I think it started off as some kind of messed up game show like the Hunger Games, or at least that's how it felt. I was released into the world in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. I entered a house and picked out a sword from a weapon rack. There was a big curved sword which looked awesome, but it was way too heavy to be practical to carry around (nowhere to attach it to my outfit) so I opted for a short sword. At one time I was forced to flee from enemies, and I had to quickly scale a hedge or fence. I also fought zombies. On the horizon I saw a stunning view of a castle on a hill (in retrospect reminding me of Beauclair in Toussaint, The Witcher 3) and I wanted to take a picture of it with my phone. However, it was so big and I was so close that I struggled to get the whole thing framed right. I think I woke up in the middle of trying to take the picture.
I woke up and checked my phone to see if I had more time to fall back asleep. Only to be shocked that it stated 1:51 pm. "This can't be" I said before checking to see why my alarm didn't go off. I began to panic, realizing that I am late for work and there was no way I'd make it to work early enough where no one would notice. "Something is wrong, this isn't making any sense to me" I continue to stare at the phone and decided to start looking around. "This has to be a dream, it has to be. I don't care how real this feels, I know I must be dreaming" But still nothing would confirm or reveal itself to be an illusion. So I decided that I'm done with this and found any way possible to wake myself up so that I can check to see if I truly overslept or not. I closed my eyes and tried my best to wake up. It took awhile before anything felt like it was happening. I eventually woke up.
Updated 02-15-2024 at 05:13 AM by 67903
I am at work when the phone starts ringing. Someone at the front counter answers it, but I still hear ringing, as if another call came in right after. Nobody answers this one, which irritates me, so I walk to the back. I continue to hear the ringing (more like a vibration) and search for the phone back here. It’s hanging on what looks like an unfinished wood wall (the whole area back here seems structurally more like a barn or something). I start hopping over a small gate to go turn it off… *when I wake up and realize it’s my phone alarm that’s been going off.
I been having some weird dreams. I don't remember all of them. But last night er this morning. I was having this game, it was like late October at least. My Mom was on the phone and she was saying my "name" and something about "baby-sitting" and then she got off the phone and said to me that she got me some "baby-sitting jobs" and then I said "You know i have no baby-sitting training" and then she mentions one of them was on "New Year's Eve" and at night. Then I said "But then how would I be able to celebrate the New Year if I'm baby-sitting in a stranger's house?" Mom said "We will sort something else." And then the dream went to one of the two nights I was supposedly baby-sitting and I'm not sure exactly how it went, and the house on the inside, kind of looked like a cross between my old baby sitter's house from when she lived next to us (a very, long time ago), and a toy kitchen from schoolmate's family's former house- was yelling at me for "not being a good baby-sitter" or something like I don't know, it was like the audio was off? And was on the phone with someone else And I'm not sure if the dream changed or not but the next thing I know, I'm kind of in 3rd person watching two elementary school girls at first waiting for a bus (home?)- I think now, one of them might have been a child Mom "had me baby sit" and the other was the child's friend. The bus was so late getting there and so they decided to walk home. And somehow they came across this house (I don't remember what it looked like, maybe something like a dollhouse?) and it had a fence around the side and for some reason the girls somehow got over the fence, and in the backyard they found this little round rable in the backyard and it had cup and tea pot which looked like they could have come from 1991 Beauty and the Beast movie. I think they pretend play "tea" and at the same time like they know that despite the fact the tea pot, plates and teacup were not moving, they knew they're alive? And somewhere in their pretend playing they break a pinkish or a purplish? plate and I mean really broke it. And then they flee the scene. Then I'm not sure if it's the next day, or awhile later (I think the former) they couldn't stay away from the "Real-Life Dollhouse" and went back over the fence (with some glue) and fixed the plate (which they thought couldn't be fix) and then the stuff came to life (just without faces), and everything stopped when adults showed up saying "They're concerned about them" and I woke up after that
