non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my parent's house, sleeping on the couch. Some news on tv about a poisonous spider that has been spotted in exotic fruits, mostly bananas and might accidentally be brought home with the groceries. I am too sleepy to care about it, but my dad goes around the house removing cobwebs and killing harmless spiders just in case. I later wake up and I am with Riverstone instead. I am attacked by some poltergeist and pushed and pulled through the air like a rag doll. It's not hurting me and Riverstone finds it kinda funny, but I am getting sick of it. I force myself to reach the bathroom and look in the mirror, wishing the spirit to show in the mirror. It does and it is a young boy. Slowly I realize it is a young Riverstone, which I tell him, by yelling across the hallway. He does not believe me. I splash the boy with water and smile to tease him. He does not react, he just smiles back and go away, but first, out of spite, he shrinks my cat Yéti to a hand size. I feel he is actually afraid of being alone, so I tell him to come around to play, if he behaves. I then go to attend some workshop on how to renew some license on something. It's at some office place at post-working hours. Meeting is on the 2nd floor and there are signs pointing towards the direction to follow. Up there, some people are just hanging, others are already seated at tables, I chose a table to sit at and then some weird shit starts. It seems like this ain't their 1st meeting. Apparently they all know each other and some people complain about the teacher. She comes forward to apologize for something but it felt more like a public flogging. People get up from their seats and continue accusing her of many things, others hug each other in support and others seem to just ignore it all and keep on filling forms. I am sure that I got in the wrong group and I am stimming by kneading some colored silly putty I found around. One lady starts talking to me in french, asks me if I am autistic. I raise my eyes to her and she immediately steps back and apologizes saying I am not. I reply in french "No, but I actually am". And she seems confused, points out traits she doesn't spot on me. I explain it manifests differently for every autistic and that I have other traits. Then my french doesn't go so far and I end up speaking in english. Anyway, I've decided to leave, so I abruptly get up and leave. I reach the door and it is raining cats and dogs. A couple of people who are at the door smoking or getting some air, look at me like "well, you ain't goin' nowhere". But I step out in the rain anyway and look for my car keys as I head to my car, because I don't want to stay around these people anymore. I can't find my keys, so I freak out. Soaked wet, I sit at some garden bench and dive into my purse, which is absolutely empty except for the car key in a pocket. But then the key is broken at the top, I might insert it but probably can't turn it around to start the car. I think about having to go back to the building and try get some help. I am just coming from my mom's and about to pass under the highway overpass to enter the main road, when a gate falls down and closes in front of me, not allowing to do so. There are military all over and one by one they shut down all passages under the overpass, with enormous gates between the pillars, cutting people off. They say this is the most recent quarantining measures, and I imagine my mom freaking out when she finds out. They tell me it is just over the weekend, but it feels more definitive. Supposedly we can still travel freely to East, just not take the road to north and south, but I wonder how far East we can go until we find another blockade. I also wonder if I just walk South over the hills, if they have put any other barriers ahead or if I could come through. Zilla went to space on a research project, while pregnant and everything is just unbelievable. I go visit her in her lab when she is back to earth and my dad comes along and his only comment his "I still don't like her much, but I gotta hand it to her, she achieved the highest achievement possible" and I know he means "and what have you done?". And I feel such a loser, but I decide to ignore him and concentrate on my friend. I give her a big warm hug, feeling happy that she is ok and she goes on telling her adventures, which I relive as if I was actually there. They went on a ship like a huge space shuttle, which orbited the earth for just about a week and somehow had artificial gravity. Zilla had some claustrophobia at first, especially when first realizing "I am on a spaceship!". I see her seated to eat at the canteen with panoramic views to space and then going to bed, in a common room, with lower ceiling and also panoramic windows above head. Before I leave, she takes me to see the ship, which is now all broken after some accident on reentry (not on her mission, but right after