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    1. Mir Destroys Cormier, Naked Bike Rider, The Apprentice (17.9.14)

      by , 09-17-2014 at 02:25 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm watching an MMA fight against Frank Mir and Daniel Cormier. It's not in an octagon like majority of MMA, but in a boxing ring instead. Frank Mir doesn't look 100% like him. To my surprise, Frank is beating Daniel up. Daniel isn't looking right, he's turtling up as if he has stomach cramps. Frank feels like he's given enough punishment to Daniel and is looking confused on why they're still fighting due to Daniel not looking as if he wants to fight. Frank turns his back to him to allow the ref to stop it. I see a scene replay a few times of someone turning their back and then throwing a spinning back kick to the opponent to surprise them. I think to myself that maybe Daniel will attack Frank as he turns his back, but he doesn't end up doing so.

      I'm now at my old house and I decide to rewind the fight and see exactly what happened to Daniel to make him react in such a way. I find the part im looking for and see that Frank hits Daniel with a devastating blow to the body. I see my brother come into the lounge room and I try and talk to him, but I sound as if I have severe brain damage (errrrghhghgh) lol. Dad is with me and we talk about something.

      Dream 2

      I'm riding my bike through a park. As I turn into a street I realize that my shorts and underwear are down to my knees. I try and pull them up while still riding. I find this difficult to do.
      I hear voices of someone saying that they're going to sue me due to riding around naked. They said there family, including kids and grand parents saw me. I reach the park again and I see a man
      running across the park straight towards me. He's wearing what looks like a Nike T-Shirt that Josh wears to the gym. He's running very fast. I make a get away on my bike, feeling worried
      that I will ride into a dead end, giving him a chance to catch me. My thoughts race again, I'm now thinking about if I was to reach a mans house for hiding that if I was to lie to him
      and tell him I lived at shore street, that maybe the guy who was chasing me would ask where I lived, going there and realising its a false address. I was worried that the man might take it out on the guy helping me.

      Dream 3

      I'm outside in an open area with huge tree's near me. I am being trained for something. My master jumps up into the big tree and purposely disturbs the birds. A whole lot of cocktails are now coming our way. Master tells me to run, so I head towards some kind of underground hide out. It's sticking outside the ground a bit, allowing you to enter through the small opening. I reach the hideout and have a look behind me and can see the birds coming towards me, but I wait for the last few seconds before they approach before I enter the hide out. I enter the hideout through a hole. It's like a drain hole. I try to put the lid on the hole but struggle for a few moments before eventually getting it on. I'm now inside the hideout, looking at a few doors. I think about going into one of them but decide not to.

      I'm now in a lounge room with some people. I think my master is here, and he's looking at a phone of mine. He tells me it's the enemies and I explain that I defeated him and decided to make it mine. Master tells me that he was dumb founded when he first saw the number come up on his phone. Master decides to hack the phone to try and get some information off of it. He plugs a lead into where you charge the iPhone. The phone begins going through the hacking process and I can see paper coming out the back of the phone, as if i was typing out on a type writer. I can see pictures of everything I've done on the phone, from seeing the volume go up and down etc. I begin to worry about pictures i don't want him to see. Mostly the pictures of my dick. The pictures are coming and going very quickly, but you can still make out what they are. I see a picture of someone holding their dick. There's multiple pictures so it's easily seen by master. I can now see pictures of me having sex with someone. The phone that's been hacked, now belongs to some female. Her boyfriend of husband, who's an AFL player, has seen the photos. He pushs her and is upset at her. I know it's my phone but I don't own up to it.

