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    1. Crisis averted

      by , 07-13-2024 at 05:17 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Had a small nap. During which I had a flash of Jamie walking in Bowden on the trail behind the A&W that leads to the streets. Ah did she visit? I wish I could have seen her. She gotta start doing those drive bys again and let me know she's okay.

      Apparently Jesus says she's safe. Her voice said she was warned in another way... Well whatever it was, better to listen. I hope my post didn't cause any anxiety. Just be careful.
      Tags: jamie, nap
    2. April 10th, 2024 8:?? pm (NSFW)

      by , 04-10-2024 at 07:54 PM
      A beat making channel I watch on YouTube was in a city around Central / South America to meet up with a friend there for a beat video. The friend's girlfriend mysteriously disappeared and they did a video on YouTube where they friend dates another girl in order to find out where she disappeared off to and they go to this sauna that is in a weird beige, backrooms-esque setting. The friend appears to be possessed by something and walks off with his girlfriend in the furthest room in the back. We then notice all guys and girls in the spa wearing their swim suits grab their towel and follow them in the room.

      As we enter the big room in the back, everyone is kneeling on the floor as the friend is laying on a massage chair, getting his privates licked by his missing girlfriend and the date.
      The beatmaker's beat start playing in the background and surprise, unbeknownst what's happening until he enters the room in silence, looks at me, who has the role of camera man. The guy who owns the spa asks what the hell is going on, ignoring the situation in the room and referring to the beat playing instead. Before any response, goes back to watching football in his office next to the room. The beatmaker, completely in shock runs out of the building as I follow him, initially outrunning the beatmaker and running out of the dark night street before noticing the beatmaker across the street by the subway entrance, signaling to follow me. I run across the street after him, as we enter the subway station, the metro drives off, leaving us behind. We sit by the platform as I say "At least that creepy owner didn't follow us" as we look at the apartment buildings across the platform and notice a guy looking exactly like the owner entering his balcony, telling us to quiet down. We then turn around to the TV screen behind is on the station looking at a news report where they're looking for a suspect who looks like the owner, reported by a newsreader who too looks like that owner.

      I then woke up from my nap.

      Updated 04-10-2024 at 08:08 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    3. Winter Competition 2024 One Naps

      by , 01-08-2024 at 01:37 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I took a nap and had more ludis.

      Winter Competition 2024 One - Nap One (DILD) 01.07.2024

      I think I wake up but it is a false awakening. Normally my false awakenings are at my childhood home at night but this one is my current bedroom during the day. I was planning on starting dating in a few months but in the dream I feel like making a Bumble account right away for some reason. I find myself staggering because gravity is all sorts of off. I do a reality check and confirm it's lucid. I am really suprised and remember my goal is simply to take off the VR headset. I reach up to my head and try but I can't feel one or force one to be there. I think it's because I didn't bother willing there to be one before trying. I wake up.

      It is super hard to get out of bed. I sit up and do another nose pinch RC and it is still a dream. I am always in awe of how really flase awakenings feel. I sit up in bed and try swiping up the VR hud from my left wrist but nothing happens. I say, "Clara", the name of my AI assistant and she doesn't respond. These things never seem to work as well in FAs as they do in other lucid dreams.

      I wake up into two more FAs before my real life eyes open and I am awake.

      Winter Competition 2024 One - Nap Two (DILD) 01.07.2024

      I am in a Dungeons and Dragons lucid dream. I don't remember the beginning of it. We defeat some hard enemies but one of our people gets cursed and becomes a powerful Oath Breaker Paladin or something he kills everyone, me last and I respawn inside my childhood home. It is dark. Familiar teritory. I know he is outside ready to chop me in half again. I have a bunch of D&D minis that I turn into full size fighters that I send outside. I hear them all get defeated and then the paladin comes inside and kills me for me to go back in time and start over. I send more and more minitures at him each time. The last time I send 8 powerful constructs after him and notice the house is getting surrounded by drow and vampires. "Even more trouble!", I think when I wake up.
    4. October 4, 2023 7:17 pm

