non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Driving near my home, on the street perpendicular to the one with cat colony, and I spot an airplane flying very very low in circles. At some point I am sure it will crash. It is flying on its side and one wing hits an old stone wall on the edge of a plot of land. Miraculously, the plane doesn't crash right away and the pilot manages to straigthen it up and land on the narrow road besides it. But the airplane is all crumbled and broken. Some populars gather around to see and comment the situation but nothing agressive. Still, the pilot, who comes out unharmed, feels attacked and starts shouting and insulting everyone and telling them to go away. Somehow in the middle of this crowd I meet a time traveller. A guy tells me he invented time travelling and it's fine to go back and even meet yourself. I tell him I want to go back to some moment in the past. We land at some day when I was a toddler and my parents left me at the care of my grandmother. We knock at her door pretending to be salespeople. Back then everything was so much more simple and people trusted each other, so she invites us in and shows her she is feeding her granddaughter grapes. As my colleague sits down to talk about the fake deal with my grandma, I ask if I can hold the baby and feed her. She allows and I sit at a table holding my chubby toddler self and I feed her grapes. But I find the grapes are way too big and I might choke on those, so I chew them into smaller pieces, but my baby me rejects those. I ask my grandma why she is rejecting since it is easier to eat and swallow and she says she probably just doesn't want anymore grapes and that she has some sweets for her now. She hands me down some type of cake that has a crunchy white outside and is filled with a yummi creamy brown interior loaded with nuts and almonds. Once again, I don't think it is appropriate to feed these to the baby, both for the sugar content and the nuts she can choke on, so I again bite smaller chunks to feed the baby and in the meanwhile, I eat most of it myself because it's really yummi. Back in the future, my new friend has his machine and a big white board with formulas and notes in some small garage owned by some other guy. Incredibly, this other guy doesn't believe he actually time travels, so he goes back just a little bit just to write something on the white board and we in the present see it magically appearing on it. The time traveller guy had also been to the future recently and checked that his friend will still be offering him shelter in his garage for years to come, so him believing in it or not is irrelevant, he just needs a low-key place to keep it discreetly away. Parking with Riverstone at a parking in front ot some buildings, I am approached by a little girl who looks like a gipsy in ragged clothes. She asks for something, I can't hear exactly what. I have nothing I can offer, but I tell her I will bring something next time. Then we go inside the building, and the house we're in is similar to my mother's. We sit on the bed of my mom's room watching tv. The kid returns and I invite her in, because I want to know more about her needs. She is amazed at all my dolls and plushies. First, I think about letting her chose which one she wants, but then I recall I have lot more others in storage that I don't like as much and I prefer donating. So I ask her where she lives so I can go there one day with gifts and she takes me downstairs and around the building to show an apartment tower just behind us. Some windows on like the second floor are open and I see a large family inside, some of them at the window. I tell her I'll give my phone number to her so she can call me but she says she already has my phone. I wonder how. I am taking a shower at some place I don't recognize, but feels like home. Someone comes inside the bathroom and because my shower curtains ar way too short and don't close well, I see it is my *** . I feel embarassed and focus on pulling the curtains to close them as much as possible, but he pushes them a little open so he can peek. I feel awful and angry and I tell him to stop. He feels entitled to do it and I don't understand. I want to run away, I grab towels and cover myself. Then I remember I am a fully grown adult now and I really don't have to put up with his shit. So I tell him that and threathen to beat his ass if he doesn't just disappear and leave me alone.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With my parents, but in a totally diferent reality and time. it looks like the middle ages and our life is not so good. I have told them that I want to live independently and depart from their home. Apparently I had planned to sail away in a raft and it took time for them to accept the idea. Then one day, it's them who tell me I must leave for good, I guess they're upset with my choices. But it's almost night and I realize I will spend my first hours of sailing across the sea in the total darkness of the night and then I realize I did not think this through. I realize I will probably die alone and agonizing and don't know why I didn't consider all that beforehand. So I do leave, but I don't take the raft, instead I go to the docks and enlist with the crew of a big ship that is hiring staff. I go as a maid, to serve food and drinks to men. It is a dangerous position, but the owner and captain of the boat, a rich spoiled kid, fancies me and so he offers me protection. Later on he decides he wants to marry me, which I accept, expecting my life to turn around, because he is much more wealthy. And it does go according to expected, but he is also an abusive jerk who makes my life a living hell. If I run away, I'll have nothing again, so I keep delaying the decision. Thanks to my position as a wife of a rich man, I got to know a princess that is also miserable in her life. Her husband is also a piece of shit. One day, everybody is gossiping about the domestic violence that goes on in the palace, because everyone can hear her screams and desperate cries coming from a tower of the palace. I get closer to try to check up on her and I get to see her yelling at her husband because of some infidelity, I suppose. She seems to be over it for good. I make plans to meet her secretly and convince her to leave with me. At least she has easy access to jewels and money, which can make it easier for both of us and allows to start a new life somewhere else. Then we are on the run and find a place where we try to blend in and be accepted. I get a job but it is not going well. At the same time I want to embrace my real self and I decide to change gender. I start taking male hormones and with time my features change a little, my voice gets thicker