Splinter: I'm walking a puppy with my girlfriend down a neighborhood sidewalk. There is more grass than there is in waking life. More like the neighborhood I grew up in. The puppy looks like a german shepherd. I reflect that we didn't end up getting an aussie. I notice that the puppy is wandering around on the grass nearby. Maybe he has to poop, I think to myself. On closer inspection, my girlfriend finds a splinter in his paw and then removes it. The puppy has since changed into a pug, but it doesn't raise any sort of alarm in us.
Went to bed around 1AM. Pre-WBTB Fragment Brief impression of a Punch-Out-like video game. WBTB Ratio: 6hr/20m Supplements: None. Sleep Cycle: Semi-stable. I got up and walked outside of for a bit, doing plenty of reality checks. I try to make the entire time outside a reality check. I also review my dreamsign list, trying to commit the top 5 to memory. Post-WBTB The Vanishing Plant I'm walking around in my living room and I do a nose RC out of habit. To my surprise it fails and I become lucid. I remember that narration is supposed to help stabilization so I start talking out loud. "I'm rubbing my hands, I'm rubbing my feet, I'm walking." I think about what I should do next and consider taking a bite out of the kitchen table, but then decide against. It wasn't all that exciting last time I did that. I recall that my goal was to try and observe my dreamworld, to gain an understanding and hopefully a feel for the 'dreamlike'. I leave through the front door and go outside. It looks near identical to reality, sunny summer day, except there is a plant nearby that is missing the bottom. Like in a video game where a texture is missing. I note that daytime/sunny is one of the top dream signs, and wonder if there are more 'missing textures'. I also connect this missing texture idea to my top dreamsign which is 'video-games or inspired by a video game'. "I'm walking around, I'm observing the dreamworld, I'm rubbing my hands," I say outloud, attempting to stabilize again. I decide that I want to go somewhere more interesting, so I close my eyes and attempt to transform the scene into something else. I think vaguely about changing the season into fall or winter. I open my eyes with hope, but the scene only changes slightly. Objects have changed position, but no theme change. I recall flying through the neighborhood some more, but my lucidity fades. ... Later I'm in somebody else's house, lucid and looking around. There is a woman I don't recognize, vaguely Hispanic looking. "Is there a portal around here?" I ask. She replies in the negative. Despite this, I open a closet nearby and try to imagine a green swirly portal inside. Nope, just closet. ... I'm at a sleepover at work with my coworker JM. Apparently we have to sleep there because there is a test we are running. We have sleeping bags setup on the production floor. I feel as sense of awkwardness because there are people around us working and I wonder if I should be doing the same. Recorded on waking at 9:15AM. Notes I'm going to start a series of 4 tests for the 6hr/20m/none configuration with this being #1. Initial impression is my control and dream length were lesser compared to 6hr/10m/8mgGal (Galantamine). This could be unrelated to the configs, and due to the currently only semi-stable sleep cycle. I want to test whether galantamine is needed for more vivid dreams, and also if my 10m WBTB wake time is limiting my lucid dream experience. I know that changing multiple variables at once isn't the best science (but I intend to test more configurations later). General guidance for WBTB seems to recommend much longer than 10m, so I perceive a likely improvement by making it longer, hence earlier testing of this configuration.
Updated 10-08-2023 at 10:58 PM by 99808
I am walking through a ‘neighborhood’. I think I begin to realize that it’s not really a neighborhood, as there are many styles of houses without any separation. It feels endless; with every corner turned there are just more streets, more corners, more houses. Some of these houses seem pretty large. I get a glimpse in one with all white walls that looks to have an open space two stories high. A lot of the architecture here is atypical - mostly the proportions just look funky. I’m in some building, what feels like a second story bedroom in an antique house. There are a couple others here around my age (they seem familiar in the dream, but I don’t think it’s anyone I know). I’m showing them how to play a game that consists of throwing red dots? onto a bird tilted slightly back. I think the next person has to throw theirs on the same spot. They’re not paying attention that well.
