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    1. First Lucid Dream In Over A Decade - Supernatural Powers

      by , 10-22-2024 at 01:59 AM
      17/10/2024 @ aprox between 10:30 am - 11:30 am - My first lucid dream in YEARS, possibly over a decade.

      I was running from a special ops unit through a tightly packed, derelict abandoned gated community. It was night though it was well lit from the full moon with a blue-ish white tint. They where looking for me as I had found some highly advanced alien technology which had unlocked dormant supernatural powers within me. (Invulnerability and atom manipulation)

      Because of my new found abilities I was defending myself against these special ops agents with ease, disassembling their atomic structure as they evaporated into shadows of shouldering ash. Their weapons had no effect on me so I was without fear and in no sense of urgency to escape.

      In order to enhance these abilities further I had to find a ring I had misplaced which I was unable to find.


      I discovered I was dreaming because I realized how outlandish the situation was. In that instant I had became lucid and the entire world began to wobble and wriggle about like an impossibly designed, intricate childs drawing and what I can only describe as what I imagine having an acid trip would be like. With this realization the most amazing feeling of power, warmth and joy washed over me.

      Before I had discovered I was dreaming, the dream world was seamless and indistinguishable from the real world. It's almost like as soon as my rational brain had woken up and my rational focus was shone onto the dream world that my fully conscious self was too much for the dream world to sustain believably or I was taking up too much resources so it began to struggle with the weight of my fully conscious being's presence.

      The excitement must have been too much as I was not able to explore far, not so long after I had become lucid the world began to break up around me and I found myself slipping into a closing, narrowing, clear, crisp, mildly pixelated, almost digital thinly and sparsely detailed oval tunnel of white light with a slit of black at the end.

      Before long the tunnel of white light had disappeared and all too soon I was in the dark looking at the back of my eyelids back in bed having left the lucid dream behind. It sounds a lot like was people describe dying as being like! I really felt like I had left my body and had come back from somewhere else outside of my body.

      (Reflection) Maybe dying is waking up from the dream of the real world.

      Ever since I had this lucid dream I am able to remember at least one dream per night in excruciating detail hours after I've woken.
    2. Wednesday, December 14

      by , 04-05-2023 at 11:04 PM
      I am in some small building or single room. It kind of seems like a small, furnished shed. It’s carpeted, and I think there are some cabinets. It seems to be a perfect square, and there’s a window or two. I’ve now eaten an egg yolk from somewhere in here. It seems to be in a membrane and, purposefully, I swallow it whole, it catching slightly on the way down. (I noticed that the yellow yolk was especially embryo shaped. I now have a psychedelic hallucination. It is intense (completely altering my current reality) and profound.

      I’m at a bar or some other entertainment venue. The building seems to be a large square. The bar counter, another square or rectangle, is in the center. There is an event happening, or it is just generally busy. Ben from work comes in and sits at a chair not at a table. His eyes are red and very heavy-lidded, and sure enough he starts saying how ‘this strain’ got him really high. Now, I notice a girl sitting at the bar who looks like Reilly. (I think that it is her, enough though she looks different). She is alone and remains so for a while. I watch as her and the female bartender flirt with each other.
    3. 5 Jan: LDs, flying through majestic surreal landscapes and making out with my teacher

      by , 01-05-2019 at 10:38 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At some house, looking through clothes my mom found in trash, then also some toys which are to be donated to a kindergarten, checking if they are complete and playing a bit with some of the games.
      Then for no reason I see my teacher sitting at the end of this room, with it's back turned to me and I get lucid.
      I go towards him and surprise him by touching him softly in his back. He is wearing a light brown shirt and he looks to the side to see me. I move my hand down his arm and gently caress him. He shuts his eyes in total surrender. So I kiss him. I notice his lips a bit dry, but soon our salivas mix and our tongues intertwine, while I caress his shaved head. I enjoy every bit of it.
      Then I realize there is someone else in the room. We stop and I turn to this person. It looks like my dad, he doesn't seem to recognize me. He turns away quickly and heads to a door. As he opens the door, he looks back one more time and his physiognomy changed. He is taller, slimmer, more tanned and dresses like an Indian man. I follow him but lose him in the movement of people outside. My attention also gets drawn by the majestic landscape and I don't follow the man anymore. In front of me are some amazing mountains covered in luscious green vegetation. And there are people going up and down the mountains, apparently carrying things, picking up fruits, going about many different activities. Strangely, the mountains seem extremely tall ,but people have the same apparent dimension whether they are at the top of it or down at its base. I see a huge strange black bird flying over my head. It is the size of a big eagle, it has a beak like a toucan and strange wings that make a half-moon shape with the first two feathers on each side slightly round and color red. I follow its flight and to my left I see what seem like clouds made of liquid water, which give the impression that everything beneath it, is underwater. There is a type of tree whose top touches the liquid cloud and behaves like kelp in the ocean. Then I turn my attention again to the mountains. I realize the contours of the mountains, the hills and valleys, the rocky surfaces, are all fractal shaped. I decide to take off and fly to see it up close. I am mesmerized by these patterns, and the psychedelic colors they have and then I almost wake up,
      but instead I have a FA in a totally white empty house. I remember I left my teacher back in the other house and I go around this house calling out his name, hoping to summon him back. Going through some corridor I spot someone that looks like him and other people going after, but when I get closer, it isn't him. But he is also a teacher to these people, who admire him and are respectfully walking him out as he leaves. I am starting to feel the LD fading away, so I decide to get out of here and do my own hing. I find a window and jump to outside. It's again a beautiful landscape with green hills, but this house is right on the slope. I have to climb some moss covered rocks to reach the top of the hill. Some lady who had made some comment to me inside, followed me out the window and insists on asking me something about mind training. Something like, if I feel that realization is a consequence of how much time you practice. If it is an inevitable consequence of your time dedication to practice, because she is feeling frustrated for not seeing results. I don't remember exact words I said, it was very short answer, but it was something in the line of "no, it's not just time related, more about quality and merit."
      Then on the top of the hill I see a valley below, but really far below, like we are many kms of altitude up. I decide to jump and fly some more. I enjoy it for some time, once again absorbing the details of the majestic landscape. Until I start descending and land in some city below. I land in a town square between some classical buildings and there is a giant painting on the floor with a reproduction of some classical work of art. I dig my hands in the floor and have fun picking up elements from the painting and throwing them in the air to watch them slowly fall like confetti. Then I want the painting to become a giant trampoline and I have fun jumping and doing flips in the air.