and I am pleased with the changes. My friend/partner asks me something about my lady parts and I mention they are a bit different too and my boobs smaller, but for now pretty much I am still female underneath and plan to stay so for the moment. Then for some reason I am meeting back with my parents, who already know of my transition and accept it well. But my paternal uncles and aunts are also there (actually the real ones I have IRL, even the deceased ones) and I am afraid of their reaction. Strangely, they all react very naturally, congratulate me for being so brave and ask me if I always wanted it. They sound all very respefcful except for a moment I hear one of them ask my parents about the size of my new dick (which I don't have) and because of a misunderstanding of a gesture my dad makes, they all end up laughing because it is interpreted as if I had a penis the length of my leg. I am really surprised that besides that, they are being very understanding and suportive. Bu then my mom calls me to the side and tells me not to trust my aunt Maria da Luz because she is pretending to be so accepting, but secretly calling it a demonic thing and praying for it to go away. With Riverstone and NightHawk and I am feeling some pain so NightHawk offers to massage my legs and arms as I sit on something. I am surprised but glad with the offer. He is very gentle and I am melting away with his touch. Riverstone is getting a bit jealous, but I don't care. I caress back when our hands touch and then something weird happens, like one of his arms stretch like a tentacle and goes between my legs, under my butt and reaches my back and somehow he massages my back while I am feeling aroused by his tentacle-arm between my legs. I am on a train, like the movie Snowpiercer. I am trying to reach some wagon in the front of the train without being noticed by the dwellers on other wagons. Not an easy task and I am trying to do it by swinging on the outside using a rope. But at some point I really need to go through some wagons, so I infiltrate and try to blend in. There is one guy though, who knows me from school when we were young, he recognizes me when I come inside and knows that I am up to no good. I don't know what he is going to do, so I sit in a seat and wait for him to approach me. He does and he puts his hand on my leg, harassing me and making threats that he'll denounce me if I don't obey him. But I don't. Someone enters or exits the wagon and I use the opportunity to push myself into the next one. There everyone is partying and it's noisy and strobe lights flashing, so I feel it is easier to disappear in the crowd, but everyone is acting like zombies and just moving the least possible, while walking in a circle around the wagon. I join in to blend in but then I see an open passage to the next wagon, where the party continues but people look a bit more normal. The music is hypnotic and takes the best of me. I start dancing like crazy, doing really weird creepy moves, like I am possessed or a true zombie from the Thriller videoclip. Instead of going unnoticed, everybody is staring at me as they've never seen anything like it. But they all look mesmerized. Then I take it up a notch and add some extremely sexy moves and the result is like I just showed a piece of meat to a pack of angry wolves. Both men and women look at me as if they want to eat me with sheer lust for me. When the music stops they are literally like "she's mine! she's mine!" and they all chase me. I escape to the next wagon and it is their sleeping areas, with many rooms along a corridor. I hide in one of them that seems to be full of children in bunkbeds. One of the girls wakes up and is scared and wants to call for help, but I tell her it's ok, that I am hiding from actual bad people out there. She believes me and she calms down. Then from the darkness comes a big black wolf with red eyes. Not a stranger demon though. I know him and he knows me. His intentions could be to help me or harm me. At first I am scared because he looks at me like "well, well, look who we have here?" as he starts walking slowly towards me and corners me against the wall. I have nothing with me that I can use as a weapon and I know I'll be dead if he attacks me. But he doesn't harm me. Instead he is determined to help, so he takes my side by side and we tell the kids not to be afraid as we prepare to face the mob of attackers chasing me.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP It's the 30s or 40s. I am staying at some very posh hotel. Maybe there is some conference, because I am at a kind of conference room with a bunch other people. They start behaving strangely. I don't pay attention at first, but then one of them turns to me and his eyes are weird and all grey. I step back, afraid of the way he is looking at me. Then all the others also get their eyes grey and start acting like zombies, following the first guy who is clearly their leader.. I run away and find out the hotel has been evacuated already, as more people turned into zombies in other areas and the survivors ran away. People are gathered outside, but they stop running and they don't even lock the doors to trap the zombies inside. I urge people to do so, but they don't seem worried and the truth is they aren't coming out and attacking. Then people start walking calmly to a nearby dock, where everyone is trying to get on boats to escape. I see all those people pushing each other to get on board and I realize something: we are still the majority. So I propose to those who care to listen that we actually go back and take down all the zombies before they outnumber us. But they ignore me. People just want to leave ASAP.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Watching a new Matrix movie and Neo finds glitches in the matrix and he his committed or arrested for it. He escapes by fooling some guard. Then bad dudes from a corporation come looking for him and torture the guard, accusing him of helping Neo. Meanwhile Neo finds that there are several Neos in this matrix. He goes to a barber who looks like a younger self and the customer he is shaving, also looks like a young and slightly different Neo. Yet they don't realize they are identical and think he is insane. When he insists that they are all versions of the same person, they become violent and the barber throws knives at him. Then I have an epifany and say to Riverstone, whi is sitting by my side, that we are also in a simulation, being deceived that we are watching a film. I say that I am actually Neo and I do become him in that fight with his clones and I fly away from there. I go look for people I know, but everything seems to be changing randomly and people I know become someone else or have different