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    1. eleven-eleven, track one

      by , 11-24-2011 at 03:31 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was walking outside with my mom. Everything was dark blue with early morning light. My mom and I had been walking outside all night long. We were now finally heading inside. My mom may have been planning to take me home, or to the airport so I could go home.

      My mom was talking to me about an idea she had for making the roads and walkways in old cities such that old buildings could be preserved. Apparently this meant making more walking and biking space and less space for cars.

      My mom and I may have been walking through an old city or a college campus that looked like an old city. We walked past a stone building that was really big and circular. It seemed to stand out by itself in some kind of plaza or between lawns.

      We walked down a stairway along the side of the building. The stairway led to a doorway in a small space the floor of which was maybe five or six feet below ground level.

      As we went down the stairway, my mom told me, "I might have you write a report on my project. The paper doesn't have to be long. Only four pages. But I know you can do that before you have to leave. Then I can take you home."

      I felt really inconvenienced. My mom and I had been out all night, doing something for her. Now I had barely any time before I had to focus on getting back home. But my mom wanted me to take time to write a report.

      I didn't even know anything about the subject. I'd have to do some research. I was rushing through my thoughts, trying to figure out the fastest way to take care of everything.

      Meanwhile, my mom was opening the doorway. There wasn't a door: the doorway was actually just sealed with a huge, marble slab, which my mom struggled to pull open. The slab seemed really heavy, but my mom pulled it aside. I was amazed. But later the slab may just have been a length of sheet rock or cardboard.

      We walked in through the doorway. We were inside what looked like a fire escape stairway. The staircase zigzagged up. The light in the stairwell was a cold incandescent, and the walls were peach-colored.

      My mom was already a few steps up the staircase. I followed. My mom told me something like, "I know you're doing a lot for me. And I'll pay you back for it."

      I suddenly had a vision in my mind's eye of my "payback." There was a pretty girl, visible only from the neck down. She was totally naked, except for a pair of black, knee-high nylons. I thought it was kind of disappointing that my mom thought she could pay me back for work by finding some girl for me to have sex with.

      But I was already trying to figure out how to attack the research for the paper, so I could get it over with. I was trying to think of two cities with a good amount of old buildings that needed preservation. My two thoughts were London and Paris.

      I was now trying to figure out how to begin the paper, talking about the old buildings. I then figured I'd do some research about the general conditions of the buildings in London and Paris. I then thought I'd do research on the effect of smog from cars on building surfaces.

      I may also have thought I'd look into towns that had implemented extensive biking programs. I knew there were some. I'd see what I could find out about the condition of buildings in those towns.

      I was now in a train station with my female friend H. It was daytime. The train station was very new, nice, and clean. H and I were the only ones in the train station.

      The train station's waiting area was large, full of long, wooden benches. It was indoors. But the roof was metal, lined along the top of the walls with clear, clean windows. And the front end of the waiting area opened directly to the train platforms. So the waiting area felt very open, with a lot of light from the outdoors.

      H worked for the train station. I had done something good for her, put a lot of effort into helping her out with something. Now she was going to pay me back, she said, by paying for my train ride somewhere (maybe to Philadelphia).

      I walked up to the ticket booth at the front of the waiting area. The booth was glass walled, with four or five desks for workers. But it was completely empty. Nobody was there. It was too early for any of the booth workers to be here yet.

      My friend H said something like she wasn't really going to pay for my ticket. What she meant was she was going to give me good hints on how to sneak onto a train, so I wouldn't have to pay. Since H worked for the train station, she was taught things like this, so she could have free train rides as a perk.

      I didn't see H anymore. It was like she was ten or twenty meters away from me, somewhere in the rows of benches. I heard H's voice in my head, too, not out loud.

      H told me what I had to do. I took off my backpack (? - I don't have a backpack IWL) and lay it on the ground. I then crawled along the ground, right in front of the ticket booth, until I got to the right side of the ticket booth. There were something like subway entrance turnstiles.

      H told me that I had to be very careful, and that I couldn't count on making it, because the booth workers were very attentive to anybody who might try to cheat them. But I felt like I was a pretty good sneak and that I could make it.

      I'd gotten past the turnstile. I wanted to take the first train I could get out of town. I didn't want to wait around. I looked up at an LED sign saying when the trains were leaving.

      One train, which may have been labelled "Manhattan," was leaving at 11:11 AM. It was leaving from track one, which was two or three tracks down from me, about fifty meters away. I may even have seen the train.

      I jogged a little, just in case I was cutting the time close. I looked up at a motorized clock, the hands of which indicated that it was either 2:10 or 11:10, even though I assumed the hands indicated it was 11:10.

      I knew that the old motorized clocks in all the stations were all slow, and that it was probably 11:11, if not later. I broke into a run, to be sure I'd catch the train.

      I noticed, as I approached track number 1, that there was a wide alcove with some kind of snack bar or express restaurant off to my right. I felt kind of hungry, but I kept running.

      But I looked off to my left and saw that the train was already pulling away. By the time I stopped running, the train was already long gone.

      I knew I'd have to wait for another train. But this didn't seem so bad to me: I felt like another train would probably be here in half an hour.

      But now I wondered if this "hint" H had given me on how to get onto trains was any help, after all. Now that I was remembering my train rides, once I was on the train, I'd always have to show my ticket to the conductor, who would walk past all the seats with his ticket-stamper.

      I may have snuck past the turnstiles. But once I got onto the train I wouldn't have a ticket. I'd get kicked off.

      I may have tried to justify this. But it didn't make sense. I knew there were stations along the route with no turnstiles. Anybody could just walk onto the train. The only way the conductor would know if you paid was if you had a ticket.

