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    1. September 14, 2024 9:15 am

      by , 09-14-2024 at 08:55 AM
      I returned to high school for some reason to get my HAVO (Dutch high school VET level) diploma. At the school in question my colleagues from work are students and they just came up with a new snack where they put chewing gum into square cake forms with sprinkles, making sweet gum cubes. My friend and I were auditioning a girl for a performance video. One was well prepared whereas the other wasn't, but neither was I as I told her we'd have an extra audition round if necessary to calm her nerves before turning to my friend who told me we didn't, I accidentally cast the unprepared girl from earlier as they were both blonde Dutch girls with blue eyes and I couldn't tell them apart oops! I was living with a high school friend from Syria in a house by the canal in a Dutch city, although it might've been Giethoorn with city architecture too, we were extras in some finale episode of a sitcom, something adjacent to The Big Bang Theory or something as it was Chuck Lorre esque. My friend talks about being interested in studying architecture after we get our HAVO diploma and he mentioned the school he wanted to go to no longer being in French as he wanted to go to an international architecture school. We leave our house which for some reason was built right against the canal meaning you had to jump over the water to get to the other side. I instead run towards the left via the grass and crossed the water at a better place. My friend finds it amusing and we notice our upstairs neighbors, who are Nigerians from London, giggling, getting outside to replace the digital camera on a tripod that was at the front door, possibly filming us. It was one of the last days of my friends and I living together. I explain to my mom how the smart TV works, showing the search function. As I return to the previous menu so she can try herself, we notice this abstract interactive wallpaper of a camera scrolling past a river with a painted background, moving to the left. I then try to go to the search menu from earlier, but it just moves to the right instead. As we follow the river, we notice the background paintings changing, with the seems being noticeable as they cover a window, preventing it from opening. As we continue moving through a poolrooms esque hall of water in an indoor pool, we notice a character waving at us to throw merch shirts at us while questioning why she does this job before realising her monologue is distracting, a Josh Radnor looking character then interrupts her because of this as she throws a shirt at us as we just realised were walking through the water in our regular clothes. We finally reach the end and return to our home with a dead goldfish. We are taking about how that segment felt more like a finale than whatever scene we hadn't filmed yet. We go into the water segment one more time as I hear knocking on the pool windows, I wake up because of it.
    2. Painting Reality & Disengaging Emotions

      by , 04-13-2023 at 03:30 PM

      Updated 09-27-2024 at 05:08 AM by 99032

    3. Captive slave forced to paint famous portaits murals

      by , 03-08-2022 at 05:52 AM
      Sorry I haven't been posting. I been having some weird dreams. Here are two of January's dreams.

      In a dream I think before the following dream.
      I was in a vertical school. I have no idea what I was doing in there. Anyway for some reason I went into the staff room. I have no idea what happened but I think either a porucipine or a hedgehog came into the staff room via an open window and for some reason started to bite me. I just remember dream-screaming and then I woke up to use the washroom

      In one dream I had in January. I was something like a captive. Nope, not captive, but a slave? But I wasn't the only captive/slave . All but one of the group of people all looked like the adult versions of kids I went to elementary school with from JK-Gr.8. And we're tasked by our unseen "Master" to paint some murals (murals, that if I remember looked much like famous paintings.. I think something like Birth of Venus? We were up all night and all previous day and I somehow started to fall asleep on the shoulder another captive/slave (I can't remember what he looked like but he wasn't one of the adults version of kids I grew up with) But I do know that I knew it was a bad idea if i slept sleep was bad.

      The third dream was even werid. But I don't remember much about that dream except, for it involved two women and their heads somehow turned into whatever help people see in submarines. And it also involved a boy whom was wet and a white staircase. And also a festival and I think some kind of doll. I think it had something to do about a flood? At the end of the dream the boy at least "disappeared" into the water
    4. ccclxi. Overly friendly woman, discussions, food decisions, Moving painting

      by , 02-27-2022 at 09:03 PM
      Unfortunately, for one reason or another, I keep falling back on my backlog of dreams that I want to put up on this DJ. This is annoying me a bit so I better get back to catching up on myself.

      2nd January 2022

      Some in-line bracketed notes.


