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    1. Conflict and the Sacred Dice 8-15-2011

      by , 08-25-2011 at 04:07 PM
      So much happened!

      I remember waking up in bed with Sean, except he didn't look like Sean. He was still black, but he was tall and very muscular, with a large muscular chest, and I don't think he was completely human. He kept bothering me to get up because he had company coming. So we both got up and he started putting on some awesome clothes, some sort of weird armor that was a mixture of spartan and space elements, medallions, and other things I don't remember. He was some sort of military commander.

      The next thing I knew he was gone and there were two other women standing off in the corner of the room; I was in a drab shirt/gown, picking up handfuls and handfuls of tiny dice from a table behind me and pouring them onto what was once the bed but was something else now. The two women kept nagging each other. One kept complaining about "Why can't I have this?" or "Why can't I be that?" while the other answered annoyedly "Because you don't have enough this" or "You haven't had training for that." Their auras were similar to that of two guys I know, Tyler and Scott, respectively.

      I think that's when Sean came back. "We're moving the men out," he proclaimed. "Your men and your men," he pointed to 'Tyler' and 'Scott,' "will be headed for (some place I don't remember), and I'll send my men to (some other place I don't remember... I'm horrible at these kind of details...)." He was referring to little lego men on a game board, I reflected in my mind's eye.
      "What about my little guy? He teamed up with you guys yesterday," I told Sean meekly. 'Scott' answered instead.
      "He can't go with because he never fully declared his alliance with us by moving his residence to our base," he said. I knew this base was a place where my little guy would have had to risk his life and relationships to get to, and the both of us had been naive enough to think that he could be a part of this group without actually risking his life. This was no regular army, but a group of rogue soldiers who were fighting against the government.

      I gave Sean a pleading look. Why hadn't he told me this?

      "He's right," Sean said, "You should have known this." He turned to leave, and waved for Scott and Tyler to follow him. Sean was always the unbiased man, I reflected half-proud of him but still disappointed.

      The next thing I remember is watching my Mom play a video game where her character (which looked similar to Sock Boy) was flying through the air in a Jungle area; she soon maneuvered him so that he landed on his belly on a vine-slide and slid down it for a long time as it twisted and weaved in various directions. Suddenly it wasn't a game anymore. My consciousness was following him to this hidden wooden structure that was half-built into a cave, where we could hear this monstrous noise from inside, growling and snarling and destroying things. I knew this was the place where all the sacred dice were kept. I waited silently outside until the monster emerged. He was big and ugly, and giant brownish mass of teeth, thick limbs, and ooze, looking around with only one eye. He sensed my presence (even though I had no body at this point), and charged in my direction, so I turned and ran. I needed to tell someone.

      The next thing I remember is my consciousness following a gorgeous black woman as she soared through the sky. She reminded me of Storm from the X-Men, except she had really long, dark-brown hair. And she looked angry. She landed on a ledge on top of a very tall building on which one of the women from earlier stood waiting for her. This second women no longer held the aura of Scott or Tyler... I didn't recognize her at all. My focus was on the black woman, her thick, sexy lips; her white lipstick; round, piercing eyes; thin, strong arms; a long, slender, sexy neck; and the tints of grey weaved in with the few braids in her hair. This woman was in her early forties but still seemed very strong. She approached the other woman - who was not fully human - and got right in her face. She began blaming the other woman for the monster in the dice keep, demanding to know who had leaked its location and why. The other woman became furious and tried to defend herself. Finally she got right back into the first woman's face and put her foot down.
      "I CHOSE to work (with whatever organization at some specific time which I don't remember) so I could HELP you protect it, to work WITH you!"
      The black woman took a step back, knowing she was wrong to have blamed the second woman. But she was still angry.
      That's when my mother woke me up.

      Updated 08-25-2011 at 04:24 PM by 49444 (added date)

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. big monster

      by , 08-08-2011 at 05:25 AM
      I was with 3 other people that were always becoming different people escaping a huge monster by going through various buildings, there were guns to buy on the walls in chalk like on nazi zombies and perkacolas I bought staminup...
      Tags: escape, monster
    3. Challenges & dreams within dreams

      by , 08-05-2011 at 11:11 PM
      Okay so I had a lot of dreams and they were crazy.

