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    1. April 4th, 2024 8:28 am

      by , 04-04-2024 at 07:58 AM
      I had a meeting with someone that messaged me underneath a bridge, we had a meeting under the bridge before heading to the terrace of a campsite where we met up with an old acting teacher from mine late at night to pitch her app for money. I was browsing the app's website and read its about page as I had no idea what exactly the app was myself.

      I'm now in the grey backrooms of a classroom at what was implied to be my old school, I had finished my assignment and was reading a binder as I waited for the class to end. Two teachers resembling my community college teacher as well as my primary school teacher walked up to my table and told us to reconsider our PDFs and continue working instead of reading as we wouldn't leave earlier than 1 am.
      The teachers kept us in the room until 1 am. It was currently 11 PM and I was getting tired and had to go to the bathroom. The bathroom was in the hallway and I asked if I could go leave and the teacher refuses. Mind you I didn't even have my stuff to escape, I just needed to pee. I told her and she pulled out some big transparent vase like sculpture filled with urine. Looking at how unethical all of this is, I call out the teacher to remind her that this is supposed to be a VET major, absolutely ridiculous that we weren't even allowed to go to the bathroom. As I walk back to the backrooms of the classroom, I remembered it resembles the back of my old elementary school where they had two toilets up the stairs in the back. But they were out of order and the toilets became rubble.

      It was then that I heard a student mention taking the elevator in the room that worked, so I grabbed my stuff, entered the elevator, then got on my bike as soon as I left the building and rode to the train station.

      As I rode my bike to the train station I notice that a motorcyclist has been following me for a while, I speculated that it might be a spy, as they take off their helmet, it is indeed the teacher from the classroom who's following me! I taunt her as I grab my phone, about to film her and expose her unethical practices to the world.

      I then wake up.

      Dream was in Dutch.
    2. August 27, 2023 7:58 am

      by , 08-27-2023 at 06:44 AM
      Graphic warning

      I was at the grass field of my old primary school with my friends, hanging around and observing the sky. We all appeared to be students again, either at our own age or as teenagers, but we we having a break outside.There were more people outside as well as teachers supervising. My friends and I observe the planes in the sky when I notice one plane in particular moving around oddly in the sky as if it was a stunt plane of some sort, except it was a legitimate airplane of which the captain seemed have to lost control over the yoke. The plane then seems to curve to the right and fly closely over the grass field before flipping forwards into the forest into the distance, crashing and leaving an enormous explosion coming out of the trees in the distance! This causes everyone, including my friends and I, to run away as far as possible while screaming, seeking shelter in the building as we fear getting hit by debris and airplane parts.
      This all went by so fast that I didn't even have a moment to grasp what was going on. Things finally cool down and we are going outside. A teacher is speaking to the students to calm them down. For some reason my journals, stored in a fancy looking folder, were lying on the table as if I foreshadowed something scary in my notes. However, the teacher does not address this, or me. While this was taking place, I wonder where my phone is. I walk into the classroom and notice my phone in the closet, charging. I check my phone and discover that, to my surprise, I had filmed the entire plane crash and accidentally posted it to Snapchat. I check the story and it has over 400 views, my first thought was if some news reporter has come across my footage and used it for the news.
      I try checking my WhatsApp or anything for messages, but there's no signal. The interface of my WhatsApp is the 2000s / early 2010s Mac OS X Aqua style and there's even an option to change how much "water" the scrollbars can contain. A middle-aged grumpy looking Dutch woman messes around with these settings in the metro asking "Well, who wants some more water?" to which a dog jumps up and excitedly walks up to her.
      I then get home, my mom and a friend of her who owns a big dog looking like Scooby Doo for some reason are watching the news about the the crash featuring a clip of the crash in slow motion as seen from the city. The shockwave causes a climbing frame from the McDonald's to fall over with people still hanging on it to lie underneath it. To my relief the people survived that fall as they're showing crawling out of the climbing frame. We then go to a spa where the big dog from my mom's friend gets a comically cartoonesque massage. At this point it finally hit me that I was dreaming and woke up automatically.

      Dream was in Dutch.
    3. April 26, 2023 6:?? am

      by , 04-26-2023 at 06:13 AM
      I was in the hallway of my old community college, browsing my social media when I saw a tweet from a chillwave artist I wanted to see live but won't because the festival tickets are beyond expensive.