lives and don't know me anymore. I enter a house of supposed friends and there is a middle aged couple there. Their cat recognizes me, but they don't. Yet they react calmly to my presence and offer me dinner with them and ask me to explain in detail who I am and what I am looking for. I tell them I have partial amnesia and know my name and my work, but don't know anything beyond that or where I live and was certain that some of my friends lived here. They are very understanding but offer no answers to my questions. Then some girl comes at the door claiming to be my sister and that I am dangerously deluded and she needs to take me with her. I escape and get lost in the small town we are in. Then there is either a theme fair from the 30s going on or I also travelled back in time, because it all looks from that era. When I interact with people, they get startled because I dress funny and I say weird things and clearly don't belong there. Once again they think I am insane and try to arrest me. The only way to escape is flying away, but I can't fly high for some reason and keep being pulled down by them. I scream from the top of my lungs and my thunderous voice numbs everybody around for a while. I then run away on foot. Meanwhile, the corporation guys are back in their HQ debating how Neo is destabilizing the simulations, but they think they are outside of it. Until strange things start to happen and they start realize they themselves are not from the real world but simulated matrix controllers as there is a matrix within a matrix within a matrix. As I try to walk discreetly through the town, I hear some familiar music that attracts me to a place where old ladies do arts and crafts and I find my mom there. I approach her to try to see if she knows me. She doesn't, but she invites me in. The place was a cozy llittle studio which becomes claustrophobic as the old ladies surround me with curiosity and some keep bringing in boxes and boxes of stuff that block the entrance and narrow down the space available.
Updated 01-11-2022 at 10:04 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some building in a library and with Swedish guys. There is an earthquake and some aftershocks. Not strong, but very long lasting, so the building opens some bad cracks in the basement. I am about to warn others when another shake hits. I see many cracks forming around the main staircase and central hallway. People seem to be taking cover precisely where it is more dangerous. I head to a lateral exit that leads to a garage and seems safer to me. There, I am met by a man I know and I think he is going to be helpful and point out some escape route, but instead he gropes me. I am wearing a skirt and he almost removes my panties. I feel disgusted and run away. Next outside there is an entrance to some fair, and it doesn't seem affected by the quake. They are offering merch at the entrance and I go in. Find a conference about sustainability and going forward, but all I hear is bullshit about how capitalism will save the world. They have some time for the audience to talk, but there is no mic, we just talk and our voice is somehow amplified. So I make a comment when there is a moment of silence after two ultra-liberal freaks and point out the opposite of what they have been saying. Some couple sitting to my side seems to hate me for that, so they start being assholes to me. First they steal my bag with the merch we were handed out at the entrance and give it away to one of their two daughters, making ridiculous comments just to stress out they are worthy and I am not. Then the woman makes a stupid comment about my shoes and then steal my seat when I get up for some reason. So I seat on top of them and start acting like them. They make a scene and I have to leave but they are also thrown out, while claiming I am the one harassing them. At some food court outside, I rescue a puppy that seems to be by itself. I put a kind of leash on him but have to carry him because he can't stand still, maybe confused or scared. Along the way ahead, I encounter a human sized owl who tries to eat him and we fight. I wonder how I'll take the puppy home since I am abroad and also how's it gonna be, as he surely will grow bigger than my dog Hachi and I have no more space for dogs. On board of a boat, vintage style, clearly from a past era. But there is a covid warning sign on the deck, people are not allowed gathering there, must stay confined. I am wearing a bikini and I have green hair. Also, I am looking for my teacher on board and I break the confinement and check the deck and everywhere. At the town of Vila Franca, there is a war going on between Americans and Russians for some reason. It also looks from a distant past, besides being misplaced. There are crowds in the streets, trapped between troops and tanks coming from opposite sides. People head to the union building and start crushing each other on their way in. I am with a couple other people and I spot an old lady escaping through a tiny opening between two buildings and I takes us there to find a very narrow street leading to a more quiet area in the back of the buildings. Unfortunately on the other side where we exit, 3 boys with sniper aspirations, are shooting at us. We find some dead soldiers with grenades and riffles and we use them. We don't kill the boys, just shoot in their direction to get a chance to escape.
I can't tell if that was actually a dream, because I just woke up so quickly. Opened my eyes and that was it , then I blinked, the last frame of what I've seen in the dream was still there but then it vanished. It was winter. So I was infront of my old tradeschool's vineyard, I was supposedly back in time I was in tradeschool , and there was a meeting there in the middle of the night for some reason. At the beginning the dream was not stable, it was kind of mushy. I was at the gate and of course I wanted to go in, but it was so dark there , no lights, not even from the buildings, I thought that there's no one there and there might be a misunderstanding of some kind. So I went back to the gate because I heard something is coming, thought I'm about to get bit in the ass by a large dog. Now the dream was getting clearer, and there were some people already there...Supposedly my classmates...and after me came a little dog from the dark, not a really intimidating breed I might say. Then I wanted to make the dream clearer. For some reason I don't fully understand , I just closed my eyes for a moment then opened it again, and this helped. The dream got clearer ,almost vivid I say. I looked down at this long street we used to walk down from after work, and remembered that I will get my chimney checked, so I can't dooze off. And so I woke up...