I’m walking through a neighborhood that looks slightly similar to Dad’s (and maybe vaguely familiar to another dream). I’m walking behind the houses on what is either a pathway or just some open space. This row of houses is on a slope, what feels like 30-45°, with the slope diagonal with the line of houses, not front to back. At times I traverse over a fence or whatever else is in my way. I end up looking at the fences, some wood and some chain link, most in need of repair. In fact, the owner of the one I’m looking at, a younger woman, comes out to talk to me. It’s not confrontational at all; she starts showing me pegs in a line of manufactured holes ¾ of the way up the wooden fence. She shows me how arranging 1-2 of the pegs in a hole causes dirt from behind to come out. Now, a younger and darker skinned man appears on the trail. I feel like he is a fence salesman and I hope he doesn’t come over here. The lady and I are now outside the open garage of her house. There are some things on the ground, but it’s tidy overall. I think my house is two to the right. We continue talking and I glance down, noticing that she is wearing only panties and a shirt. I walk over a few houses now and Makayla is outside this one. Right away she shoves a piece of something she’s holding into my mouth - a strawberry and vanilla flavored cookie with corresponding ice cream.
I am in some neighborhood. The houses are similar looking, though each with their own personality, set a ways from each other, maybe a couple lots worth between each, though not rigidly so. They are mobile home size or smaller, all a little dilapidated. The roads seem to be dirt and the terrain is a slight hill. I don’t notice any trees. There is something about this whole scene that gives me an uneasy feeling. Now I am in one of these houses. I’m in its tiny living room, and I think there are only two other rooms off of this one. I think that I am or will be moving here? I’m getting deja vu from this space - something about it looks a lot like my childhood home and it recalls bad things that happened there.
Pre-WBTB Fragment I'm in a labyrinth maze. Viewpoint is from above. Fragment The Youtuber ProJared and somebody else is giving an apology speech on Distractible. It's a video, and Distractible is apparently a streaming platform like Spotify. I'm looking up what their policy is. My girlfriend SB says that they don't have a policy. Post-WBTB Actually woke up moments before my alarm went off. That's pretty neat. I took my supplements, used the restroom, and wrote down this entry. I slept just about 5 hours and 45 minutes, so in theory I should be entering REM cycle 4 at its' end. Maybe unstable dreams then? Hope not. Maybe I can get into REM cycle 5 from the get go after that. I tossed and turned for quite a while. I was worried that I had wasted my time and the timing reset on the supplements (once a week for Galantamine if not using Piracetam). My phone goes off (who the hell is texting me at 7AM, savages) so I put it in airplane mode. That'll show 'em. Supplement Interaction Gone Wrong I'm tossing and turning in bed and I notice that I'm feeling nauseous. I fall over the side of my bed and struggle to get my vision into focus. Something must have gone wrong with the supplements and the alcohol. I feel drunk. SB is outside our room calling out to me. "I have four parents here!" she said. She probably wants some help hosting, I think. "Wait four? Are any of our friends there?" I ask. She replies in the negative. Great. So there are four people there that I probably don't know terribly well that I now need to entertain. And I feel drunk. I decide that the best thing I can do is try to sleep it off and then go help, so I get on the bed and rollback over. Post-WBTB Thank god. I'm awake and I feel better. There hasn't been an alcohol-supplement interaction. Nobody is visiting us at 7AM. I can resume my WILD attempts. I'm very relieved about this so I relax easier. SB has gotten up to start the day so I have the whole bed to myself. REM cycle 5 here we go. Vibrations eventually show up. I start to see images slowly forming. I remember my past success visualizing my hands to 'grab' the dream, so I try to recreate that. I see a pinhole image at the end of the void. It looks like a beach. I start thinking about things I could grab onto. I see some streetlights. Perfect. I imagine the feeling of gripping the cold metal, and visualize my hands closing around them. I can already see my arms outstretched, and my right hand closing around the lamp. California Chaos I'm standing on a beach reminiscent of the California Boardwalk, holding onto a metal streetlight in my right hand. It's a beautiful sunny day. I've done it again! Successful WILD #2! Beachside Bars. Made with Holara AI. The first thing I do is approach a portly-looking man at a beachside bar and side down next to him. He vaguely looks like RR from work, or Carlos Mencia. I turn to him. "Hey man. What if I were to tell you that this was a dream?" I say. "WOAH. No way!" He casually dismisses the suggestion. "Oh