      The artist spoke about this fictional artist called Ferrol Farraque, apparently a city pop artist they used to sample. Someone even subtweeted "Go sing over Ferrol Farraque again"

      Thos mysterious artist usually keeps to themselves, even their interview was just them saying a whole lot of nothing.

      Then I saw them at my community college through the door talking to someone, but they're voice was muted and it just showed subtitles saying they're never playing at this event again after this.

      I go downstairs and they do a panel where I can here their voices a little when paying close attention.

      I then wake up in a room with someone else, we're colleages apparently and we overslept, my colleague takes the blame by premiering their music video over a projector in the hallway while the supervisor is mad at them.

      I then wake up and snooze multiple times in real life as I'm still tired.
      Been sleep poorly lately, got early shifts at work and no apartment yet while I have to move out soon.

      Dream was in English.
    4. April 10, 2023 9:42 am

      by , 04-10-2023 at 09:33 AM
      Similar story to yesterday, but this time I gave up early lol screw clubbing in Berlin.

      Me and a friend I'm meeting today were classmates in high school, my roommate and the self-titled class clown from high school were constantly wreaking havoc in class. It was strange because 1) the dream was in Dutch even though my roommate is from a different country and has a thick accent, and 2) my roommate is a grown adult who doesn't act immature like that.
      My teacher got especially mad after discovering the two abused a boy and angrily kicked them out of the class and threatened to turn them in.

      My friend and I were sitting class on a couch facing the wrong direction but figured now would be a bad time to turn the couch around given the circumstances.

      Unlike most of my other school themed dreams, this one didn't take place in my old middle school at all but seemingly some centre where people take courses with the computer-projector setting of community college.
      Thinking about it, I haven't had any dreams set at my old middle school at all, it's been over a decade since I attended that school irl I think I finally moved on
    5. February 28, 2023 6:58 am

      by , 02-28-2023 at 08:14 AM

      Sleep notes: Yesterday, I got to be part of a dope project I cannot disclose about that was a ten-hour-long day, I had to wake up very early to get there, had a breakfast smoothie, and bought a sandwich at the train station to eat as lunch later knowing it was gonna be a long day. It was genuinely a great experience, but I hate to admit this, they treated us poorly on terms of nutrition; Half of the catering consisted of sugar-heavy snacks (Which I didn't eat because I recently quit using sugar) and there was an this weird sweet tasting water that was in a bottle previously used for syrup, that was the only "normal" water, any other option was either cola or sparkling water. There was lunch, but not until 4 pm, which consisted of a very small portion of food and between lunch and eating that sandwich at the end of the day I barely ate because there was nothing but candy and soda available. I ate my sandwich from earlier in the train home, and two bites from my dinner before going to bed early. Safe to say, I suffered a great headache as well as a lot of dizziness yesterday due to poor nutrition and lack of hydration. It's gone now, fortunately.

      Anyways, here's my dream:
      I believe I was at another field trip of some sort, the same girl from the previous dream and I were once again going to share a hotel room, we hugged and made out, but we were both a little drunk so we didn't go any further than that. That and I also had to go to the bathroom really badly and found myself going though random hotel rooms looking for a vacant toilet because why should I use the one in my room. Finally back from the toilet, I get back in bed with her and we were about to sleep when a guy I knew from theatre crashed into our room to give us a college lecture through a projector which was already installed there. As he asked us questions we answered and he laughed, his laugh (and in hindsight also his appearance) resembled Eric from Sex Education.

      A blonde teacher I cannot recall walks into the room and logs into the computer and changes all her folder names to the new class she will he teaching after the head of department from my old theatre school gave her the opportunity to teach her the class she dreamed about. I'm trying to listen to her story, but the setting of the dream has now changed to a classroom whose interior vaguely resembles that of a theatre and cinema foyer as well as the Eye film museum in Amsterdam but in a dark, metal colour. In the classroom sat my old classmates from theatre school complaining about how her changing subjects will somehow affect their studies, but they were doing that while she was talking about her dream class and why she wanted to pursue that which I wanted to hear more about, buy couldn't. I got up from my seat and stood closer to listen, eventually telling the class to shut up and only have one person at a time speak, this angered the class and they all started getting mad at me which didn't help my sensory overload either. They felt threatened by my presence as I was still standing between them and the blonde teacher, who didn't step in once, and my body language seemed defensive in an aggressive way apparently.
      Kids from the class get up and tried to pull me out of class, I refuse. They then get the head of department there whom I'm glad is here so I can explain the situation to him, but he angrily grabs me by my wrist and pulls me out of class then tries to find a vacant room, opens a random door in the hallway that leads to an unknown room. We sit down, but as we're about to talk, I wake up and can't get back to sleep to dream about something else because I was fully rested with eight hours of sleep for once!

