so, joy from inside out was in my dream and i had like 2 other dreams i think
Seeing Guilt: I'm at a waiting area with my sister. Looks similar to an Optim-Eyes building. There is a girl my age there playing Pokemon Green on a gameboy. ... Later I'm at the girl's house. It's a bit dark, low lights. Somewhat gloomy feeling. She's showing me her Pokemon in the game. We kiss, and my sister sees it. ... I'm driving my sister and I home. I'm concerned that my sister will tell my girlfriend about the kiss. Infiltration: I'm at a spring-time college setting, somewhat similar to the campus from The Magicians. The 'popular kids' are playing tennis on a court nearby. I'm sitting on a bench and it deforms strangely to accommodate the way I am leaning on it. I'm watching a speech being given by a person on stage. The person is somebody I had met recently. He calls me out as his best friend in front of the crowd. ... It's night-time and I'm on an initiation mission. It's winter now. There is a target home I'm supposed to enter. I find it and there is a basement window from below. It's covered in snow but I can see it and begin to clear it, but the glass breaks. I see the Durselys from Harry Potter eating dinner in their dining room. They panic, thinking I'm a monster, elf, or something magical. ... Later I'm back at a base. Still the same winter night. The base is in a park lit by some torches. The torches show the Triforce insignia from The Legend of Zelda. Green Arrow from DC Comics is the leader of the group. He's calling out another member for messing up my mission. This individual has essentially set me up to fail.
Updated 12-04-2023 at 06:27 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 1AM. Hogwarts Chill I'm at Hogwarts near the entranceway. There is a reception desk set up that I am approaching. I see Draco Malfoy nearby. I notice that I am very cold. I wake up and realize I'm cold because the blanket is off me and the fan in blowing directly on me. Recalled around 7AM. Woke up around 8AM.
Couldn't manage to write down annything this week, my days were starting up too early. So of course last night was three entries worth of dreams I'm in a appartement, it's pretty well lit but blandly decorated, with generic furnitures. I'm not alone; there's some peculiar people here. There's a older gentleman with brushed back silver hairs and a shifty face with deep wringles and deep-seated eyes, carrying a sketching pad and a mechanical pencil. He sits at a table close to some windows, sulking around the rest of the group and doodling. There's my sister, sitting cross-legged on a beige carpet, playing with her dog and blissfully obvious to the world*. It's really cute. And there two Middle-Earth dwarves, Fili and Kili, in road-wary armour and travel clothes. I'm hanging out with them, asking a lot of pretty inquisitives questions about dwarven custom and physiology. They're laughing a lot, and telling me load of outrageous bullshit so I laugh too. We're sitting on a bed next to the appartement door. Well, me and Fili are sitting; Kili is longing between us, taking up a lot of space; dwarves are short but broad in the shoulder and thick in the chest. I lean over Kili to playfully punch his brother over some joke and I have to almost climb over him, that's how barrel-chested he is. I'm suddently very close to their face, and I realise that their eyes are stranges: their pupilles are shaped like four-leafed clover, with a thin lining of gold and green. I get up and walk to the table to pick up a glass of water and the doodling man asks me to stay still for a moment. I'm uneasy but don't find a way to weasle my way out of it so I humor him. He get more and more pressing and I wake up. *My sister only sees her dog on christmas, because she had to give him to our grand-mother went she moved out for her studies. She breaks down everytime and totes him around like plushie all evening. The pup loves it.
Updated 12-12-2015 at 10:32 PM by 88858
only fragments last night. The face of a female monster, a cross between a gobelin and a rat, with a pointy muzzle and beady black eyes. zoom out, it has the body of a black hen with droppy, old woman brests. It's a Harpy. Wings flapping, black as ink, two pair of them, coming from a gigantic statue of a woman hovering above a city. Thor pulling loki into a room, asking him to do something. Loki let out a bitter laugh and ask him if he's gone crazy again.
