I'm with a friend and some others on the mountain skiing. I don't know why I'm skiing rather than snowboarding but I'm keeping up with everyone just fine anyways. We try getting some air off a side hit and it works pretty well. After navigating through a difficult part of the slope, we take a break. Someone asks me about my skis and I tell them how I haven't skied in over a decade now but it's just like riding a bike coming back to it. I remark to my friend how I should go put some sunscreen on as I can fell my face starting to burn.
Pre-WBTB No recall. Post-WBTB I'm up after about 6 hours, not ideal but timing restraints around the Easter holiday are constraining me. I've gotten up and taken my usual supplements. I'm now incubating what lucid dream I'd like to have. Shooting for these goals: 1. Visit the Elven Forest. Doesn't have to be super specific, just want to go somewhere wildly different than my usual dreams. 2. Apply meditation practice results. I want to sense my body to stabilize, and test out my new focus capabilities from listening practice in waking life. 3. Meet a dream guide. This entails actually confirming with the DC that they are my guide, not just assuming as much. 4. Eat cake or any delicious food. Currently dieting, so would be nice to have good food with zero consequences. I'm imagining that I can go to the forest through a door like I tried previously, or try to go there directly from the WILD transition. From there, I can try to find the guide and ground myself. Then food! Back to bed, here we go. I lie down and eventually feel the vibrations. I have a very short thought that getting flash banged and then shot during war would suck, and subsequently hope that I don't dream about that. Luckily, I didn't. I did realize though that going to Narnia through a wardrobe would be a great way to fulfil the goals I laid out here. Find a wardrobe, find the winter scene on the other side (Elven Forest), find Mr. Tumnus (Dream Guide), and have food with him (Delicious Food). I decided that this was what I would do. I don't get to WILD this time, but I eventually doze off. Not Quite Narnia, But Not Bad Either I wake up in my bed, but do a nose RC out of habit. I can breathe! I'm lucid. I immediately remember that I want to stabilize, so I think about feeling my body from the feet up and say "feeling my feet, feeling my legs..." all the way up to my head. I'm rubbing my hands together too. I have several false awakenings that start this way, so I suppose it didn't stabilize very well. One time (or two), I wake up in my Grandma M's old place from my childhood. I'm not 100% lucid here, but I do remember my old Doberman, Champ, and I false-awoke with my head resting on him. He seemed big and strong. He was a good boy. I have another false awakening where my living room looks very different. It reminds me of my girlfriend S' grandpa's house. In the sitting room specifically. I see my dad, except he has black hair instead of the usual grey. His hair is still pretty short though. I'm exploring around this modified version of my house, one area looks like Grandma P's old dining room from the apartment, when I remembered that I want to go to Narnia. Maybe that meditation practice is helping me remember? I recall that my dad was standing in front of a wardrobe. I get excited. I can use that to get to Narnia! Maybe my dream put it there for that purpose, or it was coincidence. Convenient regardless. I open the wardrobe, and discover that it has a bunch of drawers inside. Not a walk-in. Less convenient. Turns out my brain is a troll. I close it and start to look for other doorways. I go down a hall that isn't normally in my house and I see my girlfriend S sitting in bed at the end of it. She's looking pretty hot, and seems to be beckoning to me, but I am on a mission! I regret this choice a bit now. I see a bathroom through an open door in the hallway, and then another door next to it. I open it. It's a walk-in closet with a bunch of clothes in it. Perfect. I work myself into the clothes and start pushing. Just like Lucy in "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe". This is taking awhile and the clothes are pretty tough to push. I start to worry that I'm just going to wake up before I emerge anywhere, and just then I finally push through. Snowy...ski mountain. Dang it. My brain really doesn't like to give me fantasy scenes, it seems. This time there isn't an obvious doorway where I came from, like the sewer pipe door from the last lucid. I seem to have just emerged out of thin air. So it isn't trivial to try for Narnia again. Oh well. I decide to explore this new environment. It is still cool! Just not what I'm after. Notably, I don't feel cold despite the snow and the wind. It seems like a little German-themed town, sort of like Frankenmuth, with a main street lined with shops and tourists. I start walking up a cobblestone path that leads up a hill. I'm still stabilizing using my body technique, and I reflect: "Well, at least I sorta got one of my goals..." Wait. Goals. Plural. There were others. What were the others?! I strain my brain a bit and then callout to the universe: "DREAM GUIDE!!! Where are you?! I want to meet you!?" I look around and nothing happens and then: "Yo, wassup?" A slightly overweight (but not unattractive) woman around my age saunters into view from over my shoulder. I recognize her as a version of the pink-haired girl from a few lucids ago. I was right. She WAS the dream guide. Her hair was a more natural color now, but I can't remember which. Also, she's still wearing the skimpy-leather outfit she was before, despite the fact that we are out in the snow. I guess that checks out, with my brain. "Hi! What's your name?" I say. "Hm..." she looks off into the distance and doesn't answer me. I ask again. "..." she doesn't seem to want to answer, or understand the question. "I'm going to call you Leather," I say. "Hm...sure I guess," she replies. Then, of course, my brain goes down the typical path. Spoiler for Spicy Content: "So, Leather, you're looking pretty hot. We could probably get away with some stuff before I wake up, if you want," I suggest casually. "Hm... I wouldn't be opposed," she replies. Right in the middle of the snowy street, she gets on top of me in missionary position. Before I can really feel anything I start to wake up. I wake up fully shortly after. After doing a series of RC's to verify, I rush to record this dream before it fades. Notes Pretty happy with this! I would've liked to try some food, or otherwise do more exciting things in the lucid. I feel like I didn't time the WBTB quite right, but for a limited time-schedule that's alright. I'm super happy to have confirmed a dream guide! Although I'll have to verify a name...I'm not sure 'Leather' makes the most sense as a name. Probably wasn't the most lucid at that moment. Looking forward to adding some AI images to this post. Been practicing it and getting familiar with new tools so we'll see what I can come up with. I'm thinking at least the snowy mountain deserves so cool art. Maybe Leather can get a portrait? Don't want to be too much of a goon with that though. Just like, out of respect y'know. She's my dream guide after all. Conditions 1/2 drink of alcohol Big workout early in the day, healthy dinner but cookies later. 