Some small in-line notes and such. 2022 June 13th Quick note to self, this was also the date of the appointment. Fragment: (left recall too late) I'm in a mountain town or such. It's sunny, mostly clear. At some point my friend K calls me, but I think I miss her call. Later in the dream, something about water. Not as sunny now? I think I speak to K on the phone now, but it's like I'm also next to her too? (vague recall) She tells me that she wanted to invite me to a party before, and I apologise for missing the party. She then tells me that her dog G has died. I say that I'm sorry to hear it, and I hear her voice breaking a bit and I feel myself close to crying too, knowing very well what her pain will be like. We talk about something else for a bit. 2022 June 15th Fragment: I'm in a street, I have a dog with me. She looks like S but has worse behaviour and at one point "play" bites me, a bit too hard on the left wrist. I look for a wound but don't notice any, and then I think about how it actually didn't hurt all that much. (gap) Someone else was present in the dream up to this point, though now I think I'm on my own with the dog again, at a place that is supposed to be like a veterinary practise. A vet person gives the dog an injection. After about ten seconds, the dog is numb and she can't really move at all. I pick her up and put her on a conveyor belt thing. There's a dark atmosphere/mood. The dog is here to be put down. I feel sad, and also think that it's a shame she couldn't have had better behaviour. (there had been more context to the situation but these were the bits of recall I lost in the gap) 2022 June 16th Scraps (DFLN): Many dreams. Only recall one dream where I was in a dark room with zombies. They seemed slightly aggressive, but not entirely. (Although I was playing 7d2d at the time, I also became ill with Covid after this)
I was in my car checking my phone to see when it would be 1:30 pm to meet up with a group function I was in. I was trying to lower the volume on my phone and noticed it was acting weird. It would go to video's I never click on before and play music on its own. I decided to ignore it and got out of my car once it was 1:30. Outside appeared to be very cloudy as I made my way to the store. While in the store I was checking certain items out when two people catch my attention. They seem familiar to me in this dream as I do not know them in waking life. They came closer to me to check out the items. Both were quite tall with blonde hair and the taller one was wearing glasses. If I had to make a guess I'd say they are from Irish descent. The taller one and I made eye contact as if we understood this was not our first encounter. After that they went in to a different section of the supermarket. I started thinking to myself something feels strange. That's when a Youtuber I watch came behind and was staring at me as well. Didn't say anything but just stared and then walk away. That's when I knew something is wrong here and gave my vision a full view of what I was surrounded by. At the front of the supermarket was a man outside unable to get in to the store. His eyes were complete black as if he was possess with something. I look to him as he begin to say something bad is going to happen and that you need to leave the store. At first seeing him made me feel slightly anxious but it started to all click to me as I began to open the door. He then lunge at me as soon as the opportunity arrived and I caught his hand and smile. I could feel fear emitting from him as the feeling of lucidity grew more and more from with in me. It felt as if I transfer the feeling I had to him. I pick him up with one arm and started running with him through the door. As I am running with him in my hand , I tell him I am one with everything here and that anything I believe I can do will happen. I then punch a truck side door as it was in our way. I then jump high up in the air in to the forest. With him still in my hands I look to find a place to meditate as I wanted to progress with my development. Then a bear suddenly comes and attacks me from behind. I told myself again there is no threat, this bear is not capable of causing me harm. Although the pain started to disappear , the bear did succeed in causing me enough distraction to let go of the man and to make me attempt to fly in the air. It didn't work and I was floating mid air for a few seconds before dropping back to grassy fields. It was nighttime outside so I had a hard time seeing where the bear was but I could feel it was near. That's when I decided now is the right time to do meditation. As I sat down I could hear the bear get closer and attack me again but not too long everything in the environment broke down and I was in a darkness alone with only my awareness. After 10 seconds of meditating, I felt a different feeling beginning to happen. Enough to make me try to open my eyes but it wasn't working. That's when I felt my body detach from something and was feeling weightless. The same chocking feeling in my neck occur as I struggle to breathe. As I move my body I felt nothing attach to it, I stayed calm and soon the grip around my neck disappeared. That's when I could feel myself reattaching to my body with no success. I began to worry if I could ever get back in my body because it was taking too long. But once I was fully relax in my mind it happen. I felt a strong pull and felt myself moved up with in my body and then I woke up. I saw my father talking to my mother on the phone as he seemed busy. I look at my hand to confirm if I was awake or not but then I woke up again.