I had another strange dream involving my mom, sister, and the Reliant last night. Like the dream the night before, this dream was a mix of past and present. The dream started in the baggage claim of the local airport where I live. It was late at night and my mom, sister, and me were waiting for our baggage after arriving from somewhere. I am pretty sure the dream took place in the present time as my mom and sister were both like they do now and we were all wearing face coverings along with the few other people we saw in the terminal. After waiting a little while longer, we started seeing our bags come over on the conveyer belt. I am not sure where we were arriving from, but I pulled a lot of stuff off of the belt. All 3 of us had large black rolling suitcases and my sister and I each had our set of golf clubs. My mom and sister each also had a tote bag an purse, and I had a laptop bag. Once we had everything, I got a luggage cart to help us get everything out to the car since mom said she had parked in the long term parking lot and it was a bit of a walk. I loaded everything I could onto the luggage cart and then pushed it out of the terminal following my mom and sister. As we were walking out, mom noticed a sign saying all parking tickets must be validated at the kiosk in the terminal and griped that she had left the ticket in the car and would have to go back into pay. We walked past the parking deck and eventually got to the long term lot where mom had parked. When we got there, I noticed granddad's old Tan Reliant at the far end facing us. As we walked towards it, I asked mom why she had driven it rather than her Tahoe and she explained she would rather leave the Reliant parked in the lot for several days exposed to the elements. When we got to the Reliant, mom unlocked and opened the passenger side door and then walked around to the back to unlock and open the trunk. As I walked around to the trunk, I noticed some changes to the Reliant from earlier dreams which included the back seat being clean and usable and bumper stickers on the rear bumper I had added when I drove the car in high school. It seemed like a later memory of the Reliant in this dream than the one I had in all the other dreams when I was 15. While I worked on trying to figure out the best way to load all of our stuff in the trunk, mom unlocked the driver side door and got the parking ticket off the dash. She expressed being relieved that it was right where she though she left it. She then grabbed her purse from the luggage cart and headed back to the terminal to pay the parking fees. After several tries at re-arranging things, I was finally able to get the 3 suitcases and all of our carry-on items into the trunk. I felt like I had really accomplished something as I closed the trunk until I looked down at the luggage cart and saw that our two golf bags were still on it. I then had a sinking feeling knowing the only way I could get everything to fit in the car would be to put the golf clubs in the back seat and have all 3 of us ride up front. My sister was distracted in the front seat looking at her phone and never noticed me putting the golf clubs in the back seat. Once I had them in, I went to return the luggage cart to the appropriate place in the lot and then slowly walked back to the Reliant. When I got back, my sister was still sitting in the passenger seat looking at her phone and was zoned-out. I opened the door and asked her to scoot over. At first it didn't register what I was asking and then she gave me a strange look and something about she thought I was riding in the back seat. Once I explained about the golf clubs, she rolled her eyes and let out a loud groan and then unbuckled her seat belt and moved over to the middle seat. This was the first time in any of the car dreams I have had where I am riding by the window in the Reliant and my sister is riding in the middle. While we waited for mom to come out, my sister was griping about how stupid it was for mom to have driven the Reliant when her Tahoe would have had a lot more room for all of our luggage. I tried to sit as close to the window as possible so my sister could have her space, but there wasn't a lot of room. As I was getting ready to look at my phone, I looked through the windshield and saw mom walking through the parking lot towards us. When mom opened the driver side door, she told us that she had to go back to the terminal because she discovered she did not have her credit cards and remember she had put them in my sisters purse before going through security. She also asked why we were both up front and my sister snapped that the golf clubs wouldn't fit in the trunk and had to go in the back seat. Mom asked where my sisters purse was and I told her it was in the bottom of the trunk under the suitcases. Mom them closed the driver side door and walked around the the back and opened the trunk. While mom was still looking in the trunk, my sister unbuckled and then moved over towards the driver seat and said she needed to show mom where she had hidden the credit cards. She opened the driver side door, got out, and then closed it behind her. I was looking at my phone when I heard mom close the trunk and then saw my sister walking around the front of the car from the driver side to the passenger side. She then flung the passenger side door open and told me to scoot over to the middle. I woke-up from this dream as she was getting in the car, so I have no idea what happened after she got in. This was the first ever Reliant dream that ended before mom got back in the car and tried to start it up. Not sure if I am finally starting to figure out how to have control over these dreams or if I just moved out of that sleep cycle before it could go any further.
