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    1. Boy in the Well

      by , 01-14-2024 at 03:02 AM
      I'm standing outside of a huge gold and white castle. The front doors alone are bigger than anything I've ever seen, though I feel familiar with it as if I've lived here my whole life. Inside, the first room is grand, empty, and shiny. To the left, the castle blends in with the dirty outside streetscape; markets, classrooms, and living quarters become one with the castle, as though it had been abandoned and is now being repurposed. I have fleeting memories of sleeping in bunkers below the castle or walking outside in the snow, seeing the castle's golden spires in the distance, meaning this is most likely what I know as home.
      Venturing deeper into the castle's grand halls, I come across a small, empty room, with a hole in the ground. I walk over to the hole and see it's filled with water, though I'm not sure how deep it is. I see my reflection, some sort of white, featureless creature wearing blue robes.

      The next day, I go to the market. I squeeze past overgrown shrubbery to get to the old stone staircase that leads to the produce stalls. At one of the stalls is an old owl-like creature wearing long brown rags and a broad-brimmed hat. He has his wrinkly talon hands resting on the table in front of him, which is littered with shiny trinkets, fresh vegetables, and other goods. I walk up to him and begin to barter for a handful of carrots or some other carrot-y-looking food, and after a while of arguing I give him some coins and he fills my bag. I take off down the very narrow street, bustling with life, and go up into a sheltered area. The first room I pass through is a kindergarten classroom, where I stop to watch for a moment. 3 tiger creatures are arguing in Mandarin, all wearing quite nice clothes. One has a baby on her lap, and I assume the other two are also mothers of some of the smaller creatures I see sitting at the back of the class. I continue going through other rooms, though I can't remember much after this.
      I end up back at the well in the ground. I toss one of the carrots in. After a moment, I hear a deep rumbling coming from within the well, and water splashes up out of it. I return to the bunkers for the night.

      I wake up in complete darkness, floating aimlessly, quickly realising I'm underwater. I start panicking, certain I'm going to drown here. Then a light appears above me, and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see a glowing boy with white hair, a white shirt, and a very long tail, and he's smiling at me. We're talking like we've met before, though I can't remember much of this part, other than I'm slowly floating up and I have faint flashes of some kind of scripture in my mind. It feels like whatever's happening is very important. I start reciting something and I suddenly understand why I'm in the well (of course, can't remember that either). As I get closer to the top of this body of water, the boy's tail begins to curl around me as it gets thinner and thinner, until I've reached the end of his tail. Then it splits in half, and he runs the inside of his tail along my face as a sort of goodbye. I reach the top and am blinded by light, I feel completely at peace.
      And then I woke up.

      This was such a cool dream, I wish I could remember more of it!
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. A weird dream with its own world and history

      by , 12-26-2023 at 07:57 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It felt like I'm in the middle of a Konami game, think resident evil
      I remember we were preparing for Christmas when we got warned that some sort of paranormal army of zombie like monsters emerged due to a catastrophy of some sort and we only have just ten minutes left to hide, somehow censuring any sort of human information mattered, somehow this isn't the first time it happened, at a point I chosed a character, it was a brunette woman with mid-short hair but halfway I was still me, kinda like in a different body as a player idk, some chaos ensued in the streets while some characters of a crew of some kind came to help me and my family prepare,, they had weapons too, so i grabbed my boots, and coat, when i started to hear one of the enemy approaching having some sort of evil monologue about how they will find all of us and we can't hide and about the event in the world that made things the way they are, regarding the catastrophy
      So we bolted for an attic some sort, my house and street was different this time there were some sky reaching structures there, so we entered an attic a very big and tall one basically a tower, in there it was dark, on a large wall of weird wooden ladders we started to climb up just when the enemy came in it was scary as shit, somehow we had fleshlights, as we went up I started to see all kinds of weird murals , dragons and idk what kind of entities on a large rug holding something with many colours that pours water out idk, and I saw little notes on the walls hanging too and I thought those are the stories of the life of others, or at least pieces of them, then i remembered that the catastrophy somehow affected the stories of everything, hence the world setting, then we eventually got up on top of a tower that's pretty much s skyscraper , then i got separated from my character again, i just looked around, more there were guns, it was like i was on the tutorial part, but then my supposed character started to argue about the right for a normal life with the crew, it didn't lead anywhere, she cried, and then i guess we started to get used to the new way of things,
      At this point idk what happened but a little bit later everyone returned for Christmas shopping but this time the main information on pretty much everything was blanked out with white paper, I was in Tesco, it was dimly lit now which have the whole place even more of a Christmas vibe, I got in a talk with a woman there about the whole event, how they shouldn't let us in after this recent event and how blanking out "human information" really does nothing, which supposedly makes raids like this less likely to occur and that's basic procedure made by the gov for safety,
      And then I woke up
    3. Something Moved the CPAP Machine