      I'm in a version of my current bedroom. The window is across the way from the bed, rather than being to a side. It's sunny and the curtains are open. There's a slightly portly man walking around the room, going on about what was discovered about pork meat, saying he should have known all along and that he was glad he didn't have too much of it in his life. I feel there's some irony considering his physical appearance. (at the time of this dream, I think I felt this had something to do with eating what I like while I can)

      (recall gap)

      Then, in a car outside with H. Again, sunny, clear and bright. We're talking? It's a busy place, in a cobbled street. Looks like certain areas in L. A scantily dressed woman waves at me with a smile from a third floor window. I wave back and say hi quietly, wondering why she was being so friendly, but further thinking that she probably just found me attractive. (not something I've ever thought about regarding someone looking at me)

      Other minor and random interactions in the scope of friendliness with other characters. Me and H talk a bit more. Then, I'm outside the car.

      I'm sort of standing at the midway point of a crossing that people are using. I'm still within talking distance of H and eventually we agree on something and I walk off. (much recall detail was lost, everything was fairly lively)

      (recall gap)

      Then, at a supermarket. I'm walking around trying to find something nice for us to have for lunch, even though some part of me remembers (false memory) making some sandwiches in buns. I end up finding a pastry aisle and I see some meat pasties which I'm interested in getting. I'm not sure where I should put them. I ask an attendant about bags or anything and she says "no, sorry" or something, and I realise that she doesn't actually speak much English. I walk back to the pastries area and eventually spot some paper bags cramped under something. Then, when I grab some they are actually cut out plastic bottles, though I don't realise this during the dream.

      I use two to find two meat pasties which are now in some slick plastic cases and stuff them in the bottles. While I'm walking about I see a load of people at an entrance door and then they're all looking around the aisle. I realise on some level they're students.

      (I woke up at some point and I remember falling asleep thinking about how I didn't realise I was dreaming with the previous night's dreams)

      9th January 2022


      In old home kitchen. I grab off the counter some ten by ten printed canvas which is wrapped in heatshrink (clear?). On the canvas is a young man and a woman, they're sitting on a boat or something and there's water behind them. They're family somehow; my nephew/niece, but older? She's sitting and wearing a white dress and a broad white hat. She has golden loop earrings. He's standing and wearing something darker, black or navy. Everything in the painting is moving slightly, the waves are alive and the two are looking towards the point of view and smiling.

      (this dream was especially vivid in my mind at the time for a while and the idea of a canvas with moving imagery was very exciting at the time)
    5. ccci. Meeting at a church, Visiting an in-dream dream location, Living in a mall

      by , 07-11-2021 at 07:03 PM
      11th July 2021


      Transitioning from the TBC era to WLK era. T is there as his paladin at one point. There's something very Roman-esque about the setting? We need to complete some gold-payment quest to continue on into the city. There's a group of randoms with us, part of our party.


      In a place like L, by the pier area I think. There's a lot of commotion because of an upcoming football match. It's dark-ish, twilight-like, orange and purple hues in the sky? I want to take the subway to go somewhere, but first I got into this church. Many people are leaving an on-going service in the church but many still remain.

      Aunt G enters the church, I notice her and approach, getting her attention. She eventually recognises me and I tell her we should go somewhere together (to make up for lost time?) because I realise this place is actually quite crowded. I don't entirely feel safe, I think. Someone, an older lady but not as old as my aunt, she's putting up cordons and tells us we can't go in a certain area of the church. She had white hair, maybe tied back.

      The church is artificially lit, quite a warm light which contrasts with the twilight. Originally I wanted to move towards one of the areas that was cordoned off. We end up leaving the church and heading down a nearby subway entrance.

      (recall gap)

      We are next to a guy who's a pipe maker. I tell my aunt how many churches just can't afford new pipes, even though they'd benefit from them. The pipe maker gives us a statistic; only about five-hundred thousand out of one and a half million can afford such things. I realise and remark that it's only a third. I also remark that the distribution is going to be geographically unfair or disproportionate, too.

      (after writing these two, I got up and had thoughts about WBTB as I got back in bed)


      Visiting a church with H. In the dream, I had a dream where I'd visited this church and it was sort of empty. So, when we're there together, I already know the layout. During the dream, this made me vaguely think of "vision quest" dreaming and that sort of thing (no doubt related to reading Dreamgates before bed). The church has an odd layout, the rooms are laid in an inwards spiralling fashion. One of the back rooms we go through is tiled and looks a bit industrial.

      It has four big cylindrical tanks, all white. They're about twice and a half our height. I understand them to be part of some boiler system. A man, possibly the warden, is showing us around the church, some kind of introduction.