      I wondered if I could just get onto a train, sit down, and ask the conductor himself if I could pay him for a ticket.
    2. beach boy

      by , 08-21-2011 at 01:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I had walked away from a group of people. I was now out walking on a beach. It was a sunny day. I was walking up toward a cluster of small sand dunes rooted with little clumps of brownish and greenish grass.

      I met up with a boy, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. I had known him from the group of people I had walked away from. He may have been the son of someone in the group. The boy was kind of tall, about my height (I'm kind of short), a little skinny, but muscly, darkly tanned, with slightly messy, brown-black hair. He was wearing red, knee-length swim trunks and no shirt.

      I just thought I'd be cool and say hey to the boy. But he started asking me questions about my life, as if he was really interested in me. The boy started asking me why I was taking business trips to Philadelphia and Chicago, did I like taking those trips, and why did I like taking them?

      The boy even seemed to be attracted to me, which I couldn't quite believe, and which seemed a little weird to me. But I may also have felt attracted to him.

      We walked over the cluster of dunes and were in some kind of small valley of sand. One side was bordered by the dunes. The other side was bordered by some kind of small ledge of brown or dark tan stone.

      The boy and I sat down near the ledge of stone. The boy sat with his legs bent out casually in front of him, and his hands joined together so his forearms were wrapped loosely around his knees.

      I sat down and explained to the boy that I just took business trips because I was told to. It was something I did to further my career. I liked Chicago and Philadelphia. But that wasn't why I went to those places. (IWL I have never taken any business trips.)

      I may have felt that the boy was going to try to kiss me or that I wanted to kiss the boy.
    3. garbage dump house; philly and pittsburgh; fedex and ups; zero point list; pyramid drawing

      by , 05-27-2011 at 11:46 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      Some kind of disaster had occurred. It may have been a bomb of some kind. The force of this disaster had been so great that it blew an entire garbage dump into another location.

      I saw an Asian woman, maybe in her late fifties, sitting inside her house. The house was small and empty. It was just one room, maybe 4m by 4m. The walls were probably made of wood and were dark. The only furniture in the house was a bench along the left wall. The woman sat on the bench.

      The woman's hair was in disarray, as if blown out of shape by the wind and set in place by sand and grime. The woman was wearing a dress of rough, dark fabric. She seemed to be studying something. She may actually have been some kind of scientist.

      The front doorway of the house had no door in it. I saw outside, to the piles of garbage that had been blown over in front of the woman's house.

      Dream #2

      Some historical event which involved a group of scientists or businessmen in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In relation to this I may have seen film footage from the 1920s.

      I was now in a nice restaurant with my mother and grandmother. It was like we, mostly my mom and grandma, had been discussing the historical event. Now the discussion was done and I had my normal awareness again.

      The table we sat at was really long and possibly full of eating implements, though we three were the only ones sitting at it. I sat at the head of the table, and my mom and grandma sat near me on the left and right side. The restaurant was busy with people but calm. Natural light apparently came in through some bigs windows behind me.

      I told my mom and grandma, "Well, speaking of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, have you heard of -----?" I had named somebody who was apparently a scientist in the area.

      Dream #3

      A FedEx truck was in front of a UPS truck. They were both stopped, but they were on a road and could have started moving again at any moment.

      A young man who may have been Latino, kind of skinny, with short-shaved hair and a thin mustache, jumped out of the back of the FedEx truck. He wore a FedEx shirt and black denim shorts that went down to or just below his knees.

      Just as the young man had jumped out of the FedEx truck, the UPS truck rolled forward a tiny bit. The young man did some weird flinching move, rolling and twitching his head downward and kind of spinning around a bit. The young man barely missed getting hit. He walked away by the driver's side of the UPS truck.

      Dream #4

      I was looking at a big sheet of paper or a big sign made to look like an old sheet of paper. It was a list of people who had done research into zero-point energy. The words were all blurry. But the font looked like the stereotypical lettering for wanted posters in the old west.

      Dream #5

      I was in some room which may have had dark floors and dark walls. At least one other person was in the room with me. He was an artist. He may have been trying to teach me something.

      I suddenly had a vision of a clay-red pyramid on a horizonf of grass before a white-grey sky. I got really excited about and absorbed in this vision. Then the vision was before me, as a painting.

      The man kind of forgot what he had been teaching me. He seemed to think whatever I was doing with this painting was just fine.

      I now walked out of the room with the painting folded slightly in my hands, so the pyramid was still visible. The paper may have had a weird, rough feeling to it. It was paper, not canvas. But it was a rough kind of paper. The painting was folded up with a number of other paintings as well.
    4. Phillies gam, but not a Phillies fan...

      by , 03-11-2011 at 03:34 PM
      I had a dream last night that my dad had given me tickets to go see a Phillies game. Naturally, I invited my girlfriend (as she is a Philly fan for every sport) and some friends. We got there and my friends purchased additional tickets for the game. On our way to our seats we were greeted by a staff member who told my friends where to go to sit, and then I handed her my tickets and she said I couldn't go to my seats. She said beacuse they were in my Dad's name, I needed a copy of the insurance policy showing him and I being related. (???) So we stood close to where there was an elevator that would take us up to our seats, and when said employee wasn't looking we went in the elevator and up to the 4th floor. We were looking around for our seats, but could not locate them, then my girlfriend vanished. I was invited by a girl with a foreign accent to sit at the end of her row, and for some reason, her little brother kept trying to wrestle me. The game had just started but I couldn't see it from my seat. Some additional friends (girls) decided to leave and when they left I kissed them goodbye. It was a very odd dream, and I'm pretty sure I have whoever is reading this, laughing at me.