      It was an interesting dream to say the least. The girl from the hotel room from both dreams, is a girl I haven't seen in years now and barely spoken to, let alone thought about for a year now, too. The theatre school part has been more common, though. I should definitely see a therapist about that. Because although this type of situation didn't ever take place in real life, there is a lot of unresolved theatre school trauma I personally still struggle with that still lingers my mind and gets triggered at the most random situations.

      Also the hotel rooms as well as the labyrinth of hallways were all pink coloured.

      Updated 03-03-2023 at 12:08 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. February 22, 2023 9:13 am

      by , 02-22-2023 at 09:39 AM
      I slept in an uncomfortable position with my head between my pillows and bad a collection of short, strange dreams.

      • I was working different audiovisual related jobs, such as operation a radio tower
      • I was in a pop up bank in Utrecht Central Station, where a robbery started to happen and had people with rifles and RPGs shoot the place. I try to distract the robbers and make a run for it towards the exit, but suddenly wake up. I might've been shot and woke up or forced myself to wake up until realising that I was dreaming.
      • Half asleep, half awake after waking up from that terrifying bank dream, I stare into the dark as my tired brain generates psychedelic visuals of a vibrantly coloured desert where I blow away the sand, and come across strange, colourful creatures
      • I had my theatre school graduation, my family as well as the women that did my hair were there, one of my family members was playing GTA on their laptop and I've been told my classmates and school walked by during an inappropriate scene from the game

      There were more, but I forgot what happened. A lot of capitalism-themed dreams, and I know exactly why :U Can't disclose yet but I'm happy about it
    7. Splendid Comp. Night 10 - 2 Lucids not too long but fun/interesting experience

      by , 01-23-2017 at 12:12 PM
      Monday again and again i could sleep in after K. has to go to work. this time i tried lying on my back to increase chances because lets be honest my performance is pretty much a shame this comp. so yea here the lucid parts:

      -i seem to be in a mix of climbing room and class room. one or two people climb on this very small, maybe 3 meters high, climbing wall. there is one dude that seem to be crazy. he climbs and jumps around like a lizard. i watch him and it seems odd but fair enough people are strange.
      there is an instructor that starts talking something but stops in the middle and just leaves the room. all students or what stand there with no clue. i run after the instructor and feel angry. he is fast and we move thru several rooms. i tell him how stupid he is and that he just cant leave like this. he can instruct us fully and then leave because then we can practice but like this everybody is just standing around. i start noticing that i am at my old school in the aula and i pass a girl that i didnt see for years but i seem to know her. she smiles and i smile back. we only have eye contact for a second.
      this makes me lucid. i confirm it with a nosepinch and move on. the fact that i saw someone that i didnt saw for years in waking life sparkles my interest. i say out loud that i want to see Daniel from way earlier when i lived in a different city and went to kindergarten or elementary school. i cant even remember how he looked in waking life but i look into a specific corner and there are two guys. they turn and look at me and we both start smiling like you are really happy to see someone from your old past. i approach them and he seems familiar even tho i already in dream know that i cant confirm his look. he looks older than i remember him. maybe 15-20? we dont talk and i urge myself to not get lost in senseless semilucid stuff.
      so i turn around and continue. i remember the weekly task but that seems to much now. i remember totms to make points. the first one i remember is basic I: find a present under a christmastree.
      i turn around and i am pretty sure that a little down the hall there will be such a tree. i look thru some glass doors and already spot something that might be the tree. i start running to it and start running way faster than in waking possible but i feel like still not fast enough so i stop and try to zoom in like gab described. i try to focus the tree and see a detail more detailed i feel like the picture gets bigger and i get closer without moving. the tree is near now and i phase thru the last glass door without any effort at all or too much noticing it. it is a christmastree but i think a fake one made out of plastic. there is a table next to it and now i look for the present. there are two transparent boxes on the table that might be presents but one can see the content and it looks like something for the tree or something not interesting atleast. so i search the ground and look under the table. after some moments i notice one present and second later several more. they are flat and made out of folded napkins or something similar. i try to open one but i find more layers of napkins. after two or three i put it down and open another one. there i find money. i pick up the first again and try some more layers until i feel like i am in the middle. dont know if it is completely empty or there was a piece of plastic in it but nothing one could call a present. the picture gets black and i start rubbing my hands after noticing that i am not awake yet. a voice is talking to me and i try to think about a next good goal to continue the lucid. all i know i wake up
      shortly after i think because K. woke me to say bye (i had earplugs and a sleeping mask so i just turned on my side and had one nld)

