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    1. 1 May: Lucid encounter with my secondary teacher

      by , 05-01-2023 at 05:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With my mom on some type of underground shelters. Looks like subways tunnels, a maze of concrete chambers, but with beds here and there and lots of people taking shelter in each room or hallway. We are going around, as if looking for something and I become lucid, so I decide I want to do something with my lucidity, but I don't wanna hurt my dream mom, so I tell her I need to go to the bathroom and I move away. She yells that I am going in the wrong direction and starts following me, trying to catch me, but I speed up and lose her.
      The scenario becomes more and more dystopic and futuristic. I come across loads of people going to and from all directions on this underground, but I think about my teacher DK and call out his name, looking around for his face to maybe show up. It never does, but I am always hopeful. Instead, dream agents start popping up and bumping into me, agressively. I decide to fly up as the place became bigger and no ceiling can be seen. Looks more like a factory now, with a strange maze infrastructure beneath me and a big black screen ocupying the whole right wall. One agent also starts levitating and grabs my ankle, we fight a bit and I get rid of it. I decide to leave this dream by jumping through the black screen to my right, while thinking of my teacher. I come out on the other side and it is still a dark dystopic landscape, like a Blade Runner scene mixed with Stalker. I still don't see any signs of my teacher, or anyone else actually, so I decide to call for my secondary teacher instead, JK. I see some light illuminating a path into what seems a calm relaxing place. I pass a little reception booth and to my right I see a jacuzzi like pond or pool with a big black stone Buddha statue half submerged, sitting in a relaxed position. There are tealight candles giving just enough clarity to the space. I pass by the pool and fold my hands towards the statue. I swear the statue turns its face towards me. But I look again and it's still in the same position. I keep going and see a small building ahead, but before I go in, the Buddha statue appears standing in front of me, moving and breathing like a person. It is smaller in size, the size of a human, when in the pond it was the double or tiple that size. I immediately know that it is my teacher I just called.
      I say hi and he replies with another hello. He smiles and says he had been waiting for me to finally call for him. He asks if I see his face or some other face. His face changed a little, no longer the face of the original statue, but it still doesn't look like him. I chuckle and say no and ask if he sees my face and he also says not really. But that doesn't really matter because we are both sure of whom we are.
      I say I don't know what to do, that I needed to talk to him, that I am confused and lost and don't know what he expects from me. He comes closer, enough to feel his breath in my skin and hair. I wasn't feeling anything romantic or sensual towards him, but now I feel a tingling sensation in my body. I also get closer to him, close enough that our legs intertwine. He says something about how much he desires me and I tell myself I don't feel this way about him. But he keeps going, saying how rock hard he is and he is so close to me I can feel his erection against my legs and I feel strangely aroused by it. I can't resist to touch it and then I put my hand inside his clothes and grab it. The sensation is incredibly specific. He is average lenght but a bit thick and I like it. We kiss and make out and we kick everything in our way up to the building I saw before. Funny enough, it is some kind of gift shop, not a private setting and there is a lady behind the counter, but at this point we just don't care. It's just a dream. I am half undressed and he slides his penis inside me. Half standing up and half laying down, we f*ck and I can't believe how horny I actually am. In the end, he is embracing me from behind, both facing a small mirror on a table. We get to see our faces in it. I vaguely see myself in it but I tell him he appears as some tibetan man mixed with my mom's face, which could be weird, but we laugh. Then I lose consciousness for a while, everything gets black and I fear that I may be exiting the dream and waking up.
      But I manage to wake up exactly on the same place, this zen spa whatever, now with daylight shining. I get up from the ground. A lady, maybe the one that was behind the counter before, comes to offer me some gifts, namely some beautiful hair ornaments. I don't recognize what it is at first glance so she shows me how they are applied to the hair, very lovingly, as if she knows me and cares for me. She then says that guru-ji asked me to join the tsok later on.
    2. Sunday, July 4

      by , 08-12-2021 at 06:22 AM
      I think I am in the UK. I’m in a slightly forested area with two long ponds. I think they’re separated by a slight incline. Their contours seem to give the impression that they are larger. There is shade and dappled sunlight on them and on the many kayakers. There’s a languid feeling and it’s a really beautiful scene. I contemplate swimming. I know I’m also with Granny, but I don’t know where she is right now. I think that she doesn’t know where I’ve gone either, so I go to find her before we get too separated. I walk past the public restroom, and the door to the Women’s is open. I glance in, but don’t see her. I think there is something about her dying or me only having so much time to find her before she does.