      - It was N's birthday so I drew him a picture and printed it on a bright blue t-shirt. The picture was weird and had like a hamburger and a dress on it and a bunch of other stuff. I took a picture of the shirt and sent it to him, then I realized I hadn't shown him the picture that was on the shirt yet, so I was like "oh I'll upload that now". He was collecting pictures of people's b-day presents for him and posting them on some forum, there were a lot. Later I was at the mall and thinking I should get a better shirt for the picture, and there was someone else there telling me I should.

      - I was talking to N on facebook and he had posted a slightly annoyed status, and I posted a comment and added '<33' at the end even though it didn't fit at all. I was hoping it wouldn't annoy him but I was the 4th comment and all the others had hearts at the end too. When it posted though, facebook changed the <33 to a symbol of a heart with another half-heart attached lol, like this:

      - Some evil guy had kidnapped N and me and a bunch of people and was trying to kill us. We were in this huge dark room and there was this big screen at the end that was like a portal we had to get to in order to escape. There were lots of obstacles and dangerous/painful things on the way to the portal.

      At one point we were crawling on our hands and knees across chunks of metal on a slight hill, and a girl who was also there said a word I didn't understand. I asked her what it meant and she told me it meant crawling, and was like "it hurts if you do it too long". There were other words like that too, like the other people we were with were using a bunch of slang terms I'd never heard and they'd have to explain.

      Then I was able to pause the whole scenario and draw new outfits for N and myself and then we would get them when we went back in. So I drew us these weird kinda futuristic outfits, and then decided we needed flying bikes, so I gave myself a lime green one and him a hot pink one.

      Then it went back and we were in the room again with our new outfits and bikes. N was flying way up at the very top of the room which was really tall. I was really close to the portal, so I leapt for it, and right as I was about to touch it, it suddenly went all white, then had white bars across it, then shut off, and a booming voice declared, "PORTAL DISABLED".

      The screen was on the side of a rocky cliff, and everyone looked up to the top of the cliff to see this horrible blueish sea creature/demon thing with a human face and head. The evil guy, who we couldn't see, was telling us that this monster was going to send us all through 8 challenges to be able to escape. I looked right into its eyes, and its eyes bulged way out and it shrieked loudly, and I saw this vision of how we all might die. I snapped back and realized it hadn't been real, then told N, who was beside me again, that I'd just had a dream about what was going to happen to us.

      I don't know if we did the challenges or not, because the next thing I knew, it was all over and I was talking with N [again?] in a very peaceful nice field next to a pond. It was like watching a movie at this point; I saw both of us from a third person POV, though not very clearly, and I knew everything had finished somewhat happily and it was like a nice ending scene. My hair was in a bun with a weird round clip/tie and he had some sort of nickname for me.

      Also sometime after it was over, I told him I had added the bikes at the last minute, and he said something along the lines of "hmm yeah I could tell, you should really stick to a theme" lol.

      - Then I had a false awakening and "woke up" on the couch in my cousins' house, where I was actually sleeping. I thought 'wow that dream was really intense, I should ask if he had the same one'. [I did ask later, he didn't remember his dreams.] But then there was this thing where I thought maybe he was actually one of my cousins and that freaked me out lol.

      Then my aunt was talking about how she could lucid dream, and I was like "me too!" I started trying to WILD, still in the dream, and managed to get partly into another dream a couple times, but kept getting 'woken up' by my cousins (not sure if I was actually waking up irl but I don't think I was). Finally I made it into a dream within the dream and was lucid in the new one.

      I was at a shopping centre in my city near a movie theatre, and my aunt was there as well in her pyjamas, and it was just sort of accepted that we could and were sharing dreams. She ran off, and I walked around the corner, touching walls and stuff and inspecting them and doing RCs.

      Then I thought of what I read in the School of Out of Body Travel book, about how it was guaranteed that whenever you stared at something very closely for a long time in a dream, it would start to warp and change. I stared at my finger closely for a while but nothing happened, so I started to wonder if I was really dreaming for a moment, but another nose RC confirmed that I was. Then I saw N was there [again :| get out of my head dude lol] so I gave him a hug.

