I was waiting for the shower(I let my wife to go there first) It was about 11:30... so I laid down on the carpet to relax a bit. I went through the routine muscular relaxation (weight and warmth) when I started to feel pressure waves pressing onto my body and during each I felt as if the spiritual body rocked a bit off the physical body... The fleeting thought flashed through my empty mind. "Great! The OBE separation is close!" I continued with relaxation but started to concentrate on increasing the movements of spiritual body. It was slow work... but then I have felt something catching my spiritual leg and starting to yank it to side. It didn't feel polite, it felt dark, oppressive. I considered what was happening and decided to do nothing about it- it could help me to get out of body faster! Finally, the last yank came and it has torn me forcibly out of the body... I found myself hanging naked, with head downward, left leg up into sky position. What was holding me? It looked as if there were nearly blacks clouds close to ground(base at ~50meters?) and from them something like nearly black slowly coiling "tornado" was reaching down to my leg... slowly creeping slowly down my left leg. It had something like orange glowing veins inside, which contrasted with nearly black "body". It really felt malicious... and I decided to get myself free. I concentrated... and dissolved all the maliciousness with flash of my aura. That dropped me down to ground... it was freefall. The ground was... as if somebody mixed half of dirt with second half made of paper and plastics... It was as if somebody tried to cover the dumping ground. I looked around, and I saw that it was reaching from horizon to horizon... I saw vehicle tracks pressed on the ground so I started to walk alongside them to get to some place with people. Close by I have seen torn out hand laying on the ground. About 1.5m tall crow landed there and started to peck and eat it. It was very large crow, easily 5 times bigger than normal. And it looked on me with one eye as it feed itself... was it looking on me... hungrily? I felt (and I really was) naked under that one eyed gaze. I squashed the flash of thought- it isn't good to think in this way in astral I berated myself. I balanced my mind and reinforced the independent observer state. And I walked further and away from that enormous crow. A few tens of meters I saw a few dead bodies... and large number of gigantic crows was landing on them to feed themselves. I felt again a bit unsecure, but I again concentrated on the independent observer state. And I walked... closer to them as the road went that way, and then away... and then, it felt as if the walk is too slow, so I laid into air and flew about 1-1.5meters over the ground. After a while I went over the ridge and saw, that about 0.5km down the hill there is someone walking. So I steered toward the person. It was young woman in light sundress and with light brown, long, wavy hair down to the waist. As I flew around her I caught her into embrace and we rotated in air a few pirouettes till I pushed her up to sit on my stomach. Hmmmm... I thought- I'm flying inverted... and I can't see what is in front of us. I told that to the girl sitting on me. And she took hold of my legs, each leg with one hand and told me: "I will steer, you fly." And after a few seconds she added: "You are flying too slowly, GO FASTER!" I tried but everything dissolved into white nothingness. After a few minutes of floating in the white nothingness The surrounding coalesced into nightly environment. I was standing on the terrace of some unknown house and observed two men in black coats which reached down bellow their knees. They had also big black fedoras, black neckties and white shirts under the coats. They looked as if they were on a mission, looking for someone. From the house a young man ran out. He looked on me... then looked where I was looking and he saw those two men. Immediately, he turned, jumped down from terrace on opposite side(in relation to those two men) and ran vanishing into darkness. Those two came to me and asked me: "Did you see a man?" I told them: "No". And the scene reset itself. I was again looking on those two men walking toward me. And again, a man ran out of house... as he looked on me, I told him: "Two men are coming, they are looking for you." He looked on those two, turned, jumped down the terrace and ran vanishing into darkness. Those two came to me and asked me: "Did you see a man?" I told them: "No". And the scene reset itself. This repeated 2-3 times more and then, after reset, I found myself in house. It was empty inside. No people, no furniture. So I went out of the house... onto terrace. There was a man standing. He told me: "Two men are coming and they are looking for you!" I have looked in indicated direction and I saw two men in long black coats, black fedoras, black neckties, white shirts... And decided to wait for them. And the man who told me that swore something juicy turned, jumped down the terrace and vanished into darkness. The two men came to me and asked me: "Did you see a man?" I told them: "No". And the scene turned into white nothingness... After a few minutes of floating in the nothingness I felt as if I was coming back into my body. I was back in my living room, but I had problems to move. So I started to stretch my body slowly till I could stand up. Everything looked realistic, so I thought I'm back in my body... up till I came to sofa and saw my long deceased father. "Ah" I told him "Hello. I thought I'm back from astral, but seeing you here I see I'm still in. Do you want to send some message to my mother?" And he told me: "Everything is as it is." I nodded and told him: "Yes. I know. But don't you have something you want to tell my mother?" And he repeated himself: "Everything is as it is." And I found myself back on the carpet, definitely in my body. Remarks The whole experience lasted 20 minutes, from time when I started to relax to time when I got back to my body. Subjectively I experienced 1-1.5 hours in astral. Longest part being that dumping ground trip.