I had a REALLY strange dream last night where I was riding between my mom and sister in granddad's old Reliant. This was the first time I have had any dream about this in over 5 months. What made this dream so strange was that is was set in the present time, but there were parts of the dream that incorporated memories of when I was 15. When the dream started, I was driving my Jaguar F Pace which is what I drive now. My girlfriend was in the front passenger seat and my mom and sister where riding in the back seat. We were definitely in the present day, because my face covering was handing from the rearview mirror and my girlfriend had hers on top of the glove box. I was driving all of us back to mom's house. When we were getting close to home, mom asked me to run her by the Gulf Station because she needed to pick-up the Reliant. I changed course and a few minutes later, I was pulling into the parking lot of the old Gulf Service Station where my parents used to have their cars serviced. As I turned in, I saw the Tan Reliant was backed into a parking space in the gravel lot in back facing out towards to gas pumps. Both the Reliant and the Gulf Station both looked exactly like I remembered them looking when I was a teen. When I looked in front of the station, I saw a line of people wearing face covering standing on X's 6 feet apart waiting to go in and pay. The station still had to old pumps I remember that did not give you the option of paying at the pump. As I pulled in, my girlfriend reminded me that she needed to run by the mall to pick-up some thing she had ordered and suggested I let her drive my SUV there and I ride home with my mom and sister. Since I really didn't want to deal with the mall, I agreed and got out and handed her my key fob. As she drove away, I walked towards the Reliant where my mom and sister were and discovered that I had left my face covering in my SUV. As I walked towards the Reliant, mom was pulling keys from her purse an unlocking the front passenger side door. She suggested my sister and I go ahead and get in the car while she went in to pay since the station was trying to encourage social distancing. She then opened the front passenger side door and then passed me walking toward the gas station to wait in line to pay while my sister stood beside the open door. I told her she could sit up from that I would be fine riding in the back seat. When I got to my sister, she rolled her eyes and pointed to the back seat telling me it was full of junk and we would all 3 have to squeeze in the front seat. I hesitated near the door waiting for my sister to get in and move over to the middle. While I was standing there waiting, my sister pointed to the tan vinyl bench seat and said "you're riding in the middle". I really did not want to have to ride in the middle, but didn't really feel like arguing with my sister and know we were only going a few miles and I would be riding between them for less than 10 minutes. I reluctantly leaned into the car and threw a box of tissues and umbrella that were in the middle of the front seat to the back seat and than sat down on the seat, scooted over to the middle, and buckled the tan lap belt around my waist. My sister then sat down beside me in the passenger seat, closed her door, and buckled her seatbelt. Not long after my sister closed her door, the car started to reek really bad. I looked through the windshield and saw that mom was still standing on and X out in the parking lot and knew there were still several people in front of her waiting to pay and that we would be waiting a while for mom. While we were in the car waiting, my sister kept talking non-stop. First she was talking about our dad who had passed way about a year ago and was trying to get me to share my feelings which made me really uncomfortable. As she kept on talking, I noticed her breath really reeked like it did in the earlier dreams and it was all I could to to avoid it. As my sister kept pressing me to share my feelings about dad's passing, I was finally able to change the subject by getting my sister to talk about some concerns I had about mom's wellbeing and staying safe during COVID. Because the line to pay was so long, my sister and I talked through several things while we waited for mom to get in the car. Since the conversation we were having was an important one, I was having an easier time dealing with her breath than I did when she was trying to get me to share my feelings about my dad. When I was talking to my sister about some of my concerns with mom, she poked my ribs with her elbow and told me mom was coming. I looked through the passenger side window and saw mom walking through the parking lot towards the Reliant. She got sidetracked for a little while when she saw a friend pulling up to a gas pump, but soon she was fumbling through her purse for the keys and then unlocking the driver side door, opening it up, and the sitting down in the empty driver seat on my left. Once she was seated, she put the black key in the ignition and the car made a buzzing sound until she closed her door. She then spent what seemed like forever getting all of the mirrors adjusted. As she was doing this right in front of me, I noticed that she was really starting to show some age. As she griped to me and my sister about how long the line was and how slow it moved, I got a whiff of her breath and noticed it smelled worse than my sisters did. I tried to speed things along telling my mom and sister we needed to get back to the house before my girlfriend got back from the mall since she didn't have a house key, but mom didn't get the hint and kept taking about the slow line. When mom was finally done adjusting the mirrors and talking about the wait to pay, she turned the black key in the ignition to start the car. The engine turned over several times but then was replaced by the annoying buzzing sound and a dash full of red lights. Mom turned the key a few more times, but each time the reliant didn't start up and I heard the buzzing sound and saw the red lights. I tried to suggest that we get someone at the Gulf Station to take a look at the car, but mom snapped at me that she could get it stated and didn't want to waste their time. She then started trying to pump on the accelerator before each crank, but the car still failed to start-up and I would hear the buzzing sound and see the red lights on the dash before mom again would try to pump on the accelerator and then turn the key. I started worrying that my girlfriend would get back to mom's house before mom could get the car started and snapped out of the dream while I was focusing more on what would happen if my girlfriend got to the house before us and less on mom trying to start the dream. This dream was really unusual because it was a combination of the present and the past. The dream took place in the current time with us living in the COVID world. However, the Reliant was just like it was when I was 15 and the Gulf Station looked just like I remember it looking as a teen. In real life, my parents got rid of the Reliant after I graduated high school and go a new car and the Gulf Station was torn down several years ago and replaced with a BP convenient store. I though it was really odd how this dream blended the present and the past together.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a male knight on my property with my family. A group attacks our house, I can't help my wife there, as I am at some annexes with our servants and holding our baby, whom they are after. I escape through a tunnel that my servants help camouflage. I get out at some building that looks like a middle eastern hotel. I help a gay activist not to be arrested and I get arrested instead. My mom helps me escape by asking to escort me to the bathroom which is upstairs from the cell floor. They allow. The only way to escape is by jumping out of the window. She is scared and tells me to do it alone. But I don't want to leave without her, so I realize we are dreaming and I tell her it's just a dream. Since the cops are coming after us, I grab her and I cross the wall and bring her with me. It works, on the other side is our old house and some family members are there, looking much younger or back from the dead. My dad, my maternal grandparents, my auntie and great-grandmother with full black hair. They recognize my mom but not me. I wonder if she would like to stay here.