      When I am done with it, I walk down a street. The LD is weaker and I don't remember exactly what happened but I end up in a TV studio, where a famous morning show is being recorded and I am sitting with the live audience. The show hostess is demonstrating some modern appliances and its uses and we are offered some bread cooked by a bread machine. I taste it and it is completely bland and tasteless. I feel this is boring and once again I aim for a window to change scenario At some corridor outside the recording area, I see a window. I look through it and down below I see a moat or a lake. I am about to jump to it, when I notice it is full of big animals swimming. First they look like crocs, but on a closer look, I see they are mainly big fish, turtles and some mutant creatures, like fish but with tiny arms and hands. I decide to go get the tasteless bread and feed it to the animals. The bread wasn't a lot but seems to multiply as I split it into bits, so I keep feeding the animals for quite a while. Then I wake up. .
    4. Psychedelic Sand

      by , 01-17-2016 at 08:11 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #483 - DILD - 8:43AM

      I had an idea during a jog yesterday to play with psychedelic sand in my next LD so that's what I aimed for. I was having a hard time getting lucid even with a dose of galantamine (too tired) so I feel lucky to have pulled this off so late this morning. I dreamed tons. Most of them were pretty boring, but I enjoyed a strong feeling of bliss that carried through each one.

      [QUOTE = "summary"]I noticed I was living in a strange town and became lucid. I started jumping really high until the dream destabilized then I remembered my goal. I found some sand and played with it with expectations of something trippy to happen. I saw patterns and colors and deep space while my hands morphed. I woke up shortly after.[/QUOTE]

      I am standing on the back steps of a house that I think of as my home. Something feels off, but familiar at the same time. It's lightly raining and my see Alysha and Riley playing in water puddles. Suddenly, Riley does a belly slide through a deep puddle. I smile and glance at my wife who is intent on watching him. Riley then takes a deep gulp of water and spits it out my direction. I move over to him, "Eww! No, don't do that. It's dirty."
      In response, he starts to cough and spit like he has dirt in his mouth. My wife moves in to help, but he recovers quickly and goes on playing.

      I become introspective again while worrying about the rain. I remember that I had decided to go for another run today, but this rain is making me renege on that idea. I look around an wonder what town this is. I recall going for a jog in town yesterday, but I can't make it fit in this setting. I ask Alysha, "Hey, where did I run yesterday? I don't know this town anymore."
      My wife ignores me and watches an older girl wonder up and play with my son in the rain. I think I should be feeling wet by now but my body feels nothing. I wonder who this girl is, then notice we are basically in a church parking lot. I see other people come wondering out of the building. Then it hits me. I remember that I was trying to DEILD just a moment ago and almost succeeded. I do a nose plug and blow through. I become excited and start jumping up and down. My jump turns into giant leaps and gliding downward. I try to look down and see if anyone is noticing me but the dream is breaking up now. I recall my sand goal and stop jumping to stabilize.

      I crawl around until my vision clears and notice that I am face to face with asphalt. It's a parking lot and there is a blue pickup truck nearby. I stand up and search out a sand pit. I worry about the rain making the sand wet, but quickly dismiss that idea. I see an grassy area next to the church. I rush over and next to an AC unit I see patch of deep sand just big enough to play in. I lay on my stomach and pick up handfuls, letting the sand pour out. It all looks normal except the color of the sand looks more like sponge cake being darker on top like its been baked. I then remember that I need to have more expectation of something psychedelic. I do so as I take a finger and swirl the sand round, stirring it up. I quickly see geometric circle patterns flow out with traces of red. I shout out in delight, "Whoa cool!" I pick up more sand. My hands look cartooned and as the sand flows, it looks like multicolored, jagged lines of ink. I shout, "Whoa, man! Psychedelic sand! Yes!" The dream goes dark now and I feel that I am waking up. I test it by shouting "Hey" a few times, risking my wife coming in the room. However, it sounds really dreamy still so I roll over to my back. I look up and say, "Let me see outer space." A star field forms then quickly zooms into deep space. It's so beautiful that I reach out for it. I am surprised when my hands and arms look distorted and flowing like tentacles. There must be five or six appendages rapidly flowing up and waving like they are caught in a strong current of cosmic energy. I smile, "Whoa cool. Outer space, man." I then spread all of my tentacle apart and the view of deep space splits and moves out of view, putting me back in darkness. I feel satisfied enough with this dream to go ahead and wake up. For some reason, I keep repeating, "Outer space, man." Over and over. I know I sound like a stoner hippy, but I don't care at the moment. There's a brief flash of a false awakening, then I wake for real.
    5. Space time compression and simultaneous perception

