2022 June 30th Very disjointed. Left recall too late. Would like to make some proper side notes for this one too at some point. Dream (DFLN): I'm in a car in a town with mom. She's driving me around in a large and modern Nissan, trying to get me to a local airport I think. There are roadworks just about every way she thinks of taking. I try to suggest some routes she can take but she doesn't seem to want to listen to them and possibly mentions something about the fact that she's driven here for X many years and so on. (recall gap) I'm at some kind of palatial building, here for a fancy party or ball. I'm in what is my guest room at one point. I'm a woman, except for my private areas. Someone I met just earlier (forget who) left me a dress here in the room and I think about putting it on. It's a very simple dress and is a cream colour, slightly darker than my skin tone. I have wavy hair, possibly fake blonde. Putting the dress on in bed, I think about how a dress will still be revealing of male private parts. I feel uncomfortable with this but don't see what I can do about it and reason to myself that people generally don't look to that sort of area and that I can to do things like sit down and such to possibly not make it as noticeable. A bit later I'm at a dinner at a long table. The fancy palatial theme remains. This theme seems to feature primarily white, cream/pink and gold as colours. Somewhat plain while still being lavish. (recall gap) I'm still a woman. I'm with Hilary. (from DV, i.e., here!) We're talking about dreams and artwork. I am supposed to have made three artwork commissions for her but I haven't made them yet and feel guilty. We're somewhere outside and it's night time. It's grassy and open, I'm not sure there's anything taller in the horizon that I can see. In the sky I see the three commission ideas fading in and out as stars. The first one is a crescent moon, the second a side portrait of a woman with hair tied back, and finally something else which I've lost recall of. Hilary doesn't seem upset with me for not having finished these commissions yet, but I still feel disappointed with myself. We talk a bit more and then she takes me to some physical threshold, maybe a door. I think she wants me to come with her to a dream? (recall gap) I'm my usual self again and at a bulk buy super market. Possibly a Makro (which I don't think I've ever been to). I am unfamiliar with the layout but I look around for things with confidence. I find some frozen chips and think about the price. I see they cost 2.1 for 2.5 and I reason that at 1.5 for 1.5 normally, this is slightly better and I grab a bag. Then, I wander the shop trying to think what else I want and as I feel like I actually didn't want much more, the shop also gets noticeably smaller and is more like a convenience store now. I look around again and see some socks, making me think that H might like some but I don't know the size and I don't want any for myself because they look too loose. I see a basement stairs bit and there's a bunch of plushies in a large metal cage basket thing next to the stairs. I think about getting some. They feel fluffy. They cost 60 each though and I think to myself that I really can't afford to pay this for a plushie and feel a little sad. At this point I also start to feel self-conscious and don't check out downstairs, which seemed to have Lego and more toys. So I leave to go the tills. At some point a fat man near me is coughing and I think I comment that I just had COVID and don't really want to get it again so soon. (recall gap) I'm in a rural area. It's late afternoon. I'm with two men, dream characters I think. They are messing around a bit and one has a mini bike thing (7D2D intrusion?). I am on a field side of a wooden fence and they're on the road. As I walk along, I come to a tan coloured cow. She's on the floor and at first I think she's asleep, but then I see the side of her muzzle and see it looks to be rotting, with a hole about the size of a gold ball and with some tendons showing through or something. Difficult to describe. I feel somewhat unsettled and I'm also worried for the farmer now. But I think we should get out of here before we get mistaken for having done something to the cow. We go up a small hill road and we come to a building with a store or something. Then there are four of us and we decide something about super powers. Then inside a building it's a bit like a factory or foundry. (rest of recall was too vague)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Before going to sleep I had been thinking about my very first dreams I recall having. One of them was being chased by a bull inside my kindergarten, derived from one traumatic day in which a bull was on the lose in the area and we were warned to stay safe indoors and all the kids ran in panic inside. So I am dreaming that I am at some big palace building, maybe a museum, maybe a university, not sure, but some kind of event is taking place and lots of people are getting ready for something. For some reason, a huge, almost supernatural bull, is chasing me and gets lost inside this building. I first run upwards some stairs on a corner of the building and on the top floor, I go to another corner of the building (it's main area seems to be quadrangular) to descend through the staircase on this side. But the bull is probably causing damages in some crowded area, because lots of people come running my way and hide in some hall to my left. I see the stairs are also full of people going up and down, apparently not knowing from where the danger comes from and I decide to jump into some shaft that exists in the middle of some smaller staircase, maybe a service staircase. At its bottom, there is a classic statue of a woman, wrapped in ropes to be pulled up. I almost crash into it. I escape to some terrace through a window, which is not at ground level, but is close enough. I spot my dog Hachi on the street jumping nervously, looking around how to get to me. I jump from the terrace to a garden below, but the open space makes me nervous because the bull can come crashing out of one of the doors of the building at any moment and cut my path. I manage to reach the gates and alongside other people, we move to an apparently safe place, by walking on some ledges on the side of some buildings, connected by bridges, over a canal that runs through the middle of them. Most weirdly, is that at the bottom of the canal are lots and lots of coffins. Apparently it is a tradition here not to bury the dead, but to lay their caskets on the canal. I wonder how the hell the water isn't putrid and stinky.