      Before this, me and H are outside. We just got out of the van. It's dark? I don't remember the grounds too well but there are tall trees and low dry-stone walls. H shows me something about a painting, which resides out here, on the external church walls. The painting is very big, mostly vertical. It's about one yard wide by four yards tall.

      The painting itself is kind of sepia in tones. It has a sketch-like look. At first I just see some eyes at the top, like part of an incomplete portrait, but as I move it around (because I'm moving it to hang it on another wall), the image changes. On some level, this makes me think of those "holo" images.


      At a mall place with H. We live in a flat inside the mall, accessible via an escalator through a store, it's either a clothing or jewellery store. Some people I know from school are here, there's some interaction. Rest of recall is gone.

      - We went today somewhere that took us the same road that we can take when we went to see a pipe maker. This was recently, so I wonder if that dream theme was influenced by this.

      - The TBC->WLK dream theme probably came from a nostalgia of the actual WLK period and from having some interest in its classic revival. On the other hand, I have little or no interest in paying to play the game, especially since there's very little social motivation for me to do so. The last time I went on, the atmosphere was more "toxic" than I recalled, something I found hugely disappointed, making me feel like some people just never grow up. Perhaps when I played many years ago, I was just that much younger that I didn't think much of it/just ignored it or maybe it wasn't that far removed from daily life, but now it would just bother me.
      -- I still find WoW dream themes to be fairly enjoyable, since they do tend to focus on the sense of adventure, combat or exploration, which were feelings that were much more present in me when I was younger. I haven't felt a genuine sense of wonder about anything at all for many years.

      - In the area where I used to live, the mall has flats over it. Although the mall in the dream had a more "airport-shops" feel to it, the rest of the associations seemed fairly close to memory of home.
    6. cxcvii. A painting I protect, a walk through town and a dark gothic place.

      by , 12-12-2020 at 02:46 PM
      7th December 2020

      Very fragmented:

      Me and H were getting some pipes out of an organ. It was a rank supposedly, but actually it can't have been more than an octave.

      Pipes were semi-stopped? With some blue felt inside the top to achieve this.

      Some other bit, something about water in a container; it looks odd inside. I drink some (why?) but it has weird fibres floating in it. I try to search online about it.

      But then we pour the water out on the floor and it's revealed that the fibres were half parasite things; they moved but incredibly slowly. Later I sweat them out through my thighs and I decide to use a H2O2 spray to kill them all and almost bathe myself in it too so it soaks into me and kills any remaining inside my body. I have doubts about what I'm doing and what is going on.

      At a mansion place, I'm with my family here. We're guests to some friend of dad. I remember paintings hanging on the walls. There are stone or white wood ballustrades and there's no ceiling or it's made of glass. The host eventually becomes very surprised when he learns (from a servant?) how much it had cost him to accommodate all of us here.

      An unknown man comes in, he's wearing a dulled red jumpsuit. He is a thief, I quickly observe but I allow him to continue and I say nothing. I do not dislike our host but yet I allow this thief to steal from him.

      But when he tries to steal a painting with strange colouring patterns on it, with the figure of a woman in a white-ish dress, I let him get away with it for a while before I start following him. I follow him into a corridor and jump on him and tell him he absolutely cannot take this painting because it's special to me. I think I'm angry? I ask him to take anything else except for this painting. I tell him that there are many other paintings in this big house and that many are by famous artists and can fetch far better prices on a black market.

      I have some feeling the painting is about my cousin T, but there was nothing identifiable on it that would indicate this. The visual recall is too vague.

      Then, we're all leaving. I am more wary about the thief now but allow him to continue with his subtleties. I see mom and my sibling T and three others from the family, squeezed inside a white or silver Peugeot. I don't notice which is side the driver is on. I try to find the car I'm supposed to get in, but I can't find it.

      Eventually I'm just walking around a town with dad and some more family. It's sunny, with a few clouds. Distant mountains kind of like where I live now, but sharper contours? But otherwise the area looks more like my native country even though it is a dream-generated place. In the distance I also see a thin but very tall smoke stack.

      Dad tells me this stack is for the purpose of "releasing the excess gas from the dormant volcano", and he refers to the volcano by name but I lost the recall of that name.

