I'm happy, but also jealous that my GF got a 20K bonus. I question my current employment situation. I'm at a surprise party that looks like Grandma M's apartment. My friend SG is there and she seems excited to see me. She's brought some friends of hers that I don't recognize. There's somebody else there who has a cat on his shoulder. He makes a big show of how the cat is clawing onto his back and isn't jumping off. I make eye contact with the cat, and it decides that I am the next place to sit. It comes over to my shoulder. The table is set to play a monopoly-like game. I'm watching some porn and my brother A catches me. This situation is embarrassing, but I own it as best I can.
Updated 03-08-2023 at 05:32 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am watching a Steven Seagal action movie with Riverstone and it has sex scenes that are basically porn and I feel a bit uncomfortable. The porn turns violent, which makes it worse. When a villain is caught, he is threathened with revenge sodomy and then some lady has a ganga bang on a pool and she is turned upside down on the water and is unable to breathe. The movie is also quite immersive and at some point I am actually in it. I am some business man that is the main target of some terrorists/ gang. They attack me in the lobby of a building and I run for dear life to an elevator and almost get killed by a rain of fire. But I manage to slam myself against the wall on the right side of the doors and just get a few non-lethal shots while the door closes in. I am not enjoying this dream at all, so I suddenly change scenario. I get out of the elevator as myself and the building outside is some kind of pavillion under preparation or renovation for some event. There are ladders and plastics all over. I spot Jaime sitting on a ladder. I come to him and say "Hi, I know you." He seems puzzled, like he sort of recognizes me, but can't really remember from where and when. I tell him my name and he gives me a big smile. Says that I look a bit different and he wouldn't recognize me if I didn't identify, but of course he remembers me. He says he missed me so much when we went to different schools and lost each other contact. Says he loved me and it was really tough for him. I am happy that he says it and I confess it was mutual. He comes down the ladder and invites me for a walk. There is some market outside the pavillion. We talk about this and that, we are so happy to be together again. Then we stop at some lady selling homemade belgian waffle cookies. They look yummy, but are 1,5€ each and I tell her it is too expensive. I understand anything homemade and artisanal is more expensive, but think that is excessive. But Jaime buys 2 cookies and I guess one is for me. At home, in Alhandra. I'm in my old childhood bedroom, with my present day cats. There is another cat on the balcony of the room next door and it is peaking through my window, barely stable on its ledge. I recognize it as my neighbor Carla's cat (although she never had one in RL). A chubby turtle cat with a mutation that gave her four ears. I wanna be sure she is safe and wanna show Riverstone the mutation, so I open the window and allow her to come in. She is friendly but not a big fan of being held. So I let her walk around and my 3 cats seem to be ok with her. But soon after Buddha goes nuts and mounts her, despite him being neutered. I think she must have really strong pheromones. Luckily he can't really do anything but he is annoying her a lot. So she finally let's me pick her up and I go to the kitchen with her in my arms to show her to Riverstone. I then decide to take her back to Carla. My father joins in, saying he also has stuff to take to her. I notice he his just wearing a shirt and underwear and I insist he should get some pants, but he refuses. He has a bag with a small vase with a plant and a couple of herb stacks. He comes with me down the building staircases, but then wonders "Shouldn't you put on some shoes instead of coming with your slippers?" and I say she lives just a couple floors below, why would I bother? And he replies "But didn't she move to the single house of her grandmother down the street?" And I remember she indeed moved to her grandma's house. But then I also wonder if he knows that, why would he go on the street with no pants on? Anyway, we reach the second floor and the apartment on the right side of the hallway has the door open and I hear her voice inside. I don't question anymore where she lives. We go inside and she is having a party with friends. I think it's her birthday. She is surprised that I have her cat and then looks a bit uncomfortable with my dad and his gifts. I look at the supposed herb stacks he brought to her and I see only grasses and yellow oxalis with no nutritional or medicinal value and I wonder what's his thinking.