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I think I am in Brussels wiith some acquaintances. I learn that Sevelina has come out as gay and I am happy for her, but also wonder why she still doesn't talk to me. We come accross a group of street performers, illusionists, and they are inviting people to join some indoor show nearby. I am dragged along with the group and we attend the show, which strangely involves computers. So their trick seems more like hacking than a magic trick and I am sure it is some scam. Also, only people without basic IT skills could not see through that. I sneak into their backstage to have a word with them and ask for a refund, but once they realize I am onto them, they disappear quickly through a back door and lock it. Then my friends join me and say the front door is closed, so we are basically trapped, After some struglle we knock one door down and look for them outside, but they are gone. With an undefined friend, as a passenger in his car. We are in the middle of a forest. He calls Carlos, saying he leaves nearby, to ask if we can drop by. I say he doesn't want us there, because I had asked once if I could come for a visit and he had said no. But my friend is convinced he will not say no and after a long conversation on the phone, he manages to get a yes. But he only says he is bringing me along after the yes and I notice that Carlos gets upset. Not that he doesn't like me, on the contrary, but his wife is so very jealous of me. We drive there, it is an old palace covered in traditional Portuguese tiles, white and blue, depicting historical scenes. I am surprised. Carlos looks very tanned and fit, He is just wearing shorts, no shirt. His wife is a very average looking lady, short, with glasses and unnatractive hair, but she seems welcoming, or at least she is making an effort to be welcoming. There is something odd about how simple they look and the place they live in. They take us over a terrace with potted plants and a couple pets. They actually live in a much less fancy area of this palace and I realize they are the keepers and not the owners. Carlos is strangely being very open with me, very handsy and I fear that his wife might indeed get jealous. But so far, she keeps smiling. Then they takes us to the part of the palace which houses some foundation and a museum. I say I'd love to see the interiors and they take us first to inside the museum, not their home. There, I get lost from them in the visiting crowd. I bump into my friends Nuno and Ana, I say hi and they say hi back but they don't stop walking. I bump with them again further ahead and poke Nuno and say hi again. Again they reply but keep moving, looking a bit annoyed with my insistence, so I let them go. Then at some room is some minister presiding over some official ceremony and he adresses some navy officers and they salute. There are also some navy and army people outside, doing the museum tour and at that moment they all stop in their tracks to salute, leaving everyone else confused if they should wait or walk past them and carry on. The museum is very random and it has stuff about Portuguese navigators and explorers, but also some part about a dude who was an actor and decided at an old age to become a bullfighter and married some Spanish royalty lady and there are photos of their wedding and a real size photo of the lady in her wedding dress with a several meter long tail. Now with Riverstone and some new friends, but I think I am still on that palace/museum, entering a new area that is a bit more surreal. I lose sight of them, and go from room to room looking for them and I find a kind of baby nursery, with a few different rooms for kids of different ages. Then end up at another room which is crowded. People are standing in a long line with bags, like an airport security check place. Suddenly I worry that I am not wearing a mask in the middle of this packed crowd, so I look for an exit. Outside I find myself in the city of Porto. Right in front of me on the sidewalk, I see a dog in need of help, but he growls when I approach him. So I let him go, feeling helpless. I call Riverstone on my phone but he doesn't answer. I feel left alone and angry that my friends didn't care for me and haven't even called in to check on me. Then I meet some tall handsome stranger who says he can get me out of here and I am curious, so I follow him. He takes me inside the facility I came from again, but to some different empty area with wild technology. He speaks to some bodyless voice that guides us through some procedure. Him and some other guys that just appeared there, put on some weird looking helmets. They look like legendary nordic warrior gods. They offer me one helmet too and say to stand by their side and that I might get dizy. And I do. I fall flat on my back and can't move, but I am aware. I feel one of the guys laying me down on some bed and making me comfortable, he touches my clothes and for a second I fear he might rape me, so I flinch and regain some control. He assures me it is ok and I trust. We all need to be in physical contact for some reason, so they interlace their feet with mine and for a few seconds I feel between worlds: I can feel my body laying in bed (real bed? or dream bed?) with them around me, but I also already see the other side, the street where I last was with my friends before we entered the palace/museum/whatever. Slowly I wake up there and I am laying on a bench and I spot my friends sitting on another bench. I wanna hug them, but I am also feeling angry. Riverstone says they looked for me, but the phones weren't working and they also got lost on that surreal place. I think he may be saying the truth. Then there is some kind of parade on the street in front of us. It is either some wedding or a funeral. It is festive but also gloomy and it is hard to distinguish. Night falls and I spot some lights in the skies. First is just a pair of orbs swirling, then they form shapes like minimalistic angels or fairies and one comes down straight at me. People in the parade freak out and run in all directions. I freeze, not knowing if this light thing will hit me like a lightning or not. But it just flies-by like saying hello to me or goodbye and up it goes and disappears and I feel it was the guys who brought me over to my reality, just saying goodbye before they leave.
Updated 12-29-2021 at 10:48 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP On the backstage of - I think - Jimmy Kimmel's show. There is a giant water tank on stage for some reason and Jimmy is inside fully dressed doing some stunt. At some point I feel like he is in distress, so I knock on the glass just to check. All is fine and when it is over, I see the staff putting away all the wet accessories and then I meet Jon Stewart, who is also around for some reason. He joins me and comes to my mom's house to stay for a day, sort of a prize I got at the show, not sure. Strangely, he straight away sits topless on the sofa. I always found him hot, despite just being an ordinary looking dude, so I find myself massaging and caressing him. At first, I feel like it is consensual - after all, he got naked - but then he looks awkward and tells me not to touch his nipples or hair and just keep it professional. I am confused but I say ok and offer him just a shoulder massage. Then I stop, because I still feel him uncomfortable and I also feel uncomfortable and I say we can just talk. I start asking if he ever visited Portugal before. He says no and asks if there are beaches nearby. I say not really, but for some reason I can see Setúbal from my mom's window and tell him actually on that town, there is a really nice beach and we can go there if he wants. He likes the idea and we hop on a train to get there. My mom and some other girl also join. During the travel, Jon disappears and now I am only with the two ladies. The ticket controller comes by and the girl has no ticket and I realize none of us do. She makes up some bad excuse that will make us look even worse. The controller says immediately he will have to fine her. I think we need to get out right now discreetly and we need a distraction maneuver. So I spot this cranky old lady wailing insults at a poor black woman sitting nearby. I get up and spread some jam (that I just happen to have) all