From a station somewhat close to my house (about 20 mins on foot) I take a train to see my friend. The platform extends out from under a tunnel of square white arches, and it's bright with daylight, but everything seems to get darker and narrower once I step onto the train and the doors close. I get off at 'Westminster' after a half-hour ride*. Her house isn't far - next thing I'm there. It's much larger than her real house. She opens a huge black front door to let me in and we walk through a long, high hallway to the kitchen and dining room at the end. After a bit of chatter I open the fridge as if it's my house and rummage through to see what we could have for dinner. Chicken and chips, I suggest - and ice cream. 'Ice cream?' she repeats sceptically. 'Well,' I reply, a little embarrassed, 'I guess we don't need that.' We make dinner and proceed with plates down another long, white corridor, into a vast and bare living room. The ceiling is double height and the walls are panelled and painted white. There is a white sofa in the middle of the room and a TV against the opposite wall. (Seriously this is all - IRL her house is a MESS) We settle down to watch together, chatting meanwhile. I can't remember our conversation, though I recall it was interesting. Later, I leave, heading through yet another winding corridor through this maze of a house back to the front door (now, it's white). She unlatches the door and pulls it open for me as I step out into the dark chill night. I take the train home again - it's dark and eerily quiet - and finally shut my own front door behind me with a sigh. I remember, later on, my mum appearing to rant at me about how I can't just keep coming and going from my friend's house every week. I ignore her. *This is not where she lives, nor can you get there from the station where I was - besides, I always walk to her house.
I'm climbing a staircase - I quickly realise that I'm in my primary school. The steps are smooth, angular concrete, and so are the walls - I remember that in reality, they were brick walls painted white. There is no artwork on the walls as I climb; the stairwell is cold and empty and my footsteps echo off the walls. It rises up a great shaft through the square school building. I step onto a landing and turn to a set of grey double doors with small windows, to the nursery. They have no frame and are flush with the wall. I push open the doors and enter the nursery. Straight inside the door is a narrow hallway, the staff bend over tables on both sides of the wall. The space feels narrow, crowded and chaotic. I make my way through them and the hall opens into a much wider, clearer room, lit up brilliantly from all over. Half-height bookshelves double as partitions between different areas of the room, coloured beanbags are scattered about and children mill throughout the room. I'm not sure if I'm one of the children or not. At the back of the room is a wall of narrow cubbyholes. I search for mine; I know whereabouts it is, but someone has let their coat hang out of their cubby so that it covers mine. I fumble around for a bit before finding my cubbyhole, only to discover someone else's stuff inside. I pull it out: it's a black drawstring bag, almost empty so that the fabric sags when I pick it up. I'm wondering what to do with this when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around. The girl standing behind me is someone who went to my school, but left before Sixth Form. We used to chat from time to time. "Sorry," she says, "that's mine - I'll take it. I just left it there for a moment." I hand her the bag and notice that her hair is darker and shorter than I remember it. "Did you get a haircut?" I ask. When she fully turns to face me I'm stunned to see that there's nothing left of her hair but sparse, thin and wispy curled strands; I can see clearly her near-bald scalp. I know she sees the shock in my eyes as she looks away with a regretful smile. She tells me that she was diagnosed with lymphoma ("lymphomatic") recently and is being treated. I don't know what to say. A crowd throngs around us of girls trying to collect their belongings. I leave the nursery. As the doors fall closed behind me, something compels me to open them and look inside once more. Every teacher in the hallway snaps their head towards me, terror in their eyes. Each wears a plain dress, a crisp white apron and a cloth bonnet, and they bend over to tend to babies wriggling and squirming on the tables. Left speechless by their reaction, I slowly close the doors again and leave. Then I am on the train, going home. It's cramped and I am squished against the wall of the carriage, arms clutched to my chest. The light down here is cold and dim, occasionally flickering. The train rattles as it rushes through the tunnel. I feel tired of the monotony, my eyelids flutter. Soon I am walking down the high street away from my station. I compulsively check my belongings; touch my backpack strap, check. Feel my coat over my arm, check. Then I feel around under the coat and on my shoulder, but I can't find the tote bag that I always carry. At the realisation adrenaline bolts through my body and I almost feel sick. Where is it? At school? Then I have to go back. My wallet, phone and keys are in there, not to mention library books. What a pain... I'm already dreading the thought of getting back on that train. As I'm figuring out what to do I clench my left hand and feel the resistance of something hard. It's my phone. That should be in my other bag, and it's here - but the bag isn't. All these different trains of thought and lines of reason swirl into a whirlwind of confusion. I stand stock-still in the middle of the pavement, mind racing as I begin to feel worse and worse. Ugh I am not having a great time on the site recently... Every time I visit I get to spend much more than a few seconds 'verifying you are human' which then repeats itself after a few minutes and in the process logs me out and deletes the DJ I am editing. Drives me mad! Long dream this time!