      by , 10-04-2023 at 06:28 PM
      I dream that I am living with a family in an apartment on top of a big theatre/convention center. I exit the apartment and explore the theatre where everyone working there applauds for me; doormen, wardrobe workers, visitors, etc. my German family is there as well as it takes place im Berlin, It's raining and I start sprinting around the building in laps at a decent tempo, during each lap, someone joins me and we greet each other as we go around, during each lap they all grow and develop, for example one of the guys does the sprint on a unicycle. In the meantime, I'm still the same. Someone asks about my growth and then says it because they're following my journey as a rockstar. The music in the background then has someone grunt in metal style saying "that is a rockstar" as well as inaudible words repeatedly with a guitar riff in the background as some sort of intro. That's when I woke up!
    5. June 20, 2023 9:25 pm

      by , 06-20-2023 at 09:00 PM
      Three hours of sleep before work, immediately went back to sleep after work. I never plan to, it's just a bad habit and an unfortunate effect from being overworked. If all goes to plan, I'd have a month of 40 hours/week left, hopefully!

      Also, I drank more apple juice, two bottles!

      I dreamed that we had a school project about New York, and were paired up to do an assignment about New York in Utrecht. This girl was grinding her back against me the entire time the teacher explained the assignment while another teacher tried offering me Disneyland tickets which half of the class had except for me because I was broke. This girl I paired up with briefly looked like my colleague from my job, before looking like this girl from 4th grade that I was constantly beefing with (it was one-sided and I'm very embarrassed about how I behaved towards her) she randomly brought up that I should visit my dad with her and watch his surprise seeing me with her.

      We briefly stop at a McDonalds with a terrace looking exactly like this open air club I was at the other day, because she wanted to return food she ordered or something. Meanwhile I'm taking a nap on the backseat of a car I borrowed, but didn't lock. I wake up and noticed that, although no damaged windows, the car was broken into and things beneath the chairs were taken.

      I also notice that the car barely starts up and look for a gas station nearby, after my brain errors in my dream and refusing to let me look at my phone screen property with Google maps glitching and zooming in and out too extremely, I finally see a gas station nearby at the end of the park road I was parked in. However a conflict comes up which I have had multiple recurring dreams about: I am left alone with my parent's car at a random place and need to move it, but I don't have a driver's license as I don't know how to drive! I keep thinking about whether I should take the risk and just attempt to drive that last bit of the car and hope I don't get caught if I drive correctly.

      I call my mom to explain the situation of me having to move the car. I leave the car behind on the park while another car in the background ironically gets towed, I go to my family home andy mom made a plan which includes a living Golden Retriever dog hidden in a statue made out of apples as a distraction decoy, while a fictional old antisocial neighbour I have gets in the car and drives it away. The neighbour dislikes going outside and this whole detailed plan was made for him to get into the car while avoiding any form of social interaction. My mom then tells me to bring a college essay, I quickly print one before leaving the house.

      I for whatever reason had this small model of office buildings in my home office in my apartment where I kept my work supplies, which was a visual I briefly saw moments before realising I was dreaming and didn't have to go through with the extremely detailed plan.

      Dream was in Dutch.
    6. June 19, 2023 9:0? pm

      by , 06-19-2023 at 08:33 PM
      I was hungover all day from partying with my friend the day prior where I had two beers and did a shot with her. On my hungover day I went on a run in the hot sun and bought apple juice because I once read it gives you vivid dreams, I took a nap and you can judge the apple juice effects for yourself:

      I was in a diner themed McDonald's, I had a call from my employer apparently, I don't know what it said. But someone did an in-depth analysis about Chickie's dad from Rugrats in which he held a gun to his head and asked "What's a drama that makes you fall in love with life again?" it featured a 90s cartoon style scene of Chuckie, disguised as Elisabeth Thornberry, running away from home, and his dad getting depressed. The families from Rugrats go through the city to search for Chuckie, it shows a really cartoony montage of everyone's houses chasing around the city like cars. Spinelli from Recess makes a cameo appearance as older homeless woman punching the dad from Phil and Lil.

