make it to the military because of my allergies. I wonder what this dream symbolises. Three blonde girls about my age is a repeating symbol.
I was going to military enrollment this morning. I wake up 5.30 am naturally and can't resleep. I am nervous for military enrollment and go to the train. Recall gap. I stand in the train and go to a back seat. There are a man that enters. I think about corona distance because they warned us about that in the military mail. There comes more and more people and we get pretty crowded in there. Notes: I dreamt about being nervous and that I can't sleep but in reality I slept good. I'm sitting in my chair and look on the big screen in the TV-room upstairs. Gustav show me a music video that he has made from my guitar playing. It sounds like through the fire and flames and I am really impressed with the video. There are some Mike Wachowski memes in the video about him being a big a big sea monster eating a big boat or something. There is a part where the music sounds weird. I ask Gustav about it and he wonders what I mean. He tells me to play the part on the guitar. I don't know what part it is so I try to play something else instead. I improvise Cliffs of Dover and I get some notes wrong but it sounds good. I am impressed with myself and I tell Gustav that I have never played it before. Notes: In the dream I played an open Em with a high G on the E-string. When I woke up I laughed at myself how I could believe I actually played Cliffs of Dover with that fingering on the guitar.
Updated 12-03-2020 at 08:16 PM by 97565
29th November 2020 Fragment: Some part about being in a car with dad and he had an accident or something and then stuff repeated itself. I think it was mostly a light collision but I lost the details. (recall gap) Another part where I'm cooperatively going around with another dream character (male, stronger?) and we need to reach some kind of extraction point but while avoiding a military presence that's nearby. There was an APC on a hill or bridge and some kind of gunship. I remember deviating from the straight trajectory we were on and finding a flatbed with a rocket turret mounted on the flat bit and used the turret to shoot the gunship down or whatever it was. I had a temporary cloaking buff that prevented my detection. This part had started off on top of a green-ish hilly type area. Then nearing the extraction point with the military presence there was a forest but there were lots of orange tones, dead leaves and leafless trees. Daytime all the way throughout. Then I carried on and met up with the other dream character I was originally with, we were in some city area not far. Grey-ish and concrete-y. There were pits? Some green liquid at the bottom of the pits. Vague recall of tall buildings and cracked foundations and cracked streets, which was where these pits or ravines were. I remember a cage at some point. Either I got stuck there or the other character did. There was more to the dream but I took too long to start writing and forgot too many details despite the relatively vivid details of the dream. Notes: - This dream was originally quite long. Recall has actually not been particularly poor lately, but my DJing has been lacking, mostly because I have been waking up too tired and lethargic and so if I do start writing the recall is usually fading or gone. Also often by the point I realise I could have written something down, I have already slept again since the initial recall or have simply not bothered because it has felt too tiring to try. - The area where dad was driving was thematically similar to the remainder of the dream.
Notes: I got some weird sensations where I was in between the dream realm and reality when I went to bed. It was like a movie but without color and I didn't actually see them. I think that I could enter a dream from there if I was more experienced. I'm sleeping on the floor in a room. Mom and dad are also there. I'm walking through a military barrack. On the other side there are some poles hanging in sideway that you can swing in. I start to do some pull ups and it is pretty tiring. I think I do about 5 and then I rest. A tall blonde guy about 20 years old comes. He runs a bit and start to spin around a pole that is really high up. He spins around for some time and do a perfect landing backwards. I try to do the same thing he did but someone runs in front of me so that I can't do it. Notes: I got in contact with a boy yesterday that is going to do the military test with me.