Updated 04-25-2022 at 05:57 PM by 67903
20th November 2021 Fragment: Somewhat adventure-like dream. (left recall too long) Something about turning some huge metal wheels in a couple of buildings at a sea side quay. This makes the clocks of a large nearby church work again. (I have vague recall even now of the dream, visually. I think at one point I was on some rafters in the church, but I also recall it was a bit of an overcast and yellow-ish day outside.) 21st November 2021 Dream: I'm with mom in a kitchen of sorts. There's a weird gas oven of some kind that mom is using. I'm just doing some cutlery things with a cupboard. I had just been talking to H and asking if he wasn't going to eat his egg soup thing. Also something about "chef John". Mom is trying to get the gas thing going and has some rice and sausages which will be getting cooked. I tell her some wicks (?) have gone out. She increases the flow, nothing happens at first and then big flames from those wicks. I tell her she should back it down and she does. Then the food she was cooking seems to have become overdone for her liking. The sausages have supposedly gone sour, and the rice stodgy. I taste a slice of sausage and it tastes bland but not sour, although I did smell something sour. Then I'm checking my phone. Something weird is going on and I conclude it's a virus on my phone. Messages I'd received are FUBAR on a UI-level and I can't dismiss anything. Pressing home just takes me to some sort of gallery, which has pictures of beaches and of naked female porn stars or something to that effect. 22nd November 2021 Fragment: (recall left too late) Something about being on a highway or the like. Traffic direction orientation is not as I would expect for where I live. At one point I do not perceive myself as being in a vehicle and am somehow pulling myself along fast enough to at speed, but it feels like I'm struggling a bit. There's a T-junction that's more like a corner and I want to go left where the road curves more naturally.
Updated 01-22-2022 at 02:41 AM by 95293
5th November 2021 Dream: Later bit, disjointed. JC discovered he's suffering from macaquism (made-up dream thing?) after he was "enlightened", in his words, about my condition. Then, we get to start on drawing class, it's like at college/high school but different room and layout. Earlier. In a city, L? Cobbled and semi-narrow pavements. I'm going to the bank. There's been some disaster and the building across the way from the bank looks like it's partly exploded and I want to take photos. It's night time and I fiddle on with my camera and the poor lighting. People are gathered nearby and I sort of make my way through and past them, having apparently forgotten my goal. I go far enough to find firefighters and such who are now off duty. The sky/light is getting brighter? Not as dark now, early day. There's some kind of secondary blast and it makes me jump a little. At the end of the way there are some school kids fighting amongst themselves, blaming each other for something. I turn back after I get a small hit of flying vomit from the kids, although I did not have line of sight to what was actually going on. I go past the bank again now, noticing that it has been damaged too. At this point I remember about wanting to go to the bank but realise I can't so I carry on. I have thoughts about my family, maybe if they're wondering about what's taking me so long. At one point, there's some villain. I get into a situation where I'm now inside the bank building and I get herded around with other people, wrong place wrong time. I mostly find all of this to be annoying more than anything else. We're made to get off the building by something like a fire escape stair but it doesn't go down far enough. A young woman just jumps down and injures herself, knocked out. I understand that would be foolish to repeat and so instead I climb down more carefully by holding the railings and effectively dropping a much shorter distance, and safely. Then something about a hero being needed (some narration?), and sure enough a single one answers the call. It's a middle-aged man, not confident in his role as a hero. He doesn't trust that his devices will be enough. (Intrusion, partly related to my thoughts over the years about Batman) Equally, I am not very confident in this hero's ability myself. He seems willing to try, regardless. (Recall gap?) Some bit later on, sort of at the old home. Something in the balcony of my old room. There are weird bugs, leaf bugs, I think I tell dad. And other weird black skittering centipede things, but kind of fat. They are having a war of some kind between some spiders, big and small. I