      I’m with Melissa, I think at her house. Alex has called an Uber, and two cars show up. Each driver is a middle aged man, one white and one Hispanic (*As I write this, I remember how I questioned Melissa capitalizing Hispanic and not white, just like I’ve done here). I think they start talking while Melissa and I get into one of the cars. She starts driving it and I tell her this isn’t how Ubers work, but she continues.

      I’m with Melissa in a store. It seems pretty busy. Melissa cuts in front of a Black lady from the side of the line to check out. I think she hands the cashier a receipt, maybe to justify her cutting. The Black lady looks at me and I give an unsure expression. I don’t really like Melissa doing this.
      Tags: granny, pond, store, water
    3. Sunday, September 1

      by , 09-23-2019 at 09:18 PM
      I am at work (though it doesn’t really look like it - it does look like a retail store, but not necessarily JCPenney). It feels like I am upstairs, and I am with two unfamiliar others, one guy and one girl. We are sitting and playing a board game. The board is larger and sitting atop something. I think there are a few pieces, one being a longer, black piece of food (like a brownie?) Apparently when it is your turn you tell another player what to do and they are supposed to do it. I say this because the guy has told me to go count all the hangers in the store, and I am going to do it. I think it’s going to be hard to impossible but that’s just how the game works. I start on it, in what looks like the hallway to our employee entrance. I am counting and thinking of a strategy to not miss any when I see Mairin putting out some new clothes. They are men’s long sleeve button ups, in blues with subtle patterns, and I kind of like them. She is telling me and one other something as she fills an empty rack with a handful of the shirts. Now, a black man comes in and asks a simple question. I answer it, and he is super excited and impressed with me. On his way out, he gives me a pretty long hug. I had went for a handshake, but adjusted to a hug. He tells me thanks again, etc. I call him brother, and then hope he doesn’t take it the wrong way - it seems like he doesn’t. He asks if I like some orange beer? I’m not sure at first but then he specifies and I realize what he’s talking about and say “oh yeah.” He leaves and comes back in with a bottle of one and a glass. He gives them both to me, and I notice the glass has a little bit of what looks like peanut butter inside of it. I think that it’s gross and it’s probably just been sitting in his car or something, but that it’s a very kind gesture.

      I am in some kind of cabin. There is a counter to order food and large paper menus hanging above it. I have to get kind of close to the counter to read the menu, and the younger looking employees are all looking to me as if I’m ready to order. To signal that I’m not quite ready, I start looking at the bookshelf below the counter. I notice a few stacks of books, one stack being maroon and antiquated looking books. I notice that every other ‘book’ isn’t really shaped like a book, but more like a box for a nice pen or something that shape. It looks like they’re in a series or all go together. I notice a girl off to the left poke a note out from behind something sort of secretly. I assume the note will be something about me ordering food. I go over and she hands me a different note, a full size paper. I glance at it, having no idea what it could be about. I think it could be about me or that it could be some kind of petition. I just fold it and hold onto it to look at it later.

      I am at a small (rock?) beach at what looks like a large, clear pond. Emmy’s mom? sits next to me, and I notice Emmy swimming. I want to show her a picture of Makayla because they look so similar. As I talk to her, I am forgetting Emmy’s name, but remember it right before I have to use it.
    4. Dollhouse Retrieval and Return with Golden Airplane Charm

      by , 02-03-2018 at 11:51 AM
      Morning of October 20, 2016. Thursday.

      My dream begins with a backstory involving a task which is apparently for a reality show. There is a feeling of comfort and happiness and of being in the right place at the right time.

      The challenge involves retrieving a two-storey dollhouse from the middle of a shallow pond. The knee-deep water is very cool and refreshing. The dollhouse is in a deeper area, mostly encircled by rocks that are just under the surface. Reaching down to lift it from the bottom, my right hand brushes a rock and I get an intense electrical shock that jolts my whole body and I even feel residual buzzing for a short time. My perception vivifies after this. I realize that only the dollhouse can be touched with the hands or a shock will result, which seems to be the nature of the challenge. I grab it by the roof and an upper window with both hands and get a vague impression that it is actually a miniature boathouse made of flimsy wood. I lift it up and tip it and watch and hear all the water flow out, as if it had been full of water even though much of it had been above the surface. I carry it back to shore with a great sense of enjoyment.

      There is a later scene in a less vivid dream event where two unknown males are trying to win the hand of a tribal princess. (I am unsure of the culture as even though it seems early Native American, it also seems to be in the future where there have been celestial changes, possibly threatening, though this is not a dominant idea.) There is something about shooting an arrow between two bows that overlap front to front giving the impression of a Venn diagram truncated at each side, the central area symbolically relating to the traits of the princess that both men desire, which has obvious sexual undertones.