Updated 11-24-2020 at 10:42 AM by 97565
19th October 2020 Fragment: I was helping H. There was some kind of old lottery machine thing which we'd salvaged, but it had stops like an organ, almost 100 of them even though only about 50 were required. (Think that was dream intuitive knowledge) But as H put in a dowel thing for a stop, a wasp came out (but not really, it looked like a midge) and it bit or stung him. I suggested they might all be infested and we might be better off making all of them ourselves (the stops I think) but I think H found this to be frustrating. 20th October 2020 Dream: I was in Syria, Egypt or a country near these. I was at a USA military camp. Not sure how I got there in the dream but I remember it was in a valley. From the camp I could see in the distance steep, dusty, rocky mountain peaks. Toward one direction was a city of some kind on a sloped area. It looked more like ruins or slums and I could see flags. They were black with white Arabic script on them, but also a stylised animal trailing off the script too. This area looked vast. In the camp, I remember hearing some soldiers saying that all new troops coming in were being parachuted instead of coming in a ground march. Apparently it'd been this way since some incident with one soldier (there was a name but can't recall) where he'd been surrounded and ganged up on (by whom?). There was a female soldier sitting and listening. She had fake blonde hair tied up in a short pony tail. She looked worried and I realised on some level she was thinking of what I'd already thought of. If this place was a valley and the camp was surrounded by mountains and refugee camps and ruins, how would all the soldiers return home? (recall gap) Inside some hospital. Looks normal/clean. Similar in some sense to the one in the town where I live now. Again, somewhat vast inside. There's some kind of fighting going on but it seems like it's day-to-day business here. The fighting was happening on some other level, a basement? And there was some kind of mini plot about someone being injured and having to be carried away stealthily because he wasn't local. (recall gap) Commanders or captains. Some discussion about charging some kind of portal in a low basement level. Something about hearing reports of the portal's destination being in the Earth's core and really hot, rocky, red and black and also impossibly flat. Some soldiers openly said they didn't want to go or something. (recall gap) Inside some place, still the hospital I think. Mostly sitting on the floor? By a window, it's like a cafe or something this part. Someone tells me about being able to buy things. There are items along the sill and the prices are displayed on folded pieces of card/paper like mini billboard things. Some items were puddings and others were weapons and just random crap in general. I remember wanting some kind of dried out mousse thing, it cost 1.50. It was chocolate-y in taste and looked slightly purple but at first it just looked like a candle. (mom used to have some purple candles that smelled nice, only remembering this now) (recall gap) In the downstairs place. But looked like a warehouse area with certain bits having skylights or something. There were robots and now I had some kind of level-up system and there was another system that meant I could get upgrades from scavenged parts from the robots. I remember trying to create a new fully fledged robot. They were all about 3-6m tall. Notes: - The second dream was odd. The theme of war hasn't really appeared so directly or about a real context so clearly very much in the past. The dream setting and environment all had a very genuine feel to it. There was a certain amount of thematic consistency to the dream plots, for the most part. - The black flags with white script seem to remind me of certain terrorist/rebel groups in waking life, but in the dream they were just the flag of the nation of this place. I think the animal on the flag was a lion. The American army seemed to be there mostly to provide some sort of logistical support to the ruined city/region. But obviously there was still some kind of animosity and fighting going on, but I remember no mention of who "the enemy" actually was. - In the hospital I didn't note anyone wearing any medical equipment or the like.
1st September 2020 Unrecorded time. Dream: Long and vivid but left it a while before I started to make notes though. Mostly bits from the end. (recall gap) Outside, something about planting a banana tree that grows massive. This took place outside my old home? (rg) I'm at a restaurant paying for a massively long bill? Amount due was over 300 in total, but it was for many people. (rg) In some place like the USA and something happened in this town I was in? Suddenly, loads of people were throwing their guns and grenades away because they were going off randomly on their own. Something about a stubborn woman. I tell her I'm not a super environmentalist but explain to her that some gum she chews and spits out onto the grass has antimonic acid. I explain to her that it's toxic to plant life and even to her. It's just that her body is so much bigger it ends up not mattering so much, by comparison. (rg) Some other part where I'm a "superhero" and some local guy and his partner are being dicks. Also they seem to have something against me, so I stop trying to be so nice at some point and resort to hitting one of them but then we go out into an open garden/yard/cloister thing inside a hospital and I call out to some sidekicks that will help me. Vague recall of us ganging up on them. ~8:30 Not actually sleeping. White albino Gecko visual, red eyes. ~9 or 10 Fragment: In a dream there was this NATO thing me and H were visiting. A little bootcamp of some sort? There was an attached mini-mart place of sorts. We were going to watch some demonstration at this camp but we had to buy some CD for the specific day of the week since we hadn't done it beforehand. They were priced in pence for some reason. We wanted either a Tuesday or Wednesday CD and they were seven and ten pence, respectively. These were at a corner of the mart. Someone at the camp explained to us that they could use a CD of the same day in the moment but they'd have to call Cambridge to make it work for whatever reason and the weather would have to be good too, otherwise it was apparently a waste of everyone's time. In any case, we had a trolley and we got some 3L drinks like cola and there were massive versions of everything. Sliced bread loaves about two yards long, 1kg/2lb tins of beans. For some reason our trolley had loads of loose red kidney beans but we were apparently fine with this. I think H explained away my curiosity about all these oddities by telling me that the massive sizes of all these items were probably due to the fact they were aimed at soldiers. Later in a room somewhere, H's dad's cat appears at a doorway. Initially I am incredulous but as I get a close look at his ear, it seemed like it really was him, forgetting to do a RC at the bizarre situation. The cat behaved and meowed the same way as it should if it was the right cat. I told H to look but by the time he did, the cat got on his shoulders and his fur was a fiery orange, so H didn't believe me about it being his dad's cat. Then the fur changed back to black when H looked away and then the cat went away out another door on the left, H not looking again before the cat was gone. Notes: - At the time of this dream I hadn't really (at least consciously) heard of antimonic acid in any sense, so I read up about it online after this dream. - Wanted to make other notes but feeling to sleepy and forgot what I wanted to make notes about.