yeah? Then what about THIS!?" I attempt to put my right index finger through my left palm to demonstrate a reality check, but I can't do it. To be fair, I've never actually done that before. But looking back this is pretty funny. In the moment, it was also pretty funny. "Okay forget that... then what about THIS?!" I hold up my hand and count the fingers on it...1-2-3-4-5...6-7-8! "WOAH. That's insane!" He exclaims. "I'm gonna go cause trouble if you wanna come with me?" I ask him. "Nah I'm good." He replies. I get up. It would've been cool to create chaos with a partner in crime. I forgot all about trying to summon Aeon (name I've given to the dream-guide from the Desert planet). I'm wanting to get her advice on the dream world and see if I can ask her to make me lucid whenever she sees me in a non-lucid dream. I wander down the Boardwalk and come up to some cute girls sitting at a high-top table. I figure, it's a dream I can do whatever I want. Spoiler for Spicy Content: I ask one of them to stand up and bend over. She's wearing jorts. I spank her ass. Nice. Anyway, moving on. I continue walking along the Boardwalk and come up on a brick wall. I recognize that the texture would be good to help stabilize, so I start rubbing the wall like a weirdo for a bit. Can't recall if it did anything other than make me look like a weirdo. As I walked down the Boardwalk, I noticed that the dream started to fade to black. Instinctually, I started to focus on my arms, and gripping the dream. It is hard to describe, but I actively was resisting letting the dream fade. Miraculously, it worked. The dream was back, and I was still walking on that sunny day in the boardwalk. I come upon some stairs going down into a sewer-like structure down below. I think to myself: "Y'know, that seems like a great way to cause a nightmare...screw it! I'm going for it." The Tunnel and the Stairs. Made with Holara AI. I start to descend the stairs. As I go down, I think to try and summon KF from high-school. Sure enough, when I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see her but her face is obscured. The bottom of the stairs reminds me of the bottom of the wells from the Forest Temple in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. KF walks by me quickly and she seems upset about something so I don't bother her. I try to project comfort and warmness her way and say: "Hey K, I'm going exploring, do you want to come with?" I ask. I don't get a reply, but she does stop and turn, and then turned back and walked away. I decide to move on. I find some more stairs going up at the end of the sewer tunnel. There is a great big door. I think: "Ah! I can use this to get to that elven forest I've been trying to get to!" Which actually is one of my goals and has been for some time now. Really great memories of waking life in this dream. I focus on what I want the elven forest to look like (tall grey trees as far as the eye can see, fog) and open the door. Sunny neighborhood cul-de-sac. Nope. Not what I want. I close the door and try again. Again with the neighborhood. Come on man...I try one more time. Still the neighborhood. Well, damn it. I guess we're going to the neighborhood. I step out of the sewer door and into the neighborhood. There actually is a grassy knoll with the great big door leading into a sewer behind me, so I give my brain consistency points for that one. Maybe that's why it wouldn't give me the elven forest, because it couldn't find a way to drop a sewer into it. I'm walking up to the circular end street of the homes and enjoying the sun. I have another blackout-recovery episode and save the dream. Maybe I am getting close to waking. I look around and find no DCs or areas of interest. I decide to fly. I put my arms out in front of me Superman-style and takeoff. The feeling of flight doesn't feel as robust as it normally does. More like a light pickup on the wind. The dream starts to fade shortly after I am in the air, and I don't save it this time. Pixar VR Concert I'm standing in a central plaza. It makes me think of the Nintendo Wii U game Nintendo Land. It's all in virtual reality which is pretty darn cool. There are a bunch of concerts going on, maybe six that you can walk to. Each has an assortment of characters from famous franchises from Pixar or Disney or whatever. I can't remember specifics except for Mr. Hippo from Five Nights at Freddy's. Obviously he must be the main attraction here because his monologues are bomb as fuck. Some time later there is a tank of water and I'm helping clean it up. One of the characters is awkwardly making a pass at me but I don't recall details. Notes All things accounted for, I'm pretty happy with this night of dreaming. I interacted with multiple dream characters, successfully saved the dream from fading several times, summoned a DC, had some great recall for goals, and performed a teleport (although it didn't take me where I wanted, that's still progress). That also makes 5 uses of the Yuschak Primary Trigger, after which the author suggests that the reader has enough experience to try out other supplements. I'm not sure I will, but it is something to consider. Conditions 2 drinks of alcohol No workout, unhealthy dinner 5hr45m/10m WBTB 5th Yuschak Primary Trigger Attempt (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:02 PM by 99808