      I wake up in the McDiner again forgetting about my order, I see an invoice letter with my name on it wilth the receipt attached saying order 97, I then see the take out bar with a bat with my order, I grab it and this mysterious black girl sitting by the bar who follows me on twitter apparently tells me I "shouldn't let that girl control me" referring to some random meme I got on my birthday on twitter within the dream canon. A girl tried to order a burger but with nothing but the "banana sauce" the black guy working there looks at her with this "really?" smile on his face.

      Dream was in English

      Edit: (and TW: Suicide) during that Rugrats bit I had a dream of a vine type of sketch featuring a group of black guys in which one of them holds a gun to his head and shoots himself then drops to the chair, his friends jokingly re-enact his dropping motion as he just lands sitting down with a funny bounce, the guy from the gun was still concious watching bis friends and laughing along and playing along with them followed by his POV of suddenly noticing his vision going dark and blurry.

      I should add that the reason I added everyone's race is because they were all black just like I am, it reads a little weird to me as well, but I wanted to remember that detail. Reference was probably because I went to an African festival yesterday and hung out with people from the festival at an after party.

      Updated 06-19-2023 at 08:46 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. May 13, 2023, 8:00 pm

      by , 05-13-2023 at 07:33 PM
      Nap dream after 3 hours of sleep followed by work and watching videos about the SEGA Dreamcast.

      I was with a group of friends, allegedly my roommates/high school best friends, but the people looked very different and cannot recall whom they actually looked like, but the friendship was clearly there.
      We got tickets for the Beyoncé concert in a small Y2K chrome blue looking discotheque and entered the club (I couldn't actually see Queen B, but the vibe and crowd were there and I could recall single ladies playing vaguely.

      My friends were all dressed in their "coolest" clothes (the clothes didn't match with eachother, things like black cap with a green spencer and white tennis blouse sweater, Osiris type of shoes and there was this huge 2010 vibe going, they generally looked like they were around 13 years old)

      They all entered the venue which was in the middle of this suburban neighborhood in what could be both my hometown as well as Berlin.

      Halfway through the show, they changed outfits (like legit went home and back to put on different quotes) and we returned to the club where Beyoncé and her fans had now moved into the basement stage, which was accessible through a hidden trapdoor and staircase on the stage she was performing earlier. This whole club, even the staircase and basement had this dark blue/Indigo and black colour scheme.

      My friends sat there chilling with girls, meanwhile I was thinking about cutting my dreadlocks, something I have been occasionally thinking about as well in real life, especially after seeing people I know as well as this musician/YouTube channel I've been watching regularly called Ocean did the same.

      There was also this older woman from Tumblr who briefly appeared in my dream because she knew about the SEGA Dreamcast of which I was talking about on Tumblr. And apparently I had once again posted work info on my Tumblr which made me search through hashtags in a state of small panic despite my workplace not knowing about my Tumblr blog.

      Dream was in English I think, maybe briefly in Dutch.

      Thanks Beyoncé for guest starring, my subconscious couldn't afford you but it was cool thinking I was in the club where you played.
    8. March 27, 2023 8:12 pm

      by , 03-27-2023 at 07:33 PM
      Another nap dream which was longer than needed because I had two hours of sleep today and set an alarm for the nap, but fell back asleep. Glad I got my eight hours sleep anyways

      In my dream I spontaneously traveled to the Netherlands to go to the cinema with my best friends from high school (coincidentally asked me to go to the film today) we get to the cinema and joke around, there's this goth-alt looking woman who looks like a woman I worked with before at a tech festival as well as the woman who works at a bar in Berlin who's slightly disturbed and annoyed by our behaviour and takes me out of the group because she trusts me the most. We go to a private room and she tells me she's giving me access to the projectors in the building which are big television screens with her face on it, I get to access them when her eyes on the photo are at a certain position. I get on my phone and edit the settings of the projection, having access to a bunch of trip-hop music videos she's made.

