My roommate and I went clubbing last night, dope venue but the DJs sucked ass playing the most slow, random, and rhythm lacking music and there was no door policy so everyone was allowed into the club leaving the place crowded with some occasional indoor smokers and zero vibes. I dreamed about working as a Junior Software Engineer at this company in Luxembourg with my friend there. In our spare time, we would pull out 3D software similar to Bryce 3D and create some 3D environments for future animations. I tried to design the indoor of a church-like mansion with statues of a man and woman that took the role of special church bells clocks as a hammer would hit them on the head and they would chase each other before going back into their "stereotypical gender pose" (I can't remember what it was, they just stood like a "typical woman and man") The whole "scene felt like a Point and Click game cutscene. This company reportedly in Luxembourg was in the middle of a tropical forest on a hill, covered in fences and reminded me of a hospital for some reason. I sat in a regular city bus home with this girl I met at an art gig a few weeks ago. She apparently had a boyfriend for some reason who had blonde hair and a mustache, resembling an actor I've seen in a theatre play a few years ago. I fell asleep on the girl's lap. The guy woke us up a while later saying we were getting kicked out of the bus because the bus was covered in what looked like feces you'd find at the farm meadows. We left the bus through the back and even though we were still at that forest during daytime, I suddenly was at Rotterdam at nighttime while protests were taking place there. Male and female television reporters covered in pink and white Frutiger Metro like shirts and sparkly face paint were being harassed by protesters who asked them for glitter in a mocking way before trying to assault them. I punch this one punk guy in his face and accidentally break one of his teeth. He tries to kick me but I dodged it and woke up. Dream was in English up until Rotterdam when it turned to Dutch.
I've been feeling s little sickish and could feel that in my dream as well, I had a dream about work, and although I cannot legally disclose what I do at my job (9 to 5 office job), this dream felt like an official "first day" where I'll br doing yhe first thing by myself, but in the canteen. While talking to all other worker who exactly found myself at the same place I was standing at. I also moved to Austria and I met my only friend from Austria, or at least a version of him generated by my subconscious. I had this moment where I thought "I'm going to work and I'll be the greatest I've ever been at it" and that's when my alarm went off. It's almost as if they felt my brain waves lol
Two dreams, turned mostly into fragments after getting up from bed. I think there was a third one, but I must have forgotten it. Dream Fragment 1: I don't know where I was, it wasn't a familiar place at all, but there was some kind of square and a market. There was a town or city feel to the place and I remember it was day time, although everything looked a bit dark or murky somehow. There was this woman with blonde-ish hair and a fit look (V) whom I know online from a game, though I've never met her in person. She was showing me around? I remember her grabbing me, by the arm or hand and for some reason in the dream this made me visibly uncomfortable. V noticed and asked me what was wrong or whatever. I explained that where I was originally from, physical interaction even with strangers was commonplace, but since I have been living elsewhere for some years now, I had sort of become estranged from the feeling and it was a confusing situation somehow. Next thing I remember is something about a big cruise ship. I went down some steps, avoiding a queue for said ship, with no interest at all in getting on, having passing thoughts about a waste of time it looked like, due to how crowded it seemed like it was going to be. There is then a transition of some kind. Dream Fragment 2: I remember being with H. We're on the road, H is driving; it looks like the type of countryside I'd expect to find here. It was day time, but the sun was close-ish to the horizon, I think more setting than rising, and it was also cloudy. Everything looked a bit desaturated. There is a transition and now we're at some sort of lodge. My mom and my dad are there and we're having a look around. Nobody else is around, and the place is littered with what I can only describe as cultural artefacts from many different places. For some reason I take no particular interest in them however. I remember my parents talking, probably with me, but don't remember the content of the conversation. There are stairs that go up and next thing I know, I find myself going through several upper levels of this lodge. One of my siblings (L) is here and we are both going up the stairs up to a point when we're not inside the house anymore, and it's a cliff. There are still steps, made of rough and weathered stone. As we go up the steps, the incline gets sharper, and this random girl with a massive backpack is also climbing these steps. At first I get past her but as I get nearer a flat bit at the top of these steps, she overtakes me. Next thing I know, I expect to be at the flat bit and that there would be more to climb. I expect that the cliff on the other side would be gentle based on what I felt the formation was like, but no. This was the peak, and it was like a sharp peak. Up here, there was a large but flat rock, on which L sat in a precarious way as always and I could see lots of things below, fields, towns, other mountains. I felt the height we were at was impossibly high for the amount of climbing we'd done, but my legs were shaking and I felt giddy from my irrational fear of heights. At first L tried to get my attention so I wouldn't look down, but that didn't last long. I remember seeing parts of this mountain we were on, looking toward the left. There were large and ancient man-shaped stones along certain parts of the ridges, almost like steps but which were really more like foundations for fortifications. I couldn't let go of the rough stone steps. The way the flat bit of rock was connected meant that there was an extremely narrow part of dirt or rock and I just felt it was risky to try and get there. I wanted to go back down and eventually I did. I remember being at the main part of that lodge again, but the rest of the dream is missing. Some notes: V looked exactly as I would have expected but though we had some conversation, I have no idea what her voice was like, or if it was accurate.H's presence in the second dream was quite short, but so was the presence of my parents and the random girl that was doing the climb too.When I was at the peak of that mountain, there was a cold feel to being there, although I don't remember actually feeling cold. But everything was quite bright, it was clear and sunny and I enjoyed that on some level, but the sort of physical stress I was feeling due to the fear of heights made the experience remind me of several situations in my childhood.During that part of the dream where I was climbing, I remember clearly thinking; "I'm sure I've dreamt of a climb like this". In actual reality, I don't think I have had a dream like that before, but again, the experience was similar to some I had in my childhood.
3/18/14 8 am non-lucid Had dream set in my apartment but not false awakening, just a normal dream. In a few instances, people (seemingly harmless, like an old lady) would sneak into my apartment and try to steal things, but then I'd catch the, and shoo them away. There was a man in my dream who stayed with me to protect me. Something was wrong with him, maybe depression, so he didn't have a job. He was engaged to someone. He is Asian. I think he is one of my online friends from waking life. At one point, he and my husband met. They talked about me in a protective, caring way. 9:16 am non-lucid I did have sort of a false awakening dream where I was scared of an intruder and couldn't get out of bed, but I wasn't lucid. Someone who isn't Christian is teaching the Bible. He comes to a point where the class thinks there is a contradiction. He explains that they're right and how that's just a mistake since it's just a book. I want to say no, but I'm in bed so I can't. Then someone next to me in a chair, Darryl from The Office, says, "No, it's not a contradiction."