I was at the nursery owned by my father's friend, who will be called A. I was in this back section where there was a brick wall on one side and a large amount of thick shrubs down the other, my favorite thing to do here was to run around naked of course. I hung my clothes on the shelf behind me, and then I ran up and down the isle a few times, I heard my father from the other side of the shrubs tell me we had to leave soon, so I ran to that side of the isle, and A was there with another customer. I grabbed my shorts and struggled to figure out how to put them on for like a minute, A looked away and gave the most disappointed sigh I've ever heard. I dreaded the lecture I would receive as I finally stomped into my shorts. I put my shirt on, and I had a feeling that my father had already drove off. I was suddenly in a shoe store kind of listening to him rant, "Nudity is like candy, you can't have too much or you'll get diabetes." I gave him several mhms and was sure to mix some yeahs and ok's in there as I completely stopped listening. We then exit the shop, walk down some fancy stairs, and make our way to the car. I was in a vets office, he looked at my kitten Pandrea for two seconds and started drawing on a white board. He drew a bladder with kidneys, and a beehive. He pointed to the organs and told me that she has a fatal kidney disease which can only be treated by honey, which he doesn't have. Me and my father are suddenly by a brick wall in the middle of the night, a coyote snatches Pandrea from my hands and jumps over the wall. He tells me that she's dead now, there's nothing I can do, but I jump over the fence, the coyote is so scared that it drops her and runs away. I pick her up, there's several more cats beneath her, many are gray, and some are also black like her so I can't be completely sure which one she is. I take them all over the fence, there's one black kitten that looks like it's about to die so we assume it's her. My father places her in a rabbit hutch and pours cold water on her body. I was afraid that she would become too cold, but the it appears to be healing her. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]rcs-1 nlds-2 meditaition-1 total-4 comp total-59[/COLOR]
I've been contemplating on sharing this but screw it lol I had a dream that I was at the third Island destination of Pokémon Ruby where the guy and his Pelipper Peeko bring you to with his boat. We then ship back to Dewford Town where a group of men came together at the cavern entrance to cause all sorts of trouble. As I walk towards the men I suddenly come to the realisation that I'm entirely naked, I hide in the local city theatre and put on a dress for the time being as I lock the glass door. A bunch of old girls I went to school with at some point in my life are all knocking on the door wanting to see me naked. A short girl whom I was classmates with in 5th grade enters to tell me about her birthday party where they're also getting naked. I go to the backstage area of the theatre and grab some shirt and pants to put on as I walk to my room (which is in the theatre for some reason) as I walk towards my room (which is my bedroom on my family home) I notice a girl on my computer writing down a questionnaire, she tries to run away but I angrily grab her and hold her as I ask her what's going on. She tells me about her bad experiences with her boyfriend and that she was writing a list with questions for me. I slowly let go of her and let her tell her story. We then chill as she's leaning her head on my shoulder, I them hear a voice telling us we should kiss so we do. I then ask if she wants to go further to which she consents, I lift her up and walk towards my door to lock it as I suck on her breasts and lay her on my bad, I'm about to go down on her when I hear the jingle of a gameshow with an announcer saying "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wet dream!" as the girl slowly disappeared into my bedsheets. I stare at my empty bed before waking up for real, minutes before work starts. Wet dream within a dream, how meta. Dream was in Dutch and English.
Updated 07-21-2023 at 12:07 PM by 81762
I have been dabbling with trying to build or find a persistent realm for a while now. I have visited worlds that either I or others have "invented" (or not, depending on your theory about that kind of thing). I suspect that these might be persistent realms, and returning to one of these might be an obvious route to find a PR. I'm also thinking of focusing on finding locations that I would like to revisit. Last night I decided that I would observe my dreams and see if there were any locations that might make a nice PR. I proceeded to dream about a series of rather nasty places. A world where people have virtually unlimited access to their favorite food - but no willpower so that they pretty much can't help but eat until they explode. A world where prisoners are kept naked and abused by the authorities. A "doctor's office" that looked more like a medieval torture chamber (nicknamed "the Spider Lab" - didn't stick around to find out why)...I think I'll keep looking.