      by , 03-08-2014 at 11:19 PM
      When I become lucid I am at my childhood neighbor's place. But the inside of the house has transformed into a big hot-spring. Some friends are there. Not the one to whom the house belongs though. I try to convince my friends that we are all sharing a dream, inciting them to become lucid. That first scene alone was quite long but I don't remember all the details. Eventually I decided to try to fly, which is my favorite thing to do when lucid dreaming. By controlling my breathing I begin to float out of the water and up. The roof is gone, leaving a majestic starry sky. My friends are worried. I have it all under control I tell them. I could control my floating flight at will, swiftly falling and rising. I go up. The sky envelops me. Far away I can see the hot-spring. And then it multiplies like a kaleidoscope. It covers all my field of view. The ground folds upon itself and envelops me in a bubble. In its walls I see crazy psychedelic visuals. I am surrounded by the greatest light spectacle I've ever seen.
      I wake up. Or maybe the dream continues for a little bit. There was a scene where I kissed a girl in the hot-spring room but I can't quite position it in time. Anyways. I wake up. But not really. I am still dreaming but it takes me a while to realize. I am shocked by the dream I just had so I quickly pick up my diary and start writing it. That dream version of the entry was much more detailed than this one. Everything was really clear in my memory. I could come back to almost every moment, which is odd because I usually have somewhat bad recollection. The memories are so fresh. But I know that they are going to fade away. I wish I had a more concrete proof of the existence of that dream. As that thought crossed my mind a crystal sphere comes out of my mouth. It is the dream, condensed, complete in all its extension. By touching the ball I experience the entirety of the dream as a simultaneous memory.
      But then another ball comes out of my mouth. And this one too is a complete dream, only one I have not yet had. In this ball is the complete dream, and I also experience it simultaneously; timeless. Maybe I actually go through the dream and it is only my memory that which was compressed. But then another comes out, and another. I don't remember how many. And each of them was a complete dream. Adventures, movies, epic symphonies. Experienced in a flash. I could perceive the totality of each dream but I wasn't able to retain most of it.
      I showed them to my father. I was so happy to have these solid physical memories of so many marvelous dreams.
      Eventually what came out of my mouth was not the crystal globes but some kind of jade eggs, vessels, cylinders. The top part comes apart so they can be opened. And when they are they produce a strange sound. Deep, kind of like a whale's. But each is different. Me and my dad play around with these dream instruments. I think by that time I knew I was dreaming again. Eventually the dream lost stability and faded. I don't remember its ending.
    6. Epilepsy theater

      by , 11-16-2013 at 01:38 AM
      In this dream there was a huge white square, much like a billboard, or a huge theater screen but outside in the middle of a valley. I sat in the grass with two other unknown people, and when I looked at this screen, it would start "overloading my senses", sending me into something similar to a seizure. To explain in other words, when I looked at the screen, it started rapidly flashing black and white square patterns, sent a weird bass pressure pattern to my ears as if it was a mix of airplane-ear-popping and having a subwoofer on each side of my head. Looking at it gave me tunnel vision and the more I looked at it, the further away it seemed and the more my vision blackened out, sending me on the verge to faint. My eyes hurt and I felt nauseous. I looked away and avoided looking at the screen for the rest of the dream, in which I didn't do much of significance.

      I have a feeling this dream was inspired by an occurrence while I attempted to fall asleep; I sat up in my bed and looked at the digital clock on my TV receiver when I felt dizzy, and it started seeming like the lights from the clock were way further away.
    7. Drug Smuggler

      by , 10-04-2013 at 12:46 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I love messed up dreams like this.

      I remember seeing a scene where there was people doing psychedelics in a rest room. All they had to do was stand in a puddle outside of a cubical and that would give them the tripping sensation.

      I was trying to smuggle drugs into a school for a group of people. I made my way through my home town, remembering walking up to at least the paint shop.

      I reached the school and made my way to the toilets. I went inside the cubical and a guy was in there with me. He was explaining to me what was going to happen when it came to the drugs. He explained that we needed to have certain coloured poo in the toilet bowl, all from light to dark poo. I think I had already had a poo in the toilet earlier. I don't remember seeing other people have a poo in the toilet, but there was now 5 poo's. The guy was explaining to me about how we got the different coloured poo. He said something about being active in sports? I looked into the bowl and noticed that the 5 poo's mostly looked different, some not so different.

      I think the door was open the whole time, and I bought out the drugs that were in my pocket, and placed it on top of the toilet, near the flush buttons. A guy that was involved with us, was standing outside the cubical, gave me a look of disbelief. He couldn't believe I would pull drugs out, so anyone who walked passed could see what we were doing (I think I recognised him, Ash R's mate?).
      Someone must have alerted authorities about the drug use, and we were tipped off. I was told that we were probably going to be patted down as we left the building, so I put the drugs down near my ass. I could feel it there, and thought it may have been sticking out a bit.

      As I was leaving with someone, we were confronted with doors. As I went through the door, it was a similar area to where I had just come from. It was as if we were in a maze and had to choose correctly to leave the area.
      I remember a Chinese guy, he was quite tall and had the look of a mob boss. I think he may have been after the drugs?

      I reached stairs, that were very steep. As I worked my way down them, I noticed police man on both sides. There was 3 police man on my side and I had a problem passing them. I think they were willing to let me passed.

      Dream fragment:
      I saw an Echidna laying on it's back. I could see it's stomach, as it was trying to get upright.
      Bet NONE of YOU have ever done this!!!!  =P-echidna.jpg
      Echidna - I don't think I ever remember seeing an Echidna on it's back, but it was very similar to the second picture.
    8. Malls and Escalators

      by , 09-02-2013 at 06:10 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      1. I was in a mall. I took the escalator going down. I lied down on it and looked up to a psychedelic sky, blue, black, yellow, white, all blending in. I can't tell if it was night or day. I took pictures every 'step' of the way down. Lightning, photos, angles or angels. When I reached the bottom step, I thought of someone I tried to court recently (2 months ago), and I felt jealous.