6hr0m/10m WBTB 6th Yuschak Primary Trigger Usage (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:06 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Attending some teachings, some place up in the mountains with an amphitheatre. Some old students and western lamas are conspiring to betray my teacher. They are exposed and they are sent away. Joakim was not among them, but he concerns me a lot. I know that he is no longer a buddhist, has some new non recommended friends for company, so I suspect he is around only to cause harm. I stay close and keep an eye on him. New series on TV with Keanu Reeves. He plays a lawyer with a split personality. He sometimes dresses up to match the personalities, but it is highly disturbing. One of them is a dog and he wears a dog costume and walks on four legs and looks weirdly like a real dog from the uncanny valley. Some other of his personalities are of black guys and he paints himself in black face. The makeup is so perfect that all we see is really a black guy, but we know who's underneath and I am shocked that he is actually doing this on a show in 2022. Then an episode in which he is the dog becomes a real life experience for me and I meet dog Keanu on the street. Although I know there is a person in there, I pretend I don't know and I pet him and talk to him as if he is a lost pet. He never says a word and then he runs across the street away from me and enters a bulding. I go after him. I walk through a long twisted corridor and I see many families gathered in rooms, mourning their loved ones, or just visiting them and realize it is some kind of hospice. Dog Keanu disappears at the end of the corridor and I get lost inside the last room, only to find my mother and my aunt Ludovina laying down in beds. At first I think they are restrained because my mom has an eye mask and for a while it seemed like she had a mouth gag. Turns out she is just taking a nap and she wakes up and moves freely. She explains that my uncle Francisco managed to get some legal document saying they both are insane and needed to be committed so the hospital complied. But she says that the situation is being solved right now and she is just resting before she leaves this place. Then my dad and aunt Lisa arrive and they say they just challenged the decision and are awaiting their release. Then both my uncles come by to confront them and for some reason I have a really big heavy pan on my hands and I threathen to smash it against their f-ing heads if they come any closer. They actually get really scared and go to a corner at the back of the room. Their kids also come, namely João, Sara and André and they are shocked with my behaviour but I also feel that they understand it. I hear my uncles talking in the background with other people, arguing they need the family money because sometimes their kids go hungry. I feel sad for my cousins, but it's their parents fault and not my mother's. I wanna reach out to them, but every one is staying quiet in their places so I decided to do the same as we wait for the legal fight to unravel.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Zilla had been on vacation in a remote mountain village and dared me to also visit the place. So I am hicking to the village. I am met halfway by a couple kids who accompany me the rest of he way. They even carry some of my things, excited. When I arrive at the village, the path splits in two and I am not sure which to follow, but see one leading to a panoramic deck and I go there to take photo to send to Zilla. Trying to climb onto this deck, I have to cross a square that has a sort of tank in the middle covered by a shed. One of the sides has a fence, so I can take a look inside. I get a bit scared as I see a bunch of people, looking like zombies, inside the water as if they are about to come out of it. But when I mention it to the kids and a couple other villagers, they go check it and there is nothing there. They don't dismiss it though. They act like what I said makes perfect sense and I notice concern on their faces. The adults exchange some remarks and one leaves as if he is going to talk with someone else but the kids dare me to follow them, all jolly as if nothing happened. They bring me to a large building that looks like a university and I am welcomed by some bery serious lady who tells me to wait in the hallway. I wait there, observing the carved wood statues and panels and running my hand over them to feel the extraordinary details. Then she comes back and leads me to a big hall where I am supposed to stay for the night. It doesm't feel very right, it almost looks like a library with some bunkbeds. Then some couple I meet suggests I follow them instead and stay at some other place they think is better. So we exit this place and go around to its back and find a smaller building facing a high stone wall that encircles this place. There is a small annex in the corner that seems abandoned but in good condition and the door is open. We go check it out and it is small with an entrance area, a reception desk behind a glass window, a couple labs, a small kitchen with a fireplace and a larger waiting room/ living room. We plan to bring in some matresses and sleep here instead. I notice that they observe the windows and check if the blinders work as they plan to shut them down. They don't explain much, but they say the reason the villagers are all stayin at this one place together is for safety at night. Some kind of legend about something atttacking that has returned and I recall the people I saw underwater. They are not yet sure the threat is real but they say we need to shut the windows for safety and avoid cooking or turning the fire on at night to stay incognito, and I worry that it will be damn cold and wonder if this was a good idea after all.