I'll include Day 28 (Friday 19th) in this entry as well. Night 13: Fragment: I stand outside one of my school's buildings and look in through the window. It's a bow window, which differs from IRL. There's a new room next to the secretary's office, a long and narrow room, warmly lit. The floor was polished wood and inside is a TV on a stand against the near wall, facing a row of austere black school chairs. I saw one of my teachers standing in there. However, when I entered the building, I couldn't find a door into this room. Good RCs: 1pt WBTB (failed): 2pt Fragment: 0.5pt Night 13 total: 3.5pt Night 14: Fragment: I'm on my bed, feeling groggy. There are faceless men all around me, wrestling and fighting me. I roll around and writhe trying to kick them off. Nothing I can do seems to have an effect. I feel helpless and ill. The dream feels endless - it seems to last for hours. My head is spinning and I can barely see, my vision keeps fading and blacking out. I woke up tossing and turning, trying to kick away my blanket, feeling horrible. Looks like I'm sick. This isn't the first time I've had this kind of dream when sick or sleeping badly. It feels like there are people all over my room, walking in and out, not letting me sleep. Excellent RCs: 2pt Brief meditation: 0.5pt Fragment: 0.5pt Night 14 total: 3pt Competition final total: 44.5pt
Updated 01-22-2024 at 11:29 PM by 100434
Winter Competition 2024 Night 1 Fragment: In a clothes shop, I am talking to someone - either a shop assistant or a fried - about ready-to-wear and designer clothes. I say I prefer RTW over high-end labels. Meanwhile I'm looking for a gift for my mum - I want to choose some nice clothes for her. Curiously the clothing racks are all empty and I can only see two in the whole (large) shop - though I'm not conscious of this at all in my dream. The shop is gently lit with pinkish-gold light from side lamps for a comfortable atmosphere. The floor is of smooth, square, cream-white tiles polished to a shine, and the walls are a pinkish/rose gold colour. Went to bed at 10:58 PM. Lucid attempt FAILED since I fell asleep. Awoke at 5:30 AM.
Updated 01-10-2024 at 10:26 PM by 100434 (Corrected date in the title)
For a moment I see myself: a tall man, dressed in black and with black hair. I'm not myself in this dream, I am him, seeing everything through his eyes. I don't feel like a girl anymore. A street at night. It's wide enough, paved evenly, though the slabs vary in colour and shade. The streetlamps give off a low, cool white light that's like moonlight. The sky above is dark blue without a single star. In the middle of the two-lane road is an industrial-looking island, a tangle of thick pipes and ducts that come out of the ground and go back in again, twisting over one another. It's confined into a strict rectangular patch of ground. In the light the curves of the metal are glinting dully. I walk with quiet but sure footsteps onward, past railings and railings and railings, black and gleaming along the length of the street and around the corner. As I near it, eerie music starts playing from one of the corner houses. The house is purplish-grey and has three stories and a basement. On the first floor only the house's corners are missing and covered with a thick dark grey mesh. From here a bright purple mist is wafting out from inside. A purple van in front of the house reads in bubble letters above the windscreen: 'Ultra Shelibatology'. I pass the house and walk through many more residential streets, across main roads; everything is dark and cool and quiet. Until when passing a garden square I catch sight of a man inside, watching me. He has light hair sticking up in tufts and his whole face is obscured in the dark except his staring eyes. Our eyes meet. Another person walks by in front of me.