      - I then "woke up" back into the FA at my cousins' house, and they asked about the dream I'd just had, so I told them what happened. My mom then said she was making pancakes [she actually kinda woke me up irl to say we were having waffles lol so it got incorporated] and asked if I wanted strawberry, blueberry or both. There was a plastic cup on the table with a few halved strawberries and three fresh blueberries. I ate a large blueberry and it was really good.

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 04:58 AM by 13525

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. Death of a strange monster

      by , 08-04-2011 at 11:33 PM
      I had a dream that i was in the street and some guy was trying to get me and the other people, we ran into my friends house where all my parents, and my friends family were. We went through the garage and the men were at the front trying to close the garage door down..
      I was worried and for my dad and stood in front of him in case the thing came and got him. Once the door was closed we all went inside and tried to comfort each other.

      He broke in the house and we all got him but i was in charge of finishing him off.
      I got him and put him inside my friends room and tried to kill him, but he wouldn't die, he then transformed in some kind of animal, like a cat i think (which was really disturbing because i absolutely love cats) .. and he would transform in my vision from a cat to a human.. I soon realised that this kind of person could not die, i could hurt him but no matter what i did he would still be alive ..he lay there gaining conscious now on the floor and i had to do something to stop him from killing everyone. i had to cut off all his limbs instead so even if he was alive he couldn't do anything because he couldn't move without any legs. arms or head. so i sat there trying to cut through everything, it was very hard to get through eat part and it was hard emotionally because he kept turning into a cat and i wanted to stop. the blood soaked into my friends carpet and i was worried she would be upset. after i finished cutting everything i walked out of the room and everyone was rather happy about him dying, but i still had an uneasy and sad feeling. Later that day i came back to my friend house and we sat in her room, all the blood was gone from the carpet, her mum had cleaned it up.
    5. War of the Gods

      by , 07-30-2011 at 12:33 AM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:39 AM by 39215

    6. God of the Sands

      by , 07-23-2011 at 10:36 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:39 AM by 39215

      lucid , memorable
    7. 21/7/2011 Night Crawler (series) part 3 (1 and 2 old)

      by , 07-22-2011 at 11:48 PM
      I was in a lab in the isolation chamber, I was groggy and covered in wires.
      I stood up and sniffed the air. I man in a white lab coat came in, he looked at a console and wrote something on a clipboard.
      As he was about to leave I tapped on the glass to get his attention, he looked at me and seemed puzzled. He went back to the console and flicked a switch, he then said through a micro-phone speaker inside the chamber "Who are you?....are you lucid?....what year is it?". I answered the questions "Sara, Yes for a moment or two at least, 2011...".
      He looked excited and pushed a button on the console, he talked into the console but I couldn't hear him (he's turned off the speaker to the chamber). I could lip read him saying "We have her!". This made me nervous so I started looking around the chamber I was in to find a weak point (my usual powers were not working). By now I was getting very worked up. He spoke again through the speaker "We mean you no harm, we just need to ask you a few questions, the manager will be he in a minute"...at this point I was totally lucid and not groggy anymore, and VERY VERY angry about being in a isolation chamber, naked and covered in wires. I grinned and the light above me cracked and went black, the man looked worried, I grinned bigger pointed to the lights above his head and winked.....it blew and all was darkness.
      I then turned into 'night crawler' and smashed my way out of the chamber, alarms sounded, I found him cowering in the dark near the console and pulled his limbs off one by one, lastly his head. I took one of the arms 'for later' and then smashed though the door to make my escape.
      I got out of the room only to find more lights on (I can only be 'night crawler' in total darkness) so I blew them as I went and eventually got outside the building. Once outside I ran until I couldn't hear the alarms anymore and then ran some more until I found a graveyard. I buried myself in a fresh grave as the Earth wasn't compacted.
      I lay down to sleep and munched on the severed arm until I dropped off.
      lucid , nightmare
    8. Vivid Dream Saturday Night, 7-9-11

      by , 07-11-2011 at 11:21 PM
      Here is what I can remember about my dream on saturday night, it was quite vivid....non-lucid though