      We all cross a street at a crossing, except dad, who goes into an open manhole, with a warm orange glow coming out of it. I look in and there's a vertical climbing pole at the centre of it and it seems to go down a very long way, it's bright inside but a saturated orange dominates. I tell the rest I'll lag behind so that dad can catch up with us. I am across the road and there's some kind of cafe on this side. The rest of the family go in and through the cafe and out again on another side.

      (recall gap)

      Mix of several RPGs and reality. I kill a mob pack referencing something to Lord of the Rings. A unique and unidentified teal rarity ring drops and there's some kind of interface overlay even though I'm in first person.

      It's some kind of occult void ring. It distorts reality around it and I put it on, on my right hand I think. I'm in a room with pews, gothic windows and some kind of statues too maybe. Everything becomes dark except outside through the windows still seems bright, if dull. There's some kind of wind that I can't feel, but can see. Objects like the pews leave a trailing ghostly effect, with a dark, dark red after-shadow-image.

      I go to a piano. I realise there's two time limits now that I see at a top/central position of some UI. I was supposed to do something on the piano and don't manage to open some kind of secret passage in time.

      Then there's a cutscene about an ogre and a witch. There's animosity between the characters and there's an extreme distance between the two. Some dialogues? He loses all the will he had to kill her for some reason but still he rampages forward. While watching, I make note of the fact that there's some gold piled up in the side of some rooms as the ogre goes through these large underground gothic halls.


      - The ogre and the witch were very stereotypical in their representations.

      - The woman's painting had a dark background that contrasted her brighter dress. The painting had a rainbow-like spotty pattern all over it, like light scattering or something. It's similar to an idea I've had for painting but I haven't been able to attempt it properly.

      - Before falling asleep, I tried doing this active imagination thing and I remember getting a bit lost or carried away in it, especially as it made me get closer to falling asleep.

      - The smoke stack is like one where I live but it was taller than that; I'm not sure what the volcano thing could be about.
    7. Painting abstract. Flying.

      by , 11-19-2020 at 09:42 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Notes: I've been doing more RCs in the past days which has led to more lucids.

      I'm at Hĺkansson's and I'm talking with Therese in a room I've never been at before. My cousins are also there. We walk up to the room where David sleeps and I have painted an abstract picture of two faces. It's hard to see one face at first. When you find the first face you can see the next face upside down under the first face. It's all done with lead pencils and it creates a monotonic plain surface. The eyes on the first face are like the windows on a submarine. Therese accuses me of having done evil things to my mom and I know that I have done them and I feel guilty.

      Notes: When I woke up I remembered that I never did the things I got accused of doing.

      I'm home with Eni and dad. I notice it's a dream. I fly by the house for some time and I have good control. I fly to the left of the outer door and see a window. It is half open and I open it up and peak my head inside. I scream hello and wonder if I maybe am rude. A young mans voice says hi. I walk in and wake up.

      Notes: It was a long time since I had two lucids over two days. Let's keep it this way!
    8. cvi.

      by , 03-31-2020 at 04:11 PM
      Dreams for the mornings of 26th, 27th and 31st of March. 26th and 27th enclosed in spoiler to reduce general length of the DJ entry.

      The last few days I have had decent dream recall from morning awakenings but I have felt too tired to make initial notes for them (28th,29th,30th). Sleep has been unusual for this past week, keep getting up too late despite several normal awakening times but might be starting to improve again.


      Spoiler for 26th content:


      Spoiler for 27th content:


      I had some sort of pre-sleep half-dream. I was starting to "paint" with just my mind (telekinetically) and was having ideas for a new painting and what I might paint next in my art room.


      I was in Sweden. I was with one or both of my Swedish friends and we were in their metro system. The stations were tall and spacious, but what really caught my attention was the shapes of the architectural structure. A lot of long and abstract shapes (just the kind of thing I'd like to build with concrete) and all of the stations we went through were mostly concrete, which I think my friends disliked. I think I liked it despite the lack of colour just because of the shapes.

      The stations were very well lit and quite busy. I remember we went through one station on the train and there were small island platforms with crossings between them that went down on the rail level, which seemed to imply a high degree of self-responsibility from people.

      Another part of the dream or a different dream, I was trying to get to or from university?

      Dream Fragment:

      Something like the cities game I've played recently, but mixed with actually travelling through the city. I was trying to manage some sort of power dams, three of them to be exact, and they were using water from a mountain like a custom map I made in WL that had a dormant volcano lake.