Not much today. I was half-asleep while noting down the dream and too tired to write much - editing it later I've almost forgotten the rest. I dream of waking up, blissfully slowly, snug and warm and surrounded by bright golden light. It's the kind of light that makes you want to sleep. More accurately, I'm being woken by someone - a man, smiling - who? I don't feel that he and I are close. I lie in a three-quarter bed - a wrought bedstead in shiny gold metal, with sheets and covers in two shades of pink. I think that if Princess Peach's dress were a bed, it would look like this. It is in the centre of a large, bare, bright room. Although there's nothing here I feel warm and safe. The above is what I remember now, after 10 PM - having woken up at 5:30 AM. Soon after waking I wrote this: "I dream of two people who are waking me up (separately) at 6 and after 6. I remember they gave me gifts." Sadly I've forgotten those other details. I also remember a car driving along a dark road at night, the sky is a deep rich blue. None of the usual trees growing beside the road either. I have a view over a wide open space. The car is a very stylish old sort and of a colour between pink and maroon. It's open-topped and the windows rimmed with silver metal. The license plate only has 6 digits although they all have 7 over here. I remembered the plate when I woke up and now I only remember the beginning: MV0. Actually, I think the second part was BKZ. I am inside the car, seeming to view it simultaneously from several points of view. I'm not driving - there is no driver. I can feel the cool night air and the low rumble of the engine. Looking up at the clear sky fills me with calm and peace, as though I am all alone in the world.
Updated 11-12-2023 at 12:11 PM by 100434
Day 3 (Tuesday 31.10) is not one I'm comfortable sharing, and I also remember very little of it. I experienced the dream as an invisible observer and played no part in it. Today's I remember a little better, but it is still two fragments. I believe I unexpectedly became lucid at the end. A white, pink and grey house. It's a modern bungalow. A relative (grandfather?) of mine lives here. In the large kitchen-living room is a counter, black granite on top, pink sides. A variety of kitchen utensils on top of it include a shiny silver, tall teapot. Full-length windows wrap the side of the room that faces outside. It's snowy out there, some shrubs and spiky winter plants peeking through the snow under a blank white sky. I see that there are two small steps down from the glass door in pale beige stone. I remember running in and out of the house, hiding some objects or my own self in black and grey halls and behind doors. However the dream was overall a calm one. I remember sitting curled on the floor, reading. I remember modern white metal baskets and filing cabinets, supermarket bags full of clothes, and some piles of clothes on the floor. I remember conversation and a casually dressed man with longish dark brown hair and a small beard on his chin. I remember cooking, walking on a snowy road to get here. All the other recollections are too vague to be put into words. Faint fragments of emotions, flashes of images and indecipherable, tenth-of-a-second beeps of sound and glimpses of movement. I feel sorry to have forgotten what I feel was an eventful and interesting dream. Later. A white box room, no windows or doors. Someone is in here with me. Suddenly I become aware that I am dreaming. Elated to have achieved lucidity, I want to test the limits of the dream and see what I can do. I think: 'how about flying?' and move my arms a little away from my sides. Then I am spiralling up into the air towards the ceiling of the small square. I can look down at the same time as I see myself from above, looking upwards to the ceiling. I feel an incredible rush of joy and lightness while my companion is looking up at me. But it's short lived. As I'm about to go through the ceiling I feel the dream slipping away from me. The scene itself seems to break away from my consciousness and spiral downwards into blackness until it disappears. While losing my dream I saw my bedroom, with lights on, appearing. I don't know now if I woke up or fell into a deeper sleep. I remember waking up later, to the sound of my alarm, in darkness.
