Two pretty long and continuous dreams like back in the day (versus my usual very broken up and short scene dreams of late). 6/2/2014 In bed: 12:00 AM - 7:45 AM #2. I. 4:30 AM I am with my mom out somewhere in a building. It is for an appointment of some sort. She has to be there too though for her own appointment or something versus for mine. We find out that I don’t have to be there until that evening. I decide that instead of wasting time here all day, that I’ll go back to my older sister’s until later. I am happy at the chance to be on my own. I head out and am walking along a dirt road that is some walking trail somewhere that I seem to be taking home. As I am walking, there are a bunch of low branches that cross the trail that I have to duck under and dodge around. On the bottoms of some of them, there are small webs that I get caught on and have to knock off of me. Eventually, I reach further ahead where there is a signpost on the left side of the road by some trees. My sister is with me now, I guess she was waiting there at the signpost. We go to the signpost which is the kind with a glass screen on the front with items slid behind it. We apparently put a lot of photos back here and are coming back to get them. She reaches into the signpost pulling out different photos, all of them really old from the past when we were younger. We play this old video that we also find here showing an old family friend’s husband trying to take pictures of us and the rest of the family. He is having a lot of difficulty with the big camera that he is holding though for some reason. Eventually someone that was standing waiting to be taking in the picture walks over to help him. I am just getting back home finally (earlier in the dream, I seemed to be going to my sister’s, but this seems to be my brother’s place). My brother calls me as I am getting in. He is on the train on the way back. I am in the living room of the place which is relatively small but a bit long. I go to a corner of the room where there is a beanbag chair and sit in it. There is also some sort of seating along the wall to my right and one high up behind me. While I am on the phone with my bro, one of his roommates comes in from another part of the home. It is a friend of mine from school in one of the same clubs as I. He is folding clothes in the room. My bro has just gotten back from a MTG event. MTG has changed a lot and is saying that it is definitely improved. He arrives back at the place, and we play a game of MTG on the folding table (that we used have two of that we ate on sometimes). The game plays more like Pokemon now. As we are playing, I notice this weird bug on the floor to my right that seems to be pulling a piece of trash or something along those lines, that’s almost completely covering up the bug. I am still in the room and a few other guys have passed through in the meantime including an old friend from high school. The dude from earlier is still in here. At a certain point, four girls are walking through the room as if this was a parking lot for a moment. As in the walls seemed to have been gone or something, and they walk in and keep walking as if just walking through the area. However, they stop while in the room and one of them knows me and sees me. She looks like an old TA but they call her by a different name for some reason. She and they are very flirty. There is a Carly and a Sam among them, one of the girls referring to Carly by the shorter Car. I want to hit back at them specifically at the TA look-alike but want to do it cleverly. They are walking very slowly, one of them talking with someone in the room. There is a printer on the other side of the room on a table. I scramble to type up a message in a word document to print it at the computer before they get there so they see it, read it, and laugh. I rush look up constantly to see if it’s too late. Eventually, I print it and watch and wait, but they don’t end up seeing it for some reason and leave the room. Around this point, my old friend from high school is just waking up or something and apparently has been on the seating behind me behind the beanbag this whole time which totally surprises me as I forgot or something. I am in room in the place, and my niece is talking to me. I seem to be getting ready for something and I am going into the closet to choose what clothes to wear. #3. II. 6:40 AM I am with a bunch of friends, and we drive to the store. In the parking lot, we all sit in the backseat of the car, ten of us somehow fitting. The wind is blowing nicely as we sit there and just enjoy ourselves. It is nice and warm and relaxing. Apparently, the car is sitting at a gas station. My RA is in the driver’s seat. We watch as this car pulls in out of control and crashes into a short pillar slightly. He wasn’t going very fast so it wasn’t a bad crash, but just a bumping probably leaving a slight dent. We are worried he is crazy, so my RA pulls off to be safe. He drives up to the street, and we wait to turn out to the right. When traffic is clear, he turns right sort of more so continues onto the median then starts turning to the left so he can move to the lane going to the left