      Dream Fragment

      I can see the X Factor judges sitting at their judging spots. Dannii Minogue has a King Charles Cavalier dog in her lap. The dog was very good looking for that breed. I think to myself how much of a cutie Dannii is and that it made sense that she was
      holding a cute dog. Redfoo calling her as another name, I think to myself that it doesn't sound anything like Dannii and that maybe she has changed her name due to having a more appealing name.
    2. Petrol Station Thief, MMA TUF (13.8.14)

      by , 08-13-2014 at 01:06 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1 - 4:50AM

      I'm inside a petrol station when someone steals. The store clerk (SC) hits the panic button which is next to me at the counter. I think the panic button locked doors from the inside or called police. The person gets out in time and enters a car which has a sanded down side door panel. The SC walks out into the back room. I wander around the shop and I start to feel as if I would be suspicious if caught walking around the shop by myself with no SC to be seen. I see the SC walk back into the room and try and make it as if I'm not up to no good, so I ask if the person got away. They did. I see the car drive passed station on the main road. I see someone behind the SC that I know. It's Pet Rediva. He asks me how to update a graphics card for a computer. I reply asking if it's an AMD card, which it was, and tell him to download a program called AMD auto-update. My cousin Phill who was next to be nods his head and agrees that it's the correct way. Phil looked like he was thinking of an option to download as I said it. I tell Pete that I you can there is generic brands which is linked to AMD, which can also be updated. Pete gives off the impression that he's confused.

      More people are now in the petrol station and there's a long L shaped table which is about 10-15 metres long, with people sitting at it. I seem to be smoking, and see that MMA Legend Tito Ortiz is standing next to me at the counter. I don't think he likes the smell of cigarettes and I respect that and turn away from him towards the bin. I then move to the other side of the table where I see a chair under the table. A man is tapping his hand on it and I feel bad for taking it and think about giving it back to him.

      I'm now at my house and it's night. Dad and I are outside and reversing car into garage. He's backing up on a different angle then he usually does and I think about getting out and helping him. I didn't want him to drive too dose to my gym or mess up the gym flooring.

      Dream 2 - 8:50AM

      I'm in a MMA cage and I see 2 MMA fighters, Uriah Faber playing around wrestling with Jon Jones.

      Two Thai fighters are at each corners of the cage and ready to fight one another. There's an announcement of a new season of The Ultimate Fighter. The cast members of the season all walk into the cage. They all look around 5 foot tall and look of Thai descent. The fighters in the corner are in the new season also. One of them is upset when he figures out who's going to be his coach. It's Tim Kennedy.

      Dream Fragment:

      Dad says something about knowing that his parking sucked due to seeing my dream diary. I thought it was fascinating that he changed what he was going to due to my dream entry. (Think this another dream linked to first dream when Dad was reversing the car)

      Side Notes:

      Woke up at 4:45AM and couldn't get to sleep for some time. Practiced the SSILD technique for the hell of it.
    3. Girl Does Porn, Dirty Fighter, Vinegar On The Battlefield (4.8.14)

      by , 08-04-2014 at 01:08 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      I'm walking towards home and pass through the settlement bottle-o area when I see a car drive passed me slowly. It's a female driving and she's having a good look at me and says "hey good lookin". She parks her car not to far away and walks towards the entrance of the settlement. I'm tempted to go talk to her or at least give her my phone number. I miss my opportunity and even think about leaving my number on a piece of paper and put it on her car, but decide to just not worry about it.

      Im at my house now and I'm watching a pornographic film, staring the girl I saw at the settlement. She looks pretty thin and is getting rag dolled a little in the film. The couple are now standing while she is riding him. The area around her pussy looks as if it's caved in, looks pretty strange. It's as if she is anorexic.

      Dream 2
      I'm in a school room which feels like my old primary school. The teacher has made my seating arrangement at the front of the class, next to some girl. The girls seat is vacant for now. As I sit down I notice that a mixed martial arts fight is on the TV. One man is dominating the other in the fight and the ref calls it off due to the other man not being able to intelligently defend himself. Shortly after the ref walks over to the officials who are outside the cage. He talks to them through the cage with his back towards the fighters. The man who won the fight runs over to the still downed opponent and starts to beat him up again, even though the fight is over. It's pretty disgraceful to watch and not a good look for the sport. The man who won pleads his case with the ref on why he attacked the downed fighter. He spoke in broken English and sounded as if he probably spoke Portuguese.