think to myself that the only answer to this will be mass destruction. I think of what chemical would both be at hand and also appropriate in terms of effectiveness. Notes: - I remember carrying my replica gladius around in the dream, for a large portion of it. - The last bit with the bugs fighting the arachnids at first glance seems to relate to thoughts that more developed species or cultures may have at any point about less developed ones, say if some highly advanced species visited us or vice versa. Like many other things though, I am noticing that this is a pattern (of thought in this case) that is abstract and can be applied in a multitude of different but similar contexts; in a sense relating to concepts of macrocosmos vs. microcosmos and how they mirror each other. - Although I didn't make note of it in my initial notes, I get the impression I was lucid for some of this dream, but I don't recall thinking of this as a lucid on waking. There were certain pre-lucid elements and it may have just been a case of higher awareness closer to the required threshold for lucidity. - I don't know what the supposed illness JC had might have been in terms of symptoms, as I didn't notice anything specifically. Thematically, it all seemed to be a bit about the ability for someone else to understand the difficulties of some illnesses based on having their own experiences with an illness. - Despite my low level of confidence in him and his own low level, the middle-aged hero persisted in his role. Heroism is not necessarily about bravery but sometimes maybe about the lack of freedom of choice? Plus, the role of a hero is not necessarily easy or by choice anyway? Many "heroes" the world have seen have been posthumously awarded the honour and in life were often not recognised. This dream as a whole had more themes about death (and life) than I realised or noticed at first: My friend's illness, implied to be lifelong; the exploded building with a subsequent explosion; the woman who jumped off trying to get away, knocking herself out; the hero who may face his doom, seemingly left with no choice; the bugs fighting their own wars, ignorant to a higher intelligence intent on destroying them all. -- I feel that in the last few months I've had a lot of dreams relating to death and the state of post-death, sometimes very much in a "what if" way, all of it seemingly relating to my questions to myself about legacy (framed as: "should I die today, then...?").
I am in Dream-Prague with Saimi, showing her some parts of the city I like. She and I have both just recently arrived there, although it seems as if we’re here for entirely different reasons, and the visits just happened to coincide. We seem to be in the northwest region of the city. The place I’m showing her now is one that not many people know about, a neighborhood of winding streets on a hill, neat rows of houses on either side of the streets – a quiet, peaceful place. The houses are covered with what look like enormous cobwebs, large enough to completely cover most of the roofs. I tell Saimi that in the early morning, when it’s misty, they shine like silver. We then head down to the tram stop together. This, unlike the webbed streets, is a location that’s familiar to me from a previous iteration of Dream-Prague, although it doesn’t correspond to any waking-life location. On that occasion, the whole area had a much rougher vibe and was also undergoing construction. Perhaps with this in mind, I pull out my cell phone to show Saimi a couple pictures of how it used to look. I input the password first, which isn’t my waking-life password. This one is also six digits long, and the numbers signify a personally important date – there’s a charged quality to the memories the date pulls along with it. The date is December 22, I think (although I can’t remember the year now, or precisely what the date’s significance was). When I find the pictures, I notice strings of triangular orange flags in some of them, which tells me that I must have taken them during the protests. The wait at the tram stop is rather long (justified in-dream, I think, by it being a weekend). There’s a whole little scene here with a man who’s decided to teach his dog another song (it already knows two). It’s a large dog, but friendly: it puts its paws on me, almost knocking me over. The song he’s chosen is one of those old, popular ones most people know: it has kind of a jazz standard feel to it, lots of seventh chords and a melancholy tone. The lyrics are in German. I don’t remember what all of them are, though, and nobody there seems to know them all offhand, so I get my phone back out to look them up. While I do, a man