Mostly just one long dream and a small disjointed fragment from an early awakening. Dream Fragment: Something about a physical vault for porn; it was a gazebo-like building in the middle of a tiny island surrounded by a lot of water, but there were some nearby cliffs. I remember seeing it from there. H was in the dream and I remember feeling aroused from some of the images. I was sorting them, like they were in a computer file system. I wanted to finish what I was doing and spend some time together with H after I was done. Dream: Me and H were in the car. We were somewhere in Northern Ireland, we'd gotten there by boat but I don't have a dream memory of the boat trip. We drove through a few small villages. I remember someone telling me or talking about the weather, about how this little village here was always damp, wet, and cold. There were some very curvy roads, surrounded by nice and scenic woodland. Along the way two old men were just waddling about the literal middle of the road and I told H to slow down and be careful, since I was afraid we might hit someone like them. H didn't seem too bothered but slowed a bit. We went up some hills, eventually we arrived somewhere. We came here for an appointment apparently. Initially in the dream I was confused, because I didn't remember having any appointments coming up soon, but it was for H actually. I remember being at the lobby/desk and "checking in", I was asked for a name and gave mine, and I remember looking away at a clock on a wall and saying it was a 12:30 appointment. The man said something but I don't remember what, but everything was OK anyway. Then I went into a bathroom. It didn't have lights? But it had some natural light, but it was still dim. I don't remember what I was wearing up to this point, but now I was changing clothes, getting dressed as if going to bed. I had no pants on or anything but my top was the same one I actually slept with. The dark green one, which is long enough that it covered my private areas, so I just walked out of the bathroom not caring too much about it, walking more or less straight ahead, as I could see H sitting on a chair in a room, through a door. Understandably I did get some strange looks and glances from the nurses/staff as I walked towards that room. I walked into the room and expected the therapist would close the door. She didn't, but then it closed itself, or I did it. The room was small and plain with a typical office-like look, but it only had two walls, the one with the door, and the one behind where me and H were sitting. There was no ceiling and beyond the two missing wall sections was a green area, and some kind of stadium? I remember waiting for the therapist to say something. At this point, I was still in some dream-confusion about whether this appointment was for myself or H. But then H spoke and I encouraged it too, so they'd talk about some anxiety stuff. This part of the dream recall is a bit vague for some reason but some people across the way interrupted the therapist somehow; they shouted, calling for attention or notifying her of something? She seemed embarrassed and also unsure of herself. I remember she looked a bit like H's sister, but was naturally blonde and had at least twenty or more years on us. A bit out of nowhere, her superior showed up, a tall man in a suit, juxtaposing with her naturally small stature. He put his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way and told her something, but they were too far for me to hear. At some point through all of that I remember noticing my bare left knee. Before sleeping, the past night, my knee had been having burning sensations and hypersensitivity. When I looked at my knee now in the dream, I could see a circle of strange bumps, with somewhat concentric lines of more bumps on the inside of that circle. There's a transition of some kind. All of a sudden we're elsewhere, home maybe? I tell H I can't remember how we got here. I tell H that I have no recall of a trip back here and I feel confused, but do not remember to question reality. The next thing I remember is we're in a mine of some kind. Dark, poorly lit, but the lights are a warm colour. Details are missing. At some point, I see a grenade on the floor, over a grate of some kind. Oddly enough, I'm unafraid of the grate despite realising there's a bottomless pit under it, and I see the grenade still has its safety pin. I grab it and inspect it. I remember H talking to me and me to H as I was doing this. On the grenade, with the bad lighting, I try to read for instructions; although I have a general idea of how it should work, this grenade seemed very small, I could make a fully closed fist around it. The only writing I could see on it was a lot number of some kind. It was difficult to read because of the light and the fact that it was just sort of embossed into the surface, there was no contrasting pigment. It read "l624" or something. Disappointed by the lack of instructions, I threw it gently over onto a nearby tunnel that was lit by a lamp. I didn't want to hold on to it if I couldn't be sure how it worked. But then I detonated it or something, but while there was a big blast, there wasn't much light or noise. Virtually no damage occurred either. Then I remember walking up a slope in the mine with H, and as we were about to exit the mine (which in the context of the dream was like our hideout) for some reason, a woman about our age showed up. She just walked in but was not hostile to us. A small-ish bear and a wolf of the same size followed her. She had semi-blonde and very curly hair. We both spoke to her and the animals went into the mine to sleep; H stayed speaking to her and I followed the animals, finding them asleep. I gently woke the wolf up and he growled at me, I was unafraid and let him feel that I was happy he was interacting with me. I let him sniff my hand and then he seemed to like me. Then I got some notifications on some interface overlay that the girl favourited some things I'd posted? It didn't make much sense. But now she like me and H more. The last bit of the dream is kind of gone from memory now, but it involved some refugees she was helping and that we were then helping too. Might edit in some notes later but a bit tired of typing.
Updated 06-25-2020 at 11:18 AM by 95293
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am at some event or meeting, people are sitting in an amphitheater, some audience being presented. My friend Evangenlion is said to have been promoted to some political role and some people are debating whether or not he has acquired more power. I make a small intervention, where I use augmented reality to present a message. Older people can't understand it, how it works and they miss the point. Anyway, it was a warning of a "storm coming", not necessarily literal. Later, people on the road are leaving their cars and running in panic. Some gangs now fight over controlling people and certain areas and apparently some gang is now raiding through this area. I could also run, but I need to get something vital from somewhere back. I leave my mom and her friend Analia in the car, that we hide under a crossover bridge. I tell them to run if I don't return at a certain time. I try to be on time but I get late. It's already dark and I get lost and confused. When finally I think I found the place, the area has already been taken over by this gang and they even set up tents to spend the night, They have torches to light up the area and somehow I need to go across. They actually catch me and question me and my motives to be walking around alone over there. But they let me go. I take a piss behind some bushes and they catch me again and feel grossed out. Don't ask any more questions, just ask me to leave. When finally reach the point where I left my mother, the car isn't there. But I find a police car with the door open and keys in it. I decide to take it and go find them, when my mom waves from behind a small car and we reunite in tears. Then we depart on the small car instead. They are taking people away. Some Ukrainians were took and people say it is my fault or that I could have prevented because I work as an interpreter and they were taken because of something I said or didn't say when translating to the captors. Out of guilt I take a chance and I go around the trains at the station looking for them. I am told I won't find them because they were already taken to somewhere in the mountains, but I am not certain and keep looking for them. Going to my childhood friend Carla's attic. I don't have the keys, so I have to wait for her. Riverstone also joins us. She flirts with him shamelessly. She goes answer some phone call. Daniel Craig appears and opens the door. He is trying to lose someone who is chasing him. The attic is a labyrinth of door and cubicles, I follow him around. We end up crossing a door and being in some middle eastern country. He disguises himself and then goes look for some guy he wants to surveil, but I don't disguise and I am spotted following him and almost endanger his mission. But to minimize damages, I leave Craig and join a group of women, pretending to be with them. Strangely, they are street hookers. Now I can't expose my cover, so I pretend to be one to. Some old fat guy comes to hire me and I can't say no, as I am still on that street where Craig surveils the other guy. I follow him and end up in a hotel where some actors I know from a comedy show are filming what appear as a porn. They tell me it is not porn, that it is meant to be just some raunchy comedy sketch for a late night comedy show. But it is pretty much porn. They don't shoot the sexual act, but all their dicks are out and erected and one other woman is naked too and a guy puts his finger inside her and tastes it. They hired me to join the film. I'm somewhat shocked and aroused at the same time. I go to some gift shop where everything is super expensive but I only want to take a look. The girl on the register is foreign, she hardly understands me, but she realizes I don't need help and she disappears. Then some guy comes in, he also looks around, but after a quick look he finds a cage with three animals all tied up and unable to move: a sheep with two babies. I am shocked. Like, why would they have sheep in a cage? He wants to make a complaint but the girl is not back yet, so he unties the animals and provides them food and water. Then takes one of the babies on his lap and brings in a bucket with water to wash the animal. He intends to do the same to the other, but as he gives back the first ship to the cage with his mother, the mom rejects the baby, no longer recognizing its smell. I pick up the poor thing, and hold it in my arms. I confirm it is a girl sheep and cuddle her. She looks so very happy. I tell the guy she can't go back to her mom unless we find a way to make her smell again like before. The guy says forget about it, he will adopt her, he says he was planning to adopt a dog anyway.