      I start to think about how I've changed since being sick and that I needed to mention to a friend on why my personality has changed slightly. It was Chris from work.

      Dream 3
      I'm playing battlefield 4 on a map called Siege of Shanghai. I'm in the middle of the map underneath where the roof campers usually shoot from. I have a spray bottle in the hand which has a mixture of vinegar and water. I spray the enemies which temporary blinds them. As they run away shielding their eyes I sneak closed to them hoping to get a knife take down on them.

      Dream Fragment 1
      Rex goes missing and comes home a little wet. Then lose him again.

      Dream Fragment 2
      In a paddock and my dog is with a couple animals. They have been transported to another area where we're moving to. The house that uses to be built has vanished. It's as if it had been folded up and transported away.

      Side Notes:
      Not sure if I heard alarm each time it went off. Woke up a few times and recalled dream but fell asleep in the process. Need to repeat mantras more often due to waking up and not reality checking.
    4. 3rd Time Lucky, Dr. Mechanic, One Man Team (22.7.14)

      by , 07-22-2014 at 01:58 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      Im in the same place as my previous dream where I was capturing a flag. I'm listening to updates of a UFC fight between Anderson Silva x Chris Weidman. It's the 3rd encounter between the pair. The last 2 went to Chris in crazy circumstances.

      It sounds as if Anderson is winning this match and will most likely regain his title which he lost in the first fight to Chris. I want to catch the end of the fight and rush over to a TV to see it. I must have missed it, as I can only see some sort of talent show. I think that maybe the fight was also apart of the talent show.

      Dream 2

      Josh and myself are at a mechanic, which looks similar to casey automotive's. We check to see if anyone is there. All the lights are off so we expect that it's closed. We head around the back of the factory and hear some voices. It's dark and can't see who is there. We ask if anyone is there. The owner responded to us and comes over towards us. I feel bad due to him probably not catching him in work hours. We tell him about our car as we walk over to it.

      He recognises the problem and pulls out a MRI scan of a brain. He shows us the match box sized growth inside the skull. He tells us what it's called (was similar for arachnoid cyst) and mentions that he knows how to treat it. I get very curious and start to think that it's probably the distilled water he is about to mention.

      Dream 3

      Im inside the game of Battlefield 4, playing capture the flags. It's myself vs everyone else. Every other player included Daryl and Sarinas family.

      I've taken the flag. I know that everyone will be cornering off majority of exits for me to sneak through and cap my flag at my base, so I lay low and hide until the heat dies off. I hide outside and notice it's mars colouring with rocks etc.

      I hear someone coming my way and decide to sneak out without anyone seeing. I'm successful doing so, and make a run for it. I don't really know exactly where my base is, but I just have a feel of my to the base. Im non-stop running, keeping my attention on what's in front of me only. I keep coming across door that I have to enter through. I start to think about the tactic i just pulled and how its so far worked. I haven't seen any of the enemies as of yet.

      I finally reach my base, which is a bedroom with a door that has a V shape cut out of it. It's a small room with a couple beds.

      [i don't think I went through the process of capping the flag. Maybe getting to the bedroom was enough for a cap?]

      I make my way to where everyone is, which is in the lounge room. It's pretty dark and hard to pick up on everything that's in the room. I feel pretty good about myself for making my way to the base, and I expect everyone to be surprised to see me and mention about the flag. No one mentions anything which is a bit of a bummer. I see some of Sarinas family, Daryl, Jane and Tim. Everyone is sitting down on couches. Jane and Tim give me some sort of pep talk?