30th July 2020 Dream: (DFLN thread) (self-memo: be sure to re-read Sageous comment and my own reply) Was at some therapist's office. Looked to be a typical rented office space. I went in and saw a doctor "Hodstatdr Lester" (note, this is my original spelling in the original entry), he insisted gently that I call him Lester. He was a well-built man, with a mostly round head (bald?) and with a deep voice. He wore glasses. We sat opposite each other on identical chairs. Lightly stained pine frames with blue textile cushions (deep blue?). He began by asking me what he could help me with and by saying remarking something about whether or not it would be worth our time, mutually. I talked for a little bit, I don't have a recall of the specifics but then I said I had two unresolved phobias. He seemed to nod compliantly and asked me to go on. I remember thinking about what I wanted to say, and then saying it, an unusual process for me during conversation. "Well, one of my phobias is what's on your shirt." I said "Pockets?" He said with a look of surprise. "No" I replied, making a motion with my index running along my sternum. "Ah, you mean buttons" He replied. I interrupted with "Yes" because I had(have) an aversion to even saying the word at times. "Well, you have a [unintelligible prefix]-phobia" He then stated. I also had in mind that I wanted to talk about another unresolved phobia. But oddly enough I couldn't remember what it was (and still can't). In any case, I said that this phobia name sounded familiar, and just as we were about to start discussing it, I woke up. Original notes: - While I felt like I could trust him, hesitantly, this feeling was mostly further compromised by the fact that the chairs were oriented in a way that made him be slightly my left and I to his right. This could have been corrected easily when I sat down, by simply turning the chair in a different angle. - In addition, the room was large. 6x6 mtrs or so at a guess. But apart from our chairs it was a completely empty office. The floor was carpeted? - Finally, there were two windows. One behind and left of the therapist (from my pov) and another one out of sight in the far right corner of the room. It was day time and so the two windows were the only light sources. Scraps: Mentalist dream, something about young children getting their fingers stamped with hot seals? This was part of some imagined thoughts at some point. Something about being in my old home's kitchen, the light was on. Absence of light and darkness from outside. Odd. Mom and T were in the kitchen? Something about cooking, and then a bat flew in and mom notified us, after I'd already spotted it. It was light brown in colour, caramel coloured even. One of the very first dreams? Was in a tank in some place near a warehouse and I was shooting civilians with tank shells, because they were being uncooperative somehow. I remember troops on foot scattering from a rear formation to take control of the civilians and the immediate area.