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a warrior, maybe a samurai. I am protecting a large group of inahbitants in the mountains. My guru is among them. There is a big eruption in the mountain and the ground is oepning up and lava flowing out of it and everyone running in all directions. I manage to escape and lead many away with me and to the safety of some caves in another mountain past a bridge. Then, some sort of alien monster attacks me, the size of an elephant with tentacles. But I find a weapon that also seems alien to me, quite big, like a staph with a large bulb on top which shoot lasers and I manage to kill the monster with it. The villagers gather around for some decision making in a safe room around a table. I see my guru there and I still crave for his kind words and attention. I am expecting something from him, but he doesn't address me. I decide to stay humbly in my position by the door and guard people. But at some point I feel like I need to leave for good. I have done my job and need to find my peace of mind again, away from everything. So I announce I will be going back home, for which I need to cross again a dangerous path through the land of other monsters. They try to change my mind, but I feel too hurt to stay. As I cross the bridge separating the mountains, I see spectres approaching and I find out I have achieved super speed like Flash and can move away from them without them ever posing a threat. I call the guru from afar, hoping he too has the same powers and can meet me later wherever I am. I am staying at some kind of posh old hostel, maybe in the 30s. It is early morning and I am starving, so I go get a snack from the cafeteria. The lady serving the food says I must eat and pay for the proper breakfast but I explain I just need some sugar as I feel lightheaded and will come back later for the breakfast, so she agrees to hand me some snack. Then I am planning to take a shower and look for the bathrooms on my floor. Realize I am wearing a transparent baby doll and not exactly adequately dressed to go around the corridor, so I find a ladies toilet and go inside looking for a towel to wrap myself on. Find a strange looking mirror on the wall. Almost got lucid when wondering why there is no reflection of my image on the mirror, only to find out it is actually a door with a window covered in paper on the other side. I feel like any pervert could open a hole or lift a corner of the paper and look inside and that is stupid. As I think that, a guy peaks in from the next compartment and I get pissed. I go outside, open the door of the next compartment where he his and I punch his face. But wonder who the idiot was that put the paper on the side of the men's toilet and not on the ladies'. Some other girl comes rushing to defend him. She is his lover or something and won't believe that he was peaking. Accuses me of teasing men by being half naked on the hallways. I decide to leave and get dressed. Then I get lost in a corridor that connects to an abandoned area of the building. I go down some stairs and find a basement full of trash. I remove some stuff blocking a door and I find 4 or 5 kids with terror in their eyes. But they are not really kids, but living and moving cloth and yarn dolls of animals and other strange characters. But I consider them as kids. They don't talk, but I know what they feel and think. They've been kidnapped and are afraid their kidnapper will come back soon. I bring them with me. Meanwhile their kidnappper comes back and she is some woman wanted for murder. People thought she had died, but she has been hiding in here all that time. She sees me, she blocks my exit and I need to find a new exit. I am carrying the kids against my chest, as they are actually dolls. I find a window at the street level and I break and jump through it. She chases me. I run to a bar or casino whose owner is by the door. He ows me a favor, so I tell him to call the cops and the media and bring them to the tailor shop. I go there, because the tailor is the murderer's father. I assume he's been helping her out, or at least that bringing her to him will have some emotional effect and give me a chance to escape. And in fact he is surprised to see her, but not that much. Clearly he just wasn't expecting to see her there, but they've been seeing each other. I am blocked inside the tailor's shop and they think they got it under control. They discuss how to kill me and hide the kids again, but then the cops and press appear and they are caught in the act. I announce that she's the killer they've been looking for, that the father was her accomplice and then to top if of, I show them the children I have been hiding insde my jacket and ask them to check for matches with missing kids. Everybody treats me like I am the hero of the century.
Updated 07-05-2022 at 11:56 AM by 34880
I was laying down pretending to be asleep in till I notice the door open by itself and someone walk pass me as I slept. I open my eyes a little to see who it was as I notice they walk pass me again. I thought to myself how did this person get in and where even was I? As I begin to realize I was no longer laying in my bed but on the concrete floor. It was very dark , I got up from the ground as soon as I notice the person walk the opposite direction from me. I began to walk and and turn around to see the person was some kind of deformed alien looking creature and made this screeching sound. It was about 8ft tall and skinny. There was 3 of them so I decided to start running anywhere in the darkness and ran in to a factory. When I reach the factory a couple of employees there started to fight me. I became lucid and realize none of this made any sense. Which made the employees no longer violent but friendly. I would then wake up in real life before going back to sleep in a few more minutes. Once I fell back asleep my dream started with me working in an office and having a discussion with my fellow co-workers. We were deciding on what new product should be promoted. At some point I left the meeting and found myself in a situation where I had to climb to the top of a huge mountain. I found this some what odd and started climbing it. I felt so much pressure from doing this but felt strange. I became lucid while climbing it and felt an extreme desire to reach to the top of it as if my whole life was depending on it. I told myself I better not wake up yet in till I reach the top of it. It felt like 10 to 15 minutes gone by and I was still climbing. Then I could see the end was near. Once I reach the last of it I felt all my energy was gone and I smile saying I made it. Right at that moment I woke up. When I woke up, I was shock to see only 10 minutes had passed since I last awoken. The dream felt like an hour long.