hers). There are plans to recover it, but I wonder if it makes sense at all considering the damage. The middle section is crunched like an accordion. When I am about to leave, I watch a couple, she is arabic and muslim and wearing a niqab and he is an american in jeans. She is yelling at him that it makes no sense that he left her. She says he turned a muslim for her and then started demanding she wear a burqa, while he himself continues wearing jeans and shirts and shaves just like a normal westerner. He doesn't have any justification for it, just says he wants nothing with her anymore and that she has to follow him to some place, like a court or something. She on the other hand says she is also bringing a case to court against him, so she agrees joining him to whatever thing he is also concocting. I follow then and take a sneak peak to inside the room they entered and all I can see is a bunch of bearded muslim men sitting against the wall at the end of the room, quiet and watching. Then she leaves the place through a back door, clearly upset. Unfortunately, four of those men also go after her and they carry knifes in their hands. I follow them to try to save her, but they corner her in the back of some building and I don't see anyway to help her without also getting killed. I hide under a tarp and see she manages to go through a door to some other building. But it is some dead end and they surround her and stab her. I get out from under the tarp and run towards the main street, which is just at the end of a small perpendicular street. I bump into a policeman and drop a camera I supposedly was carrying, but I don't recall taking pics. Anyway, one of the 4 men spotted me and is coming towards the policeman. By the look of the cop and the way he seems to want to delay me and not protect me, I realize he is an accomplice, so I run to the middle of the road and into the crowd. I hear the cop telling the guy I have a camera and possibly have photos. I sneak behind some panels hiding some construction work and I am thinking whether I enter a shop behind it or go down a manhole on the ground that is open.
Crazy Dream Night Of 11.3.12 Really weird and vivid dream, I’ll try to remember it all. It started out with me and my brother spending time in this cabin type house, a great distance from our home town (apparently we still lived with our parents). We were there on vacation and I think our parents were going to meet us there, but at the time it was just me and him. The cabin was defs haunted (typical dream scenario for me). A poltergeist of sorts was throwing shit around, trying to scare us and actually trying to trap us in the house, for nothing good I’m sure. I was doing my best to stay calm and not give in to the fear that it was pushing towards us by messing with us. My brother, wasn’t doing so good on that, which in RL he’s super afraid of those scenarios actually happening. I tried to calm him down, telling him that fearing this thing will only make it more powerful. Finally, I decided that we needed to get out of the cabin for the time being until we could deal with the poltergeist properly. We got out, with much difficulty actually. It was doing the A-typical haunting types of closing the door before we could get out, throwing stuff in our path, and even making our bodies immobile for a small amount of time, creating more fear for my brother. It was night when we finally got out and decided to head home, or at least away from there. We got in a car, in the backseat as if we were expecting to drive it from that position. Suddenly, a couple of strangers hopped in and started driving us away. I didn’t think anything of it at first because I was focused on getting away. The strangers (one male, one female) began driving us down what I thought to be a freeway (similar to one I drive on frequently IRL). I looked out the wind shield to see a shower of golden sparks falling onto the very road we were driving on. The sparks seemed to be the fire released from a jet engine, and when I looked above them to find the source, I could faintly see a full rocket/shuttle phasing in and out of existence, almost like it was turning on its invisible cloak. I tried to get my brother to see the phenomena, but he wasn’t listening to me. I then noticed a very large military helicopter, a camo brown color, circling the location of the now missing shuttle. I thought this to be an alien occurrence and even said something to the effect of “oh man, that’s a military helicopter and everything.” My next thought was perhaps that this alien phenomena was being monitored by the military or maybe even caused by them in some sort of experiment. The car continued to drive forward, to reveal a full fledged army blockade that gave way to a large military base. For some reason, I had thought that this was a normal base that the freeway just happened to end at and that I was a fool for forgetting that fact. As we approached