Morning of July 18, 2020. Saturday. Dream #: 19,570-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. My waking-life identity is absent throughout this dreaming experience. My dream’s backstory emerges as an atypical narrative where I am pretending to be a high-ranking military officer. I have an unfamiliar younger male partner who is working with me. Even so, the outcome is to result in delivering something to a genuine naval ship or a high-ranking officer. The narrative otherwise firstly links as a precursory factor to the usual instinctual summoning of imaginary kinaesthesia to vivify the dream state. In this case, the vehicle resembles a WWI US Standard B Liberty Army Truck, though with the driver’s side on the right. My partner and I are trying to convince an unknown civilian male to give us items from a research laboratory that relate to recent discoveries in molecular biology. He is uncertain if we are legitimate but decides to cooperate with us. He wants to ride with us as well, reflecting that he hoped he had put his trust in the right people. My partner drives the truck as my dream vivifies, and night becomes day. The streets and high embankments are all white sand as we travel. At one point, the vehicle goes onto a small wooden raft, and it simultaneously takes us across a river as if the momentum of the truck put it in motion. We travel around for a few minutes on a battleship that has areas that make it appear more like a cargo ship. The three of us stand outside a military base. A general walks out to greet us, and I salute him. He seems to recognize my partner and me but greets me as a “French pig.” I do not take it as an insult, but I am puzzled because I am supposed to be an American officer. The man we brought here does not seem to notice this contradiction. A private appears and will lead us to where we are to give what the other man took from the small town laboratory to the general. My dream vivifies as imaginary kinaesthesia and physicality exponentially increase when I focus on my walking I try to maintain as a formal swagger. We sit on what seems to be part of a dock. The general sits down farthest from the water’s edge. An unknown woman is nearby, and I consider I should show my identification. I intend to hold up my badge, but instead, hold my left hand up in a C shape as if holding an invisible one, as my summoning did not work. She does not say anything but appears slightly puzzled. We give the general the item. It is a resealable sandwich bag containing chocolate chip cookies. After he eats one, he takes notice of one that is bigger and of a lighter color than the others. Baked within it is microfilm. He holds it up to the light and studies one section of exposed microfilm in a thinner area of the cookie. “This is what I expected,” he says, and thanks us.
The first fragment was from yesterday, I remembered more yesterday but didn't have a chance to make note of it. The other two were from today; lost most of the dreams' information due to how the morning went. Dream Fragment 1: Something about four commanders. Was supposed to meet them? Not sure. Dream took place in some concrete parking lot type structure. Dream Fragment 2: Taking a bus, it didn't look like a normal bus and only me and someone else were in it (H?), no driver, that I can remember. We got out just before a road intersection. There was a church-like building to the right, across the road, but in the dream I knew this was in the context of a university campus or something; there were a few buildings but it mostly seemed like a village area more than anything. It was quiet outside, it was day time. Dream Fragment 3: Possibly related to the previous fragment. Cooking or preparing food whilst inside a train, but generally darker than the previous fragment. I remember distant cliffs at a lower altitude but nothing specific other than a generally arid landscape. Vague memory of desaturated blue tones. Sort of day time but not very bright.
[B]non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A girl from the hood has some savings and goes to the bank to check how much and get some of it to help a friend in need. Finds out a small investment she did in has made her millionaire. Very calmly, she gets the money for her friend and some for herself and calls her 3 best friends who quit their shitty jobs and go work for her. They decide what they wanna do, from creating a network to buying a porsche. But first they go shopping. Once they get a "pretty woman" makeover, they go to some fancy places and cause a lot of gossiping from all the rich white people, who have no clue who these girls are. And they are enjoying a lot all of the doubts and speculation they are causing. Sunbathing in a balcony in California. Some small plane is flying above and the pilot sees me and gets close enough that I see him to. He makes maneuvers to impress me. I play with him a bit, making poses and he starts playing, pretending he is going to dive in my direction. I pretend I am scared, but unfortunately I react with a chi blast that knocks down the plane half way. The army then comes to find out what happened and they still don't know it was me but I hear them saying they need to get their hands on that weapon. Went to visit my aunt Ludovina and some imaginary cousin opened the door for me. He welcomed me in the ground floor before the staircase to the 1st floor, he complained about renovations taking place and led me upstairs. I saw some walls with big cracks. He says were due to landslides since some water phenomenon affected the house. I don't understand what he means, think has something to do with the renovations. He takes me inside the house but through a different area I had never seen. And then instead of my aunt's old house, he takes me through a rich palace from the 18th century, in which roam quite a few characters in the approppriate robes and gowns from that time. Supposedly my aunt was related to these nobles who survived the ages and lived their lives in a separate area of her house that I never knew about. I cross the ballroom, a ball is taking place and I head to a large window with a terrace over the river. Some men are signing papers on a table on the terrace. There is also a chapel and my fake cousin takes me there to explain this water thing. It is some kind of haunting. A bunch of priests are doing prayers, candles are burning, and water is pouring over the candles constantly, yet they keep burning. Water from the river sometimes invades and the house, but it's not a natural flooding phenomenon. He tries to explain, but I don'r really get it. I go to the riverbed, trying to find clues and on the sand I find many jewels buried. Some kids see me digging the jewel and come to see with curiosity. Then a kind of tubular wave forms in the river and enters the house dragging a whale and then everybody who was in the house gets somehow carried on the back of the whale. Not me, I just watch it unfold.