Updated 02-19-2022 at 06:07 AM by 67903
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Watching a sci-fi show on tv which also has knights of some secret society with some ancient connection with bees. One of the knights who runs their missions, accesses some kind of cave and tastes the honey as a kind of ritual to consult the higher powers and through some trance or something, he receives info on the knights faiths and missions. Fast forward to present days, some traditional village up on some mountains gets attacked by bees and some detectives that deal with out of the ordinary cases go check it out. They find people who seem to have tried to hide indoors, in cellars, in wells, but they are all dead. But there is one survivor and I become him and I relive the story. So I noticed some small animal, a foal I think, finding a bee's nest by accident and being attacked. Then the swarm moves on and passes in front of the window through which I am watching the scene. I go to the next door to warn people of the swarm of bees flying around, and they say they had also noticed another swarm somewhere nearby. Then I try to leave, but notice that the bees seem to be chasing people down the street and then spot me and change direction towards me. I run back to this house and tell people to hide and cover their body for protection. They think they're safe inside but the houses are very old, poorly insulated and here are small openings on the sides of the doors and windows, through which they can come in. We hide in the horse stable, hoping the smell of the animals hides our own smell, because I am paranoid that they can smell us, and we cover ourselves in coats and blankets. But the bees come inside and spot us. The other are attacked and struggling to get rid of the bees, but I am the only one who manages to run to another room and close a door that is a bit more hermetic. Still, some bees follow me there and I fight to kill them. Then I manage to escape through a back door and go up the mountain. There is a fortified town up there, a touristic place, which I hope is safer. I go across the gates of the city walls, everything seems peaceful, tourists are walking around. I ask a couple guys about it and one says he heard something about some bees in the are, but no serious warnings, the other is oblivious, didn't hear a thing. But as I continue going inside the town, I hear screams and see people running down hill. Then I spot at least three people equiped with protection suits and carrying large pumps to spray inseticide. They are coming in formation, leaving a cloud of chemicals behind in order to kill a big swarm that is descending upon the town. People are running in every direction and I follow a couple that is taking a path towards maybe an entrance to the old fortified castle. I don"t see a way in, but they knock on a door and beg for help. The door opens and someone lets the three of us in. It is a small space like a storage room, with maybe 10 people inside in the dark. They close the door behind very slowly not to make noise and ask everyone to stay quiet. There is a small window to the right of the door and we can see to the outside, but even that they cover so we can't be seen. I notice that this place seems well sealed. No openings around the door frame or window, no lose shingles on the roof. Then some more people outside are begging for help but it is too late. If we open the door, the bees come in. Then silence and more silence. We take a look and we see no one and no bees. But we know they are out there. We wonder how long we can stay here without food or water. We don't know if the bees will leave or just keep waiting in the area. We worry if we'll ever come out alive.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Watching a lady walking out from what seems to be a school, with her kid by her hand. She is surprised by two guys and a woman, heavily armed, asking for the kid. They are sent by her ex who wants custody of the kid. But she is also armed and she points the gun at them. They outnumber her, so they keep coming closer and she decides pointing at the kid and threaten to kill him. She would never hurt him and they kinda know that, but nobody wants to risk it. So she manages to get into her car, a convertible, and get away. But the other woman put a tracker on it and they chase her down. The place is some historical town reminding me of Malta, with stone houses and narrow streets. When they get to a one-way street that has a wall and the sea beneath it, they throw some device into the convertible which attaches strongly to the car and then shoots a sort of parachute that makes the car take off in the air and fly over the water. It eventually falls in the water and the woman tries to bring her kid to safety by swimming and pushing him over a cement platform with access back to the street, but she is then surprised by a large shark passing right under her. She climbs to another cement structure that is mostly submerged and not connected to land. Then some other pre-historical animal, looking like a dinosaur, comes out of the water and heads towards the kid. In despair, she takes her chances with the shark and swims to shore. She reaches her kid on time, but actually just because the animal never actually meant to attack and just sat on the ground, a couple meters from them. Then they have to escape the kidnappers and I don't know exactly how they do it, but I think the locals help and also provide them shelter and food. I then become her and the kid is not a kid anymore but instead I am with Riverstone and Tânia. The villagers take us up a mountain path, to some camp where they say we will be safe. It's quite hard to climb and it is also a bit of a stormy weather, but we are managing. Once up there they say there is no bathroom up on camp site and if we need it, it is all the way down that path again. I find that highly inconvenient. As we sit at a table with them for a meal, a huge lightning storm surrounds us and I say I wanna go check something. Then suddenly I am at an alternative version of my mom's house and closing all the windows and balconies to protect from the storm. My cat Yéti is in one of the balconies and doesn't want to come inside. Two times he evades me and goes back to the balcony, but I end up bringing him to the living room and shut the doors. I want all my pets to be safe inside, so I also go get all the dogs from outside. At some building like a hostel or a rental with shared rooms. I am staying here temporarily, but Clara is living here with other friends. I am going out, and I want to leave my cat Ginga in my room, but she is hanging out with other cats in a shared room. I don't feel comfortable, because someone might not be careful and let her out to the other areas of the building. But Clara tries to convince me to trust. So I just check all the windows to see if they are well shut and I find one that has a small opening covered by a fragile plaque that can be easily blown by the wind. After attempts to reinforce it, I just give up and trust that it is high enough the cats can't reach. I then head to ground floor to go out. I also spot some issues with the front door, some broken glass near the floor that I feel compelled to fix, because the cats might also escape through it and that makes me nervous. While I attempt to block it, some group of people heavily armed is coming my way. I recognize their leader, some sexy villain guy who wanted me for him some time ago. Have no idea what they want, but I lock the door and try to block it for them. I head for the elevators but the elevators are not working. Meanwhile, those people break in very easily and I only have time to head for the basement. But they see me and go after me. The basement is full of furniture and appliances, really elegant and expensive stuff. Even they are surprised and mention to each other this will turn out to be a nice extra loot. I am crawling behind the furniture and they are trying to find me. The guy who knows me tries to convince to come out by saying he missed me and that I look so fine and he really wants me and I can come out and surrender because he will never harm me. I almost feel like falling for it, because I have a weak spot for him, but then I spot one of those small service elevators for sending up food and I sneak inside it. I wanna go up and warn everybody. The bad guys get really pissed when they realize what I did. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Close call with ghost leviathan area I am at the mountain island in Subnautica, and for some reason falling down into the water at the side like a rock. I am a bit scared of the reaper, but then I notice a hole, which I go in, but I notice the water color suddenly gets really dark and I am afraid a ghost leviathan might spawn so I quickly retreat. Command and Conquer with Angela Merkel I am on a sort of flat, circular island which is in its entirety surrounded by very spiky and cartoon-ish mountains, which also nearly split the island save for a ~10 meter gap. There is apparently a battle. It also seems to be a recurring dream, where last time there was an intense battle with mammoth tanks and artillery walkers, now it is that in my fraction the leader is Angela Merkel and apparently this time, after a short battle, for some reason they apparently realize they need to nuke each other, and so they do. Yeah, idk what that second dream was.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Had been watching one of the Purge movies, so I had a long dream inspired on it. Don't remember all of it, but at some point I was seeking refuge with some people I know, in some modern building, who have a sort of secret attic accessible through a trap door inside some storage room. But we can't make any noise while hiding in there, which isn't at all easy. Our chasers don't find us at first, but somehow come back later knowing where we are. Since they are looking for me and a couple friends specifically, we decide to leave to avoid them hurting the others. We manage to get to ground floor to escape the building, but the doors are all locked. My friends get hurt, not shot but frozen somehow. They are stiff on the floor, like ice rocks and I carry them to near the door and hug and massage them to try to revive them. I don't have to face our chasers anymore for some reason, but there is someone at the reception who is controlling the entrance of the building and I have a confrontation with her. She says we won't go anywhere, but I manage to open the doors and then she calls back our attackers to chase us down again. We run outside through narrow streets as fast as we can. We arrive at a big park and we spread out to confuse our stalkers, but we have a rendez-vous point at the top of the park. I have to cross a swimming pool and fastest way is swimming, so I jump in and when I get out on the other side, I am wearing a red bikini and there are people swimming there at night and some guys start flirting with me but I push them away, have no time to deal with it. I meet my friends at a small flight of stairs leading to an old palace on top of a hill. But instead of taking the normal path towards the palace, I see some stairs to the right going through a small tunnel and I chose those instead. It leads us to a small stone house that seems frozen in time. There is a man living there and he is not pleased to see us, but he doesn't kick us out, he just tries to ignore us and sits at his wood stove carved on a rock wall, cooking his lunch or something. We look around for a while admiring how medieval this place is and then he opens up and says this house has been passed down for generations of caretakers of the palace. He also claims we are safe in there, if we are hiding from something. There is an animal, maybe a donkey, at a corner in the middle of a pile of hay. I had some longer half-lucid or lucid dream but forgot about it. But I was going around admiring places and buildings and deciding what to explore. At some point I see a modern building with glass walls built in the style of a pagoda and I want to see it inside. I enter the surrounding yard, which as I go around the building, leads to a panoramic terrace with a view to a gorgeous city, very much like Paris in all its splendor. I see beautiful palaces and avenues with trimmed gardens and people promenading. My mom is with me and she says she doesn't see what I see, that she is not able to observe such details, just that we are at an indistinct building and sort of a void around it. it's as if she is sharing a lucid dream with me but unable to be as aware of its intricacies. I am telling her about how to boost and keep awareness, but the dream fades and I wake up for a few seconds before going back to the dream. Back in front of the same building, I go inside and find a basket on the floor with some small animal in it. First I think it may be a puppy, but I pick it up and it is a baby elephant, newborn, still covered in gunk. He gets scared and jumps to the ground and runs away but I catch him again with a blanket. He calms down as I clean him and he imprints on me. H starts seeing me as his mommy. I forgot part of the dream, but he grows up a little bit and I take him to some place in the countryside. It is some kind of farm. I am away from the house, near the entrance gate, where there is a vegetable garden in raised beds. Some of the vegetables will feed the elephant and others will feed people living there. All is well and I am admiring the road leading to the property, which is sided by a rammed-earth wall on both sides. it catches my attention that part of the wall is covered in old faded beige tiles. Then I hear a loud noise and I look back to see shots fired from the end of the path hitting the wall and coming closer and closer towards me. I run forward but on the other side I also see shots coming towards me. I feel trapped. Then I see a group of women running in front of a group of Talibans in front of me and and some men running away the shots from behind me. I feel confused about where to run to. The men behind me jump over the wall to the other side but they are still under fire somehow. I just freeze against the wall, unable to decide what to do and the women and their chasers just pass by me and ignore me. Apparently I am not a priority to them, but I still don't feel safe. I think they execute the other women. I run down the path and arrive at a road going upwards to the mountains. I run up for my dear life. Soon after the men who had jumped the wall behind me cross paths with me and instead of going up the road as I do, they go in a perpendicular direction towards the mountain. But doesn't take long until they appear again running down the road. They warn me about more Talibans coming. We go down the mountain again and they take me to a village, to the house of a western agent they know, who is actually Nighthawk. We stay in his place and everyone is nervous, not knowing what is going to happen next. They fear it is only a matter of time until the terrorists find this place and that we're hiding there. Some other guy hands Nighthawk a chip and tells him to hide it where it can't be found and he says he will, but then just puts it in a pocket in his pants.