the base more and more military jeeps were gathering and surrounding us. For some reason, the couple in front either passed out or completely died and I had to jump over the center console to slam on the break before we collided with the blockade. I started to get really nervous, as I saw the situation as a major military alien experiment had just taken place and we were now very obvious witnesses. I could only imagine what they would do if they thought we saw. So, upon slowing down at the blockade I played dumb when the army personnel approached the window, telling him that I had gotten lost and just needed to turn around. He looked suspiciously at the unconscious couple in the front and I said “those are complete strangers” and thought shit! that’s even more suspicious and followed the statement up with “…who we’ve become fast friends, it seems they have fallen asleep.” The soldier seemed to take that as a legit excuse and helped us turn around and proceed in the opposite direction. We returned to the cabin, which now turned into a multi-store strip mall. We didn’t go back inside the cabin, and I proceeded to go into the nearest gas station raving about what I just saw. Most people starred at me with suspicion, but one woman, a dark haired skinny lady a bit older than me, actually took my words to heart. She and I began speculating what the military was up to with that shuttle. She was going on about a possible space exploration mission that went wrong. Then it hit me. I said to her “they were using the energy and the power of the jet boosters to shift dimensions.” She just looked at me confused. I asked her “have you not heard of the idea that with enough power, energy, and a bit of sorcery, that you can literally rocket yourself into a parallel dimension?” She just shook her head. For some reason I had the feeling I was not in my own time, but in fact the past and this theory (speculation in today’s world) would be unheard of at that time. “That’s why the rocket seemed to phase, it was shifting planes of existence!” I turned to my brother, hoping he would back me up on the claims of what I saw, but he said he had no idea what I was talking about, either too shocked to admit he saw it or he never actually saw it. The dream shifts and it is now day time, still in the area we were in but now I am with my dad. I noticed a shit ton more military activity at that time. I asked my dad what he thought it was and he said he thought they were doing just drills. I told him what I had witnessed and he just brushed it off as another one of my crazy conspiracy theories. I was getting VERY annoyed that no one was believing me. I drove a car to just outside the military base, unseen, hopping to see another experiment and find proof. I could see they were gathering an arsenal. Jets with nukes and bombs, jeeps with soldiers armed to the teeth. The only thing I could think that they were doing was preparing for war. War with whom, I wondered. There was no reports on the news of another invasion of any country. Jets were taking off, flying into the horizon, to where I didn’t know. I returned to my dad to ask if he had heard anything about tensions with another nation that would lead to war. He said he couldn’t recall. Just then I looked up, to see two UFOs (and I’m talking no mistake, those bitches were flying saucers). They were flying low over the town we were staying at. I frantically started pointing to them, shouting for my dad to look. He glanced up, saw them, but was unimpressed. I’m not sure if he was still a non-believer or just thought that to be commonplace. I was just looking at him with a shocked expression, telling him that all this military activity, two UFOs, “does that sound like something NOT to worry about!” I shouted at him. Then I got a flash of what was to come, we were going to war with these aliens, be they friend or foe, we were going to *try* fucking them up. Something I thought was a VERY bad idea. I woke up.
I am in a car lot of some sort. All of a sudden the cars come on and head right to me! A big white car comes to me, I jump on it's hood then up and over the car. Then after awhile the scene changes to a reddish, dark, gigantic room. These square stone slabs come alive and float above our heads There were other people in this dream with me. When they are directly on top of us they then slam down to try and crush us. I make sure this didn't happen. I jumped very high and smash those stone slabs before they get the chance to land on my friends. Once this was over we had to go to space to retrieve the yellow pearl. So somehow we teleport to space but I am the only one there. I am following some sort of path, that looks like its the great wall of china..but in space. As go along this path I am attacked by many enemies. I shoot these bright orbs of light from my hands at them, Certain hand movements I make change how powerful the orbs of light can become. If I tighten my hand into a fist the orb of light starts to glow brightly, then when I quickly expand my hand it becomes even brighter and more powerful than before. Using my energy manipulation skills, I destroy many enemies at once as I go along this path. I finally make it to the end and I become an observer. The character that I was got the yellow orb. Then a space ship attacks and destroys our ship, now we cannot go back on board. I see a bunch of people on this staircase in the middle of space and they seem stranded.