      There were some flow issues eventually, especially because the water was getting completely drained by the dams and this disrupted where it wanted to flow; the water from the source started making its own way in opposite directions and this annoyed me.

      Dream Fragment:

      In some kind of office. I remember the typical fake ceiling and light fittings. It must have been afternoon; there was a nice and golden light coming in through blinds that covered the windows. The dream focus was on two characters. A stereotypical "madame" and her butler. She wanted to check if she had won some prize with this organisation which did travel tours as rewards? She was obviously naive with her direct interactions with people and the world. Someone representing the organisation felt a bit odd and sinister.

      - The pre-sleep state was interesting because it was like what I used to get as a child, just not as strong. It came on very subtly and on its own.
      - That state's content was a conscious decision, because I quickly understood that I was more creatively receptive at this stage compared to normal thought, just a shame I didn't interrupt it to make any notes about the painting ideas.
      - I was a bit disappointed to not have made notes about the sex dream right after it had happened. In the last few days during the first morning awakenings I have dreams with great recall and think to myself of short word descriptions for the dreams so that I can remember them even if I fall asleep but this technique hasn't worked very much so in conclusion I really need to just write down dreams as soon as I can if I'm likely to fall asleep again.
    9. lxxxv.

      by , 02-16-2020 at 02:09 PM
      Not been able to keep recall very well or make notes in the morning for the last few days because of pain issues.

      Dream Fragment:

      I was at some sort of zen gathering, for a dream-imagined relative. She was going to have this ceremony that was supposed to strengthen the bond between her and this baby brother of hers or something.

      I remember the area was on a green and grassy rolling hill. It had a fair bit of an angle on it. There were some small trees, not much bigger than a person and there were some sort of carpets or rugs laid out in a few places.

      It was night time? But it was bright, I think from a full moon. I remember looking at the sky and seeing it in the night and then lower to the right I saw a tower. It looked like a Japanese hill castle tower.

      There were some people up there on its walls, some kind of avians, like from Starbound.

      Next thing I remember, I’m up there and planning a sneak attack with some other people against the avians to take some treasure they had up there.

      Transition? Maybe a different dream but it felt to be in sequence and similar context.

      I remember L and his childhood friend J. We were walking around a lower area, possibly next to that hill from before. It was night. We came up to some metal grated stone structure. Beyond the metal bars I could see a wooden treasure chest and a tunnel that led into that area.

      I looked to the left and saw another similar stone structure, also with metal bars but not all along it’s opening. There were two minotaurs in there and I attacked them but I don’t remember how I dealt with them exactly.

      The rest of the details are missing but I vaguely remember being in a 3 seat van with J and L at some point.

      Dream Fragment:

      I was using my tablet. I was painting, trying to replicate an effect I saw in waking life of a painting that was just in the background of a tv show.

      I was trying to paint waves in the water in the same detailed way as that painting. It wasn’t going very well though and even in the dream I realised I was going about it the wrong way.

      No notes for now, might edit later.
    10. 26 Feb: Sports and art competition

      by , 02-26-2019 at 09:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Participating at some kind of triathlon competition and doing very well. I am quite ahead of some men who are favorite. But the tests range from swimming, escaping simulated war games to going to a studio and produce some works of art. I see others painting authentic masterpieces, but all very similar, as if they all came from the same art school. I don't have their talent so I draw a mandala and also make some kenpo fighter doll with materials available. My sensei is in the jury and he is both impressed and amused.
    11. 7 Dec: Italian mafia movie, tourism and a rich friend's mansion

      by , 12-07-2018 at 11:25 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I dream I am watching and at the same time living in the flesh an Italian movie about a guy who adopts two orphan boys about 2 years old. It is lovely and adorable, until a mobster wants to settle an issue with him and kidnaps the boys to raise them as his own. He tries to make them copies of himself, so they are dressed like little gangsters and he takes them to see all about his business, including whacking other people. The kids are becoming traumatized and insensitive.
      One day their father comes to rescue them with a bunch of men and shoots the gangsters when they were about to climb some staircase to enter a building. One of the kids is so traumatized that he runs away from is daddy, crying, but some of the rescuers go after him. The other kid stands still without a reaction, but when his dad comes to him he bursts into tears and says "papi" (although that's spanish). I also cuddle the poor kid.