I am walking up stairs in a dusty, old building with long, slanted windows letting in long rays of golden sunshines, thick as honey. I reach the top, a small cellar. It's already crowned in here; there is a strange bed made of polished, light green glass fashioned in a half cylinder with a thick blanket and a fluffy pillow in light cream. Sitting on the edge of it is a young, beautiful indian woman in a full, red and gold sari with stunning jewellery, almost as if she's ready for her wedding, her hair are glossy and almost black. With her, standing a little on the side is a rather no descript man with brown short hair and sturdy clothes. Both look to the other side of the room, where Thor himself is towering, standing next to a pecuniar contraption: eight oversized hourglasses made of crystal and bronze, each one mounted on a mechanical bronze arm. as I watch it, the last one of the hourglass finishes, and the arm gracefully lift it over the other and put it back at the beginning of the line, flipping it over in the process. I feel like it's a clock, measuring daylight. The brown haired man start talking to me, pulling my attention back to him. He is speaking about the lady, telling me that she is incredibly important, and that she has to be protected. As he talks, she carefully lay down on the bed, arranging her sari around herself. The man bring down the top part of the bed, closing it. It now looks like a bottle washed out at sea, with a complicated system of glass pipes coming out of the neck. He pours the content of a bottle on a rag and stuff the rag in one of the pipes. Thor starts talking to me, he is passionate about the subject, telling me about nightwalkers wanting to take the sun lady away. While he says that, he grab the last hourglass, still with a little sand left, and flip it over. I realise that the light was fading and is back in full force, bathing the cellar in thoses long honey sunlight rays. The brown haired man locks the bed with a yin-yang seal, The lady is in a enchanted sleep. I look back to Thor; he is slighty tired, as moving the hourglass meant changing the course of the sun in the sky. He slowing breath out, the sun shining on his face, and instead of air it's a cloud of sand that get out of his mouth, the same sand that is in the hourglass.
I don't remember the beginning of the dream other than me being at my school and leaving an elevator with another guy and trying to stay balanced on a train platform. The next part was I was in a theater watching "Terminator 2, specifically the part where the kid and the terminator are on a motorcycle escaping the t2. Then the kid is at an office and the office is being overrun by aliens, and he's running around trying to escape them and he does. The aliens are tan in color, and have heads that look like crab claws. Suddenly the movie theater is being filled with these aliens. The dream then changes to a guy talking to his sister about how he's going to leave college but he wants to make friends with a group of surfers by the beach over the summer. He approaches them and they throw a unicycle towards him, tell him that he can join their group if he can learn to ride it. Flash forward to the guy, who I'm now seeing out of the eyes of, at a daytime party at the beach and he's really happy to have made these new friends and like theme music to a show about teenagers is playing. Suddenly a giant octopus appears in the ocean and the guy is running away while everyone else is being grabbed by the monster. He is slipping all over a train platform nearby as he is running away, but then suddenly he decides than he really wants to ride the giant tsunami being created, and he grabs a surfboard he find near a train but a girl grabs it and yells at him for trying to steal her surfboard as she boards a train.
*Suppress irresistible want to sing all the song, including chorus* Last night was insomnia night. Around five in the morning I decided that I could try to WILD, because I have very good decision skill around five in the morning and Eli was sleeping. I thought about a movie I've seen some time ago, Only Lovers Left Alive and how it would be neat to see the house of one of the hero, Adam. I fluffed up my pillow and lay down again, seeing his cluttered doorway in my mind's eye. In what seem to be a flawless transition, I walk in. The walls are as I remember, dark and covered with artworks. They's stuff litteraly everywhere, pilled up high and precariously, things that would make a antiquarian go mad with envy. The corridor is already small, and all this stuff make it cramped and claustrophobic. I keep going and end up in the living room which is as cluttered and full that the rest. Adam is here, sitting on his red plushy sofa. He look as unkempt as usual, in a long dressing gown open on a black washed-out T-shirt and coton pants. I conjure up my tablet behind my back and crouch in from of him to show it too him, with a app mimicking some musical instruments, including a bass and a piano. He isn't very convinced and brush the touch screen with his fingertips, playing a couple of music notes from the virtual piano and briginf up the virtual bass. I wake up. That was a lot of fun. I had a art time keeping my lucidity tho.
Updated 09-28-2015 at 10:11 PM by 88858
During day: 6xRCs Total Sleep time: 6+ hrs. Other info: Went to bed quite late, fell asleep even later. Dream recall method: DS review After waking up couldn't remember almost anything, so I went over my DS, checking for a gut/ memory reaction. Got a confirmation with 2 DS. Today I have only fragments Fragment1: My dad was riding a bike, which later transformed into a skateboard. He was performing some unbelievable stunts. Drawing a line under water in the same place where other tracks were. Fragment2: I am in something like student housing, got my own room there. Some guys which I know in the dream leave the room and I lock the door. One of them had to return he forgot something, it is agent Cho from the Mentalist but he looks even prettier. He asks me where the knife is, it is laying on the desk nearby. Some bad guys smoke cigarettes outside, one of them resembles Ross from Friends. Fragment3: I am having a way too honest conversation with grandma, where I complain a lot and feel like a complete loser. My aunt is lying on a bed, next to grandma, using my blanket, and a pillow I identify as mine. She plays, or just uses as another pillow a toy rabbit which my grandma says is very important to her, so grandma wants it back. Fragment4: An unpleasant person from my past. I notice her in the midst of a crowd. She is wearing Sari type of clothes, orange color predominantly. She expects to win some kind of award and when that does not happen I see her face convulse with anger.
Updated 03-27-2013 at 06:41 PM by 61764