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I may have been flying through a neighborhood like the neighborhood I lived in as a teenager. It was a partly sunny, partly grey day. I landed in a backyard like my great grandmother's backyard. I started walking along the side yard, toward the front of the house. My old landlady, Ms. U, was walking up from the front of the house, on my right side. Ms. U still looked old, maybe in her late sixties. But she seemed to be in better shape, and to have a slightly smaller frame. She wore dark jeans and a dark green shirt, as if she were out gardening. I waved to Ms. U. She reluctantly waved at me. It was like she didn't really want to talk to me. I knew why. It was obvious to her, like it was to me, that I wasn't going to be able to pay my rent soon. She didn't want to talk to me because she was disappointed in me. Ms. U was now behind me. She met up with one of her friends. They were both going to walk down to the supermarket together. They were walking behind me. I turned right, as they did, and walked down the sidewalk, to the corner of the block. As I walked, I thought that maybe I would be able to pay my rent, after all. Maybe I would get a job. Then Ms. U wouldn't be so disappointed in me. So, if all that was going to happen, and I could believe it, why could't Ms. U? Why did Ms. U have to not talk to me? At the same time, I got the feeling that maybe Ms. U wasn't very disappointed in me. Maybe she would talk to me, if I'd just slow down and walk with Ms. U and her friend. The sidewalk was gone. But we weren't walking on the lawns of the front yards. We were walking on grass like grass that edges vacant lots. The grass was dry, tan, rough, and clumpy. There was a wooden fence to my right at one point. At another point there was at least one orange traffic cone. I kept feeling like I was going to lose my balance and fall into the road. Dream #2 I was sitting in a restaurant. My table was basically all by itself, in a space that looked like the hallway of a house. It was dark, lit by a dim, blue light, like candlelight in a blue, glass holder. My table was in a little, doorway like niche in the wall. I sat so I faced the restaurant's front door, which was barely visible to me from where I sat. I knew that there were a lot more tables in another room. The room was somewhere off to my right, i.e. down the hall, and around to the right through another hall. People kept coming by, apparently angry or jealous of me for having this table all to myself. Some of them started trying to do things like leave their stuff on my table. One person had a huge, black, wire-cart, like for laundry or groceries. She tried to slide it in between the unused chair of my table and the wall. I stood up and said, "Don't put your stuff in that space!" I moved the cart right out of the way. I may have stuck it in some dark corner just off from the niche I sat in. I decided that people were jealous of me because they thought I had this space all to myself. So I tried to make it look like I wasn't alone. I laid my bookbag and my jacket on the opposite seat, like somebody else was sitting there. I then pushed the seat far back, so that nobody would try to sit anything behind it. I also figured I'd act like I was waiting for someone to come back. Time passed. I was now being sternly lectured by a Meryl Streep-like business woman in a white blouse and long, beige skirt. The woman demanded to know why I had been away from my seat for so long. I vaguely remembered that I had had to go out the front door of the restaurant to help people who were loading something out of a semi-truck's trailer. It had, I remembered, seemed really important for me to have done this. If I had sat here instead of gone out to help, I suspected that this woman would have been yelling at me for that, instead. The woman told me, "Don't you know we have an important client coming to visit us today? How long were you runnning around outside? Do you even know? Even if it was just a few minutes, the client could have come inside while you were missing. He could be wandering around lost in the restaurant right now. And we wouldn't even know it!" Dream #3 I woke up. I pulled my blanket off of myself and looked at the upper right corner of my bed. My bedroom light was off, but my hall light was on, and it lit my room a bit. My blankets and sheets were brown. There was a fly crawling across the corner