      by , 05-15-2023 at 08:23 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was another false awakening, and unlike the previous entry, this was an actual nightmare. It was pretty in-tune with how my nightmares usually go. I'm wondering if I had this nightmare because I fell asleep with a polyester blanket on top of my head and became too hot, as overheating has historically resulted in nightmares for me. I've remembered details from a few other dreams this week, but they're quite minimal so I won't even record them as fragments. Hopefully my recall improves some more.
      I woke up in bed, and the room was dark. I sensed that it was the middle of the night. I was initially lying on my stomach, but I pulled myself upright into a sitting position, criss-crossing my legs in front of me on the bed. I generally don't hang my legs over the side of the bed in real life, and I didn't want to do it here, either. There wasn't much to see, but I could feel the bed underneath me, and I knew I was wearing a CPAP mask on my face. However, unlike in real life, I couldn't feel the mask on my face. I just "knew" it was there. This didn't strike me as odd.

      As I breathed normally, I heard the quiet inhalation and exhalation noise from the CPAP hose. The noise itself seemed normal, but it seemed a bit out of sync with my breathing. The placement was also wrong. It was supposed to be coming from my nightstand area, next to my pillow, because that was where my CPAP machine was located in real life. But in the dream, the noise was coming from further down the the bed, near the foot of it, which implied the machine had somehow been moved onto the floor there. I vaguely wondered how the machine got there, but there was no accompanying fear or trepidation, or curiosity enough to find the source. I wasn't bothered about the reason. I just wanted to put it back where it was supposed to be.

      I shimmied over until I was sitting closer to the foot of the bed. In the dream, I believed if I could simply find the hose and move it back, I could move the whole machine back to its proper place too without ever picking it up. I wasn't thinking logically either - I didn't realize that if I wanted to find the hose, which was connected to my mask, I could've just felt my mask on my face and gone from there. Oh well. It was still dark and I couldn't see, so I knew I had to feel around for the hose. I reached out into the darkness next to my bed. As soon as I touched what I "knew" was the hose, I felt something grab my hand tightly. I heard an inaudible yet somehow loud scream, and I knew I was about to die. There was a brief sensation of what I could only describe as the frightened, resigned knowledge that I would be pulled into an eternal purgatory of murky shapes and presences underneath my bed.

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 11:02 PM by 28408

      false awakening , non-lucid , nightmare
    4. The Hotel

      by , 04-30-2023 at 11:16 AM
      I'm standing in the reception of a large building with my older sister. The building's some sort of mix between a hotel, a mall, an apartment complex and a few other kinds of establishments. Every other inhabitant of this building resembles some kind of humanoid creature. The reception area is a huge hall with gold plated red walls, lined with extremely intricate decorative pillars and skirtings, and the floor has some kind of shiny marble pattern.
      After she speaks with the lady at the counter, we make our way to the elevator. Inside the elevator is a person in a grey trench coat and a large black dog, standing in front of a full-wall mirror. I select floor 15, and the dog jumps up and starts pressing all of the buttons to which the trench coat person starts apologising profusely for. After we assure him it's nothing to worry about, we get off at our floor.

      Floor 15 is reminiscent of the second floor of a large shopping mall, except every shop is closed and a heavy mist coats the air as moonlight shines in through a fake skylight. I look over a railing into a dark, bottomless pit, and a sense of dread washes over me. My sister and I make our way to the furthest corner of the shopping mall, where I can see bright lights flashing in contrast with the eerie dead mall. The only shop that's open is a casino, alive with loud noises and blinking signs, although I can't see a single person inside. My sister goes in and I wait outside, sitting on a small square couch in the middle of the mall near a few other "people" doing the same. I look at them, some with their heads replaced with eyestalks, some tentacles, as they all stare down at their phones or books. An inactive crane game catches my eye, and I notice there's a dead arcade just across from the casino. I feel completely empty, hopeless, and hungry. And then I woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. DnD party, weakness dream

      by , 12-30-2021 at 03:45 PM (Dream-quest by UnknownKadath)
      This is worth pointing out and I might actually make a post about it, because I'm not sure if this is a common thing. But in some dreams, for no reason I'm extremely weak. I have trouble standing, I repeatedly fall and have to pick myself up. I don't understand it but in the occasional dream it's like that. This dream was like that.

      I was outside a house a didn't recognize, out in the yard/flower garden area. I was lying down and resting but someone was spraying the plants very close to me with something that might have been water, fertilizer or pesticide. I think I accidentally got sprayed and asked the guy if it was just water or if was spraying pesticide. He looked at a readout and said yeah, it was spraying pesticide. Nothing serious but I should wash it off my skin probably. So I got up and know that the weakness was nothing to do with being sprayed because 1: I knew the chemicals were mild and mostly harmless and 2: I don't remember much before but I was weak and kept falling before.