Updated 03-18-2019 at 09:29 PM by 34880
Dream 1 - X-Men I have a dream about x-men, it's dark and we're on top of a building, it feels like I'm watching a movie. Wolverine and Storm are there, maybe someone else. There's a helicopter too, and the weather is stormy. Wolverine had the best hair I've ever seen, it was long and flowing, black with brown and gold highlights. Storm had lightning flashing around her, and she walked up to wolverine and the lightning engulfed them both in a wicked display of effects, teleporting them somewhere else. I remember thinking "That's bullshit, she shouldn't be allowed to teleport with her power" as if she had cheated in a game or something. It was a pretty epic dream and there's a lot more to it, but this dream was like a week ago. Also it occurred during my 3rd sleep cycle which was unusual since I've been slack with my dream journaling lately and would usually only remember the last dream of the night. Dream 2 - Youtube Babes I remember a dream where I was at my laptop and I was fighting the urge to fap (since I've recently started up 'No PMO' again). I was on Youtube and saw a music video that had hot chicks in it, and I thought "Hmm well it's only Youtube". I watched the video which had lots of hot chicks in tight and revealing clothing dancing around each other, I had the feeling like it would lead to me searching for porn after but then I woke up.
Bed: ~23.30 Wake up: all the time, cause I'm taking care of my sick girlfriend Now: 07.05 Dejavu I'm in my old student home, on the top floor, together with my girlfriend. I'm just visiting I guess. For some reason I go downstairs. My old room is there, with two thrash bags in front of the door. Really? They [old housemates] put them there instead of just throwing them out. There are flies circling the bags. I go into the kitchen. There are several trash bags right in the middle. There are flies circling them and the number of flies increases quickly. I exit the kitchen and go back to the upper floor. I don't remember the transitions from second to first floor and back occurring (i.e. climbing the stairs). I'm outside with my girlfriend. We're on our way to the city centre of my student city. She has something in mind and I have no clue what it is. We enter a weird looking subway station [that city doesn't have a subway]. We don't check in and I'm wondering if we should, to avoid a fine. There's someone up ahead checking if you checked in, but we take a left down a hallway. She's walking quite a bit in front of me, to my annoyance. I'm trying to ask her where we're going, but she's pretty much jut ignoring me. We're going up a set of stairs, I think with a purple railing. There are some people coming down as well. We're walking on the right side. I'm silently saying 'goddamnit' cause my girlfriend is way ahead and not letting me in on the plan. We arrive somewhere at a door. A white guy opens the door and tells us we need an invite [happened in the movie I was watching before going to bed]. I'm somehow allowed to enter. My girlfriend stays outside for a bit. The guy asks me a question (what I'm doing here I guess?) and I'm not sure. I decide to let my girlfriend in. When I open the door, immediately to the right there's a white couple making out. My girlfriend is the only other one standing there, not even a metre away from the couple. She comes inside. Apparently this is an apartment she came to check out. She'll be living with two white guys if she decides to take the room. The other guy is lying on the couch, talking in an eastern European sounding language on the phone. I look out of the window. I can see a lot of typical old Dutch buildings standing in a line. This place looks great and is in the city centre. I wish I had taken the effort to check around when I lived in this city. But then again, it would've been a waste of the fees I paid to change rooms. Suddenly my girlfriend is behind the other guy in terms of distance from me. I think she went into the room and I wonder how she did it so quickly. I see a door to my left. Then I realise that she is just also on the couch, or a similar object, but just further to the back. In the next moment, she is cuddling up with the guy. She's sitting on his lap. This is... weird. I had a dream just like this recently [no I didn't]. Dejavu moment. I realise this might be a dream and try to push my fingers through my palm. Success! Ok, take it easy. You should stabilise. I continue moving my fingers around in my hand a bit, while wondering what I should do with my lucidity. I consider tinkering with the gravity. Naaahh. My girlfriend comes standing next to me and starts trying to distract. I consider building a cell out of thin air to trap her in, so she won't distract me anymore. Chicks with dicks Had a weird dream where I was reading an article and there was a term in there I didn't know. I figured the term would be NSFW, so I went into private mode. I searched for it and I landed on a tube site. From the look of the previews, the term referred to women who have two penises. I scrolled through it a bit, in a sense of revulsion mixed with curiosity.
