Before WBTB Russian Ride I'm traveling internationally and I don't speak the language where I am at. I'm getting off a train or bus looking for the airport. I see another bus leaving and I wave my arms and chase it, yelling for it to stop. It does. I try to ask the driver where the airport is and he tells me (in English) that the bus is full. It clearly isn't. I wonder if there is some law saying there must be X number of open seats. Regardless, I stay on the bus and he doesn't kick me off. I make my way to the back of the bus. It resembles the CATA bus system from back home. In the back car is a girl with one leg. Short hair, kinda "bad-girl type". She has khaki pants on, and the missing leg has it tied to cover the stump. I sit next to her and ask for help. She's friendly. Some time later we are back at her apartment. It's a big studio, kinda messy with paint and art all over the place. I realize that I'm a girl, and that she may be gay. I get the impression she might have been coming onto me. Later I'm running from Russian agents. I'm running through an apartment complex, entering and leaving through doors/windows. I'm really high up. When I go outside I'm sidling on just-big-enough edges to not fall. I don't know why they are chasing me. I eventually make my way down from the tall complex and make it to the ground but I haven't shook them. I'm in a down-town Chinatown type area at night. There is a big crowd of people and I'm trying to use them to escape from the Russian agents. I'm at a bar with two floors open to the outside. There are some TVs running with couches set in front of them. There are some dark corners I can hide in. I try out a few and crouch down, but I decide that none of them are good enough and keep moving. Then I stand up face-to-face with one of the agents. He looks like Dr. Brenner from Stranger Things. Running again. This time it was short. I ended up in a stone building on a grassy hill, hiding underground. But they've just found me. There is the leader (Dr. Brenner) and two thug-types. They are going to torture me for information. I tell them I've only killed one time, and I wasn't sure if it was me or my uncle who pulled them trigger. I guess I was trying to intimidate them. It doesn't work. They casually talk to me about something and then without warning Dr. Brenner shoots my right ear off with a pistol. I cry out in pain (S hears me and tries to shake me awake). It doesn't hurt as much as I expected it would. They tell me that they will shoot off the other ear if I don't comply. I wake up and tell S I am OK. After WBTB W Aged Up I'm at my Grandma P's house in the bedroom sleeping on the bed. I've slept in later than everybody else. I roll over and see some old drawings I made in my childhood on the wall. My grandma will have decided to have kept them. They are hyper realistic and drawn in pencil. Somehow, they are holographic. I think to myself that maybe I should get back into art. W, my brother's son who is due in September, bursts into the room with his friend, Ian. He's four years old. I can't tell who is who and I feel bad about it. But now I know it is because W isn't born yet. One of them has buck teeth. I follow them around the house and then one kid is missing. I find W/Ian eating dish cleaning tablets under sink. Standard kid behavior I guess Lucid Fragment I'm in a large mall, reminiscent of one from an old marching band trip from high school. I do a nose reality check and realize I'm dreaming. I double take...crap! I was dreaming that whole time before with W! I think to myself that step one is to find my DG...but my lucidity slips and I wander off. Conditions Medium workout early in day Big dinner 2 drinks of alcohol Stayed up late 6hr/30m WBTB Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate) Notes My theory on what happened here...sleep cycle issues. Instead of jumping into the same sleep cycle I was just in, I jumped into the beginning of a later one. I stayed up until about 2:30am playing Zelda and then set an alarm for about 6 hours after sleep. I know that 5h45m has been a good target for me, so I was experimenting with a larger time to test and see if it can be improved. One problem though is that I didn't have an established wake-sleep rhythm. Plus, I stayed up longer than the typical 15m during the WBTB. I planned slightly longer at 20m but it was more like 30m. I don't think the alcohol will have mattered much because of the later timing, but it could have played a part. Lesson learned: Next time, have an established sleep rhythm. Gonna say data inconclusive about 6h/20m WBTB setup.