Pre WBTB - Winter Neighborhood There is some muggy jungle scene but I can't recall much else. I'm at a neighborhood street in the winter time. It reminds me of one I used to run as part of a route in college. Unlike how I remember, there are homeless people struggling to stay warm all across the street. The group I'm with don't have anything to give them so we feel bad. Post WBTB - Zoomin' Through Space and Fun at the Sand Shrine I take the Yuschak primary trigger supplement combo and get back to bed within about 10 minutes after reviewing WILD entry techniques. I lay down for sometime and wait for the vibrations. They eventually come and are fairly intense. I feel two waves of them, but no images ever form. I eventually slip off into normal sleep. I'm back at the same neighborhood but this time it is a warm summer scene with a thriving community. I'm living with some friends of S and I. Three couples. SP is sort of the mom of the group and we're following her. We are coming home from driving somewhere and get into the house. The inside reminds me of my Grandma M's house. Specifically the bar we sit down at is reminiscent. We start unloading bags and everybody gets something. I get a giant jelly candy brick. I get up to look around the house and use the bathroom. SP or one of the other girls nearly walks in on me while I'm using the toilet, but luckily I'm standing and facing away from the door. When I go back into the hallway, I do a nose reality check out of habit. I'm lucid now. Since a house isn't the most exciting place in the world, I decide to go outside. I leave the front door and the green grass is super vivid. I decide I should stabilize, so I rub my barefeet on the grass and the dirt. I lick the dirt for good measure and rub my hands. I do a few more nose RCs just in case. Well, if that check failed I would have looked really stupid. Oh well. Good thing I can breathe through my nose. I decided I want to fly, so I took off superman style. I hit a set of tree branches above me like a total chump immediately but it didn't hurt too bad. Flyin' high. Made with a combination of Bing and Nightcafe image generator AIs. I rose up into the sky and enjoyed the view of the neighborhood. I wanted to go explore more, but the world started to zoom out. Oh shit. It feels like I'm moving super fast. The world zooms out so far that I'm now in space looking at Earth. I think about the Outer Wilds Travelers' Theme song and laugh while saying the first few notes of acoustic guitar out loud. Naturally, the song starts to play. Zooming through space with music. Outer Wilds Travelers' Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR_wIb_n4ZU The vacuum of space. Made with Nightcafe AI. Into the universe I say "So, where are we goin'?" like Pippen at the council of Elrond from Lord of the Rings. As if in answer, a pale blue cloudy planet comes into view on the space horizon. I remark that this definitely isn't earth. It doesn't have any green on it. At this point I'm just super happy I have been lucid this long. As I'm sent closer to the planet I confirm it isn't Earth. This is a desert planet. My feet lithely (not a hint of my waking knee pain) land at the top of a shrine in a desert. There is a book with golden pages atop a pedestal. I see an attractive purple haired woman across the way near the top of the stairs leading down to the sand. She's wearing skimpy clothes, black leather with her chest showing. Her legwear isn't covering much either. No complaints. I get the sense that she is an experienced traveler, or she can guide me in some way. "Woah! This place is so vivid!" I say. "Yeah, it's pretty much always like that," she replies over the desert wind. I start to follow her down the stairs and then try to pull her closer to me. She doesn't seem into it so I back off. We continue walking down the shrine area. I look at her clothes again. Spoiler for Spicy Content: "Soooo are you into bondage or something?" I ask. "Well...yeah" she replies while turning a bit red. I pin her to one of the nearby walls and start to make out with her. I slowly slip my finger behind her and down her lower back...and further. "FUCK! I forgot how amazing this feels!" she says. The purple-haired guide. Made with Nightcafe AI. The dream gets unstable after that and I go into a false awakening. My body feels heavy. I try to rollover but still feel something like sleep paralysis. I have a few more false awakenings, but I eventually decide I really want to write down dreams, so I wiggle my toes and rollover. I wake up for real this time. Supplements: Yuschak Primary Trigger Combination (3rd Attempt) Galantamine: 8mg Choline Bitartrate: 250mg Default = Commentary Blue = Dream Dark Orange = Lucid