relative to the parking lot. I am out somewhere in a slightly outdoor, slightly suburban area. I am with a group of people still. We are sort of hiking if it can be called hiking in this terrain. There is a bunch of random objects and things to walk on out here placed into the grass, and we are following a path through sometimes walking up the slopes and such. There is a girl in front of me that I don’t know. Apparently, this group of people is all people from my hiking club. We are all discussing ideas for how we could have out of state trips, some people talking about whether they’ve been out of state before. I start talking to the girl in front of me about it mentioning that I’ve only been out of state on trips in the southeast. Apparently out of state just means CA in this sense. We start talking about other things. She mentions that she is a freshmen and asks me for advice regarding computer science as she is doing that as well. I ask her what class she took last quarter and she says the one that I also have taken that is the first in the series but is optional. I tell her I did the same thing and that that is totally ok versus skipping straight to the next one in the series. I am in a store with the same people. We are waiting to kill some time, and move towards a better area to wait that is on the other side of where we currently are. Mr. A (a teacher at a high school that I've volunteered at) takes this moment to return our chemistry quizzes also handing us a paper and pen so that we can write down any comments or questions that we have when we look over our quizzes. He hands me back mine, and I see I got 103% getting extra credit somewhere, seeing my score is something over something, the bottom not being 100 and the top being larger slightly. Mr. A starts going around to each person to see if they have questions. When he gets to me, I express my satisfaction with my great grade, but I explain that chemistry isn’t my major but maybe I should switch or something. He responds with along the lines that I shouldn’t be too hasty then he gets some binder to show us this cool compound that breaks expectations of how it would act because it has a bunch of atoms that should want to push away from each other, but don’t. I get back home before anyone else somehow. I am up on the second floor of this place which I can tell since the window is still open even though it is dark now. I realize that I am missing my phone. I go to my computer so that I can signal flare and figure out where I left it. I track it right as the others are pulling up in the driveway. The flare points to the intersection of two streets and turn my head, so that I can read both. It is the intersection of a street called East and then another street. I realize that it is right outside where the car is meaning that it must be in the car. At this point, the others have entered the house by now. As I am heading out of the room to go search the car for my phone, my brother enters the room carrying my phone which he brought up for me which I thank him for.
Updated 06-06-2014 at 08:12 PM by 51715
14.10.2013Hidden base and teleporting. (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID There was a huge undreground base that only could be accesed through a small hatchet. It appears that there was a huge mall underneath and my mom was in charge of the whole thing. As I went down, they were closing up and I saw some friends from my high school times. They were somehow making fun of me because the whole event ended, and I felt upset with my mom about it. I then left and met with a friend and started to teach him how to teleport, but I would fail the two first attempts. On the third one, I would teleport with some friends who I used to play mtg with. I wanted to share with them some of my psychic abilities, my development, etc but since they are Christian I hesitated to, as I was tired to being called devilish. I then saw my dad and shared with him some stuff about the Astral Realm.
1) I am some sort of supervillain, playing a game of Magic: the Gathering, Elder Dragon Highlander, with other similar sorts. Starting off the game, I draw much too many cards, finding new ones and supersized versions. (one was a 10ish mana green spell to put a named 14/14 into play, other was a 4 mana spell that got more mana). I comment to the player next to me, "Yeah, these games last a while and are absolutely chaotic. It makes them fun. I've always wanted to make a red deck just to screw with everyone else." On a woman's turn, she brings in 4 or 5 lava monsters into the room through the front door. I place my hand on my wrist, a teleportation device I apparently have. Think about trying for Chichen-Itsa pyramid, but didn't become lucid... 2) WILD. I am walking through a hotel or casino like building, looking for someone. 3) I am LUCID, in old, roman like city. White granite buildings, a large multilayered fountain. I jump up on the edge, walking along next to the water. A storyteller is weaving a tale on the opposite side of the fountain. He makes a mention of Kreig, which is a fantasy world I've been making for years. I smile, as he talks about the Dragons of the Game.