      I walk back to my friends with a smug look on my face as if the woman took me to a room alone with her to make love to her, my friends all walk up to me like "What did you do???" before my friends are being brought home by a parent, around this time I got a bit aware that things weren't adding up as 1) my friends can drive and 2) it suddenly hit me that I traveled to the Netherlands from Berlin with lord knows what money and had no idea how to travel back. I go to my family home in the Netherlands where my mom meets me normally as if I still lived there saying "Where did you go??"

      Then moments before I woke up a "scene selection" screen appeared before my eyes that looked like like this:

      • -----
      • -----
      • cinema kino
      • family home zuhause
      • -----
      • -----

      As if I hadn't "unlocked" the other locations
      I then suddenly woke up and wrote all of this down here, that scene selection screen unironically is making me wonder if maybe we really are living in a simulation or matrix as it seemed like I was placed in a scenario, which I technically was lol

      Dream was in Dutch.

      Edit: this is what the "scene selection" screen looked like:
    9. March 26, 2023 ?:?? pm

      by , 03-26-2023 at 07:53 PM
      Hypnagogic Sunday afternoon nap, I don't remember what time I woke up or fell asleep.

      Basically, I walked into some sort of city council museum type of building. The interior was made out of large sand coloured stone bricks, but not necessarily in a brutalist architecture type of way, more like those museum interiors. Kinda like the backrooms, but in larger rooms made out of stone.
      As I was walking through the hallway, I walked past an indoor playground which had no children playing. I then walked up this stairway, a black woman wearing a light salmon-crimson coloured tracksuit caught up to me and walked up the big stairway. The weird part was that the stairs just led up to the ceiling, like it ended into the ceiling you couldn't go up. The woman in front me had walked up the stairs, and when I looked away she was suddenly on the ground again besides the stairs. As if she jumped off or simply walked through them.

      At this point it clicked for me: I was dreaming! I quickly remembered this hand movement that the YouTuber IamLucid always does to check if he's dreaming and my hand went through my other hand!
      Using this rare opportunity of being aware that I was, in fact, dreaming but had not yet awaken I finally tried use this opportunity to explore the dream world. I'm pretty sure this isn't officially a lucid dream, but I was definitely concious.

      This is kinda cringe, but when I was younger, I had this imaginary friend called Elise. Now that I was able to control my dream, I tried to use this opportunity to get in touch with her and meet her physically.
      I walked back to the entrance of the "museum" and there she was! For whatever reason she was taller than me, but it was her! She walked to the washing line that was hanging behind her on the entrance and I even saw people walking by in the street outside. She grabbed a white bedsheet and wrapped it around me, then hugged me from behind before pressing me against the floor. Feeling her apply pressure to my head and back as she pressed me deeper into the floor I could physically feel the floor against my face as welll as her body against my back. I then slowly felt myself waking up.

      I refused to wake up, though which led me to keep my eyes closed in the same position hoping I could return to dreaming, it didn't work unfortunately.
      Just laid there for maybe ten minutes just visualising dreamlike images but I was too awake to dream again.

      Funny thing was that when I was pressed into the ground lying on my stomach, I woke up in the exact position, but lying on my back.

      It was nice to experience, though.
    10. Naps and REM.

      by , 05-01-2019 at 10:18 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Sometimes, I slide into REM very quickly. People say that this isn't possible, but it happens, so.

      I was going through an art tutorial, and fell asleep towards the end of it. Only for like 5-10 minutes. During this time, I had a brief dream involving being rescued by a lady from a body of water, possibly a pool or an ocean. My memory of this is very faint, but it definitely happened.