      after a short wakening i turn back on my back and fall asleep pretty fast.
      -i wake up in the back of a car. i feel disoriented. the car parks on a traffic island. i feel that my head or my upper body lies pretty wide outside near the street so i crawl back inside. i feel that i have earplugs in and my sleeping mask on my head but not on my eyes. this seem to be the car of a friend F. i turn on some music or music is already playing but i turn it a little louder? there is a lot of stuff flying around in this car. because i feel so disoriented i think i took drugs the night before.
      i get a little nervous and i see in the backmirror that a cop is approaching the car. damnit. i remove the earplugs as good as i can but i have not only earplugs but some more small stuff in my hands. i feel thirsty. i look around and the cop is right at the drivers window. he knocks against the window and i open it and try to smile. he tells me to turn off the music and get out of the car. now that i removed the earplugs i feel like the music is pretty loud and i had the trunk open. maybe that brought the attention of the cop on me?
      i turn the music down and notice that it is hardmetal... stuff i dont even hear. damn it seem that i have taken drugs, this car might be full of them because its F.´s and i am parking on a traffic island... bad start for something like this. i get out of the car and really would love to drink something but i follow the cop away from my car. he tells me to stand on a line infront of him. i pass him and go to the point. i stop and ask him "here?" "no further right" i do a big step to the right "no not so far back to the left" i move back to the left. i turn around and face him and try to not move insecure and smile as sweet as i can. he shows me how i should walk the line. at the beginning it looks simple but he gets more and more strange and funny and in the end it has similarities to a robotdance. i need to smile because my optics change and his body looks a little distorted.
      suddenly the picture zooms out into the sky and back in and now i seem to be in the desert on a cliff. there is no cop anymore but i feel like i still have to do the line walk. i walk it and dance it and get lucid by it. the visuals change back and i am in a street again. the cop is still gone. i want to go back to my car and the that it is towed away right into an underground parking. i follow the car and i see a small checkpoint with something smiliar to a policeman inside. there is a line of cars waiting to get inside. i jump up, float over a car and dive into the next. in the millisecond i cant decide where exactly i want to be and i phase into the back or the trunk of the car and the perspective changes to 3rd person.
      wow nice i wanted to to this anyway. at the beginning i float over the car but i relax and manage to move into the parking lot/building without getting noticed. i pass a room where on the left side there are at least 5 cops that seem to be a little bit more hardcore than a meter made. i turn right and pass directly two more of them. i decide to want a body again and feel that i start walking again. i pass a woman that seem to restrict the entrance of the area. she looks at me but dont do anything. i think about how good it would be to be invisible but no can do... now it feels more like in prison. i stand infront of a thick door with no window. i try to phase or squeeze thru it but i seem to have a logjam. there are some guys around and one opens simply the door for me so i pass thru.
      now there is a dome out of glass and metal and here i can phase easily thru. the guy that opens the door follows me and is impressed "ah you are one of those guys" we walk over a thin metal pole over a river. there are a lot of cacti around. he says something like "look what a finish i can do" and he jumps into the water looking lame but without even one single droplet of water splash up. i get a little more awareness and remember my 3 step task. i want to unsummon something. i look around and see a hill full of cacti and rocks. behind there is blue sky with some clouds and sun. i wipe around at the top of the hill and want to make those cacti go so i can have a better look on the sky. it works like a charm and all thats left is the blank hill. even tho i dont move actively, just standing on the pole i notice that we move upstream. my next 3 step is mass tk. i point at some other cacti left of me and want to lift all at once. they start shaking and a lot of pollen seem to fly up but the cacti dont disroot. thats a shame. i feel like i cant concentrate appropriately because i am moving the whole time. i decide to go to the river and try again. i do a mixture of jumping, floating and shorty tying to leave my body/get 3rd person witch results in nothing but a fall into the water. i swim shortly
      but wake up after.
    8. 8/26/2014