Killer Whales Walking along a beach. There are lots of people around, apparently getting ready for a festival. It is like a regatta, with lots of boats, but apparently there are killer whales involved. I think the boats are going out to fish for the whales, or something. There is a ring of buoys marking off an area near the shore, beyond which are the boats, I think. I wonder if the buoys are marking off a safe place for people to swim. People are out in the water, some of them swimming after the boats. I think to myself that I wouldn’t want to be out there among the killer whales... I feel like the following was a separate dream from "Killer Whales", but since I'm not sure and the setting is similar I will only count this as one dream for the competition. Walking along a beach with my brother. We are in Florida, or some place. We are also naked. There might be more than the two of us. There is something about the sand – I might be noticing how nice the sand feels on my feet or something. We come across a rock outcropping that we start to climb. Some other people are walking along the beach, and I hope to climb far enough up that they won’t notice that I’m naked. I get up to a high spot, but then get kind of nervous about being up so high and climb down a little. The dream transitions into a third person account of people on a climbing trip. They are climbing back down, but in order to do so properly they are supposed to trust their guide to lift them part of the way down. The rock outcropping seems more like a house at this point. Aunt J’s At Aunt J’s. My family is there. This might have been related to an earlier part in which I’m with the family in a hotel (for the sake of this account I’ll assume that it was). We are in this hotel place, at breakfast. The family is sitting around the table, and I go to get some food. There is also some coffee available, in carafes in a separate nook...At some point I decide to walk over to my cousin’s house. At about the same time as I walk in, she comes in another door. I think she might be a little disturbed to find me prowling around the house while she was gone, so I explain that I just walked in. After a bit of talking, I learn that her three dogs (which she doesn’t have in waking life) have gone missing. We aren’t too worried, it just seems like they went outside and haven’t come back yet. We go out and I think I call for the dogs. At this point, either her dogs come back or someone else’s dog comes running in. There is something about the dog seeming vicious, but me trying to get along with it. Then the dream changes into a couple of people including myself carrying heavy doors into a garage. Two of them carry a set of two doors, and I carry one by myself, playfully bragging about being able to do it on my own. I think one of the other two people is my brother, who makes some kind of retort. At Aunt J’s, I think. I go upstairs to use the bathroom. For some reason I’m there for longer than I want to be – I think people have come back from somewhere and I’m concerned about seeming to be in the bathroom so long (or something). Anyway, I go to get dressed and go downstairs. There is a bit of trouble standing up somehow, involving pulling myself up by a railing and getting urine on a towel or something. Then when I pull my pants up and start going downstairs I find that I had a large bag of loose-leaf tea in my pants that has ripped open. The tea leaves are spilling out and making a mess, further delaying me from going downstairs to see the people who have come along. At some point a girl I know is talking about coming back to the other place with us to spend the night. Not sure if this was the same dream or a different dream: At Aunt J’s? There is a device that someone (my grandfather?) is using to siphon water into a jar for me to take with me when I go somewhere. They fill the jar with water, and another jar (at least, another jar comes from somewhere). We put these into a plastic bag along with some other items, and now I have the challenge of carrying the bag without spilling the water. Restroom privacy issues Going to a public restroom. I’m in one stall, but people keep coming into the restroom and for some reason that bothers me so I decide to find a different stall. There is one a couple of stalls down. I walk into this one. It is fairly large. At first I notice a mannequin set up inside the door, which is positioned so that it’s staring at the toilet. I guess that’s OK. But then I notice that there is a security guard sitting next to the toilet, along with a kid (his son, I think). I don’t really want these people watching me while I use the toilet, so I give up. Fragment A chipmunk or a small squirrel in my kitchen.
15th April 2022 9:45 Dream: In a somewhat surreal place. Daytime. There are some platforms? Doesn't seem like there's anybody else around. (recall gap) I'm at a dinner or lunch. It's sunny and bright outside, it looks a bit cold actually. The room isn't very big for a dining room and looks kind of bare apart from the table which fits in lengthways with the room. The window is a bit like the ones we have at home, double-glazed I think. Mom, dad and sibling T are sat at the table and I think I take a seat or am already sitting down too. Then some people enter the room I think, a man in his sixties and one in his fourties; the younger man is the other's son and has a wife who is also in her fourties. All of them are naked from the waist down and have unusually large genitals, two or three times what should be average. The wife has male genitals too, of such a size though she's otherwise average and modest. She has a faded blonde-ish-ness and her hair is tied back. I see all of this while being sat down but they are standing up and talking to us. The couple sits down next to T. Dad is sitting to my left and the other "dad" is serving me bits of food. It looks like we're mostly having meat, possibly mostly charcuterie at that. My small plate has some paprika-ish looking meat and then the older man cuts me some of those thin and long ones. Dad steals it from my plate and then the other guy makes a mock complaint while serving me some more, sitting down himself afterwards. Not sure what happens next, short gap in recall. I'm in the bathroom now, with T? The bathroom has a big double-glazed window down to ankle level or so, with no frosting or anything. I need a wee and try to do something about it but I also watch outside and see a doing being walked just near the window. There are other houses with large front-yard gardens very much like this one, no fences. All grass is neatly mown. After something, we're all leaving for us to go somewhere else. For some reason however, I stay behind and I think I watch the outside some more. It's different now or I'm at a different window, and see a street sloping down. Cobbled? I see them all go down this street, I think the hosts are actually fully clothed by this point. Eventually, as they get just about out of view, I decide that I should come with them too. Another short gap in recall. Then, we're at some kind of restaurant-like place. There are large tables and we walk over to one with six seats ready, but which would have room for eight or more people. There are other people in the restaurant and they're just sitting there. They seem to be staring at us and smiling slightly, I feel a little observed I think. The older man from our host group asks me if I want any crackers and I say yes. It looks like he's made himself a cracker with peanut butter on it. T seems to think this is a bad idea. I don't care and want to eat something, I think after having drunk some Schweppes or something. I'm about to eat the cracker, but my alarm goes off and I wake up.
I am in some kind of bathroom or shower room. There are two larger stalls, I think with a toilet and shower head (just on the wall, a drain for the runoff) in each, that are laid out as inverses of each other. There is some girl in the other one. I think that we have been assigned to these at the same time based on us being opposite gender or something to do with our siblings? I am sitting on the toilet in here and can see her showering through the gaps in the stall walls. Her back is facing me, but the side of a breast could still be revealed in a slight turn of her body. I’m more worried about her seeing me though, as I think there’s a mirror in which she could do so. I move my body a bit to where I can no longer see her. Now, I think this girl is gone and Melissa is here in the stall with me. For a moment we were at a double sink counter, me at the left. It felt like we were on a trip and it felt weird to have the left side. I think we’re now holding each other in the shower water and talking. We touch each other. I am with Dad and Makayla on a sprawling beach of bright ochre sand. I get the notion to run and jump into the water and tell them I’m going to do so. I run, but when I get to the water I am met with a powerful current that renders me incapable of getting any farther. I keep trying but cannot surmount the bombardment of the unceasing tail end of these ocean waves. They are quite long, and I notice how hard they churn the water.