Dreams taken from phone memos from today and yesterday. Will try to arrange chronologically and make notes for each day separately. 7th: Dream Fragment: There's a high school context to the dream. Vi from my class back then, he was walking around with me, near my old home. We were headed towards the main square or the subway? In reality we'd never spoken a lot, but in the dream we were talking non-stop for some reason. I was telling him about a god of war? And about a dark goddess. Not sure where this fits into the dream but I remember some other part, relating to this goddess. There are strange cliffs, rock looks sedimentary; and there are scattered graves but I don't remember what they look like anymore. I spoke to the dark goddess I think. Other stuff happens in between and all I have left is a fragment from the end of the dream. I was gigantic and a ten story building was only about ankle height for me. I was running somewhere, taking long strides over cities and hills. I avoided excessively mountainous areas. It was quite sunny and clear. Some areas were under mass floods, because of the dark goddess? Something about her being angry. There were craters or abysses which the water spiralled into. Notes: - The irony of the last part of this dream is that this is one of my current lucid challenges. - I don't remember what I was wearing, or if I was wearing anything at all in the last part of the dream, but in the early parts of the dream I was wearing my old cream hoodie, except it had a front pocket thing, which it actually doesn't. - I don't remember actually seeing this goddess in the dream, but I have an archetype appearance in mind visually, where she appears sort of half-naked and has somewhat messy but long black hair. Has red iris eyes. 8th: All sort of a continuous dream, but transitions and details are highly fragmented: Inside some structural complex. My family is here, primarily siblings and parents. I remember L talking and showing me a few things around the place. I think this place was like a house L and S were building? There's certainly lots of concrete to the structure, and some sort of carpeting thing going on. I remember a diffused sunlight from directly above. At this point I was in a concrete tunnel overhang with huge glass panes to the side. I could feel that the sunlight was coming from a diffusing rectangular skylight much higher up. Then after seeing into a few different rooms and going a bit dark, there was a transition of some kind. I was just outside the building I used to live in. It's daytime but not sure what the sky is like. Colours are semi-vivid. H is here in some form and I feel like I'm a small girl or something. I play around the cobbled area and then there's something about money. I was making 100 an hour by just moving some small 1kg bags of flour? But because there was limited demand, then I wasn't needed anymore, which made me disappointed. Transition or cut. Short sequence where me and H were about to play some board game. Not sure where we are, but indoors. Then all of a sudden, MB appears. I feel really apprehensive and tense, but oddly enough H is fine with his presence. I remember what I told mom some days ago in waking life, that we don't let MB hang out anymore, and yet here he is. We play a test round of the board game and then I start putting it all away, in the hope he'll get the hint and go away. I am confused as to why H hasn't told him to go either. I feel on edge and like I could become aggressive. Transition. Some weird sort of library. Reality physics mixed with game-type physics. There's a very short farclip plane. H is here and talks to me about something. I remember a purple and orange haze and some bookshelves. I walk around somewhat disorientated. I remember going into a room that I could see clearly and there were rolled up bits of paper, or scrolls? Transition again. I was on the computer, looking at a reddit link from some support group forum for people with my illness. The reddit link had an embedded youtube video that had some furry characters on the preview. The first line I remember either from reddit or the video description was "The inner drunkard voice of the characters we draw ghandara macrophylla". This doesn't fully make sense even in the dream and somehow I also feel the video will likely have someone with a really annoying voice, so I don't think I played it anyway. Passing thoughts about drawing. Notes: - I had to look up "ghandara", and the closest word I could find is "gandara", which means wetland(s) in Galician. Though it's a fairly familiar language, I didn't know this word specifically. "macrophylla" I know from plants, meaning large leaves or so. So that would make it "large leafed wetland" or something in a more literal sense, but it still doesn't link directly to the rest of the description text. I think in the dream the "macrophylla" was just a misspelling of "macrophilia" but it still doesn't explain the other random word. - Perhaps the oddest thing about the video link was that I have neither used reddit nor any online support group for my illness in a long time. The rest of the fragment's context seems to relate more to the fact that I haven't been drawing lately, mostly because of how I've been feeling, but also to the natural feelings of jealousy that seem to crop up in me sometimes when the art of others is on show. - In the weird haze library area, the purple and orange may have been a bit symbolic, as I associate purple to myself and orange to H, who was also there. - When MB was playing this board game with us, he was being as irritating as ever, all the more reason I wanted him gone. - Although I remember S was in the first part of the dream, I don't remember hearing her speak, which seems unlikely. That first part felt like the longest and the second part felt like the shortest.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Somewhere with family members and a few acquaintances. My uncle Zé is there, still living. Zilla is also present. I am trying on a dress she absolutely loves. It's a tight, red polka dots, no shoulders dress. People gasp seeing me in it. She asks where I bought it. I think C&A but we check the label with and it says some other brand. Anyway, she is sad she missed the chance to have one just like it. We walk to some shops with dresses on their windows. She points to a few dresses, asks my opinion, I dislike all. She gives up, we part ways and she heads to her car. Meanwhile, I spot Matos, who just saw me and heads towards me. He looks super thrilled for seeing me, tells me so and invites me for a coffee. I hesitate. He asks if I'm married. I say no, but that I have a commitment. He argues we left something in mid-air in our past, recalls our deep connection and asks if we could restart from where it was left as he never stopped thinking of me. I recall our teenage love with sweetness. But I am through with it. I telĺ him my car is in the opposite direction he is heading. Suggest him we should treasure the memories we have but move on with our lives. He insists it was unfair, that we shouldn't have lost touch, that our connection is one in a lifetime. I tell him he was special alright, but that at best he is maybe the 3rd option on my backup list. Not even true, he is no longer on the list. He is heartbroken. I feel sorry but just wanna go away and say goodbye to him.