The city is crowded and my friends in eye are walking in no particular direction. I look into the sky and notice a symbol I mistakenly recognize as a red superman symbol being projected by means of a spotlight. Upon pointing my finger to show my friends, I realize it is actually a goat's head in the shape of an inverted pentagram. My heart sinks. I recall there being some sort of prophecy of the night changing to day and the world ending. At that moment, I see I bright red ring in the distance. The night turns to day and I notice the ring is surrounding an Eiffel Tower-like building. It explodes and collapses.
The entire city is in panic and everyone is running in different directions. My friends and I make off in the same direction until bombs start dropping. It is now a frantic effort to stay alive. I start leaping what feels like ten feet at a time, at one point being propelled by an explosion beneath my feet. Eventually, I make it to what I decide to be a safe location. A parking garage built underneath a large office building. I'm with a close friend of mine, Chris. We have a view of the large reddish nebula-like phenomenon, I think it to be some sort of portal, which has now taken the place of the Eiffel Tower-like structure.
We're relieve and rest in this location, intently staring at the portal. I decide to call my parents and inform them of my dire situation, say my goodbye, and tell them I love them one last time. As I start to fiddle with my phone, a group of three red and black dragons emerge from the portal. Again, my heart sinks... To our horror, the dragon flies and lands right in front of us. We run for our lives up the stairs of the parking garage, being followed closely by the dragon. We get to an upper level, where we split ways and run to different stair exits in an attempt to shake the dragon. I jump down each flight of stairs as quickly as possible. The dragon is coming after me. Once I'm at the lowest level, I sprint to the elevator and smash the close door button until it finally closes. Just in time! I can feel the dragon blowing fire up the elevator shaft, heating up the elevator I'm now trapped in.
Right before it's almost too hot to bear, the elevator stops right before the floor I'd intended to get off at. I press the open door upon and see that I've stopped a few feet too short and pull myself up the rest of the way and climb out. I'm now in an large, open office-like room with a surprisingly amount of calm, collective people. I observe my surroundings for a few minutes until my comrade emerges the elevator shaft. I'm surprised, but ecstatic to see him. We feel as though we've escaped the dragon for the time being, but that he'll be back. I take this time to try to send a text message to my parents, but I cannot get it to work no matter how hard I try. It's extremely disheartening.
My friend and I decide it would be a safe time to go explore our area. We exit the building to our left and enter a park filled with benches and trees. We wander for quite some time and meet up with another friend of ours, Chris C., until we notice a dragon emerging from the portal once again. We make a run for the building we came from to shelter ourselves and hopefully not stick out as targets.
I notice a few men investigating the elevator shaft I came out of, which now resembles my car's trunk. It has all the things I'd normally have in my trunk: some tools, a skateboard, a deflated volleyball, and a case full of Magic: The Gathering cards (which wouldn't normally be there). The men want to by them, but I tell them to wait for my friend, who they belong to, and to come back later. They argue they aren't well enough protect as the box they're in cannot lock, but I show them I can shut the trunk and lock the doors to my car. Problem solved.
At this point the dragon has arrived again and I still haven't sent my text message, although I've been trying this entire time. We all run out in the direction of the park. We leap in different directions in an attempt to avoid the dragon and the flames its spewing. I realize now, that instead of killing people, the fire transforms people into non-aggressive goblin looking creatures. Instead of attacking, they merely point my direction and inform the dragon of my position if I try to hide. The dragon gets both of my friends, and I'm dismayed to be on my own. I keep going however, and reach a neighborhood where I hide behind a circle of fences which are surrounded by trees. A goblin gives away my position and the dragon finds me. I wake up.