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP People live in underground tunnels and different communities occupy different zones and compete among themselves. There isn't an open war, but there is a feeling of war. No one enters the other community's space but when outside there are no rules. I had to be outside for some reason and was chased by some dudes. I escaped in time to the tunnels and once I crossed the entrance they respect the limit and just stay outside, taunting me to come out. We are run by nazi like leaders and everybody lives in fear and we can't trust no one. I have a girl friend who just recently fell in love with a guy and vice versa. He is staying at her place and he found some really old stuff she had forgotten under some bed sheets in a chest. She wasn't hiding them or anything, just forgot of their existence and they are now considered forbidden items. She tells me she fears for her life, because there is a chance he denounced her for it. There is an Ikea like factory, which is the sole source of income for much of the people of my community. Without it, they'd starve, but the workplace is a constant climate of terror. I do not work there, but I am passing by at one of their workshops, for some reason and they make me line up with the workers, who are terrified. One of the big nazi bosses is there today and he claims someone did something wrong and asks for a certain number of people to come forward and admit to the wrong doing or they'll have to fire random people until someone admits to the error. People are hesitant. No one wants to admit guilt and they know they might even die if they piss off the bosses, but losing the job also means an almost certain slow death. Still, a couple of people move forward, but not enough to reach the quota of people they say they were looking for. But today they are feeling generous, so they fire those people and just demand the rest of the employees to watch some extremely boring brainwashing film for hours. I try to sneak out with the ones that were fired, but a supervisor who found some pencil that is supposed to be over some furniture in the expo area, asks me to put it back and he is extremely detailed that it has to be put in a certain way on a certain piece of mahogany furniture and nowhere else. He'll now if I put it somewhere else and threatens me with severe punishment. So I need to go in and cross the workshop where the workers are watching the stupid film. But I cannot, in any way, disrupt it or bring attention to me, as I risk being killed for doing so. So I find myself stuck in the middle of it, moving one baby step at a time, trying to blend in, so that I can put back the stupid pencil in its designated place. Me and Riverstone live in an apartment building. Our apartment has a balcony that is falling apart. It has cracks that are getting bigger every day and one day as I am outside watching the cracks on a pillar underneath it, the whole thing breaks down and drags a whole wall with it down a hill on the back of the building, into a parking lot. No persons get hurt and it seems like it didn't even hit cars, but actually it scraped a van a little bit. The kid who owns the van comes by and is very upset, not angry just shaken. He is imagining how he could be there a second earlier and be hit by the debris. He wants me to hug him. I feel weird about it but I do and he cries on my arms. Meanwhile the whole neighborhood is assessing the damages. The building seems stable. Later, inside, I pick up my cat Cuscus which appeared on the hallway for some reason. and take him to the elevator with me, alongside some neighbor. I push the button to 4th floor and while riding the elevator I remember the recurring nightmares I used to have with the elevator never stopping and I see it about to happen again as we reach 5th floor instead of stopping at the 4th. But I reject the nightmare and the elevator stops at the 5th floor. Then I take the stairs down to the 4th. I am surprised by small beautiful golden statues of different Buddhas placed in the handrail down the stairs. I am sure Riverstone put them there but I wonder what the neighbors will say. Also feel like they'll end up being stolen, so I take one with me to go ask him what was he thinking. I feel like a tourist in some Portuguese village in the mountains. I am walking up towards the village center and I am being harassed by two African men. I think one is trying to rob my bag by having the other one distracting me, but I may be wrong. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable so I fly up and land on the church terrace that oversees the village center. Lots of tourists, including a dutch couple who is sunbathing fully naked, lying down in the church terrace, with something covering their genitals, like their hats or so. There is a restaurant and snack-bar and I go in looking for a snack, but food is really expensive, their signature dish is some mix of seafood that costs a fortune, like hundred euros a person. And the snack bar on the other hand is at the very back of the place and looks pitiful, dark and unwelcoming, So I decide to give up on this one and instead I find a very cute place run by Koreans. An old Korean lady sells beverages and snacks at her own porch, which has a beautiful view to the mountains. Her daughter introduces herself, her name sounded like Jane Over, which I find amusing. She is a lawyer or something, and apparently rich as she is picked up by an helicopter. I continue my adventure by not going back to the village but hiking down a hill leading me to a river valley. At a point, the helicopter passes by, really low and hovers and turns around without them noticing I am on the hill and I am almost cut by the blades on its tail. I escape into an excavated rock, where I stay until they are gone. From there I look up to the higher mountain around and I see something that I'd like to try. There is an hanger inside the mountain from where comes a kind of tobogan slide that goes downhill. From inside the hangar come large transparent spheres, like zorbs, for people to go downhill. But the zorbs are not of the kind that send people tumbling down uncontrollably, but more like the vehicles from the Jurassic World. I find a dirt road leading upwards and I take it. Then it spreads out in 3 paths and I am not sure which to take, but go for one that is sided by fences. It is getting darker and the wind starts blowing heavily with icy air that freezes my bones, so I just want to go back to the village. I spot a black dog ahead on the road looking at me and then he runs away. I keep going and find a couple gates, a bunch of dogs behind them and a small path leading to a house. I am cautious about getting on that road between all those dogs, not sure if they can get lose or not, so I just wait there observing if the dogs are friendly. They are, but still I keep my distances. Two old ladies come out, they look alike, probably sisters. They ask if I need help, but not very happy to see me. I say I am a bit lost and looking for a way to go back to the village. They reply with a bit of contempt that I won't get there this way and there is no way from here that would eventually take me there except all the way down from I came from. I say that's a pity but thank them for the help. They ask me where I am from and I tell them. One of them seems to be thinking for a while and then asks me how is my dog and I am surprised by that. I say I don't have one but 5 and also 4 cats, but she hints that she recognized me from years ago and that then I had only one dog. I don't remember her at all but she is right about the dog.