      Doing tourism with my mom in Italy. Drivers are just insane, speeding on tight alleys, almost hitting us. We hear a crash. I fly over the houses to get a view. It's a truck with vegetables who went over the pier and landed on a boat. The driver can't believe it. Meanwhile my mom arrives and wants to help him by buying him vegetables, but I don't think it's the best time to do it.
      We go to the historical city center, crazy ladies put pots with plants outside their doors, basically filling the narrow alleys with obstacles on which we trip for a couple of times. We enter a very cute restaurant which is also a b&b and I recognize it from having stayed here before. My mom confirms she recognizes it from pictures. I go talk to the owner and they say I left a big bottle of hemp oil when I last checked out from here. I had been worried the customs would not have allowed it, but this time I will try to take it back with me.

      I am staying at some rich friend's mansion. She is an Asian video artist. She shows me a video clio she did for an H&M campaign, very conceptual with people swimming in the sea and a centaur swimming with them, that becomes a horse on land. She says it wasn't picked up by the brand, because they didn't get the meaning, which was none. I said I liked it, even without any meaning, it was trippy and inspiring.
      She puts down the usb pen with some of her work and we check for some paintings I left in her house last time. I promise to take them with me this time. They are hideous and amateur, but she encourages me to continue doing it. Then she notices the pen is gone and freaks out. I say the only person I saw coming in was a certain guy, part of her team and she goes look for him in the studio. She is furious because she knows he wants to steal her ideas and undermine her work. She yells at him and they begin a nasty discussion,
      I decide to go check the rest of the house. Her amazing kitchen is on a hanging deck over a cliff, with glass walls with view to the town underneath. There's a large spiral stair to a garden below. From the garden, there is a large entrance to a lounge area where I encounter some of her friends chillin'. One of them says he found a recording of me singing a Grease medley and he wants to play it for everybody to listen. I say no, no, I am embarrassed, but he assures it is really good and they should hear. They are VIPs and might help me launch a career, but I run away to hide under a staircase. Another lady, also Asian, comes to sit by my side with lots of bags, says she is leaving for her flight, but feeling very tired and asks to rest her head on my lap for a while. Then some guy looking for me asks me to join back the group, he insists they really liked my recording. Along the way he sings bits of the song, trying to trick me into singing, but there are people all the way on the hallways and I just can't sing in front of people. He understands. Says we will just be watching another friend athlete on tv and not bother me with the singing.
      We watch her on some competition. She is also Asian, very pretty and with some very original outfit and hairdo, unlike anything I have ever seen in sports. At first I thought she was doing pole vault, but then realize it is some kind of new modality, in which athletes gotta climb a kind of metallic ladder reaching the highest possible step, with a minimum jumping movement, like cats do. I think she breaks a record and everyone is celebrating.
    12. 4/25/18- Hell and Incepted Lucidity 😂

      by , 04-26-2018 at 06:40 AM
      When it began, I was going to the regional spelling bee (which I'm doing IWL ). My nerves were shaky, but it was happening. I was excited, especially since, in the dream, it was taking place in South Korea. My father and I were at SOU, where the spelling bee is being held IWL (it was still SOU, just... In Korea) and walking around campus when we found an adorable animal. It had a huge fluffy tail, little paws, and... A human face?!
      However, we thought nothing of it. It was cute and that was all that mattered. It basically had a small, adorable, pinkish purple raccoon body- it seemed to love us, so we decided to take it home. The dream drifted away from the spelling bee, and I was sad that we had to leave Korea. So I came up with some better ideas.
      In a Coraline-esque movie, I had seen a character say a poem, and go through a painting, taking her to another world. I decided to do that, and return to South Korea, so I could meet my idols. I remembered the four-line, rhyming poem, and noticed the painting leaning against the wall behind my bed. It contained lots of dark colors and red, reminding me of hell, or Hades. After I said the poem, I took a deep breath, and stuck my hand through the painting. It sucked me in, and I began to fall from about 6 feet up on a wall. The surrounding area was dark- certainly a hellish landscape. I was in a room, though. Albeit a large one. I felt a weirdly strong connection to Kim Taehyung at this point- mainly just thinking of his name. Anyways, as I exited, random dream characters were like "wHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?? YOU'RE FROM THE MORTAL WORLD,, YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE DOWN HERE, PLEASE GO BACK, THIS PLACE IS CURSED," but I was just like "nah fuck u, im gonna go make out with [my favorite idol]."
      This turned out to be a rather large building, but it was all comprised of the same materials, colors, and designs. I found an area which was supposedly [my favorite idol]'s room. His bed was red and black, and there were some dirty clothes scattered around it. I just... Sat there, waiting. Then I just decided to have a walk around this dimension until they kicked me out. Outside of the building, everything was pretty much normal, and I remember walking along a highway alone at night. It was kinda cool. Eventually I returned home, upset that I couldn't make out with [my favorite idol], so I decided to do it another way. A safer way. Lucid dreaming. (Pretty ironic, huh? I didn't even think to do a reality check right then and there.) I basically became lucid immediately, in a new landscape- which just so happened to be the main street of my current Town. I rubbed my hands together very frequently, amazed at how well that strengthened my hold on the dream. I decided to hunt down BTS, so I floated up, until I saw the town in a map view. In the Northeast area, rightwards of the town park, I saw a large square crowd of people with a few in front, on a stage. I assumed that it was them, holding a concert, so I flew over. However, there were NINE people in front, instead of seven. It wasn't them. My dumb ass didn't think to turn around and change them into BTS, but oh well. I don't really remember much after that. I'm happy to be having more LD's and that I used a lucidity strengthening technique, though.