      So, I got up and walked as best I could to a shed by the house because it had a working sink inside and I could wash my hands/arms/legs. But I realized my clothes were sprayed too, and that I should change. I fell once and got up in front of the shed, and then fell against the door and undid the latch only to redo it after deciding to go into the house instead.

      In the house, there was a party, I think a birthday party but it was DnD themed. The birthday boy was actually an adult who had invited his DnD group do a party campaign that would include all the guests, or something similar. But the DnD group was missing in it's entirety and only adult guests and their kids that they had brought(it was going to be a family-friendly party) were around.

      Now in this house it was a known thing that it had a monster problem. Upstairs there were monsters, like gremlins or demons. They couldn't go downstairs because the door to the stairs leading upstairs stayed shut and they couldn't handle doors, somehow. So the door was kept shut, and the kids especially were to leave it alone. But the bathroom was upstairs and thought I could surely run upstairs, change into clean clothes and wash, and then hurry downstairs before I ran into anything bad.

      But in addition to the kids there were puppies, and one slipped by and ran upstairs when I opened the door. I thought, well, I'll keep an eye on the puppy and bring him back down with me when I'm done. But realizing how weak I was, leaning against the closed door, I knew I'd be lucky to save myself if I saw a monster and I caught the puppy, opened the door, set him down back in the living room, and re-closed the door to go upstairs alone. Suddenly I heard yelling from further up and who did I find but the whole DnD group, who had wandered upstairs and were captured by the monsters.

      Everything shifted and suddenly it was like being on a game show crossed with a videogame, where I had to play and win to free the group. But then I woke up.
    6. Spider gang has infected our house. Dog house. Driving car with old classmate

      by , 11-20-2020 at 09:11 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm at home but everything is not alright. There is a big monster in the jacuzzi. The monster is like a big pile of slime but more structure and an outer layer of skin too. There is a body part that is going out and there is a big eye on it. There is slime leaking next to the eye. The monster's gang is called the spider gang. The monster is having upsight over us so we don't take the secret thing on the upper floor. Me and dad are going to take it anyways. Dad gives me a key that is able to unlock the door to the next floor. I try to but the key hole is very deep so I have to put the key in to it's maximum length. It doesn't work at first because it is reverted too. After I have turned the key to the other way it works. I look on the jacuzzi and notice that the monster is aware what I am doing. I quickly walk to the lower floor instead. I talk with dad and he says that there are other openings with a voice that tells me that we are being eavesdropped by the monster and he looks in the direction of the windows on the lower floor. I try to climb out through the first window but he says that he meant another one. I walk to the window next to the kitchen and open it. There are many details and a vase that I have to move before I am able to enter. I climb on the gutter and reach the roof. I keep on climbing on the roof until I reach the front of the house. There is a ladder and the roof is getting unstable. Dad, who is already inside tells me to jump to the ladder. There are some tense moments where I don't think that I am going to make it. Everything I grab is unstable. I grab the ladder and it starts to move in another direction. I grab the roof on the other side of the house and I am able to drag myself up. New fragment. Dad and I am running from an angry mob. I think Rick (from Rick and Morty) is the leader of the mob. New fragment. There is a spider and a fly on a wall. Dad says that the spider is tougher than the fly. He pinches the spider and squishes it. He puts back the broken spider on the fly. The spider is given life again, or it was never dead and hunts the fly as it runs away.

      Notes: That was eventful. I watched a video of a spider eating a fly some days ago.

      I'm driving car with William from middle school. I know that he is annoying but I think to myself that if I am nice to him we can be friends. We go faster than the allowed speed. William tells how I drive wrong when I make a mistake on the road. I have to put my hand on the road in order to increase the friction so that I don't go off in the sharp curves (I don't know how I was able to do that in a car). William and I come to some kind of park where families are. Another friend of William is there and we talk with him.

      Notes: I don't think I have ever dreamt about this William. Some days ago I talked about him with mom.

      I'm in a barn with hay, other humans and dogs in it. I go down on my knees and cuddle with a golden retriever. It is trying to use me as a height so it can jump over the obstacle that is holding it in the barn. I go away to the other dogs and cuddle with them instead.

      Notes: Dogs have been a theme in my last dreams.