over her face, telling her she is a racist pig and to shut up. She is in shock and intensifies her slurs. She says blacks are all criminals and disgusting and she is not sorry. I slap her around, I am really pissed off and try to reason with her, but she shows no desire to be reasonable and just intensifies the hate. Meanwhile I think the controller disappeared but probably because he went to call the police or security, se we need to leave asap. Back at my mom's house, in my old bedroom. I find some ugly scary bug inside my wardrobe. Then I spot a few centipedes on the bottom of it, then lots of ants and finally notice that all hanged clothes are covered in flying ants. I go open the window, to try to release all the flying bugs, but first I check for any cats laying around and take them outside the bedroom for safety reasons. But then outside, I notice there is some construction work in my mom's bathroom and the workers also keep the window open. I freak out (it's a 4th floor), so I come up with some kind of barrier that allows air circulation but stops cats from going there and falling. Then the house is now like and old gigantic palace with abandoned furniture. Some dude from the workers finds a dog nursing puppies under a dresser and believes one of the puppies is dead. So he picks him up and throws him away to a pile of trash. But the puppy is alive and hurt. I take him to vet. The vet also throws him against the floor a bunch of times. I am horrified and I yell at him, but each time the puppy gets thrown, he actually seems to become better, more awake and transforming into something else. The last time the man does it, he turns into a kookaburra. Again at the old palace, back when it was alive. I am a servant and I live in the servant's area. Everyone else is away, masters and servants alike and I am the only one around. I am at the kitchen doing some chores when two guys break in. One of them is my old colleague from school in RL, Zé Francisco, accompanied by a shorter chunkier guy who looks like his own servant, but he is no lord or gentleman, they are bandits looking for an opportunity to rob some stuff. When Zé sees me, he recognizes me and I see in his eyes that he wants me and he will rape me. At first I panic, but then I think I was always strangely attracted to him, so it becomes a consensual thing. I lead him to a room and we are getting on, but it takes ages to undress. The skirt and petticoat and corset, so many things to remove. Meanwhile he transforms into someone else and he complains that I am fat and I smell, so the mood is ruined. Now I am a single mother living in a favela. Some gang members are looking for me, so I hide at some friend's place with my kid. They find me, but fortunately when they arrive, I am in a back room and hide before they see me. My kid is with me and I tell him we are playing a very serious game in which he can't talk no matter what. He is a toddler and doesn't really understand there is danger, so at some point he escapes from me and dwells into the front room where the bad guys are, but they don't know whose child he is and my friends make up some excuse. The kid keeps going to whatever destination he has in mind and never ever says a word, even when they ask him something, so they assume he is mute and let him go.
Updated 11-25-2021 at 11:35 PM by 34880
29th July 2021 Didn't make any initial notes for this, just left the recall and ended up doing other things all day. Scraps: Some bit in a "mall", but it actually looks like a 1500-1800s palace of sorts, English or Germanic style. There is a large open courtyard area and something about a rebellion or conflict happens, I become the leader of a defence force for this "mall" and start giving orders to impromptu soldiers, who wear some sort of appropriate medieval soldier outfit, wearing flowing yellow tabards with a white trim. Some of the helms have plumes, blue? At some point after that, I climb up some place high but it also looks like the area outside H's village. There's some kind of pipe organ structure but it's half-natural or built into a natural area. I activate something, a mechanism of some sort. Then or before that, something about a car and being driven around, with H driving I think. (rest of recall has all faded)
23rd June 2021 Fragment: I'm mining in a cave with H. It's a mix of MC and BL, I find a block of ruby ore and dig it out. Disappointed with finding only one piece, I dig some more of the surrounding area, maybe two or three block radius. I don't find any more ore of any kind but I've uncovered this old and damaged wooden door. It leads into a 2x2 (blockwise) space, also mostly in wood and more realistic. It's all dark stain but looks old like watermarked and scratched. There's another door opposite, it has cracks and through them and the bottom of the door blue-ish daylight comes through. I tell H to come or something and I open the door. Then on the other side I'm in a small hall I think. It's like many palaces like ones I've visited in my native country, in terms of style and so on. There's an arching double door made of wood, painted white, it has windows on the top half and the rest of the hall has several large latticed windows along the same wall. Through the double door is a covered courtyard, kind of, it's more like a square and covered landing at the top of some stairs and apart from some iron bars and the stone-like roof, it's open to the elements. This roof is low and not far from my head, if I had claustrophobia I'd probably consider it to be a claustrophobic space. I look around. This bit has a pattern-decorated tile floor, white and yellow? It's relatively high here, some four or five stories at a guess and below I see a much bigger courtyard with a road and some dried-up stone fountains. I also look upwards where I can. It's an overcast day I think and I see more of the palace building sections, understanding it to be a convoluted layout. In the dream, I'm excited and verbally share my excitement with H, I think implying that I'll be taking it over or something. (recall gap) Arriving at some prison in a car, a road curves around the bottom of a cliffside and it's relatively flat down here. There's a look of North American deserts to this cliffy area. I get out of the car and approach the prison entrance, there are some purple-clothed gangsters that seem to have come out of GTA:SA; I shoot their leader with an oversized desert eagle, the rest of them become agitated and I threaten them calmly not to try anything or they'll be next. I walk past them, past the prison entrance and to a bit on the side of this prison complex. There's a garage and a damaged car. Someone fixes up the car and I take it away, with someone else sitting at the back. Then I see myself driving it in third person and when I go too fast, this other person sitting at the back gets whipped out from the rear window but holds on. There's some interface showing me their health rapidly decreasing and as I slow down, it returns a little. I determine that I can only do short bursts of speed because he must survive. Police chase after us but I am not too concerned, more annoyed than anything, expecting to lose them soon. Notes: - Apart from the fact that I had watched a Star Trek episode last night involving a prison planet, I can't really figure out where the GTA sequence might have stemmed from. It was an extremely casual sequence where I was not exactly myself and was more just a character myself. - The palace matched all of my expectations for how that type of place would look, single pane glazing, somewhat old and not taken care of, in a certain style, etc. I have not been to any such palace or similar styled building in quite some time, years really. - We have recently been thinking about playing Minecraft again but we haven't made any decisions yet, especially since we want to use some mods. I have some longing for mining and building, which both that part and the part about the palace seem to relate to. - There was something in that recall gap but it seems to have evaporated. I can only vaguely recall some disjointed scenes.