      I was at a house (it switched from my own house from my child hood and a house in the woods throughout my dream) We were having a house party with a bunch of people and people I knew (like my brother and roommates) were there. We had very loud music playing and things were going well when I noticed that part of the forest/woods that the house was surrounded by was caught on fire. I began to panic fearing for the house and the lives of those inside, so I began to dial 911 to get some fire fighters out there in time so the house wouldn't burn down. I was getting upset because no one would turn down the music so I could call 911. I kept asking them to turn the music off and tried myself but they would just turn the music up once I turned it down. I kept getting so frustrated to the point of tears because no one was taking the situation seriously. The fire was also acting very odd, when I would try and call the fire department the fire would subside, almost like it knew what I was doing and wanted to even get me in trouble and act like there really was no fire. But of course once I hung up the phone the fire would rage on through out the forest....the dream shifts and my concern is no longer for the fire but for the fact that I couldn't find my laptop (I felt like I had to look up something or something to do online) and I needed it right away. My dad told me that he thought he saw it upstairs in the room that he never used (in real life he doesn't use the master bed room at all). I didn't want to go upstairs because throughout my child hood I always could sense a presence up there and hated sleeping upstairs by myself as a kid. In the dream I kept seeing faces look at me from the top of the stairs and try to scare me and almost dare me to come up their alone. They were taunting me and show me disturbing images almost as visions. I asked my brother and someone else (I didn't know) to come upstairs with me and retrieve my laptop. The person I didn't know had dark hair, was a bit taller than me and about my brother's age (17-19). We began to ascend the stairs and were immediately attacked by some head that had no body but was floating in the air attacking us through our own fear and minds. It had a smile on its face and was just pure evil. Almost looked like one of those faces off a ventriloquist dolls and had that shinny look to it. We got to the room at the end of the hall and tried to block the voice from ourselves and just get the computer. We thought it was on the floor on the side of the bed facing the window, which was on the opposite side of the room. The doll face just floated to where he could see us and I think said something like "you will never be able to leave." I knew something was up so when my brother and the stranger got onto the bed to look on the other side. I knew something was up because as soon as they sat on the bed they began to get very sleepy and were almost passing out into a deep sleep just by touching the bed. I had to almost anchor them by holding onto their legs at their feet and made sure they didn't fall asleep while looking for my laptop. I just stared down the doll face and kind of told it off. We discovered the laptop was not even upstairs and quickly ran back down the stairs. Come to find out my laptop was on top of the fridge the whole time. My dad did not believe us when we told him some demon or spirit tried to lure us into staying up there. Soon after this I woke up.
    9. The Big Ol' Monster

      by , 07-07-2011 at 01:10 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      Schools already done, but i am at school in this dream. I get on the bus but all my friends had seats with 2 people so i had to sit with somone i hate. I saw my least favourite person in the world, someone at my school, so i punch him in the face and go sit with a girl from my school.

      We get off the bus and then soon a monster is chasing me O_O I run and run and i see my friends way ahead of me so i sprint to the road and soon i reach my friends. The thought of the monster chasin us died out and soon we began talking until the dream faded away.
    10. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-05-2011 at 09:00 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      On My Back (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      It's just a dream, I assure myself, sticking my hand into the dark wretch's open maw, stopping the biting, but failing to lessen the pressure of its long, black, flesh-torn arms as it pushes down onto my body, my neck, strangling me, leaving me cold as I lay alone on my back, alone in my thoughts, my mind.
    11. 0/1 Thu: A Nightmare

      by , 04-30-2011 at 10:55 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      A Nightmare
      Nightmare's are rare for me. It was frightening at the time but now just interesting in retrospect. I'm outside and it's night. It's a scene like Night of the Living Dead. I'm on the back porch of an old house. There's a low fence around the backyard, maybe a graveyard. Beyond that is a bit of grassy field and then a dense forest. I'm with some other people but I don't remember who they are.

      So, I'm in the ominous setting and monsters start walking out of the forest and walk slowly toward me and the old house. It's just like the zombie mode of Call of Duty. They aren't really monsters. I know they are people dressed up in Halloween costumes. There are some ghosts, zombies, and guys dressed like Jason. The ones I remember most clearly are the big pumpkins. You know those pumpkin trashbags you fill with leaves and put on your lawn for Halloween? Like that except it's walking slowly toward me.