Updated 04-22-2024 at 09:39 PM by 66278
I have enter the astral close to subway in Trencin city. That is close to place where my friends works in her pharmacy. I went there through the passage, but As I was leaving it, instead of street where the pharmacy is, I found myself in Prague on Vaclav's Square. I was a bit off due to this, but it wouldn't be first time I got lost and found myself somewhere where I don't want to be at the moment. Making most of it, I went on exploring. I have chosen an Hotel and entered it. On the first floor I have found waitresses and cooks making food for some relatively large group of people. It tasted quite good I have found. They didn't like I was there... I wasn't deterred by that and went on second floor. The same situation was happening there, just like on first floor. So... I tried to get on third floor. But there on stairs, there was a young pair making love. The man was fully clothed in black suit. The woman was completely naked, really pale with nearly white hairs- only on head, anywhere else she had no hairs... She was really nice looking They were quite passionate about what they were doing... and I didn't feel like to intrude, so I turned away and went back to second floor. I was exploring it a few more minutes up until I lost the consciousness to dreamless sleep.
Updated 04-22-2024 at 07:16 PM by 66278
I entered the astral close to Vah river about 3 kilometers from my house. I was levitating about half meter over bicycle path... and I started to move slowly toward my home. As I got from behind the hill I saw the cloister Skalka, an old, half in ruins, cloister just like it exist in reality... but as I was moving slowly toward my home, the cloister started to grow replacing the hill alongside the road. The new buildings were looking gothic, made of dark grey to black stone. As I flew slowly, the buildings grew bigger and bigger, and they became more and more light looking, the stonework was intricate, with very thin stone arches... and with large mosaic windows. At the end of the now completely by cloister replaced hill I lost consciousness to deep sleep.
Updated 04-22-2024 at 07:18 PM by 66278
Updated 01-31-2025 at 04:10 AM by 99032
So, I have been watching a lot of Youtube videos on mediatation, chakra balancing, heart-brain coherence, past lives regression, afterlife, OBEs and binaural beats on all of the above subjects. About a week ago I had a WILD with some Alpha GPC and galantamine. 1. I asked to be shown something spectacular. At first I whisper the request, then I remember how interesting it feels when you talk out loud in a lucid, and I start shouting it out. After phasing through many walls through what seemed to be an empty underground garage/storage space, I enter a huge office room. Dozens and dozens of single seat desks with young people. The room is very colorful. Lots of blues and reds. I look closer, and everybody is building legos, lol. It's a "test kitchen" for legos, haha. People are building them to test them. I think the dream was caught by surprise by my request, because I sensed some hesitation, as if it didn't know what to show me, haha. 2. After I walk through the lego room and the last wall, I end up outside. I ask to see my past life. I'm shown pictures that are displayed in front of me on a large old fashioned 35 mm film in the air. I see some images and to each of them I say No, no, no... Few pictures show a cemetary and I say NOPE, NOPE. But the dram is not really listening and I end up laying in a very shiny black coffin with the part by head opened, so I can see outside. I'm looking at this from above as the coffin is slowly sinking into soft mud. So, I think I'm done asking for past lives for a while haha. Deliberate OBE. This morning around 6 am my cat woke me up making noise with some plastic bags. I told him to stop and he did. Then he did it again, I had to get up and hide it. I was a bit annoyed because I had last hour to sleep and was worried I won't be able to fall asleep again. But as soon as I layed down I felt vibrations. Not very strong and they were not too concentrated. I start saying UP, UP, OUT and as I'm laying on my side with by back to the window, I start to feel headrush and I'm moving with my back leading the way towards the window. I remember I wanted to see my body, so with great effort I stop moving through the window and I walk back to my sofa. The room is same dark as in WL, illuminated with few night lights. Just enough to see that I'm not on the sofa. The layout is the same and I