Something about Sam and some guy. Sam and this less-than-quality guy are hooking up or dating or otherwise getting together at some level other than friends. I think all of us, and Brittney?, are outside. Sam and the boy go up in the hills. He has blond hair and a typical ‘fuck boy’ style. I think he is also up to no good. I am at Beer NV with Melissa, Brooke, and I think one other. It looks almost entirely different though, looking more like a restaurant, with different sections of tables. The energy is more subdued as well, feeling like a lazy afternoon. I have sat at the table in the midst of their playing a game that consists of a coaster sized circle piece with dots in equal increments around its perimeter. The players are supposed to connect the dots by choosing a person in the spot that correlates with the dot. The person or the connection of the dots is based on how many siblings the chosen person has? The connections then become edges along which this circle is cut, creating a new shape. (The object may be to produce a certain new shape?) On my turn, I pick Brooke. They ask ‘you think?’, mostly rhetorically but partially seriously, as they have already tried choosing Brooke but are also running out of possible solutions. Now, everyone here is playing a new (trivia?) game. An employee (Deborah?) is coming around, checking for people using their phones. I am on my phone, but I’m only checking the tap list on Digital Pour. I lock the screen and lay it on the table, seeing no need to worry about it being out if I’m really not cheating. I think about how I didn’t know they do this many games here. I now think I’m ready for another beer, feeling fine to drive, and alternate between the menu on my phone and the physical menu just within reading distance, up on the wall. The hanging chalkboard? is quite large, though the writing is small. It hangs above a rectangular table that is behind the bar counter, which is also fairly large. Two men, one old, sit at this table. Nobody else is going up to the counter, but I think it is still okay to do so. I now have a glass of beer, but I am outside with Dad and Melissa. It looks like the old house’s backyard. Dad starts talking to us. He has a few more sips of a dark beer in the glass in his hand (a nonic pint type) and the indication of more than a few sips past in his eyes and speech. This beer is a contrast to mine, which looks to be blood orange. Dad ends up showing us pictures on his phone, his age betrayed by how he holds it and swipes through pictures. One of the pictures is of Dad standing and smiling with a younger blond lady. The next picture is that same girl and one other, seated on a bench on either side of Dad, their shirts held open, small tits exposed and nipples censored (by some overlay/exposure or addition to the photo). I almost think he’s going to realize he didn’t mean to show us this one, but he leaves it up and starts giggling unabashedly. I’m not sure what to do other than laugh along at the entire situation.
Morning of February 17, 2017. Friday. During water induction (my most consistent form of autosymbolism for dream state entry, as water is autosymbolism for sleep and the dynamics of the dream state), I find myself in the shower on the second floor of the King Street boarding house. I get the impression that I am still living in the L-shaped room at the end of the hall (though I have not lived there since the 1980s). A young version of Zsuzsanna (who has never been to America let alone King Street) is in my apartment at the end of the hall. The opaque sliding door of the shower is halfway open. Zsuzsanna walks around in my apartment. Curiously, both the south bathroom wall is missing as well as my apartment’s north wall, so the shower can be viewed directly from that apartment. (Missing walls as well as the ability to see through otherwise solid walls is a fairly common feature in my dreams and has been since early childhood. This is associated with the “mystery girl” of my dreams having lived in a house with missing exterior walls. This turned out to be true regardless of its high unlikelihood; that is, Zsuzsanna lived at one time as a child in an incomplete house with missing exterior walls in an area of New South Wales called Heaven.) I realize that I still have clothes on. This is very annoying and I take them off, but they are somehow on again later. I also notice a pair of tennis shoes near the end of the bathtub. These apparently belong to a very old man who comes in to get them and he soon leaves without speaking. While still showering, I begin to get more annoyed at having to remove my clothes more than once (but that does not trigger the realization I am dreaming). Somehow, several unfamiliar people end up in the shower with me (though of course there would not be enough room in reality), and I can barely move. This soon changes though, as part of the typical illogical sequencing of the dream state. I eventually notice that part of the east wall (directly beyond the end of the bathtub) is also not present. An older version of Zsuzsanna is making sounds of arousal but I can only see her from just above her knees and downward. The north wall (adjacent to the bathtub) also seems to not be present. There seems to be a mostly featureless room, but which may also be part of the same bathroom as there is a drain in the floor. Becoming annoyed in a dream at the realization that I am wearing clothes has occurred since childhood (not just with shower dreams or those where I am in bed, though my non-lucid dream self most often does not focus on whether I am dressed or not anyway). There are a number of reasons for this. One, the association with being embarrassed with the idea of “sleeping in my clothes”, which is proof of liminal dream state awareness (as why would my dream self associate with the idea I am sleeping unless I was somehow liminally aware I was in the dream state, even though with liminal dream control I do not even remember what a dream is). Two, this sometimes throws off my association with phasing through walls or flying up and out of a dream (only being aware that it is a dream in the last moments - though as if I subliminally knew the entire time). The idea I am wearing clothes occasionally interferes with my association with being incorporeal, or in some cases, even with a greater corporeal full-body flying ability. There are other reasons depending on the dream type. In the majority of my more vivid flying dreams (not always lucid) I am only in a bed sheet or cloak. Ultimately, it is natural to have dreams of not wearing clothes, as I do not sleep in my clothes. Wearing clothes in a dream is an unusual distortion caused by the lack of awareness of the self in unconsciousness and its actual physical status (unless one is dressed while sleeping, though the weight of a bed sheet probably causes this distortion in most cases). Regarding my dream’s cause and meaning, this is simply a typical form of RAS mediation and modulation as the waking alert factor, often activated by way of the preconscious and its personification and the sense of intrusion. As my dream self in non-lucidity is a fictitious entity, any perceived link to my conscious self identity in waking life in some levels of unconsciousness can potentially be viewed as an “intruder” (just as someone half-asleep might perceive an environmental sound, even a noise made by a family member, as liminal evidence of an “intruder”). This is one of those common factors of dreams of which many people cannot grasp at all.