      Updated 11-22-2020 at 09:08 AM by 97565

    7. Japan. Trade your clothes store, young mom. Mini monsters.

      by , 11-01-2020 at 11:32 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in our kitchen but it is in Japan. There are some people from church in Kristianstad there and they talk about fighting. I ask them if you can punch someone in a special way and one of them punch me that special way when I ask. He punches me so hard that I fall to the ground and can't stant up at first. When I lie on the ground I am supposed to do sit-ups. They tell me to take my hands to protect my face. The right hand is supposed to be just under the nose and the left hand over the nose. Every third sit-up I am supposed to punch the air two times. Benjamin and Samuel show me how to do it. They look very weak and they have a really hard time doing the sit-ups. I walk to the dining room and there are the Japanese family. There are some rings on the table and I look at them. They are bent in ways so you can't wear them anymore. Monica is there and she teaches me how to make a "burva" (In my dream a burva is a small paper cone). I succeed in the first try. I tell her that I will never have any use for this knowledge. She tells me that you must know these things in order to succeed in life. I say something mean about the Japanese family to dad but realizes that they might have heard me. I look around and find that no one is there. I wonder to myself why people travel the world, for example to Japan. I think that it is because humans are good to adapt. Therefore they can adapt to different countries and have a good time at different places.

      Notes: The Japanese family was the rich mom and dad from the movie Parasite. We talked about Benjamin yesterday. I have just seen some bad sides of Samuel and I think that his weakness in the dream is a sign of how I view him. I often have conversations about how most things in school you learn is useless that reminds me a lot of the conversation I had with Monica in the dream.

      I wake up 03.20 and try to wild but fail. It is frustrating that I can't succeed.

      I had an alarm 10.00 and turned on the lamp. I wanted to remember some more of my dream so I went to my bed again and closed my eyes. I dreamt about the two next dreams after that.

      My view is following my mom when she was about my age. She talks about how her seven scarfs disappointed her when she wore them. She and her famiy walk to a "trade your clothes for other cloth store". Someone of the girls is complaining about how poor they are. There is a room with different red and black striped shirts. Mom is becoming a bit crazy and grandma tell mom that she shouldn't have too many red and black striped shirts. I think it is weird to only have shirts of one style in your wardrobe. Mom already has a red and black striped shirt that looks about the same as the ones she takes. Grandma takes the shirts to the checkout and leaves two other shirts and takes mom's shirts. I get a body of my own now and walk to the exit. There is a painting on the ground about how you should not buy things if you can't afford it and a poor man that is standing alone in a store.

      Notes: Mom's family was a bit poor when they were younger. I saw a poster about a store where you trade clothes for other clothes about two weeks ago. I wore a black and red striped shirt yesterday.

      I'm outside our house and I am supposed to find out if the mini monsters are friendly or bad. Me and Morgan see the monsters behind a big house. The monsters comes to us and we wonder if they are evil.

      I wake up 10.45
    8. Mini rabbit. Gaming and Batman. Shooting, hunted, driving, camping, school, addiction class.

      by , 10-07-2020 at 09:02 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I was sleeping in Sturkö tonight and it was pretty cold so I woke up several times. I once again got the experience where I regain my conscious before I have woken up. I think this is the moment people mean when they talk about DEILD and how people are briefly awake before they fully wake up. I tried to WILD but gave up because the blankets I was using made me itch all the time.

      I'm in a desert and there is a pair of two small rabbit feet under the sand. They are about two millimeters in diameter. I pull the feet out of the sand and there is a rabbit. It bounces on my hand up and down and I am afraid that I might drop it. I turn left and walk in the desert until I reach the TV room upstairs. There are some people talking about D&D and how the rabbit is one of their characters. They talk about dexterity throws and how you always win them even if you roll a really low number. They talk about a bard too.

      Notes: I joined my friend in one of his D&D meetings with his friends and I was a bard. My friend was a small frog and I think the rabbit symbolised his character.

      My brother is playing some kind of game that looks like Ratchet and Clank. Later my family is going to watch some Batman movie. They ask my brother if he wants to play instead.

      Notes: There is a new Batman movie that is going to be released that my family wants to watch.