feel that it is my real IWL room. Then I remembered to check the top of the kitchen cabinet to see if the things I left there few years ago are still there and what it is. (I left there some things when doing OBE experiments). It's hard to move and I remember that I have to practice navigating and moving in the astral. When I get outside, I'm somewhere else, not in front of my apartment. Some kind of underground garage with thick concrete walls, well illuminated. Out of the room comes out a man, who I know is my husband. I'm all excited to tell him "I just had a first conscious OBE". I have a little bit of trouble pronouncing "conscious". He is happy for me. Then I look at my hands and I say "look I have no body" but I see my normal looking hands. Only one finger is a bit shorter, as if I lost the tip in some accident, but it healed already. I'm disappointed because in Astral, we don't have a body. I try this one more time later, and i have the same human looking hand. I can even recognize it as mine in WL. THANK YOU!
Today, when I left the body, I found myself in darkness. The feeling was still great since I managed to relax to greater extent than usually. The separation itself was felt as if I sublimed slowly out of body and condensed next to bed. Immediately, I went away. When I was about 5 meters from the body, I stopped to feel connections to it, which improved quality of vision. I made myself to see in darkness. I didn't observe nothing interesting for some time. After about 10 subjective minutes of my house exploration, I came to doors around which the light radiated. As if someone was behind them. I went through the doors and saw a group of beings looking as if they were animated using bright colours which also radiated that light... think of Simpsons but with more details. Those beings felt wrong... and I felt something like: I should fear them. Having none of that, I went to those beings. They saw me, darkened and changed to dark grey color scale. And they started to move toward me. I didn't stop and relaxed my mind. They vanished. I explored further. The surrounding changed... it looked as if I walked on long bridge without any support, and there was absolute darkness around it. The material of the bridge was metallic, shining and black. The walkway was covered by firm metal grating made of wire... There were side cuts branching from the infinite bridge... but I was unable to take a turn and try to go sidewise. Even when I turned to one of side cuts, I still somehow walked on the main bridge. I continued to walk for some time... till I lost consciousness.
Updated 05-25-2020 at 10:38 PM by 66278
I was very tired when I went to sleep today, still, I made the OBE in about 15 minutes after I laid to bed. There was darkness, but I saw my surroundings. Nothing was out of normal. I was feeling tired even in OBE, still I held my consciousness concentrated on searching of something new. I didn't find anything out of ordinary anywhere I went. I drifted slowly through air... After few tens of minutes I decided to return to my body and go to sleep. Only... My body didn't hold me inside... I kept drifting out of it. I was unable to connect to it. I tried to reconnect to body approximately three times. I found it interesting... there was no fear, I was just feeling mentally tired. So I let it be and loosened the concentration on existence there... this caused slip into unconsciousness after a few minutes. I have woken up morning as usually, inside of body.
I had a bit problems to get away from my body, I guess, my concentration wasn't great today. But after a few tries I managed. Once I stood in dark bedroom, I have heard strange buzzing sound... So I followed it to the source. I got to bedroom of my older daughters... And over the second oldest sleeping body I saw something like black filaments, about 5cm wide, and moving a bit. The strange loud buzzing was emanating from them. I put my hands on them and pulled them with a bit difficulty away. The buzzing sound got louder at first and then it ceased... And filaments dissipated and I found myself back in my body. Immediately I went out of body again and walked back to my daughter bed. There were no filaments anymore. I put my hands on and then into my daughter body, trying to pull her out of body, but I didn't manage that. So, i went out of house through closed balcony doors(I wasn't able to open those doors, as usually..) I had fallen down from first floor height and walked without thinking about that concentrated on here and now...