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening With a group of friends heading to the door of some mafia dude to ask something. We get there and he is throwing a family party for his daughter who is having a birthday or going to marry. Hard to say. They have a skating ring in the house, invite us to skate and I feel like it, but the others point out that we are there for serious business. I thought they were Russian or Armenian, but then they all start dancing merengue and salsa and I think again that they must be South American. We leave empty handed. I am walking with a group of people. Feels like the kids from my extra curricular activities when I was also a kid, but I am an adult. Then I leave them and go alone across VFX. Come across a guy who recognizes me. His face isn't strange to me either, I think he went to primary school with me. I ask hiss name and it is something like Leonildo. A company of stone pavement is going bankrupt. I have worked there and go there just to get something back. Cross path with the manager saying it is our fault? I make a scandal and question him "Us, who? I think you mean the admins in suit who run this shit, not the workers!" He admits it. He leaves frustrated.
Non-dream stuff: A very long non-lucid dream. I only remember one part of it, that I held on to loosely as I was quickly forgetting everything, deciding this was the most important part to remember. Dream sequence: I was in my native country, in the dream context it had been explained why I think but I can't remember it. I was in a small town and it was day, looking to soon be sunset, as everything looked a bit orange. This was just a typical town and I was wandering around and there was an old brown-stone church, with one of its doors wide open. I walked in, and I remember I was looking at the floor just before doing so and seeing a roach type bug, but small. In the dream context there was something about going to visit local landmarks. When I entered it wasn't like a church at all, but a community centre of some kind. It was deserted. All the lights were on, but there were many many webs... and spiders, weird ones, some almost as big as my hand. I was very wary, but something compelled me to continue and I kept my instinctive fear in check, wondering why I was fearing them, they were just stood there on their webs, undisturbed for years, clearly. I wandered through the first two rooms, and the second room was at the "back" and had large modern glass windows that were letting the sunset light in. Everything had that orange light bath, as expected. I used my boot to clear away some webs I just couldn't avoid if I wanted to move further. After having a look around in this room, where there had been some displays of some kind, I turn back a bit and again have to carefully remove some webs from the way, feeling extremely wary of the spiders on it. I remember being in a room or common hall that connected other rooms and there was a bag of some kind on a swivel office chair. On topof the bag was a black leather wallet. Everything was absolutely covered in webs and I looked at the wallet with the intent of seeing what was inside and taking it, but I saw a slightly open door and could sense something. It was a very small room, a cupboard of some kind, and I couldn't fully open the door in, because of an object inside. The light inside the tiny room was also on, oddly. I reached with my left arm into the room and felt something stony and as I touched it, I saw the wallet and bag disappear and heard a female voice saying "You have resisted temptation. You are blessed with protection." I could "see" an interface icon showing a "buff" as in a game, but the context of the dream felt all too real. I remember exploring a little more but there were some areas that didn't have lights on and were getting on for darkness. It is implied in the dream that I went into these areas, as next I remember being at a doorway in the same building and walking into my the room my mom uses as an office at home in waking life, except the view through the windows was part of the dream context. I found it odd to find this room, but didn't question it much. I looked at her computer screen. It was on, something about this feels emotional though I have no idea now what was on the screen, other than the fact that on some timestamp it said the date was "2013". It was 2018, I knew this in the dream context. I took a photograph with my phone of the screen, and I thought something but I can't remember what. I seem to remember that at some point before this in the dream I'd found something else pertaining to my mom, from the past also. Even in the dream I couldn't help but wonder, are these things I'm finding related to her mental health? I know I went out of that room but I cannot remember more details, even though the dream sequence didn't end there. Some notes (spread out because they'd be too dense to read otherwise): The sunset is a dream-sign. I hadn't realised this before. It is distinctly different from all other times of day, and in my dreams it always represents "the end" (of time, in some way). Even in the dream I thought everything in that light looked beautiful. As I saw all those spiders, I was about to react instinctively and let out some reaction of fear, but the fact that in the dream I had strongly intended to go into this building and that I somehow felt compelled to go further in, made me remember my practice of trying to keep my fear in check. This is the first time in a dream that I have truly suppressed such a basic and intense fear, as far "consciously" as my dream mind would allow. Keep in context that I have been an arachnophobe almost all of my life until very recently, and that in dreams basic fears and instincts are much, much stronger in my behaviour. In the dream context I remember being told by someone to look at the local points of interest and landmarks because I could be interested in them and because they needed people to do some tourism around here. That's the context I had for the "church". The bag/purse under the wallet was magenta. The office chair was a deep blue, I think. All I can remember seeing on that computer screen was a few different windows open, and maybe an image as one of the windows, which is what had the timestamp. In my dream, I knew that my mom had not been in this office for a long time. It looked just as the rest of the community centre. I do not know why even out of the dream now I feel some strong emotion thinking about the date and the screen. As far as I remember, 2013 was no different for my mom, if anything, her mental health has improved greatly since then. But considering it now, it was also when I moved to where I live now, away from my native country. At some point in the dream I understood the sunset feeling like "end", though I'm still not certain what about. The community centre (which was actually the church, after all) corridors and rooms looked, actually, much more like a very stereotypical office building and some doctors offices I've been to. As for the context of my mom's mental health, she suffers from bipolar or something the like, but has it very well controlled by medication these days.