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a post-apocalyptic zombie world. Clearly inspired by some episodes of "the Walking Dead: world beyond". I am traveling in a van with some friends I made along the way. Nobody knows exactly where we are going but we expect to stay together, until one of the girls says she wants to go to some university nearby and that she studied for the admission exams and wants us to take her there. We go. The procedure is a bit strange as each candidate goes to a booth with one person that interviews them and hands them the test and they do it all in front of the family and friends who sit in front at some row of chairs. Looks more like a trial. She is asked questions about her background. She is asked about her parents and she says they died because of the zombies. The examiner replies that's the case for the majority of the applicants, so being orphaned doesn't give her any real advantage. But then she tells about our group experience during our travel, hoping they'll be impressed with the courage she showed and the skills she developed. Instead, the examiner looks at us and makes some not so unveiled comment about us not being appropriate material to even enter the premises of such school and wonders if she is fit for the school. But eventually gives her the chance to take the test and she scores really high, so she is accepted. The whole group is heartbroken because now we need to leave her behind and we don't know if we'll ever see her again. We depart without her. I am in the outskirts of London, waiting for a tube that is never coming. I finally take a bus and I am looking at some notes to figure out where I am and where I am going, but can't really figure out. I check how much money I have and gather it and stuff it in some hidden inner pocket of my bag for safety. I am going through some shitty neighborhoods and people on board of the bus also don't look so friendly. Some weird crazy guy starts harassing people and a kid on his mom's lap his scared and says so to his mom, but his mom says to suck it up, because taxis are awfully expensive. She mentions a £96 cost to get home, which I find absurd, but makes me wonder if I could afford taking a taxi considering those prices. I find my phone on my bag and think I can use the gps and maps to find my way. Then I see an area that looks more touristic and I decide to hop off the bus and just make a plan from there. I go down some narrow street that has gorgeous view over a neighborhood by the Thames bank. Ground level brick houses with lots of flowers on the windows and doors. I want to take pics but I can't. The things I want to photograph keep disappearing from the screen of my phone and the camera always points somewhere else. I break the phone in half and start panicking as pieces start to fall off and the image on the screen fades away. Now I am lost and with no gps any more. I freak out as I see the evening coming to an end and getting dark. But then realize I am just dreaming and I don't have to be afraid. I tell myself to just have fun with it. So I keep walking to a very posh area of the city, with high fashion shops, fancy hotels and I decide to indulge. I go to a very high end mall and start looking for a dress worthy of a princess, but immediately everybody looks at me and says I don't belong there. I am wearing jeans and some shitty sweater. I don't care. I see an event where some lady full of plastic surgeries, is on some type of arena with spotlights and announcing they'll have a fashion show of the most beautiful and elegant ladies and outfits and I barge in and start walking around like a model in that arena. People are shocked and she is furious. She tries to push me away but I push her instead and she falls on the ground. I say I am sorry, that I did not intent to harm her and she insults me in every possible way, so I keep mocking them all by continuing to catwalk in silly ways. Then I decide to keep going. I don't get the dress I was looking for at first, as I am afraid will lose lucidity while distracted dressing and undressing. Also, I can simply summon some outfit. But I am no longer interest in that. Instead I go outside and see some kind of Carnival fair and I want to enjoy that instead. But it is so very dark, the sky is covered in black dense clouds that threaten to rain and besides, the darkness is making me lose lucidity. So I decide to make the sky blue and sunny. It doesn't happen right away, so I point my hands to the clouds and start pushing them away. It is getting a little bit clearer but is taking too long. So I project a vortex that sucks it all up and it works so much faster. The sky is clear in seconds and I feel proud of it. But then the vortex shatters like a mirror and all the sharp pieces come tumbling down over the fair. People scream in panic and all I can figure out is getting inside a mini car for 1 person, that I see parked in front of me. I take cover inside and hear the rumble of all the debris hitting the car. Then I get out. A couple of girls is rummaging through the debris and I check out what or whom they are looking for. Even they don't seem to know or don't want to say, but I find a bag with some dolls and clothes and ask if that's what they are looking for. Some clothes are damaged but the dolls look ok, just covered in dust. But their reaction is strange, they no longer want the dolls. I give up. Meanwhile not much to see here anymore, so I keep walking and enter some palace like building and rub my hands to keep lucidity going. It is all decorated like for Xmas and some gentleman gather in a circle chatting, with drinks on their hands. They also look at me like "who's this?" and some butler comes to me, very gently asking me to leave, as this is a private club. I declare I couldn't care less and that I am up to no good. I spot an hallway where they set up a table with all kinds of goodies and I go there. The butler is in panic and calls me "Please, please, you must leave. Don't touch that food." And I stop in front of it, defiantly, and stretch my arm to grab something and just watch his panic growing and also his inability do deal with me. I eat some hors d'oeuvres and I find it repulsive. It's some kind of pickled vegetables, but nasty. I say "How can people like this shit?" And then the butler goes from panicky to insulted. "This is a very expensive selection of fine Japanese pickled daikon and vegetable sushi." Then he tells me the names of each piece and that they must be eaten in a certain way and order. Then he goes on exemplifying. Eats a slice, by first removing a detachable part in the center and then the rest of it. He makes a face of delight and sounds of pleasure, like he is having an orgasm and I laugh. Then he challenges me to try it exactly as he says. But unfortunately I wake up.
Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:07 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Very long dream inspired by Doctor Sleep, which I had watched. Long chase by evil beings. Can't remember details but there were several of us in a building and several of them and I am the last survivor. I escape through an elevator to a basement with access to outside. Turns out there is still a friend of mine alive, she kinda reminds me of Zilla but it's not exactly her. We devise a plan to attract the monsters and kill them in some accident. We need to pull them into our minds and make them go from one to the other to confuse them. We create a loop of events in which to trap them. I start. My eyes turn white, I levitate in the air and visualize the events. It all works out but me and my friend find ourselves also trapped in the loop and we panic for a bit. Then we manage to get out. It's night, full moon, sky very clear. I am at some place looking through the window and see a most weird thing in the sky, like a cloud formation that looks like some object entered the atmosphere by crossing a portal. I try to photograph it but I need to get in a weird position or the image becomes all distorted. There is only a tiny window of an angle in which it is visible and still I am having trouble capturing it. I fall on the ground and eventually give up. But I go outside to see it live and also just enjoy the full moon. I go for a walk and find an abandoned palace and then bring my mom and friends there. Mom is happy to see someone dumped a lot of the fancy furniture and objects near the entrance gate and suggests coming later to take some things away. We are in love with a marble fountain, she says I must take it to my farm, but it weighs tons and I have no clue how to take it. We try removing pieces one by one, but it is mostly one piece about 5 mts long by 2 meters high. Then I am at a rural village early morning. It is very peaceful until strange things start happening. We hear a strange chilling scream of an animal and then several animals running in panic towards a road. Nobody knows what it is, but I think of a werewolf attack. Then some old lady comes outside from a house, acting like a zombie, carrying a kid of 2 or 3 years old in her arms and throws the kid in the trash bin. We are shocked and while one goes pick up the baby, we go ask her why she did it. She looks like a zombie and says her daughter is dead, no point in keeping the kid as he will only attract the devil and be taken away, like it happened to the other one. Meanwhile, we feel like the monster is coming in our direction and we are preparing ourselves to face it. Again trying to get away from some evil, I walk into what seems an empty modern building. At the staircase I wonder if I should be going up or down and I chose down. I go down two floors and encounter a couple of housekeeping workers with their trolleys going inside a service elevator. I decide to join them and go wherever they are going. They go up. Then they start making out passionately and undressing each other, despite my presence. They are overweight and not at all attractive but I still get a bit turned on and think "should I join?", but nah... I go out when the elevator stops and I go around a corner and see a reception desk and a long line of very attractive people. Ask what it is this place and it is a public swimming pool. I think that's exactly what I'd like right now, a plunge in a relaxing pool but the line is so long. They tell me not to worry with the line though, because they are all there just to pick up a token or whatever from the receptionist and immediately go to the locker rooms. I follow them but when I undress I realize I don't have a swimming suit or a towel, so I head to the reception fully naked to ask if they rent some. They mock me saying I should have brought my own towel, but about the swimming suit not to worry about because this is a nudist pool. I'm like "Ooooh!" and then look forward to see all those gorgeous guys naked in a pool. I have plans to turn it into something even more interesting. When I get to the entrance, a bunch of naked people are stuck there and I am told some dude got in with a girl against her will and locked the door behind, so the mood is not cool. They are trying to figure out what to do, negotiating with the dude and I feel like maybe I should just go full lucid and move on and so something useful but instead I wake up.
28th March 2021 Fragment: Some kind of false awakening, dream reality feels accurate to waking life. I get up and then am answering the door? It's early morning and it's sunny outside; the sun's position in the sky would make it late afternoon but in the dream I don't realise this, the light looks morning-like. There's a courier stood by a van on the left or something and I go to him, shielding my eyes from the sun's glare with my right hand. My eyes feel exactly as if I had indeed just gotten up and are taking long to adjust to the bright light and I squint. I take a package from the courier? There are other people around in the street but rest of details not recalled. Fragment: I'm in a building. A hall or palace, unsure. I'm part of a faction and I have some kind of battle equipment but little detail recalled and I go on some kind of patrols on my own in a city or town area. Then back at the palace place, one item I recall clearly on a table is an Axis-like medal with a skull at its centre. It's a pendant and it's mine. I take it and it has some kind of interface overlay saying it grants me "+2 fortune". There's some other pendant which I also take and it grants +1. In the room I'm in, there are two large palace windows to a courtyard. A Nazi officer with some bodyguards or soldiers approach a door next to the windows. He knocks or something and waits patiently, I believe someone answers the door and the officer speaks. "I have been sent to speak to the queen", he says, or something to that effect. The door is shut and the man waits patiently outside, looking somewhat stiff in posture. It is either dawn or night but it doesn't look so dark outside. Someone goes to get the queen; eventually she appears to my left in a dark corridor. She's in her night clothing and looks rather exposed or vulnerable as far as royalty goes. This is some ancient English queen, but I'm not sure who; possibly queen Victoria, I get a feel of. She stands a distance away from the door and it is opened now; she engages in some dialogue with the Nazi officer. Her face suggests mistrust, disgust and apprehension, possibly more so for having been woken in the night like this. Notes: - The second fragment was very long but I cannot recall enough of it to put into words; a lot of it seemed to take place in WH40k-like locations. There was a general feel of futuristic Warhammer mixed with WWII themes to the whole thing. - The pendant I had also gave that feeling; as far as I can tell, it was like a medal awarded to me for valour in combat; I do not remember what the second pendant looked like. They were both on leather strings.