      In the last segment, which is more vivid, an unknown male in a business suit is boarding a passenger jet near the outer boundary of a forest. (My view of him is from behind the left side of the aircraft.) He is carrying a large golden airplane charm which he had apparently won. He seems happy as he is walking up the mobile stairs.

      About 12% of my dreams (about 12 out of 100) render water as autosymbolism that represents entry into the dream state.

      About 23% of my dreams (about 23 out of 100) render vestibular system ambiguity as a flight symbol. In this case, vestibular system symbolism (autosymbolism that signifies being unconscious and emerging from the dream state) has three layers; the passenger jet, the golden airplane charm, and the mobile stairs. Gold symbolizes the emergent consciousness as analogous to increasing daylight.

      Text last optimized Saturday, 3 February 2018.

    5. Hotel Mystery and Dream House with Pond

      by , 07-04-2015 at 04:53 PM
      At a small hotel, help solve a mystery of where money is hidden to pay for repairs so the female owner won't have to close down. We find the money in a hidden room, and tell the woman she should go get a safe at Walmart or Staples for $50 to keep it all in.
      Go astral, and spend some time flying.
      Then I am in a dream again, driving fast on a rural road and DCs are yelling at me as I go by. I miss my turn and become lucid, drive to a place I know I've been before, a big white house, empty, next to a huge pond that has nature habitat signs all around. What a perfect place for retreats and swimming, I think. I turn the car around on a wooded track past the pond and drive back out. This place would be great to buy -- I wonder if it's real and how much it is. I remind myself to remember to write these dreams down when I wake up.
      Tags: flying, house, pond
      memorable , lucid
    6. From stress to lucidity...

      by , 03-08-2015 at 01:50 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Non-lucid, Lucid, Comments

      .../I have to take my flight back to my current city. I'm with my brother and I'm telling him how different it is when I fly alone. There's one minute left before the plane takes off and I'm still in the waiting room when I tell him if I were with my wife she'd be stressed like hell. I see the plane is about to take off and thinking how are they doing with my package. It doesn't matter, I know I'm inside that plane before it takes off.

      There's a jump back in the sequence of the dream time and get back to something about a disgusting guy who I ended up murdering for the second time. I have a knife covered in blood in one hand and a tea spoon in the other. I feel the urge to get rid off both of them but I must be careful because of I start to see police officers everywhere. I clean the blood from the blade with my tongue, I don't want to use anything else because of it may let clues. I hide the knife under the sleeve of my jacket and the spoon in the pocket. I get inside a sort of pond under a roof. The water seems to be deep and dark enough in some places. I throw the spoon there taking care that no one sees it. I see an adult woman sniffing around. I think she may be a detective or some. I hesitate to throw the knife. I think I must find a better place to get rid off it. I see some officers started to dig on some of the ground near the pond. Definitively I want get out of here but I don't want to call their attention. I still feel the blade with my arm. I wonder if the sleeve is funny shaped because of the knife. I follow a guy who did something similar but he doesn't seem to be worried at all. He tells he got rid off the knife near his neighborhood which is far away. We are drinking wine and vodka. I'm drinking my bottle of vodka while I'm still thinking about a place where I could leave the knife when a thought flashes in my head: "Hopefully when I wake up all of this stress will be over". I realize what it means and feel slightly stupid for the waste of time. I still have the knife in my hand but now I don't care about where I could let it. I finish my bottle and let it on the floor. A dwarf starts to follow me. I get into a store and stab him with the knife. I hear some DC's screaming. I don't care and let the knife in his back. I go out of the store thinking about what could I do now? I remember there are some lucid dares. I remember the dare about the alien invasion! I wonder how could I do it. I realize there was a weird mountain in the dreamscape which I didn't pay much attention. It's like a pyramid covered with pines. Now I see it looks like a huge Christmas tree. I think it could be the alien mothership. Then I wonder how could I accomplish the dare. I think what about a telepathic communication? I look in the back of my thoughts to find the invasion was already taking place but we humans don't have to realize about it. I "feel" they are infiltrating their people already. I send the message to stop it. Now? How could I know they have already stop it? I think this task requires a lot of imagination and I don't feel I have enough time to see a proper "war" taking place. I think I may give a try to another task when I see an athletic guy jogging on the road I'm about to walk. He could be one of the aliens I think! He keep on jogging. What was the other task? Now I remember, it sounds easier to perform! "Be a good person with the duck of the smile" (No idea where this one came from). I start walking on the road towards a forest when the whole dream starts fading out/...