Last night was crazy.. I passed out on my bed from extreme fatigue at 7:45ish, fully clothed with the lights all on and my cat in the room. I woke up between 12 and 1, slugglish and bleary-eyed. I chucked the cat out, went toilet, un-clothed myself and went back to bed. I think at this point I decided to write out the 'bomb' dream I had. I had a lot more dreams during the night though, A LOT. I got up in the morning at 8:15ish so I had roughly 12 hours of sleep. My head was swimming with a lot of dreams and I didn't really want to recall them all since I still felt tired. Dream I was at a house that was supposed to be where my friend is staying, Daniel. The place doesn't actually resemble it, it kind of reminds of his room when we were kids. I was going to stay the night so I set up on the couch in his room. I think the dream transitioned and we were driving somewhere, it was still night time. On the way I have an understanding that we've crossed a bridge heading away from the city centre and we're avoiding the area that has explosive mines. We arrived at a park, and I assume it was a some kind of party thing as there were other people arriving in the background. Another transition happened and I'm about to crash at Daniels place again (though it's a different place this time, probably more similar to my old room before moving to uni). I'm friggin tired (reminiscent of how tired I was before falling asleep to have this dream) and I collapse on his bed, I think he's lying down too. I get up and start setting up the couch so I can go to sleep. I pull a white sheet over the couch pillows and place a blanket and headpillows down too. I lie down and I'm on my laptop, and my friend Daniel is now a guy called Jamie, also on his laptop. For some reason we're both looking at porn on our browser, he comes over and tells me he can't watch porn anymore because his dad is calling him to have a game of Warlords Battlecry 3. He says that he assumed I wouldn't want to join because they're really good and that they'd thrash me, "Nah it'll be fine, I'll just stay in my base building an army or something" I say. I set up to play with them, but the dream setting changes to what part of the battlemap would look like. There's a huge sandy waste that descend into a pit, and we're kind of not really in Jamies room anymore. I think eventually it's obvious that we're outside at night too. Jamie is on the same side of the pit as me, and his dad is on the other side. It's sort of day time now too. Suddenly there's a huge BOOM. I immediately think that it's the mine field, but the sound was way too loud.. It must have been some kind of bomb? Looking towards the city centre there's a huge plume of smoke pluming into the sky, it wavers around a lot (it wasn't very realistic, but I didn't catch on). I spot a bit of black smoke a little closer to us, it's hard to make out though. I then realize that it's a shockwave of black smoke from the bomb that's radiating outwards from the bomb. Oh shit! I grab Jamie by the wrist and drag him with me as I run away. There's a modern block building that looks like it belongs to some company, I head towards it past the pit. I can't see where the dad is but I assume he's ok. The smoke wave is close now, it's gonna get us! I reach the building and yank open the doors as fast as I can just as the wave hits us. I remember thinking as well that just because I grabbed Jamie by the wrist he might think I'm gay, and that I'm not and I felt bad for misleading him or something.
Dream 1 - War The context of the dream was that we were in the Middle Earth universe and there were elves who refused to help the mortal races or something. A female elf similar to Arwen had joined Rohan's side in a skirmish to convince her father, the elven king of (Mirkwood maybe?) to join their side. I remember a huge amount of mounted horsemen charging forward, lead by the elf girl, for some reason we were absolutely thrashing the elves and storming through them. There was another elf on our side and he somewhat resembled Legolas. They began to route and after continuing to chase them the only one left was the elf king. He reached the forest edge with the Rohirrim right behind him and started skirting the forest instead of going into it. The reason was because soldiers began to emerge from behind the trees, and at this point I remembered that we had established reinforcements in the forest to ambush the elves. From the group of horsemen in pursuit of the king, the elf girl shot out on a white horse really fast. As an elf she is supposedly meant to be really fast on horses or something . She dismounted the king but he continued to fight, that male elf leapt after him and began freezing his legs with a stream of ice magic. The king was resistant to magic and the ice was rapidly thawing, though it still slowed him enough for someone to grab him. The king continued to resist, his elven pride relentless, and then I woke up . Dream 2 - Cops Spoiler for Warning, R18(ish) content!: This dream was pretty sexual, like full blown sex with 2 girls inside a house. One was a blonde and the other had straight black hair, I felt like I was in a porno or something. At some point I was on a bench outside having sex with another girl (though there was no obvious transition, it just happened?). The girl put something on my wang and I have no way of describing it, it just didn't make sense or even serve a purpose. Kind of like a decoration or something? But it didn't even serve the purpose of looking like it could be a decoration... Anyways! A couple policemen turn up in their car, we're getting told off but I argue with them using the law. For some reason I'm actually not in the wrong, they just don't like me so they're trying to get me in trouble. I decide to get a lawyer and he starts debating the case for me, there's 5 other 'good' policemen who are nearby and they know they I'm innocent but they don't want to get involved since they're fresh on the force. This is all happening outside while I'm on the bench probably half naked as well. Dreams 3 - Ancient tortoises I was somewhere with a small fungi-covered tortoise that could talk, we were outside and the scenery was bland. There was some dream-context to this, we were meditating to reach some sort of state or possibly just a certain age. The tortoise left at one point to head to the place where all the ancient tortoises go when they've reached that 'level'. I think I headed there with him, but my memory gets a little confused here. I'm at the place where tortoises go, but only when I get there do I actually know that it's the place where tortoises go. I look around and realize that what at first look like a green-fungi ridden stone was actually another ancient tortoise. "That must be your dad?" I asked the tortoise. "No, that's my wife. She did get to meet my dad before moving here though" the tortoise replied, I guess that means that his wife is a bit older than him? Looking around I can spot about 5 more tortoises sitting still. The scenery is like a desert, there's a palm tree in front of me and some small green tussocks of grass that are around too. It looks like the Sahara meets Tropical rain forest, though with more sand? The reason the tortoises come here is because of the old man sitting cross-legged near the palm tree on a little sandy slope. His hair is white and his skin is a deep tan. He's really old and looks quite withered, I know that he wouldn't respond if I tried to get his attention and for some reason I the thought of even talking to him doesn't seem possible anyways. Like he was god or something? The confusing part in my memory is that now I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing the journey towards where the tortoise and I were heading. The tortoise isn't there this time, and I'm walking through jungle that has some sand scattered on the ground here and there.. There's maybe 2 other people with me as well. The jungle is really dangerous, everything seems alive and at one point a plant opened up revealing these thin long vines with little sharp jaws at the ends, I clambered away from it as it tried to nip me. Straight after I looked up a slope to where we needed to go, just beyond would be the end. I remember seeing 'me' climb it, but from 3rd-person. At the top was a wooden log and I fell on my ass for some reason, only to have a GIANT python land next to me! I clambered up over the log and ran for it. The python didn't even bother noticing me .