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:05 PM by 99808
Date of Dream: MON 12 JUN - 2017 Dream No. 131 - Separated Sections Dream 131 A - It's Just A Pencil I don't exactly remember what happened at the start of the dream. From the part where I can remember, NN was over at my house. He asked if he could go into my study room to get some paper to write up his trial balance for accounting. The rest of what happened in my house is blurry to me. Eventually, my dad and I did take NN home. Back I my house, I realised that NN had forgot to take his pencil back with him and so I thought to myself I have to return it somehow. I went to the phone and called a certain number which was his home number. No one picked up and so I tried again a second time. The second time wasn't successful either, and so I thought I personally had to go to his house myself. The dream then skipped to my parents and I being somewhere near the city, looking like an area where homeless people live. I snuck off on them to go and find NN's house. As I was getting closer to his house, the dream was turning to night time and was completely at night when I got to his house. When I knocked on the door, this lady answered with a man and an old woman behind her... I'm guessing this was NN's mum and then also his dad and grandma. Then it was just his mum and she started to get angry at me for some reason. She said that there was a reason she didn't pick up the phone. I then said to her that I just come to return his pencil. Still she was giving me a lecture about something strange. She then asks me if I have anything to say and I end up saying “well I'm not going to give up on you”. I then abruptly change the topic saying I have to go. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream 131 B - Driving Practice Were were dropping NB off somewhere at this sort of party, but then some of my friends were there as well. I was hopping that WB was going to be at this party but I didn't see her and so I was disappointed. I thought that there was now no good reason for me to stay and so I decided to go. Just as I was about to leave, I saw AD wondering around and so spoke to her for a bit. She then showed where WB actually was, she was in some sort of ensemble and I saw her playing a violin! AD and I wanted to actually leave the place but there was an obstacle in the way... We couldn't go until WB lifted her violin bow. When she finally did, AD hurried after me and then the dream scene shifted. I was now with my parents in the city somewhere. They told me that it was time to pick up NB from “Fountain Gate”, which I knew was just the location of the party and nothing like the real Fountain Gate. My parents were doing to drive but then I asked them if I could drive. My mum was constantly complaining but I wanted to prove to her that I could do it. So I envisioned and then summoned a small dark red car with a pair of L-Plates on it. At first, it was easy to drive but as I progressed further and further down the freeway, I got worse. I then woke up. Dream Trophies Achieved: - Chauffeur (Drive 1 person around)
Morning of April 10, 2017. Monday. I am aware that I will be doing some sort of test or writing assignment (as apparently I am still in school) and I go into a store to buy a pencil. The cashier is Patrick S, my foreman (from Northern Engraving) who shot himself years ago. There are three rectangular display wells on one side (in a connected sequence), with at least the middle one having several pencils in various conditions. I pick out a new yellow pencil that is not sharpened and which is featureless at both ends (that is, with no eraser on either end). I am thinking that there may not be a way to sharpen it (after being back in the classroom) in order to do my work. The cashier tells me that it is ten cents. As I pay him, I see that the pencil is now sharpened but is barely long enough to hold onto but also has an eraser. It seems odd but I do not put it back. The lead (graphite) is somewhat blunt and partly covered by the wood as well. Still, I do not complain (as I may be able to write with it as is) and take it with me back to the unfamiliar school. (I have a brief thought that the cashier might say something about the condition of the pencil but he does not.) Back in the classroom, I see that there are already suitable sharpened pencils for the students, one near each empty seat, so I take one to use as I sit down. The teacher sits at my table, directly across from me. Oddly, he is also Patrick S (though implied to be a different person than the cashier). I do not consciously notice this impossibility. We each have some sort of workbook. The teacher (not having the answer at hand) is also to do the work at the same time as the students. He tells us that the work is on page 164. Even though we all go to page 164 in our own copy of the book, I notice that the number is 154 when looking later. (Still, I stay on that page.) The task involves finishing a logic puzzle with a fishing theme. The entire page is filled with clues in the form of sentences, yet none of them relate directly to the solution other than one of the last clues (second or third from the bottom), which mentions catfish, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and a weight value (of the catfish). The entire table (with at least six events, perhaps eight) is apparently to have (at least) the person’s name, the kind of fish they caught, its weight, and the location it was caught. I look it over and find it rather strange. There are no names of people or places that I can discern in the clues so how would one be able to complete the table? The teacher cheerfully mentions to me that there is more on other pages. I notice a couple blank tables on the next page but I do not know if it relates to the task at hand. Perhaps he means that I can do a different puzzle on one of the other pages, but I do not say anything and mostly regard the fishing-themed one. What am I "fishing for" here? My transient temporary dream self (a different incarnation in each dream, often which has no association with current conscious self identity), also known as the "personified subconscious", does not really exist, thus I am in the puzzled state (which does not occur in all dreams), seeking the return to my conscious self identity (otherwise known as waking up from sleep, literally). The part where the pencil changes has the essence of non-lucid dream control.