      Updated 03-08-2015 at 04:17 PM by 18736

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    7. House of Dream Signs (NLD)

      by , 11-22-2014 at 09:06 PM
      I was in a small shop when blood dripping from overhead stained the white shirt I was wearing. I looked up and I could see small circles of blood pooling and dripping down from from the ceiling in two separate places. Where could it be coming from? The explanation that seemed most likely was that the vampires were leaving their victims on the roof again. If so, I was going to be very annoyed, because sometimes it was days before anyone found them and by then they were going bad. I wondered if I should go up and check, but remembered that there was somewhere I needed to be shortly so I would have to hurry home to shower and change my shirt.

      Back home, I had sufficient awareness to notice that the place looked unfamiliar (like most of my dream places, it resembled nowhere I've been in RL), but then I remembered that we had just moved here. I walked around admiring the new house: it was much more spacious than the last one, and had great atmosphere. For instance, in my room there were places where tree roots were growing down over the wall, creating beautiful lattice patterns and giving the room a pleasant rustic feel. I remembered my last landlord was always paranoid about tree roots growing near the house, but in this case their growth had been shaped in such a way that they formed a wonderful symbiosis with the architecture. There was a shallow pond my room too, unless I'm remembering a different room, and some kind of fish or crustaceans living in the pond.

      I found my mother in the yard just behind the house. She was engaged in some kind of task, using a tree stump as a base to scrub the blue pigment off of some pieces of paper (as far as I could make out) and wanted me to come help. I also noticed a little pool or pond in the backyard that I thought I should take a closer look at when I had more time. But it was already 11am and I needed to be at my next engagement by 11:30, which barely left me time to take a shower. My brother came out to help my mom instead, so I excused myself and went back inside the house.

      I passed a room that was entirely filled with an inground swimming pool, leaving just enough floorspace to walk around the edges. I gazed down into the water and was surprised how deep it was. I think my dad was in the room; I remember asking about the depth and then noticing the large black numbers marked on the side of the pool that confirmed his answer: eighteen feet. I reached down to touch the water and was delighted by how warm it was. This was much better than an outdoor pool because we could use it year round! And it was the third body of water I'd seen in the house so far. "I'm really starting to like this house!"

      There was more but my recall gets vague after that. One thing to note, though: this dream was little more than a concatenation of dream signs! Mother, father, brother, unfamiliar house, no less than three bodies of water—somehow I went from one to another in a state of total obliviousness, and yet the dream kept throwing them at me as if to say, "Erm, excuse me. Hey. Hey! Notice anything?"
    8. Party Takes a Deadly Turn - Ninja Ambush

      by , 09-15-2014 at 11:18 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Wandering around a busy party at someone's house, my friend and I sit down at a table. Someone brings us both a beer. After just half of it, I feel pretty tipsy and get up to walk around. Upstairs, I find the bathroom, but instead of a toilet, there is a large pond, with urine instead of water, and two people on hover crafts racing around a small island in the center. I relieve myself, and do my best not to pee on the hovercraft racers, even though they nearly splash me with urine as they zoom past.

      I go back downstairs and see a strange looking animal outside. It has the body of a vicious wolf, but the legs of a gazelle, and it doesn't know how to use the legs very well. It is quite slow, and looks like it is going to fall over. I watch as it goes from house to house looking for scraps to eat. Touched by its predicament of not being able to find any food, I ask my friend if he has anything I can give it. He gives me a piece of his sandwich. I go outside, and walk right up to the wolf-gazelle (Gazzolf / Wolfzelle?) and poke it in the rear leg to get its attention. I practically shove the food in its face, then put the food down next to it before running back to safety. The Gazzolf beats me to the door, and begs for more food. Out of no where, I pull a massive pile of food out of nothing and give it to the Gazzolf who chows down happily.

      Going back inside, I learn that my friend is the target of an assassination. I too am a potential target. He has taken off to safety, leaving me in his room where the assassins are approaching. I am given an optional task of securing files from his MP3 player by uploading them to a public server where everyone can access them, thereby protecting them from being destroyed. I just want to run, but feel that this would be very helpful. Even though I am unfamiliar with the software involved, I make it happen, focusing with all my might so I can get it done before the assassins get here. I notice a few suspicious characters that look like ninjas approaching from the fields outside, sneaking toward the house at a dead sprint.

