non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the US. Scenes from a recurring dream where I think I am in Orlando, Florida. A lot of things happen, including being part of the audience of a Jeopardy show recording on a studio. On exit, they want to check everyone's papers and covid status. They ask me for a negative test and I complain that it makes no sense they ask for it at the end instead of before the show. I also remember someone telling me something about it and even handing me a test, but it was not mentioned at entrance and I totally forgot about it. I also was without mask all the time and nobody cared. The lady shrugs her shoulders and says it's ok. She puts a stamp on some paper anyway and offers me a few more tests for future occasions. I find it all very unprofessional and chaotic, but hey, it's Florida, right? Coming out of some escalators and turning around to go to another escalator, I see to my right, Gil and some other girl. They come from a hallway behind a glass door and he sees me and waves at me. I wave back but I keep walking past them, so once he opens the door, he complains "Won't you wait for me and say hi?". So I wait and we say hello properly. He asks what I am doing here and I say I am on a visit. He says he works here at the marine center. Then I also spot my friend Licas entering a cafeteria behind them. I say bye to them and go after her, mostly because I also need a coffee, but then we get together and leave together. Outside, on the streets, we get on a bus which drops us at an old town, which looks strangely like Lisbon center or downtown Porto, not at all a US city. We need to catch a second bus to our final destination, but my friend is hesitant because she is unsure which one is it and we almost get on the wrong one. Then I spot some people surrounding someone on the sidewalk and I notice it is Billie Eillish. When I am about to hop on another bus, I yell at her "Sorry, I don't mean to nag you like everybody else, but I am a fan from Portugal and wish you happyness and all the best." Turns out it wasnt the right bus either and my friend kicks me out of it again, resulting in an awkward situation in which I am basically jumping in front of Billie and blocking her way. The other fans scramble and she is with just 2 or 3 people of her own posse. She looks with her blasé look, like not amused, but then says "I know a portuguese girl, Lena D., she's a biologist" and I am like "No way! She was my colleague at the university, I know her well! You know she nows lives in the US?" Then I think "Stupid, that's probably how she knows her". But she doesn't react. She says "I am gonna follow you on facebook. A friend of a friend is my friend." And then she finally smiles and we start walking along and talking. I mention her music has been the sounddtrack of my life recently. Then we enter this bar or club with a great view over the old part of town on the hills and I say I am actually seeing the place where I am supposed to go and will probably just walk there. But my friend Licas who was with us, just went up some stairs of another building and disappeared. Billie asks about my friend, says her face is familiar and what's her name. Strangely, my friend is no longer Licas, she turned into that skinny gay boy I met through my friend Diana and I can't remember his name. She finds odd and funny that I can't remember his name and I am struggling with how my friend just changed gender and I can't remember his name.
5-20-2012 -- [This is a slightly older dream, but very interesting, and somebody just reminded me of it, so I decided to post it here - Batch. I've been ignoring my dreams instead of writing them down for a couple weeks, and as often seems to happen when I do that, my mind provides me with one that seems so interesting to me that I can't help but write it down.] I'm over at Hewitt, a place I worked five or six years ago, but in the dream I was only fired last week. I have stopped by because I want to pick up my final paycheck. While I am there, several of the team leaders and supervisors are talking about how they are short on help, and some of them, when they see me, are hinting I might want my job back. I don't. Sid (actually the dispatcher at the courier company I work at in present real time) is there, and starts trying to talk me into coming back, but I don't want to. Eventually he leads me to an attractive, and somewhat stacked young lady who is kind of showing off her assets a little to try and change my mind. I enjoy looking, but I still don't want to come back to work here. I'm thinking of how hard it would be to match schedules between this job and my security job [actually I haven't worked security in over ten years.] I take a seat at her desk, and kind of cradle my head in my arms for a second or two, and when I look up, everything has changed. Almost all the furniture and people are gone, the carpeting has all changed from red to blue, the young lady and Sid are gone, and I find myself sitting at the desk of a young, thin, earnest-looking black guy who kind of makes me think of Carlton from Fresh Prince. I kind of gasp, and he asks what's wrong. "Where am I?" I ask. "I was sitting in a different place at a different desk, and suddenly I'm here. I know this is a dream, but usually things change slightly more slowly in a dream, so you don't realize you