      I'm in a dark basement and I have some people on my team that are equipped with bullet proof vests and rifles. We proceed and shoot criminals as we go forward. The criminals shoot at us too. There is a long corridor with different kinds of protection for the criminals on each side of the corridor. We spend some time shooting at each other there. My team is being shot down and I am the only one remaining. It is pitch-dark but the criminals are outlined with a white color as they walk against me because I have special vision. They don't see me and I hide to the left of a door. They walk past me and I try to be as small as possible. They look over me and suddenly their faces are full with fear and they run out of the basement. When they leave I look where they looked and find that there is some kind of text engraved in the wall. I realize that there are some kinds of monsters in here. I quickly run to the exit hatch but the criminals are about to close it. I take my gun that is now some kind of high tech shotgun. I shoot with it against the hatch and scream as if I was one of the monsters. The criminals quickly run away in fear and I am able to escape the building. There is a car running up alongside me. I enter the car and the man driving next to me knows about the failed operation. I tell him about the text but doesn't quite remember what it said. I tell him that it was something about blood. He quickly realizes what monster I am talking about and says in a cool way that it is the blood hunters. I don't ask about the monsters and he doesn't tell me about them. There is a yellow car in front of us and I see something in their baggage. While both of the cars are driving I open my door, go to the front of our car, and rip of the back glass of the other car and the glass is like plastic (I don't remember how I was able to do it). I look inside and see some mattresses. I pull them out and grab something and takes it with me into the other car that I was in before. We drive and reach some kind of camp. The man driving is now my dad. The yellow car I stole something from earlier is now back. They are friendly to me even though I stole from them. I walk around the camp and a woman says that I am too young to sleep in the comfortable tent, I have to learn how to handle the cold. Me and dad enters a big tent that can hold about 15 people sleeping. I look down on the sticks and ropes that hold the tent up and notice that they are divided in groups of three. I think about the tent construction for some time and go to a chair. There are many other kids there now. One of the children is identical to Diego's half sibling. She talks to her sister about my name and how it is spelled with a c and not a k. I don't mind it but think that she is cute. She comes to me with a picture and asks me if I am the same person. It is a picture of my sister when she was about 10 years old. There is something wrong with the eyes on the photo which creates a feeling of sickness and craziness in a bad way. I tell her that it is my sister but she doesn't seem to understand my swedish. There is a teacher and she talks about how we should have read To Kill a Mockingbird. Some people in the class say they read some chapters three times in order to fully understand them. I have only read it once and is therefore nervous that I might fail. People with cakes come in and drop them of next to my seat. I cut a chocolate cake next to me but decide that I shouldn't eat it because it isn't mine. There comes a woman who says to a disabled man next to me that he shouldn't have cut the cake. I feel bad because the disabled person is unable to say that it wasn't him. I tell the woman that it was I who cut the cake and that I am truly sorry. She appreciates my honest answer and gives me a smile. There comes a disabled girl to the front who is about to confess something. She starts of that she can't resist blonde people and I have to think a second if I have blonde hair and is relieved when I remember that I have brown hair. She also confesses that she is a sex addict and that it is hard.

      Notes: That was a long dream. I never saw the monster but it feels as if they were like the monsters from until dawn. I saw a yellow car yesterday. I thought about mattresses before I went to bed. It was a cold night in Sturkö so I dreamt about sleeping in the cold. I baked some chocolate balls yesterday to my cousins birthday, I got some cake when I dropped the chocolate balls off.

      Updated 10-07-2020 at 09:06 AM by 97565

    9. cx.

      by , 04-05-2020 at 02:43 AM
      A few dreams from this morning. On one of the earlier awakenings I decided to make notes and stay up to try and force myself back into more usual sleeping habits. Some in-line notes.


      I was in my old home's bedroom. H and mom were there. H had set up this pipe organ for me (though there were no pipes anywhere) and though I was actually playing poorly I was reading the notation extremely well which pleased me since I'm usually terrible at doing this. But in the dream it was assumed (by myself and the characters) that I was in fact playing well too. I remember walking into the kitchen after trying to play some pedal notes, and mom was there making some food. She was cooking some meats like beef chunks and black sausage type of thing in the big cast aluminium pan. It looked odd, and traditional, but seemed like it could be nice too.

      Mom was disappointed though, she said if I "can play the organ, then why can't you do the dishes?". In the dream I felt that there was no reason I couldn't do the dishes, but I felt the need to argue her statement because I had never had any piano lessons or any suchlike, which L and T did; I also presented the fact I was (apparently) doing really well with playing and the fact that I had never really understood music at all in the school, so this was a success or improvement over that. I felt some disappointment myself that mom couldn't just cherish this. In the dream I remember at some later point standing in the corridor and hearing L playing some DOTA game, and I think T was just in their own room, in the dark, which lead me to assume T was sleeping for some reason. It was night time through out the entire dream.


      Dreamed something a bit like the game I had played the last night (and this night) with H, in some watery and dark underground place. But then there were some fire enemies and I ran into a stairwell as I made distance from them; then the situation was a lot less game-like and more realistic and though I didn't feel afraid because of the fire, I made my way up the stairwell anyway, as did some other random people that appeared, some of which I apparently already knew on a personal level, classmates in the dream context or something.

      I took my time going up the steps for whatever reason, sort of fooling around by doing a full step by actually stepping on every bit of each step with my feet as smoke would start from each place I had just stepped on. This went on for a short while, after which I continued going on up the stairs. I walked into a room from one of the stair landings, with some random girl my age or so? I opened a window to the fire escape for the building. I do remember a girl (Sol) I knew from school a long time ago, who seemed to be in the dream as filler. As I looked out the window and opened a latch on its left side, I could see a fireman on a ladder approaching (and emergency lights?) and as he got closer and came in through the window we told him it was nothing to worry about really.