      by , 09-17-2014 at 02:21 AM
      I was with Kristy and a few other people at my old school in Venezuela. People were bullying Kristy so I started comforting her. We left and I was with a group of people that didn't wanna go help with something. When we got outside, the sky was black but as bright as day. It looked so beautiful that I did a reality check, counting 8 fingers in one hand and looking at my watch, which was different. I didn't snap that I was dreaming and carried on. I continued and some backpacks caught on fire so I got a hose and extinguished the flames. I was telling myself I was a firefighter.
    9. Sending love to a Spirit with a spell and wrapping old school TVs

      by , 09-10-2014 at 09:22 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Sending love to a Spirit with a spell and wrapping old school TVs (DILD)


      This dream started at a apartment complex and I was aware that I was dreaming. I was outside and it was a pretty sunny day. There were a lot of 3-4 story buildings and several neighbors walking around. As I was checking out something in my cell phone, a girl who had a crush on me was looking at me from her door. I could hear she was telling someone that I was very cute.

      I felt it was her Spirit
      (she passed due cancer recently, she came to me during my meditations as a Spirit in addition in showing up in some of my dreams.) I knew she needed love and light to cross over, so I imagined I was casting a spell on her called "Dark Pulse" from Secret of Mana videogame, but of course, instead of darkness I visualized love instead.

      I was able to successfully cast the spell, and I could see small orbs hitting her, however, these instead of being made out of shadows, were made out of pink and red energy. After a while, huge hearts that were very luminous started to spawn around her (making the same noise as in the game.) After this, she vanished.

      From here, I appeared in an electronics store, but it appeared to be a store from 50 years ago, so I decided to explore it. Apparently, based on the plot of the dream, I was working there, and there were a few employees asking me where I was. I wanted to explore the store and see what my subconscious had for me, so I just said I was sick and walked around the store.

      I was asked to prepare five TVs for shipping for clients. I was amused in how old the TVs looked:

      They were wrapped with tapes and only half boxes. I saw a bunch of the floor. The store was very dusty and had a ton of old school electronics.

      As I wanted to explore more, one of my cats woke me up.
    10. Back to My Old School

      by , 11-22-2013 at 11:13 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I dreamed that due to some educational shenanigans I have to attend my old school (and by old I mean OLD. It's my first school, which in reality was already demolished) during summer. (This actually would work since I study overseas)

      I found that what I had found tolerable when I was younger and in this school was pretty annoying, mostly from my culture clash. The whole ritual of singing the national anthem and praying while standing pretty much pisses me off, so I just screwed around.

      I couldn't remember my time in classes, which in my dream I had chalked it up to me sleeping through class and being really sleepy. It actually turned out that it's because my dream is actually a collection of dream fragments.

      There wasn't much going on. All I remembered was that I could fly around the school, and I understood that it is something only I can do. I'm out of practice, so I didn't suspect a thing despite the evidence of me dreaming being right in my face (If I had bothered to do a memory reality check I'd have known)

      What I was looking forward to was to show off my English in the English class, but I woke up first. Well, not really, I'm pretty sure I woken up a couple of times during this dream. So I suppose the more accurate term would be I woke up, raelized I was dreaming, and decided that I'm not going to continue because it's getting boring.


      It appears that I am so out of practice that I don't even notice obvious dream signs, which in this case were memory losses, flying, and the fact that I'm back in my old school. On the other hand, it seems that I'm a natural at flying. Woo.
    11. Cant remember most of my dreams :(

      by , 10-14-2013 at 05:40 PM
      I need to write more of my dreams down in my dream journal, i just go right back to sleep and I can only remember the last dream..