in a red shirt sings a version of them in English – although I have the impression he only remembers about half of them and is making the rest up as he goes, and he also starts at the chorus for some reason. Once the tram arrives, I get my ticket punched – I just have a one-use one since I haven’t been here long. The tram heads straight east, neither turning or changing height so that, as the ground level falls, we’re positioned high enough to see most of the city from above. I look out over it. I’m glad to be back here, and I’m already looking forward to walking around all these places again. Eventually, the landscape changes. We now seem to be going through a park, which is also familiar to me. I’m puzzled at first – I don’t remember the tram going here. But I do remember seeing the tracks back when I worked in this place, and so it does make sense that it would go here. The plot seems to have changed now, with the dream partly drawing on memories of the old wildlife hospital, a different time and place. I still used to work here, although in the dream, it seems to be mostly a long-time crew instead of short-term volunteers. It seems as if this iteration also suffers from financial issues and is staffed at about half the level it should be to run it properly. This is currently relevant since the people on the tram are now coming to work here as well, which brings it about to where it should be – in fact, it seems as if I’m taking them here for that purpose. As we walk through the park, I lead the way. I find everybody together out back behind a building, where they're seated in rows on the ground. As I walk between the rows, I happen to glance down at my own legs and notice I’m wearing brown leather sandals and khaki pants that are cut off at the knee. Not far off is the man who’s in charge of this place, who’s grateful to have so many people coming. There’s a sense that there was once some kind of past tension between us that was wrapped up in why I left, and he’d since come to recognize was his fault. But that all seems to be over now. There’s conversation now, and something about a ceremony that’s going to take place soon, where Rae, NC and KD’s daughter, will break a staff in two and then remake it. 3.7.21
4th March 2021 Scraps: T needed a bug killer or repellent? Asks me for guidance on soldering and installing a micro noise generator PCB. Something Dark Souls-esque. I remember interact with a user interface menu, mostly having a look? 6th March 2021 Dream: After some sequence about trucks and driving and a very vast area in some kind of half-real/half-game world, exploring a map or level? Me and H are arriving at the building door for my old apartment building. There's a man in the lobby and I don't feel like going in? A car drives past, going up on the curb. It sounds like dad's car and is the same colour so I tell H to look. But then I realise it's not dad and his car because it's actually a Toyota (though in the dream I mistake it for a Mitsubishi, a mistake I commonly make in waking life, but for some reason realised instantly to be wrong as I wrote the recall). The car makes laps around the cul-de-sac. I remark that it must simply be using the same engine. At this point it feels like just before sunset. The shadows' directions in the dream would be agreeable to this. Then me and H are going around a mix of my old home town/L. We're checking off things from a checklist on my phone. It's night time and the area we're in is a busy part of the city. There seem to be festive decorations of some kind. I have some subconscious awareness of Covid but nobody is wearing masks, including myself. The next thing on the list is that we have to visit a chapel. I want to loop up the nearest one on my phone but I have a feeling there's one nearby, maybe an in-dream memory of one. We walk towards a riverside/quay area and H leads. As I try to look it up on the phone we gain some distance from each other but I also feel awkward looking things up on my phone, I feel embarrassed of someone looking for some reason. (recall gap) We are inside a chapel, it's really small and cramped. The ceiling isn't much higher than head level. There's a small altar with some stained glass behind it, making it evident that it is now day time, though I don't realise this change in the dream itself. I have an in-dream memory or something of talking to mom about this chapel and we discuss(?) something about the chapel being more valuable not for its physical worth but because of how it brings people together. Something then happens and there are a lot of people in the church now, getting into all the pews and some communal discussion is had?