      I remember there was some antagonistic element to the dream from when I was climbing the stairs earlier; there was this group of angry radicals from downstairs who insisted on something about the fire and basically made a big deal out of nothing. The firemen that came through the window shrugged and sincerely said it would be fine since there was nothing to worry about and they told us that they'd switch the main power on in a second. Weird, since it hadn't seemed to be off at all. There was some side or sub-plot, involving a Gollum from China or something, who was being tortured. (Probably from recently playing Fallout)


      Super cheesy 80s programme intro, of a show apparently called "Rexxar : Star Trek". I was watching it on Youtube or something like it, with quite a focus "tunnel vision".

      There was a vividly clear music with a leading electric guitar and other typical sounds from the 80s and some generic synth sounds. The visual elements of the montage were defined by the fact that they were little square "cuts" of other scenes, presumably from the programme itself, presenting the whole thing in a certain cheesy feel. Those square cuts mostly featured head shots of sexy and almost half naked women and some of the cuts had stills of Rexxar from Warcraft, as well as mini montage being featured in one of these square cuts showing a cartoony/kids-style but real cake of Rexxar being made or put together.

      Everything in the video montages had a very pure white backdrop thing going on. Despite the cheesy aspect, the dream video was amazingly vivid, just as the music.

      The characters, the women, were nobody that I recognise(d) and just felt like generic constructs appropriate for the context, but there was some underlying feeling of them being famous within the context.

      The dream ended shortly after this intro video, when the show "started" by showing some sort of big teddy bear thing on a swivel chair in a very fancy post modern designer house. Vividness was much lower as soon as the intro cut to this sequence. I remember thinking in the dream that the whole thing was somewhat stupid, and that it had nothing to do with Rexxar (despite the featured cuts).
    10. Strange alien/monster fragment | [09.07.2019]

      by , 07-09-2019 at 01:06 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Unknown creatures in normal society
      I talk to somebody, possibly my mother or my father. Then, I go down the staircase towards the exit of the house. Meanwhile, something important happens and some also important dialogue or monologue occurs. Back to going down the stairs, the door where one of my neighbors live suddenly opens, revealing something looking like a classical alien happily dancing out of the flat, which was considered as a monster in the dream. I go further downstairs and exit the house.

      Sometime in the dream, I also seem to be in another one of my neighbor's flats, finding a different monster, which might have had fluffy, long fur.

      I don't remember anything that was spoken in the dream, I only remember that it was an exciting story, likely including an element of the alien/monster species being endangered by a sort of war and hatred against them.
    11. LD 108 - Donuts and LD 109 Bifrost teleporter

      by , 09-16-2018 at 06:41 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)

      LD 108 - Donuts
      I was at a hotel. There was an old guild mate playing on a laptop in lobby. I talked to him about someone messaging me in-game, trying to get into the guild. I went outside the hotel. Gloomy weather, gray sky and not too warm. Some of my friends were grilling some food near the hotel. I joined them for a bit, before returning to the hotel.

      I found myself in the wrong hotel room. The lights were off and the room was actually like 10 rooms. It was a massive place. Scene changed abruptly again.

      I'm suddenly in my parents' place. I'm in the living room and a donut suddenly appears next to me. I grab it. Then I notice that the kitchen is full of people. My family is there along with several DCs I don't recognize. A man creates a doorway in the kitchen and I'm supposed to chase him. I can't move from where I am. All the DCs cheer me on. I try to teleport. Just willing it to happen does nothing. I throw the donut and try to teleport to it. It fails too. I close my eyes and visualize the frozen planet.

      I "wake up" exactly where I was. Now there's only my family in the kitchen and no random DCs. I start talking about the previous dream. Dad asks questions about it and I explain things like dream control and stuff.


      LD 109 - Sword fight with Bifrost teleporter (All the excitement happens non-lucid.)
      I'm not myself, but an asian man with a superpower. It's a blood-related power, allowing me to turn myself into a blood-like liquid and engulf people to absorb them. My power is gentle, I do not harm anyone I absorb and can release them later.

      The dream starts on the backyard of my parents' place. I sense danger and prepare for a fight. I'm a master swordsman so of course I have a katana. A blinding beam of light comes down from the sky with a booming sound. I recognize this to be the Bifrost. My foe appears from the light, a massive man similar to the last villain from Bleach: Yhwach. Our fight begins and he tries to overpower me with his sword. I'm stronger than him and easily parry each attack. He has the Bifrost and dances between new beams of light that he opens and closes effortlessly to teleport around me as he keeps attacking. Each time he teleports, I hear a boom as a new beam of burning rainbow light appears closeby. This sound gives me time to react and the fight goes on. When I'm about to be hit, I turn into my blood form to dodge. Since we both have powerful abilities to dodge damage, the fight doesn't end.