Updated 05-15-2018 at 06:20 AM by 1390
12-02-2014 -- First experience with Calea Z. Slept a few hours, woke after 4 or so hours, and took 2 capsules of Calea Z (appx 1 gram). Though I was very tired, could not get back to sleep. Somehow seemed to energize me a bit. Could have been the excitement of the expectation of the dreams I hoped to have. Muttered about my annoyance of not being able to fall asleep, yet still felt unusually content, overall. Perhaps two or three hours later, dozed off for a minute or two, and had the following short dream, very vivid, but not long or interesting. Annoyed to wake up far too quickly from it. I am driving on a freeway in Orlando, heading south on a freeway right next to the airport. (Have frequently driven this non-existent freeway in my dreams). Not sure of the car, but possibly the Lexus, since I am in the passenger seat, and Joe L. is driving. He seems to kind of freeze up, and is just sitting there as we are about to run off the road, so I lean over and grab the steering wheel. I can feel the leather under my hand, and can feel the tension of the wheel as I struggle to control it from my seat. I steer us back to the center of the lane, but now find there are several large granite boulders on the road in front of us, ranging in size from a couple of feet to five or six feet tall, and I continue to try to steer the car around them, the whole time marveling at the detail of the textures on the boulders and the difficulty of controlling the car from the passenger seat. Suddenly the car is in Buena Park, perhaps on the 91 freeway, driving with Dale. I do not know where he is taking me, and he isn't saying anything, but I soon find we are stopping at a bookstore somewhere in Fullerton that I have been to once or twice before (in my dreams). It is a smaller used bookstore (and getting smaller all the time) but I know the last time I was here I found some 3 Investigators stories I needed, and some kids books. This time as I glance around, I am kind of sad to find nothing new. I already have all of the 3I books, and while I am glad to see several of the old Apple paperback GK novels available for others, they are nothing I needed. I'm rather disappointed to find there is nothing here that I am really interested in. Again, woke up a few minutes later, and spent another hour or so laying in bed trying to fall asleep, and annoyed that the last sleep period was so short and uninteresting. Finally managed to fall asleep for probably a half hour or so, and managed to have the following, more lengthy, more interesting dream with some interesting powers and a period of lucidity. I am poking around the Hickory house in a dream that seems to tie in to a dream I had about two nights ago, where I found my room had been given away. My 2nd bedroom is still here, but I don't think I am currently sleeping in it. It is rather beat up, and filled with junk and litter. Neither of the doors are shut, and I know mom is not allowing me to shut the kitchen door, which annoys me no end. I am thinking of putting a new lock on it, that only I have a key for, and telling her to just learn to deal with it. Meanwhile, the piles of junk in my room are sort of sliding out the door and onto the kitchen floor where the stove should be, but oddly it is missing. [At first I did not know where this came from, but I realized I am probably telling myself to get all the crap off my bed, so it doesn't shift under me while I am shifting. None of this junk needs to be on the bed.] I wander out front, and seem to be sleeping in the back seat of my car, which seems to be a big black thing like an old, huge Caddy or something. I hear a noise and glance up, and a Lynx handicap van has just pulled up. It seems mom has an appointment to go somewhere. I am kind of ticked that she didn't ask if I would give her a ride or anything, so when she shakes me and tries to wake me to say goodbye, I act like I am still sleeping. She rides off in the van. I can't really sleep all that well, because there is all kinds of crap in the car, as well, so I decide it is time to clean it out a bit. I climb out, and look around all the junk that is piled outside the garage. There are several large trash cans, and I figure I will drag one of them next to the car and start filling it up. Problem is, as I reach for it, I see what looks like a black widow spider crawling around the handle, so I back off. As I try to step back, my foot gets caught in an old cardboard box, and as I try to shake it off my foot, several more spiders go running off. One of them is about six inches long, and kind of hairy, like a tarantula or something, yet it is also extremely thin, so it is the size of a tarantula, but shaped like a daddy long legs. I shake them all off, and back away to give them time to move to new areas, then try to grab the trash can again, but jerk my hand away as I suddenly feel a burning sensation. I wonder if I have been bit by a spider, but as I pull my hand back, I find there are several small, glowing, green caterpillars on my hand, probably about 3/8" around, and between 1 and 3" long. I don't know exactly what they are, but they burn to the touch, and even as I shake some off, and try to pull others off, I find they have gotten into my body, and do so more at every touch. I can see the wounds where they touched me, and if I squeeze around them, a sort of glowing pus that is turning into more of the things the longer they stay in my body is squeezed out. So I am trying to squeeze all the spots and get rid of them, but at every touch, it just causes more infection and burning. Very cool little glowing critters, though. There are a couple of other people standing around, and I am asking them to help me, but explaining it is very important they don't let the things touch their skin. Suddenly I am wearing a pair of thick leather gloves, as I continue to try and get rid of the things, and you can see steam rising from the gloves, and hear the hissing of the heat from the bugs. They seem to be very acidic or something, hence the burning. I squeeze more and more of them out of my skin, and squish them between my gloved fingers, and eventually manage to free myself from all of them. About this time, my friend BC has shown up, and is wondering what I am doing, and why I am not ready, as we are getting ready to go out and do something or something. I point out the gloves and explain, and try to get her to look at them (they are still sizzling). So we're talking to several other people standing around, and one of them turns to face me head-on, and I find he looks much like the alien from the diner episode of the Twilight Zone, with the large third eye in the center of his forehead, except it is a very vivid blue, rather than black and white. Suddenly it hits me that I am dreaming, and I start to