Updated 04-06-2021 at 12:44 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the countryside, there is a lake and I am staying there with some friends. One of them is apparently developing feelings for me and because I am not interested, I decide to keep my distance from him. Literally, when he is on one side of the lake, I am at the opposite, and every time he tries to reach me, I move away. Our other friend comes to tell me he thinks our friend is depressed and he believes it is because of the recent racism escalation so he wants to throw him some lunch party or something and I find it a bad idea because his problem with him is uncorresponded love, but I tell him to go ahead, just don't count on me. Then I am in the mountains. At a wooden cabin. I hear gunshots, probably hunters, which I detest. I go check on my dogs who are outside within a fence, but hunters sometimes don't care, they shoot anything that moves, so I fear for their safety. I see a couple Buddhist nuns passing by, and ask them if they've seen hunters around. They say they heard the shots and are saying prayers towards the animals at risk. Then some larger group passes right in front of my gate. The main figure is a Buddhist Lama and he comes surrounded by many monks, one of them by his side carrying a golden metal piece I can't identify. When passing in front of my lawn, the Lama grabs the piece quickly and drops it heavily at our entrance and apparently that means something important. They all come onto the lawn and sit around the Lama who is facing the golden object doing prayers. Then he makes some unintelligible prediction about a baby. Riverstone, whom I haven't noticed before was there, claims to hear something like a baby crying behind a wooden wall on our backs. It's supposed to be a hollow space for storage under a staircase or something, which has a door on the back that I know is locked with several locks. He is kinda out of his mind so he rips a board from the wall, not even letting me say there is a door. Inside this space is an altar covered in brocades and inside some covers is a baby girl that he picks up in awe and shock and brings to the Lama. Everybody is thinking of miracles but I know there is a door at the back of this pillar and ask Fernando S., who is also there, to check if the door is unlocked. He quietly confirms that it is unlocked. I get a bit pissed about the whole show, I don't understand the need for faking this whole shenanigan and I go outside the fence to the beginning of the hill descent. It's dark but I can see there are many other cabins and lots of activity going on, fires and prayers. It totally looks one of those Tibetan Buddhist settlements in the mountains, around monasteries and I think of my guru. Literally I am telling the previous dream to Riverstone. I get to the part of the monks sitting at the garden. And he is so excited to hear it, just as he was in the original dream to live it. He is grasping for a meaning and I can tell he will be disappointed in the end. Anyway, I didn't reach the end of the story. I am sleeping at some kind of attic at some family gathering. My dad, my deceased uncle Fermando and his wife are in that same house but they wanna leave, so my dad comes to wake me up to join him in offer them a gift before they go. I was pretending to be sleeping, cause I didn't want to be involved, but I notice them coming to check on me, so before they see me, I sneak out of bed and hide between an opened closet and remember I had more interesting things to do. I get lucid and teleport myself to outside. Remember to do the TOTM but cant do the ceiling fan thing because I am outside now, so I go for the surf thing. I visualize the ocean just over the end of a hill nearby and I start hearing the water. I go there and half way walking on grass, the ground beneath me disappears and I fall from the sky into the ocean. Amidst the waves, I try to visualize a surf board but it does not work. I kinda feel it but I do not see it, so I catch a wave in an invisible board. Then i see some kids surfing. One of them fall from his board and I "borrow" it. They are pissed about it, but I tell them it's just to catch one wave and I'll give it back. But the waves are really flat. I catch two, but have difficulty in taking any pleasure in the experience. Feels more like sliding over flat water, than actually surfing, as the waves are so small. The last wave pushes me into what seems a small cave but then it is a room. The dream shifts and now I am with kids in a room and they are waiting for the educator to come back. They say she'll put me in detention for making a mess. Indeed I am all wet and spread mud and water all over the pillows I am supposed to be sitting on. But when she comes in and before she manages to say anything, I sneak out and think I wanna surf more, but I am in the countryside again. I visualize an ocean bay and I head there. I am on top of a cliff where people watch beach goers down below. I then see Fernanda in a modelling gig shooting pics at the other side of this cliff, where there is some kind of canyon or canal and other people leaning over a rail, watching it. I ignore, because my goal is to surf again, so I turn again to the bay but it is gone and now in its place is a walk-in water fountain in a park with kids playing. Damn. I walk a few more steps towards the end of this park and someone calls my name excited. It's a friend of a friend (who actually does not exist in RL). I come back to say hi and she is very unpleasant, asking what I am doing here as I should be with my family or something. Then she has another friend with her, whom I never met, and she insults me too, saying maybe I am fooling around with some guy as I did with that guy in Italy while my boyfriend was at home. I did not do anything like that in RL, but in the dream I felt like I did, so I ask why this bitch knows about this and how many more friends of friends know. But then I say it doesn't matter because I don't know them anyway and I couldn't care less. I turn around to leave and they also leave still laughing and insulting me. I just go back two steps to tell the lady that I actually thought she was a nice person except for the part where she is a fucking cunt. They went down some stairs and when I look around I am inside some house again, seems like a clinic. There are rooms with patients and rooms with professionals apparently receiving training. I feel I am intruding but the patients gathering at some leisure room are very welcoming. Then I realize they all have back problems and are there for some physical therapy. I see something in the walls that catches my attention: intricate living landscapes. Each frame has divisions with small landscapes like lakes, ponds, ocean. You can see tiny rocks in it, mosses, algae, all real but in tiny size and most incredibly they are all covered in water that stays vertically in the divisions without anything holding it. Also, we are encouraged to touch it and make waves, make the water muddy, etc. Then I recall again my objective and I am considering choosing an ocean landscape to jump into it, but I wake up.