      Running out of the room, I sense someone is just about to break through the window. I close the door and run downstairs to find my friend armed with a gun, pointing it right at me. I tell him I'll help him, and not to shoot me. Walking around the corner, I see a ninja, so I telepathically tell my friend, "There's one around the corner to your right." As the ninja turns the corner, my friend pre-fires him, shooting him immediately. I check out another nearby room and see another ninja, so I again tell my friend telepathically, "Behind you, another one with two swords." My friend again turns and shoots him before the ninja gets a chance to surprise him.
    9. 7/19/2014

      by , 08-03-2014 at 04:43 AM
      I was in China and was making fun of some girl. I got on a bus and left somewhere. I was with my cousin and while we passed through a bridge, we saw a Ferrari parked on the road. We thought it was gonna get hit by a bus. When we got off the bus, my body had a workout meter that would glow throughout my body showing heart rate and other workout stats. It glowed a neon green when activated. When it was active, people would know where I was and they'd come to get me. I walked through a field and saw water so I asked "Why am I in China?", counted my fingers, and looked at my watch. Everything seemed normal so I ran to a bus stop and got in and was part of some zombie apocalypse.
      Most of the people were dead or zombies but a few people and I camouflaged with them while they looked for survivors. A girl kept talking to me which attracted zombies but I told her to shush. We then left to look for the other survivors and I ran like a zombie up some stairs. Before I made it into a room where survivors were, I got bitten by a dog. The bite felt painful I shot the dog and went into the room. Knowing that I was soon going to die because of the bite, I taught some kids how to use my guns and after a while, a few zombies burst in saying that they wanted us alive. I killed them with a desert eagle and there was only one girl that wasn't bitten but she didn't want to leave alone. She reminded me of Sarah from the Walking Dead game.
    10. Day 8 - Some pictures, a talk, a drunk buddy, a science congress and my brothers.

      by , 05-08-2014 at 12:34 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      *Our guest left us early in the morning, no more wine and some more sleep...

      .../We're in a variant of my cousin's former neighborhood. It looks bigger than usual. My kids are playing running and going to different inner parks of the neighborhood. My wife asks for the little one and starts going nervous. We don't see where she went to play. We start looking for her. I see the older one running on a balcony. I'm still quiet because of there's a couple of parks left to look for. I think she must be there. I see two weird animals standing in front of a house. They move threatening us. They look like big porcupines. We get to the last park and find her, playing with a young girl around a pond. Once we are all together, I want to save some pictures. There's some confusion because of the machine starts to scan the pictures before printing them. I don't get it. The first one is very blurry. One of my daughters shows me she has printed some other pictures first. I think it's a great idea, just print them in stead of scanning first and then printing them! I mess around with the machine...

      .../There's a talk in my grandparents town. It's about two diseases which spread very quick. They show the whole region is affected with it. There's a pause between the talk. I take advantage of the free time to clarify to my wife, they are exaggerating the situation, due to those diseases, "Uta and Ata" are spread only in the region near the jungle because of the bite of a mosquito. I draw some lines in a map, and show to her, where the jungle zone is, which start to appear in green while I draw the limit lines. It's not too big but once again, some people tend to exaggerate about those kind of stuff I say...

      .../My cousin's brother got drunk and talks a lot. My aunt serves the food, I'm hungry but we have to wait until he goes to sleep or something. I don't see he's tired at all, and looks like he could talk the whole day. He gets in my aunt-mom room, sits on the floor, and goes on with the drunk chat. The other one of my cousins is in his room with some friends preparing a robot-hand for a science congress. He shows me he will use a rubber glove to cover the electronics. I go to his room which is connected to our university. I see some other friends, although from my school times, preparing another project. It's about an automatic sprinkler. Although it's not working good and a couple of them get severely soaked. They start to play with it in stead of trying to fix it.
      Another guy, who I don't know, shows a weird musical instrument, which at the beginning seems to fit on the shreds of a guitar. He folds it and starts playing some music that sounds Egyptian. I think it's nice.

      .../I'm walking on a known passage, when I notice something got broken in the sole of my shoes which doesn't let me freely walk. I find my brothers are doing something with their documents. I show to one of them what's going wrong with my shoe. Then I realize I didn't see him since a long time. I give him a hug, I'm happy I'm seeing him again. I notice he cleans something on his stomach, I think it's a wound or some. We start talking about the news. I ask his opinion about some recent news. We conclude they are exaggerating like the narrator of a football soccer game, then I try to explain those games wouldn't be the same without the narrative. I get confused, trying to explain those guys in front of the TV screen waiting to yell out their victory. He finishes my joke pointing a calm Sunday, we hear the sound of people in the stadium coming out of a TV, when somebody yells "GOOOAL!!". Then I think, they should better go to the stadium if they want to be unnoticed...