      2. I was wandering aimlessly around the mall. I can't seem to reach my destination, but I don't even know what my destination is. There was an escalator going up, but I didn't think it will lead me to my unknown destination. I just keep walking, jumping even. I didn't feel frustrated. I seemed to be enjoying just walking around aimlessly.

      NOTE: I meditated before going to sleep for 15 minutes and watched the hypnagogic images. This might have influenced the psychedelic sky. I also thought of that person I tried to court before sleeping. Wrote a short interpretation of the dream in my notebook which proved enlightening.
    9. The Dark Side of subconcious- My Craziest Lucid Dream!

      by , 01-17-2013 at 04:28 PM
      Hi all,

      For my first dream journal post I thought I would post one of my craziest lucid dreams. This dream was wrapped up in so many metaphors and symbolism for different parts of my life and mind that I literally feel like I took a walk through my mind the night I had it. Most of the other lucid dreams I've had have been far shorter and much more subtle and impressionistic but this lucid dream was definitely the longest, and darkest of all I've had.

      I'm not sure if it would be considered lucid or 'semi-lucid' as while I was fully aware of the fact I was dreaming I was still afraid of certain things in the dream that, had I of been fully conscious I would have known couldn't hurt me. I also had many moments of doubting myself and thinking that maybe I wasn't dreaming and maybe I'm awake. Anyway, you decide for yourself.

      On to the dream...

      It started out as a nightmare, I can't remember much about what happened before I went lucid only that in the moment my mind decided to let me know I was dreaming and 'woke me up' so to speak, I found myself in a giant black room filled with darkness and death and basically everything horrible my mind could conjure up. The room wasn't so much a 'room' as such, but more like a space that seemed to go on forever.

      The space was filled with all sorts of bad things everything from demons and dead bodies hanging to negative people in my life that I've encountered. I didn't particularly feel threatened by anything, like what you would in a non lucid dream, I wasn't thinking 'oh god that demon is going to eat my eyeballs as his entrée' but more like 'make it go away, I don't want to look at it any more' This is what I mean when I say I don't think I was fully lucid as while I knew nothing was physically going to hurt me, I still didn't have the control to change what was occurring.

      Anyway, I was trying really hard to make all this bad stuff go away and make things happy but I just couldn't do it. I began to have a full blown freak out, soon after this is where I began to doubt myself and for some reason I started to think that maybe I wasn't dreaming and maybe I was just going insane. Going insane has always really scared me so I started to freak out even more wondering why I couldn't control what was happening or even wake myself up.

      I became so desperate to wake myself up that I started screaming out to my boyfriend at the time (who was lying beside me) to wake me up, hoping I would say it in real life and he'd hear me. Obviously this didn't happen.

      After a while, I gave up trying to get out of the dream and instead tried to focus all of my energy on trying to make something appear that would help me or tell me what to do. I closed my eyes and focused and when I opened them a man sitting in a therapist chair appeared.

      The man was sitting, waiting for me in classic therapist manner (one leg crossed, clipboard in hand ready to make notes) and he looked a little like Steven Spielberg. Since apparently everyone we see in dreams we've seen before there is a chance maybe the therapist actually was Steven Speilberg (haha!)

      I sat in the chair in front of the therapist and told him frantically that I wasn't sure what was going on, I thought I was going insane, that I didn't know why I couldn't control anything and that I couldn't make it go away. The therapist told me that I couldn't control everything, that I just had to stop fighting it and embrace it and that I would find out more later.

      This conversation went on for a little while before I ventured off into the vast darkness, still quite terrified although wanting to take the therapists advice, I tried to embrace it, I tried to let go of my fear. I kept walking and the darkness began to transform into a beautiful dream landscape. Bright colours, patterns, like something from an acid trip. I was literally bouncing off the walls and floating.

      Soon after this moment of psychedelia the colours began to change back into more natural colours and everything started to look more real again. I looked ahead and the landscape transformed into my old primary school assembly hall. It was like walking back through a memory and I could see the childhood version of myself at assembly. I examined myself for a second before I went up to child me and hugged myself. I felt at peace and happy, like I had reunited with a piece of myself.

      Then my childhood self turned into some kind of tiny demon and started attacking me, I couldn't get it off me so I bit it's throat out and ended up waking up panicked and scared.
    10. [Psychedelic]

      by , 10-04-2012 at 11:15 PM
      Another old dream I forgot to record. This one was incredible and vivid. I'll do my best to describe it as I remember...
      So I became lucid while dreaming I was in my house in the foyer. Facing my front door, I was excited to discovered what waited beyond. When I opened the door I gazed in utter awe at a gorgeous and vivid night sky. In the sky was a nebula-like image. It looked like a tree made of purple stars outlined with gold ones for the leaves. It was amazing- one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. I decided to enjoy the psychedelic ride as it became more nonsensical and magical. I soared over my neighborhood and watched all kinds of weird, imaginary creatures zip by me in all directions. I saw flying lizards and latched onto one to ride it. I rode the lizard forwards into the night and saw eagles fly over my neighbors' houses and giant dogs the size of a mall trample by. The scenery began changing as I soared on my light-green lizard, grasping its vividly scaly and wrinkly neck. I was in a restaurant now, flying throughout. The weird creatures continued to swarm around and eventually I met Neptune holding his shiny trident. We were going to engage in combat, but then I stopped him and said something along the lines of, "Wait- hold on. You know what's really frustrating? When you can't make your Ikran appear. You know what? Let's all just be friends. Why are we fighting?" And him and a bunch of people from school and myself walked on happily ever after. The end! Lol
    11. One of the strangest nights yet.

      by , 09-16-2012 at 02:00 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      I'm writing this entire night a second time, because I accedently pushed 'Back' on this page after I wrote it the first time(rage). So, I'll start out by saying that I have definitly had some strange dreams. We've all had some pretty strange dreams. Dreams are of the nature of being strange usually, but last night I honestly don't know how they got so out of the ordinary. There were about six to ten different scenes in total, I'll start with the first I remember.