I am in class with Kreg. The room is fairly large and open, with maybe 10 students (no one is wearing a mask - Covid doesn’t seem to exist in this dream). We are making models, I think for a house. I’ve finished mine - before anyone else? and Kreg looks at it. I have a vertical plain façade with a small, perpendicular plain protruding a foot or so over on the left and a sweeping, curvilinear roof. It is honestly somewhat impressive, a sentiment that Kreg shares. I tell him I imagined it going in above the Truckee River near downtown. Now, we are at the site? and this model has been put in/built life size, though looking different. It’s at an angle, and the roof is a different curvilinear shape. There are two bands of color, light and darker blue, and I tell Kreg I like how they’re complimenting the sky behind. It is modern looking. I am inside somewhere with Sage and her old boyfriend Ryan. He has downloaded an app that makes him weightless and/or able to fly. There is an open threshold to the outside (a small jumble of rocks, I think at the top of the cliff), through which he steps and begins the transition to flying. I watch as for a moment he seems to sink into this other ‘side’ - there’s a slight and slow ripple through his body. He then easily steps off a rock and floats through the air. Sage goes next, with some enthusiasm, jogging to and leaping off the rock. Now she and Ryan are back, and she’s showing me how to get the app. I fill out its small questionnaire, but it returns as declined. Apparently I answered something similar to ‘I am feeling exasperated with life.’ I make a joke concerning suicide and see in Ryan’s eyes that it gets to him. I think that his brother? committed suicide some time ago. I think I was cognizant of this but didn’t think it should stop me from making a joke. I’m now looking at a screen showing who is ‘logged in’ to this other ‘side’. I notice an ‘Rshort” but know it’s Ryan’s brother, as he has the same name.
31st October 2020 Dream: I'm driving, something like an Opel Insignia or some kind of BMW; an estate or car of that sort, at any rate. It had an automatic transmission but the throttle was under the left thumb on the steering wheel, not on the pedals. Effectively it only had a braking pedal. I remember driving up to a junction which would lead out into a motorway and it had four or five lanes. But the lanes were on the wrong side for where I live now. I was going too fast at first but I find I have to brake suddenly, as someone had spun out of control or was already going in the wrong direction anyway. I try to pick up the pace again and find that it's a lot less busy on the road now. I hope that H is following behind me soon. I get into a bit of a race of some kind with two other dream characters, each in their own cars. Control of the car felt OK for the most part but a bit wild at times and the road, for a motorway, was surprisingly hilly. Fragment: I'm the oldest version of my rogue from WoW, a dwarf rogue. T is with my on his human paladin and there are several rogues from the Horde skulking about. They try to kill me, opening with a stun but T heals me and they're a bit dumb and don't think to change targets so we just end up killing these two rogues without much bother. Then I spot another single rogue in stealth and I open on him and kill him too. All of us rogues had the same tier two helmet look-alike that was very common sometime after the middle of TBC. (Recall gap.) I'm Death from Darksiders II and I'm in one of the early-game areas, the town I think. I remember walking outside and there's a beautiful sunlight. This is the very tail end of what was quite a long dream of adventure and typical RPG themes. 1st November 2020 7:20; dreams from later on were not made note of and recall was lost. Fragment: Midway through a dream, JC was apparently talking to me via steam or something and we get talking about TF2 maps and I tell him about my old CTF map based on the UT "Face" map. This was a map I was making for TF2 that included a helicopter from regular HL2. But in the dream it's very different very quickly. At first it looks like my vague memory of the map when I last touched it, but then it becomes very realistic. I walk along a Red Base area which is this vividly realistic Egyptian themed area and there's an open courtyard, slightly raised above everything else, with a square-ish mini garden thing at its centre and the floor here is made up of limestone mosaic tiles of some kind, no bigger than one cm or half inch. I walk down some steps further toward the base, making note of a great pyramid centred to this courtyard area and see dunes further beyond in the distance. I then turn around and see the opposite Blue Base. It looks like Washington DC's capitol building and has vast gardens and water features and creates an interesting contrast to the Egyptian area I'm in. Taking out my phone, I start to try and take a panoramic shot of the bases to show JC but the sun starts to set beyond the Washington Base and it gets extremely dark very quickly and so I fail to take the shot, no less because I also stumbled on a step backwards as I was trying to get the angle. Fragment: Some bit in a warehouse-like place? Like an old 20s industrial building, not sure. Reminds me of old power plant buildings. It seems semi-abandoned but not. There's a character very much like Mom from Futurama and she's talking to a lackey of sorts, a woman in a dress; both of them were in large renaissance style dresses. But then the "Mom" stabs the lackey woman with a scalpel and I'm climbing up along a window's pillar at this time. There's something off about it all vs the context and I remark to the character that it seems like a continuity error (also see notes for last DJ entry) but she doesn't care, making some comment stating so. I become concerned she may want to stab me and we are both outside the building now on a semi-grassy area. The area resembled KF2's prison map now. She seems more insane than she perhaps should seem but I somehow trick her into giving me the scalpel while she busies herself disposing of the lackey's body or something, so I simply end up walking away. Notes: - In waking life, I spoke to HW the day before this dream and he said he'd hoped I'd return to WoW should there be a revival of TBC too. - Unfortunately, for most of these dreams I only made some very small notes and so didn't retain certain details I would have liked to have retained, but lately I feel far too tired in the morning to be able to write enough. - In the dream with the bases, it's interesting that the sun did set beyond the capitol building, as this would appear West to me (and so should the sun set there) and Egypt would appear to be Near East to me. Although I have had many dreams of sunsets and the like, I can't really recall any other instance where the sun did set so quickly and where everything turned darker than night. - The mosaic floor was particularly beautiful and may have come from having recently seen an interesting mosaic mural near where I live, which is unusual for this area, but the rest of the Egyptian theme came from something else; I'm not certain what prompted the capitol building's appearance but either way, both sides seemed to represent West and East in some sense.