I left my body and immediately took a flight through window into night, to visit my soulmate. After about 2 kilometers of following the road about 20 meters above ground I got lost. The road took unexpected turn and went into a forest and up to very, but very tall hill. Obviously I didn't want to go there so I flew back till I reached the known place... and took direction to my soulmate again. And again the road took unexpected turn and I was again flying up the tall hill. It is not first time I ended there... in fact It had become regular problem in past two years... After a few retraces of my flight I got into point where I was unable to return to known place. So I forcibly returned into my body. And restarted OBE. And took a flight to my soulmate again. To no avail... I again and again lost myself and was flying up the very tall unknown hill. After a few retraces of my flight I was again forced to return to my body and to leave it again to reset the surrounding. I was flying again. This time I tried to apply the visualisation of my memories carefully... I pictured the road... I pictured the goal(there is characteristic rocky hill close to place where she lives)... I even saw it in that OBE. And I got again lost to that unknown hill place. I repeatedly tried to fly there, then to walk there... It was persistent. The surrounding changed in between the steps. It was frustrating. Yet I kept to repeat the attempt to get to her home. It took about 3 subjective hours till I was so tired that I lost consciousness and fell asleep. Remarks This had became an obsession for a few months now to me. Due to impossibility to reach that place I feel driven to find the way to that place. That unknown place is very familiar to me in the astral. I get lost to that place often.
Updated 10-21-2019 at 01:56 PM by 66278
I have stood out of my body and started to walk through my dark house. It was empty. I went to balcony, directly through the closed doors. There I levitated up on the railing. And then I jumped to fly away- I started to fall and somehow I returned back to the balcony. Standing on the railing I concentrated and jumped again. And I flew through the night. Everything was dark, yet I saw everything clearly. I was looking for somebody, anybody- to no avail the village was completely empty. I was walking from house to house disregarding walls. Nobody there. I decided to look for my friend, but got somehow lost in surrounding I didn't (and don't) recognize. A few times I felt to be sucked back to my body but I resisted that force. I didn't want to return so soon. I was walking through nature for subjective hours till I lost consciousness and asleep. Remarks- It was quite dull OBE, yet I like it even so, therefore I tried to stay there. I'm getting lost into unknown environment quite often. I need to train concentration much more.
Updated 10-21-2019 at 01:58 PM by 66278
After some time of mindlessness (concentration on nothing) my consciousness started to expand... I felt buzzing sound in my head. And my consciousness slowly shifted out of body. And I walked. It was pitch black place... I felt myself to move but I had no reference points to tell that I'm really moving. I came into light room. A few young women were chatting on one side of the room. I thought that I will come to them to hear what they're talking, but I was unable to steer to them. I was unable to stop walking. I had not enough will to do that. I walked straight to the wall and through it. I was in darkness again. I heard mumbling, talking.... In that darkness... So I was trying to go toward the sound. the sound was going louder, louder, louder .. fainter. So I reoriented myself and again tried to walk toward the sound again. After a few tries I got to lighted room with a few non moving women and men. I was walking straight again... Into wall. And I got stuck with head inside the wall. I thought that it was interesting and that to unstuck myself I have to walk backward... So I rotated my body and reversed into wall and through it without problem. I was again in darkness. I wanted to meet someone interesting. Even scary ghost would be interesting. I thought that being in darkness and thinking on such topics would materialize something. Then I heard some deep rumbling. Ach something is coming, I thought. And I cleared my mind. Nothing came... I waited for some time Then I walked again. I got again into lighted room. It was empty. I walked to window and through it. The glass was trailing as if it was transparent membrane. It didn't allow me to come through. Then it burst into bubbles and I was outside, in the nature. There was nothing but meadow behind me. It was night, lighted by big Moon. A diffuse ghost like figure made of tiny light particles was walking by my side. She looked like my soulmate. Then she dispersed. Then she condensed in front of me... And again dispersed. And I was walking forward tirelessly. Remarks: I was listening yesterday this music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q02vovRNwFQ I heard parts of it through this experience. Rob Dougan- Nothing at all I want to be still I want to walk into your grave where I can shelter in peace until all our cares have blown away let the whole world fall away and fall into my arms stay with me I don't know how long we've got left and so I'm asking you to forgive me I learn as I go to float far away into silence and just watch your face and find some kind of grace in that quiet bliss can I stay and say nothing at all, at all where will we go when we get old when the bustle and the noise get too frightning when each and every angry word is banished to the past that when I think we'll learn as we go to float far away into silence and I'll watch your face and read of patience and grace in each line there work each day all for nothing at all, at all and the few words I say they mean nothing at all at all will you walk into the grave with me will you leave this empty world soft and wistfull to sink into the dark, dark earth and never reappear would be blissful to float far away into eternal space and God's silence where I'll watch your face and find patience and grace in each line there drift away into nothing at all at all find the grace to be nothing at all at all fade away and end up nothing at all at all at all at all
Updated 06-20-2019 at 12:02 PM by 66278
After my relaxation and concentration training routine I fell into thoughtless state where only my consciousness remained. And I observed my mind. And I observed my body because I still felt it a little. I slowed my frequency of breathing further and further lengthening the time when I was exhaled... After some time I felt my consciousness to clear even more, to become light and bright... And I still only observed everything, I didn't try to separate from body. I maintained this state for immeasurable long time exploring the feeling of that state. My consciousness felt very fresh despite I felt very tired when I went to "sleep" at 00:30. And then, something strange happened, something which never happened to me: I felt as if my consciousness sublimed from my body and I stopped to feel the body. It wasn't like normal leaving the body, it was as if I left the body like some kind of vapor. I didn't loose consciousness as I became vapor like.... And when it became whole again I had spherical field of vision... I was in space lighted inhomogeneously by weak violet light. There were points of light like stars... around quite a few of them there were rings made of violet ribbons. There were also ribbons connecting space between the stars with similar width as those ring like ribbons. As I observed those ribbons I became aware that it is not all what I can see. My vision cleared more... the space contained dull dust clouds which was forming those light inhomogeneities I saw in space at start... and those ribbons had shiny sides and dull center. In dull centers of ribbons something like runes shined... On each corner or crossing of the light line which formed rune there was point of bright light shining... And those runes moved, flowed inside confine of ribbons, sometimes mutating into something new... and I observed this for some time... And then I was back in my body, feeling that I'm breathing in- that was probably what distracted my vision... I didn't manage to get back and after some time I lost consciousness and I fell asleep. Remarks: This experience was somewhat similar to projection into budhic dimension. The difference was that the space didn't feel to be overflowed by love. This space was completely neutral, careless, and very serene.
Updated 06-01-2019 at 06:02 PM by 66278
I am outside somewhere. It seems dim or dark. It’s almost like I am watching this scene, as opposed to in it. There is a horse, and the horse is pulling a cart or something. There’s someone on the cart, directly behind the horse. I now watch as the horse begins to give birth. Once the foal is birthed, the scene (and me too?) rises into the night sky. Something slowly changes into an image of a rabbit/rabbits. (*this scene is oddly psychedelic and definitely inspired by the little bit of Watership I watched last night). Now I am laying in bed or asleep. There are OBE sensations for a while, until I open my eyes. There is something slightly different, either the scene or my perception. I know that this is an OBE or a dream state. I walk out of the room and into the dark kitchen, where I see on the oven that it is 1am. I then make my way to the front door and open it. It is night, but with the illumination that comes with heavy snowfall. There are a few inches on the ground (*just like in real life) and it is still coming down. I walk out on the dry strip under the roof’s protrusion. I have the notion to rise up into the air, but when I try I cannot. Now, I think I wake up in bed.