      * Without the fast notes right after waking up after each dream, I wouldn't be able to remember any but the last dream which I would forget along the day too. It was a little bit tedious to start writing down at the beginning once again, but it's getting easier while it turns into a habit again.
    11. Strange abandoned woods

      by , 03-10-2014 at 01:33 AM

      9:20 am non-lucid

      Part 2

      Something about to be revealed. Dramatic music with string quartet. I keep myself turned around because I don't want to see. First, girl from daycare (who was on the train in that other dream) peers out of the curtain (and someone harmless before her) and we're relieved. But the daycare kid says to us that someone else is there, implying someone tall and scary. Then I wake up.

      Before the revealing, we are expecting something menacing and evil. But I (or my husband? or us combined?) remember the last time we faced it and how the creature wasn't too bad. I'm imagining the creature as よつば. My husband (or me?) says to sit in a bathtub so that we won't wake up (?) when we face her.

      Part 1

      Before this, we're all on vacation. We were forced to leave the nice timeshare (?) to go to a cabin in the woods with a lake. My husband and I were very upset and wish we had asked to stay behind.

      More than just my family was there. At one point, I went to eat lunch when it was the Japanese lunch time. I remember there being very authentic food made by this nice lady (a mentor) and thinking perhaps I shouldn't complain about being here. My husband was there, and other Japanese ladies. One asked why I was at this table and another replied because I'm married to my husband.

      At some point I go off further into the woods, past these signs in various languages except English and Japanese. I find a shallow source of water and drink from it. I don't recall exactly, but throughout this part of the forest there are things abandoned. I wonder if this area has radiation and regret drinking from it. I leave the area and look at the sign. There's English but I don't understand what it says. This was the most interesting part of my dream. I would like to revisit this area in another dream again.

      Transitioning to the evil presence coming, something about going to a shopping complex with my husband.

      Updated 03-10-2014 at 01:36 AM by 68036

    12. Oak tree

      by , 11-26-2013 at 02:01 AM
      Date: 11 Nov

      Pre bed: 200mg val

      Wbtb: 1/3 latte

      I remember the previous dream and then from the middle/extended end of this one.

      DILD: I am now on some unknown streets, it's a bright day. There is a plot going on, but I also know that I am dreaming. A girl maybe school age is my companion and this guy is waiting to meet us? in the middle of the street. I have the feeling that the dream is coming to an end, so move around quickly and try to absorb as much as possible.

      I go in a small store where they sell clothes, but these clothes have special magical properties, like they can change your shape and turn you into animal. I feel the guy is waiting for me outside, so decide to ignore the magic items and go look for him. But when I do go out, the entire street has changed and he is no longer there. I am sad that I missed him. I remember trying to call him to come back but no result. I shortly contemplate whether to go back to the store. What was I supposed to do? Meet someone?

      The girl from the earlier part now comes from somewhere and I finally remember that I was supposed to ask a question. At this point there is the realization that I had many chances to do so, yet always forgot to. I take it slow and ask the question - what are you thankful for, and become all ears, trying not to influence her answer. She opens her mouth and only some gibberish comes out, I can't make any word from that. I ask her again and she starts laughing maniacally. That pisses me off because I still expect to hear a normal answer. In the end she blurts out: "Are you deaf or what?". Her eyes seem quite lively but I have no explanation for this behavior.

      Once again, I get the feeling that the dream is thinning out and look around wondering what to do and where to go. I remember that I wanted to go for Toty, but feel like this is the end of the journal entry where one finally figures out what to do at the moment the dream ends. I reckon the dream won't allow for any Toty completion at this point, so try to make the most of whatever dream time is left and look around. It's the like the main shopping street of a small town and for some reason, the area (I can't recall if it was) between stores or a mini street where I can see is more sun-lit, it looks extremely appealing to me and I decide to go there.

      I know that I am on borrowed dream time and I try to take in whatever the dream offers. It's a small park type of pond, mostly dried out, but in one end is an indescribable large fountain with lots of jets beautifully arranged around the center. It undergoes some sort of transformation to become like the shape of a large oak tree made of ice. The texture is like a mix of slowly flowing fountain water and ice.

      I look around and notice how on the surface of the dried out pond now there are scattered small pieces of ice and can see the reflection of the sunlight in each one, it's amazing. And as I scan the surroundings, I notice my special friend sitting near the other end of the pond. He is looking down, as if reading a book and I call out his name. He sees me and comes closer. Meanwhile, I notice that I am chewing a stupid gum and spit it out, but can still feel it in my mouth, ignore. In the last moments I manage to steal from this dream, we hug and try to ice-skate on the surface of the pond, towards the ice oak tree.
      The alarm wakes me up, recall is hard.