      I'm back at the base and I'm with my brother. I tell him about sleeping in separate beds tonight and that I would sleep in the one I was sitting on [the previous night we must have slept in the same bed]

      Side Notes
      Im starting to become lazy and going back to sleep. I move around a bit after awakening, therefore expecting that my dream recall will be history, which isn't correct. I need to keep to one routine and stop changing. I'm back to the sleeping mask as of tomorrow and sticking with it for a period of time.

      Updated 07-22-2014 at 02:12 AM by 24939

      non-lucid , side notes
    5. MMA Class/Evacuation

      by , 09-01-2012 at 12:41 PM
      Last night I dreamt I was in a classroom and the instructor was teaching about MMA. One of my good friends is interested in MMA so that must have been where this came from, he wasn't in the class with me though. There was one other female in the class sitting next to me. She said something to me about the rules of choking another person. She said you can't put your hands around their neck to high or too low. The instructor also did stretches with us.

      After that dream I dreamt I was in some sort of crisis at my house. I had a few different pets and I was with a couple people (can't make them out) Some kind of officers kept coming in with nets trying to take the pets away. I kept releasing them and finaly it became too much. I know I needed to escape so I left the pets behind and felt incredibly guilty. I then went back for them and I just couldn't manage to free them all and get in the car with the people I was with and go. Finaly I decided to leave with a few people and a dog that was my pet in this dream. As I drove away I felt super guilty again because I realized that I had left my younger sister behind.
      Tags: class, fighting, mma, pets
    6. MMA Fights

      by , 05-16-2011 at 06:50 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      MMA Fights (DILD)


      I was in some place about fighting, possibly the MMA or some boxing place. The place was huge. There were big locks and chains. There were some training devices that were like videogames.

      The screen was about 50 inches and it had several cameras. You had to fight (for real) with a guy and the device would say how good or bad you performed. I realized I am not a fighter but a more spiritual person. However, I wanted to give it a shot.

      Some slender guy who was taller than me approached and got read to fight me. I was not afraid as I knew how to deal with tall people. This guy threw me a kick so I grabbed his leg and swept his other leg. As he fell to the ground, I fell on him, elbows first to do extra damage on his face, however, for some reason I hit his ribs. I started to punch his face, right, left, fight, left... His face was not damaged, but he fainted due the pain.

      I was excited because I was going to be respected if I won two fights in a row. A friend congratulated me and told me my next opponent was coming up. Another male, who was African American approached at me. He looked very strong and sharp. My friend told me, "This one does not talk! Watch out!"

      The fight was more like an MMA fight, the both of us got hit. Suddenly, this video game beeped indicating that we both were about to loose. I started to hit him stronger, but he blocked all my attacks when he hit me once. I was up for more, but the system told I lost. I could see some status indicating our damage. The other guy was 99% damaged. I was a little pissed as I almost won, but ended up loosing.

      I went outside and told about this to a friend. My friend told me it was a strong one and that it was very good for me that I almost beat him.

      I had a FA in my room and went ahead to write the dream now. The clock of the microwave was blue instea of its regular color.
      I turned lucid and decided to go for a flight. I got out from home and started to fly, however, I realized that my previous dream was too long to start a new one, so I wanted to wake myself up to write it down and then, induce a LD.

      I had another FA in my room. I went to my microwave and instead of the time it had └■ [COLOR="#DC143C"]I felt a little annoyed because I did want to wake up, and opened the microwave assuming it would not lit up, it did not. I woke myself up again.

      Updated 05-16-2011 at 08:20 PM by 31830

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    7. False Astral Projection

      by , 04-17-2011 at 07:23 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      False Astral Projection (DILD)


      I was some kind of boxer and I had my right arm very injured. I needed major surgery will whole body anesthesia. I realized that my body was going to be shut down so it would be an excellent way to induce a WILD and Astral Project from there.

      I felt the anestysia hitting and closing my eyes. I started to focus on keeping my mind awake until I found myself right outside the OR. I realized I projected, but I did not feel like I did. I wanted to see my body.