scream out "Lucid!" but oddly, everybody around me starts a nanosecond later, screaming the same thing. Weird, but neat. So I wander back inside with BC and she is on her cell phone with her kids, and it seems we're getting ready for a Halloween party or something, because she is in the middle of dressing up as a cross between a weird blue dwarf and a Smurf. She's not small enough to be a Smurf, and doesn't have the hat, but the color is about the Smurf coloring. She has a two or three inch beard (think Grumpy from Once Upon a Time) which is white, and the paint or powder or whatever on the right side of her face has been rubbing off or something, so I am pointing out she needs to touch it up a bit, and I may be joking with her a little about it, like I was with Jimmy yesterday for his make-up test. She is wearing a loose white tunic (this part sounds more like Smurfette) which gives me a nice glimpse of her assets, and as I am dreaming anyway, I figure we're going to have a little fun in a bit. So she is talking on the phone, and suddenly she stumbles on something, and is grumbling about it, and I wonder what she stumbled on, so I wander over to look, and I catch a glimpse of a tennis shoe, before it is pulled back, and hear some other muttering. So I push aside a sort of fabric hanging, and step into what seems very much like a tent, somehow sitting in the kitchen wall. Inside, I find two females wrapped up in each others' arms, nude, but partly covered by a sheet or blanket. Spoiler for Detailed Nudity: They are obviously lovers, and one of them was in the bed with my sister in the dream two nights ago, though she wasn't nude at the time. The sheet has shifted, and I am staring at a very detailed labia, surrounded by a thick, tangled mat of pubic hair, just amazed at the detail of it. I can see every little fold and each individual hair in great detail, and I am just enjoying the detail of the dream. But eventually I move on ... after all, I have my own fun to have with my own friend. Except ... I have no idea what I am supposed to be wearing for a costume, and as I glance at my room, and indeed, around the whole house, I am disgusted. The walls are filthy, the place is a mess, and there is junk everywhere. There is a room just off the entry hall (where there should be a closet, two bathrooms and mom's bedroom) that is just a single large junk room filled with trash, clutter, and broken crap. I just can't take it any more, and stick out both hands like some kind of super hero, and fire something at the wall. I don't know what it is, except it seems like some strange sort of black points of energy in a sort of stream. It acts kind of like a pressure washer, in that you can see the dirt streaming off the walls in waves, except there is no water, and no mess left on the floor. The dirt runs down the walls and just disappears as it reaches the floors. Even more interesting is what happens with other stuff. The stream hits a cracked window with a sign hanging crookedly from a single clip, and the glass is clean, the crack is repaired, and suddenly the sign is hanging straight from two clips. Everything touched by the 'spray' of power is cleaned, repaired, polished, and straightened up. It is really interesting when I spray a pair of broken saloon-style doors that are battered, missing strips of wood, dirty, and hanging at drunken angles as the wood reappears, the damage disappears, polish and color flows on it, and the doors snap up to their proper positions. It isn't instantaneous, I have to go back over each area two or three times, with more cleaning and repairing happening each time, but it takes only a minute or two to clean up the entire junk room. I am just about to start on my room when I wake up. For such a short period of time, and the problem getting back asleep, I am very impressed with the level of detail of the dream. I doubt I have had a dream that detailed in months. Fairly pleased with the first attempt with Calea Z. Will probably try again tomorrow and see how it goes, though I will probably only use it once or twice a week, to avoid building up some sort of tolerance to the effects.
Updated 02-21-2015 at 07:35 PM by 57040
04-26-2014 -- Odd one, with several parts. It starts with me seeming to remember a dream I once had, that involved walking through the snow in Southern California, and I seem to be telling my sister about it. It was a fairly interesting dream, but not supremely so, and "I recall that it started right ... here." Here being the parking lot of the place my sister is currently working, and I explain how I was here to pick up a package (in the dream) to courier it somewhere, and I spotted all the snow, and started off to walk through it for a bit. [Might have tied into the dream where I ran into the 10th and 11th Doctors in a bar, dressing up like pirates, here.] As I continue to tell my sister about the dream, I follow her into her work place (which somewhat resembles the 3M Dental warehouse). There's tight security, but she has no problem getting me in. We are wandering through the office area, me still telling her about the dream. We soon find ourselves standing in front of a strange cross between a vending machine and a weird sort of robotic Santa Claus giving out candy, and for some reason we are trying to empty the thing out, taking all the candy. Most of it we are just putting into a basket that everybody can take it from, but as we get close to finishing it off, I do keep a few bits for myself, including a couple of small bags of M&Ms, and what I think was a white chocolate version of a Willy Wonka Scrunch bar, a thing that has never actually existed. For some reason I am putting them in my pockets, even though I know they will melt there. Melody has wandered off to talk to some of her co-workers, and as I was almost finished with my dream, this annoys me. I wait a little bit, but just when I am about to be able to tell her the ending, she wanders off to talk to more people, and I decide I have had enough, and I am just going to leave. I head to the exit, wondering if security is going to give me issues for leaving without her being with me, but they just wave me through. Soon I find myself out in the parking lot, looking for my white car. Problem is, it isn't where I left it, and I am walking back and forth through the parking lot looking for it, until I begin to worry that it might have been stolen. Also there seem to be some toughs approaching me, and I am thinking things are about to get painful. Then suddenly the scene changes, and I am in a house where I seem to be sharing a room with either Ron D. or perhaps Chris (Kevin) W. For some reason we are literally sharing the same bedroom, and I find myself preparing to take my old wicker laundry basket out to do a load, but I have to make sure I gather up all my