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At a space station in the shape of a ring. But not really in it, more like looking it from the outside. They project movies and ads inside the ring's inner wall and are playing a Star Wars movie in it. Turns out I am not in outerspace, but in a movie set. Carrie Fisher's daughter is there and she is a teenager. I find out she has been crashing the set uninvited and unnoticed and she ends up being caught and sent home. Her father in this situation is Nicolas Cage and he comes to get her and scolds her. Next day I am coming to their mansion as a guest and as I arrive at their front door, he is calling her to the car to drive her to school. On the radio someone is talking about her misbehavior and he is still upset by it. Anyway, he tells me to go inside and I am welcomed by an old lady, also some actress. Inside, the house is really different from the outside. It is an old victorian mansion in bad shape and also in a mess. Many actors live there as in a commune. There are newspapers on the floor at the entrance, full of dog pee. On the second floor the lady takes me to a dining room with a long wooden table, and there are clothes hanging on ropes from the ceiling. I meet a few younger actresses still going to acting school and they ask me to hang out with them. They discuss great movies, classics and not so classic and debate their virtues and qualities. Then they ask me for favorite directors and I have trouble recalling any. Then they ask me my favorite movie and all I can think about is "The Matrix". They are shocked and then I have to explain that I am a nerd and sci-fi is my favorite genre and that I also love classics and dramas and character movies, but that Matrix played an important role in my teenage years and was the only movie I paid to watch 10 times in the cinema and know all the lines by heart. They have this snobbish attitude like "poor ignorant thing" but I don't care. Then they take me to their school with them and Nicolas Cage is there at the library, dressed up in a past era clothing, doing some monologue to half a dozen students. Since we interrupt it, we are kicked out of the library. They then take me to a sort of playground area. There is a maze and Robin Williams is there playing catch with everyone else. We are assigned numbers and letters and he has to catch the people with a designated letter or number that is picked out by chance. If he catches us, we lose. Although it's a fun game, I am actually afraid when they call my number and he chases me. It feels threatening, So I cheat by climbing to the top of the maze wall to have an overview and I am also kicked out of the game for breaking the rules. I then go to an area that is more like a playground for kids, with slides and carousels and tiny play houses. It is already dark, but some kids are still playing. I decide to enjoy playing to, since I am not allowed in any of these on regular occasions. I have to turn the lantern on my phone on and I chose to go inside a fake diner. It has fake drinks and burgers, made of plastic and cardboard on a table. Then I hear voices on my back and I turn to see some teenagers hanging out on the opposite side of the diner. They are not so happy that I am there too, clearly were enjoying their little secret hanging place. Outside, there is a huge line of kids to go visit the Disney castle that stands tall on top a hill. Maybe in the continuation of the previous dream, I am at some big place like a palace with ballrooms and lush gardens. It is crowded and festive. People are drinking and talking loud. At some point a big group is heading to a staircase to a lower floor and some girl in crotches is trying to break her way through them. Me and others tell her she better to go through a different path or it won't be easy. But she is rude to us and insists on going that way, so she ends up being dragged by the crowd which was pushing aggressively towards the stairs. Me and some folks just have the time to push her to the side or she would have been trampled over. I am also dragged by the crowd to the lower floor. Apparently the party has moved downstairs and I hear a music that makes me wanna dance. I start floating around in the air dancing sensually and entertaining all the guests. Men in particular, seem to be enjoying it a lot. I float to the garden but the music does not follow me there. I am half-lucid by now and decide to just play a song in my head, I chose Lamb's "Soft Mistake" from the album Fear of Fours. I see my reflection in a mirror and think to myself I should learn how to dance like this in real life as I am doing some great moves. Then I am at the door of some secretive part of the palace and see other beautiful women dancing. I join them and realize it is some kind of harem. I feel a slight rejection growing inside me regarding being there, and I almost leave, but end up entering a room where an Asian man and woman are making love and they don't feel disturbed by my presence. I actually feel attracted to them and I dance for them, while they make love. Then they touch me and offer me a totally realistic dildo, like a cut-off penis. I am so horny now that I don't think it is weird. I do get lucid at this point and think "do I go on or do I drop it and do something useful instead?"... Well, nah, I didn't. I pleased myself with that dildo until it started to fall apart like grounded meat. But it wasn't real meat, it was Beyond Meat. I had an orgasm and I woke up. I wonder what's up with all the masturbating with food... Freud would have enjoyed coming up with explanations.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some alternate reality, among a group of friends I don't know in RL. One of us suddenly becomes rich, buys a palace and stops hanging out with us. We wonder why. Then I wake up one dasy with two gold bars by my side and a totally different memory of who I am. I feel like I don't belong in this universe but in some alternate one. I do however remember everything from this one to. I meet my friends and tell them I am not exactly the same person anymore. They think I am pranking them. Next day, same happens to another one of them. Then they start taking it seriously. We go visit the lady who was the first one going through this. We are welcomed by a butler at her palace, she is sitting by the piano and we tell her what's been happening to us. She confirms the same happened to her. But she doesn't care too much, she is rich now and loves her new life. We however feel like going back to what we think is "home". We have a theory that once it happens to us all, maybe something will follow and we will all be returned to our original selves and that the gold is some form of payment from whom is doing this to us and for what we are supposed to do. Nut we have no clue. There is a party at my uncle's Carlos house, the birthday of one of his kids. His kids and all his young cousins and friends are there, as well as my aunt (his ex-wife), my mom and several other of his family members. I am in the kitchen when he sees me and, kinda flirty, asks me what I am doing. I am preparing a dessert and arranging it in a playful layout for the kids enjoyment. He asks if I'd rather let the toys and play some adult game. I ask what he has in mind and he walks me to his room. At first I think he really just wants to talk and is being cheeky because that's his style. Also, his bedroom is a total man cave. He doesn't even have a normal bed, but some kind of a chaiselong in front of a large tv with a console and he was clearly in the middle of some video game. I think he just wants me to play with him. But then he gets closer to me and his intentions are pretty clear. He sweet talks and tries to kiss me. I am both not interested and kinda curious. He is a bit chubby for my taste but he is also good looking and I always had a tiny little crush for him because of his kindness and sense of humor. I am starting to give in to the idea, but then I remember my mom, my aunt and all the kids who are just outside the door and I resist. He respects and let's me stay if I wanna play the videogame anyway. I chose to just chill out and look out the window. The municipal pool is just underneath this building and is full of kids playing. I feel like joining them. Then my mom appears with a concerned face. I realize people were already speculating what we were doing together in the room with the door closed. I pretend nothing not innocent ever happened to clear up the cloud of speculation. I say I am enjoying watching the kids in the pool and considering going downstairs for a dive.