Fragments > I'm in my room at my mom's house, though the layout of my room is different. I'm using my laptop and am just about to shut it down. I think about the fact that there is still some porn running on it. I should probably close that down first. My little brother suddenly enters my room. I quickly close the lid on my laptop. > My mom's boyfriend is telling my little brother and I that it's about time to leave for the birthday of our cousin. My little brother isn't ready yet and is still doing some irrelevant things. I tell him to hurry and eventually I slap him across the face with a flat hand. Eventually, once we're outside, it turns out that my mom's boyfriend lied about how much of a rush we are in. I get pissed off and go back inside the house. Now I feel bad for hitting my little brother. > I'm at a family party it seems. There must be 20 - 30 people sitting on chairs in two long rows facing each other. I enter and say hai to everyone, cause going to everyone individually would take a lot of time. I see my 1,5 year old cousin. i think he's with my mom. I ask/tell him something and he tells me in Dutch that he doesn't want it, in a typical "I just learnt to say these words" type of speech pattern.
#12 This is an image of the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio Don't worry, nothing sexual happens in this one~ This began in the parking lot outside from the last apartment place I was at. There were bags of food and for some reason I wanted to take some with me as a fly. I had white butterfly like wings and I was naked as well. Once I grabbed a couple bags which seemed to only contain loafs of bread, I headed off. I glided across the sky looking below me at the scenery quite like the over-worlds in a lot of video games, roleplaying games, more specifically. I went over a forest and then over towns. I could remember creating some kind of hologram-futuristic radar by forming the edges of the square shape with my two fingers. I could see the layout of the area I was in and I ended up typing in "zoophilia" into the search bar. It brought up a little white house icon on the map and the direction I would have to go to get there. The bags of food were long gone *disappeared* and I headed to the house. I flew over an urban looking area and watched a black-city man walking by me, completely not noticing me flying overhead. I then arrived at some sort of waterfall. There was a dam type mechanic (that didn't work because the water was still flowing over to the other side) and according to the map, the place I wanted to be at was in some weird crevice where the water from the top crashed to the bottom. I landed on top of the roof that apparently could be easily pulled over like tape to paper. I did so and found a man in his older ages laying on a bed underneath. Sun reached into his direction as he grunted a bit, slowly opening his eyes. He looked at me with a scowling expression, "What do you want...?" MobianAngel: "I came because-" Old Man: "Whatever you want I'm sorry but we're out of business.." MobianAngel: "I came for the zoo-" Before I could finish the word zoophilia the man's eyes shot open. "What did you say? Oh really! OMG that's amazing! We got to get you signed up now! Come with me~" I then began to hover following the excited man down a street. While walking I waved my hand around and magically put on a long blue dress. The blue fairy came into my mind while in the midst of changing. I then arrived at a building, I'm assuming some sort of porn industry building, with the man as we both walked in. We arrived at a glass window. The man went into the room behind it as I watched a woman on the other sides sitting in an office chair with a black furred dog beside her as it seemed she was getting interview for becoming a new porn actress. Not to be the stereotyper but she was tall, with long blond hair, skinny with bright blue eyes, the typical look of most women who work for the industry. The dog then came by the window as his tail brushed up against my nose, similar with people's experiences with cats. The bristles of the fur sent tingles throughout my body as I immediately flew into the other room through the glass as if a gentle wind blew the seeds off a dandelion. I felt so light and free as opposed to the many dreams I had where I felt clunky and stiff when I tried to fly. I perched lightly ontop of a desk fan in the room. One nerdy looking guy looked at me with amaze, I guess for the fact that I could fly. I began to apologize repeatedly for just entering their area and stated that it was just instinct. I got down and went back out to the other side of the window as I watched the old man talk to someone about getting codes to the registration forms for me to sign. I then woke up. Notes: (More to come | I'm too lazy atm to write my interpretation) • Date — 1/29/2016 • Went to bed — Around like...12 - something PM (Another nap dream) • Woke up — 3:00PM *Time logged — 4:36PM • Total sleep — +2 Hours • Stress level throughout the day — Pretty good • Techniques/Practices *Daytime — Did RCs *Recall — N/A *Inducing Method — N/A • Dream Signs — The Obvious • Perceived Length — 30 Mintues • Emotions — Happy • Awareness — None
Updated 01-29-2016 at 10:59 PM by 89722 (Changed date in title...)