      Mostly I recall that the other people with me are very frightened. I am trying to keep them calm. I reassure them that they are just kids playing a Halloween prank and nothing bad is going to happen. As the monsters get close, they seem to give up because we aren't afraid and they go away. But new waves keep coming from out of the woods and we are all getting more and more nervous.

      Finally, I've have enough and want to leave. I yell at the monsters, telling them I know they are just people dressed in costumes. I walk away from the house and find a parking lot. I see my car and pull out my keys. But as I'm walking, the people are following me and I overhear them talking. They failed to frighten me with their costumes but now they are getting violent. They pull out hatchets and start swinging at me. Now I'm really scared. I duck their swings as I try to open the lock on my car door.
      I wake up. I was pretty scared for several minutes as I couldn't get the memory of the dream out of my head.

      I guess my interpretation of dream is that the violence of normal people is more frightening that the scariest monsters or places.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. Monster Hunter

      by , 04-15-2011 at 09:46 AM (Cryptic dreams that don't make sense.)
      The first thing I remember is walking through an abandoned school. I can tell it's a school from the slightly moldy, but still identifiable posters everywhere that have the alphabet and other grade school concepts on them. The building itself is in an odd state of disrepair, with some sections being totally ruined and overgrown with moss and roots that don't seem to go anywhere, and others being pristine and flawless. From the windows that line the hallway I'm walking through, I can see that it's raining outside, and lightning flashes intermittently. There is a smell of rotting meat that pervades the entire complex no matter where I go.

      I'm dressed in my grandfather's flight jacket from WW2 with a white scarf wrapped around my neck. In my right hand there is a silver .357 magnum, and I can feel fistfuls of bullets in my jacket's pockets. A long knife hangs in its sheath on my left side, and I constantly find myself resting my left hand on it. Finally, there is a small bag slung over my shoulder, and I can hear some objects banging up against each other as I walk, but I don't check what's in the bag just yet.

      I continue walking for some time, always checking over my shoulder every few minutes. However, out of nowhere, all the doors in the hallway open up and the undead begin to pour out of them in huge numbers. Their faces are rotting and green foam forms around the jagged teeth in their mouths, their clothes ragged, and their fingers all end in black, bird-like talons. They begin to shriek in one continuous cry as they begin to charge at me by climbing walls, crawling on the ground, and jumping from the ceiling to the floor. I quickly raise my gun and fire off a single shot into the horde in front of me. The gun is much more powerful than it might seem, as the mere act of firing the gun shatters all the glass around me, and the bullet's force rips through every monster in front of me at once. I then turn and dispatch the undead behind me in the same manner.

      This proves to be a useless act, though, as more begin to charge down the hallway behind me, so I take off, running to a stairwell. After quickly climbing the stairs, I drop the bag I had down the stairwell and shoot the bag as soon as it hits the floor. The bag explodes and destroys the fragile staircase, and the rubble blocks the horde from chasing me any further.

      This new floor is not much different from the first aesthetically, but now I begin to check each room. In the first six rooms, there is nothing but ruined classrooms, but in the seventh, I see the woman-in-red sitting at a desk. This time, her hair is tied up in a ponytail, and she's wearing a Catholic school girl's uniform with a red sweater-vest and white stockings. Her red eyes meet mine, and she smiles and gives a small wave, after which I close the door.

      All of a sudden, I feel the hairs on the back of my head stand up and I impulsively duck and roll away. The place where I was standing is suddenly torn apart by the claws of what appears at first to be a wolf-man in ripped clothes. However, as the wolf-man turns to me, I can see that it's actually my best friend. While her face and body seem human, many periphery features such as her ears and the color of her eyes are a wolf's instead. In addition, her fingernails are sharp claws, she has pointed canine teeth, and a tail swishes back and forth behind her.

      She lunges at me again, and I respond by shooting four shots at her. She is able to dodge these bullets, and knocks my gun aside. We then begin to strike at each other, her with her claws and I with my knife for some time until I'm able to knock her to the ground with a tackle. I then jump over her prone body, snatch up my gun and frantically begin to reload it as she gets up and begins to howl in fury. At the last instant, I finish loading the gun and point it at her just as she slashes at my throat. I can feel the sharpness of her claws on my neck as I pull the trigger, and muzzle flash and crack from the gun is the last thing I'm aware of before I wake up.
    13. Vague lucid dream

      by , 04-02-2011 at 03:26 AM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Nightmare Dream sign

      Recently my web host (who I am good friends with the founder) got attacks from a client of Limestone Networks (the company didn't do it, one of their customers did) and when I talked to him about it over chat I started seeing Limestone Networks ads all over the place due to Google adWords user targeting. Kind of ironic, but oh well.