Updated 04-10-2023 at 07:15 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Picking up toys, like bikes and cars, from the side of the road, that some people threw away. But a lady tells me one of the cars I picked up is actually not tossed away, belongs to a kid who just happens to leave it outside after playing with it. I apologize and promise her to take it back as soon as possible. As we are standing at the front door of someone, a guy approaches and points to a bag on the floor with two postal packages inside, apparently just forgotten there. He asks if he can take it and we find suspicious, so we check the names of the recipient. My neighbor says she knows the person and will make sure the bag is delivered to her. The guy is insisting on taking it himself and we say no. He eventually leaves. Meet Zilla and some other friends, they go to a snack-bar to eat something. They are regulars there. The managers are two alternative-looking girls, but the place looks very conventional. I study a poster on the wall, showing homemade biscuits with either caramel or strawberry jam and I feel like trying it. But I stay at the door, cause I am in a hurry and don't wanna sit down. Then my friends order some soups and they demand to the managers to have a free soup everyday for this group, since they are regulars and very good clients. I am interested in a free soup, so I then join them, pretending I have been part of this group of customers since ever. They know I am not, but they are really nice and offer me a soup anyway. It is very comforting.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some office or school building. It is quite empty. There is only a couple of persons with me and walking around. But we hear scary sounds and a couple zombies come through the door. We fight them with whatever we have. I pick a sturdy ceramic cup to smash their heads, but unlike movies, their skulls are thick. I hit them several times and they almost don't flinch. I am even feeling sorry for hurting them. But we escape to outside where we find hungry dogs also posing a threat, but we go up and down some stairs after throwing some food at them and we run to a residencial area. In the residences there are lots of people and life runs as normal. Someone is throwing a party with loud music as night approaches and neighbors are at the windows talking at each other about doing something to shut it down. I am staying at a house with my parents or at least they had some involvement in setting it up for me. My dad was just there to show some wall he built in the back of the house for extra protection, which comes in handy. But I still plan to look for some safer place. I grab as much food as I can and pack bags and go to a train station or airport. They don't want to allow me to take all my food with me and I complain, but as long as I can embark I am ok. I just want to leave.
Updated 07-29-2021 at 09:31 PM by 34880
I'm driving my car through a neighborhood around sunset time when I spontaneously realize I might be dreaming. I continue to drive the car, talking to myself about being lucid and focusing. I park the car on the side of the road and step outside. I walk to the front of the car and touch the hood before getting down on my hands and knees and feeling the pavement. I pick up a handful of dust and dirt from the road and roll it around in my hand. I want to sit down somewhere, so I imagine a bench on the other side of the road and release the dirt from my hand imagining it transforming into the bench. It was hard to do this, however, so it doesn't happen, but when I look farther up, a bench is there in front of me. I go to sit down and just observe around me for a while. I look up at the sky which has gorgeous colors of sunset with light and dark blues contrasting the streaks of clouds floating stationary high above. A bird also flies over head. I imagine the bird swooping down towards me, and sure enough, it heads straight at me with great speed. I duck out of the way exclaiming how close it was. The bird jumps up on the bench, and wants to climb on my finger. I hold it out but realize the bird is larger than I thought. It looks like a fluffy falcon or hawk with some kind of fancy feathers crowning the top of its head. I hold out my whole hand instead and it leaps onto it. A group of people comes up to me and starts talking, including me in their conversation. The whole time they're talking, I feel like the dream is speeding up and I try to slow it down by keeping myself grounded. Eventually, they walk away but I want to remember their names. I ask them but I can't recall any of them. Looking down at the concrete, I see the small ridges and patterns on top characteristic of smoothed concrete. I get down on the ground until my eyes are level with the ridges and imagine the sides of the ridges being trees with a path running down the middle. As I get up slowly, I find myself in the forest, still with the group I was talking to. The trees sway overhead, but I soon wake up. The title of this dream is to commemorate my physical dream journal being completed by this entry. May the second journal be more amazing than the first!