      I saw the doctor who was going to operate me when suddenly, my body woke up and sat. A second later, I was back in my body, confused. The doctor induced anesthesia once more. I tried to WILD once more. Same thing happened. The doctor this time got mad and induced me a lot more anesthesia. I decided to not attempt to Astral Project but just to enjoy a lucid dream.

      I found myself in the middle of a parking lot and realized I was dreaming. I was fooled as I indeed though that I was at the hospital. I could see the hospital where I though I was so I wanted to see it from my dream body.

      I entered the hospital and forgot completely everything. I saw an elevator next to me, so I decided to enter it. I could see that my right arm had injuries, but I did not care. I knew my body was at the OR. The elevator brought me to some sort of Colosseum. I did not feel like fighting due my arm, but I wanted to fight at the same time.

      I saw a MMA fighter and a psychic in front of him. The psychic told him she could do some healing on him for $500,000 and then he could fight. He was pumped up and willing to pay. I wanted to offer him my healing abilities for a much reasonable price.

      Some more plot happened.
    8. :(

      , 08-10-2010 at 10:34 AM
      All I remember is that I was playing Minecraft with Tobias. I think I was wondering how to get snow.

      Holy fuck. I just remembered the main thing that happened.
      I was studying in the physics computer labs (technically I'm not meant to be there because I don't study physics anymore, but it's kinda a cool place to be. I went to use the Macs for fun, because I haven't used a Mac for ages. There was some guy there. He was trying to help me somehow and he was being really nice about it. I thought that was pretty cool, but for some reason I was wary of him.
      I can't remember what happened for a while here.
      Somehow we were in his car which was a 4WD, driving home to my place in Australind. We parked at the top of the driveway before the gate when he started making moves on me. I won't go into the details but psychologically for me, it was pretty scary and messed up. I got away fine though; he still had his pants on when I managed to break free of his grip and make it through the door of my house where my family was. I was in (or was close to) a state of tears as I stumbled through the door, and so shaken up. My mum didn't react as immediately or as strongly as I thought she would. She seemed only slightly concerned. I think I was going to cuddle up to mum but I didn't. I think my sister attended to me first, but even then no one seemed that concerned about what had just happened to me.
      I couldn't seem to do much after that. I tried to hug some dream character but it was pretty hard to do and I would start crying and getting frantic and try to back away.
      I don't know what happened to the dude. I was talking to my parents about reporting him to the police, but they were like (and I also thought) "no you probably shouldn't because you will get into trouble too because you weren't meant to be in those physics labs" (plus there was something else involving him that I did that I wasn't meant to do I think)
      I recall going over who I should tell about what happened. I think I thought that I shouldn't tell some people so that I didn't worry them.
      Crazy shit
      Note that nothing like this has ever happened to me IRL. But I guess this dream kinda served as a reminder for what stuff DOES so unfortunately happen all the time and to be wary of that.

      On another note,
      I entered some competition with Sarah and Maria where we had to make something really creative in a short amount of time. The woman that was timing us said "ready, set, go!", and that's when I found out that we were given a bowl of ice cream and we had to decorate it as creatively as we could.
      All the decorations were weird lol. Like, sparkles and fur and stuff like that xD suddenly we weren't decorating an ice cream as such, because the ice cream had melted down into some mat. I tried to make this cat thing but it wasn't working out. Maria was also making a cat and it looked really good. I don't know who the winner was.

      There was another part where there was a wealthy man and his children thought he should die so that they could take his money, and this they did.
      Lol, why are my dreams so dark and malign?
      Oh yeah, the place that the wealthy man lived in had something to do with Minecraft as well, haha. I think it was made of blocks.
    9. Train Station in Africa.

      , 07-20-2010 at 04:17 AM
      I was planning to meet up with MB at the movies. We were going to go watch something and eat dinner and we also agreed that we'd go and rent some other movies out to watch either before or after the movie.