      I think that's what inspired this dream.

      Limestone Networks dream
      Only one I remembered for the night. Bad recall. My family was staying at a HUGE fancy hotel! It was all made of marble.

      Here's a description: From the front entrance with multiple glass doors you enter a humongous right-left symmetrical marble room. 4 stories high or so. The second floor is in the back half of the room while the third and fourth are elsewhere, only visible because of little balconies sticking out into the main room. There were a bunch marble benches on either side on the first and second floor. There's two sets of stairs about 50 feet ahead of you maybe 15 feet wide each, at 30˚ angles. They go one story high, to the second floor in the back. These stairs are separated by a balcony in the middle that extends from the upper base of the stairs horizontally to the lower base. Here's a horrendous, literally 30-second example of what I mean: (click to enlarge)
      I can draw better. Much better. But it's getting late and I don't want to spend too much time on this...

      Anyway, the building was cool. My family was staying on the left side of the building in a room on the 3rd floor which had a balcony sticking out to the big room. It was a very nice hotel! At some point I
      became very, very, very faintly lucid. I realized I was dreaming, kind of, and that I could do what I wanted.

      I walked downstairs and saw Limestone Networks was having a meeting. A man was speaking to about 40 men and women. They looked distressed. I had to walk around a few people as I went down the stairs. I knew their business wasn't my business but, out of curiosity I wanted to hear what was going on so I slowed down my pace. Apparently Limestone Networks was having severe financial problems. Several people were crying... They were going to go bankrupt. I felt really bad for them. It seemed like Linmestone Networks employees were a tightly knit group of friends...
      I wondered how they could afford so many ads yet they were going bankrupt, but I brushed the thought away. I kept walking and went through a door.

      I saw my friend Ryan and decided to use my lucid powers to have an Avatar race with him. We changed into Avatars and climbed up floating mossy rocks. The best Avatar music with the chorus singing was playing somehow. It was really awesome! Eventually the Avatar world faded back to normal life.
      We were outside. It was dark and raining. The dream was becoming increasingly negative. I could see less and less. Ryan vanished. I was alone in the mud. I saw these slimy monster things with huge mouths. I was worried, but not scared. It was becoming harder and harder to go on. I tripped and fell. I could sense monsters coming for me but I couldn't see anything! I thrashed around hoping it would drive them away but it woke me up.

      I was still moving so I jumped out of bed. I was startled a little but not scared at all. It was about 4AM. I went back to sleep shortly after, which doesn't usually happen after nightmares. Somehow I wasn't very scared in that nightmare.

      Glad to have a dream, especially a lucid one, even slightly, after all this time!
    14. The Dungeon Of Horror....Oh, and lucidity

      by , 03-08-2011 at 06:24 AM
      I'm running from a serial killer in a dungeon sewer, i run to a door, but it's locked, i'm slightly in the sense it's a dream, yet not quite at the realisation point, i look at the woman on the other door, she get's slaughtered by the monster, i quickly open the door, and become instantly lucid, i fly away, and thinking about what johnny storm did in fantastic four, i say "flame on" (sily, i know, but it made me fly faster!), i flew, and the dungeon was transforming from sewer, to egypt?
    15. Giant green pool Nightmare

      by , 02-23-2011 at 07:13 PM
      Ugh, I had a nightmare again =( I was with some friends at a giant green pool. The water was green and muddy (green mud). At the bottom of the water I could see a few green monster fishes. If I fell into the water the fishes would kill and eat me. I was very afraid to slip the whole dream. Me and my friends were playing(?), hanging in ropes above the water. In the end, I failed holding myself up, so I fell into the water and swam for my life so the monster fishes wouldn't take me. I escaped, but the boss of the place, some person, tied my up and tried to stuff me into a shredder. My friends just stood there watching. I kicked the shredder away from myself.. and woke up.
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