      Scene changes. I'm in a gloomy post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies. I'm still the asian man with the absorbing power. False memories tell me that there are others with similar power, but I've engineered mine so that it doesn't destroy absorbed targets. I fight my way through a building full of zombies, looking for a man. The building is tall and I find the man on a floor 9 or something. I hold the door as zombies try to get in. The man looks like Terry Crews. He's a scientist and has a glowing magic wand. It looks like it's made from lightning. The window seems to be our only way out. I tell him to jump with me as I take the wand and get outside. When I'm already hanging outside the window, the man turns evil and tries to take back the wand he gave me. I don't give it back. I leave the man to deal with the zombies and I jump. As I fall, I try to fly. I fail, but I land safely. I'm surrounded by zombies. I try to fly again and fail.

      Failing to fly reminds me of lucid dreams and I become lucid. "I'm dreaming!" I tell myself while looking at a horde of zombies around me. I want to improve my dream control and decide to start by recalling my waking life. I'm hoping that would improve lucidity. While I focus on recalling waking life stuff, I lose the dream.

      Yeah, should just focus on the dream. I'm also pretty much over my flu so that should be good for dreams.


      -Winter, in a bus with dad and brother. Dad drove, I told him where to go.

      -Sister and kids. At my parents' place. Outside there were kids playing around with lawn mowers and sleeping on a running lawn mower. I tried to get them to stop.
    12. Intruders + Control Your Fear

      by , 08-24-2018 at 12:00 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I decided before sleeping that one of my goals is to learn to control fear. I've struggled with it in lucid dreams. Ask and you will receive...

      I falsely awaken to hear two guys moving in the apartment. They are moving towards my room. I feel fear. I want to get up and defend myself, but my body is paralyzed. I see the rest of the dream in 3rd person as I fight the paralysis, but simply cannot move. I struggle to the point of waking up.

      Control Your Fear
      I'm a researcher and studying how small animals deal with all kinds of stressful situations. I handle many dead rodents. We basically torture them. I don't feel like I belong there, I don't agree with any of it.

      Scene changes a bit, now we are studying the same thing with human prisoners. One of them has secretly been eating burnt wood, chewing it into a strange paste that he has made into some kind of armor. He seems to also be immune to electricity. Our weapons don't shock him when he eventually escapes.

      Scene changes. I'm in my parents' place, but the house has many more corridors and rooms. One room in the center is different. It's built for food storage I guess, but it's relatively empty. Monsters start appearing from that room. These demons are large, pale, winged humanoids. Their arms and legs are extremely long and skinny. Their fingers are sharp and long claws. They have no eyes.

      I spend a week fighting them. I lock the storage room's door the first time I see one inside, but these demons haunt me no matter what. When I close my eyes, they are waiting. I assumed they come from my dreams, but eventually they start appearing when I'm awake. One day I kill one of the monsters and leave it in the storage room. Moments later I open the door and right at the door, towering over me is another one. I stare at it and tell myself it's not real. I swipe at it with my hand, imagining it to be like a mirage that would vanish. It takes effort, but I manage to make that one disappear with willpower.

      I'm sleeping in my parents' bedroom to keep them safe. They can't see the monsters. It's night and my dad wakes up. He asks me about these monsters. I tell him that I've been fighting them for a week and how they appear. One of them appears over the bed and floats slowly towards me. I wait. The demon hovers right in front of me and nothing else happens. I fear this is a bad choice, but I decide to let it be. I touch the demon's face with my hand. Dream ends.
    13. LD 104 - City in the Sky and a Fight

      by , 01-26-2018 at 01:51 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I'm on a train with my family. We approach a city with massive buildings that pierce through the clouds. We are above the clouds and see the tops of some buildings. The train is on rails that go through these buildings like some sick rollercoaster. I feel the G-forces as the train makes hard turns inside the dark tunnels going through the buildings. I tell my dad "Can't help but think how many little parts of the system could fail and kill us all. This is why I hate cities." He doesn't answer. The hard turns and tunnels continue. I fear death, but another voice in the back of my mind whispers "Thousands of engineers spent countless hours to make everything safe. Trust them." This logical side can't silence my fears.

      We arrive at the station, which is on top of a building. We are amazingly high up. The place looks like an airport. My dad has too much to carry, while I have nothing. I take some of his burden to help; I carry his laptop briefcase. We don't follow the path we are supposed to take and the asian staff panics a bit about it.