Updated 04-27-2019 at 10:10 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening In India, among orphans adopted by some guy that provided them food and shelter at some ruins. There are some western kids among them, I am one of them. We are treated differently, like we eat the cheapest food, no meat when there is some, like we belong to a lower caste. But things are changing, some day someone decides to share a can of tuna with us and some kids are angry about it. Learning about satellites and going through an interactive apprenticeship on how to pair them in orbit so they send signals to each other around the globe. We're at some kind of lighthouse by the sea. We come outside to look at the stars and we see satellites lasers aligning - I think it's augmented reality through a glass screen placed in front of us. Almost looks like we're watching an aurora. Then there is some talk about how the earth reacts to our invasion and something falls out of the sky into the ocean. It's dark, but I think I spot a wave and I scream "tsunami alert" and indeed a tsunami approaches. Me and a guy and his dog are the closest to the ocean and have no time to run away so we go inside hoping to get upstairs, but it is too late, we are swiped by the incoming water and projected through the back window against some roofs on a lower building behind this one. We hang on that rooftop until the water subsides. In the morning some military guy comes by and asks if we're ok and then treats me with familiarity. I take time some time to recognize him, it's Fermi. I am covered in some gook and he jokes about it, while also making some sexy stares at me. He helps me get down, I slide to his arms and I also feel some chemistry there. At a version of my high school with Zilla and others unknown. Kind of a reunion. We talk at times with different people, pose challenges, discuss topics. One girl who is now a famous actress sings something in a context and she sings beautifully. A person by her side makes comments, asks if any of us can sing too. I say not so well but I do. Someone suggests we make a song to perform later. Something experimental. I suggest something I was once suggested to explore, what would sound like the sound of silence. I make some suggestions, but people get lost. The singing girl goes compose something alone, had some inspiration, but comes back with a punk rock song completely nothing to do with the challenge. But she is very proud of her fist written song. Then I am going through my purse and cleaning it because it got dirty with something and I find a bunch of notes at the bottom, a few hundreds euros I had put aside and forgot I had. That cheers me up. Then I meet Vera and she bullies me a little as if we were still kids, drags me down to the common room where kids play snooker and such. I try to get rid of her. I see a baby girl walking apparently alone and she is after a ball rolling but also has a big apple on her hands and is crying cause she cant reach the ball. I pick it up and put it in her hands and get the apple and see if she's happier. She is but mostly suspicious of me and doesn't want to play with me. Meanwhile her mom comes by and I explain the situation and give her the apple. Then realize I am hungry, some of us go to lunch at the canteen. I sit in front of some guy. Only food is meat with fried egg and spinach and mashed potato. I don't know what to do but I end up eating. The guy starts criticizing the food as if we are at some restaurant and I just cant stand but stay quiet. Then he complains the meat whatever and I tell him "you know, I am actually a vegetarian, mostly vegan, but I am eating this because I was taught to respect whatever food is offered to you without judging. When I have the choice I don't eat this, but I am a guest. Also, there is nothing wrong with the food, it is tasty and billions of people would love to have such meal." The guy is embarrassed and eventually leaves after eating it all. Then some girls to my side who heard the conversation want to know why I am vegan. One asks something about health and I say its not for health. Another one asks how this damaged my social relations and family and I tell her not at all and others have changed too through my example. Someone says vegans are pushy, I say I am not. Then one has a theory about how my decision is actually misplaced, that something wrong in my life and romantic life was missing something, that I do this to fight some angst against patriarchy or some shit like that and I am about to explode like "WTF are u talking about? I did it out of awareness of the animal suffering, what does that have to do with that shit???" And she starts talking lots of BS and I lose her and I wake up.
I'm walking through some small stores. I kneel down to a box with old coins and start picking them up to take a closer look. My vision is a bit foggy, but i can tell these are not really coins, no matter how much I want them to be. just some medallions or commemorative tokens. An older lady starts going through it as well and crowds me out. I tell her piece of my mind. I start feeling tension in the air as I'm walking towards the corner of a near building. People running. I know the occupation is starting. I think it's nazis, but the armored vehicle I see doesn't look german from WW2. I see the uniforms as I'm ducking in a doorway to get away through some back doors I'm hoping to find. I see some civilian man walking inside. One is quite large. I know those are local collaborators, but to my surprise, they are quite gentle, as the big man pushes a woman towards the door with what I think it's croatian hajde.