      Updated 04-27-2018 at 09:28 PM by 88528

      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Furniture Folly

      by , 10-04-2017 at 04:04 PM
      Morning of October 4, 2017. Wednesday.

      A task is given to me but the backstory is unclear. I find myself with two cans of paint and I believe I am supposed to paint two chests of drawers, one bigger than the other. I am painting (or apparently had been painting) in a sloppy way. There is a large uneven horizontal streak of orange paint at the bottom of the front with the drawers apparently being a bluish color. I notice that I had accidentally combined the two colors (dark orange and a darker yellow) into the container and I try to think of a way to separate the colors (which of course is not logical). However, I end up stirring the colors together even more, and as I do this, several other colors are seen in the mix. It then seems to be more of a dark blue and green color (which is illogical, as orange and yellow certainly do not produce any shade of blue or green). I think that maybe I will just use the one color, though the person who owns these apparent antiques might be dissatisfied. At one point, one chest of drawers has an uneven coat of an ugly dull blue color. I am annoyed, as both of my paint brushes are sticky and thick with paint, making them difficult to use competently.

      I think about this situation as being of the wrong thing to do, as I consider that the furniture looks much better in its natural wood grain. It turns out I am right. The male who had given me the work to do did not want the chests of drawers painted. I do not talk to him directly, but I see him from a distance. He reminds me somewhat of the teacher I had for wood shop classes at WWTI, but also a little of the owner of the pawnshop in the same city (La Crosse). It is a different (unfamiliar) male of about twenty who tells me the other male did not want them painted, but varnished.

      There is an unusual change in the situation without much thought about what had happened. Now it seems that I had not painted the chests of drawers at all, though this is actually a reset of my dream.

      An unknown female (of about forty) is showing some people some furniture, mainly chests of drawers (all of them of a natural wood grain) in a sequence of about eight or so in an unknown location. I start to point out how great one of them looks. It is fancy. It has brass handles on all the drawers and narrower scroll work all around. (It does not look like any furniture I had seen in real life, at least not recently.) Two of them, including the fancy one on the right end of the series, are apparently the ones I had originally been painting but I do not consider how I reset my dream due to being annoyed. The other one I had been painting is about the fourth left of the fancy one.

      The tendency to reset or “start my dream over” when I am dissatisfied with how it is going is of a curious type of non-lucid dream control that I have experienced naturally since early childhood.

    14. Sorting Through a Lot of Junk (with John Larroquette)

      by , 07-14-2017 at 01:14 PM
      Morning of July 14, 2017. Friday.

      I am in an unknown residence that has a lot of rooms of which are filled with junk that I plan to get rid of. The first setting seems to be a basement (or like a basement), yet is seemingly not underground, though it seems to have a dirt floor at times. There are large long shelves in a number of locations. Much of the junk seems to be parts of picture frames, nails, and documents I no longer need or want.

      In one scene, I seem to be in the northernmost (northeast) room of the King Street boarding house, where I have not lived (in reality) in over twenty-five years. The bed is aligned lengthways along the west wall, head to the north (an orientation never utilized in reality). For the first time ever in a dream, my mother (July 14, 1916-October 2, 2002) is associated with the King Street boarding house as living there in my dream. (Although my wife Zsuzsanna and I have been together in many dreams since we met in reality, including as implied to be living in the King Street boarding house even though she has never been to America, I find it astounding upon realizing my mother had never been in this dream setting as far as I presently know.)