Updated 03-19-2021 at 10:47 AM by 34880
I'm with my sister and dad in a car. My sister is driving and she is very bad. She drives off the road and I have to maneuver the car to safety. I'm on a boat with Tobias. I ask him what he is working with and he says that he has become a manager of McDonald's. He says he earns 220 kr/h and he asks me how much I earn. I am about to say 98 kr/h but change to 114 kr/h. I admire him. Notes: There has been a lot of boats in my past dreams. I'm on a big mountain with Cecilia, dad and Stefan. Cecilia falls off the cliff and Stefan and dad helps her up. We talk about the dangers and that you have to be careful. I look down the mountain and it is much steeper and taller suddenly. If I was to jump I would fall down for a minute I think.
12/30/20 I am with C and we are visiting one of his teachers house. His teacher is Patrick Stewart who lives with his wife in a fairly large house with white decor. We are there to wish him a happy birthday. He also lives in C's neighborhood pretty close to his house. He has a very huge living room that we are now in. There is balcony type seating all centered around a massive window which overlooks the town in a valley below. In the center of the valley is a massive LED laser type blue mountain in the distance. Only it is changing shapes between the mountain and a massive tree with outstretched branches. It is beautiful to look at, the symmetry of it being in the center of the window while also in the center of the valley, I stare for a while taking in the whole picture. The LEDs almost look like they are a drone swarm flying around into different shapes. I ask someone if they are drones but I don't get an answer. While standing up in the balcony I notice there is takeout trash just laying around so I pick up trash left by the seats, they seem like takeout cutlery in plastic wrap and napkins. We are leaving now and I am helping C pack up his back pack while standing in the foyer of the home. Patrick Stewart and his wife see us off pleasantly. There is a really bad storm outside which is approaching, it's only dark for now with a slight wind but nothing too bad. My father decides to drive out to meet my uncle for lunch assuming everything will be fine. I am in the car with two of my friends R and E. We are driving through town as the storm begins to hit. E says everything is probably going to be fine, it won't be like before. I look out the back window as we turn onto the main street and there are multiple tornadoes forming several blocks from where we are. One massive one has met the ground and is causing an outstanding amount of damage. I see others forming beside it, some dwindle as others grow, it's as if the storm cannot fully manifest. We still drive away for them at speed while the wind and rain whip at the car we are in. I attempt to take pictures with my cellphone because this all seems too surreal. We begin to merge onto the highway but visibility has dropped due to the thick wall of water and the high wind, I notice there are accidents occurring ahead of us as we join the traffic onto the roadway. I am now holding up in a run down building with cinder block walls and soiled concrete floor. There are goats that are wet and scared seeking shelter from the storm, I shoo them inside through an open garage door. There is also a small white and brown cow I call to come inside. I dry off some of the animals with random towels and blankets I find lying around. They are calm now and find corners of the room to settle in and sit with each other. There are people laying on mattresses on the floor in the other room just casually on their phones not minding the storm at all. I tell them the animals are in the other room for a while to have shelter from the storm. They are fine with it, they hardly acknowledge my presence, complete apathy. It has now been a week with no running water or electricity or economy and society has all but gone primal. It is daylight and I am wandering along a shoreline by myself just looking for something to drink. I see a water spigot near the waters edge with a container under it. All that comes out of the faucet is dirty water with floating algae in it. I contemplate boiling it clear but then decide it is sea water and wouldn't be drinkable anyway. I see a group of people by a house or rather a shack which has heavy damage to it by the shoreline. They invite me inside for shelter. There are close to a dozen people held up in here. They give me water to drink and some small cookies to eat. I am grateful for their hospitality. I begin taking to the older couple who own the house and realize they are staunch Republicans. They are bitching about all of this being bidens fault, how he isn't doing anything to help the people most affected by this travesty. I tell them biden isn't the president yet and that he literally has no executive power. They are completely disagreeing with me insisting the democrats did this. I tell them trump definitely the one who has left us without any aid for over a week, he is still the one in control. They are in complete denial, and I sense my welcome has all but dried up. I apologise for my attitude and thank them for the provisions while getting up from the table. I decide to take my leave and the dream fades.
17th December 2020 Fragment: (left too long because of little opportunity to write) First bit. Looking at one of my art(ist) profiles. I feel sort of amazed, I have just over 250 people watching my profile, apparently. Another bit, in some church, near the end of a dream. I'm helping some women, mostly in their 50s and so on. They eventually tell me I can't be allowed to join their group officially as it is for women only but they tell me that because I helped them they can however offer me an honorific title or position. I feel pleased or satisfied, though I can't remember if I accept, but they seem happy either way too. 19th December 2020 Fragment: In the car with H. We're driving along some bendy and somewhat narrow road in an industrial estate-like place. Some van "uncloaks" in front of us at a corner. H is upset and surprised by this. Earlier bit; (recall faded too much) something about a large area of land owned by someone and cities on it. A mountain and atop it some castle? Night time. Lots of street/city lights in the distance. A semi mountainous region in general but a lot of water and rock outcroppings that are at least a couple of hundred stories tall, each. Notes: - Although I seem to remember the dreams from 17th of December were kind of long, the recalled portion has an interesting personal contrast between two worlds that are very different but are also very important to me. -- The profile watching count certainly comes from recent worries based off/around self-expectation. - The uncloaking van was certainly based off recently replaying through the Freelancer campaign but interestingly during the day there were at least two incidents with vans appearing a bit out of nowhere when we were on the road.
Updated 12-20-2020 at 03:02 AM by 95293