      Updated 11-26-2013 at 02:08 AM by 61764

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    13. Chainsaws

      by , 11-16-2013 at 07:32 PM
      I don't recall much of my dreams last night.

      I recall a group of children, and one of them had a chainsaw, and I was trying to warn them that the chainsaw was dangerous, but they weren't taking me seriously. I looked away as the one with the chainsaw started swinging it at the crowd.

      And then... people who turned into cans of mush? Looked kind of like canned pumpkin. I don't recall why, except that some of the cans were diseased, and they were needed to defeat some sort of evil ghost by piling all of the mush on top of it, and all of this was taking place on a boardwalk above a nasty polluted pond. I also recall a very gaunt woman with stringy blonde hair.

      There was a lot of blood involved. Otherwise, my dreams were disjointed.

      Then, I dreamed I was buying a bike. The store I was wandering around in also had a grocery section. I was looking for something specific there, but I don't remember what, and then my mother was grocery shopping with me.

      Updated 11-16-2013 at 08:41 PM by 32101

      non-lucid , nightmare
    14. The Lotus Pond DILDx2

      by , 05-17-2013 at 06:02 PM
      Date: 15 May

      Pre bed: 400 mg valerian, 100b B6

      Total sleep time: 7hrs

      Impressions and Recall: There was my usual for B6 sense of aggression seeping through parts of the dream. After waking up from the lucid (after 5 hrs of sleep), I decided to take key notes and review as not to wake myself up. I got pretty excited and the internal dialogue turned on full power, resulting in about an hour of insomnia. After that I fell into deeper more unconscious type of sleep with a decreased recall capability. I had another lucid from which I remember only a part, I continued sleeping after it was over and had an non-ld.

      Fragment1: Some kind of posts on DV that had to do with PennyRoyal.

      Fragment2: At home, my parents have gone somewhere and I am in my room cooking some strange pancake/calzone thing that looks and tastes delicious. I have to leave some for my grandma.

      Dream3 DILD TOTY attempt: I am in a room which feels familiar, three women are sitting around the table, and I am cleaning up as if after a meal. One of the women has some tempting white green chocolate cookies, I am secretly planning on having a few after the women are gone. Another female DC comes in and starts behaving really aggressively. She demands all the attention, looks me in the eye with hatred and begins complaining to one of the women in the room. I have the feeling that they will start a fight with each other, so get out of there fast. Her hostility feels kind of fake, and at this point the memory of the B6 effect for me reaches my subcon on a subtle level.

      I find myself on the stairs of a building and lots of aggressive gangster type boys are all around me. One of them is particularly evil, feels dangerous. I become lucid on a distracted level, realizing this is a dream, but unable to do anything about the guy. I am trying to move away but it is really crowded on the stairs, I think somebody pushed me, and I end up in a niche on the wall. The wall is not really wall but something liquid that sucks me in. As I move forward in this thing, I achieve a better clarity of mind and am fully lucid and in control. There is a single task that I feel the urge to do now, go to Angel Falls. I remember CL’s advice to try to feel the floor, so I move my fingers, touching the empty space and feeling small grains of sand and pebbles. The dream idea was to be on top of Angel Falls, but in the water, so in addition to my feeling the floor, I begin to make swimming movements with my hands. The wall is already liquid and it is like a white pinkish sinking sand made of rubber-like substance. The whole world has disappeared and it is just me and the wall and I feel a closer to the void, afraid that the dream would destabilize and disconnect. I am swimming forward and nothing happens for a while, but I decide to keep on swimming. At some point the whole environment changes and I find myself looking at a flower, submerged in water.

      I look at the dark purple flower and marvel its beauty, noticing every petal in detail. I look around, and see that I am in the middle of a pond/lake that stretches as far as my eyes can see. At the same time, mixed with this image I find myself in my old room, where all this is taking place. I focus on the surface of the pond which looks like a silver mirror reflecting the clouds. I then notice that this pond is covered or rather slowly begins to cover itself with lotus flowers. Bright yellow and magenta lotus flowers are everywhere I move my eyes to look. I feel happiness upon witnessing this beautiful sight. The dream is extremely vivid and stable. Needless to say, I am somewhat distracted by this, but keep gliding on the surface of the pond in the direction of Angel Falls. This doesn’t work too well, I am still within the confines of my room, looking through some glass that distorts the view from outside, which is the view from my room with strange rainbow-like effects. A bit like looking out during a bus ride. It looks like my room wins the battle between the two layers of images, gaining more detail.