Don't remember much from last night. In a large grocery store? Sitting in my school hallway with a computer. Pornography flashes on it, has anyone noticed? I try to go to reddit.com to cover it up but naked pictures still flash. It's like the computer is now "filthy" and always on the verge of flashing something obscene. I see a hand-drawn hallway. It's from a angle and has a style that reminds me of Fallout 2. There is a door to the right on the wall of the hallway drawing. Going inside it launches a dialog with a small mustached guy, 3D graphic like Fallout 2, who says some stuff. This is one of three locations that need to be accessed for the mission.
Fragments » I'm in my student room. I believe I'm standing in front of the couch and sort of leaning over it, because I'm kissing a girl that's on the couch. Then my girlfriend enters the room. She stays in the door opening and when I turn around I'm surprised to see her and have an 'ow shit' moment. She is clearly upset. The girl I was kissing was her though. She's there twice. » I'm in a big shop or more likely a mall. I'm by myself, though there are other people in this mall. I remember seeing some clothing for sale as well as an escalator that goes up. I don't specifically recall taking the elevator, but I do recall being on a higher floor at some point. There's a big playing area. It's colourful and I remember the colours red and yellow. It looks a bit like a bouncy inflatable area. There are no people and there is glass in front of it. I'm standing behind the glass. I am playing somehow through using the controls which are placed there. At some point there are 2 or 3 people standing besides me. On the right is a girl who works here. There's something about there being semi-dried up yoghurt on the control table. I don't remember spilling it, but I believe I apologise. » I'm sitting on the edge of my mother's bed. My 1 year old cousin is in the bed. She crawls out and onto the ground, where she stands up. Then she decides she wants to be in the bed again, so I lift her up and place her back. I cover her with the blanket. I don't remember why, but she says my name. On the one hand I feel it's weird/impolite that she calls me by my name, without adding uncle in front of it, on the other I don't mind too much. Councillor I'm at my uni. I just arrived somewhere to meet with a student councillor. There is a long grey desk and I'm talking to my councillor through Skype. It feels weird to talk to a councillor who I don't even know on Skype. It feels so informal. I ask her some questions about my thesis and perhaps also some other stuff. At the end I think she asks if I have any more questions. I jokingly reply that I don't, unless she has good ideas for my thesis subject. She doesn't like the joke and would like to stop the conversation now. We kinda sit there awkwardly for a few seconds because she doesn't hang up, so I press the hang up button. Usually when I use a screen (tv/laptop/etc) in my dream it is fullscreen and I don't see anything else. I don't think that was the case this time. Toilet shower I'm in my room at my mom's house. My desk is standing where my bed is supposed to be. This is the way my room was arranged years ago. I'm sitting at the desk, using my laptop, which I don't see in fullscreen. I have Chrome open; one regular window and one incognito window. I open a porn site in the incognito window. At least that was my intention, but there is sound playing and I have no clue from where it's coming. I switch back to the regular window to find the porn site there. Then I suddenly get an extreme urge to pee. I don't recall going from my room to the toilet, but that's where I am. I'm standing in front of the toilet peeing, I think with the seat down. I can't recall aiming wrong, but in the end there is a puddle on the right side of the toilet. Somewhere high up on the left is a knob which I turn to turn on the shower. The pressure is high. I think it's a bit cold, but I don't really mind. I distinctively recall hearing the song Ghetto Gospel by 2Pac & Elton John playing somewhere in the distance. FA I have a FA. I climb out of my high bed and perhaps even perform a RC at some point, but it fails. The idea of it being a dream is present, but not that strong. My room is definitely not what it's supposed to be. The window is made up of a huge amount of tiny windows which can all be opened/closed and the windowsills are made of wood. I see a row near the top which are all left upon. Ahh so that's the reason why my room has been cold for all these years. There's more to this, but I can't remember what. Nothing much happened, but the window seemed to be the focus of this dream. Fragment » I'm in my taekwondo class. We're running laps for the warming up. There's a row of shopping carts placed in the room, so I move them to the side. I'm a bit scared of doing taekwondo, as I'm doubtful about my knee being up for it. Family fight I'm in my mom's living room. She's there, as well as I believe 2 of my cousins, a guy (20) and a girl (21). My cousins are sitting on the couch, I'm standing in the middle of the room and my mom just entered from the hallway. I'm messing with her a bit and the situation escalates. I think she's laying on her back on the dinner table. My guy cousin takes a hold of my left leg and raises it quite high, leaving me standing on my right leg. I tell him to watch out because I can't handle this situation well due to my knee surgery. In reality my right leg is my good one. This idea is present somewhere to the back of my mind, but I want him to let me go either way. I tell him that if I get injured because of this I will knock him out. My mom's boyfriend enters the room too. He's the type of guy that is always talking and always knows best, so of course he has something to say about all this. Eventually I'm walking out of the living room into the hallway, with my mom's boyfriend standing there in front of me. I'm grumpy and I don't wanna talk to him right now.