clothes, and none of his. Very strange, especially since the scene just changes again, for no reason. I am now sitting in a bar, along the right side of the bar. There are tons of people around, and we seem to be filming an odd sort of cross between a game show and a reality show. There is a very cute English blonde (I think it is the blonde I saw in the latest Star Trek film last night, Alice Eve) who has to decide which of two gay men (both already in a relationship with another guy) she is going to marry. We're all in this bar where she and her friends interact with these two guys to decide which one she will choose. First it seems like the show is being hosted by George Takei, but it may eventually switch to being hosted by Drew Carey. I don't really approve of the whole thing, so I am pretty much just sitting quietly, staying out of the way, but Alice is wearing a really mini mini skirt which is riding up further and further to show her stocking tops, and then eventually even her bush, while a large group of somewhat large and unattractive black ladies are standing around berating her and calling her a slut. I am just enjoying the show. Eventually the gay couple who were sitting at my part of the bar have wandered off, and there is nobody on that side any more, so I decide to move to the left side of the bar and take a seat, but as I do so, everybody is telling me I can't, and to go away, so I move back to the right side of the bar, just to find there are a couple about to take my seat there. I explain it is my seat and I need it, and have to tell them about the filming before they will go away. But eventually they do, and I have my seat back, and find myself talking to the boy friend of one of the gay men who Alice has to choose from, and we are both agreeing this is very stupid.
March 2nd, 2014 8:37am non-lucid Had a dream I went to TBS studio (the American TBS station, not Japanese). Also, despite being TBS, the studio seemed to have featured serious dramas rather than comedy. I met all sorts of famous people from shows I don't know. No actual celebrities from real life were in the dream. Went in a limo ride with the producers. Because I was alone with two men (though at one point there was a woman with blonde hair in the limo), I was a little scared of being taken advantage of sexually, but made it out of the limo unharmed. Though, for some reason, when I exited the limo I was naked. I grabbed a beige towel (the same one I have at my apartment in real life) quickly to cover myself. Before going to the TBS studio, I was going to try out for something (the Olympics?), but was worried about what to wear on TV. Finally, found a good outfit, but was late and missed my chance to try out. This somehow transitioned into my trip to the TBS studio, I think because a celebrity recognized how fashionably I dressed and invited me to the studio. 11:13am non-lucid Driving somewhere alone. Will meet my husband there. I think I was driving to church, but went to a hotel instead. As I packed to leave the hotel, there was a replica of my bed side table with everything on it that is normally there in real life. I think to myself, "I don't remember packing this stuff." At some point, there was this girl covered in mud that entered the dream. She would appear behind me in photos. There was more to this story, but beyond the existence of this girl, I don't remember what. This part of the dream was very interesting.
February 27th, 2014 6:45 am non-lucid Dream 3 Traveling, perhaps in Japan, all sorts of weird weather phenomenon. Such as a rainbow that half way through turned into heavy clouds. Dream 2 Visited a Japanese store in the U.S. with my husband, met with a young teen who goes to the same high school my husband went to. He was being bullied, so I invited him to sit with us. We had our tablets out and talked about Graal. Fourth person entered discussion. I was tempted to download it again and explained I'm from the PC generation and don't really like the Android version. Harder to control and some people there are rude. Boy was sitting on opposite side of the table then moved to my side. Got out his portable DVD player or something like it and started playing a music video in which a girl is naked, her breasts clearly exposed. I though it was weird he had no shame in watching it in front of us. He got out a 2nd device and started laying Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (drama version) and I told him I haven't finished that drama yet but have seen that episode. He had four devices total out. Earlier in the dream before meeting him but still in the store, I got out my 3DS from my backpack to turn it on sleep mode so that I can meet people in the shop. Screen had notably more scratch-like smudges than before. I wanted to wipe them off but had no felt. Blamed my husband for taking the felt. After we all left by train, the boy, who was only in the U.S. for the weekend, took the train going south, while my husband and I took the train going north. We got to the train by going up the stairs. It was so crowded. I got separated from my husband who was in a booth. I went to a crowded seated area and sat in a long single seat with a feet rest facing the window. I thought it was weird, but then I saw a close friend of mine in a different train below from the window in the same kind of seat but not facing the window. I let my husband know I made it on the train, perhaps through a text. A little girl from the daycare I work at called out my name from behind. She was sitting in the same kind of seat. Stranger was sitting next to her. I wondered why she was all alone. She looked so excited. Dream 1 Snowy day (?), ordered pizza. Pizza guy was mad, perhaps because we were close to the pizza store (?). But my husband and I thought we were justified. Finished writing at 7:06 am. 9:53 am non-lucid Woke up many times from alarm, just didn't want to get up. Had a dream that I went to see a live show. I think the scenario repeated itself twice. Went to balcony floor. Performer complained, but more people started coming up anyways. Classmate was in the dream. Was given a prize trip to Connecticut and rolled his eyes. As the next prize fell I grabbed for it. I think the prize was cleaning supplies. I gave it to the person next to me. When I went to grab for it, it was going in that person's direction and I kind of leaned over to grab it. Though, my classmate, even though he doesn't know what the prize is, looked like he wanted to trade. Performer asked Andy from The Office what he thought of the show, and he gave a good response and dropped my name in appreciation for reasons I don't remember. He used my internet alias, lumiina. Attention was on me. I tried to make a nice comment, but didn't appear sincere. I didn't really like the performer and thought he was a jerk.