      Out of nowhere, my dad pulls out a silenced pistol, grins and shoots a man. My dad would not do that, is my first thought. My second thought is "Take cover!" since he aims at me next, still grinning. I run behind some metal pillars, like something you would use on a bridge. My dad stands still and shoots at the pillars. I'm confused and afraid.

      "No." I tell myself. "This is enough." Lucidity brings some confidence, and I decide to face my father. I come out from my cover and meet my father, who has transformed into a monster like the ones in Gears of War games. He's about twice as big as before. One of his arms is a rocket launcher. He takes aim. I keep walking towards him and hold my hand out block the rocket. "I'm indestructible." I tell the dream, and it is so. The rocket hits me and explodes, but I am truly immortal in my current form. I touch the monster that was my dad and force him to transform back. The being fights my will for a while, but eventually turns back into my dad. He doesn't say anything and looks confused. I hold him and help him off the airport.
    14. REM Rebound

      by , 11-19-2017 at 05:54 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM

      Woke up at: 5:00 AM

      Fell asleep again at: 6:00 AM

      Woke up AGAIN at: 10:00 AM

      Old Macdonald Had A Farm

      I remember I'm on the farm in my backyard. I'm sitting inside the fence that blocks the outside perimeter of the farm, yet in the waking world there's no fence to speak of. I think I remember taunting and messing with some of my friends and acquaintances inside the farm who, again, aren't even farmers and don't correlate to my real world understanding of them.

      I think I remember talking to a couple of my friends in the farm, but I'm drawing a blank. Then someone I know (Let's call her Carla) comes up to me and...sits on me. Uh huh. She's trying to sit down it seems, but she's really clumsy at doing so. I see up her shirt, and she's oddly chubby compared to real life.

      I scoot over so that she may sit down, and two more friends (An effeminate male named David and someone else I forgot) sit down with her. I don't bother talking with them, as I was... Well, too "flustered" to have a normal conversation after that.

      Damn Dirty Apes

      This dream I don't remember that well. It turns out I own a whole bunch of little monster things and I had to raise them akin to a pet. I hurriedly run around the house looking for something for them to eat, and I eventually find a book that covers just that.

      I open the book, it's a yellow hardcover book with instructions on how to raise those little cretins. As I read find the 'Creatures' Diet' page. Turns out they eat glitter. In disbelief, I read on, not fully convinced anything can eat glitter. As I do so however, one of the gorilla-like monsters escapes. I cower in fear, scared of the possibility of the ape coming back to, I don't know, kill me or something.

      I go to one of the windows and find an orangutan just chilling there. Suddenly it gets pulled away by a large black ape, and my panicked state increases ever more. I hide behind a couch by another set of windows. Suddenly the ape escapes the premises, and I read the cookbook again. The ingredients for monster food are as such:





      Mix these up and cook em' like a pancake and BAM! Monster food. Probably doesn't taste very good though.


      1. I had watched a lucid dreaming subliminal video not long before I went to sleep. So that might've had an effect on the vividness of these dreams or their premises in general.

      2. This is the first time I've been able to recall a dream in days, so progress i definitely being made.

      Updated 11-19-2017 at 06:01 PM by 93490

      non-lucid , side notes
    15. 9/7/17 - Monsters and Puzzle Pieces

      by , 09-07-2017 at 05:32 PM
      I'm in a cave. It's a tight fit and I'm searching for all the pieces to a puzzle. I see tons of pieces scattered all over the cave floor and I start to gather them. Suddenly I hear noises and look up towards the entrance. I see a group of dinosaur-like monsters. They are huge and they can talk. I back up further into the cave and try to hide behind a column of rock. They pass by slowly and I hear them talking about finding the puzzle pieces as well. Before they can all pass one of them sees me and immediately comes after me. I take off running. I make it to the edge of a cliff. There's a waterfall and huge river. I turn back around and the group of monsters is close to me. One by one they throw themselves at me. I'm scared but each time they come at me I reach out my hand and they are defeated. They either disappear or become an inanimate object. And each time it happens I become more and more confident by my hidden power. Once I defeat them all, I look at the river and notice a boy in a spider-man mask floating closer to me. He's about to go over the waterfall. I jump into the water and catch him. He has a giant floating device stuck to his feet that's keeping him from standing upright. So i grab his waist and take off the device. I notice it's also attached to his pants so I take those off as well which leaves him completely naked from the waist down. He stands up and I take off the mask. He smiles at me and thanks me. I smile back and place my hand on his lower back. He's taller than me. He has dark skin and wavy black hair. He's maybe 15 or sixteen. I stare at him and I know that he is mine and that I'm meant to protect him and love him. He's precious to me somehow. I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him tightly.
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