      The first scene began in some sort of fantasy land. It was night time, but the night time here glowed. The glowing setting of this place was a dark shade of blue, it was peaceful. My body was in the form of a centaur. But not only did I have the four legs of a horse, I had a pair of wings on my back as well. This dream had a great deal to do with magic, although I don't remember what I was trying to accomplish with magic per say. All I really recall fondly is that I was a flying centaur, and that is badass.

      The second dream was in a fancy room. The walls were red, and the carpets, plants, and sofas matched it well. Also there were a few nice paintings along the wall that I noticed. My sister and a few of her friends were sitting on one of the couches talking as I lucidly flew around the room inspecting it. I wanted to continue the scenes, so I made a door in the wall and told everybody to follow me. I didn't know where the door led to, I wanted it to suprise me. So I opened it and walked into the hall way of a mall. On the right side was a marble wall and then a corner that went into the main sections and on the left was a wall made of glass that allowed you to see outside. I don't think this dream continued any longer- it shifted to another scene.

      My sister and I walked out of our house with our dog, Chiquis. We walked across the street and said hello to our niece. We talked to her for a bit and let Chiquis walk around the grass. There were a few dogs walking around as well that I didn't notice before. They started to surround Chiquis and sniff her. She gets really nervous around other dogs, and she looked scared shitless to be frank. I was in a sort of strange half lucid state at this point, so I grew out my claws and fur and grew a few inches. I walked towards the group of dogs surrounding mine and let out a menacing growl that sent them running in all directions. Then I picked my baby Chiquis up and pet her for a little while. She liked my fury form. Here's where the dream became extremely... out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how this all happened.

      People, turned into things that weren't human. I still considered them normal people in the dream, but everyone I encountered now had bodies shaped as dirty mounds of moving flesh. Their skins were all shades of green and brown and their anatomy's just did not make sense, it's so hard to explain. There was a couple walking down the sidewalk in front of me. Their grotesque blob-bodies where formed into one body with two heads when they were happy with each other, but when they began to fight their bodies would seperate. The male's mouth was in sections of four, and opened and closed in all different angles when he talked; and the female's mouth was came out of her face long and skinny with tiny lips at the end. They talked like normal people, acted like normal people- but everything was weird. The skies were orange. The buildings around me were strange and flesh looking. Some went up for miles, others were regular size. They all had holes and isles like a huge building of large entrails. Still walking down the sidewalk, I began recieving the feeling I was in danger- something was following me. I knew what it was in the dream, but now that I think of it I had no idea really. I began turning corners and picking up my speed when I stopped, almost running into a large neon orange fox shaped creature. The creature was probably the size of my livingroom, and had the body of shaped like a fox. But it didn't have fur, just solid bright mass. It's eyes were red, but not at all sinister. And it talked to me in my head. It's own head so so beatiful, but I can't imagine any way that I could explain it's shape right. The front of it's head had the eyes and nose in place, in the front- but the head was large, and it went back a good length. It was almost a cone shape going backwards, but the shape was made out of a large clump of curling and tethered orange tendons. I jumped on it's back and held on. It had the ability to run on any surface, straight up, straight down, upside down- you name it. We ran through twisting caverns and tunnels of the flesh like buildings I meantioned before, she went so fast. I couldn't hardly keep up with the way she moved. Her voice was soft and calming. She was a good pet.
      "So, I couldn't help but notice your horns. Are you one of the demon folk around here?" She asked me. In the dream, for some reason in that moment I was one of the beings they called demons in the city. But in this strange "Ugly Americans" sense. It seemed like the more grotesque you were here, the cooler you were. "Yeah, that's me." I replied. I was having a hard time thinking of conversation at the speeds we were going. We finally got to the complete other side of the town, and she let me off. "Thank you so much." I said. And she jumped away.

      The next dream was vivid and horrific, almost like a nightmare but not really. Now everything looked like this world. There was no distortion, it was vivid and realistic. I was walking through a very dirty and runned down area. It looked like a ghetto, but like... a ghetto after the apocolypse had happened or some shit. It was just wrecked. I was walking down an alley, and started seeing corpses here and there. They were rapped up in white tissues, almost like mumification, but less tactful. The body count increased, soon there were piles of these wrapped up bodies. I came upon a giant lot. It looked like a meat farm, but all of the hanging meats were human bodies. More of the bodies that I'd seen, all wrapped up in white material. Some of them were alive I noticed. There were a few workers in the lot, and they formed a twisted lotto game. They'd roll the numbers, and the body that had the same number got their wraps cut off. They got to run away if they were still alive. It was a strange and intensely disturbing scene, mostly because of how calm everyone was with it; other than the people who were wrapped up and hanging upside down.