      one of my dreams had andrew matthews in it, childhood friend

      had some others but COMPLETELY FORGOT THEM

      last dream I was in looked like a school and I was walking around in it. Looked like some sort of combination of the middle school and high school I went to. I remember going into a room full of computers and my friend Anton gave me a key that just looked like a tiny black rectangular prism and he said to use it to get another key from the PC (personal container). So I went looking around outside and went through this cafe and he asked me telepathically or through some earpiece somehow if i found it and I said I couldn't find it so he was gonna come down to show me. By that time I was outside and a bunch of other guys were hanging around. We were in the grass outside of the school and we all decided to go find it. Eventually we found this old abandoned wooden house in the middle of nowhere and the other guys wanted to use the PC to skate all over and Anton said no. We went into the house and looked around and I was following Anton along this incredibly weird and complex second floor pathway that looked like scaffolding except wooden. Then I saw this huge spider web and I asked Anton how he got past it. It was like this huge spiderweb that went in like a sideways pyramid from where I was standing. I didn't want to walk through it so I jumped down to the first floor and there were spiderwebs all over the floor. I tried to leave but my hands started bleeding from the spiderwebs and I finally made it outside the gates of the house where there were no spiderwebs. I think I met some girl outside the gate but I'm not sure, thats all I remember.
    12. First DJ Entry, and Insanely Long DEILD Chain.

      by , 06-21-2013 at 10:58 PM
      Normal font = Non Lucid
      Bold font = Lucid

      Dream 1: Me, my dad and my uncle are with some archaeologist guy. We went to some places I can't remember, until we sailed off to some Mayan ruins on the coast of California. I found a really small tiger cub, and rescued him from the water, and stepped back on the barge. He was scratching me, but I trained him to lay off by shouting "No! Bad boy!" as if he were a dog. I domesticated him and called him frosty. (BTW we don't have frosty flakes in Australia, no clue how I got it.) I lived on the barge with him for a while, and tried teaching him to swim. He sunk like a stone. Freaking out about sharks, I fished him out, and started crying

      We lived on the barge for a while, and we tried stepping off of the floating barge and into the water, but frosty fell straight into the gap between the two craft, and into the water. I tried fishing him out, but instead found my neighbours dog, minus one leg. The dog tolled me to watch out, because there was a shark down there. I didn't care, and kept searching for frosty. I thought I felt his mouth, because I could feel teeth, so I grabbed them and pulled upwards. It turned out to be a giant shark, but suddenly we were in a small room I used to live in, and the shark just plopped onto my bed. Now I couldn't find frosty, and this has kind of given me a sad start to the day . Things merge into dream 2, the far better one, so Dream one can cut off here.

      Dream 2: I started going to my old school for whatever reason. I had to walk down a dirt track to the main school area, which was about a 1Km walk. As I was walking, some kid younger than me threw a pebble at my head. Ignoring him, because that's what I'd tend to do in real life, he came up and started grabbing my hair.

      That pissed me off a fair bit, so I grabbed him in an arm lock, and I did a shoulder throw, and then body slammed him. I was all hulk mode, so I also dislocated a few of his fingers until he promised to piss off. I got off of him, and he suddenly grabbed a shiny plastic dinner plate and swung it at my head. We started fighting for a while, and he mixed up the words "deflection", "reflection" and "refraction".

      "Aw' hell naw."

      I went all grammar Nazi mode, and stopped in the middle of the fight to give him an English lesson. Eventually he got bored, and left. I finished walking down the dirt track, and I found a part that looked remarkably like my current school. I also noticed some people who were from my current school, one kid in my yeargroup and one Japanese exchange student. I said hi to the kid, and おはようございます to the exchange student, but as soon as I greeted them they changed form into people I didn't know .

      Aaaaaanyway. I walked deeper into the school, and it seemed more like a vertical city in a skyscraper. Everyone looked really hostile, and I was feeling a bit out of place. I was getting thirsty (My throat is dry and hurts IRL) so I stepped into a little cafe. Seeing a large amount of thick rimmed glasses, I deducted it was either the nerd or hipster water hole. Everyone was sitting down and reading quietly, so I figured it was a nerd area. I went to buy some water from the counter, and I took ages to get served. I asked for bottled, and got it in a glass, which annoyed me.

      I didn't pay for it (Huge dreamsign of mine, not paying for things ) and sat down at a bench. It turned out to be someone I actually remember from that school! Success! He gave me some rice with meatballs, and we chatted about the school. I realised I was dreaming, because the school was so different, I hadn't payed for my drink and I had had that dawning sensation of dreaming I've been getting in the last few LD's. I looked at my hands, which deceptively seemed quite realistic, but trusting my brain, they soon morphed into E.T. hands. I started to drop out of the dream, and everything faded to white, and I opened my eyed to my room.

      Nurp. We have unfinished business, dream.

