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    1. Dream Journal Day 45: Night of Tuesday 23.04.2024

      by , 05-02-2024 at 10:33 PM
      I'm climbing a staircase - I quickly realise that I'm in my primary school. The steps are smooth, angular concrete, and so are the walls - I remember that in reality, they were brick walls painted white. There is no artwork on the walls as I climb; the stairwell is cold and empty and my footsteps echo off the walls. It rises up a great shaft through the square school building.

      I step onto a landing and turn to a set of grey double doors with small windows, to the nursery. They have no frame and are flush with the wall. I push open the doors and enter the nursery. Straight inside the door is a narrow hallway, the staff bend over tables on both sides of the wall. The space feels narrow, crowded and chaotic.
      I make my way through them and the hall opens into a much wider, clearer room, lit up brilliantly from all over. Half-height bookshelves double as partitions between different areas of the room, coloured beanbags are scattered about and children mill throughout the room. I'm not sure if I'm one of the children or not.

      At the back of the room is a wall of narrow cubbyholes. I search for mine; I know whereabouts it is, but someone has let their coat hang out of their cubby so that it covers mine. I fumble around for a bit before finding my cubbyhole, only to discover someone else's stuff inside. I pull it out: it's a black drawstring bag, almost empty so that the fabric sags when I pick it up. I'm wondering what to do with this when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

      I turn around. The girl standing behind me is someone who went to my school, but left before Sixth Form. We used to chat from time to time. "Sorry," she says, "that's mine - I'll take it. I just left it there for a moment." I hand her the bag and notice that her hair is darker and shorter than I remember it. "Did you get a haircut?" I ask. When she fully turns to face me I'm stunned to see that there's nothing left of her hair but sparse, thin and wispy curled strands; I can see clearly her near-bald scalp. I know she sees the shock in my eyes as she looks away with a regretful smile. She tells me that she was diagnosed with lymphoma ("lymphomatic") recently and is being treated. I don't know what to say. A crowd throngs around us of girls trying to collect their belongings.

      I leave the nursery. As the doors fall closed behind me, something compels me to open them and look inside once more. Every teacher in the hallway snaps their head towards me, terror in their eyes. Each wears a plain dress, a crisp white apron and a cloth bonnet, and they bend over to tend to babies wriggling and squirming on the tables. Left speechless by their reaction, I slowly close the doors again and leave.

      Then I am on the train, going home. It's cramped and I am squished against the wall of the carriage, arms clutched to my chest. The light down here is cold and dim, occasionally flickering. The train rattles as it rushes through the tunnel. I feel tired of the monotony, my eyelids flutter.

      Soon I am walking down the high street away from my station. I compulsively check my belongings; touch my backpack strap, check. Feel my coat over my arm, check. Then I feel around under the coat and on my shoulder, but I can't find the tote bag that I always carry.
      At the realisation adrenaline bolts through my body and I almost feel sick. Where is it? At school? Then I have to go back. My wallet, phone and keys are in there, not to mention library books. What a pain... I'm already dreading the thought of getting back on that train.

      As I'm figuring out what to do I clench my left hand and feel the resistance of something hard. It's my phone. That should be in my other bag, and it's here - but the bag isn't. All these different trains of thought and lines of reason swirl into a whirlwind of confusion. I stand stock-still in the middle of the pavement, mind racing as I begin to feel worse and worse.

      Ugh I am not having a great time on the site recently... Every time I visit I get to spend much more than a few seconds 'verifying you are human' which then repeats itself after a few minutes and in the process logs me out and deletes the DJ I am editing. Drives me mad!

      Long dream this time!
    2. 18 Apr: Human-saurian hybrids rebellion

      by , 04-19-2012 at 09:46 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I find myself in some sort of complex lab. There's a strange room with strange chubby white babies on a nursery and a large aquarium. There's a kind of white organic tower on one side of the aquarium, with round openings under water and an opening to the outside of the aquarium. The babies in the nursery go inside this tube and enter the aquarium through the holes. The water is not normal fresh water, but a warm and dense fluid, and the babies can stay there apparently without breathing for a long time.
      Something happens and I end up inside the aquarium. I hold my breath for a while but when I can't hold it any longer I realize I can also "breath" the fluid, although it feels claustrophobic and I want to get out as soon as possible. I notice another white tower with more openings on it, but this one has some kind of nests inside, on top of each other, and inside the nests I find what seem to be tiny carcasses of dinossaurs.
      I find a hatch (I couldn't fit in the openings that the babies use) and I get out of there.
      I am wandering trhough this complex building, through corridors and stairways. I see nobody but I hear strange and creepy sounds. Then I bump into a very scared man and he says the dinosaurs have escaped and are hunting down the humans. I can hardly imagine a full sized dinosaur running through the narrow hallways, but then I do see a human sized raptor, coming in our direction. We run and we go different directions. The raptor goes after me and I feel very close to dying when he is just inches of grabbing me with his claws. A door opens and I am pulled into a room. The door is locked behind me and I find myself among a group of good looking young males and females. I ask them about what is going on and at first they don't really want to explain anything at all, but as I go along with them on the chase of the saurians, I become aware that they are not really humans. They are also "dinosaurs". They are some sort of hybrids who were born and raised on this complex. They look human but they can turn into the dinosaur form if they wish so. Most of their kind is heartless and preys on humans, but some of them feel more human than saurians and have the instinct to protect us.
      There was some kind of trouble in this complex and they got loose. While some starting killing all the humans, others organized to save the humans and stop the other saurians from getting to the outside world. But they were playing a "double-agent" role so they could approach the mean saurians without raising suspicion over their intentions.
      They come accross one of the evil saurians, who is in a human form, but clearly looks different, more like a vampire - very pale, reddish eyes, big canines - and he seems to be a leader figure, so they try to behave like they are under his orders, so they can infiltrate the command and do some damage. But there's a problem. He can smell me. I try to play cool, try to pretend I'm just one of them, but he can sense there's a human among them and that blows the whole thing up, because he immediately realizes they are traitors and protecting a human among them. They tell me to run away. He transforms into a dino and there's a bloody battle of saurians inside that room
      . (...)
    3. Disney princess, villians,picnic, castle, nursery,

      by , 02-28-2012 at 06:41 PM
      three nights ago I had a dream. I was in castle nursery there were Disney princesses pics all around the nursery (it was an all-girls nursery) I was their nanny it seems. I was kind of a magical kind of nanny and I could make the Disney princesses come to "life". Well it was sunny day and the girls and the Disney princesses and I were outside at an pinic table having a pinic. Then the scene changed and I know its the same dream. I was seeing Disney villians watching what I and the girls, and disney princess were doing via a TV (an old tv at that) and they said "kill them". Then it switched back to me and I said exactly those words. But I covered my mouth after realizing what I had said. The Disney princess and the girls just stared at me shocked.