      I ran out into the street and saw my wife and friends, and Tom Cruise(!?). The mood of the dream changed dramatically and I randomly became lucid. I didn't know why Tom Cruise was there, but I went along with it. He had a narley car, and they wanted to go off and do something. My friend Nick jumped in the drivers seat. I motioned my hand up, and he was lifted up in the air and landed in the back seat. "Ahah, dibs." I said and flew into the drivers spot.
      "Don't worry Tom, if I wreck your car- I'll fix it." I said, and took off much to fast to be safe in traffic. One part of me wanted to be safe and calm in the car, the other half just wanted to bust it's horse power. So we took off, swearving in and out of the legal peramiters of the road. I remember lastly pulling into a parking structure and everyone getting out. I'm not sure where the dream went after that, but altogether- it was a memorable night.

      I had a false awakening once, and sat in bed listening to my brother Jeremy talk to his mom outside of the room. (I was spending the night) But then I woke up shortly after.

      Updated 09-16-2012 at 06:35 AM by 57343 (Typos.)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. One of the strangest nights yet.

      by , 09-16-2012 at 02:00 AM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      I'm writing this entire night a second time, because I accedently pushed 'Back' on this page after I wrote it the first time(rage). So, I'll start out by saying that I have definitly had some strange dreams. We've all had some pretty strange dreams. Dreams are of the nature of being strange usually, but last night I honestly don't know how they got so out of the ordinary. There were about six to ten different scenes in total, I'll start with the first I remember.

      The first scene began in some sort of fantasy land. It was night time, but the night time here glowed. The glowing setting of this place was a dark shade of blue, it was peaceful. My body was in the form of a centaur. But not only did I have the four legs of a horse, I had a pair of wings on my back as well. This dream had a great deal to do with magic, although I don't remember what I was trying to accomplish with magic per say. All I really recall fondly is that I was a flying centaur, and that is badass.

      The second dream was in a fancy room. The walls were red, and the carpets, plants, and sofas matched it well. Also there were a few nice paintings along the wall that I noticed. My sister and a few of her friends were sitting on one of the couches talking as I lucidly flew around the room inspecting it. I wanted to continue the scenes, so I made a door in the wall and told everybody to follow me. I didn't know where the door led to, I wanted it to suprise me. So I opened it and walked into the hall way of a mall. On the right side was a marble wall and then a corner that went into the main sections and on the left was a wall made of glass that allowed you to see outside. I don't think this dream continued any longer- it shifted to another scene.

      My sister and I walked out of our house with our dog, Chiquis. We walked across the street and said hello to our niece. We talked to her for a bit and let Chiquis walk around the grass. There were a few dogs walking around as well that I didn't notice before. They started to surround Chiquis and sniff her. She gets really nervous around other dogs, and she looked scared shitless to be frank. I was in a sort of strange half lucid state at this point, so I grew out my claws and fur and grew a few inches. I walked towards the group of dogs surrounding mine and let out a menacing growl that sent them running in all directions. Then I picked my baby Chiquis up and pet her for a little while. She liked my fury form. Here's where the dream became extremely... out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how this all happened.

      People, turned into things that weren't human. I still considered them normal people in the dream, but everyone I encountered now had bodies shaped as dirty mounds of moving flesh. Their skins were all shades of green and brown and their anatomy's just did not make sense, it's so hard to explain. There was a couple walking down the sidewalk in front of me. Their grotesque blob-bodies where formed into one body with two heads when they were happy with each other, but when they began to fight their bodies would seperate. The male's mouth was in sections of four, and opened and closed in all different angles when he talked; and the female's mouth was came out of her face long and skinny with tiny lips at the end. They talked like normal people, acted like normal people- but everything was weird. The buildings around me were strange and flesh looking. Some went up for miles, others were regular size. They all had wholes and isles like a huge building of large entrails. Still walking down the sidewalk, I began recieving the feeling I was in danger- something was following me. I knew what it was in the dream, but now that I think of it I had no idea really. I began turning corners and picking up my speed when I stopped, almost running into a large neon orange fox shaped creature. The creature was probably the size of my livingroom, and had the body of shaped like a fox. But it didn't have fur, just solid bright mass. It's eyes were red, but not at all sinister. And it talked to me in my head. It's own head so so beatiful, but I can't imagine any way that I could explain it's shape right. The front of it's head had the eyes and nose in place, in the front- but the head was large, and it went back a good length. It was almost a cone shape going backwards, but the shape was made out of a large clump of curling and tethered orange tendons. I jumped on it's back and held on. It had the ability to run on any surface, straight up, straight down, upside down- you name it. We ran through twisting caverns and tunnels of the flesh like buildings I meantioned before, she went so fast. I couldn't hardly keep up with the way she moved. Her voice was soft and calming. She was a good pet.
      "So, I couldn't help but notice your horns. Are you one of the demon folk around here?" She asked me. In the dream, for some reason in that moment I was one of the beings they called demons in the city. But in this strange "Ugly Americans" sense. It seemed like the more grotesque you were here, the cooler you were. "Yeah, that's me." I replied. I was having a hard time thinking of conversation at the speeds we were going. We finally got to the complete other side of the town, and she let me off. "Thank you so much." I said. And she jumped away.

      The next dream was vivid and horrific, almost like a nightmare but not really. Now everything looked like this world. There was no distortion, it was vivid and realistic. I was walking through a very dirty and runned down area. It looked like a ghetto, but like... a ghetto after the apocolypse had happened or some shit. It was just wrecked. I was walking down an alley, and started seeing corpses here and there. They were rapped up in white tissues, almost like mumification, but less tactful. The body count increased, soon there were piles of these wrapped up bodies. I came upon a giant lot. It looked like a meat farm, but all of the hanging meats were human bodies. More of the bodies that I'd seen, all wrapped up in white material. Some of them were alive I noticed. There were a few workers in the lot, and they formed a twisted lotto game. They'd roll the numbers, and the body that had the same number got their wraps cut off. They got to run away if they were still alive. It was a strange and intensely disturbing scene, mostly because of how calm everyone was with it; other than the people who were wrapped up and hanging upside down.