Time unknown hypnopompic hallucination I wake up to see a humanoid figure kneeling down at my cat, Miitan's level staring at her. My cat is stretched out laying on my husband's legs, not looking at the figure (if she was... that'd be very creepy). The figure is translucent and I can only really see the outline. It seems male to me. So different from my usual hallucinations, which are full of color and depth. I also rarely hallucinate humanoid figures and more often just spiders. Dream recall at 10:30 am non-lucid Lingering feeling about a farm after waking up. I felt like I wasn't going to remember any dreams from that night. I wasn't focused on dreaming that night and just wanted to rest. I laid in bed for a while, soaking up the comfort of my nice pillow and blankets, and then suddenly remembered my dream. I went to my best friend's house, which in my dream world is a farm. I've dreamt it this way before. As always, we start off having a good time, but then we go to the mall with her friends, which like in previous dreams, leads me to going off on my own instead of sticking with the group. In the dream I feel really self conscious about my looks, everything from the clothes that I'm wearing (which are really layered in the dream) to my hairstyle to my face, which leads me to feeling too embarrassed to hang out with her friends. We stick around at the entertainment store, in which I point out some Japanese media. At one point I see a よつばと! box set, thinking how can this be, the creator of the manga doesn't want it to be an anime, but when I pick it up, I realize it's only a box set of the manga. The next place I go with them is a pet store, which is more of an adoption center. I feel I really want to adopt a dog, but the prices range around $8000. I figure it'd be better to go to a breeder or adopt from a shelter. One of the dogs is strangely the face of a human woman with dark, medium-length crimpy hair and dark skin. One person pets her, but I find it odd. When I went up to her, she insults the way I look. There's something about a play my friend's friends are going to perform later and we prepare for it, but I don't remember much. I stay behind as they all head to a different store. I explore the mall. At one point, I reach a museum like area that I've been to with my friend in a previous dream but go to alone in this dream. I'm in line with people from another school and somehow when looking at myself in a mirror, taking off layers, trying to adjust my hair, end up exposing one of my breasts accidentally. I check to see if anyone noticed, and one boy who has dark skin and an afro did notice, but gives an expression that let's me know it's not a big deal and accidents happen. Somehow I end up hanging out with that boy and his friends. They ask me to participate in their play, but I just can't accept, because I'd feel guilty not participating in my friend's but participating in theirs. Somehow I make it back to my friend's house and feel guilty for not spending time with her, but hoping she understands. I'd rather just spend time with her one-on-one. She understands. I think about how am I going to get home without a GPS and figure I'll just ask her which way to the highway later. At some point this girl, who's friends with us in the dream but I don't know in real life, comes through the window to hang out. She's Asian. I think I see my friend's dad in the dream whom in real life I've never met before, but I don't remember. Finished recording the dream at 10:50 am.
=== Don't Mix Friends And Business === I was in this store, like a rite-aid, and my friend was working the counter. It was my turn. She said something to me about something. I pulled out my money and put it down on the counter. She said something to me about how I could really being spreading illness with all that unnecessary laying out of things, implying I should just plunk down something exact and not do inventory on her countertop. I don't recall the exchange in detail anymore, but I end up getting upset and raising my voice, going into some diatribe. === An Old Console === I'm using this video game console, something old, puts me to mind of the old mac my aunt Ruthie's and uncle Dennis gave me. There are games, and it had multiple open windows with icons in a taskbar. This is a recurrent theme for me, or something old I'm returning to, like getting back to an outstanding plan. === A Hard (To Manage) Workout === I'm at the gym with this boy, he puts me to mind entirely of my cousin Daniel. The first exercise we're doing is with a barbell, doing overhead shoulder presses. He asks me how much weight I'm doing and I try to read the bar's weight but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. I'm not sure it each weight has it's own value on it, or if the highest number gives you the total. It seems like there's around 140 or 160 on the bar, and he comments that that's not bad at all. I give it a try and it's too much for me, so I go to take some weight off. It's a little tricky dealing with the weights, I'm not used to these kind. They're like, thinner than I'm used to, and weirdly shaped with like, flat plates between them. I end up taking off way too much weight and being left with like, 6 pounds. So I'm still dickin' around with these weights and my partner says he's going to move on the something else, and I was like yeah yeah, of course, obviously no need to hold you back. As he's going away he hands me this like, stack of papers, for me to take them home. The papers are some publication from around there, like the squelch at berkeley or something, and it seems I was originally planning on taking them all for some reason, but instead decide I'm going to take just one. Well as I'm trying to pull out that one from underneath the bundle ties, this guy sees me and is all like hey buddy! what are you doing with all those papers. He assumes I'm just taking them all, which to be fair had been the original idea. I tell him hey look, I'm just taking one. This conversation seems to be in Spanish. He gets someone else involved it seems and I walk away leaving the rest of the pile and reassure him that the rest are all still there. As I'm walking away I see a naked dude standing by a locker toweling off by what seems to be the shower. Off course it catches my eye.