I'm arriving at a house in a neighborhood where an old lady greets me and takes me inside. Passing by the pantry, I notice a large cake inside. Straight ahead, I also see part of the same cake floating in a water jug. She asks me if I would like anything to drink and I politely decline. Seeming like she wants me to drink, she asks if I'm sure, and I say yes. I'm now suspicious if she's trying to get me to drink because the water's poisoned somehow by the cake. After refusing twice she still ends up pouring a glass from the jug and tells me to drink it. I threaten her by grabbing her face and saying something before walking out and leaving in my car. On my drive home, I get pulled over by a cop car. I roll my window down and the female cop tells me that the lady I was with was some kind of killer and just wanted me to know.
I'm inside a prison where we are all kept outside under the sun in intense heat. I just arrived and one of the other inmates tells me that if I survive through this day, then I should just kill myself. Everyone's sitting around in the dust when I see one of the other inmates being let out through a couple doors, apparently getting set free. I rush to the doors and slam into one of the guards knocking him over. There are many more in the vicinity, so I grab the cop's gun and run for the next set of doors. I have no idea where I'm going, just trying to get away from the other guards. At another set of doors, I turn around and fire some shots from the pistol. It feels like I'm aiming straight at a few targets but nothing happens to them. They open fire as well and I'm forced to duck under the railing next to the doors while opening them and slip through. I run through a few hallways before finding a set of stairs that lead down. I take them and unlock a secure door that has a lever instead of a handle. It opens into a training obstacle course and I'm concerned it might be a dead end until I see a closed ventilation door to the side. Operated by the same lever- type contraption, I open this one as well only to find that it opens in slits, similar to blinds on a window. I force myself through one of the small openings and eventually make it through. The tights squeeze made me lose my clothes somehow and I'm now just in my underwear. I consider leaving my pile of clothes where they are, but looking around, I find myself in the middle of a nice looking neighborhood, so I take them with me to eventually put back on. I run down the streets trying to find the smaller ones and hide out in one of the backstreet houses. It's easy to run from one street to another as the neighborhood has no fences for all the yards. I find a large metal tub in the front yard of one house, probably for putting flowers in, but is empty now. I climb in with my clothes, the tub being a perfect length to lay flat on my back. Suddenly, a cop car drives along the street and parks in the driveway. In what feels like a comedy skit, they mistake me for some kind of dummy and remark how lifelike I look. I'm wearing sunglasses at this point and feel like I can pull off staying completely still, but a bee buzzes in my ear, freaking me out, and gives me away.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At Cambridge (never been actually there). I am looking for the buildings and spaces I had seen in some movie. I go up a terrace to look for a sportsfield that supposedly existed outside the walls of the campus, but it is not there anymore. Instead, there is a poor workers' neighborhood. I see a dog running like crazy and an owner trying to catch it and I go running down because I think my dog Hachi is somewhere on his path and I am afraid he might attack this dog. I get there on time and the other dog owner catches his dog as I reach for Hachi and avoid confrontation. With my mom, we are having a brunch, delighted with some buttered croissants and watching tv. There is a live show where a young Björk and my friend Joakim are being interviewed. And I yell "how does that guy know Björk and why he has never spoken of it??" They are talking about some funny episodes from the past, how they met and somehow they had some role to play in each other's life. I rush to the studio where they are live and I catch them backstage when it's finished. I catch them having a personal conversation when they think they are alone. They admit the stories they told weren't true, but they did it to counteract some bad publicity and a negative image that Björk had gained with some story that had been on the news. And they didn't really know each other from before, they just had meet recently and arranged this. I feel so disappointed I don't even go talk to them, just go back to my mom and eat some more croissants.