21st June 2020 Fragment: My phone needed charging and I was at home with H. I went to get a charger for my phone and plugged it in; there was arcing/sparking and a flash. I opened the back of the phone and took the cable off it and saw that the battery had bulged slightly in one place. And the cable specs said it provided 2.9v rather than what it supposedly needed, 5v. Fragment: Some bit around my home town. I'm in the car, with mom and dad. Mom complains about being nearly 11:30 even though the dash says 10:30. Mom was complaining because we had to be there (at the destination?) and my siblings weren't ready or in the car with us yet. Dad took us to some cafe, or restaurant? Near where the pools in my old home town are. Fragment: In the kitchen at our current home. I was going to take codeine, but it had been prescribed for something other than pain, like allergies? Notes: - The part in the car with mom and dad is a typical scenario that might happen when we all still lived together, when I was a kid/teen. - At the time I'm making these notes (10th of August), I am on medication that means that I can't take codeine too; this would probably be a good cue for RCing since I know it would be dangerous to actually take the codeine currently.
Dream fragment I was racing my sisters in mario kart, we were in the game racing on the courses that looked more like the 3d platform versions of mario, my eldest sister is winning but I'm only 12 points behind her coming up to the last course. Another frag I'm at KC lakeview pool with Mason. I'm trying to get in during adult swim but the peck family start talking to me about something, I can see Mason is getting disappointed because he wanted me to come into the pool. Eventually I do end up getting in, there are kids doing tricks off the diving board. The dream scene was at JMU, going back and forth down port republic, I think there were parties going on in forest. I'm in a car and we end up at Showker, I'm standing outside with Derek and he points towards the road that goes to the stadium and says "remember when Aaron would come from there and pick us up" and then I said "yeah after Accounting class", by the way this never happened IRL. We go across the highway and where there are dorms and he's telling me about how they drank there as a group of my friends, he then told me I was somewhere else at the time, I began to explain I was at this house over near forest with Hay, I mentioned I had been really hungover. I eventually end up walking into a room, the idea is that I got placed into this random class of people who didn't give a shit about their academics. There was a girl curled up in a ball in her sweatshirt with dark makeup and long dark hair, a stocky guy sitting on a couch looking at his phone, and another guy on the other end of the room playing videogames. A teacher walks in and starts asking me about topics I've learned about, I say "accounting" and he repeats me, then I say "calculus" and he goes "oh yes calculus" or something like that, then he sits down on the couch and starts to go on about techniques in super smash bros. about how to go into someone and toss them, I'm starting to think I probably won't be learning anything related to school in this room. The girl who was sleeping is now on the other side of the TV and as I'm paying attention my eyes keep diverting off and meeting her eyes which are also darting back and forth. Eventually I'm in another room, it looks like a situation room or computer lab, Donald Trump is there with other foreign leaders. An army soldier walks in, Trump starts talking to him, the army guy starts telling him a story about his brother as they're walking out of the room, a foreign leader stops Trump so he tells the army guy to wait for him out in the hallway, the army soldier says "yes sir" in a disappointed tone. The army guy comes back in the room in a little bit. Trump looks at me standing in the corner and says something like "are we ready to go" in an awkward tone. I'm now in an elevator with Trump Melania the army guy and Trump's two sons. I kept thinking Trump was going to ask the army guy to finish his story with the brother but I looked over and Trump had one iphone headphone in his ear not paying attention. I turned to the army soldier and said, "please you should tell us the rest of the story", he looked awkwardly at Trump who is not paying attention at all. Everyone in the elevator looked extremely uncomfortable. Trump