are dreaming." The guy looks at me for a moment, and then says "I don't know anything about this, maybe you better talk to our science department." He then reaches out, gives me a little push on the shoulder, and I slowly start to sink right through the floor and drop to the floor below. I find myself in a typical office environment, cubicles all over the place and employees wandering around. I just look confused and stupid until one of them asks if they can help me, and I mention I am looking for the science department. They tell me it is further down, and give me a push, and I start to sink through another floor. This happens four or five times, and the last time the guy who asks me what I need tells me the science department is the next floor down, but he's running around so much and is so busy, he forgets to push me through the floor, so I decide to do it myself. I kind of push myself down a bit, and my feet sink into the floor about an inch before it solidifies, and I find I haven't gone anywhere. Try again, same thing. Then I take a few seconds, concentrate really hard, and sink through the floor again, though only about half as fast as the times I was pushed. I also bang my shoulders on a couple of cubicles on the way down. The floor I now find myself on seems to have tons of computers and lots of machinery and stuff, and it all looks kind of interesting. I ask if this is the science department, and am told it is. There are a bunch of people who seem to be waiting in a line, and I kind of get in the line as well, then glance out a window. I give a small scream. Out the window I can see I am on the ground floor, and I am looking out at foothills in the distance. Some guy who looks a lot like James Spader walks up to me, and he seems to be in charge. He asks me why I screamed, and I mention that I was in the ground floor of a building in Florida, got pushed through the floor several times to go down a floor, and suddenly find myself on the ground floor of a building in California, and it kind of startled me. He says that sounds interesting, but doesn't make any sense, and asks me to explain what I am talking about. So I explain to him that I am dreaming, and start to tell him the entire dream (same one I'm typing out here for you). There are parts I get wrong. In the dream, I can't remember Hewett or the benefits job, so I refer to it as West Telecommunications, and customer service for T-Mobile (when actually West was Cricket. T-Mobile was APAC.) He is wearing a T-Mobile hat as I am explaining this to him. He is really busy, and keeps wandering around the entire department, talking to other people, while still urging me to tell him my story, so I talk through the whole thing and it seems to take quite a while. "... and then I glanced out the window and saw the California landscape and the foothills in the distance, and I gave a little scream of surprise. And if I keep going, this is going to get boring and repetitive, as that's when you came in and I started telling you all of this." He doesn't make me go on, and I ask him where I am, and he mumbles something about how I am now in a prison. This makes me angry, and I grab the nearest desk and throw it over, computers and equipment falling to the floor and breaking. I throw over another desk and another, and at first the Spader character doesn't notice, but eventually he catches on and asks me to stop. I ask if he really said I was in a prison, and he says yes, but that it is a kind of friendly one, and I keep overturning things and breaking stuff. We move into what almost seems to be a kind of television studio, broadcasting news or something, and as he asks me why I am doing this, I start to destroy the tv equipment. I tell him I figure if I do enough damage they'll throw me out, and he tells me it will never work. I find myself in an office with a large plate glass window looking out on the outside, and I throw a desk through it, but before I can run out the window, the James Spader character stops me. I run into another office, do the same thing, and he blocks me again. Soon he's wrapped around me, holding on tight, making it much more difficult for me to move, and he seems to be rubbing against me and coming on to me. I explain to him I am straight, and he lets me go and comes on to somebody else for a couple of minutes. I ask the guy his name, and he tells me it. It isn't James Spader, but whatever it is, I can't remember it. That kind of info is hard to remember in a dream if you don't already know it in real life. Soon I find myself looking out at the California landscape through almost a sort of viewing platform, but there doesn't seem to be any glass or anything, so I start running toward what I think is freedom, the Spader guy doesn't seem to care, and explains I can't get out that way. I suddenly hit some sort of invisible shield, which he expected, but I start to 'sink' through it just like the floors, but on a horizontal plane, which he didn't expect. Since the shield isn't stopping me like it is supposed to, other barriers are dropping, much like the barriers they drop at night to close off the individual shops in a mall when they are closing for the night. I manage to get an arm under before they drop completely, and force them back up just enough for me to squeeze under, and as I stand on the outside, free, I wake up. Very cool dream!