Updated 08-13-2020 at 01:23 AM by 95293 (Butchered the list a bit to make it more readable instead of it being all condensed.)
Unsure what happened before becoming lucid. My field of vision is flat like a computer screen, alternatively flashing between blue and red flashing (like a computer screen) - there is a thin white rectangular border. Centered white or black text reads "Obek" (may have been in Cyrillic) and another word, but each time I read it the word changes. I can feel myself sliding along a fixed path. I pass into a small office building with a desk and a man to my left - reminds me of college. The man sitting at the desk has a scary face, not just intimidating or creepy but instilling great fear. I overcome it and reach out to touch his hand as I pass by him in the way I'm being pulled. Can feel the sensation of touching it distinctly. I slide through an open doorway and to a hallway leading left and right, the track takes me left. I am then turned around and taken backwards (in the same direction as I was coming from while going through the office) and I pass into a warehouse/art studio/garage type building (lots of stuff here - canvas draped over boxes, easels, concrete floors, foggy windows with light coming through). I go forward until I stop at a distorted mannequin standing up against some stacked crates. In retrospect the face was disturbing, but I didn't think about it at the time. I use my hands with pinching gestures to change the facial features into an attractive female (her body changes from mannequin to living flesh). She is wearing a tee shirt and panties. There is a brief sexual encounter and then I wake up promptly (after a feeling of closing my dream eyes). I'm with my girlfriend at a party and we're holding a balloon that's shaped like lips (one of the shiny ones you get from Dollar Tree) and arguing. It's an outdoor party and it's night time. There are snakes on the ground and in the trees. The non-lucid portion of this dream lasts a while and I'm separated from my girlfriend. All of the sudden I sit down, touch the grass, and become lucid. Visual clarity intensifies, and I examine the dream characters more closely, especially a girl with black hair which seems to have this hazy red aura (as if it was a red underdrawing). I am looking around at all the characters when I look past the back fence at a house with a light on in one of the windows and the outline/silhouette of someone. I'm transported there and I continue to observe. It's a small room with a raised stage with white linen borders. There are several people in the crowd standing and watching, a lot of them dressed in white (not all though, some in normal clothes). On the stage there are three girls dressed in white. They begin to undress and I wake up. I'll add more tomorrow, trying to scrounge through my notes from that time.
First thing I recall is following a group of three. One of them is a girl with brown hair. My vision is going to black. I calm down and look at my feet. I stay in. The group stops. Dream trying to end? "Letaali? Letaali! Are you still in?!" the girl yells my real name. "Yeah...yeah." I answer. For how long, remained to be seen. "Say the phrase so I know you're in!" She continues to yell at me, she sounds honestly worried. Phrase? I think for a second and then start repeating "I'm in a dream...I'm in a dream..." As I do, I become lucid, at least for a moment. Thanks to false memory from before I was lucid, I believe I was in another dreamer's mind with the group. We used a computer to enter a digital world connected to the dreamer. My lucidity ended very fast when I suddenly fell through a digital wormhole. I was in a black and white world. A Finnish town? No electricity, so this was a long long time ago. It was night and there was a sauna inside the church on the hill. Town people used it. A fire spread from it. Two people yelled at each other on the street while the church continued to burn. I tried to recognize people from their surname and looks. I was just an observer. I was pulled out of the world. I'm in a room full of computers. My connection was severed. My team is there and the girl helps me create a new connection. They have a very complicated machine that creates a "fingerprint" for me. It's a metallic box that allows me to connect again and keeps my mind safe from attacks. While I'm setting up again, there's a dude in the room who has a superpower. His mom is in the room too. She talks about her son's power. Apparently he's some sort of "Painter" and once he unlocks his true power, he doesn't need a partner. I love it when DCs try to help me become lucid.