      Fascinating stuff!
      Tags: nap
    11. Short nap

      by , 03-17-2017 at 12:21 AM (My Attempts to Lucid)
      No dreams
      Tags: nap, no dreams
    12. strange buzzing/ringing sound during a cat nap

      by , 06-18-2016 at 12:31 AM
      it was dark. The dream clearly was in its infancy stages yet i was concious of this being the case. I heard a high pitched frequency sound progressively getting louder and louder. I stayed calm. I couldn't really move and felt like i was stuck inside a body. So i tried to hover out of my body. I experienced the sensation of levitating above my body (it was still dark so i'm not sure if my body was below me or not) then i heard a strange grindy sort of voice singing in the most horrifying manner "I fell on something dark.....I fell on something dark...." and so on. This voice, much like the high pitched ringing, crescendoed, yet this time I got scared and forced myself to wake up.

      Would have been interesting to let that dream form. Wish i would have started imaginging some scenery. I'm sure if i had just chilled that voice would have soon gone away.
    13. Steel Bending is Bad M'kay

      by , 11-30-2015 at 09:31 PM (Visual Space)
      A short dream nap about elemental bending. I was on the side of good. I seem to be in this gym like place training and strengthening the abilities I had. I had steel/metal bending. Apparently this one is bad because of its impurity and the damage you can cause with it. It also slowly makes your body "biomechanical." It was evident on the evil character, who was In the same gym. He had white hair, a skin tight outfit on that was gray and black and parts of his body was steel plated such as his torso and the right side of his face. He was sitting down on a chair to my left watching people.

      I seemed to like it, the ability, which made some people distant themselves from me as my shoulders seemed to had been metal plated. I seemed to had been doing what looked like a squat machine. The gym also looked like a store as I looked around and saw lines and cashiers, and there also clothes sections next to the machine I was on. I sat down in a chair using a metal bend trick and Flicked these steel cubes off these holders as quick as I can. I looked left and these three girls left breasts were showing as i flicked the cubes.

      There was also moments when the dream scene quickly flashed action scenes of people fighting the white hair guy and him brutally beating them.

      Didn't go lucid but looking forward to tonight.
    14. My third experience (finally!!) - DILD

      by , 09-08-2015 at 11:28 AM
      It has two years since my first two lucid dreams. I admit I wasn't trying enough and at some point I forgot the whole thing, but lately I decided to try again. I was trying DILD mainly although DEILD is what worked for me before, but it requires much luck, it is not easy to remember to stay still when you wake up before you make any move. Also I find WBTB difficult, I don't think I can relax enough, so I'm saving this one to later.

      Anyway I watched dream signs and I could never commit to doing enough reality checks, but today I finally did it!!!
      I'm so excited and I wanna write the whole story but some parts I don't remember accurately.

      First, I got sick and took a permission to work from home today, but I still woke up at 8:30 am without an alarm from a non-lucid vivid dream, then I talked to someone at work who is leading the project I'm working in, and he said I don't have to work from home today if I'm sick, so I decided to take a nap and then decide if I will work or not. I woke up from the lucid dream around 11 am, so the nap was around 2 hours long. I mentioned the times because I had my last lucid dream during a morning nap too, so I'm guessing that's something I should try more often at least on weekends.

      It was a DILD this time, no SP or any other kind of transitions which is totally new for me since I had SP the first two times.
      I was having a normal dream that I don't recall with details now but I think it was kinda scary then somehow ended in a car going to work, and as I mentioned above I'm staying at home today in the real world and I was considering more than just one day working at home, so in the dream I started thinking "Why am I here? I'm not supposed to go to work, I probably should go back." (The reality check I was trying lately but couldn't commit to was the "How did I end up here" one. so I guess it worked ). Then I started to suspect that this wasn't real because I am sure I shouldn't be here. Anyway I arrived there and decided to do a check. I dunno why I didn't try the normal reality checks, but what popped to my mind was to try to test the taxi driver's reaction. My logic was that he normally has to get paid, so if I'm in a dream he probably won't care , so I opened the door, and got out without paying anything, but he got mad! and starting yelling at me. I paid him and somehow I realized I'm dreaming while I'm paying him, probably because I kept thinking "I'm not supposed to be here". I literally threw the money at him after I realized I'm lucid dreaming, and walked away fast.