slouched over and leans on the elevator wall where the buttons are. I'm standing there and starting to think this is weird, why the hell would I ever be in this situation. And then I think 'hmmm this might be a dream.' I take my right index finger and push it into my left palm, at first nothing happens but then it partially goes through my palm. I look up and say "well you guys do know this is a dream right? This is a dream." Everyone in the elevator was just standing there saying nothing. I said "well in a dream you can do anything" and I imagine myself trying to fly, I end up morphing down through the elevator floor into a space below it where the elevator had been going down. I float down to the first floor and see a lobby that looked similar to an airport gate where you wait to board. My phone buzzes and it locks me out of any vision of the dream. The semi lucidity goes back into a non lucid dream. I unlock my phone and continue into the lobby. I see a bag and what I thought was the girl with the dark eyeliner in her sweatshirt again. I throw my bag on the seat next to hers and sit down. She isn't really there and it's a backpack. I look to my right and Liz walks up and throws a backpack onto a seat next to me. I look at my phone to see a text from her.
Updated 06-02-2020 at 04:04 PM by 59595
Some dream fragments. Initially had better recall but didn't manage to type as much as I wanted in my initial notes and so recall just faded for the most part. Some pre-sleep journaling too because I haven't really done that a lot. Although I have had recall of dreams from all the previous nights since my last DJ entry, I haven't been making notes in the morning for the most part. H's alarm can be distracting and causes me to lose details sometimes, which puts me off from trying to write, besides all the other usual issues. Pre-sleep: Some stray thoughts about something lead me to loosely focusing thoughts on memories from my childhood, primarily from the ages between three and five. Somewhat vivid memory of the balcony, but details missing and wrong. I hoped my focus on these memories would perhaps carry on into dreaming and allow me to explore the memories a bit better. Some recall of trying to place myself in the height I would have been, meaning a different point of view from the lower glass panes rather than the higher ones. I remember having other conscious thoughts about the memories but I have forgotten the specifics now. Dream Fragment: Was having a discussion with a girl about my age, we were talking about buck/boost transformers and how they saved power or something. I was doing a poor job of explaining and getting to the point I wanted to make and so she started to think I was trying to make some sort of sales point without evidence. I was at some kind of hotel? Initially I was speaking to her from a hallway that had these sliding doors to the outside; she was out on a courtyard of some kind, under a summer/pool tent of sorts. I'd met her at a fairly high floor in the building, 30 something? I had been going up through the floors using stairwells with my family up to this point, but I think they just continued on without me. I think near the end the girl's form shifted between herself and some male dream character. Before I got to the hotel, I remember travelling with my family through some highway, dad was driving. At some point we weren't in the car anymore but sort of still on the road. I remember my parents asking T if he should put an extra layer/top on. L made some comment? We were on the start of a mountain path or something. We were apparently going some place cold, I remember a dull grey day, misty. Reminds me now of some real beach or coastal area I've visited in waking reality many years ago with my family. Dream Fragment: Called an aunt. Brief conversation, remember noting it took no more than five or six minutes. Vague visual recall of orange phone screen? Notes: - The orange phone screen was most likely a detail of a home phone; either the one we have now or the one from my parents' house. - The highways in the dream remind me of the ones from Fallout, possibly because of playing it recently. - Not entirely sure what brought on the context of discussing electronics but possibly just a more obvious intrusion of information consolidation processes; my apparent ignorance on the subject in the dream perhaps being caused by the fact I rarely discuss the specific topic in question.