Dream 1 A dream I was with Jamie in fortnite. We are in Salty Springs on the house with the hidden basement shooting at people. Jamie suddenly realizes where she is and what is happening and she seems pissed off that she's there. Dream 2 A dream Jamie and me are working at mcdonald's in the kitchen. She also looks pissed off to be there. Dream 3 My dad was driving me around to different stores. I'm looking to buy a Ps4 or something. I'm going the cheaper route and looking at discount stores and pawn shops. I go into one store but also a bunch of people from work are there. I think I'm supposed to be working but ignore that. I go to the shop owner and ask if he has a ps4. He pulls one out from a shelf behind the desk but it's 375 or something. I think it's too expensive for a used one at a pawn shop so i leave in frustration. I go to the parking lot looking for my dad. I don't see his truck at first and then find it. I go in and tell him to drive to the other store I was looking at. I had other brief dreams of making out with someone but I don't know who...