      I ran out into the street and saw my wife and friends, and Tom Cruise(!?). The mood of the dream changed dramatically and I randomly became lucid. I didn't know why Tom Cruise was there, but I went along with it. He had a narley car, and they wanted to go off and do something. My friend Nick jumped in the drivers seat. I motioned my hand up, and he was lifted up in the air and landed in the back seat. "Ahah, dibs." I said and flew into the drivers spot.
      "Don't worry Tom, if I wreck your car- I'll fix it." I said, and took off much to fast to be safe in traffic. One part of me wanted to be safe and calm in the car, the other half just wanted to bust it's horse power. So we took off, swearving in and out of the legal peramiters of the road. I remember lastly pulling into a parking structure and everyone getting out. I'm not sure where the dream went after that, but altogether- it was a memorable night.

      I had a false awakening once, and sat in bed listening to my brother Jeremy talk to his mom outside of the room. (I was spending the night) But then I woke up shortly after.
    13. Psychedelic trip

      , 03-22-2011 at 02:29 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I'm not sure sure at which point I started dreaming, or if I dreamed all of it, and when exactly I was lucid.
      So I'll go ahead and mark things with colors like I experienced them.
      In other words if I thought I was awake I'll mark it as if I was, even though I don't really know.
      I have never taken any mind altering drugs, I wonder if it's anything like this...


      I wake up in bed... I still feel very tired.
      The room is very dark and I lately leave the shutters just slightly open so I can see if it's already day when I wake up.
      I assume it's still night and I want to continue sleeping.
      I notice I haven't moved yet and I don't seem to sense my body.
      The thought of WILD'ing crosses my mind.
      It's been quite some time since I've attempted to WILD, so why not.

      Right as I try to relax, the little colors I see become somewhat bright and start changing.
      This was fast? I never get HI this fast, this is weird.
      I realize I'm floating over my bed. Am I already dreaming?
      Was I having a false awakening? I never get visuals like this when I'm dreaming though.
      As my room lights up I realize that I am floating in some sort of tunnel. The room is no longer there.
      I'm gently descending this tunnel of colorful clouds and lights.
      I suppose I'm actually falling, but I'm falling so slowly that I'm not worried.
      I actually enjoy it quite a bit, it's very relaxing.

      I can hear ambient music. (something like this)

      I try to focus on a color cloud. It is clearly changing it's color all the time, but I can't actually see it changing.
      It changes colors right in front of my eyes, but I don't see the change, I only realize it has changed.
      This has me perplexed for quite some time. Am I really dreaming? or can you actually have HI this strong?

      After some time I am floating in my room again, except it's lit now. The spotlights in my room are on but they
      have different colored bulbs in them.
      Somehow my room looks much bigger than it is in waking life, but somehow everything is still the same size.
      I don't understand how this is possible and hover over to my desk.

      I take a can of coke from it because I want to know what it tastes like.
      But the can is very weird. It seems way too small, but upon closer investigation it isn't.
      I cannot tell if it's a normal size or a tiny can. I can't understand why I cannot distinguish this.
      I wonder if this is what tripping feels like? A friend once told me he couldn't tell sizes apart when he was doing some sort of drug.

      The lid of my laptop opens up by itself and it goes out of standby.
      I am presented with the Visual Studio project I was working on last night.
      I was working on a physics engine and needed to add support for air resistance into it, but I was too tired and went to sleep.
      I don't understand why this was so hard...

      I go to wikipedia and copy paste the equation for drag straight into my code.
      The equation appears and the program starts on my second monitor.
      I can see the numbers in the equation changing as stuff moves around in the game.
      I need to test if it feels realistic, so naturally, I climb into my monitor to see if the falling physics are correct.

      I'm falling down yet again, I'm in the game, but I can still see the monitor with the equation as well.
      I see both things at the same time.
      Whilst I am falling with my first body, I correct an error in the formula with my second body which is still in front of the pc.
      I feel the corrections take effect with my in-game body and understand that everything is correct now.

      I hit some key that does something and my bodies merge again and I'm back in my room.
      The color clouds are back, but I can still see my bed.
      But I can't see myself in it which surprises me. I was assuming to find myself sleeping in it.
      I go closer and see a pulsating light where I'm supposed to be.
      It's beautiful. I go closer and it turns into a galaxy.

      I am now floating through this galaxy of colorful stars. I am relaxed... I feel at peace...
    14. Un-stabalized lucid

      by , 02-12-2011 at 07:55 PM
      Unstable lucid
      It was a sunny day outside and I was walking around a random neighborhood. It seemed as if the neighborhood was still in development, because there weren't too many houses around. I then saw a jet fly right over my head. I knew what was happening right away. It was going to crash.

      I then realized that this situation was too ridiculous to be really happening and I became lucid. The jet flew right across my face, filling the entire left part of my view. The jet became a huge spaceship and as I looked passed it I was now in space. Everything went all psychedelic here and I can't remember all of the images that seemed to be flying past me. My view then went black and I prepared to wake up.

      Upon waking I could already tell that it was a false awakening. I was floating around in a room that I've never seen before. There was a bed and it seemed to be a normal bedroom. I tried to set myself down so that I could become lucid, but I couldn't get a grip on any gravity and continued to float around. Everything then started to fade to black.