      Despite opening my eyes like a dumbass, I rolled over, and focused on the scene I was in. It materialised, and I spun around slowly to get the details, accidentally closing my "dream eyes" a few times, which made me freak out. Remembering the basic TOTM I, which I still haven't done, I ran up to the nearest kid and shouted in his face, "Ablibablalalaasdfjhl kagvj".

      Nada. The little poo completely ignored me.

      Trying again with another kid, I did the same thing. Still no response. He was too engrossed with Star Wars: The Phantom Menace The Novel, or something along those lines, I seemed to remember Darth Maul on the cover. Frustrated, I stormed outside and checked out the nearest shop, which was now a surf/ski shop. Realising I don't really surf, and I'm not skiing until September, (Which in Australia = Spring. I know, I didn't book it.) I left.

      Delving deeper into the school, it merged into a reaaaaaaally posh department store, with waiters carrying gilt trays of fancy food every where. I walked around, getting lost and interrupting people's meals, until I realised that, hey, I'm still dreaming, I may as well try to find some of my old friends.

      Never mind, dream's fading.

      Nuuuuuuuurp. DEILD again. Hop into dream. I wasn't thinking too straight, so I decided to use dream control to rather than summon my friends, locate their heat signatures . Anyway, They were upstairs and far away, so after a quick stabilisation, I flew up into the ceiling and phased through it into an expensive baby clothing store. Still not finding my friends, I quickly decided to have fun by shattering glass windows. I noticed that the windows did not shatter n shards, but into square voxel-ish things. Meh.

      Continuing to search for my friends I popped into a large garbage room and found two guys who were not my friends .

      And, wake up once more. DEILD once more. Stabilise once more.

      Anyway the guys were really fat, sort of like Fiddle Dee and Fiddle Dum, but more colourful. One had dream control, the other did not, so it must have been a fairly high level LD if one of them had control over the dream. Apparently the room was going to contract and kill us all . I found no way out that didn't involve falling and very likely dying, and I knew falling would wake me up, so I waited until a hatch in the ceiling popped down with a very short rope leading about 2 metres below the hatch in a 30 metre tall room :I. Me and the functioning twin grabbed the non dream control one, and we flew up sluggishly. We mispositioned ourselves and hit the rim of the hatch. Twice. Third time lucky, we got everyone grabbing the rope, and we immediately got pulled up through a long pipe. It was sort of like fruit ninja, but each of us had a different fruit to slice. I had a grapefruit of some kind. Anyway, I start to lose lucidity and wake up after this.
    13. Weird

      by , 09-03-2011 at 01:31 AM
      - I was with a bunch of people at my old elementary school, and we had gotten caught smoking, so we had to hide in these bushes. They were at the front of the school, and they were partly bushes and partly art/sculptures? of some kind. It was like the side facing the street was normal bushes, and the side facing the schoolyard had material draped over it and was supposed to be some kind of abstract art piece.

      Anyway, we were running away from these people who had caught us, who were the police or something, and the only place we could hide was behind the draped material. You could see us completely from the street, but I was concerned about anyone seeing us from the schoolyard for some reason. I hid, but then jumped out and ran a couple meters away to see if we were completely hidden from that side. You couldn't see anyone, except you could see this odd purplish soft-looking fire coming out. I went back and told whoever had the fire to put it out, then I hid again.

      A few moments later, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and saw a bald man, and realized they'd found us. He was handing out pieces of paper that said what we had done and our punishment. Mine said I had to give him $250 for him to not tell my parents, and I started crying to one of my friends because I didn't have that much.

      - I was at school in design class. The room looked sort of like the computer lab I had design in last year, and it was a bit dark. My mom suddenly showed up, she was wearing a light blue t-shirt and she was pregnant. She announced that she was going to the hospital and asked if I wanted to come. She was acting really weird and I was slightly embarrassed. I was trying to decide if I wanted to go right then or not, I kept changing my mind for a long time. Finally I said I would go, and she left.

      I left the classroom and started walking down the hall. It didn't look anything like my school or any building I've been in before, though it kind of reminds me now of a school or building I was in in a dream a long time ago. It was all white, very big and very complicated to get around. I kept taking wrong turns when trying to get out. I thought I'd found the exit, which was down a little side hallway and to the right at the very end, but when I turned, I saw there were just a couple steps leading down into an empty dark music/band room. It reminds me slightly of an entrance to the music room at my old elementary school (the one I was at in the last dream).