      Soon the water level in the room goes down and with it my lucidity. I struggle to restore the water level with intent, but non-lucid already. I manage to briefly do so, but then I see the floor and the water is retreating. There is also mud everywhere, the furniture is falling apart. I become concerned about the state of my old room and wonder how to clean everything. [end of memory]

      After the dream ended, I had a brief awakening, noting to myself about the lucid, but then fell asleep again. I heard some kind of bell-like sound, I guess a type of HI, that actually woke me up. After reviewing the dream I had 1 hour of insomnia. Then - deeper sleep and less memorable sleep.

      Fragment4: Having to share the bed with relatives, I preferred sleeping on the ground.

      Fragment5: Some more beds, family friends.

      Dream6 DILD: I am in my hometown, in a familiar park and am lucid. I see a few dogs around, mostly small ones and larger one (no idea what breed) captures my attention. I keep looking at it and feel my emotions reflected in the dog. I observe it a for a while, the dream is stable, I am happy. By simply looking around, I unconsciously summon more dogs of different smaller breeds. I find this cool. [end of memory]

      Fragment7: I see and talk to a politician I don’t like.

      Updated 05-17-2013 at 06:09 PM by 61764

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the year
    15. Work and The Finch

      by , 01-14-2013 at 08:05 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was working on a Monday night 5-close, which was apparently a very slow night, at some registers that don't exist in the store IWL (they were in an area that looked similar to a store I worked at a few years ago). My friend Courtney called to ask if we had #2 Christmas tree poles (she didn't say poles but that's the closest thing I can think of). I said no, we only had #1 Christmas tree poles. She came into the store after that and purchased a Christmas tree pole...I guess we did have the one she was looking for. I thought about it, and the #1 poles were for huge trees, the #2 for smaller trees, and so on. She got some other stuff too. We talked a bit. When she left, I saw a flash of her at her family's house with half of the Christmas tree being broken off. She took the box with the pole out. I hoped that it would be the right thing.

      I had a few customers, not many at all; it really was an excrutiatingly slow night. I sat on this couch that was there in the store by my register. There was a tall black guy there with dreads that went down a little past his shoulders. He said something to me, though I don't remember what. I think he was saying I was allowed to sit on the couch, or I should sit on the couch. I think he worked there.

      I then was on break by a pond. It was an outdoor scene, but I don't think we were outside. The dirt around the pond was all a very dark brown. This guy that works with me (who gets on my last nerve IWL -_-), B, was also there. I was crouched down by the pond. I saw a small, beautiful black and white butterfly fluttering by the shore. It briefly landed on my finger, then kept fluttering around.

      Then, hopping around on the shoreline, was a beautiful, small bird that I referred to as a finch, though I don't know that it really was one or not. It had white closer to the bottom of its body that slowly faded into a light, baby blue at the top of is body. It did not seem to be afraid of me. I held out my hand to it, and it wold come close, then hop back away. It never took flight, nor did it ever hop too far from my hand. I just kept holding my hand out there for it. I want to say I stroked its back. It was such a beautiful little bird; I was so intrigued by it! It really stood out against all the dark dirt and such.

      Then, we had to go back to work. B. was there now with me as well. He had a small key chain hanging from his left pants pocket that looked just like the bird from the previous scene. I was concerned that B had killed the bird and made it into this small trinket. I asked him if that was the same bird, and he said no. I was still very skeptical.

      We were then trying to close the store; it was 9 o'clock. Lindsey, a girl I also work with, was there trying to lock the doors. She commented on the people still in the store that didn't know we were closing. Of course, many people waited until the last minute to finish shopping and make their purchases; a line started to form at the customer service desk. I went to my register to try to flag people down to come through my line, but another cashier, a bigger girl, went to a register before I did and got some people. They then put me at a register at customer service, an area I haven't been trained at. But I did it anyway. A lady was trying to return some jewelry. I had to print some piece of paper off about it. I don't remember a whole lot of this part of the dream.

      Then, I was by my original register, and I spotted a light brown wicker basket that contained a small blanket/cover, and a note. The note had some riddle/joke on it. I don't remember what it was, but the punch line was "Ham and eggs". I opened up the blanket, and there were a bunch of uncooked white eggs, chopped ham, and some bacon. I laughed a little at the joke.

      The next day, I came in and the basket was still there, and little smell lines were coming off of it like they would in a cartoon to illustrate that the ham and eggs had gone bad. I examined them for a second, thought about how warm and gross they were probably getting, and I threw them away in a trash can. Someone then asked me about them, and I said I tossed them because they had the little lines over them.
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