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some kind of school I attend. Conan is one of my colleagues. I hope to get his attention but I don't succeed immediately. Everybody wants to be his friends. Then someday he notices me because I look weirder than usual. During a break, I am sorting my make up kit and he stops by and asks what I am doing. He loves my make up boxes and asks if he can try some of it. I welcome him to sit with me. We become best buddies, holding hands and sharing a secret world others don't get. Then I need to take a subway somewhere and realize I am in London and don't know exactly where. I see another colleague from school at the train station and think about talking to him, but someone else walks towards him and they both leave. I get on the first train that comes but then I get out realizing I don't have a ticket or clue where to go. I go to a counter but the people behind it sell all sorts of things besides tickets. There is a bag on the ground to my right and I pick it up thinking it fell from somewhere and then some lady starts picking with me and shows me the receipt for that bag which she had bought. I am part of a small group of poor kids who were selected to one of the most exclusive schools in the world, located in a palace. On the first day there is a ceremony in which we are introduced to the high society. Then we are left roaming free on the backstage and we go explore some hallways covered in red velvet or white satin and gold. I would normally find it very kitsch, but here it works and I find it absolutely gorgeous. I cry at the sight of the most beautiful library I've ever seen, with velvet curtains and red walls. I do not realize some posh people are gathered there and at least one of the ladies complains about these kids being there. But another old lady, very sweet, asks me why I am crying. I tell her I live in a wooden shed and had never seen anything this beautiful. She becomes my friend and tells me her name is Vesova. Some nightmare with my dog Hachi. With Riverstone again by car at night. We see a strange animal getting in front of us. A turtle with a toad head making toad noises, but the size of a pig. it is blocking our way. I then see it is not a real animal but made of clay and see that from where he came from, other animals in clay are starting to come to life and move. I tell Riverstone we should get out of there, because there is a big bull among them and I expect him to also come to life. We go up a wooden gate and we close it, but it has a hole in it and a goat comes after us and I have to climb a wall to escape its horns. Then two dogs, not aggressive but curious, also come after me and one bites me a in a butt cheek. Not to hurt but still hurts. I find Zilla at the entrance of a house backdoor that leads to a basement. She tells us to go there but the dogs also go in. In any case, they stop biting. This basement is like a club with board games and sofas to chill. But has a strange decoration, full of nets as curtains and also giant spider webs hanging everywhere. Some joke about us being caught in the matrix. I move slowly avoiding the webs, some other girls gets her face into one. Then I see a group at some sofas around a carpet where more dogs lie at their feet. It is the Portuguese President and several sons that look like his clones at different ages. A couple of them invites me to join them and I accept and sit down. One of the dogs has an eye infection, I ask if they are treating it and the guy shrugs his shoulders saying they are going to the vet soon. I take a look and find she has a metal thing trapped inside her eye. I remove it and tell them she might be fine now, but they still need to clean her eye and if she continues sick she needs antibiotics. Then I feel a strong gallbladder pain that throws me on the ground crying. They mock me a little, then ask if I am ok. I explain I have a large gallstone and sometimes hurts and suddenly I wake up and I realize the pain is real and coming from me sleeping in a bad position putting pressure on my GB. I turn to the other side on my bed and for a split second I see this dark figure leaning over me and I jump in my bed. It disappears and I am left doubting if I saw what I saw.
[B]non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening A girl from the hood has some savings and goes to the bank to check how much and get some of it to help a friend in need. Finds out a small investment she did in has made her millionaire. Very calmly, she gets the money for her friend and some for herself and calls her 3 best friends who quit their shitty jobs and go work for her. They decide what they wanna do, from creating a network to buying a porsche. But first they go shopping. Once they get a "pretty woman" makeover, they go to some fancy places and cause a lot of gossiping from all the rich white people, who have no clue who these girls are. And they are enjoying a lot all of the doubts and speculation they are causing. Sunbathing in a balcony in California. Some small plane is flying above and the pilot sees me and gets close enough that I see him to. He makes maneuvers to impress me. I play with him a bit, making poses and he starts playing, pretending he is going to dive in my direction. I pretend I am scared, but unfortunately I react with a chi blast that knocks down the plane half way. The army then comes to find out what happened and they still don't know it was me but I hear them saying they need to get their hands on that weapon. Went to visit my aunt Ludovina and some imaginary cousin opened the door for me. He welcomed me in the ground floor before the staircase to the 1st floor, he complained about renovations taking place and led me upstairs. I saw some walls with big cracks. He says were due to landslides since some water phenomenon affected the house. I don't understand what he means, think has something to do with the renovations. He takes me inside the house but through a different area I had never seen. And then instead of my aunt's old house, he takes me through a rich palace from the 18th century, in which roam quite a few characters in the approppriate robes and gowns from that time. Supposedly my aunt was related to these nobles who survived the ages and lived their lives in a separate area of her house that I never knew about. I cross the ballroom, a ball is taking place and I head to a large window with a terrace over the river. Some men are signing papers on a table on the terrace. There is also a chapel and my fake cousin takes me there to explain this water thing. It is some kind of haunting. A bunch of priests are doing prayers, candles are burning, and water is pouring over the candles constantly, yet they keep burning. Water from the river sometimes invades and the house, but it's not a natural flooding phenomenon. He tries to explain, but I don'r really get it. I go to the riverbed, trying to find clues and on the sand I find many jewels buried. Some kids see me digging the jewel and come to see with curiosity. Then a kind of tubular wave forms in the river and enters the house dragging a whale and then everybody who was in the house gets somehow carried on the back of the whale. Not me, I just watch it unfold.