      I had found an outfit (combined sweater and pants) for my youngest daughter and had brought it into the room. My mother seems angry that someone else had apparently thrown it out but is glad that I had retrieved it for use for my daughter’s benefit.

      Later, there seem to be a number of other (unknown) people going through the miscellaneous junk. The actor John Larroquette (as he appeared in the television series “Night Court”) makes an appearance in the final segment. It is mentioned how no one wants most of what is presently sitting about in the large basement-like room.

      “In that case, I’ll take these portraits,” he says, picking up two large slightly damaged portraits of himself (which may have originally been left there either by him or someone else).

      Our daughter was somewhat restless this morning. Her clothes appearing in my dream without her was a possible indicator of her being awake while we were sleeping.

      My mother seems to be the precursor of my emergent consciousness in this case even though my dream self did not recall that she had died in 2002.

      I believe that a dream of cleaning or getting rid of junk is sometimes biological symbolism relating to cellular processes in real time, possibly including a need to get up and use the bathroom.

      The final dream event features coalescence waking symbolism (projected, neutral preconscious). This stems from an analogy with coalescence meditation, of where viewing infinite selves by looking into a mirror on each side is metaphorically resolved as internal unification by then looking forward into the mirror reflecting the one self (in whole consciousness).

    15. LD 88 - Stepping into a painting/spaceship

      by , 01-27-2017 at 01:25 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I was adjusting my sleep and got lucid during a nap. Another personal goal attempt. I should keep count. Would be interesting to know how many times I had to try before I succeeded.

      I'm with old friends on a trip to some far corners of Finland. We stop at some gas station that's selling all sort of stuff. There's a circular, wooden hot tub on sale. The thing is 10 cm deep and 50 cm across. I can hold it in my hand. I think my whole party of 6-8 people can fit in it easily, so it's size is a bit paradoxical. The tub has vihtas and a sauna stove. I buy the tub.

      I go back to my friends. They are in sauna, so I join them. It's not too hot. I tell them of my purchase. They like it. The sauna has rows of bunk beds with blue covers and my friends are resting on them while enjoying the heat.

      After sauna, people get dressed and get ready to sleep. I chat with some of the girls, when a small hand movement turns back time. "It was 1am and now it's 9pm!" I exclaim loudly as I look at the nearest person. It's Hanna. We are outside the gas station again. I go to her and say "I turned back time!" I look at the nearest clock and slightly move my hand. Time moves forward and back without effort. I stop at 9 pm and become lucid. The first thought on my mind is sex, unfortunately. I get close with Hanna, but I manage to drag myself away from her. It might be too late, I feel being excited in waking life. It might pull me away from the dream. Sure enough, visuals are instantly gone as I focused on waking life. I stay calm. Even without visuals, I know the dream is around me. I have to focus on seeing something in the dream. I choose Hanna's pants. Old blue shorts with a thin white stripe. Nice, I'm back. Time to go.

      I want to try my personal goal again. I fall into my old plan and search for a doorway there. I want to believe the dream can show me the way, so I just walk away from the station. The road turns into a field of flowers. Visuals become a little weird. The ground is tilted 20 degrees, but I feel like I'm walking on a flat surface. I find a white wall with flowers painted on it. There's a small square shaped wooden door with a flower shape carved on it. I would have to crawl through it in waking life, but here I just open it and step through. First there's nothing but white on the other side. I keep hoping to find the way to the frozen planet, but this doesn't appear to be white snow. Details appear. Odd looking, wonky, white corridors in every direction. I'm in a maze. "No worries, this is the alien spaceship. I'm closer to the frozen planet. This will work." I think optimistically.

      I look for a path going up, trying to find the bridge, but I fail. The white corridors have crudely drawn symbols at crossing paths: heart, club, spade and diamond symbols. Looks like someone used colored pencils to draw this world. But it gets weirder. Twitch emotes live here. They bounce around in small clouds and some of them merge together. For some reason the army of emotes scares me. I remember another dreamer suggesting laughing when scared, so I do that. Laughing appears to do nothing. I end up on a dance floor full of these emotes and I'm attacked by hundreds of vampiric Kappa faces that have merged together.
      I wake up.
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