11-01-2013 -- Dale is just starting to arrive for a vacation ... or perhaps he is just about to leave. It's a dream ... who knows for sure. I am looking into a hotel room somewhere down around Disney, and it turns out to be the hotel from the dream The Affair and the Time Travelers Hotel, though this time it does not involve any time travel. I am looking for a cheap room, though I have no idea how I ever might pay for it. Regardless, when they quote a price that is far too high, I start considering maybe driving over to the Record Parkside Inn (a hotel in Kissimmee that I stayed at for a few days back in June or July) and trying to get a room there. Somehow I am rolling around in the hotel lobby in an odd cross between a wheelchair and a rocking chair that I just found sitting in the lobby, though it is slightly messed up, and it can only go backward, not forward, which means I am rolling the thing around without being able to see very well just where I am going. I move out into the parking lot, looking for my car. I can't remember if I was driving the Jimmy (my car) or the Lexus (Joe L's car), but whichever one I was in, neither one is anywhere in the parking lot, which means I have had another freaking car stolen! [Never in real life, but all the time in my dreams.] The problem is, I couldn't lock the doors, but I had my notebook computer and a musical keyboard in the front seat, and even worse than losing the car (since they always seem to be returned eventually, always in a little worse shape than when they were stolen) is losing my computer. I go back into the lobby long enough to try and drop off the wheel/rocking chair, but the problem is as I try to get out of it, the thing falls to pieces. One of the maids is kind of grumbling about it, but waves me off. I head back out to the parking lot to look around a little more and make sure somebody didn't just move it to the side or something, and as I am looking around, I am approached by a very tall blonde woman (at least 6'6", maybe closer to 7') who greets me by name and seems to know me, though I don't recognize her, and she seems to be somebody I would remember. She says I helped her by giving her a tour a couple of years ago or something. (Since the hotel was in a time travel dream, who knows, maybe it is a couple of years from now.) Anyway, she asks me how I am doing, and I start ranting and raving about how people are always stealing my car. --- 11-01-2013 -- I am in the front bathroom in the Hickory house, and am filling the sink with water. I add some soap, then start throwing some clothes in, and it seems I am trying to use the sink for clothes washing or something, but it is too small, and it is just about to overflow. So I start grabbing wet clothes from the sink, and start throwing them into the tub (which is also filled) instead. Problem is, the water is still running, and the sink is about to overflow, and I can't get it to drain, either. Especially since the drain seems to be blocked by bits of lego and stuff. Then I discover I wasn't paying enough attention, and along with clothes I was also throwing in stuff like video tapes and books and comics and stuff, none of which is likely to be improved by being dipped in hot, soapy water. I am trying to get the stuff out, hopefully without ruining it all! Soon I find myself standing outside the house (which almost instantly turns into a hotel) talking with my mom. She plans to enter the hotel, but we're a good distance away from the door, so I am commenting on how she is going to have to walk a good ways. She says that she and the others have learned to cheat, and as I stand there and try to figure out just what she means, she turns around and just walks right through the wall as if it wasn't there. I am already shocked, but then my mind is fully blown as a group of five or six women, probably ranging between thirty and fifty, walk up. They are all gorgeous, excellent bodies, large breast, completely nude ... and they must be the 'others' my mom was referring to, because they walk right through the wall without a hesitation. I decide on the instant that if they can all cheat, so can I. I turn and try to walk through the wall. I can kind of do it, but obviously I have not practiced, as I get stuck halfway through, and have to kind of push myself the rest of the way. Then I go off looking for the lovely women. Short, but fun. --- 11-02-2013 -- [This may have been anything between 1 and 3 dreams that I kept fading in and out of when I wasn't sleeping well. Very disjointed, and not very detailed.] Very Buffy-ish feeling, though I cannot specifically recall any characters from the show, just the sort of atmosphere. I am in a bedroom somewhere, and I feel like I am being watched. I turn my head, and it is like I can almost see something out of the corner of my eye, but when I look directly at it, all I see is a small squiggle on the wall. I reach out to touch it, and something just feels wrong, but if I close my eyes and touch the spot, there is something large there. I give it a solid tug, and something large and black (and previously invisible) somehow thuds to the ground. It seems to be a weird sort of camera, and between the not being able to see it, and the odd feeling to the whole dream, it is seeming very other worldly, very "They Live". I find myself awaking (or possibly false awaking) and breathing heavily, not sure if I am really waking up, or being somehow forced back into not being able to see the controlling stuff that is really there. VERY freaky. --- 11-02-2013 -- I am at the Disneyland Hotel in the bar that used to be Sargeant Preston's, but is now just a generic bar, and mom and BC are here with me. We are involved in a court case (which seems to be being judged here in the bar) and Anne is trying to take C away from B. Mom is helping us with the case, and so we offer to buy her a drink, but she turns it down. She may want to keep a clear head, which would, admittedly, make a lot of sense. B has mentioned how Anne has multiple personality disorder [wouldn't that explain a lot?!?], and we are trying to trigger a switch to her very psychotic personality, because if the court saw that, there is no chance that they would ever award Anne custody. Eventually we win the case, but even after it is all over with, mom won't allow us to buy her a drink. Meanwhile, we run into a reporter who is doing a report on the whole case, and is quoting a Bible verse about Paul, and saying it is called the second amendment. I tell him the Bible doesn't have amendments, and then proceed to explain how he is also taking the verse out of context and twisting its meaning, and he eventually stomps off in a huff. Soon B takes C home, and I start wandering around the hotel, circling the main building. For some reason my pants are falling down, and I have my underwear on top of my pants instead of underneath, so it is really a problem. I am kind of hiding behind a large electrical transformer and trying to pull my pants up before I start grabbing bits of metal and wire and electrical parts, and for some reason start swallowing them. I find myself in a cross between a laundry room and a sort of mobile home park decked out with lots of picnic tables, and I soon find myself trying to bring back up all the crud that I swallowed without either becoming terribly sick or tearing up my innards, and find myself wondering why I was stupid enough to start swallowing all the stuff, anyway.