      Updated 02-12-2011 at 07:57 PM by 28534


      by , 08-18-2010 at 03:32 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was at a party for "inventors". Each person wore a costume that he or she invented. The costumes each had a special function unique to the others. I don't remember what I was, but I remember how my costume zipped up so tightly it was hard to move my arms. I had a large thing on my head. I believe the function of my costume was speed. I might have been a small ice cream cone for all I know.

      I left the party and walked down the road. Behind me I saw someone following me...Who was that? Taking a closer look I saw it was someone else in a costume. Their costume was green and had a large afro. I kept walking down the road until the guy in the green costume had finally caught up to me. He pushed me to the ground.

      "Hi!" He said.

      "...Hi?" I responded...Trying to get up. It was pretty hard considering I couldn't move my arms well.

      "You're it!" He said, tagging me. Ok this was so not fair. I needed to unzip my costume if I was going to play this game and I couldn't unzip it seeing as I couldn't move my arms that far!

      "Wait! Unzip me!" I said. He came back and unzipped my costume so I had a little more leeway for my arms. Before he could run away I tagged him. We played Tag for awhile until we came to a hilly, grassy area. We sat down on the hill. Beneath us people were fighting. He showed me how we could control the people with our minds if we tried hard enough. He was right.

      We were now playing a game, my people against his. We morphed our people into dragons and elves and watched them battle against each other. When we decided we were done he morphed into a...thing...that was really tall. I'm not sure what it was. It was made of pretty neon colors and it had bones like a human. I climbed onto his shoulders and he carried me home Piggy back style.

      I was at my grandmother's house now with my cousin. We were sleeping in the same bed like we used to when we were kids. He fell asleep fast and started chanting something rhythmically. It sounded less like a song and more like a poem or even a curse in a different language, it was beautiful in a sinister way.

      A worker on a TV set opened the door and told us that they were looking for extras on their set that could pretend to be sleeping. My cousin told me that he'd meet me there later, and to go ahead.

      The long hallway from my bedroom linked up to the store where they were shooting the new film. The man who was leading me to the set told me to take my headphones off. He showed me to a room with blue lighting and a bench at the side. On the bench were the other extras, waiting for me to arrive. In front of the bench there was a cage where the main actor was. He was supposed to do some sort of stunt and we were to show "enthusiasm" (not!) by sleeping.

      I sat down on the bench between two guys. The guy I was supposed to be leaning on to feign sleep gave me a crazy look.

      "Woman, you need to get rid of some of that HAIR you got." He said. I pushed my lush locks to one side so it wouldn't get all in his face.

      "Careful," He said again, passing me some kind of small metal piece. He dropped the metal into my hand and I examined it carefully. It was at most 2 inches long and no more than 3mm in diameter. It was made of a bright steel and at one end a tiny piece of lead was perpendicular to the small rod. Like an L.

      "What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked. It was buzzing gently in my hand.

      "Hold it up to your lips and wait. It will bring you into the dream," One of the female set-workers responded. I hesitated...

      "I don't need to be pulled into the dream, I can fall asleep here quickly enough."

      "Just do it, woman," Said the guy next to me. I pulled the tiny metal rod thing to my lips. My whole world was instantly PSYCHADELiCIZED.

      The TV in front of us was warped in purple swirls like you would with a brush on Photoshop. Everyone on the bench stood up in amazement and looked around...

      "Are we in the dream...?" I asked. No one responded, they were all too amazed. I couldn't wait to tell the people on DV about this new drug.

      "Wait...Are we all in the dream together or not cause that's pretty epic if we are all in this dream thing together right now..." I went blabbering on. I looked at my hands, they had different amounts of fingers.

      I left the room where we were shooting the video. I found myself now in a larger building with a sky high ceiling. There were many people in the building. It looked like the main room of a mall. I tried to fly...Grr why couldn't I? I thought I got soo good at it from being dragged around so much in my lucids [/sarcasm].

      The dream was very vivid. I walked up to a DC and told him to teach me how to fly. He was my friend's brother in real life. He gave a puzzled smile and put his left arm in and in his left arm out and shook it all about...arrgh.

      A man in a black suit came up to me and gave me a receipt. The dream was stable enough that I could easily read the receipt, look away, and read it again and the words were all the same and perfectly normal. That didn't sway me from the notion that I was dreaming however. The man read aloud as I read the receipt:

      "The stalking starts now. You will complete a set of trials which may take 30-50 tries. You are looking for a female. Everything will add up to 3/5. THE STALKING STARTS NOW." I'm pretty sure that's what the man said. On the receipt (which I tried to recreate paint, and brutally failed) it was signed WakingNomad. What the hell lol?

      I'm not entirely sure that's accurate. It may have been that I had 3/5 trials, I'm not sure but apparently I was looking for someone to help complete the first trial. I shoved the receipt into my pocket and looked around the room. Half the population was female...Maybe I should try to find Nomad first. I envisioned him standing behind me. I turned around but there was no one there. This was going to be hard.

      I walked around the mall, asking questions to strangers. They pointed me into a green house. I walked through a narrow pathway in the green house looking for any human life. I passed a man with a watering can who eyed me strangely.

      I exited the green house and found myself in a dirty city. I asked a man if he knew where I could find Nomad. He pointed down a dark alley. A white car pulled up in the parking space. I ran to the car (there was someone following me at this point, telling me not to go near the car). Inside were a bunch of druggies. Dirt covered their faces. They looked like they were on meth.

      False awakening into my dark dark cold room. I don't want to open my eyes in the dark!

      False awakening again into a brighter room. It was still dim. A floating purple square had an illuminating light with a video of people working out on it. I jumped into the bright panel and
      lost lucidity.

      Updated 08-18-2010 at 03:39 PM by 25781

      lucid , memorable
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