Non-dream Non-lucid Lucid Set up a DEILD alarm for 1:30, 3:20 and 5:10 last night, trying different alarm tones for each. I found that the 'rooster' sound woke me up but the others didn't. After kind of putting off dedicating effort into DEILD I decided last night that I'd give it a proper try, so when I woke up I actually managed to lie completely still with my eyes closed. I remember reading some advice somewhere that you should focus on a point, so I focused on the centre of my forehead. It kind of felt like meditating in a way. I decided that it was a good enough attempt for the night just knowing that I could do that if I wanted to, then I got up for a WBTB. Dream 1 - Poison caterpillars This dream was pretty interesting, I woke to the 3:20 DEILD alarm and tried cementing it to memory which I found a bit easier than I would if I had moved around. I was in a room at night time, my friend John was here too and we seemed to be in a survival kind of scenario. We had to go to sleep for the night so we each had our own floor mattress and bedding. I lay down to go to sleep but at some point in the night a friend from back home called Fraser showed up. He was the guy we were trying to survive against. He placed these caterpillar-worms on us that were tiny at first (~1cm long), but soon grew to be maybe 7cm long. They poison you just by touch and have these alternating purple to green bands along their body. I remember one crawling on me and thinking that the touch of it was stinging. Fraser came in and took the grown up caterpillars, like it was supposed to be every ones goal to get them (like a quest item?). I was pretending to be dead I think so he wouldn't notice I was still alive despite being poisoned. Dream fragment - anime artist? I remember a group of people on a sunny day walking down a pathway by the road and they were somehow related to anime/manga. Possibly the artists who make it Dream 2 - Family guy I remember having a dream where I think I might have been Bryan from Family Guy. The dream was telling the story of how Stewy and Bryan met and how they came to become a part of the Griffin family. Apparently Stewy was adopted alongside Bryan it seems. I think I (Bryan, who at the time I called Mike because I forgot his actual name) went to a one-off job. I met Stewy there who I seemed to hit it off really well with, we ended up become tight comrades and somehow headed off on a journey together in a car (feels like third person during this so I don't think I'm Bryan anymore). They end up getting adopted into the Griffin family which I find weird because I thought Stewy was born as a Griffin. FA - I seemed to remember writing 'Stewy and Mike' into my phone so I could recall the dream later, but when I woke up later on and I looked at my phone... there was nothing! Dun dun dun! Dream 3 - Trippiest Dream Ever I'm lying in bed in the middle of the night surfing the internet on my phone. It's the first time looking at a screen in a dream where it isn't actually in 'full screen'. I think I come across some music website. Basically it has an artistic anime-style kind of epic drawing. The whole background has this intense vividness to it, which was hued in a surreal purple colour. It has this anime girl that looks like she's jumped forward and reaching out for something with a smile. The art style really impressed me and caught my eye. The website plays music, but for some reason I was too quick to click on the next link and skipped to a new page. Damn. I backspace and head to the previous window. Huh? The background has changed?? It's now a new drawing in the same epic style, a different girl (different clothes, face, haircut, etc) with a different colour hue (possibly orange this time). I refresh the page -- it changes again. Now it's like a steel grey. I think the girl on this one might have had a short fringe with silvery hair. Wow this is all pretty cool, but I really wanted to see the one from the first page. I keep refreshing a couple more times cycling through the art, some of which comes up multiple times. I end up talking to the person who apparently makes it all, the artist herself. I'm not sure how we're communicating, it's like she's communicating through the screen. I'm also sitting at my desk with my laptop in front of me instead of being on my iPhone. I can't remember what we were talking about, possibly about who she is and how she may or may not be the artist? Shit gets crazy as we talk though. Like... absolutely chaotic. She shows me the art on her website and it's no longer static. Some of which is video clips but they flash past my eyes so fast. One clip is from Bakemonogatari (an anime) as a hint, suggesting that she is the artist who draws it (which in my head explains why her art is so amazing). But it just gets so crazy because it's all so vivid and fast, the next part there's an image of an anime girl who mimics the artists words. Her movements come in a strobe-like fashion, the screen flickers rapidly, her face appearing to tilt right while her smile broadens into this insane toothy grin with wide eyes. What the f*ck is going on? Everything is so colourful and vivid with so much change in the lighting. Orange, green, blue, purple, black, white. It's quite beautiful. Next scene she sends me porn which I try to ignore, then realize that it's still open on my browser. I have to close it down manually. I open up a screen which shows all my active apps and try delete it, only to find that there's an endless stream of porn videos open on my phone/laptop. How the hell did this happen?? If someone saw this they'd think I was a pervert. There's just too much and I don't even know what happens but I wake up, realizing that I'm now in my room for real. It was just so realistic though. On my 20th day of no PMO using the Brainbuddy app. Safe to say that it definitely affected my last dream O_O. My dream recall improved last night too (the 2 nights before my exam yesterday were below my average by quite a bit). From today onwards I have a lot of spare time until I head back to the North Island. I'll be dedicating a lot more time to my dream practices I think from now on (i.e. ADA, DEILD, meditation, + other related stuff like reading ETWOLD)