I am in what I think is a smaller climbing gym inside a shopping mall. I am going to climb, and I feel good, like I’ve been back in it or something. I notice one other guy, sort of larger guy with longer back hair. I think his shirt is off. I think his presence makes me self conscious. I am climbing but it is also like I am clocked in as security at JCPenney. I start moving quite a few shoe boxes that turn out to be empty. I can’t believe that many would be stolen. I have my radio on, and I’m getting called to do something. Entering the shopping mall, I am running. I clear a few longer steps quickly and then slow down self consciously. I think I am following the middle school boys (what stole watches and socks the other night). I enter another clothes store and am walking around inside when I notice their security or associate following someone. He simply asks the person if he is going to buy something. At this point, I think I’ve lost who I was following or they are no longer an issue. Now, I am in the shopping mall, probably in a little communal area, with some unfamiliar? others. They are asking me if I got dirty or something like that. I look at the back of the pant leg on my Levi’s (that looks like mine but a little darker and newer) and there is a little bit of caked on mud. I think I’ve just washed them though, as the rest of them look clean. I glance up and notice that everyone in my view is wearing blue jeans of the same darker blue jean blue. Now, I am in some dim amphitheater-like room. There are large steps of stone and pebble that descend and end at a very small pool. I am running down these steps as well (possibly in slow motion?) At the end, I jump into the circular pool. While in midair, I had humorously asked if there were rocks at the bottom of the pool (concerned about my landing and impact). This pool could probably only fit four people comfortably, and it is between warm and lukewarm. There is a baby (in a diaper, I think)and one other in this pool. Now, I am driving. It looks like S. Virginia under the overpass, right before McCarran. I see multiple people in the street in front of me. They’re walking this way. Slightly annoyed, I’m going to change lanes to go around them to the right. Before I can, they sort of separate to give me room to get through. I notice that they have brooms or mops, so I slow to a stop by them and crack my window. The guy wants to wash my car. I say no and gesture by waving my hand in front of my neck. When I start to drive away, I see the rest of the group on the side of the road to the right. They look very sketchy, like prison-hardened. This impression is based on their face, neck, hand, and everywhere else tattoos, clothing, and also the look in their eyes. I feel bad for saying no because I don’t want them to feel bad or like I’m judging them. As I am driving off, I look at my hood and see that it is a little dusty but not really dirty. I am now on a more rural/residential road. There is snow, only on the houses and yards and not on the road. The area seems somewhat lower income; the houses are smaller and just slightly dilapidated, but nice enough. They are spaced nicely apart. It is sort of like I don’t really know where I am but do know where I’m going (or vice versa?). I now pull into the driveway of a house. This house is definitely unfamiliar, but I am walking up to its door and I have pliers or some sort of tool in my hand. There was a walkway in front of the house, to the right of the garage, leading to the front door. I don’t know what lives here, but I am going to go in. I think I am about to use the pliers when I hear someone coming to open the door. I throw the pliers to the side lawn as the door is being opened. The door opens, revealing an old woman. I am hoping she doesn’t notice the pliers lying on the grass. I am going inside with her now, and it is like she knows me. Behind the door she let me through is a foyer/entryway type area that seems to be outside but covered. It sort of then blends into the inside. She starts talking to me, and I think she thinks I’m her grandkid. I’d feel bad if that was the circumstance, but it almost feels like I am her grandkid. There is an old man in here, sitting at a computer. He says hi to me like he knows me too. We talk a bit, and I then realize it is Opa. I notice his eyes, and I notice his voice is the same. He is wearing blue sweatpants and has his feet up on the swivel chair. His mannerisms are exactly the same. I am about to leave now, as I think there’s something I have to do (write down this dream?), when Granny?/Reta shows up. Now I am kind of stuck here. We all talk for a bit until I can sneak outside. I walk outside to my car blocked into the driveway and Makayla just getting here. I notice Dad’s truck. The right side of the driveway is a bit more open, but I don’t think I could get out. Jon shows up now, wearing a sun hat, shorts, and a button up short sleeve. We’re all inside, a gathering of everyone, and I think I’ll be here a while.