of my bed. This kind of disgusted me, as if it were a far worse insect than a fly. I brushed the fly off and started worrying about bugs. I stood up and walked down the hallway -- possibly (I'm not sure), because I heard a strange noise coming from my bathroom. I got to the bathroom. The lights were on and were really bright. The shower was running, which was odd in itself. But after a moment of focusing, I realized that the shower itself was acting weird. The water was rushing way stronger than usual, and the nozzle seemed to be spraying out in a few different, weird directions. I looked closer at the shower pipe. I now saw that it didn't even have a head! No wonder it was spraying all weird. I decided to shut off the shower water and figure out how to solve this problem. I turned off the water. But now there was a strange rumbling in the bathroom. The walls seemed to shake. Suddenly the portion of the wall just beside and below the shower pipe began spouting out water through little holes! The force of the water I'd shut off was so strong that it had burst through the wall in little, fountain-like holes! I stood back from this and watched it all. I knew that this kind of plumbing problem was much more than I by myself could handle. I'd have to call in my landlord. I really didn't want to have to call in my landlord. I knew he was already against me for a number of reasons. I didn't want him wandering through my house, peering aroud like he thought he'd find some sort of incriminating evidence about me. But I knew, regardless of the inconvenience to me, that I'd have to call the landlord. But now, suddenly, the wall over the side of my bathub also burst open with little fountains of water! These fountains of water were either bright pink or else left bright pink stains on the wall. The fountains of water were also more like jets -- they blasted in a flat, sideways pattern, along the wall, almost like sheets of water pouring down a sidewalk on a rainy day. And then all new things came out of the wall! I thought of these things as leaks and water. But they weren't water: they were steel. They were like surgery or dentistry implements, stainless steel devices, attached to steel cords, like the ringed cords on receivers for payphones. Some of these cord may have had robotic, or even white-gloved, hands attached to them, holding the implements. The number of cords, hands, and implements springing out of the wall seemed to be increasing and increasing, cluttering up the whole top of the wall. Dream #4 I was with a couple of men, one of whom may have been my brother. The other man was something like an ex-Marine. He was tall and muscular, slightly tanned, with blue eyes and pale-blonde hair in a buzz cut. We were in some kind of suburban area. It was possibly early morning, just before sunrise. We may have started out at a house or a small shop. We were loading things into a truck. These things were either items for security systems on houses, or else they were nuclear bombs. We drove in a pickup truck to some place. As we did, I thought about what we were doing. The man may have been talking to me about it as well. I knew we were definitely installing security systems on houses. But we also had nuclear missiles in our truck, and we were definitely concerned, in some way or another, with a slightly touchy situation regarding nuclear deterrence. We drove into and through a big parking lot, to a small, one-story building, possibly with white walls and a flat, steel-siding-like, blue roof. Somehow I now saw as if I were now twenty or thirty meters behind the truck. Missiles were being pulled out of the back of the truck. There were probably two missiles. I only saw their tail ends. They looked like the tail-end of an X-15 manned rocket, not a missile. I now stood just inside the building with the man. There were a few other people about, including a few little, Latino children, apparently. The inside of the building felt completely unused. There were no lights on, though there may have been some dusty office equipment. The front window may also not have had a glass pane in it. The man and I were talking (somehow -- telepathically?) about some woman who had had some sort of difficulty in her professional life. As we were talking about this, I kept hoping I'd just say the right thing. I felt like the military and government had me under suspicion. My appearance alone, I knew, marked me as suspicious. If I said the wrong thing, I'd be detained for sure. I wandered down a front deck and onto the parking lot, toward the Latino children. I was still "speaking" with the military man. The kids were looking at a hole in the parking lot. It was a rectangular hole, about three meters long and two meters wide. It seemed to go down a long way. As I looked into the hole, it began to appear as if it held something inside, like a gigantic birthday cake. The cake was covered in frosting that was colored with