Non-dream Non-lucid Lucid Last night I woke up in between dreams a few times. Since I was attempting to DEILD I didn't take any notes in between dreams. Hence more fragments and less complete dreams. Fragments » I'm with a group of my Dutch friends whom I met in Indonesia. We are having a lot of fun together. There's something with us renting mopeds. This dream felt quite awesome and I definitely would have recalled it all had I taken notes immediately. » My blond female housemate is in my room. There's something food related. We have some delicious.. bread(?) with bacon or something alike. We're going to bed. I have a highsleeper (is that the correct English word? ), but there is a mattress on the floor which we're gonna sleep on together. It feels really normal though and not in the slightest way sexual. » I'm living in an old school building. There's something about the internet. Since it used to be a school, adult content is filtered. There's an orange cord and device on the (kitchen) counter. It looks like a separate modem, probably used when people want to look up adult content. Dream 1: Porn I'm on the sofa with my girlfriend. She is asleep, with her head on the right side and her legs towards the middle. I'm sitting to her left with my laptop on my lap. At one point I decide to turn 90° to the right, so that she can't see my screen should she wake up. I have a shitload of porn on my laptop. I could read the names of the folders. It's tucked away in a folder, in a folder, in a... you get the idea. Except that it's not exactly hidden. I disable the sound and play one of the movies. Sound, moaning. Shit! I try to disable the sound again. Nothing happens. Turn down the sound. EXIT VIDEO! My girlfriend wakes up slightly and asks what I'm doing. I'm not sure what I told her. Then I have a mild panic moment. All this porn is inside the folder of a uni course. I think I copied this folder for my Indonesian classmate (the same classmate as in the next dream). I start to think real hard. Did I copy the porn to my classmate? I blame this dream on you, werty52! Dream 2: Struggling lucidity I'm outside during the day. I believe I'm talking to my Indonesian classmate, though a different one than the one I often dream about. This is the first time I recall seeing this particular classmate in a dream. We walk in to a building. It gives the impression of a university building: big, spacious. At this point I don't really recall the interior, except for one particular part, which is hard to describe. (Note for myself: it's like the computer 'cubes' at the 2nd floor of the uni library, except the wooden dividers are like a black metal mesh.) Desks are arranged in an inward facing square, with a computer screen hanging from the metal mesh. The kind of stereotypical hacker's desk in a movie. There is a woman behind one of the computers. I'm not sure what she's doing. The screen is quite dark in terms of the colours which are displayed and it's quite monotone (like working in Word: the majority of your screen stays the same). There's a fairly big digital counter near the top right which displays a certain time, though I don't remember what that time is. Also a small one in the very upper right I believe, with a different time. I'm supposed to meet my student councillor at.. 15:00 I think it was. The big displayed time leads me to believe that there is still plenty of time. At one point I take my iPhone out of my right pocket and see that the time on the screen is far behind. I'm late. Damn. I don't have time to properly say bye to my cllassmate. The student councillor is a woman who is sitting in the middle of the square, nearly boxed in. There's a girl sitting on a comfy chair just outside of it. I feel like she is waiting for her appointment with the student councillor. I explain to the student councillor what happened. I stumble with my words a bit, forgetting that I have to switch to English now (which makes no sense, a student councillor here would speak Dutch and I would already be talking in English after talking with my Indonesian classmate). In the end I still talk in Dutch, as does she. I need her help in getting a declaration for a government institute. She helps me out. She wants to walk to a quiet place. Somewhere where people won't be asking questions once I tell my personal story to her. We walk around the big open room and I see some chairs and desks. She decides to sit down together in the middle of a lecture, in the midst of a group of students. She tells me that I need to ask this lecturer for the help I need. What the.. now? I feel quite embarrassed. Also I'm not quite sure what to ask. I fiddle with a hideous scar/wound that I have on my hand (thankfully that one ain't real ). I remember seeing a logo either on a screen or on a piece of paper, quite big as well. It's a purple square or cube and there's also a green one. It reminds me of the logo's for Excel and OneNote. Once the lecturer is near the student councillor asks him something, though I don't remember what. After that she asks me some personal questions. I reply to them all and am a bit annoyed. We start walking. All the questions she's asking and all the effort she's putting into it may ruin everything. Just draw up the statement already. There are two low walls inside the building, sort of decorative. Perfect parkour opportunity. The left one is flat, the right is like "\", but not nearly as extreme (I couldn't think of the proper English word ). The low point is on the far end of me. Both walls are just a few metres long. I jump to the left wall and onto the right one. I perform a sideflip of the right wall onto the ground. Just as I'm about to push off for the sideflip I think to myself how foolish it is to do a sideflip. I've practiced it maybe 3 times. I'm bound to rotate in a weird and unpredictable way. I do it perfectly though. Then I remember that I said to myself that I would perform a RC if something parkour related happens. I realise this must be a dream as there is no way that I'm able to nail that sideflip in reality. I sit on the ground and close my eyes. I try to solidify this idea of it being a dream. I place my hands on the ground and feel it. It's cold and hard. I feel the specs of sand that people have dragged in here with their shoes. I move my hand to the left, to the end of the floor so I can feel the plinth. Dirty from a lot of dust. Ielw. I realise that this is not helping, as in reality I'm in the same place and thus I could also be feeling this with my real body (I'm an idiot ). I start to think about which year it is this dream is occurring in, maybe that will differentiate it from reality for me. Damn, this dream is in 2015, just like reality. That didn't help. I perform the 'finger through palm' and 'breathing through a closed nose' techniques. Both fail me. Come on! This is a dream, right? I was a bit hesitant to label this a lucid, because I didn't really have any control, plus I was still struggling to fully solidify the 'this is a dream' mentality.
First dream I was in my room. I wanted to watch porn, but there was a weird, old woman in the room. I thought how to get rid of her, and suddenly she just escaped. I started browsing the web, but couldn't find anything interesting. Second dream It was in the underground city. It was made of sectors, one for some kind of humanoidal creatures, second for humans, and another for very rich humans. There were girls from the rich sector, who were laughing from my younger sisters music stand. I've fended them off, and moved into the rich sector, only to be attacked by a guard. There was a dog walking there, I shouted Attack! and the dog bitten the guards hand off. I did the same with the second guard. Suddenly in our sector a thief has been catched. We divulged information about rich sector, and made an assault. We've lost, most of my shoots from pistols missed, and we had to regroup.