      Then I mentioned to someone how I needed to apologise to CH, this girl that I did something mean to in year 7 IRL (I still need to do this one day if I ever see her).

      At the train station on the way to the city centre to meet up with MB, there were all these photographs attached to the station platform. They were all photographs of the same thing - some random part of the station platform taken from a specific angle, but each photograph was from a different station. It was kinda cool to see all the differences between each one.

      SM and MM were at the train station with me. We saw that the train was approaching, but for some reason it didn't stop at our platform. And this somehow had something to do with Africa being poor, lol. I think the platforms were named after different African cities or countries. And some of these didn't have enough money to fund the train to run to the city centre, hahaha.
      As they came from Africa, SM and MM got really angry at this, mentioning something about racism. They went to complain to the woman on the platform, but she pointed them to the train warden in the little office next to the station. It was a man with a paper sign on his back and front that said TRAIN WARDEN. So unprofessional haha. They went off to complain, and I saw that there was a train in the distance approaching. I somehow knew that this train would take us to the city centre.

      We boarded the train, SM and MM somehow exited my dream and I noticed that CH was on the train. I really should've gone up to her and talked and apologised to her, but instead I just did that thing where you acknowledge someone's presence by smiling at them, saying hi, and then I sat behind her.

      When we arrived at the city train station, CH was walking in front of me and heading towards Baker's Delight (a bakery shop). I followed her and when we got there I THINK I offered to buy her something. I'm not sure though. I remember that there was heaps to choose from. Different slices and things like that.
      Anyway, I didn't end up apologising to her :/
    10. Different Fun Stuff

      by , 06-21-2010 at 07:45 PM
      I basicly just started in my bedroom. I then, as i normally do, closed my eyes and said "i am in a big city." When i opened them, i was in a big city like NYC. First i summoned a motorbike and rode around on that. Then i summoned a gun and went around and killed people. It got boring quickly, so i decided to fly. I just flew around in the air with not goal. Then i decided to have an MMA fight. It went pretty well, i won, but several times under the fight i almost woke up. When i was done, i decided that it was enough for tonight so i woke myself up.
    11. Trains and Chicken Treat

      , 04-27-2010 at 09:14 PM
      Hmm. There was some talk about STDs (yuck) and how they're not a virus or something so I went to the brothel (wtf) and looked at all the beds and you could tell which ones had viruses and which ones were more okay. For some reason I chose a bed which was now a seat and sat behind NS and MM. We were at the top of a lecture theatre about to watch something.
      And then they were really friendly towards me and so I tagged along with them; it was really nice and I was very happy.
      Then with SM we were trying to look for some car and we walked around everywhere but we couldn't find it. There was some limo but that wasn't ours.

      I remember driving somewhere.

      Then while looking around there was a huge group of people doing the Thriller dance and some just watching. There was no music playing so it was amazing how they were in sync. An awesome sight, but not what we were looking for. SM turned into AK and we were looking for a triple burger deal from Chicken Treat. We could only find a third of it which was the bottle of water, the rest (the burger and a banana) we found later on when we found our destination of a train station.

      AK wanted to take a photo of the trains and I said something which confused her because she didn't realise that they were old-fashioned trains so that only one train would move at a time and to get from on train to the other train both had to be stopped and the conductor of the carriage would let you on to the second train.

      I woke up soon after this.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 09:09 AM by 33362