brilliant swirls of blue, turquoise, green, and white. Tropical fish, either plastic or sugar, also adorned the cake. I was now "speaking" to the military man about how the woman we had been discussing was probably suffering from an animus possession. She was letting the male side of herself dominate her personality. It was making her overly aggressive, so that nobody could work with her. As I "spoke" of this, it now became my task to scrape frosting off the cake. I was scraping huge, huge globs of solid green, solid blue, and solid white frosting off the cake. Occasionally I'd also scrape off a few fish. The scraped-off frosting all went into some deeper part of the pit. It was now like the cake was L-shaped, so that the upper left quadrant (as I faced it) of the rectangle was left free for this deep pit, this extra space for the frosting. But I noticed that as I scraped off the frosting, it became kind of mushy and unappealing. It still looked very sweet. But on the cake it had been firm, which would, I assumed, add to the pleasure of the taste. Off the cake it was just sickly sweet and mushy. I wondered why the frosting had to be scraped off the cake, anyway. Someone apparently thought there was excess frosting on the cake. But I didn't. I thought the frosting was good, and that there was just enough.
I'm in a house that is supposed to be mine, but it looks exactly like the Cosby house. A friend has come over to visit me. We're talking and then suddenly her father joins us. He's telling her that she is going to be doing a degree in some form of really uninteresting sounding accountancy. She looks absolutely miserable and depressed. I try to tell her father he has no right to tell her how she should live her life, but she stops me. Now I seem to be in the middle of a nightmare... the girl and her father are gone, but there is a presence in the house, and it's angry. There is a poltergeist in the house, and it's tossing things around, some of them hitting me. I try to catch some of the activity on my iPhone but it's wise to me and I can't seem to catch anything. My cousin is suddenly with me and freaking out, some baking pans that where behind her are levitating behind her, rattling about. I tell her to try to be calm that the fear she's spewing is only feeding the poltergeist, but she's not listening.
DJ Log: March 19, 2011 – 4:00AM (USA Eastern) Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID · I am standing in the basement of my parent's old house, listening to the sound of them watching TV upstairs. I walk upstairs into the living room and see my mom sitting on the couch and my dad sitting in the recliner, eating popcorn. Their dog, a black toy poodle, is sitting on the couch beside my mom, staring at me and wagging its tail. My cell phone starts ringing and I retrieve it from my pocket to see an incoming call from 'Lucid Awareness' on the screen. I step into the hallway and answer the call, but the line is silent. I immediately become lucid and look back at the phone. The screen is now blank, but the phone is projecting an image of the screen onto the wall in the hallway. Suddenly a text message appears from the same caller, 'Lucid Awareness'. I don't bother to read the message, but drop the phone and walk back into the living room. I say to my mom, “This is a dream!” She gives me a strange look and says, “No, silly, it's not a dream.” I say, “If this is not a dream, could I do this?” I effortlessly push my right index finger through my left palm and show her what I just did. She gives me a brief look of shock, then looks back toward the TV. I go over to a fish tank on the table and reach through the glass and try to grab the fish. The fish quickly swims away from my hand as I try to grab them. I can feel the cold water on my arm and the bubbles rising from the air pump at the bottom of the tank. Suddenly the dog starts barking frantically at me, then runs over and starts biting at my other hand. I pull my arm out of the fish tank and walk away from the dog, but it tries to climb up my legs and bites at my ankles. I say to the dog, “Stop it, or I'll put you in the TV.” The dog gets even more angry, growling and biting me even harder. I pick up the dog and walk over to the TV, tossing the dog into the screen. The dog passes right through the screen, then turns around and stares at me through the glass with a very confused look. Both mom and dad stand up and start yelling at me to get the dog out of the TV. I get down on my knees and reach into the TV screen, but I can't find the dog. I reach a bit further into the TV, up to my shoulders at this time, but I still can't find it. I ask my dad to grab my legs so I don't fall in, then I climb in about to my waist. Suddenly, the inside of the TV turns into a rainbow vortex and tries to pull me in. I can feel dad pulling at my legs, but he loses his grip and I fall into the vortex. I hear a loud bang sound then quickly wake up.