I am with Melissa, Dad, and Scottie. I’m pretty sure we’re going somewhere, but right now, we are sitting at a picnic style table right adjacent to a street intersection. Dad has a store bought card for Scottie, and I have made a card for Melissa. It is smaller and looks like a regular card except for its left side being the shape of half of a heart. It’s come out wrong though - it opens upside down or something like that. Scottie comments nicely on our bringing cards. I notice she is wearing a light lime green hoodie. The front is full of a list of ‘anti’ somethings in a white and all caps font; I notice ‘ANTITRUMP’ towards the bottom and the hoodie’s pocket. I think about how supporters would take offense to this, yet nonchalantly be ‘anti’ many things. I’m now walking along a sidewalk, I think with just Dad and Melissa or Dad and Makayla. This neighborhood is not too far off the main road, yet it still feels removed. It feels like midtown/oldtown. The houses are smaller (some are two stories though, I think) and close to this street and to each other. The look somewhat whimsical. I notice an address in number plaques on the house’s wall - 5150 or something like that. I either think or say that I like this neighborhood. We now end up at the bottom of a long hill with a place sprawled across it. The long house/building atop is an off white. There are tall and droopy trees and an older cement pathway winding up the hill. There is a black man sitting outside somewhere here, rambling about something. I notice a few chains with hooks on their ends hanging down from something (the trees probably?). I know that they’re for musicians to attach to when they play. I think I get an image of that scene in my head. I think they swing on them. In fact, the man starts rambling about this. I grab onto one as I ascend this hill and let it go when I reach the top. It must’ve shortened or something, as it doesn’t swing back and hit me. I imagine what it’d be like or feel like if it did. There are circular patio tables and their steels chairs placed all around. The rest of it seems to be a pretty empty cement plaza. I think this place is called The Project, and I remember coming here a while ago and liking it. I am now by another house. This house also has a large grassy area and patio tables. There is an absolute plethora of tables though - I can’t even imagine that many people being here at once. I enter the house, following Lindsey. There is a long closet on the entryway’s left. It is open or partially open, allowing me to see a row of hanging coats. There is a grey and a green one; the rest look like duplicates of either, possibly just in another size. I wonder why. Lindsey sees me looking, and it is slightly awkward for a moment. We’re back outside now, in the back or side yard. I think I comment on all the tables. It sort of reminds me of an Alice in Wonderland type garden party. She and I each drag a chair a ways out onto the vast and lush lawn. She sits and is going to trim her pubic hair, I think with scissors. I think she’s wearing a skirt that she can lift high enough. I can see the very tops of her thighs, but not much else. She asks me to go get/do something, trying to get me to leave so she can be alone. I know what she’s doing, but oblige anyway by joining a blond kid that is running around. He starts to race, and I find myself unable to run as fast as him. I think it must be because I’m not even trying my hardest. I see the Dots game (that I’ve been playing on my phone) is being played in the distance, like it’s projected onto the sky or something. It seems like dusk or twilight. I am in what looks like a cross between a warehouse and Winco aisle. I am with some others that I think are movie characters but that I know? We are slowly making our way down the aisle, punching packages of soda cans as we go. I punch one repeatedly and it will not break open, so I take out my pocket knife and dramatically slit the wrapping open. One of the guys is by me when I do so and for some reason derives great joy from it. It is somehow like an idyllic scene from a movie. I remark that 80s movies are really good, that 90s movies are okay too, but not as good. It feels like I/we have just been in a few 80s movies. These others agree with my sentiment. We are now further into this building and sitting around a square and fairly tall table. Two of the others are Ashley M from work and McKenzie Retzer. McKenzie is in very small shorts and a tank top. She is sweaty and lifting her arms to check for a pattern/ring of deodorant stain. She has some specific term for it. I can feel sweat all over my body as well, and I check for the same. I think I do have it but can’t see it. Ashley, what is to my right, gives me two barbell weights. I sort of fuck around with them and then start lifting one straight away from my body on my right. She tells me my arms are strong. I am conscious/self conscious of being observed (by her and myself). I say that they used to be, which she repeats sarcastically/rhetorically. McKenzie tells me I’m scheduled for another workout next Saturday. I tell her I’m glad she signs me up for things or else I’d never do anything.