    12. Not an Apple advertisement.

      , 04-25-2010 at 07:59 PM
      I was at a rocky beach with AK and DM and it was in Bunbury and the part we were at had a name but I can't remember what it was but there were blowholes and we all went to look to see that it was the greatest beach in Bunbury. Then we did something behind the rocks (which were stopping the water from hitting us) but then the tide started picking up and much water came over the rocks but managed to dodge us, luckily. We escaped and when we looked back the water passing over the rocks was in the shape of an old man with a big head, big nose and walking stick.
      We had to jump down some rocks to avoid it and it was quite scary. I went to jump but luckily the rock I was on started falling (due to water behind me) and although that was scary I managed to jump from there to the next one and got away safely because the distance was already small from the original rock falling.
      We went to some place where AK asked if I wanted Turkish bread, it was only (!?) $30 each or 4 for $90. I wasn't so sure because it was so expensive but I was considering buying it because I know that Turkish bread is so good. There was also some nice cheese spread to go with it or something like that. Like ricotta cheese. And it was near some spot that looked a lot like a bank teller but outside.
      While we were walking towards that place there were similar water-cloud thingies and the one we were heading towards was in the shape of AK, I thought, but DM and AK sort of disagreed. There was an alleyway or something with one of AK's friends, or maybe not her friends but some art exhibition she was interested in.

      We were on an adventure about 5kms from Perth with many other people, maybe about 40 of them.

      I found my iPod (I do not have one; I used to have one a couple of years ago but it was stolen).

      I washed something in water and left the bucket full (it was a bucket with a tap and a plug that you pull up or down to "activate") by accident. The bucket was near the computer room in Australind.
      Later on, Dad came back into the room with myself and my sister and other people and told us not to use the computer because he'd spilled water near it. I immediately thought oh shit I left the bucket full, so proceeded to clean it up. It was just on the carpet, only a little bit and not even near the computer, but I thought I'd go vacuum it anyway.
      I went to get the vacuum and I cam edown from the bush and threw the vacuum down onto the yellow sand (which had totally changed from the yellow carpet location).
      I went and did something else with my sister, involving my iPod.
      Then I went back to the sand and retrieved the vacuum which was really good; I remember my sister telling me that the "neck" wasn't long enough even though it was really expensive, which is true. I didn't actually use it because I thought it would be dumb to use on sand because it'd just suck everything up and get full. So I went to retrieve it and the sand was a main road and grabbed it with my sister there to help. We waited for a gap in the cars (took a while, it was pretty busy) and I quickly grabbed the vacuum, then passed it to my sister. She had to take it away quickly because I was stuck in the sand. She thought this was just an excuse to listen to my iPod, but I was actually stuck.

      We then went to our adventure place. There was a criminal there and I was responsible for making sure he stayed put. The authorities were too trusting of him and thought it would be okay to let him stand freely, but every time I slacked off with the ropes (which were more like jewellery beads than chains/ropes), he'd start to attempt to get free and run off. At first we were trying to bind him properly.

      Then we were waiting in line to get onto the bus home. I was still responsible for holding this guy and I had to bind him around his arms and stuff. As we got to the end of the line, Mrs M took the chain off everyone (everyone had one) and the chain's blue colour (although it wasn't really a colour, more like a vibe) disappeared and she put it away to the side. Everyone was connected.
      I think it went from that guy being in trouble to me being in trouble. Something to do with my iPod, again.

      The bus was airconditioned and many people wanted to get on it because it was promoting the release of a blockbuster movie, a week or two after it had been released. It was like that movie's "experience". It was similar to avatar or something, but with queens of the desert.
      Mr and Mrs M controlled the bus, and there were a few black people on it. Most of the seats were reserved for those that booked it for the movie experience.
      My seat was on the second story and you had to climb up from underneath, open a hatch to climb through and sitting on the seat next to it, letting your feet dangle through the hatch. I knew that I had to get comfy because there were 5 hours to get to Perth. I attempted to climb up there at first with my stuff (a bombcase-type thing) like the ones that hold AK's cameras), but it was too hard so I climbed up there without anything.

      There were two pinoys across from me on the right (I was on the left) and they were looking at various things you could do on the bus. Turns out they could call the Catholic Church. And you had to speak in Tagalog to do that. I let them do that, it must've been good for their religious beliefs or whatever. One of them was Aunty MFe.

      Updated 07-04-2010 at 09:03 AM by 33362
