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    1. Night of Monday 2/12/24

      by , 02-13-2024 at 05:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      Odd Jobs:
      I'm approved on a trial-basis to work for one of my coworkers, N.
      The gig is 'odd jobs' such as carrying furniture for people, or giving rides home to drunk people from bars.
      I'm in a camp-like area with a central mess hall for group eating. It reminds me of band camp a little.
      White glove-like symbols are marked over doors, indicating potential jobs.
      There is a sense of secrecy to it.
      The other people in the work-group are mechanic-types and long-established in the work.
      I'm a new-comer and feel isolated, especially since I'm the only non-blue collar person involved.
      Standing in a parking lot area behind the mess hall, I get a text from N "you in? send a profile pic!"
      Later I'm in a park-like area. Mostly open grass, but a concrete structure within it.
      I'm inside the concrete, resting. It's a cylindrical shape so I can lie down. My hands are cold against it.
      My sister comes and finds me, now asleep. My perspective has shifted. I see myself sleeping with a smile on my face.
      Then I'm in a car, still with the perspective shift. My sister is taking me somewhere.
      I'm at my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's condo. My brother and my sister are running a sort of party.
      My brother has set up some computer monitors, with one mirroring the other successfully.
      I'm somewhat impressed by this.

      Sleeping in the park.

      Updated 02-13-2024 at 09:11 PM by 99808

    2. Weird Sims 2 (1 NLD) + "Dream Perspective"

      by , 05-04-2016 at 11:24 AM (My Dream Goals)
      After the dream began with me seemingly scrolling through some sort of texting timeline, my perspective faded back to the dream world. I looked around and saw some DC's watching TV. The TV screen quickly changed to something else as my perspective switched to it. It was some weird version of The Sims 2 where you select choices from a dropdown menu and the game judges your choices before the Sims do them. I remember a DC directing one in-game boy to tell another in-game boy a secret. The boy just whispered "secret" to the other boy over and over. Then I was woken up by my alarm.


      Dream Goals

      Beginner Goals:
      Remember 3 Dreams in one night.
      Remember at least 1 dream/night 7 nights in a row. (2/7)
      Have a Lucid Dream.

      Intermediate Goals:
      Meet my dream guide.

      Advanced Goals:
      Get a Job In-Dream
      Make a Meal In-Dream
      Use a non-physical superpower


      In dreams, I have something called "Dream Perspective". If I'm looking that a picture or screen and I concentrate on it, it will morph to fill my entire field of vision until I want to look at/do something else. So yeah.
    3. Backlog, 11/24: DILD + DEILD: "Lucid at the Mall!"

      by , 12-13-2014 at 11:40 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      FA. I "wake up" on my sleeping mat, nose pinch and can breathe.I head into the dining room, where I attempt to fly through the ceiling. Not working too well, as I bang my head against the ceiling. I decide to just relax. I start to phase through head-first, but then get too excited that I am "really doing it" and get pushed back. Decide to phase through the front door and head out. Not sure what happens, but I wake up and


      I roll off of my mat and fly through the transition, before slamming into a classroom. The lights are off, and the class is watching some movie. I see the teacher sitting at her desk, and thinking it would be funny to scare her, charge forward on all fours towards her. Not sure what happened, but I think I pull back at the last minute. I look around, and realize all of the students are kid-versions of people I knew in high school. I see some girl and give her a high-five!

      I head out through the door, and find myself in some back hallway. I am able to fly up into the air off and on, rising and sinking, but all the while reminding myself that there is nothing here, and nothing really to do. I see some light fixtures and feel like pulling them down, so I "grab" them from a distance (using perspective) and rip them down. I then see a large ventilation thingy, and decide to crush that between my hands. I steadily press my palms together; at first, it seems as though it is not working, but then the entire structure collapses in on itself, and glass shatters. Pleased, I set off into the mall.

      Lots of DCs, lots of people I know (I pass another old friend, whom I pat on the shoulder and say hello to). I end up in a food court area, with lots of food sitting out. I reach for a molten lava cake (a small cupcake), and cram it into my mouth):


      Amazing. Very chocolatey. I eat it very slowly, not wanting my mouth in WL to start moving and accidentally wake me up (a problem in the past). In response to my care, the cake begins to glue my mouth shut. I also get some cake on my face. I ignore both of these effects, and continue my explorations in the clothing department. I begin looking for a DC to have sex with. I pass a few unsuitable candidates. I leave this area, and head out behind the mall (outside) behind some dumpsters. As I get farther from the mall, I find a girl lying on her back, smoking a joint. She is a cute girl I knew in high school (and whom I have not thought of in years). I lie down next to her and take her in my arms. She seems happy to see me. The dream ends.

      Updated 12-13-2014 at 11:42 PM by 69552

      lucid , memorable
    4. Frag.+ideas on stage 1 sleep

      by , 09-16-2012 at 09:14 PM
      Hmn, now this is some odd happenings.

      So I have this dream, right? And the only part I can remember is right at the end where I (in the dream) am exhausted and hug/lean against a certain lady-friend of mine. Well, she think is best that we sit down before I crumble into a zero-energy mass, so she starts walking me (whilst I lean my head on her shoulder) over toward a park bench. (Weren't we just in a gymnasium??)
      Well, the motion of walking/dragging me over to the bench caused my head to slip down... down her front a little over half a foot.
      Now it should be clear why I didn't feel like just forgetting this dream.

      Okay, so I wake up. And it's hours before I need to 'rise 'n shine', so I attempt to re-enter the dream. Creative, imaginative guy that I am, that shouldn't be hard, right?
      True. I can see the dream-location in my head, I'm there, she's there. Now poke her, Elliot. 'Kay, that works.
      But I didn't feel it. It's not me, it's "me".
      Waitasecond... I'm in third person perspective, falling into a stage-1 sleep reconstruction (or continuation) of my dream, right? Okay, then WHY is it that I can't get back into my dream-self? I mean, the dream is even throwing in some odd things and non-sequitors like it would if it was a true dream. Because it IS.

      Well. Does the counsel of my peers here on DV tell me anything about this conundrum?