Updated 09-08-2019 at 06:41 PM by 1390
I become lucid. I see a pencil, and will it to draw something on a white piece of paper. I notice that the dream is black and white, so I convert it to colour. The pencil now draws on its side and draws an orange apple. Soon it is photorealistic. I fly around aimlessly...
Fragment about fighting a man in a world with no shading and no colour, only outlines WBTB I am sitting outside a large blue pool. Julius Caesar is also sitting outside the pool. A man jumps on the pool, and walks on it! I warn him he may be locked up, but he continues. Eventually, I take his arm and run with him to escape.
I become lucid. I remember the advanced totm- ask a pencil to draw something. I find a pencil and beg it to draw something. I close my eyes to concentrate. Instead of black, the background is white, and the pencil starts drawing. It draws a sketch of a room. Happily, I decide to teleport to a random location, and I am in a garden with a beautiful copper beech. I decide to do the addictive activity of flying.
Updated 01-11-2017 at 12:32 AM by 91855
Morning of August 3, 2015. Monday. This is a recurring concept though always different, that is, my dream rendering the Internet as being on paper and in various notebooks rather than on a computer or visible computer network. This concept has been more prevalent over the past six years or so. In this dream, I am with a group of people of whom I do not know, though my wife Zsuzsanna is also in the room. I am not sure if it is in an implied residence of ours or a business. There seems to be some sort of political atmosphere though I suspect it may also relate to finding information to validate certain aspects (such as possible previously unrealized influences) of my childhood dream journals. Somehow, I go to a website by holding a pencil down over the URL that is printed on paper and the “website” appears on another document in the room. This works for about fifteen minutes or so, but the information becomes a bit sparse over time. Soon, all evidence of the particular “website” seems to vanish as if a portion of the Internet simply disconnected all public servers solely due to someone using it after a presumed long public hiatus. I get a very vague impression that it was a website used to store hidden information related to politicians, and someone noticed it was in use and did not want the information to be used publicly. I get a vague impression of a young blonde female, somehow “seeing” her, though more just being aware that she is the only one left watching the server activity, and she seems annoyed and realizes that she must shut the network down. Of course, this is all metaphorical, as there are no actual computers anywhere, only various documents that apparently teleport from one place to another, or more likely, copy themselves to another location, somewhat like a FAX without the FAX machine, I suppose. There are a few points of frustration when pressing on a printed URL on a sheet of paper does not seem to work as well as at other times. Also, the resulting paper or documents appear in a hard-to-find location at times (such as behind several files in a filing cabinet), though still in the same room. Sometimes there are only a few lines on them.
First dream I entered my old school building. I was invited to a party for graduates. I was going down the crowded corridor, and went down the stairs. There were two security guards - a man and a woman. They were wearing blue uniforms. The man had short, bright hair and somewhat square chin. The woman had dark brown hair made into a pigtail. She was quite attractive. They were standing near the entry gate, and everyone that wanted to get inside, had to go through it. I moved towards the gate. When getting close the security officers tried to make me a hearing test by pushing a pencil deep into my ear. I felt strong pain, and went through the gate. After a few seconds I had troubles with hearing. All I could hear was strange noise, and I felt that I have something inside my ear, even though they took the pencil back, as they were doing the same thing to everyone passing by. I decided to catch up with the rest of my present class, even though most of them weren't even studying there. They ran inside the sports hall, when I was checking if the cloakrooms changed. I remembered a room with showers. Entering it I saw only an ordinary bathroom. Suddenly a teacher appeared and told me to take the chainsaw operator suit, and go to the sports hall. I changed my clothes, and entered the building. It was really tall building. I saw some gigantic posters hanging on the walls. The teacher appeared, and told me that I'm going to take a ladder, and take them down. Second dream It was in unknown future. I have put on a protective suit, and went to an elevator platform. It was dark all around. Lamps were giving really bright light. Everything was made of steel, and heavily wired. I stepped onto a platform, and pushed the lever. I looked at gearwheels moving, nad giving a squeak of rusty metal. I turned around and waited until the elevator moved all the way down. After a while I saw a huge antechamber, it was a dome. I could see the outerspace through the window, but it was just a black, empty void. There was nothing over the horizon, only darkness. I look at the middle of the chamber, and see a weird spires pointing at one point. They were wired to an electrical box with a lever, standing close to me. I push the lever, and a strange rotating disc of purple energy appeared in the middle of the room. I came clsoer, and stepped into it. Then I found myself back in the room with elevator platform. This time however, there were two construction workers. They were talking, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I stepped onto the platform, and pushed the lever. Then I heard one of the construction workers: See this guy? It's third time in ten minutes he's using this elevator! The second one said: Yeah, I heard about a girl that was doing absolutely the same! I turned around on the platform, and drove to the huge antechamber with portal. I came closer to the electric box, and came closer to the portal. Just when I was about to step into the portal, I realised that I was doing the same all the time. Whatever happens after I go throuh the portal makes me go back to the starting point.
