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    1. November 12, 2023 5:20 am

      by , 11-12-2023 at 06:04 AM
      I move into this condo, they have a pet cat named Destroy Lonely, I whistle and try to get the cat's attention. The cat gets tense at me upon seeing me, I notice but carefully stick out my hand so it can smell who I am, but it doesn't react. I then ignore it and enter the elevator. I get attacked by the cat who turned into this Belgian YouTuber, I kick him down the elevator then make a call saying I was attacked, getting sent a digital form and I check "cat attack". I awkwardly wait as I selected that then got on a bus. There's a girl in the bus whom I've never met that studies at a theatre school in Rotterdam, she looks problematic. The girl makes a fighting motion at me as I walk past her, I ignore her and look at the security camera behind in the bus, filming us.
      I exit the bus and a woman is seen at a table cutting a cake, she tells me it's a peanut butter cake, the peanut butter layer is soft while the edges of the cake are hard and feel like thick layers you'd find on onions. I know to never criticize someone else's cooking though. She cuts the cake and brings the cake to a posh suburban white family sitting at a table in a restaurant, I help her as I carry the forks. The woman and I join the family, she introduces herself and I introduce myself as her husband, much to her amusement.
      The woman from the family says her entire family compliments my "Bob Marley beard"
      I then woke up.
    2. September 30, 2023 10:10 am

      by , 09-30-2023 at 10:52 PM
      Basically, I had a dream about my day job. I can't disclose much about it due to data protection laws (even if the data in this context is fictional it would kind of give away the private information regarding my job)

      I have a lot of customers over the phone and this week was a bit more intense than usual. I've been working for over six months straight and not yet taken any vacations. I've been staring at my screen for a bit too long and have to do so much longer as much as I'm very much in the "You should quit your job and do something you love" stage. I have always been. Unfortunately from a realistically perspective, I cannot afford to do so. Since 2021 I have been paying off expensive bills and am nowhere near being debt free.

      Thanks for listening to my rant, sick of this "chapter" of my life and my work infiltrating my dreams.
    3. May 18, 2023 10:15 am

      by , 05-18-2023 at 10:17 AM
      I fell asleep after work yesterday and been taking weird short naps throughout the night as my sleep schedule is once again screwed but saved by having a day off today meaning I didn't have to set an alarm. I fell asleep shortly after messaging Adobe's customer care team who said I have to pay a cancellation fee but told me they could waive it once

      In my dream I'm in an industrial area which is apparently the headquarters of Adobe and I misread the message from the customer support saying they're gonna force me to have a vasectomy/castration and take one of my testicles in exchange for getting my Adobe subscription cancelled. I spent the entire dream running away from them and my fellow Dutch colleague from my job was also there for some reason.

      Second half of the dream consisted of standing in a large, acoustic, cardboard coloured box with a bunch of friends who resembled the travel buddies I made when stranded at the Bad Bentheim station in Germany. My high school friend was there as well and we made a song of which the drums consisted of my high school friend getting hit in the head by a bag of nuts.

      I woke up laughing, I recorded that drum loop in my voice notes and will open my music software later to recreate it hahahaha
    4. April 6, 2023 7:33 am

      by , 04-06-2023 at 06:53 AM
      I fell asleep without setting an alarm clock today. Woke up on time and realised I just fell asleep.

      That dream was very short and about me meeting an experimental musician I saw perform live a few weeks ago. She had a new song out and it had a Spotify canvas of a video filmed from underneath her looking right into her skirt
      That was especially weird because I deleted Spotify over a year ago.

      I then woke up at 6:30 am and remembered I was going to work at my home office today anyways (I was going to be late if I went to work on site today)
      so I set the alarm for 40 more minutes.

      I can't recall my dream of any but was still so tired I feel right back asleep after turning off the alarm, oops.

      During this dream I was dreaming about there being a supermarket across the place I live at and me cleaning the floor with a broom. My friend from Luxembourg showed up and asked me if I worked here when in some hilariously meta moment I realised that I had a job and needed to clock in ASAP. I went back home to my home office to log in and woke up, still on time fortunately.

      Shout out capitalism fr

      This dream was in English.
    5. March 30, 2023 7:?? am

      by , 03-30-2023 at 08:22 AM
      I once again had a dream about graduating from theatre school, I don't remember much of it other than being in an attic of some mysterious mansion-like building that reminds me of Muppet Monster Adventure from Playstation 1 with another plant classmate who was packing their bags. I recall one of my classmates having some sort of performance on stage reminiscing about the studies.

      Got the day off from work to prepare my registration, I literally just fell asleep in bed and forgot to set my alarm or sleep tracker, as a matter of fact, I don't even recall falling asleep, it just sort of happened.

      Strange how I keep having recurring dreams about theatre school, especially graduation. It's been three, nearly four years since I have last been there and seen most of those people. Sure, the recurring "trauma flashbacks" still happens sometimes when I'm alone and overthink too much, but not as regularly since I have gotten to Berlin. Once I can afford it I'd definitely start going to therapy.

      This dream was in Dutch.