I'm in a large butcher's shop with an old-fashioned feel. It's really big, laid out like a supermarket, full of meat - and not cold. I remember that, from the street, the windows looked dusty and the shop dark. The interior is black and dark green, and it feels like I could get lost in here. The owner of the shop approaches me. A bald, genial old man. He talks to me, saying how happy he is to have a customer, and sells me some meat. He jokes that I should come back if the place's still in business - as it will likely close down soon. I protest against this idea, but he tells me that it can't be helped - he rarely has customers. Then he indicates a tall shelving unit full of packets of pink meat and admits he doesn't even know what is in them. As I'm about to leave, he insists on giving me several items of antique/vintage furniture in the shop. Later, I return home with purchases. This doesn't look like my road, the pavement is raised a few feet above the road with a railing running alongside. The houses are wider and without the usual stucco on the ground floor. I am laden with old furniture as well as shopping bags and some pink chinaware. I see my parents near a parked car. This looks like a normal car from the outside, but inside it's big: four seats in a row. My parents have shopping bags too, for a picnic: several buns for each of us, olives, focaccia, vegetables and some other stuff. We talk to the other family inside the car. There is a police car with doors open in the middle of the road and the whole street is quiet - something's off. Close by is a very small car. A pair of legs stick out from under it at an odd angle, crushed by the car body. "Terrible, isn't it?" I hear someone say. I approach and peer through the windows. The passenger is crumpled over their seat and driver cannot be seen in the dark interior. I knock on the window and the passenger stirs - a young boy in a puffer jacket, looking annoyed with me. Then the driver looks up as well and moves his legs. I see the car has eyes and is red plastic. Just two boys in a toy car. I've woken them up and I hurry away.
I am in an abandoned depeartment store. I appear to be quite high up, juding from the view out the windows. Laying on top of a large bare wood shelving unit I hide from other people as they scour the store. Eventually they leave but I remain and several weeks later am still there. All is still and quiet, everyone has left the town. I have a store of milk cartons and some tins of stuff to eat, though they are like large paint tins. No one has found them. The milk has been radiated by some nuclear fallout type thing and so does not go off, its just watery. A small girl arrives (rl Victoria) I show her where the food is. She wants to go outside as there are large fluffy flakes of snow coming down outside. I search among the loads of strewns shoes and find her a pair, and get a brand new pair of lace up black doctor martins for me. We set off.
This dream is set at night time, in my house. It feels like about midnight, all the lights are out. I start out just outside the kitchen, or somewhere around there, and there is a burglar in the kitchen. I can't remember what he was taking, I never saw. So I confront him with one of the kitchen knives, take his gun from him by striking the hand (no blood was drawn in the dream) and shout upstairs to dad. My memory here is blurred, but the kitchen light is now on and the burglar is taken away somehow. I then look outside and I think I see something move. I get the feeling that Riki (from Dota 2, here's his wiki page: is outside in our garden. So I open the back door and I call to Riki, asking if he is out there. I think I see him attack some random objects in our garden as though they were lane creeps, before going invisible again. I leave him be. Here's the strange part: A girl, about my age (15), appears to me in the light from the kitchen. She is hiding behind our dining table when I see her. She is blonde haired, and I think her hair was either a bit short or medium length (although I wish she had been long-haired). I ask her, "who are you?" and she insists that she is no one and not to worry about her. I'm not satisfied - I want to know who she is and why she is here. She turns to leave out the back door but I stop her by the hand. She says something like "ah, you're holding on. Good." She then takes my hand and starts leading me upstairs. I ask, "where are you taking me?" and she replies, "To your bedroom. I'll give you the 69," with a slight smile. I think most people out there can guess at what this girl is hinting at. Normally I'm NOT somebody to have s3x-related dreams - I often scoul when people make jokes about it, so I don't know why this is appearing in my dream. I don't remember actually seeing anything...that way the bedroom, but I do remember that at one point, dad comes in (this part is the next few evenings, I presume), and he asks how long I've been with this girl. I try to say I haven't done anything, and he says he has nothing more to say to me. Then, at some point, I "see" what looks like a Steam Workshop page that apparently has what looks like surveillance footage of her and me in my room. I never watch these videos/photos, but as far as I can tell nothing dodgy is shown. I don't remember much else.