Dream - Lucid I was watching something play out about this teenage boy who was going to have a meeting at his house about a change happening with the planet's rotation. There was someone, an adult woman, who was trying to stop him from having the meeting. He did finally have the meeting, and I saw this really cool holographic image of what I guess was the Earth spinning with some gold trail coming off of it when it spun. ~ I was at work, but it was outside in this big field. It was still the bakery; there was an open building in the middle of the field. I saw Brittany, a girl I worked with at another job, shopping. Others saw her too and said hello, saying she didn't even look like she had had a baby (she had a baby a few years ago IWL). She then started to work there. I guess she worked at another store. I "remembered" that she sometimes came and worked at our store. I also saw my brother there, talking on the phone. I tried to get his attention to talk to him, but he was ignoring me. Was he mad at me for some reason? I then walked out of the bakery and into the field. There were many people there, all outside for a very big recess. There was a school nearby. I ran into my first real boyfriend from high school, B, and someone else, a girl. They were smoking this huge, weird, skinny pipe that had traditional wooden yellow pencils sticking out from it all over the place. B asked me if I wanted to smoke. I took the weird pencil pipe and wasn't sure which side I was even supposed to smoke out of. There was smoke coming out of it, and it smelled horrible. I asked what they were even smoking, and B said it was weed and something else, can't remember what. I thought about taking a hit and being high, which would break my sobriety. It would also impair my thinking, so I decided against it. Besides, with all the smoke billowing out of that thing, I'm sure I got some sort of second-hand hit without meaning to. I then was inside the school in a classroom. I was there with only a few others, and the light was off in the room. We had written these papers about what we wanted to do with our lives, and we would actually get to spend some time doing a sort of internship having to do with the subject of our paper. I had written about wanting to help disabled children. The teacher had already read the papers. She then told me that mine was outstanding and really praised me for it. I thought about an internship and spending a lot of time with children. I was nervous, because I really haven't spent time with little kids since I was a kid. I saw a group of people walking towards me. There were kids, adults, and what looked like a League of Legends character, Fizz I think is his name. ~ I was playing this open-world online game where you could pick your character. I was some small either blue or purple fox-like character playing with another one that was either blue or purple, whichever color I wasn't. We were running around in this field, doing some platforming and stuff. We did this for quite awhile. My character would sometimes say something in a feminine voice, like gameplay tips or something. We then were in this boss room that we didn't mean to go into. It was a circular room with another, smaller glassed-in room in the middle. All these guys started to come out. The person I was with was now my friend Caitlin, though she was still the fox in-game. I heard her voice say something about the boss in a panic, but I can't remember what. We ran into the glassed-in room for safety, and watched more and more guys come out. We needed to get out of there somehow without getting hit. We eventually made a run for it and got out of the boss room and were in another weird-looking dark room. It was creepy because I didn't know if enemies would come out, but they didn't. I was outside again, but this time, with a different character, a more humanoid one this time. More running around and platforming. There was a point where I was alone and platforming, and my character gave me a tip about gliding. I then was in first person, and felt like I was actually the character in the air mid-glide. I then kept waking up every few minutes and going back to sleep briefly and entering the dream again, knowing that I had to be up for work soon. I kept seeing different, later times in the dream than it was IWL, andI'd wake up and look at the clock, only to see a few minutes had passed.