Updated 04-27-2019 at 10:10 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Taking care of a palazzo in some italian town. I have to close the windows at night. Quite a few of them. But I won't sleep there this night, only next one. On leaving I meet Riverstone and as we walk I see a white dog looking sad. He has collar and other accessories but maybe he is lost. I want to feed him something, but I only have fruit and he doesn't want. Then I find a chewing bone in my bag and he goes away all happy with it. At some shopping mall, food section, I meet the girlfriend of my ex-boss and an ex-coworker. They pretend not seeing me, but I say hi and they walk to me, although thy and the boss's ex says she is still upset with me. I say I already apologized to her boyfriend. She asks if I come over often. Fridays we could meet. They are on the line to eat at some fast-food shack and I leave them. I prefer to go eat at some other place. I go to the end of their line, bump twice with a tiny lady and she is upset. I say sorry, because I was careless. Visiting Axman. He is really, really busy with his businesses, so we hardly talk, he just instructs me to follow him as he talks on the phone. I find out he hired some professional match makings services for busy professionals. He is pissed of because he was matched with a cleaning lady. He didn't even met her, but he says unless she is a secret genius, no way he would ever like her. I think about his idiosyncrasies and how much I detest his superiority attitudes, but despite that I can feel that I am a bit upset that he looking for another woman to love. I don't want to lose my status. I think about how selfish I am being, but still I do something stupid. I think that a sure way for him to never love another is that I kiss him. So when he finally puts down the phone I grab him with my two hands and kiss him. It's a compassionate kiss, because I know how badly he wants it, but it's also for me, cause my ego wants to imprison him forever. And he surely is hungry for me, he accepts the kiss and grabs me and takes me to a nearby couch where we fall over and we make out. I have mixed feelings. First I like, then it starts feeling weird, I feel like I am kissing an octopus with bad breath. He realizes I am not enjoying and lets go of me. Didn't go so well... He goes check his breath. Meanwhile I encounter Clara who takes me for a walk outside, where there is a tunnel through some rock and a beautiful forested hill on the other side. She talks about some earthquake that displaced rocks and killed people. Then I recognize this is the place I saw on the news and tell her we should go, this isn't safe. Then notice some fallen rocks and others that could fall at any moment. I go inside a building nearby where some VIP event is taking place. A fashion show is happening and I watch it from a balcony on the first floor. Elaine from Seinfeld and a couple other chic ladies are sitting on a couch talking about vanities. I sit with them just to see if they accept me and if I am able to join the conversation. But it is just so empty. Then Licas comes and brings one piece of clothing, a tunic or poncho made of transparent fabric with embroideries and I say she looks like me in my "curtain phase" when I wore curtain like clothes only. We laugh.
Non-dream stuff - woke up at around 10:45 and started writing this about half an hour later. Several non-lucid dreams; Dream sequence 1: I was in a game, but it was a mix of reality and World of Warcraft. I was playing with one of my siblings I think and the area was like a place called Dire Maul (DM) in the game; it is an ancient elven structure or city and the most prominent feature is a Colosseum-like area. "Me" was level 57 and the dream's context was set in the original version of the game where the level limit was 60. We were at this place to kill some generic enemies, though in the actual game there would have been ogres here. But where we were at now there were vampires. I remember something about a quest to get infected by vampirism (this started to blend a bit with ES Oblivion) and I did by going into a dark hallway (the halls are very large in DM) and then left the area and went outside. I approached an exit to the area and saw a dead Wyvern past the exit archway, and I suddenly felt very wary of danger, and continued approaching this archway, then going through it and looking around carefully. The area on the other side was very open but it was like it hadn't been designed yet by the developers, as there was some jungle but generally it was very bare and flat, which it shouldn't have been. There was a Wyvern master and a Gryphon master, for Horde/Alliance factions respectively. There were some shop stands under a small covered area and they were selling some crafting recipes. They looked cheap and I knew they had limited availability so I bought some. Some sort of transition after looking at a preview item which was like a blue t-shirt with white stripes on the collar. Dream sequence 2: I remember walking down a pavement, alongside a road, sloping down. I was near a palace which I could see through metal fencing. I remember seeing Corinthian pillars with gold leafed tops. I was going to go in through the front, but then remembered I was carrying something for a dinner or party at the palace, so I thought I best use a servant's access lest someone complain at me for not using it. I did not feel like I was a servant, but a guest bringing something to add. I found the access further down the road and went in. Someone from the palace was here to greet me but otherwise there was a long queue over some zig-zagging ramp upward. I went past people, as I didn't have to be in this queue, but I noticed there was rubbish on the floor and I suggested to the person that came to greet me that I might pick up the trash and they said "no no don't bother" or something. It did bother me, as I hate seeing litter. Then maybe there was some sort of transition but now I could see a big climbing rope ladder thing, made of green plastic. It went up many many stories in height. I'd say somewhere between 6 and 8 and I started climbing it. At the top was a flat segment that then went into a tower thing. I went in there I think. Now there were more stairs and some more people from the palace were here to greet me, I remember an old black man with a nice smile. The stairs were not normal, neither was the inside of this tower. Everything was square. The steps were massively wide and made of thin wood, almost like they were made of veneered multi-layer plywood. I remember it was a bit of an effort to climb them and then I reached a final step, there were no more steps but the tower still went up. I looked at one of the people from the palace who was still near the entrance and they did something and suddenly the steps were moving, reorganising themselves into more climbing. Dream fragment 3: An instant transition, I think. Some like a false awakening. It was dark and I was in our real bathroom, though things looked a bit off. I was naked, which matches the way I sleep, but I remember noticing I had two extra genital organs. I was either sitting on the edge of the tub or in it. For some reason I started playing with myself until I reached a climax though I did not feel any real excitement doing any of it, more just curiosity about the extra organs. I remember putting on clothes for some reason before leaving the bathroom and then going back into bed. There was another dream after this, though I don't remember it anymore because of the time its taken to write all of these... I did do reality checks after I actually woke up while doing regular morning stuff before sitting down to write. Some notes: The first dream is very typical and it's the kind of dream where I find it really difficult to notice things as being "odd" because of the context. Everything that's "odd" just feels normal, since it's a game.I'm not really certain what happened with my sibling in that first dream, as I didn't see them again after the first part.I've forgotten a lot of details about the both the first and second dream, but I remember that it was day-time apart from inside some sections in the first dream which were in the large, dark, hallways of DM, which were unlit in the dream.I don't think I've ever had vampires in appear in a dream context before.In the second dream, I think outside was sunny, but the road I walked down initially was covered by tree canopy, though I don't remember seeing the trees.The setting of this second dream was somewhere like my native country, but I'm not sure that I felt I was anywhere specific in the world. The scenes were all dream-generated, anyway.I think what I was carrying was a large object though I honestly don't remember what it was. Maybe a large vegetable like a pumpkin or a giant turnip.The third dream was quite unusual, as I rarely have false awakening dreams and the sexual side of it was unexpected.Additionally, I did have some coffee last night before bed. A very weak coffee, which seems to help me with dreaming, and doesn't really make me not be sleepy anyway. Coffee doesn't generally make me feel "awake" in a way that is opposite to sleepiness, it simply makes me feel somewhat more focused.