Updated 10-07-2014 at 11:11 PM by 65511
I'm walking slowly through a really crappy, almost deserted carnival. It's really quiet and unsettling. As I walk I keep looking into empty cages, wondering why they are empty. I stop walking and decide to turn around and go back. I turn around and behind me is a huge, full grown tiger. It startles me a bit but it has a calm look on it's face so I don't feel afraid. It's really beautiful and bigger than normal. I go to walk around it, but it turns around as well and begins to follow me. I continue walking and place my hand on it's head when it catches up to my side. While walking, the scenery changes and we are walking on a sidewalk next to the stater bros in my town. Again the area is pretty quiet and empty. It suddenly gets insanely hot and the tiger and I start panting and walking slower. I get horribly worried about it and stop walking. I kneel down beside him and stroke his face, talking to him and telling him we are almost home. He looks sad and he collapses, his head resting on my lap. I start to panic and yell for someone to get me some water. Suddenly I look up and my Grandma and my little sister are there next to me. I tell them to please buy me some water because my tiger is sick. They agree and start walking to the store. Half way there my sister yells that this is stupid and she leaves. I start crying and murmuring to my tiger, telling him that everything will be okay. I look up again and my grandma hands me a big bottle of cold water and a red bowl to pour it in. I sigh with relief and pour the water into the bowl. The tiger lifts it's head and drinks it all. I scratch it's head the whole time. After he is done, we get up and start walking again. I keep my hand on his head, petting it lightly and he purrs happily. We our on our way home.
I was having a pretty hard time getting away from that haunting home. I do not remember making it out. The first thing I remember was walking towards the home bathroom down the hall. It was a lonely and quiet night, I was the only one there at the time. I walked in to the bathroom and was scared at this point, I knew there was no way I could stand another night sleeping here. I would sometimes have to enter my dreams in this dream and find materials that I'd need to use in the first dream to get away from the demons. But even that was scary. I was determined to get the hell out of this place, even if I had to face something scarier. I walked back to my room down the hall and heard voices coming from around the home. I also had an intense feeling of fear. I could not know what the voices were saying nor do I remember seeing anything paranormal in the house, to me it felt like it was a nightmare while I was dreaming. My father walks in to the bedroom and wonders where the voices are coming from. He slowly walks over to the front window of my bedroom(the front house window) and opens the binds all the way open. I could see the outside perfectly from where I was standing. There was nothing there though. I only saw the front yard and the very dark street in front of it. By that time I had already told my father that there was ghosts in this house and I just wanted to move somewhere else. He didn't talk to me about it. He was more worried about how much money it's going to cost trying to get a new home. I was hopeless by now and sooner or later, the voices moved towards me. I felt hands in front of me, invisible hands. They were my sisters'. I could hear her voice, she's trying her best to talk to me and convince me that she is indeed my sister and that this house is not haunted. I was the only one being haunted...