This is one of the dreams I really dislike. Good thing I'm through with this in my waking life. It's the day of the big exam, the boards. We were already seated in our designated seats. Unluckily, our proctor was late on the first subject. She wasn't organized at all in giving the answer sheets and the test booklets. Thirty minutes passed before I was able to start answering. Some, including my sister, were already digging in. My anxiety increased just looking at them. After the first test, I turned my laptop on (which is weird, because those are not allowed realistically -- I should've gone lucid here; I couldn't still). I browsed my usual stuff and had my headphones on. I didn't realize it was almost time for the second exam. The proctor was already giving out the sheets in front when I said I need to go to the restroom. I hurried on my way. There were still many examinees there, too. When I got back the classroom and took my materials, the seats were arranged differently. I couldn't find mine. I asked two guys who were talking to each other what their numbers were but they didn't answer me. It was as if they couldn't see me. I asked another guy (behind them) what his seat number was (mine was 6). He mumbled so softly that it was really hard to understand. I asked him to say it out clearly but he just kept his low voice ever so shyly. The number I could make out from him was 64, 18, and 32...which was absolutely weird because he should only be saying one number, and we were only twenty plus in the room...of which its walls disappeared then and there, we were under the night sky with city lights around. I told our proctor I couldn't find my seat. She stood and walked around, looking. I lost sight of her.
Updated 12-28-2011 at 04:36 AM by 21823
Therese is writing with a pencil on a piece of paper, Mary is there, I help Therese learn alphabet. Lame dream.
Dream #1 of the Night: I am up in bed reading at around 1:00AM. Suddenly I hear the front door in my house open and slam shut. I am terrified and begin to scan my room for a weapon but I can't find one and settle on using a sharp pencil on my bedside table. I open my bedroom door and see a young boy sitting Indian style in the hallway. I am taken aback and attempt to stab the palm of his hand. This doesn't hurt him. I notice he is fiddling with a pencil himself. I realize that he is glowing slightly blue and I now understand that he is a ghost and become frightened again. I quickly start asking hi)m questions without giving him time to answer until I come to my last question, "are you a good guy or a bad guy?" He looks at me, reluctant to answer. I am uneasy knowing that he looks so reluctant, so I shout to my parents to help me yell and him to get out of the house and never return. I look back and he is gone. (I woke up after this, I consider this dream a nightmare as I am frightened of ghosts, especially ghosts of children.) Dream #2 of the Night: I go to my ex's house, "N," to collect some of my things. I have so many things there that it is taking me a long time to get them all together. Without notice, people start to show up and Nate whispers to me to hurry up before I embarrass him. People keep showing up and we start to have a party with a lot of smoking. I try to play a game of cards with N and a few others but the game never starts. Later, I go outside and see little boys all around my car. The were out to get me and had placed a bunch of empty juice containers on my car to somehow "get to me." I shoo them away. Even later, the party is over and I am still at N's, kneeling over a dying man. He doesn't want my help so I do the best I can to help anyway and call "Dr. Quantum" to come to the house and tend to the man. When the Dr. shows up and the dying man realizes it is Dr. Quantum, he is suddenly better and stands up. He proceeds to rant to Dr. Quantum about how the doctor owes him money.
Tonight I dreamt about hockey. It all started off on the hockey field, mostly on our part of the field. So my team was defending. I was the only one there, the other members in the team weren't close enough to help me defend. So, I was defending by myself, and I was already in a crappy situation, but when I looked down to my hands, I was holding a pencil! And I actually managed to defend with the pencil! So I took over the ball, and went to offence solo style. Still using the pencil, I was running, but running was incredibly hard, I felt sort of disabled. Yet eventually I convinced my mind to make me run, I ran faster and faster, flying past everyone (Even members of my team, I didn't pass the ball at all, and I scored! Then I was tired and I just walked off the field, and strangely enough I noticed half of my team followed me... It was kinda cool, they saw me as a leader After like 10 minutes of relaxing, I felt like it was time to get back into the game and score again. I ran onto the field (Struggling to run yet again) but I took control over the ball again, running was a lot easier this time! I noticed I didn't have a pencil anymore, but a playing card! I kinda bent it, shoved it half under the ball, and sort of shot it, but like in a curving motion, going up and falling down again. And it was a horrible shot, but I scored yet again! I felt awesome, and from there I don't remember anything from the hockey part. The next thing I remember is me being in my backyard, at the pond. I remember thinking about the hockey match, and being like, how could that have possibly been real? Am I dreaming? I was really hoping I was, because I have been trying to lucid dream for a while. And it's not been working out so far. I did a reality check, but it failed. I pressed the fingers of my right hand into the palm of my left hand, not really expecting it to work I guess. And it failed. So I was very disapointed. From there my dream also ends.
Updated 06-05-2011 at 09:55 AM by 47622