      At that moment I tried to control my excitement since my last lucid dream was so brief because I got so excited and touching the floor couldn't stabilize it back then. I walked to the middle of the street and started spinning (it was the first time I try this technique), it felt so nice and the dream got stabilized. I tried to change the scene with spinning but I saw only slight changes, like colors and so. I was trying to change the scene to something simple I always planned to try, a green big field and a black horse. That didn't work, but I decided to move on and not focus on it so much.

      I walked around and ended up in some building. It had my bedroom which I wasn't sleeping in tonight, and many other different rooms that can't be in a house. Anyway I didn't try to control the surroundings, but doors led me to different rooms which I don't remember in detail now like when I wake up from a normal dream. I got in my bedroom which wasn't exactly the same, and decided to ask my subconscious some questions (I made the decision a while ago to try that first since it is easier than changing scenes).

      I started with my first question which was something about jobs always getting screwed up for me, something always happens that makes it is too hard to stay. Anyway, my voice at first was low, later I could shout. When I asked the question, I got a cat thrown from the window, it was like an empty stuffed cat and I thought he/she would talk, but he/she did nothing. So, I asked again, and I got a real cat jumping through the window, and he/she talked to me. That was kinda scary at first but I listened. It was a low deep male voice, and the answer was cynical, something about how all people with talents should be screwed like that, but I don't remember the exact words now. The voice was low, and I asked the voice to repeat some parts, and it would only repeat the last part it said, never more.

      I left the cat and asked another question which was about a risk I wanted to take. A business to start because that has always been my dream and because I am sick of working for others. This time the answer came through a phone, a traditional one. I didn't dial anything, I just held it, and I don't remember how it ended up in my hand. I got the answer with the same low deep male voice, and again it was cynical about how that would be a risk and if it would fail "that would be it for me" in my career. The same thing happened with repeating parts I didn't hear. I was walking around while talking, and noticed some teens around who were making noise and making it hard to hear, so I yelled at them "quiet", and that's when the voice stopped answering, maybe because I got distracted.

      Anyway I got out of the room, and decided to try again to change the scene, but it didn't work and I woke up. I just woke up like from a normal dream, nothing special.

      Conclusion and notes for me:
      • Morning naps work for me
      • How did I end up here reality check might be the best for me.
      • I am much better at stabilizing dreams now, and spinning works! I also tried touching my body while spinning.
      • I'm not good at control yet, I was in full control of my character in the dream, but not the surroundings or other characters.
      • I hardly interacted with dream characters, only the teens I yelled at, and the taxi driver was before I realized I was dreaming. I was too focused on me, and didn't pay attention to other characters. I should try to change that.
      • I dunno what the voice I heard was, but if it is my subconscious, it is so cynical and I don't think I want to talk to it again
      • I need to read much about creating scenes and practice visualization more.
    15. Train Station

      by , 04-27-2015 at 07:17 PM
      Really long nap wow 12:30PM-2PM
      I'm at a train station with Becca, Jarred, Agassi, my father's side, not including my grandparents, and Jessie, Jeronimo, and Layla. They're all following Becca, Jarred, Agassi and I. We accidentally get on the wrong train, then get off at the first stop to switch back. "Oh my God Alex, I can't believe you got us lost!" Jessie says jokingly, with a big grin.
      Rayanna sits on the side of the platform. I gasp, and say "No no no! Don't sit there!" Her mother does too, and she finally leaves the edge. Brandon starts climbing all over things like he's a bored child. Aunt T comes over and says, "Alex, you think everyone looks the same!"
      "I do not!"
      Brandon and Rayanna both come stand beside her and talk to AJ, who is now beside me (but wasn't with us before). I start looking at my cousins profiles, how their faces are so different. Rayanna has a hooked nose (she doesn't in real life).
      "See, I can see how they're different!"
      My aunt just shakes her head like she doesn't believe me.
      I faintly hear the train coming down the tunnel to greet us.
      Then, I wake up.
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