I just got back from a mission to save myself from a dungeon filled completely with water. And by the time I reached a new scene, I became lucid as soon as I stepped foot on my first elementary school. Everything was calm. I walked in to the school from the side parking lot to the left with a man following me. There was no one around, it was all very quiet. I saw a classroom near the parking lot and decided to walk in. Me and this other man came in with me but just waited next to the exit door. I saw the classroom half empty with kids. The teacher looked a lot like my old 12th grade science teacher, Mrs. Kelly. No one made a peep at the moment. I decided to investigate the room for anything of interest. I don't know what I was looking for. I turned around and saw a girl that caught my interest. This girl was wearing a purple/white striped t-shirt. She had black long hair and was light skinned. I walked up to this girl seating in her seat and before I could talk to her, she got up and turned a piece of paper in to the front of the class. I turned her way and gave her a small kiss on the lips. She tried to resist at first but didn't bother pushing me away. I guess the ladies just love my kisses... So after that kiss, I walked outside back with my partner, or the man, and continued to search for other stuff. I saw a playground to the left of the classroom that was completely empty! And because I saw lucid, I felt I had enough time to be able to attempt summoning Quynh again. I rolled up my sleeves from my sweater and started my job. The scenarios began to change again. I don't remember much about how I got to different places but I remember the types of things I saw on my way to the next place. I was walking for a while and saw so many people walking past me. All of a sudden the whole place was filled. I noticed a few places here and there but there was only one who really stood out from the rest. Her name was Stephanie. She was the first girl I really liked and even though it's been six years since I saw her, I still see her face in dreams. I'm sure it has to do something with Quynh. When I first saw Stephanie's face in the crowds, I noticed the structure of her face changed. She didn't stare back at me but it was nice seeing her again. I went by so many people at that time. It was a happy moment knowing it was all in my head while I slept. I reached a corner and finally saw a chance to summon Quynh. I used my imagination and tried to summon her but failed. There, I thought of summoning her by extending my hand back with my face towards where I'm walking and yelled out, "Quynh, come here!" I did feel a touch but when I turned around it wasn't her. This happened on several attempts and for each time I failed, I pushed the wrong ones away in to the crowd. i even tried my best to picture her in my mind by imagining the Facebook picture she has on her profile. Nothing worked and as I continue to perform this kind of task, the more I realize she falling out of my mind. The big mall I was now in, I just exited, where I felt my control was losing itself. I stepped on to the sidewalk of a street and tried to see if I can summon someone besides Quynh, like one of her friends. I turned to my left and saw a long way to the next corner. I had a choice whether to walk in to more crowds of people or on this long sidewalk. I chose the sidewalk. Before I could do anything else, I slowly woke up.
So I'm back again after a while of spending time on Facebook. I start out in an abandoned building/backyard of my home place. I'm confused to why I am here. I don't remember much of what happened but only a person. I remember Quynh, right after I just ended a deal both of us made in real life. I had not hate for her in the dream, but I still did love her and was willing to do anything to take her back in to my life. I was standing around the abandoned building, below the room I lived in. Quynh was in front of me, or I felt as if she was. It could have been the feeling I have when ever I chatted to her online. She told me something. She brought up the time back when I used words of hate and jealousy before our conflict towards each other started. She had said something about the tears I gave her that day we first hated each other. I woke up a few minutes later, realizing she will never grow up and forgive me for what happened a long time ago. I already tried.
My life has been quite hectic recently and I've been under a lot of stress, so last night I incubated the idea that I wanted to have a peaceful dream where I can just enjoy the scenery and relax. As I was approaching lucidity yesterday (by focusing on flickering hypnagogic imagery) I experienced the famous 'light at the end of the tunnel' effect. I told my unconscious to direct me anywhere I would find peace and quiet. At that moment I felt a tremendous feeling of transcendence as my dream body flew across the world (more like astral projection than actual flight though). I 'flew' past sunsets and sunrises, oceans and savannas and ended up in a Zen garden high up in a mountain range somewhere. It was so high up that in the garden itself, there was a thin stream of mist which swirled around along with the wind, giving the whole place a new touch of elegance. The layout of the garden was very simple. At the center there is a rectangle patch of gravel and sand. On this patch lay two rocks, a large one placed on one end and a small one on the other end. There was a crystal clear pool of blue water in the middle of the patch. All of this was surrounded by a wall. Outside the wall was the actual 'garden' feature of the Zen garden. There were flowers, pruned bushes and trees planted throughout, with a walkway that led all the way to the entrance of the whole place. It was a miniature landscape designed to imitate the virtues of nature - peace, tranquility, beauty and harmony. A true place to relax the mind.
Updated 08-07-2017 at 10:57 AM by 45106