When I removed myself from my body I found that I'm at my parents house. It was night. My spiritual body was black... I concentrated on my arms... It was beautiful in its own way. Very detailed. On surface it was refracting the light like on tiny diamonds here and there. And after longer observation I saw dark violet aura surrounding me. First thing I did was calling for my soulmate in the case she is close. Astral zombie of my brother woke up at that point and told me disapprovingly that I should stop to try contact and meet her. He said something like she doesn't deserve my help. And then went back into astral zombie state. Outside of parent house, the snow was falling slowly. I knew that it is summer in reality but I had no capacity to be surprised. So I took flight to her home. As usually I got lost but I managed to retrace my travel and make it back to known surrounding. I repeated this 3 times after I got lost again and again. Pity, I didn't manage to reach her house as last time the redirection was at the same place as return point and I wasn't able to go any closer. So I turned my eyes on sky. I tried to find the moon, but it wasn't on sky anymore. Therefore, I looked on stars... And I decided to fly to the stars instead. It took some concentration to make it happen and I started to magnify (and fly) to particular shining star. But the star vanished- did I overfly it? I looked behind. I was in space surrounded by myriads of stars, submerged in bluish and reddish nebulae. For a few minutes I tried to find course which I should take. Accelerating randomly in a random vectors to random parts of space. Or at least I thought that I'm accelerating. But my surrounding wasn't changing visibly. So I stopped and concentrated on stars instead. After short time some stars started to shone more strongly appearing larger than shining dust particles. I took flight to them. And I overshot greatly... when I stopped the flight I was far in the intergalactic space. I didn't even know which direction was milky way. All the galaxies... and not one looked familiar- not that I have memorized shapes and coordinates of galaxies... or stars for that case. So I stopped. And stayed there. Remarks - I think I have subconscious block to contact my soulmate- I had discussion with a few people about shared experiences and they think that something like meeting, or waking someone in LD or OBE isn't moral thing to do. That I'm interfering with peoples privacy LOL. Funny opinion, still maybe it lingers now in my subconsciousness since I thought about it for some time. -I looked in the table now- The moon was setting down at 23:15 and I traveled at about 1:30 at night. Still this isn't good enough proof of reality Maybe I knew that subconsciously, because at around 21:00 the moon was at approximately SWW position.
Updated 05-31-2019 at 07:31 PM by 66278
I went out of body a few times only to be returned back after a few minutes. But at last I managed to stabilize the existence out of body and I went out of my home by shortest possible way, through the roof. Outside, it was pitch black environment. I made myself to discern the surrounding, even if I didn't see anything. And I flew. I wanted to try shared OBE again. I flew, pulled in direction to my soulmate as fast as possible. The surrounding changed and it stopped to be pitch black... I was in big hall with multitude of doors... to other lives. And I felt I have lost the feeling of pull. So, I started to call for my soulmate. To no avail. I saw a few older looking human like beings so I came to them. I asked them whether they could show me a way to right doors. One about 60 ears old woman with blonde hair told me: Follow me, and she started to run fast. I was able to follow, only just so. After a minutes of run she disappeared through one doors and I dived through those closed doors right after her. I found myself in blackness. I don't know how long I was hovering there, the time had no meaning for me and I didn't care. Next thing I remember, I was very young girl. I had slender figure, about 1.5 m tall and black hair. And I was with a boy. The experience started to feel more like lucid dream. I remembered all from this life, then from that OBE and search for my soulmate. And I touched the boy and I was sure we are meant to be together. He was my soulmate and I would never leave him. It was strange to be in girl body. What is normal for a man to feel, the emotions, weren't present. I felt serene. In that LD like experience I knew that my children from this life were alive and well. And I told that boy while snuggling to him about this life and my struggling for something... more... and that I understand things better. remarks - Maybe the feeling was there because of state of mind I was in. I stabilize those experiences subconsciously by being concentrated, to be here and now and as much unattached as possible.