      I turned back, and realized the exit was actually near the beginning of the little side hallway I came from and to the right. The door was raised pretty far off the ground and there was a big light blue chunk underneath it, almost like a step but not quite. I vaguely remember a girl being there. I believe I went through the door but that's the last part I remember.

      - Weird fragment about some webcam show I was watching. At one point the guy on it had this little figurine that he was squeezing and fake shit was coming out of a hole in the bottom, and he was saying "shiiiiitttt" in a really weird voice.

      - Also had a LOT of weird half-asleep dreams about talking on MSN on my iPod. This happens fairly often, but there were a lot more than usual. The only one I remember is me saying something like "I have something I think you'll like" and I got the impression I was selling something, and I had a picture in my head of the eyes of a drawing I was working on a lot yesterday and just finished today.

      Note: 100mg of B6 and a bunch of cheese before bed. Felt similar to last night, but I forgot a lot more.

      Updated 09-06-2011 at 10:36 PM by 13525

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Elvish Misadventures

      by , 07-04-2011 at 04:18 PM
      1. I'm in study-hall, about to do some doodling in my notebook. The teacher says I draw too much and that I need to use study-hall for reading instead. So I reach into my backpack and pull out a rather battered paperback copy of The Silmarillion and locate my bookmark.

      2. I'm an elf, wandering through a forest. There's a blackish-gray wolf following me, but I figure he's just there to be helpful. Then one of my former classmates knocks the wolf away with a huge hollowed-out log and starts chasing me. I can occasionally hold him off with a spell, but I have very little power.

      3. I've been captured by an orc slaver, along with several other elves. The orc also keeps several huge owls on a leash. I try escaping several times, but I always get caught. Invoking the name of Elbereth doesn't help either. Eventually, we get to this hotel where the orc finds out he's only going to get about $8000 for the elves he's brought in.

      4. Outside my old high school, I'm about to set out on a journey with a couple other elves. We stop to gather bundles of a special kind of long grass that can be simmered to produce a nutritious and delicious soup. Somewhere along the way, my companions get replaced by two of my (human) former classmates. There's an abandoned house that's still fully furnished, so we stop there. I set about the task of making dinner, but my classmates keep messing with the recipe. Then they let in this beggar-girl who starts stealing various objects in the house to sell.

      5. I'm trying to eat some macaroni and cheese, but I keep getting sent away on errands, so I can't have any. I go on a huge rant about how you really don't want to find out what an elf with low blood-sugar can do.

      6. I'm trying to solve a sliding-tile puzzle that's booby-trapped with water balloons.
    15. Metal Gear, Pancakes, Wolf Drama, and Other Fragments

      by , 07-01-2011 at 07:10 PM
      1. Metal Gear Solid was taking place in my old high school. Since, having played the game about a billion times, I knew one of the major sad parts was coming up, I took the opportunity to sit Snake and Gray Fox down at a cafeteria table, have a conversation, and make friends with Fox (who for some reason was missing the upper half of his Cyborg Ninja suit, was wearing Otacon's glasses, and was carrying a plastic bag full of fake roses). Before everyone went their separate ways, I took a petal from one of Fox's fake roses so that I'd remember everything that happened.

      2. Still in my high school, it was time for Home Ec, where we were making pancakes that we could either top with sweet things or with refried beans. Before class started, I checked my pocket to make sure the rose petal I "borrowed" from Gray Fox was still there. Cooking was mayhem. There wasn't enough griddle space for everyone, the classroom itself had sort of a maze layout, and when I finally got my pancakes poured, I came back to discover that a huge guy was sitting on them. Bastard.

      3. I was at an anime convention, petal still in pocket. I found a light-up figure of Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, but it was too expensive. There were also a bunch of weird jawbreakers.

      4. I'm wearing my orange-red-yellow stripey nightgown. I check desperately for pants pockets, but eventually resign myself to the fact that I didn't really meet Solid Snake and Gray Fox. Bummer.

      5. I'm a servant in a family of dogs who have to go into hiding under the protection of the wolf king. During a war with some lions, the pups and the wolf king go missing, so I put on a wolf mask and go into the forest to rescue them. I get killed, but it turns out the whole thing was just a play, and the plot repeats itself a couple times.

      6. I'm in a mall where some highly advanced robotic llamas and ferrets are being exhibited. I play with the ferrets.
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